That, she laughed so loud the moon cracked. [ laughter ] according to reports, former fbi director james comey wrote down everything he could remember from his meetings and talks with President Trump. And we here at late night have gotten a hold of comeys notes. [ light laughter ] thats right [ applause ] thats right, comey documented every meeting he had with President Trump. Said trump, so do i. [ laughter ] House Speaker paul ryan today said that he has full confidence in President Trump. And even as ryan was saying it, a chill ran up his nothing. [ light laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] secretary of state Rex Tillerson said today that he would have no way of knowing if the russians installed a listening device in the oval offdu recent meeting with President Trump. And why would they need to . They already installed a talking device. [ light laughter ] [ applause ] abc has announced that it will produce a hybrid liveaction and animated version of the little mermaid. So now abc has two shows featuring crabs. [ laughter ] [ audience ohs ] oh, i just got it. [ light laughter ] organizers in l. A. Are reportedly planning to make a 1. 3 mile long pizza using 8,000 pounds of dough, and 3,600 pounds of cheese. Said residents of l. A. , oh, is it possible to get that glutenfree . [ laughter ] i know you made the whole thing, but the California State Senate voted this week to name a section of a highway after former president obama. You may not appreciate the it, but when you get off you will be like, god, what have i done . [ laughter and applause ] can i are there is there an entrance ramp back onto the highway . And finally, an arkansas man is being accused of exposing himself to an employee in a shoe store. Witnesses describe the man as a 5 and a half narrow. [ light laughter ] ladies and gentlemen, we have a great show for you tonight she is in the new film, the book of henry. Naomi watts joins us this evening. [ cheers and applause ] the fantastic naomi watts. Hes the star of ifcs very funny brockmire. Hank azaria joins us. [ cheers and applause ] and we will have music from a very cool rock supergroup. Bnqt joins us this evening. [ cheers and applause ] so youre here on a good night. But before we get to all that, President Trump is dealing with new bombshell allegations that he tried to obstruct the fbi investigation into his former National Security adviser, so how are republicans reacting . Theyre doing everything they can to avoid talking about it. For more on this, its time for a closer look. [ cheers and applause ] seth ill give the trump team this, they are great at changing the story. First, it was the firing of fbi director james comey. Then, it was the president s threatening tweets about comey. Then, it was the news that trump gave the russians highly sensitive classified information. So they changed the story to a worse story. [ light laughter ] the Trump White House is like a guy who tries to get out of a speeding ticket by punching the cop. [ laughter ] and now theres this. The source tells cbs news that form fbi director james comey wrote a memo three months ago that said President Trump asked him to shut down the investigation of michael flynn. Flynns contacts with russia are the subject of an ongoing fbi probe that comey was leading up until he was fired by the president a week ago. The quote in the memo as read to the times is as follows. The president says to comey, quote, i hope you can see your way clear to letting this go, to letting flynn go. The president goes on to say, hes a good guy. I hope you can let this go. Seth i hope you can let this go. Not only is trump corrupt, hes not even smooth about it. [ light laughter ] he sounds like a guy who tries to bribe the maltre d at a restaurant, but slips him a handful of loose change. [ light laughter ] id love a table away from the kitchen, pierre. [ light laughter ] so trump tried to get the director of the fbi to drop an investigation into his former National Security advisers contacts with russia. In fact, according to the reporter who broke this story, this meeting happened in the oval office. February 14th, jim comey was at the white house for a National Security meeting with the president , other intelligence and Law Enforcement officials. If you look at the dates on the calendar, and this date kind of stands out. It was february 14th, it was valentines day. Seth thats right, they met on valentines day. In fact, trump even brought [ laughter ] and then theres this very revealing detail. Trump cleared the room so he could talk to comey alone, even after some members of his team tried to stick around. At the end of the meeting, the president told everyone to get out of the room. The attorney general sessions hung around. The president excused him again. Said he wanted to talk to jim. Seth. And you know sessions was only hanging around to try to protect trump from himself. The same way you hang around when your superdrunk friend is talking to a really shady guy at the bar. [ light laughter ] lisa, this is a bad idea. Were all going to ihop. Are you coming . Actually the lady says she wants to come back to my place and meet my snakes. [ light laughter ] lisa, he has snakes. So how do we know all of this with such specific detail . Well, apparently comey kept memos of all of his interactions with trump. In fact, comeys memos about his interactions with trump are apparently so in depth that they conversations trump had with comey about one of