>> we believe they were delived through the u.s. postal servic >> i don't have the ect information on annapolis. primarily deal with the incident he at m-dot. i know that there was a news conference there a f minutes ago wherthey covered some of that infmation. we'll be releasinghe building very shortly. the evidence has been collecd. there's still an ongoing investigation working with the anne arundel county fire department. they're using tir air monitoring equipment to main sure the building i 100% clear. that's a precautionary step only at this point in time. therare a few employees sti here on site. they'll be allowed back in th building short to get their personal belongings we are working with the fedal agenes, the postal service, the fbi, f is here as well. and we'll make sure that this is ahorough investigation. we want to obviously get to the bottom of wherever these packages came from. >> can you again explain, the initial reports came out. everyone is talking about bombs, bombs. can you explain exactly why wasn't that and what it was? >> the bomb technicn for those ckages, there were not explosives in either package. there was a report that it was an inkrendary device. when the packa was open, that initiated that incendiary action. that's what i'm talking about as an incendiary devi versus an explosive device. i'm not going to get into what was in the device because that's part othe investigation. it was not an explosive device. tlp no explosives in the package. >> was the package addressed to the stor to some other -- >> i'm not going to get into that. >> where do you take it? >> we'll take it to the federal agencies. make sure all their needs are met. more than lely the packas themselvesill end up at the fbi lab in quanti, virginia. >> to clarify- >> we believe thewere delivered through the u. postal service. >> any retn address? >> there were return addresses the packages but again, at's part of the vestigation. >> [ inaudible ]. >> we ve nothing at is point. we have two packages. one at annapolis. one atm-dot headquarters. they were both again very, very similarn nature. we've collected the edence and the investigation is ongoing. >> does this pear to be domestic? >> [ inaudible ]. >> there is a package that theye taking a look at but i have no information at this point that there is any relati. remember, the mail roo were allhut down. they started looking around for packages that ty may have. so anything now may ok suspicious. what's that? typically mail rooms are shut wn now until we have a clearing operation to make sure that there is no other packages of similar nature therin the mail room. >> is there any indication this is anythingther than domestic? >> i rlly don't ow. is is early in e vestigation. there is a whole lot of work at needs to be done by e investigators. >> no, no. did not say that. there is a packa being looked at in baltimore by the baltire city officials. again, a precaionary move at thisoint in time. >> where in the building -- >> in the ml room here? i don't know where the mail room is in the ilding. the package was n in the mail room. it was up on the fourth floor of the building. >> what kind of acceleran was it? >>e don't have that informing at this point in time. >> are you the lead investigative agent? >> we are the lead along wit the deptment of state police working with the transportation authority and the other police agencies at the federal level. >> can you tell us what kinds of employees -- >> not at this point, no. it was an empyee here at m-dot as an employeen annapolis. the secretars office is on the fourth floor. >> [ inaudible ]. >> not here in maryland. i've been with the fire marshal for nrly ten years n and we havet had a silar situation. now, after 11, ifou recall, those of you that wereround at the time, we had aumber of calls for all kindsf suspicious packages fortunately,ost of them if not all of them turned out to be nothing more tn that. somebody saw something so they said something. that's important. if w see somethingsuicious, sa something about it. just the approiate authorities check i out and then everybody can go about their way and be safe. that's one of the things why w haven't release everybody back into the building yet. we're havg the anne arundel county fire department justo at, due diligence and do that extra check inside the building to make se from anir quality standpoint, there is nhing there. ain, that's a precautiory measure. chief ray is here. he may be able to answerome questions about thatf you have them. it's my understanding it was a puff of smoke, is my undetanding. >> athe secretary's offic is on the fourth floo >> that's correct. >> was it actually in the secretary's fice? >> i'm not going to tell you specifically where it was. at's part of the investigation. >> can you aess how danrous this actually was? this device? >> we will be able to as the investigation goes forward. at this point, i wou only be speculatin >> did it look very sophisticated - >> that's all pa of the investigative process. >> [ inaudible ]. >> i gave you the approximate size of the package. weightwise, i don't have that specific information. it's about the size of a book that woulde