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victims in the hospital >> reporter: ma, drawing their strength right now from the amazing courage and resolve of the survivors. survivors like shooting victim eric fuller who after calling accused gunman jaredoughner an unhinged lunatic, showed up at his parents' house todayo apologize forhose harsh words. >> i saidome bad thing about their son. so i thought i would come over here and try to forgive them. >> reporter: there's he coming from univeity medical center as well. florida congresswoman and gabrielle giffords' goofriend deie wasserman schultz was in r hospital room when it happened. >> hsaid touch my ring gabby, if you can hear me. and she touched his ring, his arm, his neck. was so unbelievable. >> reporr: some would even say a miracle. >> yes, miracles happen every day. >> reporter: dtors confirmed today giffords is opening her ey and has moved both arms and legs now. >> this is a major leapforward. this is a major milestone for her. and we're hopinghat she crosses thrgh many more. >> reporter: hope that is helping the victims andhis communitsurvive. a couple of notes on the investigation, police say a neighbor may have fou a black bag that jared loughner was spotted with the morning of the attack. they're looking into that the fbi has finished crime scene work at the shopping center where it happened and some of the stores there could reen by this weekend. news4. we're following a developing ory from prince george's county at this hour about a dozen suspicious letters were discovered today aaostal city 98 capitol hehts. police called a hardous materials unit to check it out. >>he security screens mail for the house of representaves. the letters reportedly hav threatening words written on e outside. it is not clear who they were addressed to. the fbi though this afteoon has just said, there are no links to lt week's lette discovered in d.c. and t state of maryland. just last week, you'll recall, three packages mailed to th govement offices in d.c. and maryland ignited. will, no connection to the tragedy in tucson, we're hearing now. > parts of the northeast are still digging out from thi week's snoworm. yesterday's snow blanketed eastern new york and western new england with more than two feet of snow. it alsonocked out power for 100,000 homes at th height of e storm and canceled more th 3,000 flights. this ishe third snowstorm in the weeks to pound the region. atlanta hasn't recered yet. su freezing storms are keeping temperatures icy there in an area not used to seeing salt trucks or plows. geora officials say they're making progress clearing highways but many side streets are stillimpassable. flights are back to normal at reagan national and dulles international. all majo airports in the northeast are operang normally today. thounds of flights were canceled yesterday. and it's a cold afrnoon. ess a? we cld see some flurries over the weekend. >> that camera is moving a bit. we know it is still wind veronica johnson has your first forecast. it is still cold outsideor sure. we've been windchilled again today. at lst we haveome sunshine across the area here's a look at our skycam. you can see the blue skies as we look toward the capal today. we had high tempetures getti into the mid 30s. today is our eighth consecutive gutemperatures below average. foggy bottom at 37. get off to the east, pleasan and green belt at 33. marysville currently at 33 degrees. and colesville at 3 degrees. the nd gusts still with us today. not quite as high as they were yesterday. seeing 101st around 25 and 30. that's briing down the windchills for today. and we're sitting around the mid 20so upper0s right there in d.c. so we've got some frries in thforecast. another one of these fast ming systems wl be making their way through the area. i do not tnk that will happen tonight. 25 degrees b the time we get to 11:00 p.m. the main story is the fac it will be cold. the wind, not quite as harsh or brisk for the area. meanwhile weo again have the possibilities of flurries. i'll tell you when you can expect those coming up. theact that we're loong at a bigger storm system headed this way for the beginning of next week. thanks. a domestic incidt turned violent. one man is dead three other are hurt. 26-year-old john main lee, the alleged gunman was found dea in a car after leading police on a short chase. it is believed he died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound. momes before that, police found his parents and 18-year-old sister injured in their home a few miles ay. the two women had been shot. >> reporter: i heard gunshots and then