trumps favorite topics. Conversations that comey had with trump, he documented them in one memo, anderson. He included a description of the president talking to him about crowd size at the inauguration. Seth oh, my god, dude, let it go. [ laughter ] youre like [ cheers and applause ] seriously. Its time. Youre like an actor who had one line in a movie 30 years ago. Oh, wait, you are an actor who had one line in a movie 30 years ago. Down the hall and to the left. [ laughter and applause ] seth so now so now, the fbi director claims to have written documentation showing that the president tried to intervene in an investigation. Which, of course, comes after trump fired comey specifically because of the russia investigation. And then tried to intimidate comey with a threatening tweet. How was this news greeted by the white house already in constant turmoil . Well, a senior official in the blunt, telling the daily beast, and this is the real quote, i dont see how trump isnt completely [ bleep ]. [ laughter ] and i like how thats worded in a way that makes it clear there is no alternative. [ light laughter ] i dont see how trump isnt completely [ bleep ]. But on the other hand, i do see how he is completely [ bleep ]. [ laughter ] of course, youll be surprised to hear that trump himself doesnt quite see it that way. He commented today on the mounting scandals during a Commencement Ceremony for the u. S. Coast guard academy. And as usual, he made it about himself. Over the course of your life you will find that things are not always fair. You will find that things happen to you that you do not deserve and that are not always warranted. Look at the way ive been treated lately. Especially by the media. No politician in history, and i say this with great surety, has been treated worse or more unfairly. Seth oh, well, if you say it with great surety [ laughter ] he took so long to ramp up to that word. [ light laughter ] trump approaches three syllable words like a bear approaching a beehive. [ laughter ] also, no politician has been treated worse . Need i remind you about lincoln . There were only 20,000 people at his inauguration. [ laughter and applause ] and none of the tv stations covered it [ cheers ] now, if the president interfering with an fbi investigation to protect a former National Security adviser sounds to you like it might constitute a obstruction of justice, youre not alone. A little over 100 days into trumps presidency, lawmakers and legal experts are now seriously using that term, as well as another term impeachment. Many responsible people, tonight, in both parties are starting to use serious terms abuse of power, and impeachment. Are we getting closer and closer to the possibility of yet another impeachment process . Reluctantly, wolf, i have to say yes, simply because obstruction of justice is such a serious offense. I was in the nixon administration, as you know, and i thought after watching the clinton impeachment, i thought id never see another one. But i think were in impeachment territory again for the first time. Is this obstruction of justice . If the reports are true, it absolutely is. And what does that mean . It means if the evidence bears out that there was obstruction of justice, i think you likely will see the congress go down the road of impeachment. Seth wow, theyre already talking about impeachment. Its been just over 100 days. Its very possible that the Trump Presidency will actually be shorter than the nba playoffs. [ laughter and applause ] so now, of course, the question is as it has been all week where are the republicans . Well, theyre hiding away from the cameras. 20 republican senators and representatives to appear on this broadcast. All declined our invitation. We tried to get republicans on tonight, had a few lined up but they could not make it in the end. Ive called countless senators offices, and for one reason or another, theyve all said that theyre not available to come on and talk with us. Weve tried, tonight, to get republicans to come out and talk to us. And there are not republicans willing to go on camera tonight. Seth even fox news cant get republicans to come on. [ laughter and applause ] thats like thats like e not being able to book a kardashian. [ laughter ] what about rob . We cant even get rob . [ light laughter ] where is he . At dinner . In fact when reporters were able to track down republicans in the halls of the capital, they did everything they could to avoid talking about the comey memo. Take, for example, House Speaker paul ryan who has bent over backwards to avoid criticizing trump. Heres how ryan responded last night when reporters tried to get him to comment on the comey news. Hey, how you doing . Good to see you thank you. Are you reading the story . No, im reading a book about afghanistan. Seth yeah, im reading something about afghanistan. You know, like, how to move there. [ laughter ] today, ryan finally took reporters questions at a press conference. And when asked about the mounting scandals in the Trump White House, suggested that some of the new revelations may be politically motivated. Look, theres been a lot reporting lately. I think that requires close examination. Let me tell you what i told our members just this morning. We need the facts. It is obvious, there are some people out there who want to harm the president. Seth yeah, you know who one of those people is out there harming the president . The president. [ light laughter ] trump is harming his presidency