With russian officials last week. You know, at this point, id give anything to return to the simpler days of the campaign. Ah, yes, there you go. [ light laughter ] the days when the only thing he gave away was his autograph. [ laughter ] i just want to see you sign hats again, mr. President. Resign that hat. Youve got to resign. You have to resign. [ cheers and applause ] still a lot of hats out there you can get back to. National security adviser h. R. Mcmaster today defended President Trump for sharing classified information with russia saying, quote, the president wasnt even aware where the information came from. Well, that doesnt surprise me. [ light laughter ] i would bet trump isnt even sure where babies come from. [ laughter ] first, you marry a model and then a stork drops off a baby with the doorman. [ light laughter ] and then you give the baby a unqualified for. [ laughter and applause ] a new a new gallup poll finds that President Trumps Approval Rating has dropped to 38 . 38 . You know its bad when your Approval Ratings reach the numbers where you get concerned your phone is going to die. [ laughter ] oh, this is not good. [ applause ] Representative Trey Gowdy said yesterday that he is not the right person to replace fired fbi director james comey. He is however the right person to portray beaker in a live action reboot of the muppets. [ laughter and applause ] a new poll found that 55 of voters wished former president obama was still in office instead of President Trump. But not this voters. [ cheers ] hes good. Fox news host Kimberly Guilfoyle said yesterday that she is in talks with President Trumps administon sean spicer as White House Press secretary. I dont know if thatll solve their pr problems, but it might finally get melania to move in. [ laughter ] the fashion house chanel was criticized, recently, for appropriating indigenous australian culture by selling a 1,000 boomerang. The controversy has died down but i have a feeling its gonna come back around. [ laughter and applause ] and finally, Florida Police say a man attempted to bribe an officer with taco bell after he was caught with cocaine. [ light laughter ] so now hes also being charged with attempted murder. [ laughter ] ladies and gentlemen, we have a fantastic show for you tonight. [ cheers and applause ] her new single, remember me, is available now. Jennifer hudson is back on the show, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] hes on a fantastic new show here at nbc called great news. Hes one of our alltime favorites. Horatio sanz is in the house tonight. [ cheers and applause ] and he is a very funny writer and currently the showrunner of hbos veep. David mandel joins us this evening. [ cheers and applause ] so youre here on a very good night. But before we get to all that, once again the white house spent the day in damage control after a bombshell report about President Trump revealing highly classified information to Russian Diplomats during a meeting in the Oval Office Last week. And tonight, news broke that trump asked the fbi director to drop an investigation into his former National Security adviser, michael flynn. For more on this, its time for a closer look. [ cheers and applause ] seth for the last week the Trump White House has been desperate to change the story from trumps decision to fire fbi director james comey to literally anything else. And good news, theyve succeeded. Tonight, breaking news involving President Trump. Stunning reports that the president of the United States shared classified information with the russians in the oval office. Current and former u. S. Officials reportedly told the paper the president went off script. Seth and it doesnt shock me that donald trump went off script. This is a man who reads off the teleprompter like its an eye chart. [ laughter ] god bless the United States of sorry, i cant read that last one. Antarctica . [ applause ] but lets just take a second to think about how insane the last eight days have been. On monday, we learned that thenpresident obama warned trump not to hire former National Security adviser michael flynn. On tuesday, trump fired fbi director james comey, which comey found out about on tv. On wednesday, he met in the oval office with Russian Diplomats, including an accused russian spy. On thursday, he admitted that he fired comey, specifically because of the russian investigation. On friday, he threatened comey with secret tapes of their conversations. On saturday, the Justice Department began interviewing new candidates for fbi director. Gave the russians highly classified information. And today we learned that trump asked comey to shut down the fbis investigation into flynn. And, if youre wondering why i didnt mention sunday, that was mothers day. So obviously, trump was doing what all normal husbands do spending the day alone on the golf course in a different state. [ laughter and applause ] which which in fairness, is the best gift he could have given her. [ laughter ] now, before we get to the news about the flynn investigation, there is the fact that we currently have a white house that seems to be drowning in nonstop chaos caused by the president s recklessness. And white house staffers seem constantly overwhelmed and unable to deal with that chaos. Last night, a senior trump aide told the daily beast that when the news broke, Communications Staff and senior staffers at the white house were literally hiding in offices. [ audience groans ] and hey, that might sound bad. But at least sean spicer was hiding in an office and not the bushes like he did last week. [ laughter ] and in fact, i think we have a picture of his new office. There yo, [ laughter and applause ] according to the daily beast, things were so grim in the Trump Administration last night that an aide described the scene at the white house as tense and a