screaming. ani called the police. i saw the oldest son get in his car and ave. >> reporter: gunshs and screams heard by the next door neighbor and heard by e 911 dispatcher who took an emergency call played the insi the house. shortly afte the call was made, our line was disconnected. >> they responded after the hang-up. they heard screams in the background. they saw red passenger car leaving the area them attpted to stop the vehicle. it failed to stop. a shortursuit ensued and the vehicle crashed out on ballinger creek. >> reporter: the driver was dead behind the wheel. the victims, twoomen and one man are all part of the same household. at twleeft have been shot. >> we ar working the scene. we do believe it to beomestic relad. all the people involved do reside in the same home >> it is a tragedy. i'm really worried about the family. reporter: as for the pursuit, investigators say it s low speed. deputieseached about 25 mes per hour beforthe crotch occurred. in frederick county, megan mcgrath, news4. reinforcements today to prince george's county where the murder rate continues to rise. now federal agentsre joining the effor to stophe violence 13 people have beenilled in the county sin the new year began. nine victimsppear to have been targeted. d six crimes are dr-related. one of those homicides may be ruled justifiable after a homeowner shot an intruder. with only three arrests s far, police are lookingt new ways curb the rash of homicides. >> we're receiving assisnce now from the at the fbi and the dea. they're giving us ants and we're embedding themn our homicide unit so we have them working side by side with homicide detectives to work on the 12 criminal homicid we've had so far this year. >> in addion to the federal help, more th 200 officers were other police agencies in maryland are now patrollinghe areas where the homices occurred night, actingolice chief mark mcgall will meet with community members in clinton, maryland, to discuss the violence. let turn to the rush hour this afternoon. some ba-ups at this hour. >>eporter: you guy hit the nail on the hea with those delays. belt ws are already jamm, both sides. inner and outerloop. whate're looking a toward us is the inner lo. leavin tysons, you'll hit the bres. after 66,loser to georgetown pike. these delays do stretch all t way. let's take arip around the capital beltway. leading the american legion, toward river sbreed sunshine. outer loop drivers are headed toward the bottom of the screen. we will win the the inneroop delays which go toward 270 and around toward connecticut avenue. the inner loop doesn't let up. you can see inching along towd connecticut but t pace does prove. along 270, no major issues to report accident wi. just beginning to get congested as you make your way further north. the pace doesnwind so there e no big issues to report there. fire investigators continue to search f a cause of a huge blaze in prie george's county last nig. take a look at this video. a witness saw the flame and took the pictures. strong winds caused the flames to spread to the house next door. all five people got out of the first house safely. no one was home in the second house. it set sai without its former commander, captain owen honors. the ship left norfolk this morning one week after captain honors was relievedf his command. the enterpse is head for the arabian sea to support troop operations in afghanistan. the nav is investigating reports thatonors produces a series of inappropriate video when he wa second in command on the enterprise in 2006 and 2007. a secd officer has been transferred from his job pding the outcome of the investigation. vice psident joe biden had an emotional momt while addressing troops in baghdad today. more than 4,400 troops have died in iraq since 2003. an eimated 32,000 have been unded. the vice president seed to choke up while taking, while talkinabout the casualties there. >> i apologize. i didn't plan on getting emotional but i do not alogize for the intensi of the feeling that i and so many me americans have for the sacrifices you and yr comrades have made. all american troops are supposed to leave ira by the end of this year under a securi agreement. but vice president biden says the u.s. will continue training aqi forces beyond that deadline in order to make iraq in his words, a country worthy ofhe sacrifices themerican military has suffered. banks repossessed more than a million houses last year and lenders are poised to take back even more houses this year. industry analysts say about 5 miion customers are at least two months behind on their mortgages d they expect more customers will miss payments