so much, i wouldnt be surprised if he was throwing it because he has money on his own impeachment. [ laughter and applause ] before he was sworn in, i bet he called his bookie and said, ill take the under. [ light laughter ] and that wasnt even the least convincing defense of trump fr a republican. There was congressman trey gowdy, who argued that the media was overreacting because the president has not been convicted of a crime yet. We have a story, theres a reason newspaper articles are not inadmissible in any courtroom in the United States. Im not knocking the reporter, the reporter does good work. But were a long ways from a conviction. The fact that we simply have a headline in the new york times. Seth yeah, we know were a long way from a conviction, but people dont tune in just to watch the end of law order. They also watch the hour that leads up to it. And i get the sense that in the coming months, were gonna hear plenty of dunduns. [ law order chime ] [ laughter ] gowdy wasnt the only republican who downplayed the latest bombshell. There was also republican congressman mark walker, who suggested the news was less damning than the media made it out to be. Telling buzzfeed, there are two schools of thought on this one, was this just trump being trump, saying, hey, you know, better take care of my guy, flynn . Or was there some kind of undue influence . Thats like saying, did someone come in here after hours and take all the money out of the vault . Or was this a bank robbery . [ laughter ] so mark walker doesnt seem outraged about the possibility that the president committed obstruction of justice. Then what is he outraged about . Well, the day before he made that comment downplaying the trump news, walker caused an internet firestorm when he tweeted this photo of a duck ramp at the capital reflecting pool, that allows ducklings to come and go safely with this comment if it looks like a duck and walks like a duck, it must be government waste. [ light laughter ] in his defense, many of the ducklings have used the ramp to board a private plane and then spend a weekend golfing at maralago at the taxpayers expence. [ cheers and applause ] look, there are now documented allegations that the president may have committed obstruction of justice. Congress needs to take this seriously. Instead, gop leaders seem to be maintaining their cynical alliance with trump just to get some t waiting for the next dundun. [ law order chime ] [ light laughter ] oh, and by the way right before we started taping tonight, minutes before we started, the Justice Department appointed former fbi director Robert Mueller as a special council to oversee the russia investigation. [ law order chime ] there it is [ cheers and applause ] youre going to keep hearing a lot of it. This has been a closer look. [ cheers and applause ] well be right back with naomi watts, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] mr. Brady, weve been expecting you. Will you be needing anything else . No. Not a thing. Beautyrest black. Get your beautyrest. Beauahyou the law . Weve had some complaints of. Is that a fire . Theres your payoff, deputy. Git velveeta shells cheese. Theres gold in them thar shells. Hey, here comes a lastminute suggestion. Yeah, ill pretend to write it down and then im going to circle it. Great. Wouldnt it be great if everyone said what they meant . The citiĀ® double cash card does. Earn 1 cash back when you buy, and 1 as you pay. Double means double. Im not the type to smushy garbages. You know what . Im going for it. You are completely and utterly. Awesome. Im glad you showed up. In my life i think im about to cry. You better not. Every single time i. Get down you always have. My back my back its really hard to describe. Its like. All these tiny little. Things . Yes. Yes. Things are actually. Oh no, looks like somebody needs a new network. When i got this unlimited plan they told me they were all the same. Theyre not. Verizon has the largest, mostreliable 4g lte network in america. Its basically made for places like this. Honey, what if it was just us out here . Right. So, i ordered you a car. Thank you. You dont want to be out here at night cause of the, uh, coyotes. Ok, thanks, bud. Bye. Be nice to have your car for some shelter. Bye. When it really, really matters, you need the best network and the best unlimited. Just 45 per line for four lines. This blue goo leaves a residue quit playin with my eyes,ghter. Goo. So, seventh generation developed this powerful natural detergent it gets your clothes clean. Really clean. Buh bye blue goo, and come clean with seventh generation. Quin was crazy about curls. But it took a twist of fate to find a highend curler at such a head turning price. Full of surprises. You never know what youre gonna find, but you know youre gonna love it. [ cheers and applause ] seth welcome back, everybody, and we have a surprise guest with us, with the 8g band. Hows it going over there . Hey, seth, how are you . [ cheers and applause ] seth yeah. Miley cyrus, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] thank you for having me. Seth oh my god. Thank you, everybody, you guys sounded great on malibu. Seth its great to have you, what is up . You know what, ive just been taking over nbc all day, started with the cooking show, now im here with you, been a dancing panda, so the day has been pretty crazy. Normal day for me, though. Seth thats fantastic. Yeah. Seth do you have any other stuff going on right now . Im about my new