After the break. [ laughter ] Rachel Maddow aired an exclusive report last night uncovering a portion of President Trumps 2005 tax return. Specifically the part where he claimed ivanka and donald jr. As dependents, and tried to write off eric as a loss. [ laughter and applause ] maddow also reported last night that President Trump claimed over 100 million in business losses in 2005. How do you lose 100 million in 2005 . Did you buy stock in heidi montag . [ laughter ] in this day in history, Julius Caesar was stabbed by his own senators. So if i were trump id watch out for eh, hell be fine. [ laughter ] according to a new report from the department of health and human services, 2017 has marked the first ever decline in signups for obamacare. Because frankly, it seems like obama dont. [ laug ] today was Justice Ruth Bader ginsburgs 84th birthday. I dont know how she celebrated, but i hope it was carefully. [ laughter and applause ] stay safe out there. According to politico, white house staffers are scared of the hostile environment around the west wing. And terrified of the thing thats been lurking around the east wing. [ laughter ] can i come to the west wing father . [ laughter ] the lottery for free tickets to President Trumps First White House easter egg roll is launching tomorrow. But heads up, parents, the bunnies have changed. [ laughter and applause ] theres an egg. Theres an egg. According to a new study, four in five Elementary Students in Oklahoma City cannot read a clock. Four in five is also what time they think it is. [ ug according to a new report, the main ingredient in the widelyused weed killer roundup could cause cancer. Okay, but that seems like a really slow way to kill weeds. [ light laughter ] get your affairs in order, weeds. [ laughter ] adult website pornhub offered free snow removal during the blizzard, yesterday, to people in boston and new jersey. They cleared your sidewalk, your driveway, and your browser history. [ laughter and applause ] all important. A new study found that dogs are capable of lying. So timmy didnt fall down a well, he was pushed. [ laughter ] thats right. A new study found that dogs are capable of lying. And the most common one is, its fine. Im neutered. [ laughter ] ladies and gentlemen, we have a great show for you tonight. [ cheers and applause ] she is the star of fxs the one of your favorites, keri russell is back on the show. [ cheers and applause ] from abcs the catch, hes a fantastic actor. Peter krause joins us. Very excited for that. [ cheers and applause ] and he wrote an incredible memoir. Hillbilly elegy author j. D. Vance joins us to talk about this really fantastic book. [ cheers and applause ] before we get to that, as weve seen repeatedly over the last few months, when the Trump Administration is confronted with facts that dont support their agenda, they try to discredit the sources of those facts. And right now, theyre using that same strategy on healthcare. For more on this, its time for, a closer look. [ cheers and applause ] seth of course, since basically the beginning of his campaign, trump has tried to undermine the press as a source of information. In fact, even when hes making small talk with world leaders, he cant help but make sarcastic comments about the media. On tuesday, he held a photo op in the oval office with the crown prince of saudi arabia and it was super awkward very nice people. We hope so. Seth are you guys in the white house, or on a terrible first date . [ laughter ] do you always wear that thing on your head . I do. Do you always wear that thing on your head . [ laughter and applause ] of course of course, trump dislikes the media. Because they often report basic facts that challenge his world view. For the same reason, his administration now dislikes the Congressional Budget Office, which released a damning report on the republican Healthcare Plan on monday that projected the bill would cause a stunning 24 million americans to lose coverage. Now, that might seem like a disaster, but House Speaker paul ryan actually tried to spin it as a positive. Prompting skepticism even from straightlaced fox news anchor bret baier. If you read this entire report, im pretty encouraged by it. Im excited about this analysis and im really actually, frankly, encouraged. Mr. Speaker, if youre encouraged by this cbo report, whats a cbo report youre discouraged by . [ laughter ] seth thats the closest bret baier has ever come to saying, bye, felicia. [ light laughter ] also, paul ryan, youre encouraged that 24 Million People will be thrown off their insurance . Is that really the word you want to use or are you thinking of a different eword . Excellent. Seth there it is. [ laughter ] so how can paul ryans say hes encouraged by this report . Well, he makes several misleading claims. For example, ryan says the report confirms that the bill will lower premiums, which is technically true, but only for Young Healthy people. Older people would see their premiums skyrocket. In fact, the cbo report finds that the average 64yearold earning 26,500 would see their premiums go up from 1,700 to 14,600 a year. So get ready to start running into your grandpa working in subway. When i was a kid, 12inch italians werent even allowed in the country. [ laughter ] so paul ryan has chosen the strategy of trying to make the cbo report sound positive. And what about trump and his surrogates . Theyre just saying we shouldnt believe the cbo at all. Like cnn commentator and trump supporter jeffery lord, who tried to discredit the cbo report by making an analogy that didnt quite hold up. We dont know what the weathers going to be. It