as they struggle wh job losses. especially if theirortgages are worth more than their home's value. according to realtytrac, one in 45 homes recved a foreclosu filing last year that's a record 2.9 million homes. the has been an unexpected jump in the number of people asking f umployment assistance. the labor department said applications for jobless benefits jumpe by 35,000 las week. that's the highest level since october. overhe thanksgiving and christmas holida, applications have fallen to their lowest lels in two years. despite last week's increase, jobless claims are still coiderably lower than when they peaked a 651,000. that was back inarch of 2009. > when we come back, a whole lot more. two daysfter verizon annoued it would start selling the iphonethe carrier get rid of a popular pho plan. also at 4:00, why seone paid a million bucks for pigeons. >> what? plus the man with the golden voice has now hired a publicist as he checks himself into rehab. his story at 4:30. italy's mount etn is at it again. it eruptedast nighthooting balls lava hundreds of feet into the air. a stream of lava also ran down the mountainside the cloud of ashes forced the officials to closeearby airport. it is the most activ volcano. its last major eruptiotook place in 1992. when you think of a million-dollar investment, we're bettg pigeons don generally come to your mind. >> this is wild. d it for some wealthy bers who spent $1.8 million for a llection of the birds. the 218 pigeon colony sold at an ction in belgium this month. e of the birds sold for $205,000. chinese buys purchased them, likely for pigeon racing. birds are released up to 700 miles from their homes. the fastest one to make it back wins. collecti the bird is a status symbol, much like luxury cars. >> i have a bunch in my neighborhood >> cch them. >> iould use a few bucks. verizon has decided t end its very popular new everyo progra it gives customers a credit up to $100 to the purchase of a new phone evy twoyears. starting on monday, new customers won't be eligible. and current ctomers won't be enrolled after their next upgrade. earlier this we, verizon wireless announced that starting nextorning it is going to starselling apple's new iphone the ipad is coming out with its own online newspaper. the ipad only digital newspaper will be published by new corporatio it wl cover everything from eaking news to tertainment. the formal nouncement is expected to be made next week. the nex time you're escribed a painkiller,ealth officials say it won't be as strong. the food and ug administration is limiting e key ingredients found in pscriptions such as vicodin and percocet. acetaminopn will be capped at 325 milligrams per capsule. the ingredient ishe leang cause of liver failure in this country. acetaminopn is alsoound i over-the-cnter drugs such as tylenol and nyquil. it is only dangerous in larger doses. regular exams and screenings can go a long way in helping women detect health proems before they get worse. early detection is important because itimproves cnces for treatment and a cure. with the help of the how-to website,, we find out which tests are important to help us stay healthy throu the ars. >> staying on top of health screengs is critical to maintaining good health. depending upon your e, there are differen test that's should be on your check list. to start, women suld get a regular pap test for cervical ncer. starting about three years after they begin having their course but no later than when theare 21 years ol screenings should be don every year with the regular pap tes or every two years using the newer liquid based pap test. beginning at age , if a woman s had three pap test in addition row wh normal sults, and her health is otherwise good, they can opt to get screened every two to three years, using either type of the test. women alsoeed to have a clinical breast exam everyone to three yrs until you turn 40. >> now make certain to communicate your medical care profession if you're noticing abnormalities because they'lle chking forthose. and this exam is often an integraliece of any kd of examination. >> when a woman reaches 40, she shouldave a mammogram he year. when a woman turns 50, she should add colorectal screenings to her doctors' visits to do lists. women shod discuss options and procedures with her health care profesonals to determine the best screening methods for them. >> thereill be many health screenings available this weekend the nbc health and fitness expo. it happens this satury and sunday from 9:00 to 5:00 at the washington convention center admission is free. for a comple list of participants and screenings, visit