Transcripts For WRC News 4 At 4 20090713

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>> more arrests may be comg in the very disturbing and heartbreaking story of the murder of the beloved murder couple. >> byrd and melanie billings hoped their home for those who needed them. >> reporter: florida lawmen are at the house west of pensacola where byrd and melanie billings were shot to death last thursday in what police first described as a home invasion robbery but are now being vague. >> at this point because of the complexity and ties that this family has throughout the business community we're moving in many other directions. it could be money. it could be a whole host of things. >> the billings were well connected and wealthy which provided them enough to support their 16 children. 12 of whom were adopted. some with special needs. >> the children with special needs were their calling. there was nothing wrong with those children to them. they knew that they could give them love and care that they needed. >> reporter: police say there may be more suspects in addition to the two charged over the weekend with murdering the billings. 41-year-old wayne coldiron and leonard gonzalez jr. will be in court on tuesday. gonzalez's father leonard sr. was in court on monday for being an accomplice. he reportedly told police he was driving the van that took actually three men to burglarize the billings' home. >> we want justice. >> reporter: much of the makeshift memorial outside of the billings home is addressed to the adroopted children who moved to an undisclosed location with plans in place to care for them. pretrial motions are under way in th bonita jacks trial. there's a unique insight into the accused killer. the judge must decide if the tape can be admitted as evidence. last january authorities discovered the bodies of jacks' four daughters decomposing. a medical examiner said they were murdered. jacks claim they died in their sleep. the case will be decided in a bench trial rather than by a jury. two more breaking news stories. powell was scheduled to be put to death tomorrow. the supreme court is considering whether to hear his argument that he was unconstitutionally tried twice for the crime. if the high court decides not to hear his appeal, he'll face execution again. bernie madoff is on the move. madoff has been released from the corrections center in new york city and is now headed to an undisclosed prison where he will continue serving his 150-year sentence. there was word the prison is located in upstate new york. madoff was sentenced june 29th for masterminding the largest ponzi scheme in history. last week he told his lawyers he's not going to appeal. after 2 1/2 disappointing seasons, manny is out as manager of the washington nationals. this can't be that big of a surprise to folks. >> it really can't. there's no secret. he did himself know that he was on the hot seat. ask you why and the reason is because after the team continued to struggle, management felt like the only option to improve this ball club could be to get a new voice to lead the team. there's no question that everybody making this decision genuinely likes him and they didn't want to do this but felt there was no other choice as the team faltd to improve. last season the nationals lost 102 games. this season they're on pace to lose even more. his demeanor has come under criticism since the players haven't responded this season. in his place will be the bench coach and ringleman previously managed the padres, cubs and mariners but has a losing record in nine seasons. as a manager as far as manny acta, released a statement saying i want to thank the washington natnals for give meg the opportunity to be a major league manager. it was a great learning experice. i have no regret i wish the nationals all the best. i was fortunate to work with and meet a lot of wonderful people while here. general manager mike rizzo says the team ran out of patience. >> i don't believe he was losing players in the clubhouse. i did believe that we kept thinking it would turn around and we would start playing better. we always continue to underachieve in my opinion. we thought that this was a prudent time to make a move. it gives us time to get our ducks in a row and to prepare not only the staff for the second half of the season but personnel in the ball club. >> it was give to call manny into the office. he was stoic but positive. >> he seems like such a nice guy. >> he's very nice. he knows. he kept saying if and when this happens, i will be fine. obviously like you said, he knew it was around the corner. >> he'll bounce back. >> sooner rather than later. shortly after firing manny acta, the nationals released this letter to fans reading in part no one is more dissatisfied in the first half of the 2009 washington nationals season than we are. that same letter went on to read our hope is a solid club leadership would emerge on and off the field and that some intangible combinations would quick resulting in winning streaks. a fresh attitude and approach is necessary as we set to improve our performance for the remainder of the year. a strong message to our clubhouse and our fans that the status quo is unacceptable. since the