coming through the mail. it is part of the openi process. that's whethe reaction occurred. soou can figure it to be some sort of exo-thermic reaction. that emits heat. >> as opposed to -- >> a dt or something of that nature. >> when it was exposed to the arrow over. >>'m not sure that was the actual tggering mecnism. that's all part of the investigation. >> to the state fire marshal, william barnard. he is standing in hanover at the state department transpoation where earlier today, about 12:30, an employe opened an envelope abouthe size of a book, it went offn a puff of smoke. apparently we have at least one person injured and transported to a hospital withinor injuries. from that building, about 250 workers were evacuated thi afternoon. then about 15 mines later, a second location 20 miles away. >> at that first location, the jeffrey buding across the street from the state house in annapolis is where we find dar spencer. she can tell us what she knows so far. >> reporter: good afteoon. maryland state police wrapped up a pres conference just a few minutes ago. the first thing i wanto say right off the bat, police are saying there wereo explosive materials found in this envelope. they're basally calling this an incendiary device that was found in both packagest this facility calledhe jeffrey building in downtown annapolis, as well as the highway administration over in lincecum where jackie is. one thing ty're not saying is whether there was any not or any threat. they're not sayin whether they consider this an act o terrorm. they're basically calling this an active investigation involving multiple agencies. at this point they're trying to figure o who is behind this and at exact reply material was inside the envelope agn, it did,t was an incendiary device and the was a reaction when these envelopes wereopen. when air was released into the envelope. d there were som minor injuries. as it pertains to this particular incident i downtown annapolis, it was about 12:25 this afternoon in the mail room. that's in the basement of this building. someone had opened up the package. i did personally see a copy of a photo of this package. and iwas shown during the press conference a little bit earlier this ternoon. and youould see clearly it was addressed to governor martin o'malley here and there were holiday stamps aoss the topf the envelope. lice did not give us any informatn as to wherehis envelope may have been mailed from. but they did provide ahoto of theront of the paage, showing it was addressed to the governor and showing some of the holiday stamps across theop of the package. and theye very specific in the rding that they' providing in terms of how this happened. they said when the employee opened the paage, there was an initial flash of fire and smoke and that the person experienced his fingers being singed. basically smelli, what's described as a sulfuric or. no sulfuric acid but an odor. that is what cause somed folks to become sick. and some wer transported to the hospitalaving breathed ithis materi and possibly having felt sick. they said there were no serus injuries. just basically making sure they were okay. police are investigati this trying to figure o who may be behind these two package that's re sent heren dntown annapolis as well as the lincecum department of transptation. they did release a cop of the front of thi envelope and they do say anyone with information aboutho may be behind this you're asked to call maryland state police. darcy spencer reporting live from annapoli back to you. >> thank you for bringing this upo date from tt second location. >> thank you. >>ete williams joins us here the set. >>ou've been working your sources all afternn. what are they tellingyou? at's happening here? >> i think the key is that this was not a very serious indent, fortunately. it really didn't cause much damage the injuries were nor. it appears to be an attempt to get attention and it certainly has done that it has created more alarm than anything as well as the precautions that you've seen. the understandable ones to make sure everybody was cleared out of the buildings a to check other state mail. we've seeno indication so far that these packages were sent anywhere else in maryland or t 90 states or to any othe offials. we're gng to have to find out if this was a messageo the state. is this a dgruntled employee? someone mentally imbalanced? thesof come from both those sorts of senders in the past. >>domestically, o. >> domestically. and the other thing is these were apparently sent rough the ma. this has nothing to do apparently with the cargo bomb scare lt novemb. in which far more serious potentially sious devices were sent by cargo shippers from overseas. there is no indication that this is anything like that. the devicesthselves, asser one has been saying over and over again, contain no explosives. they were intend to do one thing. to go spoof an put o a lot of smoke and a bad odor and apparently they d that very effectively. >> and to get attention. we know city government buildings in d.c. have also shut down their mail operations as well. and you're talng about dozens of buildings throughout the state of maryland. >> an understandable