was gonna snow, but how much . I mean, we dont know. We dont trust weathermen, you know . So why should we trust the cbo . Seth all right, so first of all, the reason we dont trust weather men is because they have names like dallas rains, or storm tornado. [ laughter ] and second of all, in this analogy, if the cbo is the weatherman, then that makes donald trump this kid. Dew points in the 20s and near 30 degrees across central mississippi well hey, there. I dont know whats going on but they gotta know. Are you sure . Are you crazy sure . Well [ laughter ] weve got a little bit of an interesting things going on right now. Take a look at whats going on right now. You want to point out the weather right now . Yeah, there are farts everywhere, and toots, i its crazy [ laughter and applause ] seth you can laugh you can laugh, but donald trump just made that kid secretary of weather. [ laughter ] and then yesterday, a white house spokesman hostage sean spicer [ light laughter ] also tried to discredit the cbo report. Spicer tried to claim that the new gop bill was only the first part of a threepart Healthcare Plan. Meaning the cbos report was inaccurate, because it didnt take no account future legislation that doesnt exist yet. And he kept using one word in particular. The comprehensive nature of this three pronged plan. In prongs two and three. Doing the first prong of this. On first prong alone. Prong one of three prongs. But the second prong of this. So prong two is actually fairly easy to do. The third prong, this piece of this prong only, without looking at prong two and three. [ laughter ] seth wait. Is prong sean spicers safe word and he forgot to tell everyone . [ laughter ] im going back to the oval office, but prong [ laughter ] of course, as usual, trump is doing a complete 180 here. Because, he used to love the Congressional Budget Office when it suited his needs. Tweeting about the cbo at least 13 times to criticize obama. The only constant in all of this is that trump likes something if it agrees with him, and he hates it if it doesnt. Take for example, the monthly jobs report. Trump famously used to call the Unemployment Rate phony, but now that hes president , hes bragging about the jobs numbers. So how does the white house explain the flip flop . Sean spicer had this to say last week. I talked to the president prior to this, and he said to quote him very clearly. They may have been phony in the past, but its very real now. [ laughter ] [ mock laughter ] seth oh, my god. Were so pronged. [ laughter and applause ] even when trump makes a claim in his own words, like when he accused president obama of wiretapping him, we cant be sure if were supposed t remember, trump tweeted terrible. Just found out that obama had my wires tapped in trump tower. And president obama was tapping my phones in october. And yet, when spicer was asked if trump had any proof that trump was indeed wire tapped, spicer responded with this. He doesnt really think that president obama went up and tapped his phone personally. The president used the word, wiretap in quotes to mean broadly surveillance and other activities. Seth because what is wiretap if not a cool slang term that means a bunch of different things. Like, we should wire tap some molly. Or, i want to wiretap dat ass. [ laughter ] now today, the attorney general jeff sessions, who would know if there was any evidence of wire tapping was asked if he had provided any such evidence to the president. And he seemed flustered. Did you ever have a chance to brief the president on investigations related to the campaign . Or did you ever give him any reason to believe he was wiretapped by the Previous Administration . Um look, um answer, no. But, um [ laughter ] [ southern accent ] seth well, you better get that man some sweet tea and a porch to sit on, because he is sweating more than a gator in a boot store. [ laughter ] but trumps own attorney general couldnt give us any evidence. Then there was the republican overseeing the investigation in the house, devin nunes, who offered a similar argument to spicer, claiming obama didnt personally go to trump tower and put in a wire tap. We dont have any evidence that took place. I dont think there was an actual tap of trump tower. President obama wouldnt physically go over and wiretap trump tower. So now you have to decide, as i mentioned to you last week, are you going to take the tweets literally . And if you are, then clearly the president was wrong. Seth stop telling us obama didnt physically go to trump tower. Nobody thought that [ laughter ] [ as obama ] uh, hello im here from at uh t. So sometimes trump is procbo, other times hes anticbo. Sometimes he says the jobs numbers are phony, other times says theyre real. Sometimes he says things in quotes, other times he really means them. But one thing we do know is we cant believe his promises on healthcare. Like when he promised during the campaign that he wouldnt let people suffer as president. Using one favorite phrase over and over again. I said nobodys going to be dying on the street if im president. Did you say youre a liberal on healthcare . I will not let people on the streets if im president. People are not going to die in the middle of the street. People are not going to die on the sidewalk. Youre not going to let people die sitting in the middle of a street. Seth why does he think people are walking out to the middle of the street to die . [ laughter ] must make it to street. It down in middle of street. And die with dignity. [ laughter ] so trump made huge promises on healthcare that he clearly had no intention of keeping. His bill would cut medicare and if it passes, were all going to need a safe word. Prong, prong, prong, prong. Prong, prong, prong prong pprong prong prong [ laughter ] seth this has been a closer look. [ cheers and applause ] well be back with more, late night, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] yeah, i just saved a whole lot of money by swhuh. Ing to geico. We should take closer look at geico. You know, geico insures way more than cars. Boats, motorcycles. Even rvs geico insures rvs . Whats an rv . Uh, the thing weve been stuck on for five years wait, im not a real moose . . Weve been over this, jeff. Were stickers im not a real moose . Give him some space. Deep breaths, jeff. Whats a sticker . . Take a closer look at geico. Great savings. And a whole lot more. 