news broke about acty acta's firing, people have been posting some quotes. >> charlie wte in and said i don't know a thing about baseball but it seems obvious several weeks ago that this guy stinks. the team can't be that bad. another fan is somewhat optimistic about the nat's future. for them to turn it around in the second half of the season. let us know what you think about the nats firing. do you think it's too little too late? logon to and vote for our question of the day. metro's new zero tolerance policy is in effect. any bus or train operator caught using a mobile device on the job will be fired. this comes after someone recently videotaped a blue line operator sending text messages while the train barreled along. passengers are asked to help enforce the new policy by reporting violations. >> if you just happen to see something like that as you were boarding, would you report the driver? >> of course. it's about safety. >> the same as when you're in a car. you really shouldn't be doing that at all. they should be paying attention to what it is and safety of the passengers. that's their job. >> passengers should go to metro's website to log a complaint online. you can call metro at 202- 962-2152. an easy link and more information on our website at search key word metro. the lawsuits have started in connection with the red line crash. >> also the west nile virus shows up in the district. here are other stories making headlines in our area today. congressional hearings begin tomorrow into last month's metro crash on the red line. the hearings will focus on the progress of the investigation and measures implemented since the crash. six lawsuits have been filed already. one of the plaintiffs is now seeking up to $25 million in damages. legal experts expect the number of claims to rise. and the cost to metro could run into the tens of millions of dollars. a massive water main break affected traffic this morning in alexandria. the break happened at 8:30 at the intersection of van dorn and vine street near the van dorn metro stop. water was turned off but no residents are without water right now. traffic is als getting back to normal at least one lane of van dorn is open in each direction. three mosquito pools have tested positive for the west nile virus in southwest washington. the health department says the mosquito pools were near the ft. mcnair area. no one in d.c. has been infected by the west nile virus this year. in 2008 six d.c. residents tested positive. officials recommend you eliminate mosquito breeding areas around your home by removing any standing water. preliminary results for district opportunities results in reading and math were released today. drew elementary officials made the announcement. steady gains were made at the elementary level in both math and reading. secondary schools doubled their proefishesy in both. the streak of beautiful days continues. will it last? the fast forecast from storm center 4. >> if you mean by louisvilbeautw humidity, it will last for a couple days. it will change toward the middle of the week. right now it's nice out there. 85 degrees in the beltway. it's 84 out toward the eastern shore. a little bit cooler down toward north carolina thanks to some recent rain. it's a lot more humid down there with dew points in the 60s. our weather is so delightful. a dew point at 53. comfortable for this time of year. lots of clouds down toward southern virginia and down toward north carolina with showers and some thunderstorms. locally things are quiet. there was one isolated storm all of the way down south of far southern maryland toward the northern neck. the big picture looks like this. there's a front off to the south. for us high pressure will build down from canada. this will bring us a nice evening and it will also bring us a beautiful day as we head into your tuesday. for the rest of the evening partly cloudy skies. temperatures eventually dropping down into the 70s. here's what's going on. we're going to see a pleasant evening. tomorrow we'll have another dry day. what about rain? is there any rain in the forecast? we'll talk about that coming up in just a couple minutes. back to you. >> all right. thanks, steve. here's what's coming up on "news4 at 4:00" -- >> to indicate that you -- >> the senate -- please remove that man. >> the first day of confirmation hearings for president obama's choice of supreme court was anything but smooth sailing. a warning for anyone that shops with a credit card. find out how shopping at a particular type of store could damage your credit rating. a bold thief caught on tape. what this woman was so intent on stealing. was michael jackson murdered? the startling new allegations and wait until you hear who made them. we'll be right back. @nonñnñn] close to 600 americans died in iraq and afghanistan are buried at arlington national cemetery. today hundreds of landscapers and lawn care professionals from across the country applied their expertise and a little elbow grease in a project to spruce up the cemetery. they spent the morning mulching and pruning trees. it's sponsored by the professional lawn care network. it's a way of giving back to men and women who give their lives in service to our country. the