morgue. I guess that explains why steve bannon looks like hes already been embalmed. [ laughter ] dude looks like he gargles with formaldehyde. [ laughter ] but just think about how demoralizing it must be to work for trump right now. A man who has proven himself repeatedly to be temperamentally unfit for handling issues as serious as National Security. Even before this latest crisis, working for trump was already a nonstarter for most serious National Security professionals. For example, in february, trump offered the job of National Security adviser to retired admiral robert harward. But harward turned the job down. Cnn reported at the time that a friend of harwards said he was reluctant to take the National Secure advisers job because the white house seemed so chaotic. Said harward called the offer, a [ bleep ] sandwich. [ laughter ] fine, if you dont want it, paul . Paul. [ applause ] i i got to be honest, ill eat anything if it comes with tax cuts. Mmmm. Thats some good [ bleep ]. So what about the guy who has the job of National Security adviser now . That will be leiutenant general h. R. Mcmaster. And it doesnt seem like the job is going much better for him. Reporters last night said that after the news broke, they saw mcmaster in the white house and as he walked by the gathered reporters mcmaster said, this is the last place in the world i want to be. [ light laughter ] wow at least sean spicer only says that with his eyes. [ laughter and applause ] and just and just to give you an idea of how big a deal this is, the intel that trump gave the russians was reportedly code word information, which is highly sensitive to say the least. So what could possibly have been going through trumps head when he did this . Well, apparently, he was try the great intel he gets. And now trumps aides are actually defending him, by claiming that he probably did not realize what he was doing was bad. A trump adviser told politico, he doesnt really know any boundaries. He doesnt think in those terms. He doesnt sometimes realize the implications of what hes saying. He doesnt know boundaries, he doesnt know the implications of what he says, when a ball rolls behind the couch, he thinks its gone forever. [ laughter ] you know, president stuff. [ laughter ] now, obviously, this is awkward for trump for a number of reasons, especially since he seemed to take the handling of classified information so seriously during the president ial campaign. When he was running against Hillary Clinton. Hillarys private email scandal, which put our classified information in the reach of our enemies, disqualifies her from the presidency. We cant have someone in the oval office who doesnt understand the meaning of the word confidential or classifie i dont think its safe to have Hillary Clinton be briefed on National Security, because the word will get out. I know at some point theyre going to be calling theyre going to want to brief me. But im not a talker about the stuff. This is like watergate, only its worse. Because here our foreign enemies were in a position to hack our most sensitive National Security secrets. Seth of course, it turns out, the russians didnt need to hack hillarys email server, they were able hack trumps mouth. [ laughter ] the password is tell us. [ laughter and applause ] now, trumps team has tried to claim that nothing he discussed with the russians was out of bounds. But remember, when hillary made that same argument, trump was not buying it. In fact, he insisted that whatever was on hillarys server must have been highly sensitive and dangerous for National Security and rejected her infamous claim that the many of planning and yoga. Her staff deleted all the emails and wiped it clean. Why would anybody thats getting rid of emails that had to do with the wedding and also wasnt it remember, right . Yoga, yoga. Yoga and the wedding. Why are you when you delete 33,000 i figure five for the wedding and two for the yoga, right . So thats seven. Seth trump thinks it takes five emails to plan a wedding . [ laughter and applause ] thats it. Five emails. Four kids, one wife, same subject line. Let me know when and where. Also, eric is not invited. [ laughter and applause ] and let me point out, i love that trump thinks this is yoga. [ laughter ] donald, were actually doing downward dog. Oh, no, im just going to do baby hands. [ laughter ] my favorite clip, though, is trump describing in detail what would happen if we elected a president who inappropel shared classified information. Hillary clinton is unfit and unqualified to be the president of the United States. If hillary is elected, she would be under protracted criminal investigation likely followed by the trial of a sitting president. This is just hey, this is just what we need, just what we need. The investigation will last for years. Nothing will get done. Government will grind to a halt. And our country will continue to suffer. Seth its amazing the only thing he got wrong was the president s name. [ cheers and applause ] gotta give it up. This is like this whole thing is like a horror movie where the police call trump and say, the killer is calling from inside the house and also, were pretty sure youre the killer. [ laughter ] so far gop leaders have been almost completely silent despite their supposed outrage, during handling of classified information. But behind the scenes, at least some gop Foreign Policy experts are expressing shock at what trump did. For example, when reached for comment by politico a former Senior Defense Department Official in the george w. Bush administration emailed simply wtf. [ laughter ] and thats a guy who worked for george w. Bush. The w stood for wtf. [ light laughter ] also, pretty soon donald trump is going to exhaust the nations supply of exclamation points. Soon were gonna have to tap into our strategic asterisk reserves. [ laughter and applause ] so publicly publicly republicans dont seem to be budging from their support for trump. But privately, at least, there are signs that it may be dawning on republicans that they will be held accountable by voters for every one trumps reckless and chaotic acts. Republicans are no doubt and you see it in corkers statement there, others as well wringing their hands a little bit, getting a little nervous here. These guys are in a raging moment donald trump can finally snap and run to the run down pennsylvania avenue in a gold speedo and these guys are gonna be held responsible for his crazy actions. Seth yeah, i dont know. If trump ran down pennsylvania avenue in a gold speedo, i feel like paul ryan would just run after him with a bottle of suntan lotion, yelling, sir, can i protect you from the damaging uv rays . [ laughter ] and then just before we started taping tonight, the New York Times reported that President Trump asked fbi director james comey to shut down the federal investigation into trumps former National Security adviser, michael flynn, in an Oval Office Meeting in february according to the memo that comey wrote shortly after the meeting. The memo was a part of a paper trail comey created, documenting what he perceived as the president s improper efforts to influence an ongoing investigation. So trump fired comey, thinking that would get rid of him. And instead he just freed up comey to start telling everybody what he knows. Thats like cutting our your victims tongue and forgetting he can still write stuff down. [ laughter ] its like handcuffing somebody to a rolling chair. [ laughter ] where did he go . Just because you put him behind the couch doesnt mean hes not there anymore. [ cheers and applause ] we need we need republicans to stand up and do something, because right now, weve got a president who is deeply unfit for the office. Just in the past week, weve learned that he fired the fbi director to obstruct an investigation into his own campaign. Threatened that fbi director with secret tapes. Gave highly classified information to the russians. And tried to interfere to shut down an fbi investigation into his former National Security adviser. This scandal is like oh, what . Whats a good way to describe it . This is like watergate, only its worse. Seth yeah, yeah, thats good. [ laughter and applause ] this has been a closer look. [ cheers and applause ] jennifer hudson, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] madetoorder 100 beef burgers that are 100 from dennys. 100 beef burgers with fries starting at 6. 99. 100 seriously. Music volume rises ] you guys wanna go . [whistles] get all summer essentials 30, 40, and 50 percent off. Hi, fashion. Old navy first you start with this. These guys. A place like shhh no. Found it and definitely lipton ice tea. Lots of it. A lipton meal is what you bring to it. And the refreshing taste of lipton iced tea. How do they make starburst taste so juicy . They use wicked small fighter jets to shoot the juiciness into every starburst. [ pilot ] its about to get juicy. Whoo i feel so aliii. It takes guts. [ female announcer ] starburst. Unexplainably juicy. Ooh, is that a galaxy s8 . A world traveler, start by. Handsome screen. Well, pack that. Oop, oh ok, were moving fast. Youll need a tour guide. Apparently not. Dont forget a big camera. Or that phone will work. Traveling by yourself can be lonely. And. Youve already made friends. Ok, i guess you have the world traveler thing covered. [ cheers and applause ] seth welcome back, everybody. Give it up for the 8g band right over there. [ cheers and applause ] also, so happy this week, we are joined with one of m modern jazz community. And you can hear his grammy awardwinning playing on the icon david bowie no plan ep. Mark guiliana, everybody. Thank you. [ cheers and applause ] our first guest is a goldenglobe, grammy, and Academy Awardwinning actress and singer who recently released her new single, remember me, from her highly anticipated upcoming album. Please welcome back to the show jennifer hudson, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] seth welcome back, jennifer. Thank you for having me back. Seth it is so great to see you. I saw you i did not see you personally, i saw you on stage on monday morning. There is this thing called upfronts, for people who dont know, where the Networks Talk about their new fall schedules. And you open the morning at 10 00 a. M. On monday and you sang at radio city music hall and you brought the house down. Morning on monday or awful . You know what, i just sing when im told to sing. It could be four in the morning, ten in the morning. But i thought i would be yall alarm clock and wake you up. Make sure yall was ready for the upfronts. Seth yeah. Did i wake up . Seth you woke me up. Yeah, i was ready. Were you have you ever been to the upfronts before . You ever been to something i have. I did lets see, fox upfronts before. Own upfronts before. And now nbc upfronts. Seth there you go. So this is my third time around. Seth but the thing that shocked me i was saying this backstage. I saw you walking in about ten minutes beforehand, you didnt have any giant vocal warmups. And you know, thats a giant room and you kind of, you know again, its not like you didnt have a microphone, but you filled it. Do you not have to do those for giant i dont warm up. I literally get up and sing. I just need just give me a little sip of tea. And then its like, okay. No, seriously. Would yall want me to sing . [ cheers and applause ] and thats what i did. Actually in that moment, that was my first time singing that day. Seth you had not sung at all that day. You went out and the first thing you did was sing to everybody at radio . Seth i want to drink whatever tea you drink. [ light laughter ] i want i want a little sip of that tea to start