precaution. the fact that they're able to do this is a result really of the anthrax mailings in 2001. because that's when the government oices all through the country, and many private offices as well. thossuch as nbc news and others began t separate their mail sorng from the ultimate destination. all the mail that goes to the u.s. capitol is not oped in the catol. it is oned somewhere else, sorted, procesd, irraated before it ever gets to the capitol. and all other government offe dozen this. now at's whyhese letters were not opened. were not opened. nbc's pete [ male announcer ]s you can start a mov in here... ♪ then continue it over here... ♪ ...and finish it up here. perfect for anyone whe life never pauses. for the first time u're free to access the moes you buy on demand on all your devices. because you get more om your entertaient when you're on a network that's more advanced. fios. a network ahead. call theerizon center for customers with dabilities at 800.974.6006 tty/v we toldou about ted williams yesterday. you may rememr his voice if you don't remember him. he is tha homeless man who traded the sound of his voice for spare change. >> when video of his talent hit the internet, he became a national phenomenon this morning he sat dn with matt and meredith and the crew the "today" show. and he introduce the start of the show. >> from nbc news. this i "today wh matt lauer and meredith viera. live from studio 1a in roefeller plaza. >> good morng, sir. how are you? great to have you. >> great to be here. this is a dream come true. i'm tellin you. >> c you begin to eveum u what these last 48 hours or so have been like? >> outrageous. outrageous. just phenomenal. there is no way in the world that i could have ever imagined that i would be - just have all of this all of a sudden just come into this pouring of my life. >> what happened? help us to undetand. in '86 you were doing well. >> in 1993, drugs and alcohol. i started cocaine. then i srted smoking it. >> 1993. my life jus went to the pits. i was introduced to the program of recovery. >> have you had a chance to stop and think about se of whas beinoffered to you? people want you to do voiceovers forthem. the cleveland cavaliersave offered you a job. >> they said they're gng to give me lebron's old house. this morning i saw you talk matt and meredith. you started talking aboutour mother. >> i love that woman. >> when was the last time -- >> 20ears ago. >> yes, ma'am. when we actually kissed and hugged and al >> y haven't spokenoer since all this. there is a statemen that she has made this mornin >> from your mom julia williams. she said shes thrilled her on child is turning his life around. she said this will be my day to see my son get up and do somethinto help himself. he has so much talent. i hope this will be thehing for him. he came from a ne family and then he went poor, poor. let him see there is more to life tn hanging w around wit the wrong people and taking drugs. >> that sounds le mom. >> wow! we did learn something else out ted. he has nine children. after that interviewhis morning, he hded over to kraft to work on commercial. >> william sti isn't sure which job he will take. he said he has a lot of thinking to do. what a smile. when a voice and what an credible story. >> a great story. > at & t slashed an older version of the iphone in ha. >> i phone will start for$33. customers wi have to buy a two-year contract and data plan take advantage of this deal the 3 gs can use the same software as the upgrade. at & t' move comes ahead of vezon's anticipat release of its own iphone. >> you don't need an ipher ipad to discover thousands and thousands of apps. am's mac online store is open to desk tops as well. mo than 8,000 free and paid apps are available to wnload a mac computer. at means you can download photo editing apps or anything. speaking of gadgets, we'll go li to vegas at 4:45 with the massive electronics store tt started toy. and there is some encouraging news about the actor seriously injured during perfoance of spiderman the muc. >> christopher tierney fell and suffered a sku fracture and cracked vertebrae. today he left a rehab facility for the first me. here he is. he was wearing a back brace and still faces more physil therapy. buis expected to make a full recovery. he ss he remembershe entire fall. >> i hit the grnd. i member the impact. then it was le a moment of being on the ground and then i know i passed out. then i came. toriends of mine said it was only like about 15 seconds or so that i was out. >> tierney said he can't wait to get back on stage. he just doesn't know when exactly that will be. that's amazing he is walking around. >> truly. eva longoria has apparentl moved on following her recent split with tony packer. >> there is word sheas a n guy. according to a story in the new york post, she has beenpending a lot of time with eduardo cruz, the younger abramoffctress penelope cruz. he is 25. ngoria is 35. her republicanwois only s that the two are just iends. longoria filed for divorce from her basketball husband in november. we have a lot more to get to. audgeropshe case against anna nicole smith's boyfriend. e pentago announces its latest cost cutting plans