work that they did is valued at more than $200,000. the supreme court nominee sonia sotomayor faces supporters and critics on capitol hill. seven weeks after president obama nominated her, judge sotomayor testified today at the first day of her senate confirmation hearings. here is more on hearings interrupted by protesters. >> reporter: it was sonia sotomayor's turn to argue her own case and after introducing family members in the grand and packed senate hearing room. >> my mom. >> reporter: the appeals judge would be the first hispanic on the high court laid out her legal philosophy. >> the task of a judge is not to make law. it is to apply the law. in each case i have heard, i have applied the law to the facts at hand. my personal and professional experiences helped me to listen and understand with the law always commanding the result in every case. >> reporter: democrats say sotomayor's record proves she's impartial. she's ruled for the government in 92% of criminal cases. she's denied race claims in 83% of the cases. >> reporter: sotomayor's biggest problem is the remarks she made off the bench that a wise latina would reach a better conclusion than a white male. some republicans called that disqualifying. >> such an approach to judging means that the umpire calling the game is not neutral but favors one team over another. call it empathy. call it prejudice. call it sympathy. whatever it is, it's not law. >> reporter: democrats laid on the praise. republicans admit sotomayor looks like a shoe in. >> unless you have a complete meltdown, you're going to get confirmed. >> reporter: first the focus will be on the nominee's 17-year record as a judge and on her controversial speeches. tomorrow and wednesday will be the questions by individual senators and the pressure on sotomayor will be intense. >> the supreme court nominees on the hill today president obama nominated a alabama family physician to be the next surgeon general. dr. regina benjamin was introduced during a rose garden event this morning. the president says she understands the needs of the poor and uninsured. >> she said the one thing i want to do is make sure that this surgeon general's office gives voice to patients and that patients have a seat at the table. somebody is advocating for them and speaking for them. >> my hope if confirmed as surgeon general is to be america's doctor. america's family physician. as we work toward a solution to this health care crisis, i promise to communicate directly with the american people to help guide them through whatever changes may come with health care reform. i want to ensure that no one, no one, falls through the cracks. >> benjamin's nomination for attorney general always requires senate confirmation. hot summer weather is perfect weather for water sports but what about a weather workout? we take you to be an aquatic kick boxing case. at the silver spring y, these students punch and stir the water. they're making good use of the water's resistance to strengthen their arms and upper body. >> you have to push more water if water is coming at you. >> reporter: the students' jabs are part of their aquatic kick boxing routine. the punches and kicks work the upper and lower body. >> kick right knee. right knee. kick. >> it's cardio kick box. doing cardio with your legs but you're moving your arms. that's a really good arm workout. >> kick. step side. kick. >> reporter: offered here once a week, kick boxes is more intense than normal water aerobics and one of a number of water workouts that can shape you up while putting less stress on the joints. >> whether it's aquatic aerobics for people that suffer from arthritis or what you saw today kick boxing or deep water and take them into the water is less intrusive on the joint. >> reporter: at 64, joanne says kick boxing in water is easier on our arthritic shoulder and knees. >> i can do things in the water i can't do on the ground because of arthtis. >> reporter: anita potter added aquatic kick boxing to her low impact routine. >> i can't run or use the treadmill. so between using the elliptical machine, swimming and doing this class, it allow me to get in at least three to four days a week of exercise without causing further damage. >> kick. step side. >> reporter: while shallow and deep water workouts tend to be gentler on the joints, you should be extra careful with hip and knee injuries. >> just because it's in the water, doesn't mean you're free from anything that could cause you an injury. you have to watch your form. >> reporter: these women swear by their water kick boxing and say they get more than just the satisfaction of a workout. >> one of the things you get is how to deliver a strong punch and strong kick and those things are always useful. >> they sure are. depending on your weight and the innsity of your water workout, water aerobics can burn 270 calories per hour. for more information on any health for life story go, to our website,, and search as seen on nbc 4. up next, breaking news about that deadly metro crash. plus, a rough ride for some plane passengers as one jet has trouble setting down. also they are in d.c. for a huge concert that is sure to have teenage girls all over this area fawning but it's what the