my day. I will send you some. Seth okay, thank you. This is very exciting as well, one of the reasons you were there, you are going to be on this seasons the voice. The voice. Seth are you excited . I am [ cheers and applause ] so excited. When the news came, i literally cried. Seth you cried . I was like, i need a moment. Seth did you not know . Yes, i knew seth you saw it on the news and youre like [ laughter ] it became real in that moment. And for me to come from a you know a place like that, once i was a contestant, and then who would have ever thought that one day i would be a coach seth yeah. In the chairs turning around for, you know, other hopefuls. So for me its a different meaning. So i was very emotional about it. Seth thats great. Yeah. You could never have imagined you certainly never would imagine giant chairs turning around. Yeah. Seth nobody saw that coming. [ laughter ] nobody i thought wed have flying cars before we had chairs that turned around like that. And you did a season there is a the voice thats in the u. K. As well. Yes. S over there and you won. And team jhud won. Seth oh, wow. So im coming to the states [ cheers and applause ] so team jhud can win again. Seth gotcha. Yeah. Seth now does that mean you think that the likes of Blake Shelton should be intimidated by oh, they better look out. Seth okay. [ light laughter ] yeah. You know, again, like blake and adam, they are like the main stays. So its like i know they have a certain strategy. And i learned from the u. K. That will. I. Am and tom jones and all of them, okay, i got to watch these people. So, im already like watching them seth uhhuh. So that team jhud can be ready. Because when i come i come to win. [ cheers and applause ] theyve got to be ready. Oaky. Seth i did have im very excited. Im a little worried that you seem to have more strategy for the voice than our Current Administration has for National Security. [ laughter ] but, i think thats great. Im glad that youre taking this seriously. So you lived in england, how long were you there . Well, for the last we were there for a month. Seth a month. A month. Seth and how i heard you had a little trouble with the accents. Is that true . Yeah. I realized, after being there a month, im like why are these people looking at me like that . Saying, because i can never understand what theyre saying. [ laughter ] and so wed just be looking at each other like [ light laughter ] just confused. And i learned that like even though, you know its britain, not every accent is the same. Seth yeah, theres a lot of different it depends on where you are from. And the richer it gets and the deeper it gets and the more confused i get. Seth yeah. [ light laughter ] so now, so this the voice of course takes you back to l. A. So youre going back to l. A. Now. I am. And i just left l. A. Seth yeah. Because you were just out there for work as well. So now youre going back. Yes, so im looking for a new spot in l. A. Seth all right. Well there you go, thats very exciting. Your album. So you have a new single on the album. And but it takes picking a single, the first single must be a very intense process. How did you pick this song . Well, i mean, i think music is in a different place right now. So its more everybody feels like, its like we go off of what we feel. And this song just felt right. You know . Seth okay. And even with this project, its led by, like, my perspective and what im feeling, how im living. And its just like, you know what . I feel like this song is right and this the time for it to come out. And thats why remember me is the lead single for my fourth seth fourth album. Fourth album. Seth congratulations on that as well. Thank you. Make sure you pick it up [ cheers and applause ] seth i am very curious to hear you tell me if this is true or not. I heard that in the recording of this album you wore a vault over your head . Yeah. Seth so what explain what that means. I dont know. I still dont know. But, i recorded with jamie hartman, who wrote this song. We cowrote it together. And he had me put my head in this big black dome. And i sat in the control room in a chair and then there was this dome that just went around my head. Seth how big is the dome . Can one person carry it . I dont know if two heads can fit in it. Seth okay. No, but like is it so heavy that did, like, two people bring it in and put it over your head . Well, it was already there. Seth okay. Ive still got to ask them, what was the dome for . And my head went inside of it. And i was sitting down like this. [ laughter ] seth totally pitch black . Is it pitch black . Yeah, its pitch black. Seth okay. It had like a mic in it with a pop filter. You musicians, yall know what im talking about. Seth yeah. Theyll explain it to me later. Yeah, and i was like, okay jamie, im puttin my head in this. Hes like, dont think im crazy. Okay . This is okay. Seth by the way, always when people say, you have to worry theyre crazy, yeah. [ light laughter ] right. And now my mom always taught me, think for yourself. And i was like, okay. Im putting my head in this. Why . I dont know. But the song came out good. Seth yeah. And when your head came out of your vault, my purse was gone. It was gone. Seth my car keys were gone. [ laughter ] gone seth but this im very impressed as well, because that meant you had to you had know your lyrics at that point. Yes. Seth because its dark. You couldnt have you are right. You are right. [ laughter ] okay. Okay. Seth yeah, im just telling you, youre a professional. I guess i am. Seth this again, a professional. To sort of button this, you went you were at radio city a couple weeks ago for the tribeca film fest. An incredible night. Aretha franklin was there. Was Barry Manilow . Barry manilow, aretha franklin, dionne warwick. Like all of the legends, i mean, earth, wind fi yeah, it is seth