single, malibu. Anybody heard it yet . [ cheers and applause ] thank you for having me. The band sounded great on this song. Seth congratulations on that, and will you be staying for the whole show . You know what, i actually i got to go. Seth okay. See you later seth all right. [ cheers and applause ] [ cheers and applause ] seth that was pretty cool. [ light laughter ] our first guest tonight is an oscar nominated actress. You know her from films like mulholland drive, birdman, and the divergent series. Her new film the book of henry is in theaters everywhere on june 16th. Lets take a look. Sheila. Hello, peter hank. Its actually henry, i think youd be able to retain at least one simple name somewhere beyond that hair cut. Nice goggles. They go well with your misshapen head. Dont you two start already. I am going to pretend all this didnt happbe had a hell of a day, and sheila and i are just going to hang out a little. Okay . Theyre going to get so drunk right now. I know. Seth please welcome back to the show, the lovely naomi watts, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] seth welcome back. Thanks. Seth so its hard to tell from that clip, but this movie is a bit of a thriller, a bit of a drama. Its hard to put it in a box. Seth yeah. Its very hard to put it in a box. Its hard to say what it is, but its a fun ride. You dont know where youre going to go. Seth and you have two children in this film, and theyre both actors, jaden and jacob that you worked with before . Yes. Seth does that make it then easier to pretend people are your children . That you met them at least once before . [ light laughter ] yeah, it kind of is. cause you have a rapport already, and so you can just kind of grab them and scruff them up seth yeah, right. And you know, they feel okay. Seth yeah, thats good that you need that you know that a rapport is important before you grab a child. [ laughter ] its very important. Thats the key they tell you. Especially and this so these are you with your fake children. Yes, i took that actually, that was thats a selfie. Seth really . Yeah. Seth i hope you werent driving. [ light laughter ] you should not never take those i no, yeah. Seth but so you actually have two boys of your own, and they came by the set, is that when this happened . This was around halloween . Yup. Seth and so did the makeup team on the set sort of take care of them for halloween . Yes, our lovely hairdresser, sarah just had like this whole box seth fantastic. [ laughter ] of wigs, and claire did the makeup, we just went to town and yeah, its a good day on set when its halloween. Seth yeah, and so you were saying your children, we were talking backstage, nine and ten . Yeah. Seth so halloweens still a big deal to them . Eight and nine, actually. Seth eight and nine, okay gotcha. Almost ten. Seth alright. Yeah, yeah. Seth oh, no. Are you upset . I double digits. Yeah. Seth i get it. It goes by really fast. Yeah, youve got one. Seth my son was born a year ago and hes nine. [ laughter ] so one of the things is one of the children, one of your sons in this film is a genius. Hes the 11yearold who does your taxes. Thats his character. Just regular. Seth and youre a mother who plays video games, and is a little bit more like a child. Does that ever happen in your real life . Is there anything that you are more immature than your children with . There are certain things that i cant do that my children can do. Seth uhhuh. Like, i cant really work the remote control. Seth okay. Yeah, i find it difficult. Its challenging. Seth you looked in the film, you looked like you know what youre doing with the video games. Do you, at all . No, i dont really get into i did pacman in my day. Seth sure, i remember, yeah, and you dont really know how to work modern remote controls . Yeah, yah, exactly. Seth yeah, no, i was i enjoyed pacman a great deal as well, but yeah, things have changed. Things have changed. Th seth and one of the great things about the film, this is part of the set. Oh yeah. Seth theres this incredible tree house that takes place in the film. Are you is that something your kids actually got to see . No, they didnt because that was quite far out. Seth yeah. But i was planning, i had this great dream to surprise them, and you know, i figured out that i could get it back, and buy it for a certain amount of money. I mean it was not cheap. Seth wow. A lot of work to seth you were going to buy the actual tree house . Yeah, but i didnt know where to put it. Seth oh, gotcha. I live in new york city. Seth was that the surprise . [ laughter ] i have a surprise. I almost bought something, but i didnt. But not really. [ laughter ] yeah, that would be a horrible trick, but no, i think that its a good piece of realestate. Seth its a really good well, by the way, in manhattan thats like at least six grand a month. Seth six grand a month, exactly. [ laughter ] the Real Estate Agent is like, i found a place, it has charm. Total charm. [ light laughter ] seth its in central park. Its a fixerupper. Sarah silverman was in the clip. The movie has some real heaviness to it, but is it nice to work with somebody as funny as sarah . Oh yeah, she is a lot of laughs, that one. Seth yeah, she really is. She is a great actress as well. People, i feel like underestimate that part of her, but she is always good when she is not being funny as well. She has a scene in the film that will break your heart. Seth yeah. Really, really emotional scene. Seth last time you were