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Unlimited talk, text and data for fortyfive dollars a month, no contract. Find out more straighttalk. Com people spend less time lying awake with aches and pains with advil pm than with tylenol pm. Advil pm combines the number one pain reliever with the number one sleep aid. Gentle, nonhabit forming advil pm. For a healing nights sleep. The little sounds your crispy bacon makes drive me crazy. You naughty little. spank did you just spank your lunch . Yeah. spank devour. Food you want to fork. When you hit 300,000 miles. Or here, when you walked away without a scratch. Maybe it was the day your baby came home. Or maybe the day you realized your baby was not a baby anymore. Every subaru is built to earn your trust. Because we know what youre trusting us with. Subaru. Kelley blue books most trusted brand. And best overall brand. Love. Its what makes a subaru, a subaru. Seth welcome back, everybody. Please give it up for the 8g band, right over there. [ cheers and applause ] also joining us again tonight, hes the iconic drummer for an esteemed heavy metal group who have sold more than 90 million albums worldwide, and are performing in brooklyn at the barclays senator center on july 21st and 22nd where theyll conclude their globespanning book of souls world tour. From iron maiden, Nicko Mcbrain is here everybody. [ cheers and applause ] thank you so much for being here. Thank you very much, mate. Seth i appreciate it. Our first guest tonight is an emmynominated, golden globewinning actress who stars in the criticallyacclaimed series the americans. The fifth season airs tuesdays nights on fx. Lets take a look. Do you think it would have been fair to tell him the truth . To put that burden on him . So thats how its gonna be. Just for the rest of my life i have to be fake with my boyfriends. Paige, wait, its not being fake. Its being in a relationship is complicated. You dont share everything. You hold back what you need to. Seth please welcome back to the show our friend keri russell, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] seth welcome back, keri. Thank you very much. I was just watching that clip realizing wow. Thats seth its really intense. Shes a hardcore mom. Seth yeah. cause again, this is the fifth season. This is a show ive loved for a very long time. But world events have sort of shifted the focus. Because you you and matthew play russian spies living in america. We do. Seth and now it feels so very real [ light laughter ] do people assume youre an expert on russianamerican relations . People are like, so talk to us about whats going on. Im like, guys, this is first of all, im an actor. Seth yeah. I wear makeup for a living. I know nothing. Seth right. And theyre like, tell us about so is this affecting your show. Its like the show already happened its 1980 seth yeah. Like theres nothing this is going to affect. Seth thats right. But i know. Everyone thinks were experts. Im like, no. Seth nope, were just regular actors telling a kick ass story. Yeah. Seth this is obviously we sort of first got to know you as felicity. And this is a very different character youre playing now from felicity. As we could tell from that clip. I feel like i would never hear felicity say that. Who knows . Who knows . Seth felicity would say, youre withholding from me. You need to tell me everything. Tell me everything. Seth but j. J. Abrams wanted actually considered making felicity a spy. Well because the whole show, felicity obviously, you know, is this college girl. And at a certain point you run out of stories. And they were like, you know, how stressful youre supposed to make these like life and death situations so people will watch. And theyre like what what big is happening . Like youre not going to pass your exam . Break up with you again . And hes like, it would just be so much easier if you were a spy. Seth yeah. You know and like someone could die. And then he created alias. Seth he did alias. Yeah. Like, this is a much better idea. Seth yeah, we get out of college game and get into the spy game. Yeah. Seth so you and matthew, your costar, you guys are partners in real life and you got to you got invited to the state dinner. I guess. Seth youd guess . [ light laughter ] here you guys are. Look at you guys going to the white house. Look at how great you look. [cheers and applause] that was so fun. That was just it was so cool. Seth and you just had a baby, right . I just had a baby, and i had to show up to this black tie dinner with my breast pump. Seth okay. And because we you have just had a baby, you know, thats what happens. Seth yeah. And i couldnt be out of the house for more than three hours without that. And so i went and i brought the little breast pump to the coast check and she said, youre not the first. Seth thats good. Im glad to hear it. And