its great always happy when all three show up. Its never great when [ light laughter ] when its just earth and fire thats never fun. Yeah. Seth wind winds out somewhere else. He went to carnegie. Im still trying to figure out who is earth and who is fire. Who is who. Seth but you got to sing a Whitney Houston song that night. Yeah, yeah. Seth was that an incredible moment . Its definitely an incredible moment. Any time you, you know, you can stop and have a moment. Because whitney was my idol. Seth yeah. To be able to honor her. And i also sang hallelujah as well. Clives request. And just to lift you up in a positive way, which is fun. And we just had a great time in the room. And i remember, i actually clive to dance a little bit. Seth well thats pretty good. Which was an i couldnt even make it through the song cause it was so funny to me. I was like, okay, clive is dancing. Im gonna sit down now. Seth well congrats on that. Thank you. Seth and congrats on everything. Its always so great to see you. Thank you. [ cheers and applause ] seth i cant wait to see you on the voice. Thank you. Seth cant wait to hear the album. Jennifer hudson, everybody. Her new single, remember me, is available now. We will be back with horatio sanz. [ cheers and applause ] rumor confirmed. Theyre playing. What . We gotta go. Where . San francisco. When . Friday. We gotta go. [ tires screech ] any airline. Any hotel. Any time. Go where you want, when you want with no blackout dates. [ muffled music coming from club. Blue monday by new order. Cheers. ] [ music and cheers get louder ] the travel rewards credit card from bank of america. Its travel, better connected. The travel rewards credit card from bank of america. I dont think thats how theyre made. Klondike hooks up with tasty flavors. The best ice cream bs ever conceived. were proud to reveal that jim beam black has been awarded the worlds highest rated bourbon. Their words, not our make history. make history. Oh no, looks like somebody needs a new network. When i got this unlimited plan they told me they were all the same. Theyre not. Verizon has the largest, mostreliable 4g lte network in america. Its basically made for places like this. Honey, what if it was just us out here . Right. So, i ordered you a car. Thank you. You dont want to be out here at night cause of the, uh, coyotes. Ok, thanks, bud. Bye. Be nice to have your car for some shelter. Bye. When it really, really matters, you need the best network and the best unlimited. Just 45 per line for four lines. This is the story of how q got curly. Quin was crazy about curls. Curly fries. Curly straws. Curly haired dogs. Even those cute curly tails on pigs. But to quins chagrin everything about her was so very straight. Which made the next twist so amazing. Did she expect to find a highend hair curler at a mindbendingly low price . Never. But thats the beauty of a store full of surprises. T youre gonna find, but you know youre gonna love it. Marshalls. Your surprise is waiting. Woohoo banana huh . Tangerine banana banana tanger. New tic tac packs are here. In banana and tangerine flavors. Despicable me 3, only in theaters. And tangerine flavors. Our Insurance Company may not have a name your price tool [ shouting ] but we got disses for days your mother is so lame, she never put any notes in your lunch bag. Sandwiches ooonly. Yeah yeah, well if you use progressives name your price tool, maybe you could use the savings to buy a decent suit. I got this jaime. You could throw shade all day but itll never land cause we got the name your price tool in the palm of our haaand what . It was a sweet burn. Progressives name your price tool. Word to your wallet. [ cheers and applause ] seth welcome back, everybody. Our next guest is a very funny comedian who you know from his work on saturday night live. He hosts the weekly podcast, the horray show, and can be seen in the new comedy great news, which airs tuesday nights at 9 00 here on nbc. Lets take a look. Hey, who are you, the janitor . Clean up these papers that someone else threw on the ground. No, im the editor, justin. Havent i seen you going through the garbage . No. Oh, wait garbage . Yeah. Cool guitar. Seth please welcome back to the show our very good friend, horatio sanz, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] seth welcome back, buddy. Its great to see you. Its very fun to be here. Im very excited. I was excited all week to i want to address the fact that you decided to bring some food out. Yes. Ah, i had why miss an opportunity . I was downstairs at the jimmy fallon tonight show. Seth yep, right downstairs. One floor down. Right downstairs, saying hi. I wasnt on the show, just saying hi to people. Seth all right, good. cause you know, when you are booked on one show, its nice to yeah. [ light laughter ] right, yeah. You like to get the staff of another show. [ laughter ] and miley cyrus did a bit at the top of the show. And when she left i went inside her dressing room and i got her lunch. [ laughter ] seth and you have photographic evidence. Because obviously a lot of people pretend they have her lunch. Right. Seth you took this was outside her dressing room. And that [ laughter ] this is provenance. Seth that does look to match it. Yeah, thats the correct provenance. Seth okay . And i want to auction it off. Seth provenance . Provenance. Seth yeah, okay. Thats right. I watch antiques roadshow. Seth antiques roadshow, yeah. [ light laughter ] the patina of the shells and cheese. [ light laughter ] its i havent touched it. This cookie has been bitten by miley cyrus. [ light laughter ] you know, so you can buy it. Im going to auction her lunch off, and then im going to give the proceeds to planned parenthood. [ laughter ] seth okay. Now can i ask a question . [ cheers and applause ] thank you. Seth is it you think have to buy the full set