our home page. and search health expo. coming up, loo down below. a bluff comes tumbling down on to a california beh. plus, firefighters hailed as heroes for getting a child to her chemo treatment ding a blizzard. for all your news, be sure to follow om fo the collapse of a bluff in southern california has left some he in opardy. the land came tumbling down in a section of einitas yesterday. all of the recent rain in that area weakened the hillside. no injuries have been reported and a slip down the bluff at thispoint. geologists are checking the integrity of the hillside. >> they've gotten a lotf rain there. meanwhile, wve gotten a lot of cold. >> a lot of co. and as cold as it is here. >> i looked at the temperatures across the northeast partf the couny. asold as it is here, we're one of the warm sps. >> really! >> tha includes goin all the y down to atlanta. >> they' been luc her in the middle and we'll see as we look at the extended forecast if wre going to stay lucky. outside today, i was loving the sunshine the cold is so muchasier to take when you have a sunny day. we've gotten just a few clouds out there no the temperature at 37 degrees with the northwest wd and 15 miles per hour. right now it feelsike 28 degrees. and some locions and some neigorhoods is bringing e air temrature down by 10 degrees. loudoun county, 24, what feels like. 29 in silver spring, montgomery county. and feeling like 24 degrees just off to t west. here it is. the temperatus down south. atlanta, georgia, at 34 degrees. look atmemphis, tennessee,t 36. folks, they have snow cov ther with that snow cer does is it acts like a freezer. it makes it stay cold. and the windchill down as cold they are. look at detroit at 18. minneapolis, minnesota at 2. 2 degrees, wt it feels like. there behind this little ather system and that's theext thing sliding through our ea. early saturday. for tomorrow we're looking dry. a few clouds coming through. here's a loo at the flurries. around areas le huntington. the next 48 hours around here we'llave high pressure moving just out to the south of us. we will have some clouds around th area from time to ti. and not until saturday morning where i think we could have some flurries coming rough, changing to sprinkles by the ternoon. no big weather sysms on e orrize not. 31 to 26. mostly clear. wee breezy and cold forhe evening. and then for tomorrow morning, a few clouds, 17 to 21 it will be less har and less brisby the time we get to the afternoon. 32 to 36 degrees. re is a look at the forecast. 43 for saturday they're lookin at the warm-ups. that will change to sprinkles. maybe noso lucky on monday. the stem could be ming in faster. we get the icy mix during the morning with snow and freezing in before changing over to all rain. that's how it is lking now. the extendeded forest, you'll like tuesday. >> all right. >> tha look and feel so much beer already. >> we'll take whatever we can get. >> thanks. still to come at 4:00,ear from the sister tedilliams about that hollywood sfl. a baby's lauter interrupts a meeting but it is actually a cell phone. welcome back to news4 at 4:00. i'm pat wson muse. i'm jim handly. in the news at this lf-hour, the funeral w healthoday for christina taylor green. the youngest vicm of the victim intucson. she went to meet gabrile giffords because she had just been elected to the student council. she wasust 9 years old. authorities in frederick, maryland, believe a man who shot and killed himselfn a police chase also shot and wounded his mother and -year-old sister at their ho just moments before. the suspect's father was also injured when he jumped out of the second floor incint. the victim are all in the hospital. parts of e northeast are ill digging out from this week snowstorm. yesterday the storm blanketed eastern neyork and western n england with more than two feet of snow. this is the third snowstorm to pound the northeast in just three weeks. some disappointi numbers, including a rise in fir time unemployment clas dragged on the markets today. the dow lt 24 points. the nasdaq was offy two. and the s&p fell two. >> that golden voiced man that america just can stop talking about is heang to rehab now. ted williams isrying to cope with both his addictions and sudden rise to fame. here'sbc's george lewis with the latest. >> tomorrow morning, your chance to win pair of ticke to see thisan live in concert. >> reporter: ted williams, golden sxrois a tarnished history. >> cho and drugnd a few other thing. >> reporter: he wound up homeless until a columbus dispatch newspaper in ohio put up this web video that went viral in days. >> thank you so