i was like, i know. Seth i will say the first time i saw my wifes breast pump l explosive to me. So im glad they let you bring it in. [ light laughter ] it was yeah, yeah, well. And the coolest thing about this dinner, well the coolest thing was that president obama is a fan of the show. Seth thats fantastic. That is the coolest thing. Seth thats a great thing to hear. And why we got to go. [ cheers and applause ] and then right before we got seated at this fancy, fancy dinner, samantha power, the American Ambassador to the u. N. , came up and she was like, ive got to talk to you. Ive got to talk to you. You have changed my relationship with the Russian Ambassador to the u. N. And were like, what . and shes like, we meet for drinks. And in fact there was some situation. She was like, you know just recently it was the anniversary. I think it was like, crimea and something going on. I had to meet him. Im like, first of all, where do you meet . And what do you drink . Seth right. Yeah. And shes was like, i always drink whiskey. He always drinks vodka. Seth cliche, but sure. [ light laughter ] totally. Seth hes like [ russian accent ] ill have a dont tell my friends, but cosmo. Ill have a cosmo. [ laughter ] so they meet, and shes like, and you know i have a heavy heart, because of all this stuff im thinking about over the past years. And he says, you know what, i just want to make a toast. And she was like, wow, hes going to make a toast about this really awful event. And hes like, i want to make a toast. It is the season premiere of the americans shes like, what . And then they have this whole shes like, youve changed my relationship. We argue about the show all the time. Seth thats fantastic. Hes like, we would never do that we would never raise our kids like that seth oh, thats great. So he thought he was defending the russian side of it. Thats perfect. Yeah. Absolutely. So good. Seth you so matthew, i had always assumed you guys met working on this show, but you had met him ten years previous. We did. Seth and so where did you meet ten years previous . Something really cool. Seth okay. At a kick ball party. Seth you were at a kick ball party . Yeah. Seth now, thats weird, because ten years ago you were not 12. So [ laughter ] why were you at a kick ball party . We were at a kick ball party because Jennifer Grey is married to clark gregg. Seth yep. Both fantastic actors. A and we were like the last to leave. And my memory is being, like as the sun was going down in this parking lot and matthew and his friend were trying to, i guess get me to stay and open up these beers without a beer opener. And he blooding his thumb to try to make it work. Seth gotcha. So you thought this guys a catch. [ laughter ] i got to and then i think i moved to new york and i didnt see him again for ten years. Seth and so did you remember as soon as you saw him again that he was that guy . Nope. Seth really . So who brought it up . Did he have to remind you . So we had auditioned together. We had done readings together. We had done script work together. And then, you know, like three weeks into rehearsal, after this big fight training thing we had to do together, hes like, weve met before. And i was like, no, we havent. And hes like, yeah, we have. And i was like, what . And hes like, we were at a kick ball part i was like, oh, my god the kick ball i know exactly you left a drunk message on my answering machine [ laughter ] seth wow. He plays the long me hes like, i like to meet them at a kick ball party, wait ten years, get cast with them, and then bring it up. And then bring it up. Seth and then make a baby. [ light laughter ] i want to i want to bring up one other thing about matthew, because i was he was in an episode of girls a couple weeks ago. He was. Seth he was fantastic in it. Oh, ill tell him you said that. Seth please do. But there was some male fullfrontal there was. Seth nudity. Ive since it was what i saw was a prosthetic. It was. Seth okay. It was. Seth because it looked great. [ laughter ] and i will say, you know, he said he was going to go do that and i was like, who are sleeping with . Like, who do you have sex with on the show . Seth on girls. Right. When youre on the show girls, youre gonna have sex with someone. Which version of all the girls are you sleeping with . And hes like, well, its not quite like that. And then theres the whole thing where he had to he got to choose his own seth prosthetic. Yeah. And hes like, but this is puts me in such an awkward position. Like if i choose a giant one, people are gonna be like what a dick. [ laughter ] seth right, ah i guess that looks about right. Yeah, this is i mean this is normal for me. But so hes like, i just let someone else do it. Seth they had to let somebody else do it. Well again, i thought it was great prosthetic work. Ill tell him you said that. Seth and certainly. You know, and again, i dont ive never seen it, but it fit his personality. [ laughter ] ill tell him you said that. Seth thank you so much for being here. Thank you for having me. Seth its always the best. And congratulations. Youre doing such a great job. Seth thank you so much. Keri russel, everybody. The americans airs tuesday nights on fx. Well be right back with peter krause. [ cheers and applause ] i dont think thats how theyre made. Klondike hooks up with tasty flavors. The best ice cream bars ever conceived. I knits time. D to talk about this. It is a big decision for us. Lets take the 1000 in cash back. Great yeah, i want to get one of those gaming chairs with the speakers. Oh, you do . Thats a surprise. The volkswagen 3 and easy event, where you can