to trim as much as $75 llion over five years. and remember, you can flow c 4 any time online. just search nbcwashington on facebook and twitter, too. > a loft folks areondering about the weather. i do think early tomorrow morning as the sun come up, we will be seeing some light snow fallinacross the area. tomorrow's event around here, a nuisance te of event for u and i do think that next week, early part of next week we uld have a real player toeal with. t take a look outside and see what's going on. we have en getting more high clouds today. more than what we had yesterday but stil a fair am ofunshine getting through. right now we're at 39 degrees with a windchill of 34. the wds still out of the south at seven mileser ho. because of thatossibility of snow, there are some winter weather advisories that hav been posted for frostburg through areas like richwood. it covers most of west virginia. for e possibility of three to five inches of snowfall that go all the way through kentucky and areas of tennessee. then you canee more purple in here. slippery conditis possible for philadelphia on up toward new york city where most of that snow will be hitting late in the day tomorrow. mclean, virgin, you're from 39 to 37 grees. your current temperature. a pretty good looking sky there. same thing in middletown, maryland. a littttle coolethere. you can see where it has bee snowing toy. across western pennsylvania and er through ohio and out of michigan a system that has been organizing. one of these fast moving systems comi through. the cold fnt through ohio. we'll see this head eastwd and kind of reorgane just off the coast. a little bit of sno re. more for areas north of us. certainly cold enough for snow. , chicago. at least hang on to a little mild air down uth. 63 in dallas that's where we fd a jet stream. it is pretty far down to the sout but it will get even lower and the cold gets even deeper for saturday. as we go into thearly part of next week, we'll start throwing some gulf of mexico moisture into that storm for next week. it could be a real player for us. here's the next 48 hours. plen of clouds across the area. some light snow starting aut 5: in the morning. the high spots wes could see as much as five to2 inches of snowfall. so there y go. 37 to 34. a chilly oneor us this eving. a cold start to you day tomorrow at 25 to 30. with ain, some light snow. so the deal for tomorrow is a little accumulaon, a nuisance storm. some light snow left early saturday we'll talk about the nex system coming up in the extende forecast. >> we ha a lot more to come. we'll have t very latest on th mail scare at two government buildings in maland. as we're hearing about closer look at a third possible package. >>new twists and turns in the case ainst michael jackson's doctor. we'll go live to los geles as a paramedic takes thstand. my second diagnosis-- i was told to go home, retire, d enjoy the time i had left. to say it was a shock is just complete understatement. i mean, i don't think the are words. she had put up a really good fit, but it was her time. you... don't have a choice of getting breast cancer. i had no choe. i wanted to do something bigger than myself. that 3-day gave me that opportunity. and i can actually do something to help. think it's a verbold thing to do. 60 miles in 3 days-- i can do that. i'm suref it was 100 mil, we'd still walk it. it was a big statement for me of... (voice breaks) i'm alive. we can do this. we can do this wean rid the world of this terrib disease... so that mother... granddaughter... sister... daughter... mother... go through what my wife had too through. is is more than just three days this is a lifetime. (man) registeroday for the... and receive $25 off your regisation fee. because everyone deserves a lifetime breaking news at 4:00. the fbi is now looking into yet another what they call suspicious package at a state office building in baltimore. this follows letters that were sent to two other government buildingin maryland. deces inside those envelopes went offt the department in hanover and the jeffrey building in annapolis. ficials say both incidents we not explosions but flashes or flare-ups. we're tol one person was taken to the hospital for mor injuries and we'll have live team coverage comg up at 5:00. two of the paramedics who answered the911 call the day of michl jackson's death are telling what they saw today. the paramedic took stand as part of aearing to determine if there is enough evidence to try jack's doctor on involuntary manslaughter charges. stephaniestanton jns us live with more on today's developments. >> reporter: good afternoon. some of the most compelling testimonyas come from those paramedics. beginning yesterday with him. he said at first he didn't realize it was michael jackso he saw the singer apparently lifeless a cold body. he testified he belved jackson was dead for at least 20 minutes, if not longer. possibly an hour. also at that time he says tt he had asked murra when all this was going on when murray was attempting cpr and they were getting readyo takeackson away, he had asked murray if jackson hadeen on any medications. at that point murray initially sa no. he did not mention