jonas brothers did today that's got a lot of folks talki . .itsstith alins would want to fight with him instead of ignoring him, i don't know. >> reporter: recently he posed breaking news on last month's deadly metro crash. the national transportation safety board has just issued an urgent safety recommendation to metro calling for enhanced safety of its automated train control system. the ntsb wants metro to evaluate and upgrade the systems that backup the automated system by evaluating track occupancy data on a realtime basis to detect problems. the system failed to detect a trains on the tracks in the june 22nd crash. the ntsb says the investigation into the crash is far from over but asking metro to/ its recommendation and take action within 30 days. we'll have much more on this story coming up on "news4 at 5:00." passengers on a korean airlines flight experienced a pretty rough landing in japan today and it was all caught on tape. a boeing 777 touched down against some strong 40-mile-per-hour winds. winds so strong in fact that the plane's tail was scraping across the runway as it landed. aboard passengers so terrified they were screaming. one said it was like being on a roller coaster. no one was hurt. the airport was closed for more than an hour after that landing. japanese aviation authorities are investigating the incident. turning to our weather which is very nice today but the weekend was rough in kansas. >> yeah. we did have some really nasty weather in kansas. in fact, that storm system is passing just to our south right now. it's making its way across north carolina. this is what happened in kansas with this storm system just some really nasty thunderstorms. very strong winds knocking down lots of trees and power lines and damage to buildings and what not. the weather has improved there. all right. here's what's happening closer to home. a couple of fair weather puffy cumulus clouds. that's it. it's really pretty outside. 85 degrees right now. partly cloudy. we have a northerly flow at 12. dew point comfortable for this time of year with dew point in the low 50s. that's nice. right now 85 degrees here in the district. 80 out in cincinnati. notice the dew points out toward cincinnati and toward chicago. this is very comfortable canadian air. it's much more humid off to the south. to the south of a front that's located to our south. this is where warm weather is from dallas back into phoenix. phoenix in triple digits. we have a big arch in the jet stream out west and a dip in the jet stream along the east coast allowing the heat to build out west and allowing the cool weather to come down from canada. now, for the next couple of days the front will start to lift back up toward the north and this in turn will warm things up locally. i think by the time we get to thursday we'll climb into the 90s but until then the front is to the south. high pressure coming down from canada will be the main player. it will bring a nice night tonight. a pretty day as we head into tomorrow. and then wednesday it will be the transition day. that's when the front starts to lift back up toward the north. that's when we start to warm it up. that's when humidity starts to return. so here is future cast. for tonight, high pressure building in. noise and clear. very comfortable. tomorrow, look at that. we'll see clear skies. lots of sunshine as high pressure starts to build into the area. and again wednesday is the transition day. here comes a warm front. it gets warmer. more humid. and then a trailing cold front comes throug on thursday bringing us a chance of showers and thunderstorms and i think by thursday we'll be in the 90s. at least for this evening it will be nice out there. very comfortable. temperatures dropping down into the 70s. very low humidity. and then tomorrow morning we're going to start off with clear skies. like today we could see a couple of fair weather cumulus build up during the afternoon hours. that's about it. tomorrow looks beautiful. temperatures again in the mid 80s. very low humidity. enjoy it because we do have changes by the time we get to wednesday and thursday. that's your forecast. guys, back to you. >> all right. steve, thanks. still to come on "news4 at 4:00," the battle is heating up between april at levi johnston. johnston is hitting the airwaves talking about why he thinks palin resigned as governor. the wife of vice president joe biden goes under the knife. find out what for. a crime tha ## abrasive on dentures? look, scratches collect and grow cause bad breath instead clean without scratching causing bacteria every day hello. welcome back to "news4 at 4:00." it's now 4:30. >> here are some of the stories that we're working on right now. a female sailor has been found dead in her barracks at ft. myer in virginia. the cause of death is under investigation. a senior pentagon official says there was "definitely foul play involved." >> the confirmation hearing of judge sotomayor nominated for the u.s. supreme court opened today on capitol hill. the judge is hearing praise from senate democrats but skepticism from republicans. manny acta is out as the washington nationals manager after a disappointing 2 1/2 seasons. the team's winning percentage dropped every