choose one of three easy ways to get a 1000 offer. Hurry in to your volkswagen an apr bonus, a lease bonus, or cash back. I like yours too. Hair. Can i have some . Its not cool to ask that. Thanks, captain obvious. Online dating isnt always rewarding. But hotels. Com is. Instant savings now, free nights later. Hotels. Com. Hey, leggo my eggo. Hat needs . Uh uh. Not ccc cause i have the and i i. Thats a lot. Raisins. Really . What just happened here . You know the rules. I make the rules. Know the rules. Keep your eggo. Leggo my eggo. Im doing this for you, dad. Thanks son. [ cheers and applause ] seth welcome back, everybody. You know our next guest from shows like six feet under, parenthood, and sports night. He is currently starring on abcs the catch, which airs new episodes thursday nights. Lets take a look. You dont want me to spend time with your brother. No, its not that. Its just im a bad influence. Sweetie, youre a criminal. I was a criminal. Am i not now one of the good guys . Do i not work for the fbi . Can you keep your voice down . My brothers in the guest room. Your brother is not the problem, you are. You still dont trust me. That is not what this is about. How long is this gonna take . Five years . Ten . What do i have to do . I just went to jail for you. For 72 hours. And then you made a deal without consulting me. I was in prison without a phone, how am i supposed to tell you . Seth please welcome to the show, peter krause, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] seth welcome to the show how are you . Seth im well, thank you for being here. Yeah, you bet. Seth this is congratulations on season two. Thank you. Seth an interesting thing happened with your show, which is it sort of changed its person its personality . Seth perspective . Or personality i think is a better word, yeah. Its the sybil of tv shows. The first season was a little more serious, we found out, then we wanted it to be. And allen hienburg, our executive producerwriter, decided to go on more of a romantic comedy direction. But they call it a romcon. Seth oh, a romcon . Not a romcom. Seth oh, gotcha, cause youre a con man. Con artist, yeah. Seth there you go, thats very nice. This is the first of the romcons, i believe. Yes, its the very first romcon ever. Seth yeah, congratulations. So, you should watch it just for that. Seth and this is a this is a shonda show. Yes. Seth and so, that must give you a great deal of freedom, because i feel like shonda now, has this permission to sort of do whatever she likes. Yeah, theres some freedom. Uh, you know, cause if youre a guy, on a shonda show, youre youre kind of get objectified a little bit. Seth yeah. For instance, i was gonna wear a tie, but this shirt, it wont its too tight, because i have to workout for this show, because our clothes are off half the time. Seth they are. [ light laughter ] im glad you noticed, cause i noticed. Other than that seth other than that other than having to diet and workout, a lot of freedom. Seth there are a lot of sex scenes in your romcon. There are. Seth and in television, i dont know if people understand this, but theres almost a different director every week for episodes of the show. Yes. Yes there are. Seth so, have you found a difference in how directors approach sex scenes . Uh, absolutely. The one thing that theyre all to so, we have made, you know, some of these sex scenes, that they cant use some of the footage. Seth oh, wow. You know, until they release it, you know, with the in pornoslavia. Seth yeah, right. [ light laughter ] small country. Seth small country where anything goes. Yes. Seth we like catch here. Its two hours long, lots of lots of nakedness. Right next to trump right next to trumpistan. Seth yeah, exactly. But the the directors, julian robinson, who directed our pilot, is a is a brit, so her thing that cracked me up was she said, now the two of you just start to make small, pleasurable movements. [ laughter ] without your hands. Kevin dowling, one of our directors, asked us to think more like animals. Seth uhhuh. Would he give you different animals . That he wanted he suggested jungle cats. [ light laughter ] seth okay, gotcha. Which is probably better than anteaters or something. Seth sure. [ laughter ] well the worst is, youre a jungle cat, youre an anteater. Yeah, exactly. So, mire and i laugh about that kind of stuff. Director who said to mire, okay, climb on top of uncle pete. Which made us a little uncomfortable. Seth yeah, thats not great. [ laughter ] not something i wanted to hear. Seth thats a everything for me, would have been a step forward sexually, and that was a big step back. Yeah. [ laughter ] and and then Regina King Directed an episode. Seth whos a fantastic actress. Shes awesome, and great director as well. I just saw her the other night, we were at a rangers game together. Seth there you go. But her thing that she said to us, she said, all right, now give me some more of that, i want to [ bleep ] the [ bleep ] out of you face. [ laughter ] seth i hope that wasnt it. No, no, no, yeah. [ laughter and applause ] that was not the phrase. Seth okay, good, good, good. That was not it. Seth cause thats that was not what i was getting from that face at all. [ laughter ] yeah. I tried to say that kind of lightly, but theyll just bleep that out. Seth yeah, theyll bleep it out. We get bleeped here all the time. They bleep stuff where were not even cursing. Yeah, yeah. [ laughter ] seth uh, and so, i want to ask you you have this incredible career. Youve been with so many iconic shows that i feel like people still talk about, and still remember. Sure. Seth and in the