here it broke my heart a little bit, because we were talking about the new twin peaks, which i was very excited about. David lynch, you worked with in the past. Yeah. Seth you mentioned that you will be in it to some degree, but you could not tell us anything because of the shroud of secrecy. Broke my heart a little that you would not tell me anything. Now were a lot closer. Its starting soon. Can you tell me anything now . I know Kyle Maclachlan is in it. Okay, i feel like Everybody Knows that, and i feel like thats really cruel of you. [ laughter ] i feel like, despite our friendship, that thats all you can give me is really heartbreaking. Okay, i know, but i mean seth they really its really top secret. Have you ever been in anything this top st . No, no. Seth yeah. A lot of the time you do get scripts that are watermarked, which means that youre not supposed to pass it on, and you know, they say they can trace it. And i feel like everyone does that pretty much now. Seth yeah, of course. Like everything is so important. And cant be shared and seen, but this felt very serious. Seth and because of your you have a longstanding relationship with david lynch, is the one whos saying please, everybody keep it quiet . Is it important to him . Oh yeah. No, no, he still reminds me, he still sends me Text Messages saying dont say anything, naomi. [ light laughter ] seth so does that mean you havent have you seen any of it . No, god no. Seth yeah, so he doesnt even trust you enough to show it to you. No, definitely not. I havent even seen a still, a picture. You know, like nothing. Seth its very exciting. You dont get to see the entire scene, like there are here i am, talking. Yeah, oh but they so they only show you basically your lines . Your lines, and maybe if there is a question before you know, but if you walk into a scene, and lines were said before you got there you theyre all blacked out. Seth i hope this makes sense. I hope this show makes sense. [ light laughter ] im not doing it any justice right here. Seth you have a show on netflix coming up. Thats right. Seth gypsy . Gypsy, its i play a psychologist and im doing some questionable things. Seth yeah, it doesnt it feels like you might this is not the highest ethics youve had as a character. No, that is right. Especially as a therapist. Seth is that fun to play someone who is a little less ethical . Because i feel like sometimes you play very ethical people. I do, i play nice people. Seth but do you enjoy the other . Yes, definitely fun. Seth good. Especially if youre doing it like a series along you know, ten episodes, thats a long time. Seth yeah. Good to do some juicy stuff. Seth its good to be a bad person for ten episodes, and then go through the rest of your life and be perfectly nice. Yes. Seth thank you so much for being here, always a pleasure to see you. [ cheers and applause ] naomi watts everybody the book of henry premeires everywhere on friday, june 16th. Well be right back with hank azaria. [ cheers and applause ] hidden in every swing, every chip, and every putt, is data that can make the difference between winning and losing. The microsoft cloud helps the pga tour turn countless points of data into insights that transform their business and will enhance the game for players and fans. The microsoft cloud turns information into insight. Is thno, its, uh, breyers gelato indulgences. You really wouldnt like it. Its got caramel and crunchy stuff. I like caramel and crunchy stuff. Breyers gelato indulgences. Its way beyond ice cream. Lines . An develop fine lines what lines . The chapstick total hydration collection. Our advanced skin care formulas instantly smooth and transform your lips. Now look what you made me do you and me baby it takes two bringing new moves to the Old School Time for the whole world to enjoy the view we can go left they can go right save me a dance for the end of the night when im with you its a party dont care where were going 1, 2, 3 get loose no it takes two to make a thing go right it takes two to make it out of sight. We, the entertainmentloving people, want all our rooms to be tv rooms. Because those are the best rooms. Because they have tvs in them. And, when were not in those rooms, we want our shows to go with us. Anywhere . You got that right, kid show thing. Get a directv allincluded package for 4 rooms. Only 25 a month, price guaranteed for 2 years. Available for at t unlimited plus customers. Rumor confirmed. Theyre playing. What . We gotta go. Where . San francisco. When . Friday. We gotta go. [ tires screech ] any airline. Any hotel. Any time. Go where you want, when you want with no blackout dates. [ muffled music coming from club. Blue monday by new order. Cheers. ] [ music and cheers get louder ] the travel rewards credit card from bank of america. Its travel, better connected. Narrator to do time is what is right. Ralph northam. Army doctor during the gulf war. Volunteer director of a pediatric hospice. Progressive democrat. In the senate, he passed the smoking ban in restaurants, stopped the transvaginal ultrasound antichoice law, and stood up to the nra. As lieutenant governor, dr. Northam is fighting to expand access to affordable healthcare. Ralph northam believes in making progress every day. And he wont let donald trump stop us. [ cheers and applause ] seth welcome back, everybody. Plea also, he has been with us all week, one of the most influential players in the world of modern jazz and you can check out his grammy awardwinning