or will you be auctioning it off in pieces . I think the whole set. Seth yeah. The whole set. Theres Collard Greens. So mileys trying to maybe try some soul food. Is that Collard Greens . Seth no. [ light laughter ] what is it . Seth i think, i dont know. Again, more miley dna. [ laughter ] seth well, thats great. You seem to come across stuff all the time. Interesting things all the time. Here you are, just a guy walking around, you come across miley cyruss lunch. Im just a normal guy. Seth youre just a normal guy. [ light laughter ] but you posted this on instagram. You found a dead hawk. Where . In my back yard. Seth in your back yard. And heres a photo of you with the dead hawk. And you had nothing to do with the death of this hawk, right . Absolutely not. Seth because youre wearing the sunglassf that is true. That is true. Thats a kind of a hunting outfit. Seth yeah. But i dont like hunting. Seth you dont like hunting . I love animals. Seth so you find this hawk. So what did you oh, what happened was im playing im playing toss with my dog raisin. Seth okay. And he usually comes back with like a stuffed sock or something, you know . And i throw the sock in the darkness and he doesnt come back. Seth get a ball. Why are you throwing a sock . He doesnt like balls. Seth okay. Gotcha. [ light laughter ] all right, so you so you throw a sock into the dark, raisin goes. And im like, raisin [ clapping ] and he doesnt come back. And im like what the hell. So i go into the darkness, like m. Night shyamalan movie [ light laughter ] and raisins just sitting there like, check this out. [ light laughter ] and theres this giant dead hawk on my lawn in the corner. So i look at i do an autopsy, with a chopstick. [ light laughter ] because i was going to try to trace the bullet hole. Then, i was going call the police, because its an endangered animal. Seth right. But because its endangered, i couldnt get it stuffed. Seth really, you wanted to get in hollywood that pretended to be like, yeah, we do all the hollywood birds. [ light laughter ] they didnt even call me back. Seth really . Yeah seth because you described it and they said, thats endangered and we cant do it. Yeah, its a red tailed hawk and theyre endangered. Then i looked up videos and apparently they fight in the middle of the air and like slash each others chests. Seth so maybe thats how he went down . I think so. Seth yeah. And so where is he now . Hes probably in a dumpster. Seth okay, gotcha. [ light laughter ] [ audience ohs ] well i mean, i wanted to bury him and stuff, but he was in my freezer for a year and a half. [ light laughter ] seth you waited a year and a half for the bird people to call you back . I was thinking well theres also you can buy dvds and do it yourself. Doityourself taxidermy. [ light laughter ] i thought about that. I thought about sneaking him into mexico. But way things are now, i dont know if id get back. Right, wally . [ laughter ] seth certainly wouldnt get back with a stuffed endangered species. [ applause ] so congrats on great news. You play an editor on the show. We saw in a clip. This is an nbc show, fantastic cast. Its so. Seth tina fey. And tracey wigfield. Theyre just its so full of jokes and goodness that i barely have to show up. Seth and Andrea Martin, the fantastic Andrea Martin from sctv. Is that is it fun to work with her . So good. Yeah, you know, i grew up loving sctv and snl. And so she was, like, walking in and being with a legend and i was just like first time i met her, im just like, im not going to [ bleep ], youre awesome. I love you. Youre one of my heroes. Then i walked away. Seth okay. [ light laughter ] yeah. Seth so she probably thought youre a pretty weird dude. Yeah, yeah. Seth and then you said, d you know anywhere i can get a red tailed hawk stuffed . [ laughter ] yeah. She didnt know. Seth this is a real i know you and i talked about it after the election, cause i had sort of forgotten this happened. You were at snl for a very long time. You do a lot of sketches. And id remembered when donald trump hosted in 2004, but i had forgotten the sketch we did where he played my father and then you played Jimmy Fallons father. And it was a cable access show about fathers and sons. And i want to show a clip of it for a couple of reasons. One, it was about how you guys were very afio and this is funny, donald trump and i did not get along as father and son. [ laughter ] no seth yeah. No. And when we were rehearsing, me and jimmy are picking each other up, throwing each other on couches. Just having a good old time. And you were miserable. Seth i was pretty miserable. I also, again, i dont want to harkin back on this too hard. But you guys, the minute you and jimmy came out, you were laughing the entire time. Yeah. Seth you immediately i had a ridiculous wig. And im playing his father, so that was enough to send me off, you know. Seth yeah. [ light laughter ] so i want to show this clip. And what had happened right before is you guys had been really affectionate with one another. But the thing i really want everybody to watch is we come back and you guys are, again, youre laughing, and theres a newspaper a real newspaper on the coffee table. And i dont remember what was on the newspaper, but you point to a headline in the newspaper. And im pretty sure thinking back it was something awful. And you it makes jimmy laugh so hard and it makes me laugh too, because its completely it has nothing to do with the scene. Youre laughing and you just point at the newspaper. Yeah. And its like if you are a prop master, and someone says, get me a newspaper i dont know, you dont go down the street and get the newspaper from the day. And so it had horrible anyway, lets show it. Seth yeah, take look. Why cant you be like that with me . Im not like that with your mother. [ laughter ] theyre so sad, theyre happy. [ laughter ] id give anything, man. [ applause ] great. Seth i do want to point out [ applause ] of the four of us in that scene, the only one who is being professional was donald trump. [ laughter ] absolutely, yeah. Seth so again very capable as an snl host. Seth it was wonderful. The timing on that was great. Mmhmm. Seth and i really and mean this, i think he missed his calling. [ laughter ] yeah. Oh yeah, what im pointing to is like i said you usually get like a fake newspaper and theres nothing to read on it. But this was a newspaper from three days ago, and there was like a building on fire, a bombing. An airplane falling. It was like, just the worst headline to have on a prop newspaper. So thats why i was pointing at it like, look at this. [ light laughter ] seth and it was great, because you dont none of it was just a thing to make it feel like a house. So none of us had even paid any attention it to. Yet the middle of the sketch not in rehearsal live horatio, decides oh, i want to, i mean to show you guys. [ laughter ] yep. Seth always so great to see you, buddy. Oh, its a pleasure. Seth congrats on the show. Congrats on everything else. [ cheers and applause ] sorry about the hawk. Horatio sanz, everybody. Great news aires tuesday nights at 9 00 here on nbc. Well be right back with more late night. [ cheers and applause ] well its a perfect nespresso morning here, george. Hold on a second. Mmm. Hey there. Want a lift . Where are we going . No dont tell me. Let me guess. Have a nice ride. How far would you go for coffee thats a cup above . I brought you nespresso. Nespresso. What else . When you eat a subway® 6 footlong sub of the day. Its the taste you love, at a price you cant get enough of. The 6 footlong sub of the day. Seven days, seven footlongs, seven more ways to enjoy subway®. Mr. Brady, weve been expecting you. Will you be needing anything else . Not a thing. Beautyrest black. Get your beautyrest. Beautyrest black. Is thno, its, uh, breyers gelato indulgences. You really wouldnt like it. Its got caramel and crunchy stuff. I like caramel and crunchy stuff. Breyers gelato indulgences. Its way beyond ice cream. Is this my car . Ck. State farm knows that for every one of those moments. What . This is ridiculous sam, i gotta go. Is this my car . What . This is ridiculous this cant be happening this cant be happening oh, its happening sweetheart. Oh, its happening sweetheart. Shut up shut up thats why state farm is there, what a day. With car insurance, for when things go wrong. But also here with car loans, to help life go right. State farm. What a day theres not a single scratch on your body. Who are you . Welcome to prodigium. We recognize and destroy evil. But this is unlike anything weve seen before. You have no idea what you have unleashed. The mummy. Rated pg13. Experience it in imax. Me to listen carefully. Im ralph northam,aught and when survivors of the Virginia Tech shooting asked me to support an assault weapons ban and close the gun show loophole, i took on the fight. I saw what those weapons can do as an army doctor during the gulf war. Now, im listening carefully to donald trump, and i think hes a narcissistic maniac. Whatever you call him, were not letting him bring his hate into virginia. [ cheers and applause ] seth our next guest is an Emmy Awardwinning writer whos written for shows like seinfeld, curb your enthusiasm, and saturday night live. He is the showrunner of the critically acclaimed series, veep, which aires sunday nights on hbo. Please welcome to the show, david mandel, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] seth so nice to see you, david. Thank you for having me. Seth i first of all congratulations, this season of veep, fantastic. Thank you. Seth and an interesting time, because you obviously this show why . Why would you say that . Whats been happening . Yeah. Seth the show has always been about people in d. C. Being incompetent. Now, you have this other thing thats happening. Oh, its beyond incompetent. We as writers would sit around thinking, whats the stupidest thing a president could do . Whats the worst thing a press secretary could do . And now, on a daily basis, we look like amateurs. Seth yeah. [ laughter ] yeah. [ applause ] we its like theres another show on another network its like they made two volcano movies, do you know what i mean . Seth yeah. And were like dantes peak. Seth and there are times youre jealous. Its like, oh, i wish i had thought of firing the fbi guy. Seth right. Like that would have been so good. Why didnt selena tell the russians all the code words . I mean, its crazy. And the worst is, like, just shocking that like on just a daily basis. Seth yeah. Their first 100 days were like 100 really good episodes. [ laughter ] seth and thats syndication. Seth you obviously, youre not like our show, we scramble cause we do it day of. You have to do it months in television show. Has there been anything that you thats happened that you realize, we have to take this thing out . This is the craziest thing i think thats ever been said. We had a joke our character, jonah ryan. Seth a fantastic character. Who played by tim simmons simmons, gosh i should know that. And he you know hes jonah, everyone is always insulting him. As it is, we kind of got around to as one does, a joke where were basically sort of insulting him by saying something about him having a Golden Shower and people urinating on him. And then one day we realized we have to take that joke out of the script, because the president of the United States allegedly did that in russia. [ laughter ] so thats an edit i had never done before. Seth yeah. And you know, matt walsh, the fantastic matt walsh. Yeah. Seth he plays your press secretary in the show. He plays what we previously thought was the worst press secretary on earth. Previously. Seth yeah. And now, id