course of that, youve obviously had the ce other people, who are fans of of the work that youve done . Uh, i have. The story that comes to mind is i was doing letterman. I was promoting six feet under. And somebodys manager came up to me afterwards, and he said, you know my client is big fan of yours, hed like to meet you. So he brought me into the greenroom without telling me who it was. I walked in, and the gentleman stood up, and i was looking at his torso, he was kareem abduljabbar. Seth there you go. And i became instantly stupid. Seth sure. Im shaking his hand, looking up at him. And i said, im so sorry. He didnt tell me it was you. And youre just the tallest person ive ever met in my life. [ light laughter ] and he was totally cool. He looked down at me [ light laughter ] seth yeah, of course. cause there i was, and he said the nicest thing. He said its all right, youre tall to me. Its all relative. Seth oh, there you go. But he was a big six feet under fan. Gave me a tshirt. I still have it today. Seth and have you when cause again, parenthood, six feet under,or can you tell when someone approaches you, what which of your shows they are fans of . I cant. I have some guesses here and there, but there was one particular instance where i i knew, what the guy was into. And it was when i had to go to a funeral home, because my dad had passed. And so the funeral director came walking in, and he has a big smile on his face, and what an honor it is to be working with you. [ laughter ] seth but i guess, if youre a funeral director, and you meet one of the guys from six feet under, i mean, basically there are no other funeral home shows. Seth hes like yours, yours is my favorite funeral home show. Yeah, this is it. [ laughter ] yeah, exactly. Seth yours is youre the cheers of funeral homes. [ light laughter ] exactly, exactly. Seth thanks so much for being here. Oh, you bet. Seth congratulations on the show. Such a pleasure. [ cheers and applause ] peter krause, everybody. New episodes of the catch air thursday nights on abc. Well be right back with j. D. Vance. [ cheers and applause ] ill call you back. Is this my car . State farm knows that for every one of those moments. What . This is ridiculous what . This is ridiculous this cant be happening this cant be happening oh, its happening sweetheart. Oh, its happening sweetheart. Shut up shut up thats why state farm is there, what a day. With car insurance, for when things go wrong. 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Get up to 100 flakefree and unbelievably beautiful hair you see it on commercials and you dont wanna believe it but, this is real people its not head shoulders, its the new head shoulders [ cheers and applause ] seth welcome back, everybody. You know, its important to remember there are two sides to every news story. To make sure you get to see important issues from all sides, we have invited two of our writers, who have very different points of view. We will examine their opinions in a segment we call point, counterpoint. [ cheers and applause ] seth ally, amber, thank you so much for being here. First topic bathroom laws. Donald trump revoked landmark guidelines, which instructed Public Schools to allow transgender students to use the bathrooms matching their gender identity. Ally . This is literally an attack on disenfranchised youth and their civil rights. Why . Just so he can say he ovrn why does he care where a trans teen goes to the bathroom . America apparently didnt care about his terrible locker room talk. And dont tell me hes defending christian beliefs, because thats just putting lipstick on a pig. Seth you have a point. Amber . Putting lipstick on a pig sounds like the best thing you could do to a pig [ laughter ] can you imagine a littlebitty pig wearing lipstick . And shed be all like, im a successful business pig [ light laughter ] just kidding. I wouldnt do that to a pig. I would want my pig to know shes beautiful no matter how much makeup she has on. Seth you have a point too, amber. [ light laughter ] next topic. Paid protesters. Trump and now other members of the Republican House and senate are claiming people protesting them are paid protesters and are a fake representation of how real americans feel. Ally . Seth, my kingdom for the confidence of a white male republican who doesnt think anyone could dislike them. Theyre enacting policies that affect millions of people every s are angry. Especially with them repealing obamacare peoples lives are at stake, and they dont even seem to care. Seth scary stuff. Amber . Remember the care bears . [ light laughter ] i loved them so much. Heck, i still do they were so happy. Except the one with the rain cloud on his belly. And if you ask me, he was faking it. cause by the end of every episode, he was just as happy as everyone else [ light laughter ] how could he not be . Hes a teddy bear who lives in the clouds with rainbows. Seth i wish i lived there. [ laughter ] me too the topic was obamacare. He does . Seth, she didnt even make a point seth youre right. She made a counterpoint. Ugh, next topic please. Seth toxic waste. Trump recently repealed an obamaera ban that prevented Coal Companies from dumping refuse into streams and rivers. Ally . Is trump just openly trying to kill us now . Does flint or standing rock, mean nothing to him . He and ivanka claimed the environment was important to them g you cant have your cake and eat it too. Seth strong words. Amber . If you have cake, you better eat it. Or else im gonna. [ laughter ] i cannot control myself around cake. No matter whose birthday it is. And usually i dont have to. Now thats the great