year since he started. they have the worst record in baseball. management says it feels that the only road to improvement is getting a new voice to lead the team. bench coach jim ringleman has been jumped up to interim manager. new accusations from levi johnston. the 19-year-old father of sarah palin's 7-month-old grandchild. >> he claims he knows the real reason the governor is stepping down. >> peter alexander has that story. >> reporter: it wasn't so long ago that they all looked like one big happy alaskan family. the palins and levi johnston. what a difference a baby, a few shirtless photos and a resignation makes. >> i'm determined it's best to transfer authority of governor to the lieutenant governor. >> reporter: the back and forth between sarah palin and her now former future son-in-law revved up against last week. johnston called his own news conference covered by the ap to weigh in on the governor's stunning decision to quit. >> she talked about how nice it would be to take some of this money people have been offering us and just run with it. forget everything else. >> reporter: johnston said when he lived with his then fiance, bristol palin and her family heard the governor contemplating a better life where she could accept lucrative offers, travel less and reduce stress. >> the big deal was a book. that's millions of right there. >> reporter: a palin spokeswoman shot back to the ap, it's interesting to learn that johnston is working on a piece of fiction while honing his acti skills. >> it gets him back into the news. why the palins would want to fight with him instead of just ignoring him i don't know. >> reporter: for his part johnston has been courting hollywood. he's reportedly shopping a book about the palins. he's been offered a leading role in a movie as well as a tv drama in the works. while johnston courts his options, palin is being coy about hers. last week taking reporters on a giant photo-op to a remote alaskan fishing village saying she hasn't ruled out politics. >> i don't know what the future holds. can't predict what the next fish run will look like much less what will happen in a couple of years. >> rorter: johnston claims his feud with the palins has cooled and said he and alaska's first family get along fine. >> however, levi johnston now claims that palin's reason to step down wasn't just money. he told the "today" show's ann curry that political fame went to her head. >> being up there and running for vice president, i mean, it's totally different than governor. cameras every day. she had secret service. you name it. just seeing how she acted after it was all gone, i just think that it definitely got to her head. >> johnston also called gornor palin an incredible lady but if she she were to run for office again, he wouldn't vote for her. >> jill biden had surgery to relieve shoulder pain. the outpatient procedure will be performed at a hospital in philadelphia. the vice president will accompany his wife and the pair will spend today and tuesday at their home in delaware before mr. biden returns to washington tomorrow evening. meanwhile, former senator and presidential candidate bob dole had surgery on his leg. dole has been hospitalized since last week. the law firm says that his heart is fine but doctors at walter reed operated on dole's left leg which has open sores. they planned a skin graph for today. dole was the gop presidential nominee in 1996. he says he hopes to leave the hospital in time for his 86th birthday on july 22nd. the rarely seen leader of north korea reportedly has a life threatening cancer. that's the word from a south korean medical report. he was diagnosed last summer around the same time he reportedly had a stroke. south korea's government says it can't confirm the report about cancer but kim jong-il's health has been the focus of speculation. he looked frail during a rare public appearance recently. there's much more still ahead on "news4 at 4:00," live pictures from nasaight now as the crew of the space shuttle "endeavour" get ready to liftoff once again but will it happen this time? also, how shopping at one type of store could have an impact on your credit for years to come. some important information every consumer needs to know. this is chris gordon. today metro begins enforcing a zero tolerance policy against bus drivers and train operators banning them from use of personal cell phones or texting while operating vehicles. we'll hear from a bus driver, riders and find out what the public is asking to be done in order to enforce this new one strike policy. i'll have a report ahead on news4. right now a live picture from nasa after several failed attempts due to bad weather, nasa will try to get shuttle "endeavour" off the ground. preparing to launch from the kennedy space center at 6:51 this evening. crews are filling the ship with 500,000 gallons of fuel. the shuttle this time will carry seven crew members to the international space station. once there they will join six other folks making it the largest group in space ever. big question is whether the weather is going to cooperate with tonight's planned launch. steve villanueva up in the storm center. >> game time decision. showers and thunderstorms right now down