propofol. then we hadestimony from the otr paramedic, the ambulance driver. he is martin. and he talked about some ofhe same things. he said that he never observe a heartbeat on the heart monitor when they hooked jackson up to th monitor. said at one pnt that murray had a blue hypodermic needle standing by. he thought that was a lite odd given that murray had said jackson was not on any medication. and he just, agn, corroborated a lot o what was being said. he also said that he noticed, what's called a condom catheter attached to jackson. that struck him a odd. not as odd but that catheter is used for patients who are using anesthesia. that wasust some of the details, some of the cpelling testimony we'v been hearing. >>e understood se of jackson's family were going to be in the courtroom day. what was their demeanor? >> reporter:well, we've seen ckson family members this entire prelimina hearing. fact the jackson family has stated they will be part of this entire leg proceedi. we've en katherine jackson. she's been here everyday. we saw bot la toya and janet jack. th're not here today. at leastanet jackson isn't here today. we haven't seen her le yet today. and we also saw joe jackson. we trade to ask some mbers of the media tried to ask joe jackson how he was feeling. what his thoughts were outsid the crtroom and he said i have nothing to say. i'm just gng to sten. >> all righ stephanie stanton live for us in l.a. thank you. a jge has dismiss the drug conspiracy convictions of an nicole smith' boyfriend, lawyer howard k. stern and her psychiatrist. stern and t psychiatrist were supposed to be sentenced today. the dge dropped the dru nvict charg saying stern never intended to deaud when he use his name and otherso get prescriptions for smith. the psychiatrist was sentenced to no more th a year of probation and a $100 fine. >>and huge spendg cuts are coming to the pentagon. cuts se say will cost lives in the long run. today defense secretary robert gates announc an overall cut of$78 billion from the military's operating budget. it i an effort to avoid even deeper bget cuts at the white house or congressay make to rein in the soaring deficit. the chopping ock, a plan to buy new armored vehicle that can quickly transportarines to combat situations. >> they're using 40-year-old vehicles to go ashore and the enemies ve gotten a lot more capable. >> i believe we'll actually improve our readiness. we'll be able to do things smarter, more efficiently and more in whine the challenges we face in the fiscal environment wee in. >> there is a controversial plan to raise health insurance premiums for service membersut congress has rejected simar plans in e past. hundreds of trucks filled with drinks are headed to a recycling plan. the fda cracked down on the drinks saying t combition of alcohol andaffeine is dangerous. now east coast vendors are shipping the drinks to a recycling plant in virginia. theenter will convert them into ethanol and recyed alumum and cardboard. a spokesperson says the plants prared to process 8,000 cases a day and they've hired temporary workers to handle that extra load. more to come on news4 at 4:00. new reports slams the door on theesearchinc childhood vaccines and autism. >> plus, a new mom had to do her shopping all over again after she delivers a big baby. strong words to try to ease the alth scare over the mmr vaccine and autism. the journal that linked them wasn't incompetent. he committed deliberate fraud. the journal says arew wakefiel willfully misrepresented data in his report. the lanceett which publied that report wh drew the article last year, calling it dishonest. but theamage had been done. vaccine rates dropped in britain by 80% at one point. measles rates went up and even the vaccine's mak was scare to do anything about it. >> because there were so many bogus lawsuits, we were on e verge of not hing any pharmaceutical companies making any vaines. vaccines are safe. get vainated. we have tout this behind us. >> the doctor who linked the mmr vaccine to ought. you has since lost his license but denies any wrongdoing inorth carolina, a newrn baby boy has already managed to break a recordn2011. jameson black burn is the biest baby ever delivered at the women's hospital downn greensboro. he came int the world this mondayeighing a whopping 11 pounds, 14 ounces his parents say dressing him is already a problem. >> the clots, we had to return everything. he had zero to three months. now wead to go back to get mae three to six. he can wear nothing. >> hey, experts stay average weight for a full term newborn is six t nine pounds but doctors say baby jameson is doing just fine. sign him up for the redskins. he will be in huskies before long. >> it looks like daddy is a big guy, too. wn news4 at 4:00returns, we'll take to you las vegas for the huge electronics sh. the hot new gadgets that are ming. plus, elizabeth edwar changed her will just days before some folks are hoping for snow tomorrow. >> yea and they're always hoping for a lot of snow around here. nday through friday. mine arewatcng, i know. for tomorrow, we're talking still about some nuisae type snowround here. but i think in termof travel disruption, very minor, too. different