thing about cake, is most people want your help eating it. Heck, if i have some birthday cake, ill share it with you. Oh, my god. Seth uh, i think you mean thank you . She just offered to share cake with you, ally. She has no cake that was hypothetical she shouldnt even be talking about cake. Seth youre the one talking about cake. Hey, theres enough hypothetical cake for everybody seth all right. Next topic, trumps war on the media. Donald trump called the media the enemy of the american people. Dangerous or also protected under free speech . Ally . The Fourth Estate is an integral part of a free and open society, but our president s fragile ego clearly cant handle anything less than sycophantic adoration. So now hes throwing a tantrum that could put the very balance of our democracy into question. The more followers blindly closer we are to dictatorship. And lets be honest, thats what trump wants. Seth you have a point. Amber . What a trump wants what a trump needs whatever makes him happy sets you free no what do you think about trumps crazy followers . Oh, i can be crazy too. [ mumbling ] [ light laughter ] seth final topic, trumps 2005 tax returns. Ally . He clearly released them as a distraction from russia. You want a distraction . Look at this. Oh, my god. Its a pig cake with lipstick on it [ laughter ] and its just for you hey, cake, do you mind if ally eats you . I insist that she does im too cute not to eat oink [ light laughter ] that is a really cute cake. Youre right, ambers right. Maybe im being too negative. How do how do you have such a good attitude . I live life as if the president will kill us all at any moment. cause he just might [ cheers and applause ] this has been point, counterpoint. [ cheers and applause ] at planters, were all about great taste. And we thoroughly test all our nuts for superior craveability. Hey richard, check out this fresh roasted flavor. Looks delicious, huh . Yeah. Richard, try to control yourself. I cant help it. And how about that aroma . Love that aroma umph craveability, approved oh, can i have some now . sure help yourself. Wait, what . Irresistibly planters. Lines . What lines . The chapstick total hydration collection. Our advanced skin care formulas instantly smooth and transform your lips. Chapstick. Put your lips first. I dont think thats how theyre made. Klondike hooks up with tasty flavors. The best ice cream bars ever conceived. [music plahi. Throughout] hi. Hi. All pants, jeans, and tops up to 40 off. Hi, fashion. Old navy. [ cheers and applause ] seth welcome back, everybody. Our next guest wrote the number one New York Times bestselling memoir, hillbilly elegy a memoir of a family in culture and crisis. Please welcome to the show, j. D. Vance, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] seth im so happy youre here. Yeah. Thank you for having me. Seth congratulations on this book. Its a fantastic read. But its a very interesting book for you to have written in this moment in time. Because you sort of wrote about the part of kentucky youre from, the part of ohio that yo grew up in, that is sort of the White Working Class that rushed to support donald trump. This obviously wasnt what you had in mind when you wrote this book, but now people have sort of called this trump whisperer. Is that a weird place to is that a weird role for you to be playing . Yeah. Its definitely a pretty weird role for me to be playing. And of course i end up on tv all the time. Im here right now. And having never been on tv or really talked about politics in a public way, its certainly surprising. Its pretty bizarre. You know, when people call me and ask me and want to want me to talk about trump or politics, my initial reaction is, wouldnt you rather to talk to somebodys whos smarter or more wellinformed. But i answer the calls and i go on shows when i can. Seth now i want to stress that this isnt a book about politics. I mean donald trump is never mentioned, Hillary Clinton is never mentioned. But it is about this sort of hillbilly culture that you grew up in. And it sort of explains how these people could find their way to being dissatisfied with their current siio for somebody who could tell them make them promises that everything is going to get better. Yeah, thats absolutely right. I mean the book is really about what happens when the industrial economy goes south. Right . I mean so we talk about the opioid addiction. We talk about family break down. We talk about lowering Life Expectancy rates, which is something thats very unique to the White Working Class. And its really about this idea that when the economy falls apart and Everything Else seems to fall apart along with it, youre one, really frustrated and youre looking for an answer about how how to make things better. I mean, again, i dont talk about the political answers in the book, but i think the fact that im sort of channeling these voters frustrations caused a lot of people to put a political lens on it. Seth now the great characters there are so many great characters in your life that make that would be great characters of fiction. Youre mamaw and papaw am i thats right. Seth okay good. They are and i should say there is some very foul language from your mamaw in this book. [ light laughter ] yeah. She loved the fword. Seth she loved the fword. Certainly. It certainly made it here and plenty. There was at one point i was highlighting every time she used laugh every time and then my highlighter ran out. [ laughter ] but, talk real quick because you know you came from you had a very unsettled family situation with your parents. And your grandparents sort of were the