much. >> reporter: one week ago, williams went from the streets of columbus to the "today" show. >> great to be here. this is a dream com true. i'm telling you. >> reporter: the commercial spotlit. >> grab maconi and cheese. >> reporter: andnstant celebrity who united with his children on the dr. phil snow hollywood. >> within a very short piod of time he goes fromne incredible intense reality to another reality of being fames and money and talk shows. and alcoholic can't handle that kind of extreme reality. >> repter: the family reunion on dr. phil didn't quite turn out as planne >> who ordered the vodka? who ordered the vodka last night? >> reporter: his dauter said he srted drinking at this hollywood hotel and began arguing with her. >> none which of were mine. >> i got scratch on my face. >> reporter: police detained williams but didn't charge him with a crime now. williams says, he is going into hab. he has hired a pubcist who released this statement. after consultg with several psychogists and doctors, we all agree that it is time to allow private healing to take place. >> i think him taking a time-out would be a wonderful thingor him to do. the reality is that notany people can handle fame and fortune. >> reporter: for an dict, this roller coaster ride can be what people in recovery groups call a slippery place. orge lewis, nbc news, los angeles. lliams agreed to enter a prate rehab fality. so here's a question. do you thinke'll be able to get his voiceover career back on track after rehab? and we invite y to weigh in on that. check out my facebook page and let us know what you think. if you've ever forgoen to putour iphone or any kind phone on silent before you go into ameeting, you can pathize with what happened in spain on monday. king carlos wasreeting the new nduran ambassador at an official reception. it was aormal affair, naturally. ddenly the sound of a ggling baby filled e room. whps! e owner of the phone moved quickly to turn it off. the phone belonged to non other th the king himself. took him a few seconds but he eventually silence the phone and returned to business. don't kings have likehone silencers do that for them? >> who would think king has a crying ring tone? >> a grand baby somewhere. 2011 could be a bigger yr than lady gaga ever had seen before. >> iis possible. a columnist said gaga could make more than $100 million this year. only you 2 and acdc made as much. her tickets command a hefty price. she'll startitting larger venues goingrom 14,000 fee venu to20,000 feet arenas. and lady gaga is among those to perform at the 53rd annual grammy awards. they will perform. eminem leads thi year with ten nominations. the grammys are set for february 13th. th kennedy presidential library is now available online. theigital archive website was unveed at the national archives in washingto this mornin this comes just days before the 50th anniversary of john f. kennedy's inauguration. now anyone with access to the internet can view thousands of the present kennedy offial records, personal correspondces, telephone convertions, pictures, speeches and museum articts, too. his daughr said the digit archives will help today's generation. >> using today's technogy, we will be able to give today's generation access to the historical records. and challee them to answer my father'sall to service, to solve the problems of our own time. >> reporter: the kennedy presidential library in boston has been working on the $10 million projector fou years. digitizing all of the terials. there is more t come on news4 at 4:. coming up next, a 7-elevenun help a northern virginia resident become a millionaire ♪ when things go a bit wrong, hockey fs come tthe rescue during the singh of the national anthem. >>we're about to introduce you to virginia'sewest millionaire. >> he's t fatherf three who moved to the u.s. in search of better fe. today, he got it. he bought one new years llionaire raffleicket as he stopped for gas i sterling right here. one ticket was alle need. he pickedp his che today. the philippines native moved to the states more than 2 years o, and now lives in herndon with his we and three young ildren. with his winnings, he says he'll simply pay off their house and invest this their children's future. good f him. >> some folks have allhe luck, don't they? just the one shot. hockey fans at an ahl norfolk admirals game. same back-up after an 8-year-old nger's mike abruly cut out during the nationaanthem. ♪ [ silence ] ♪ >> even thoh you can hear someone laugh, the crowd as you also heard,icked up the rest the song in unison. this brave girl name is elizabethughes. her mother said she was