drumming on the lategreat david bowies no plan ep. Mark guiliana is here everybody. Give it up for mark. [ cheers and applause ] thank you, seth. Seth thank you for being here. Our next guest is an emmyaward winning actor you know from films like the birdcage, as well as the countless characters hes voiced on the simpsons. He stars in the ifc series brockmire. Lets take a look. The rules of this game are simple. After every inning, drink a beer. After every run score, drink a beer. Heck, after every strikeout, drink a beer. Oh, and if the guy sitting next to you drinks a beer, you got to drink a beer. And drink a beer every time you hear me say the magic words, hey everybody, drink a beer. Seth please welcome back to the show hank azaria, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] seth welcome back. Thank you, seth, seth congratulations on this show. Thank you. Seth its really funny. It already got picked up for a second season. Yeah, the day we premiered they picked us up. Seth which is really exciting. Although this is not great scheduling, because the Season Finale will actually air tonight before this interview airs. Thats true. Seth yeah. There is also a movie i did 11 years ago, id love everybody to check out tonight, if its possible. Seth thats perfect for this is a story about a once top of his game announcer who has fallen on hard times. Has a very wonderful meltdown in the first episode. And now we sort of pick him up ten years later. Wonderful for you, maybe, but not for him. Yeah, he walked in on his wife with not another man, but other men. And had a game to call, a ball game in kansas city to call and instead of his normal three or four beers during the broadcast, he had, oh about a, about a quart of sazerac rye whiskey. And in a blackout drunk was quite grc cant say on the air even at 11 30 at night. Seth yeah, its pretty intense. Its pretty intense what he walks in on. And this but the great thing about this character, brockmire, because that is his announcer voice, that is also his real life voice. Oh, he always talks like this. That was the comic premise of the show is the guys like this. The generic 70s baseball announcer voice, i call it, but they also sound this way when theyre fighting with their wives. When theyre having sex with their girlfriends. When theyre but they, you know, theyd say, oh man. If youre just joining us for this sexual encounter, we have got a good one going here. [ laughter ] seth youre also, this is very exciting, youre in wizard of lies which is a Bernie Madoff is it miniseries or is it a film . No, its a twohour film. Seth twohour film on hbo. And Robert De Niro is playing Bernie Madoff. Yeah. Seth and youre playing one of his associates. As a mimic, obviously im assuming that you have a de niro. Is it weird to work with de niro when you can do a de niro . Normally mayb, a guy named Frank Dipascali. First of all, my de niro is a very bad generic de niro. Its like, i do de niro from goodfellas. You know, jimmy the gent, you know, i cant have it. Over at the house commiserating all day and i cant do it. I cant. [ light laughter ] so, yeah, yeah, its all right. So [ laughter and applause ] cheap applause. But thank you. So, but yes, i was highly i play a guy named Frank Dipascali who was a guy from long island who did talk like this, you know. He was pretty much, you know, he was a gumba guy. And i found myself just to switch things up on some takes, this like well, this one, ill just, ill do a de niro impression right at bob de niro. Lets just see how that goes. And i did on some takes. Im like, you know bob, i cant do it. [ light laughter ] its not gonna work. I cant do it. Seth does he notice . He did not. No, the impression. [ laughter ] no, not because bobs not a wo but the impression seth its really coming back to your impression, yeah. The impression is not good enough to go, hey youre doing me. You know. [ light laughter ] seth you last time you were here you were talking about your son who is now 8yearsold. My son, hal. Seth hal, 8yearsold. Itll be eight very shortly. Seth and i was surprised to hear this because, you know, ive got a 1yearold now, so these things are more interesting to me than they ever were before. [ light laughter ] i did not care as much about peoples children that i do. Im fascinated now. But you guys no man does. Seth you guys have already is this true, you already had the sex talk at eight . We did. Seth wow. We got, i did this series called fatherhood on aol, so i was so freaked out about being a parent that i actually went and got all this expert advice and then i filmed it. And one of the surprising bits of advice we got were have this talk earlier rather than later. Eight is an appropriate age, because theyre going to hear about it whether you like it or not. Seth sure. And at that age theyre not going to be more embarrassed. Theyre much more open. So we found an ageappropriate book and we read it to him. Seth how did it how did he manage it . Did it all make sense to him . He was much happier about it than we were. [ laughter ] we were profoundly uncomfortable. Seth yeah. He was just kind of he led to some good questions, you know, that only an 8yearold would ask. Like, when he heard what the deal was he was like why would anybody do that . [ laughter ] another friend of ours who had a similar sex talk, her son asked, how do you know how long to leave it in for . [ laughter ] i liked that question a lot. Seth by the way, all questions i wished