stability in your life. Talk about, for these communities and any sort of any Community Like this, how important Family Structure is. Especially in regards to how it affected you as a student when you were younger. Yeah, absolutely. So my grandparents i think of as really the heroes of the story, especially mamaw who i spend a lot of time with later, later in my childhood. I mean, you know, people often ask, how did you not succumb to a lot of the influences that were going on in your neighborhood . And i always say, its because of mamaw. Right . I mean, i remember the first that i ever smoked pot. I was hanging out with one of the bad kids in the neighborhood, and mamaw told me, look, if you dont stop hanging out with that kid, im going to run him over with my car and [ laughter ] and no ones ever going to find out. Seth yeah. [ laughter ] and i dont think she would have actually ran somebody over with her car, but i thought that so i stopped hanging out with the kid and i didnt do any more drugs. So its sort of interesting that having that really powerful matriarchal figure is something that is really common in this particular culture. Its something ive actually heard from a lot of black readers of the book. Black americans who say that powerful, matronly figure is a really critical part of our culture, too. And i do think thats one of the reasons the book has resonated with a lot of readers is because mamaw is so incredible. Seth and its interesting, so you mentioned black readers of the book you make the parallel, you draw it yourself in the book, that this hillbilly community you grew up in and black communities are very similar. Which is they migrate away from where they went. They go to Industrial Areas and then the industry leaves and theyre sort of in these, you know for a lack of better terms, like sort of dying communities. And yet a lot of the trump voters, it seemed like the racist rhetoric of donald trump did not disqualify him as a candidate to them. So im not saying that if you voted for donald trump youre racist. I dont think thats true at all. But it is interesting that disqualifying. How do you think that part of the race discussion can be addressed moving forward . Well, yeah, the way i would frame it is, look, if youre you know politics is fundamentally a choice between two options. Especially in a president ial race, right. So a lot of the people i know who really like donald trump, supported donald trump, they didnt love some of the rhetoric. But at the same time, theyre worried about their kid a neighbor kid down the street who died of a heroin overdose. Right . So if you are given that alternative between somebody who maybe you dont like his rhetoric, but hes actually speaking to your concerns, hes showing up in the areas where you actually live, i dont think its totally surprising that they went for the guy that they didnt totally love, but at least was responsive to some of things happening in their community. Seth do you think because i think now were seeing, even with this Health Care Plan that i dont believe youre fan of. Is that accurate . Thats exactly right. Seth do you think that now and i should make it clear, you were not a supporter of donald trump. Yeah, yeah. Seth in t dont you were not a voter for donald trump. But do you think that these communities now will see with Something Like healthcare, which i think is so so tactile in regards to, they might not care about his taxes, they might not care about russia, but this is a real thing that might affect these communities. Do you think disappointment will set in with what hes promised . Well, i think if this bill, the one thats been talked in the press a lot for the past week, passes in its present form, then youre going to see a lot of the lowermiddle income voters who flocked to donald trump either Lose Health Insurance or see see their premiums go up. So i definitely think that frustration will set in in that case. I do think that there are some opportunities to salvage the bill. Im not of these people to say its completely unfixable. But, i mean look, the biggest crisis, the biggest thing that people talk about in my particular community is the opioid epidemic. Right . So the county that i grew up in in ohio, last year opioid Overdose Deaths outnumbered deaths from Natural Causes as the leading cause of the death. The first time that happened. I mean if if you lose your access to treatment centers, if you lose access to some of the prescription drugs that make it easier to fight this addiction, if youre a family thats taking care of a kid and you need to figure out how to get them health care so that they can fight this stuff and it all goes away, yeah. Youre going to be really frustrated. And i think its a real political land mine for the Trump Administration. Seth well, i want to thank you, one for this book. Which is so beautifully written and i really highly recommend. Your story is incredible. Two, i know youve started a nonprofit to help deal with opioid addiction in your area and i cant think of a better person to be doing that. So thank you so much for being here. I really appreciate it. Thank you, seth. Appreciate it. Seth j. D. Vance, everybody. Hillbilly elegy is available now. Well be right back. [ cheers and applause ] [ cheers and applause ] seth my thanks to keri russell, peter krause, j. D. Vance, everybody Nicko Mcbrain, and of course, the 8g band. Stay tuned for carson daly. See you tomorrow [ cheers and applause ] carson good evening, and welcome to last call. Im carson daly. This is the skylark in new york city. Tonight, canadian comedian katherine ans gonna get our