invited to sing at ather norfolk game this season. let's hope the mike works for the whole song during that game >> that's some patriotic poise there. she kept it tether. >> for her. >> and gd for the crowd. >> chipping in. they sounlded good >> tonig on nbc washington nonstop, we're feeling the beat with the acts from a hit broadway show. >> hey there. lots coming up tonight on nbc washington nonstop srting at 7:00. tune into "daily nnection." we've g t starsrom "stomp" in the studio clapping their hands, stomping their feet. then later,t 9:00, nonstop foodie d.c. barbara harrison gets a cooke lesson from a couple of teenage chefs from italy. barba invites them into her kitchen to sample some new recipes. it alltarts at 7:00. nbcwashington nonstop. >> and check it out tonightn couple cast, cox, 803, and verizon channe 460. we're also on rcn and over the air 4.2. coming up, girls will start selling girl out ckies next week. and this ye, there's a n flavor. >> plus, firefighters bale the blzard to help a child get to a very important doctor's appointment. we definitely want everyone to come out this wkend to our free nbc 4 health and fitness expo. this sunday fr 9:00 to 5:00. for a complet listing of all participts and screenings, visit our home page. and st arch expo. que a few newears resolution are about to be broken becausehe girl scout cookies are back. this yr cookie lovers will have a n option. the girl scouts arentroducing a brand new cooe called shoutout. it is described as a belgian yle carmelized cookie. a girl scout does not stop by your hous you might have to wait a little longer to try it out. booth sales an't supposed to begin until february 19. the cookies will be around until march th. we're sure somebody will be around. >> they'lle sabotaging our newsroom. >> crumbs will be all over. >> those shoutouts, that's so cool. they he little encouraging words on them >> they're so cleve with the cookies they put t. >> and they taste good. >>hin mints. >> i like those. we like the rising mercury, too. >> it isoing up and down. and once again, there will be some pretty wicked cold that falls with this. we have 37degrees. the temperature across the nation and that pattern change, too. 37here. if you wan the warm spot ithe tion, you have to go toward phoenix or miami where 69o 67 degrees over toward miami. here'she pattern for tuesday. that jet stream will raging across many locatio of the east, includg new england. so they'll get a chance to see some melting going on. we'll be around 50 drees on tuesday. but it will be wet. then 30s for thursday a wicked cold that will follow at the end of next week. right now we've had the wind. itas been easing up. 29, takoma park twoox in herndon. beesda feels like 24 degrees. for the early part of the day tomorrow, we'll be starting between 20 deges frederick. e flurries will be for the and west us fortomorrow. but not for saturday morning. a different story f saturday. the high tomorrow, 34 degrees. with a lot less wd than we've seen. tomorrow will be day nine where we're below average. it is the weekend. we rise to the low 40s. a flurry or a sprinkle or two for saturday. sunday is dry and martin luther king jr.oday could have an icy mix. tuesday looks like rain had been windy and cold. with falling temperature on wednesday. and again, can't stress enough. we're going to get another very cold mass of air following a the end of next week. >> all ght. than. a mother in massachusetts is saying a big thank you to some local firefighters. >> when this latest storm struck, they became stuck and they came to the reue. to make se a very brave toddler fighting cancer could get care she needed. >> did you see the fire tcks the house toda >> reporter: what a ride it's been for this 2-year-old girl with leukem. it started with an early morning trip to boston for chemotherapy. one her mom saihe nearly did not make because of the storm. >> i woke up at 5:00 to shove i shoveled and i heard a ump. auge limb of the tree fel down. >> rht on her driveway blking them in. png skipping her daughter's cancer treatment was not an option, she cled 911 for help and the fire captain craig harrison came the rescue. >> our mission was to get the tree out of the yard so she could bring her child to the hospital. >> reporr: so he and the firefighter brout up the heavy equipmt. >> we took the chance and ku it up into piecesnd four of us took it away. >> reporter: and mission accompshed. they made to it bostonn time. >> w made it at like 8:02 on thdot. you dohat you need to do for your child. she had an appointment, i needed to g and we got there. >> reporter: the crew usedo