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nbc-universal television >> announcer: from nbc news world headquarters in new york, this is "nbc nightly news" with brian williams. good evening. tonight the situation is growing desperate in colorado. while fires are burning throughout the american west, the effort to suppress a big one moving toward colorado springs is verging on a combat operation tonight. the conditions sadly are perfect for fires. single digit humidity, 100 diagnosis plus temperatures during the day, high winds at night. the conditions are miserable for the army of firefighters trying to slow it down, trying to make a stand. the campus of the u.s. air force academy has been evacuated now because of this encroaching monster. 32,000 people are out of their homes, and many of those homes sadly are no longer there to return to. these are indeed desperate times in the rockies. we begin once again tonight with nbc's miguel almaguer in colorado springs. miguel, good evening. >> reporter: brian, good evening. it was this time last night when those winds started kicking up again like they are right now. the situation here on the ground quickly spiraled out of control. tonight it's feared dozens of homes have been lost. in the hills above colorado springs, a raging inferno devouring home after home. 1,000 firefighters overwhelmed. what they call a firestorm of epic proportions. >> it's as bad as it gets out there right now. door to door, street by street. firefighters inside, outside trying to keep the flames away from buildings. >> with winds whipping at 65 miles an hour, flames exploded past fire breaks. >> it jumped two ridges, and it moved three miles in less than an hour. >> the governor toured from the air. said it looked like a movie set. >> there weren't trees on fire. there were people's homes burned to the ground, block after block. it's almost surreal. >> with toxic smoke spreading and ash raining across the city of half million, mass evacuations were ordered during rush hour. >> everybody trying to get out of the neighborhood. it's chaos. >> interstate 25 jammed for hours. the air force academy cleared 600 homes, entire subdivisions were empty. scott collected family heirlooms. >> this has got to go. >> reporter: sarah felt the flames closing in on her home. >> i lived there for 20 years, so many friends. >> reporter: this morning from the air lingering smoke obscured the full extent of the damage. more than 100 planes and helicopters joined the fight. >> it's different when it's your hometown. >> for veteran air force pilot robert fairbanks, this is personal. >> very close to home. very close to home. very close to family, friends, church, schools. >> reporter: after a night of destruction, this afternoon a light rain, a brief moment of relief. >> it's like this black thing coming over. >> reporter: jean escaped the flame. today with our long lens camera, she saw her home still standing. with the forecast calling for more wind and high heat, one firefighter tells me they have seen what this fire can do and they are now prepared for a second punch. on friday the president will tour the destruction zone here in colorado. brian. >> miguel almaguer starting us off again tonight. by the way, when we use figures like 32,000 evacuations, try to think about what that means, apply it to your own life. all these people are yanked from their homes and their lives and told to get out now. they are forced to make split second decisions and they often don't know where to go. we have some of their stories tonight from nbc's kristen dahlgren. >> oh, my god, this is just not good. >> reporter: if you had just minutes to leave your home, what would you bring? >> things passed down from my mom. >> reporter: where would you go? what would you worry most about? >> how do i get to her? do you know how i get to her? >> reporter: family, pets. for 32,000 now, decisions are split second. there's no time. bobby romero can't reach his sister-in-law. >> i'm just praying a lot, praying a lot. >> he's going to have to find a new home today. >> for some, home is back of a truck. for others with friends in safe neighborhoods. or if they are lucky to find a vacancy -- >> right now i just need to be in a hotel because i need to calm my dog down. the uncertainty is just is my house still standing. >> reporter: do more than watch. >> i have a tv in my room and a radio and a clock. i just miss all my things. >> reporter: clinging to what they do still have, hope. >> hoping that fire will go away. >> reporter: knowing that for some, that hope may be all they have left. >> god is good, and it's going to be okay. >> reporter: kristen dahlgren, nbc news. >> unbelievable. while it's different, there is misery tonight in florida. tropical storm debby is finally gone officially, but the damage and the mess left behind are extreme. weather channel meteorologist jim cantore still on the scene and is with us again tonight. hey, jim, good evening. >> reporter: hey, brian from one extreme right to another. you can see a lot of floodwaters remain behind me here. trucks and buildings still submerged tonight. here is the latest we've got. four confirmed dead now from tropical storm debby. 