id ask. [ laughter ] very good question. [ laughter ] it should be like a cook book, like, leave it in at 350 for 20 minutes. [ light laughter ] seth yeah, im so worried now because i realize im going to have the talk and every followup question hell have ill say, you know what. Why dont you submit it in writing and ill get back to you in a week. Im sorry to do this, but you are this incredible voice actor who has done so many yes i am, sir. Seth so many so much but, do you mind . Please, please. You disrespect me a little bit yourself. Seth there you go. There you go. There it is. Would you mind if i read off some Simpsons Characters you gave us a little taste of some . Sure. [ cheers and applause ] seth okay. What should i say . Give me a phrase to say. Any sentence to say. Seth do you just want to say hi to me . Do you want to say, like, its great to be here. Its great to be here. Lets go with its great to be here. Seth okay, moe. [ moe szyslak voice ] hey, its great to be here, seth. [ cheers and applause ] seth dr. Nick . [ dr. Nick voice ] hey everybody, its great to be here. [ laughter ] seth comic book guy. [ comic book guy voice ] its great to be here. He always sounds sarc you didnt buy it. He sounds sarcastic. Seth no i did not. Duff man. [ duff man voice ] it is great to be here oh yeah seth professor frink. [ professor frink voice ] well, it certainly is delightful to be on this general facility. [ light laughter ] seth snake. [ snake voice ] oh, its totally blowing my mind to be here. [ light laughter ] seth cletus. Umm, what was the thing i was supposed to say again . Oh, yeah, its great to be here. [ light laughter ] seth all right, my personal favorite, bring it home, chief wiggum. Its wow, i almost choked. [ laughter ] [ chief wiggum voice ] its wonderful to be here, seth. Can you is this edible . [ laughter ] it looks like its chocolate. [ cheers and applause ] seth give it up for hank azaria everybody. Well be right back with more late night. [ cheers and applause ] woohoo banana huh . Tangerine banana banana tanger. New tic tac packs are here. In banana and tangerine flavors. Despicable me 3, only in theaters. Music volume rises ] you guys wanna go . [whistles] get all summer essentials 30, 40, and 50 percent off. But when we brought our daughter home, that was it. Now i have nicoderm cq. The nicoderm cq patch with unique extended release Technology Helps prevent your urge to smoke all day. Its the best thing that ever happened to me. Every great why needs a great how. I dont think thats how theyre made. Klondike hooks up with tasty flavors. The best ice cream bars ever conceived. When a fire destroyed the living room. We were able to replace everything in it. Liberty did what . Liberty mutual paid to replace all of our property that was damaged. And we didnt have to touch our savings. Yeah, our insurance wont do that. Well, there goes my boat. You can leave worry behind when liberty stands with youā„¢. Liberty Mutual Insurance to take on the tom Insurance Companies and the Credit Card Companies and the wall street banks. Thats what Tom Perriello is about. Progressive causes have been my lifes work. Im Tom Perriello. And before and after congress i led nonprofits to battle climate change, poverty and president bushs attacks on civil rights. Now im running for governor to reduce economic inequality. Because together, we really can build a virginia that works for everyone. [ cheers and applause ] seth wel b continue with the show i wanted to take a second to mention some of the guests we have coming up on next weeks show. Very excited hey, seth, arent you forgetting something . Seth no, i dont think i am. Are you sure . [ light laughter ] seth yeah, im sure. So you mean to tell me that youre going to go this whole entire show without mentioning that this week is the sevenyear anniversary of the major motion picture, shrek forever after the final chapter in 3d . [ laughter ] yeah, no, here was no way i was going to do that. [ light laughter ] what, for real you werent going to . Seth im sorry, you honestly were expecting me to take a moment out of the show and talk about the seventh anniversary of the release of the movie shrek . Yes, and its shrek forever after the final chapter in 3d, get it right. [ laughter ] seth well, im sorry i got the title of the third shrek movie wrong. Its the fourth shrek movie. [ laughter ] seth how many are there . Not enough, there should be at least 400 by this point. I dont understand why congress cant get off of their asses and [ laughter ] okay, thank you, but we got to move on with the show, buddy. Come on, man, talk about shrek forever after the final chapter in 3d. Seth look man, i know you came down here, and you dressed up. You put on the makeup. This isnt makeup. [ laughter ] seth you didnt paint yourself green . No, im just feeling real queasy, i ate a mcmuffin i found in the garbage this morning. [ laughter ] seth and what about the ears . I wrestled in high school. [ laughter ] seth im sorry, we have to move on with the show man. Seth, stop being a farquaad and talk about shrek. [ laughter ] seth what is a farquaad . The human dwarf bad guy in shrek, can you believe this [ bleep ] guy . Seriously . [ laughter ] seth hey, you know what . I dont think im the problem here. Show some respect for shrek forever after the final chapter in 3d. It made 700 million worldwide. Worldwide [ laughter ] now talk about it seth what is there to talk about . Eddie murphy, he was in the shrek. Seth