fighting fires is just happy they can helher in the fight of her life a stormy day. at the end of the day, you geel wh feel good when you hp a cld. coming up, much more ahead. the family of one of the bigst neficiaries madoff's fraud will have to pay blions to victims. plus, h brutally raped a woman and kill her morthan a deca ago. now a special team of investigators is coming go solve this cold case. comingup, the feds are snepg to try to sp the violence that has riddled prince george's countyn this new year. a clash over what are se are calling censorsh. a controversial video banned from t smithsonian is just steps away. and ringi in the new year. a mother of three getting a new lo. an historic deal has been struck to help imburse some of the people who were ripped off in bernie made yourself's massive ponzi scheme. toda a federal judge sigd off a o'a $7.2 billion selement that will come from th estate of one of madoff's wealiest client. that client died in 2009 after suffering a heart attack in his swming pool. madoff is serving a 150-year senten. prosecutors say it is the rgestorfeiture in justice department history. it is a desperate situati in queensland, australia. even as flowaters begin to recede in e city of brisbane, it crested last night. it was more than enoh to do wispread damage. at least 15 people are dead because of that foding but another 70 are said to be missing. meanwhile more tn 25,000 homes an thousands o businesses are flooded. still ahead is afternoon, it was one of the area's most brutal crimes. >> now an elite crime fighting team is tryingo solve the case. a special coldaseeam organized out of the u.s. attorney's office will taken one of the area's mos brutal crim they solved the bell mur case ter 14 years, the sharon moss co-wits case, and they closed thehandra levy cefter nine years. pat reports on thisatest case. >> reporter: we've learned a special cold case team is now focusing its attenon on one of the most vile murders in the history of whington crime. >> i would put it up there as onof the more vicus attacks that ie seen over the years. >> reporter: people who know about this case, people who studied the suscts describe them as a monster. they say he dragged a wan off canal road into theseoods near gegetown. stripped off her clothes. rapeder and then he picked up a 75-pound bouldernd dropped it o her head. he did that n once but twice. and then he walked away and left her to dmi the. the victim, 28-year-old kristine. murdered in theseoods backn august 1998. she had been walking home from a party when it happened. the case remains unsolved. >> to just smash someone's sku in is such brutality and total lack of respect for anythi. >> repter: that murder in the woods off canal road wasn't the killer's first brush with crime. in montgomy county, he's linked by dna to eight rapes. the strong man suspect. remember the boulder? in montgomery county, he's known to scale up the sid of homes to get to the secd story so he can attack his victims. >> it is frustrating. you would ink after this amount of time we could come up th a good lead. and we haven't. >> rorter: that's montgomery countyetective joe moda. he has been tracking this suspect since the rap began in the early 1990 these are just two of the boxes ofevidence. the wle case file is ia shed nearby. detective modano said the strong arm suspect has been careful, usg gloves so he leaves no fingerprints. covering the victim's face so she never gets a good look at his. >> he does his homework. >> reporter: so where is he now? is he dead? is he in jail? or i he still out andabout? cold casetectives continue to ask questions. because, they say, they never, ver, never give up. i'm pat collins, ws4, washington. >> and that's news4 at 4:00. news4 at 5:00 starts rht now. a bizarre scene unfolds in frederick county, maryland. a young man is accused of shooting his mother and sister before taking off and turning the gun on himself after running from police. good evening everyone. i'm jim handly. >> and i'mendy rieger. investigator are trying to pce together a of this. here ishat we know. the gunman opened fire on his family inside their home then he allegedly jumpedn his car, sped off crashing a few mile away on bellinger creek pike. instigators found him dead behind the wheel. derrick ward is ve picking up the story from there. >> reporter: police have a mystery on the hands. tryi to figure out how it unfolded. it started ia quiet home and ended on the side of the road with the suspect arby. >> a quiet cul-de-sac in a neighborhood in frederick county. thpredawnce

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