6,000 homes in 17 counties without power. hundreds of roads in north central florida are under water at this time. interstate 10, which has been closed since monday morning at 9:00 a.m. may reopen tomorrow morning. that is a tremendous time for an interstate to be closed. that's because the water is simply not going away here. 300 people had to be evacuated today from several counties in northern florida. many people tried to venture out. they have been in their homes a couple of days now and had to be rescued because they ran into floodwater that was just way too deep. the rivers are expected to crest next month, brian. this is a very flat area. it's going to take a long time for water to get in the rivers. once those rivers do crest, they will recede slowly, possibly toward the end of next month. for the next extreme, we will talk about extreme heat. we're talking several days of 100 degrees or better across at least two-thirds of this country. >> jim, we're thinking of them down there tonight, too. jim cantore, live oak, florida. thanks. just after 10:00 a.m. eastern time tomorrow, we will know if the u.s. supreme court is going to let stand the obama health care law or not. whatever they say will affect all americans. parts of that law are already in effect. children can be covered on their parents policies until the age of 26 and they can't be denied coverage for pre-existing conditions. also in effect already, preventive screenings like mammograms, colonoscopies. the big provision is the mandate requiring every american to have insurance. by 2014, no adult can be denied coverage for pre-existing conditions. there can be no annual dollar limit on the amount of coverage a person can receive. so having said all that, a lot at stake. our justice correspondent pete williams is at the court tonight. pete, you know as much about the court as anyone i know, so here is the question. they can uphold, they can strike it down, and don't they have a number of options in between? >> exactly right. if they say the individual mandate, the requirement to have health insurance is unconstitutional, then the question is how much of the rest of this 1,000 page long law will stand. the obama administration says if the mandate goes away, that's a big revenue stream for insurance companies, then likely the things that will cost the insurance companies more will have to go, too, such as pre-existing condition coverage for adults and things the insurance companies can't vary rates based on a person's age or sex or medical condition. >> all right. pete williams, we'll be speaking with you tomorrow night as we review what the court has to say. pete williams at the supreme court. in washington tonight, a long overdue honor, as the government took a step to rectify an injustice over african-american marines received when they were first allowed to join the corps in the 1940s. today some 400 survivors received the congressional gold medal, an honor many of them could not have imagined back then but an honor their nation owed them. a report from our pentagon correspondent, jim miklaszewski. >> reporter: at 87, george mitchell and oscar culp still put in a six-day week at their furniture store in oceanside, california. culp says it's a work ethic developed as marines. >> the marine corps made a man out of me. >> reporter: but it was a painful journey. at the height of world war ii, culp and much i will were among the first blacks in the marine corps and immediately segregated from white marines. built specifically for blacks, little more than a mosquito, snake infested swamp. >> what was that like? >> it was he, really. the water was terrible. smelled. >> it's where they ate and slept without ever seeing a white marine. once out of boot camp mitchell became a target for racial taunts. when he refused to step to the back of the line, he took a beating. >> but in the heat of battle in the pacific, that racial divide disappeared. >> when you're being shot at over there, the bullets, they don't have no color on them really. you become very close. >> reporter: the marines joined a marine corps that really didn't want them. to fight for their country that had denied them their civil rights. when the war had ended, their battle was far from over. they came home to a still segregated america. >> that hurt inside. you tried not to show it but it hurt. >> reporter: mitchell and culp persevered, became career marines, helped break that color barrier. this afternoon, who years later, the marines got the recognition they deserved, congressional gold medals, one of the nation's highest civilian honors. >> thank god i lived long enough to see it. >> i went through hell but it was worth it. >> reporter: jim miklaszewski, nbc news, the pentagon. still ahead along the way on wednesday night, a new prescription for losing weight. is this latest pill the answer to an american epidemic? also a handshake making history tonight. a lot of people thought they would never see this. later a genuine woman of letters and a woman who made us all laugh. we will remember norah ephron. all laugh. we will remember norah ephron. what makes the sleep number store different? you walk into a conventional mattress store, it's really not about you. they say, "well, if you wanted a firm bed you can lie on one of those. we provide the exact individualization that your body needs. wow, that feels really good! once you experience it, there's no going back. hurry in now for our lowest prices of the season. save $300 to $1000 on selected sleep number bed sets. sale ends july 8th. only at the sleep number store, where queen mattresses start at just $699. they claim to be complete. only centrum goes beyond. providing more than just the essential nutrients, so i'm at my best. centrum. always your most complete. begins with back pain and a choice. take advil, and maybe have to take up to four in a day. or take aleve, which can relieve pain all day with just two pills. good eye. after just one use? 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