yeah, i know, he was the donkey. The what . Seth the donkey. Dont you mean the donkey . [ laughter ] seth i dont want to talk about shrek. Why dont you want to talk about it . Seth well, because i dont think its important to celebrate the seventh anniversary of anything, let alone the fourth shrek movie. Okay, okay, i see that now. Seth and if i did, what would i even say . I dont know, maybe Something Like this . [ light laughter ] the year was 2010. The setting . The United States of america. The world stands on the precipice of a new decade when what the future will be is uncertain. Steve jobs unveils his new invention, the ipad, rihanna rocks the airways with her hit, rude boy, and a young wisconsin senator, paul ryan is seven years away from saving the American Health care system. [ laughter ] but our story doesnt begin there, no, no, no, no, it begins october 17th, 1995. Deep in the bowels of the dreamworks compound universal city, california, where they would start to create a large, green, intimidating physical ogre with a scottish accent who would not only teach the world how to laugh in dark times, but hed also taught us how to love again. Seth hey, buddy, how much much longer is this going to take . [ laughter ] i havent even gotten to the part about shreks penis. [ laughter ] seth okay, you know what . Give it up for this awful, awful man. [ cheers and applause ] well be right back with music from bnqt. [ cheers and applause ] this isy of how q got curly. Quin was crazy about curls. Curly fries. Curly straws. Curly haired dogs. Even those cute curly tails on pigs. But to quins chagrin everything about her was so very straight. Which made the next twist so amazing. Did she expect to find a highend hair curler at a mindbendingly low price . Never. But thats the beauty of a store full of surprises. You never know what youre gonna find, but you know youre gonna love it. Marshalls. Your surprise is waiting. At planters, we put fresh roawhich has its drawbacks. An, guys, know anything about this missing inventory . Wasnt me the cheeks dont lie, chet. Irresistibly planters. This blue goo leaves a residue quit playin with my eyes,ghter. Goo. So, seventh generation developed this powerful natural detergent it gets your clothes clean. Really clean. Buh bye blue goo, and come clean with seventh generation. Allthat was amazing. E sitting. The ceiling is all spider webs. 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Be nice to have your car for some shelter. Bye. When it really, really matters, you need the best network and the best unlimited. Just 45 per line for four lines. [ cheers and applause ] seth tonights musical guests are an indy super group travis, and grandaddy. Making their Television Debut performing restart, please welcome to the show bnqt everybody. [ cheers and applause ] i was amazed at the man i could be i did all the right things and my aim was to please i could talk about it but they wont believe me Walking Around but it feels like a crawl telling kids to be men is the worst of it all i could talk about it but people deceive me how will i get out whenn when we started not a belief that we could ever part now it all seems a bit too heavy i think we could all use a restart but what does that mean im picking up pieces i found once again i belong with the broken but soon on the mend i could talk about it who would receive me i get out with a crowd every once in a while but im older now and holding out how will i get out when in is only allowed what were we thinking when we started not a belief that we could ever part now it all seems a bit too heavy i think we could all use a restart but what does that mean ive giving up giving up giving up giving up giving up giving up giving up giving up im giving up on living up ive giving up giving up giving up giving up giving up giving up giving up im giving up on living up how will i get out when in is only allowed what were we thinking when we started not a belief that we could ever part now it all seems a bit too heavy i think we could all use a restart but what does that mean [ cheers and applause ] seth bnqt, folks. The album volume one is out now. Well be right back. [ cheers and applause ] i own my own company. I had some severe fatigue, some funny rashes. Finally, listening to my wife, went to a doctor. And i became diagnosed with hodgkins lymphoma. That diagnosis was tough. I had to put my trust in somebody. When i first met steve, we recommended chemotherapy, and then we did high dose therapy and then autologous stem cell transplant. Unfortunately, he went on to have progressive disease i thought that he would be a good candidate for immune therapy. Its an intravenous medicine that is going system evade the tumor. With chemotherapy, i felt rough, fatigue, nauseous. And with immune therapy weve had such a positive result. Im back to working hard. Ive honestly never felt this great. I believe the future of immunotherapy at ctca is very bright. The evolution of cancer care is here. Learn more at cancercenter. Com Appointments Available now. Y2d1iy y16fy [ cheers and applause ] seth my thanks to naomi watts, hank azaria, bnqt, everybody [ cheers and applause ] miley cyrus, mark guiliana, 8g band. [ cheers and applause ] stay turned for carson daly. Well see you tomorrow. [ cheers and applause ] carson hey, gang its your buddy carson. Good to see you. Tonight last call is going to rock. Let me tell you what we got

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