in florida. we have an onshore flow with moisture coming in from the gulf and with the daytime heating thunderstorms are popping. we'll have to see what happens by the time we get to 6:00. locally here's the deal. check this out. april, may and june were very wet. the last couple of weeks it's been very, very dry. since basically the summer solctice the pattern changed. tonight mostly clear skies. temperatures dropping into the 50s and 60s. for tomorrow really pretty day. lots of sunshine. mid 80s. low humidity. just really nice stuff. more weather coming up in just a little bit. back to you. still ahead on "news4 at 4:00," how exactly did michael jackson die? there's some new and startling allegations that have come out that have some wondering whether it was murder. they are one of the hottest bands on earth. the jonas brothers are in town. wait until you hear what they n ent theirooafrnten doing. pat america, whattaya say to big cheesy-steaky-ness! - subway. eat fresh! - eat fresh! when you wanna kick it up with zesty chipotle sauce. - eat fresh! - eat fresh! the flavor-fullest sub only subway can offer. - eat fresh! - eat fresh! try the new subway big chipotle cheesesteak. an updated all-time favorite: juicy steak layered with zesty chipotle sauce... and melted cheese, piled high with only... the toppings you love. subway. eat fresh! there are a lot of excited teenage girls in the washington area today. why you ask? it's because of the jonas brothers in town at the verizon center tonight. today they were playing a little celebrity softball. jane is here. tell us about the game. >> i have to be the envy of every tween and teen in the area. i got to watch them play softball. they're excellent athletes and poised young men. >> they were playing softball for charity? >> they were in the dulles area playing the all-stars. they won 15-13. it was a barn burner. tied going into the last inning. >> they'll play to a packed house. why are they so hot? >> they have a great appeal. first of all, they're brothers. they genuinely like each other. they're not bad looking. they're nice looking young men. they seem to be very talented. they've been nominated for a grammy. they won a music award. they are talented. >> talented individuals. nice guys. the whole package. >> favorites of the obama girls. >> i know they love them. one of our workers here, his daughter, elizabeth, loves them. there's just all of the girls in the area that seem to have a favorite jonas brother. >> so is there any possibility of getting a ticket for tonight if you don't have one? >> yes, there is. it's going to cost you. for the floor up to $500. that's what they're going for on craigslist in a luxury suite $2,000 a ticket. there are tickets but it will cost you. it seems like the shows are sold out. they're doing a north america tour. they've had two sold out tours. they're the hottest things. >> we'll have them playing so softball so you can't miss that story coming up in the next hour. >> thank you, jane. back to you in the studio, craig. a welcome surprise you'll find at your local gas station and how you could be doing some serious damage to your credit by optshng a one particular type of store. we'll have that. >> coming up tonight on "news4 at 5:00" -- >> an elderly couple held hostage by a gunman for nearly eight hours is speak out about their experience. manny acta is out as managers of the nationals. lindsey will join us to tell us who will replace them and liz shows us how to cook up a thlicious pizza on a grill. oss stiemoord onan reht :0 t 0. 5 x3p# let's get an update on that forecast. steve villanueva joins us from outside. how is it out there? >>t's so pretty outside. the sky is nice and blue. just a couple fair well cumulus. it's warm and humidity is quite low. it's just a really pleasant day. all right. let's the go to the maps and talk about the next couple days in our nation's capital. right now temperatures are basically in the mid 80s. it's very comfortable out there. dew points is the y. dew points are quite comfortable. they're in the 50s. it's just really, really comfortable. here's what's happening on the radar and sellite composite. we have a front off to the south and along that front we have lots of clouds and showers and storms moving across north carolina and far southern virginia. that's going to stay to the south of us. for tonight mostly clear skies. temperatures dropping down into the 50s and the 60s. and then for tomorrow looks like a beautiful day. lots of sunshine. temperatures in the mid 80s. just really pretty as high pressure dominates. we'll see low humidity. over the next couple of days here's the extended forecast. tomorrow looks great. wednesday is going to be the transition day. that's when humidity starts to return on thursday hot and humid. a chance of an afternoon thunderstorm. we'll cool it down as we round out the workweek. that's your forecast, everyone. back to you. time now for today's bargain blast. a great day to go to ben & jerry's. buy one get one free. only one deal per customer. start the week off right with a free mocha from mcdonald's. a free sample of iced or hot ho mocha every monday. motorists are getting a break at the gas pump. prices have fallen ten