give him the job. [ laughter ] seth you also you worked on seinfeld, you worked on curb. So tell me what was it like cause i imagine it was incredibly intimidating pitching jokes to people like Jerry Seinfeld or larry david. Yeah, larry and jerry taught me how to write sitcoms and they also taught me not to have emotion. Not to have emotion about the comedy. Because you know how its always writers . Its like, oh, i love that. That was so funny or whatever. We cant really do it. Seth yeah, thats not quite right. But, oh, its so great. And with larry, especially, youd sit there and youd be like, so you know, i was thinking, what if kramer and hed be there, kind of usually always have like, i dont know, like something, a ball or something in his hand. No. No. No. [ laughter ] just emotionless. Doesnt dislike you, still likes you. No. No. All right, ill see you later. No. Yeah. Seth do you have you managed to to adopt that as somebody who runs a show . Ive tried and ive tried to sort of tell my writers who arent used to it, like, its nothing personal. Sort of moving on. Seth just moving on to the actual but also, its just that its not a good idea. No. Lets just move on. No. Seth i want to talk tell me about your, this book and what brought you to get involved with this . Im a crazed collector. Seth yes. You are ive known before, because you were an snl writer. And before i even met you i knew you that you were a collector of great esteem and renown. I appreciate that. And i feel like weve run into each other at the san diego comic con. Seth yes. And we have run in yes, exactly. Seth you are, sort of, the king of san diego comiccon. I have my moments. But yes. So im a collector. I collect original comic book art. Which, for those of you that know what comic books are, these are the handdrawn original pages. Seth yeah. I think you have a few in your collection. Seth yeah, i do have some. Yes. This is like an extra level of nerdy. Seth oh, yeah. Its not just the comic book. Its the handdrawn page. Seth well, cause thats the youre the only one who can have it. Its one of a kind as opposed to 20 or 100 copies. So i have a large comic art collection. There is a lot of the toys i had in my youth. And then, star wars is sort of my other obsession. And i have a lotor movie props from star wars. And i have art and some of the art is by ralph mcquarrie. And this is a book on ralph mcquarrie, who is basically the conceptualist, i guess would be the word seth yeah. Or one key conceptualists seth theyre really beautiful drawings. Yeah, who worked with george lucas, and basically, these are early Storm Troopers. This is an early chewbacca. These were the drawings that basically made the movie. And so im lucky enough to have some of his stuff in my own collection. And over the years, i had leant scans and things to the lucas people for some of their other books. And it was a sort of natural sort of coming together for me to do the book. Seth you collected so much stuff you had to lend it back to lucas . [ laughter ] couple of things. Couple of things. Im not sure he knows, but yes, exactly. Seth just as this is an apartment where have you some of the stuff you were talking about. Like, just point out one or two things that wed be particularly impressed with. Thats an original Storm Trooper from the original new hope movie. Seth yeah. Thats indys jacket and hat from last crusade. Seth yeah. Thats lukes poncho and pants from the original star and thats a planet of the apes gorilla warrior full costume. Seth wow. With guns. Seth so, this is this is my premarriage condo, i should point out. [ laughter ] seth yeah. Yes. Seth so, the great thing is it looks like its like a pretty nondescript condo. How many of these condos could the contents buy . cause it would seem like this is one of those rare cases where the contents are worth so much more than the actual home. Yeah. But its one of those things where, thats not why i bought any of this stuff. Of course its just horrifying that this stuff is now valuable. Seth you wanted it, but they sold it to you at a price. Although, i bought some of this stuff i bought so much of, i drove the price up. [ laughter ] seth i didnt realize you were the i was the other guy on ebay. There would be like two dealers trying to buy it for me. Driving the price up. And i just paid it. Seth oh, well, congratulations. And the book is really beautiful. Thank you. Seth the show is fantastic. Thanks for being here, david. Thank you. [ cheers and applause ] seth david mandel, everybody. Veep aires sunday nights on hbo. Well be right back. [ cheers and applause ] since i came to know you baibe ive been telling you how sweet youre. 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Old navy announcer for more late night go to latenightseth. Com. Follow us on instagram and twitter latenightseth. And be sure to check us out on youtube and facebook. Head over to itunes and subscribe to the late night with seth meyers podcast. Youll get a closer look and more downloaded right to your phone everyday. Im at higher risk fore as depression. Ave a stroke. Im 26 more likely to develop an irregular heartbeat. I have a 65 higher chance of developing diabetes. These diseases can be managed or prevented when caught early on. Because with better research, the right medicine, and with doctors who help keep me healthy to begin with, we will thrive. [ cheers and applause ] seth my thanks to jennifer hudson, horatio sanz, david mandel, everybody [ cheers and applause ] mark guiliana, 8g band. Stay tuned for carson daly. Well see you tomorrow. [ cheers and applause ] carson good evening and welcome to last call. Im your host carson daly. Nice to see you. Lets see what we got for you tonight. Coming up, stand up comic maggie maye is gonna get the comedy spotlight

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