story though once get intofulfill. ros could be a little slippery. the same tng for new york city them could see as much as three to six inches of snowfall by friday late on saturday. i don't thinkhey'll have any blizzards ough. our current temperatures throughout the area, a range from 39 degrees in d.c. to 35 degrees just down for the sow and east of us. righnear the water, we've got a pock of 42. not far away. culpeper through charlottesville. your forecast, a good night wakep forecast. by tomorrowmorning, some light snow craw the area. at snow will be spreading from we to east. you can see it there. much colder. the outlying suburbs for the 22 degrees, 23 around warrenton and arnd sudley, too. for tomorrow, some general light snow will be coming through. the highs, 37 degrees. that will be during the late ternoon. two:00, 3:00. most of the ow. here's a look at 7:00 p.m. maybe about a half inch of snow aroundhe bored he of maryland, pennsylvania. those counties that border pennsylvania. there could be a light ating, too, for northern areas of montgomery as well as loudoun. then me snow hit areas west of i-81 for friday, late and turday. by the time all is said and done, amuch as five to 12 inches of snowfall in those high spotswest. five inches around frostburg and cumberland. here, no more than a dustg. that next system that comes our way after the real cold air comes in. the big atic blast. tuesday and wednesday, more of a player in probay a significant storm for our area. >> wow! those are schooldays, too. >> you're right. the future is unfoldi in las vegas today a we start to get a glimpse of the newest gadgets that are se to be on everyone's wish list soon. >> a lot of excing stuff. the international consumer electronic show kick off today. and jay gray has a look a some of the technoly that has plenty of people buzzing. >> reporter: hey, jim, barbara. amazing stuffhere. an for some, consider this. in1970, the big thing at this show was actuay the introductionf the vcr. my how science has chae here in las vegas. we have a blu-ray disk, we have a hless future for consur electronics. a firsthand look at the future. this is theanguard of new technology. >> reporter: technology that many believe will changeur lives. >> habits will change. >> reporter: a big part of changethe tablet computer. a slim touch screen that some say will replace t laptop. playing off the wildly popular ipad, 80 new pc tablets are being introduced at this year's electronics show along with h have accessory and milk you can imagine. >> like the ipad app is doing better than anye've had. >> reporter: the way we wch tv is changing but so is the set itself. 3d has explode asked there is talk at thishow of soon being able to watch without glasses. video conferencg has also taken a huge step forward. creative, creating an hd version it believes will change the game >> we wt to make thisery affordable and accessible for people. weant pple to have the experience like someone else is in the rm with them. >> reporter: and dozens of boxes will do that startingt about $90. >> one of the things people don't realize yet is h much more of the world they're arching for will be at their fingerti. >> reporter: for more than 100,000 visitors walng through an area the siz of 35 football fields full of the latest gee whiz gadge and gizmos,hat search began todayn vegas. and it is aigh-tech search witho real end in sight. we talked about this tablet. take a look this. oh, no. i can't afford this. no, it's fine. this lk like an mp 3 player. it is actually a fully if you knowing pc tablet. yocan hold it in the palm of your hand. that's how fast e technology is ming here. it is just amazing. the smaller i better power map, the charging company, now has this. you attach ito the back. look how thin it. you attach it to the back of your phone or blackberry. it charges wirelessly. it looks like smaer in many instances is much better. >> jay, since almost bought that, how much would you have to shl out roughly? >> reporter: you know, that's the other thing. this, ls than $200 which is unheard of maybe even two years ago. previous shows, you would see thisechnology comingorward but it wasunattainable and unfordable for a lot of us. that's something that's interesting. it is getting to be some thing in our house or our neighbor's houses real soon. >> we won't to ve wait to get some of those things. not justhowing them off for next year's delive. >> no. in fact, most will be o and on the shelves by t spring of th year. one more quick one. this looks lika regular key boarand all of us now typso much. eithert work or at home when we're on theinternet. this is actually an ergonomic key board which works le this. you get it,lug it in. you starttyping. after 5,00 key strokes, it has actually moved and molded tthe she of your hand. this entire unit moves and shapes around your hand it is specific around yourhand $150. >> whoa! what will they think of next? >> that's fun. norfolk lifor folks like you th. coming up, elizath edwards changed her will iner final days. norah o'donnell had a more on that. > plus the ver latest on a deadlychool shooting. 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