cents a gallon over the past two weeks. nationwide, the average is $2.53 on average. in maryland, gas is going for 2.48 on average. in virginia, you'll pay 2.40. analysts say too much supply and too little demand are fueling the price drop. shopping at thrift stores may save you money but if you pay with a credit card, it may affect your credit rating. a government probe reveals some credit card companies have been tracking purchases in bargain stores and then using that information to determine if customers are hurting financially. in turn, if those customers are considered a bad risk, they could have credit card limits capped, interest rates raised or suffer bad credit scores. >> i think that's ridiculous. we're all just being conservative about our spending and i'm being conservative in the sense that i like to buy used things and reuse things instead of buying brand new. >> i should be able to buy what i want whenever i want. nobody should track that. nobody should track that but my husband and i. >> some members of congress believe new credit card law signed by president obama will help prevent such practices. still ahead on "news4 at 4:00," you don't want to miss how far one woman went to get the dog she was after. and was michael jackson murdered? new allegations out today questioning just exactly what happened to the king opop. wwrpñ time to look at some of the stories making news on the web today. police in washington state are looking for a puppy napper. security cameras rolling at a pet store when a woman picked up a puppy and walked out. that dog was worth about 500 bucks. two people killed in a plane crash in northeast florida. the experimental train crashed on sunday near st. augustine. remember richard hatch from the first season of "survivor?" he was convicted and sentenced to prison in 2006 for failing to pay taxes on his winnings. now he's asking a federal judge to leave the country so that he can participate in the tenth anniversary of the show. federal prosecutors say he should not be allowed to leave because he still owes $400,000 in back taxes. the rumors surrounding michael jackson continue to grow and a startling allegation from one of his sisters. a hearing on ctody of the pop star's three children has been postponed until next week. jay gray has the latest. >> reporter: a vibrant entertainer dancing four hours a day preparing for major comeback. or a frail, fragile drug addict in a daze struggling to survive? those are the two very different images of michael jackson at the center of a growing legal and public debate surrounding his death and what happens next. investigators continue to focus on at least five of jackson's doctors. >> i think these doctors are not sleeping tonight. they're very, very nervous. >> reporter: this weekend in an interview with a london tabloid, michael's sister lashed out at his inner circle. >> la toya jackson told me she believes that her brother, michael, was murdered. >> i hope to god you guys give the kids a right shot. >> a judge who presided over the anna nicole smith trial says if investigators can determine who may have provided the pop star with the powerful sedative diprivan or other drugs, la toya may not be that far off. >> it will be manslaughter. murder without malice without an intent to kill. reckless behavior by the doctors. >> daddy has been the best father you could ever imagine. >> reporter: the courts must also decide who will become the permanent guardian of jackson's three kids. currently his mother has temporary custody. >> do not touch me! >> reporter: there are reports that michael's ex-wife debbie rowe will attend a custody hearing next monday if the fight gets to that point. >> these parties right now are talking, the attorneys. right now all through the night they're talking. they're negotiating. and i believe they may come to a fair conclusion. >> reporter: though an end to the controversy surrounding jackson's death is far from over. adding to the controversy over the children are new reports that joe jackson, michael's dad, wants to share custody with his wife katherine. for years michael jackson had called his dad abusive and in his will indicated if his mom couldn't take care of the kids, his second choice would be diana ross. jay gray, news4. >> that's "news4 at 4:00." "news4 at 5:00" starts right now. tonight on "news4 at 5:00," a new zero tolerance policy goes into effect on metro. we set out today to see if any drivers or operators were texting while bind the wheel. big changes are coming to nationals park. manny acta is out as the team's manager. who is taking his place. jonas brothers madness hits d.c. we caught up with them on the baseball field. welcome to "news4 at 5:00." >> jim and wendy are off tonight. we begin with a developing story on the ft. myeril mitary base im ng wth's aatn.aihere slo w sas fn dead in her room at henderson hall earlier today. darcy spencer joins us live from outside ft. myer with the latest. what do you know? >> reporter: i'm told they are conducting this death investigation. we don't have a lot of details at this time. what we've been able to confirm through our sources as well as through nbc news is t

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