Besides, it was regulation. Not that mususche. I had been assigned this woman partner. She was one of the first on the force. Lynette johnson. Quiet enough for you, fuller . Think they put us out here to keep me safe . They put a woman on the force and you want special treatment because youre a minority . Yeah, id like to be put in danger lynette was likable. I liked her. It was the sexual revolution. She was coming on to me. Not all the time. Every once in a while. It wasnt like my father ever taught me to resist women. I wasnt prepared to fend her off. You get to choose. Pass two to the right. Sounds like she had reason for being crazy. Not at first. Sometimes you spend more time with your partner than you do your wife. And in this case, my partner happened to be a very attractive woman. Any reason for her to be jealous . No. Well, not then. Or get a meal. Nothing wrong with that. Dinner sometime . Sure. We believe you. Anyway, they put us in the norwich district. It was increrebly boring. Days went by without a call. And although everyone was very liberal then they were afraid to put a woman in a dangerous situation. D been married for almost seven years and things werent g gng too well. And, well. I dont know. Its not my business but why do you stay married to her if youre this unhappy about it . My son. Thats not a good reason. Unhappy marriage is no place to bring up a child. I should know. Come on. You, me, alone in the dark. Youd like it. Oh, i dont know. Ive been in the dark k fore. What . Costs 10 to stay in the game. Oh. I bet t r the guy on my left . No, i dont think so. Oh. New deal. Five card draw. No weirdness. So you were saying. . Oh, yeah, well. It was a slow night. Nothing was going on. Station. Lynette finally lala it on the line. Why dont we take a long coffee break . Guys you got to be kidding fuller it was the height of the sexual revoluluon. You were on duty. Hey, im human. It happens. I thought your wife had no reason to be crazy. I was terrified. Im not that kind of guy. It was a lot worse than that. For the first time in damn near ever some criminal got lost, wandered into norwich and committed a 417. Nothing ever happened in our district. Do you read, 94 . We missed the call. We werent even aware the call existed. We came back out after it all, and. We were brought up before a review board. There was an investigation. I testified where we were. I was a police officer. I was sworn in. I told the truth. I testified exactly as to where i was who i was with, and what i was doing as a police officer. Kaboom. It ended my marriage. How did your wife know . The checks were going to stop for six months. I had to tell her. I came home after one shift about a week later and found everything i owned stacked outside. I threw away 61 2 years of a relatively good marriage. We havent talked since. Hey, nobody died. My wife remarried, okay . So cheer up. Gentlemen, were playing poker in a church. Were going to burn for this. Ill match you, sal. And raise you five. Call. You could see my card. Could we go back to 5card draw . All right, this is a raid. Gentlemen, you seem to be involved in illegal gambling on police premises. Theres only one of you, copper and five of f. What are you going to do . Join in the next hand. All right. It wasnt so hot. It ended. Penhall he let you get away. Wearing that dress . He didnt let me get away. I escaped. But that was much later. First off, the guy was late. Hats the least of his problems. Sorry, judy. Things got tied up. You know how it is. Judge brbrker decided to hear one more case before the end of the day. Half of the witnesses had gone home. Yeah, i know what you mean. Well, its good to seeeeou. A long time. Well, i didnt know. Thats real sweet. Yeah, ive seen you in court and everything. I ask people about you. So, this is like our second date, huh . So, have you ever been here before . No, but ive had sushi before. But youve never been here before . No. This place is kind of a special place. Oh, yeah . I want to show you something. Its not like other sushi bars. I mean, i love this place. You have a hard day at work. You spend all this time repressed and angry and then you can come here. For sushi . For complete release. Can you believe that . All no. Hanson, its your turn. If you dont tell your story ill sit on you. Okay. It was the valentines day dance. I was 16 years old. Diane thompson had agreed to go with me. You look lovely, diane. Thank you, mr. Hanson. Ready to roll . Sure, dad. Penhall you took your date to a valentines day dance in a squad car . How romantic. Hanson yeah, i did. 1 30 . Okay. 1 30. Only because i trust diane. Thanks, mr. Hanson. bee gees night fever thanks, dad. Will you . Sure. Hed love to see your tux. Im kidding. Ill drop him somewhere. Thanks, dad. Have a good time. Thanks. Your dad seems really nice. So what does he do . Just kidding. Forget it. Look, you dont have to tell your story. No, i want to tell it. You know something, charlie . Believe it. Youre an old man. Thanks. Doesnt seem like more than a week ago that margaret and i were dating. That was a week ago. That doesnt count. That was our anniversary. Tommys a good kid. Where are we going . Come on. Where we going . Just come on. What are we doing here . Why did you do that . Its valentines day and i like you. Were at a dance. What do you want to do, dance . Where did you learn how to do that . Dancing school. Anyway, its the prom. I make my entrance in a limegreen tuxedo. Yeah, so . Yeah, so . Its 1957 how did you get picked that . I rigged t t vote. Hey, frank, two cups. Ive got to make a pit stop. Whats wrong with you . Nothing. Sure . You dont look good. Have you been eating here . gunshot i dont know why hes never late. Werent such a bad kisser. Yeah . We should do it again sometime. Lets not wait till valentines day. Okeydokey. Finally. Tommy, are you okay . Charlies still on patrol. My father never made it out of the emergency room. Look, i dealt with all this a long time ago. Im proud of what my father did that night. And im proud to tell you about it. But. It still doesnt mean ive got to like valentines day. What . You hate valentines day so you picked a fight with amy on purpose. No. You did. Shes probably still feeling bad. That was hours ago. Hanson. Here, cash me out, fishman. Put it in the safe, will you . Its four bucks. Guys, i know its officially after valentines day but could i buy you a drink . All of us . Yeah. I never refuse a drink from a beautiful woman. According to the penhall rules of dating its not the next day ly rises. So, its still valentines day and we got dates. Well, date. Okay, date. Lets not be picky. Blowfish and ioki yeah. [captioning made possible by fx networks woman 1 seth, pull up now and stop man hey, mr. Clifford hey, mr. Clifford, i think we got a problem back here. Woman 2 miss dora, you are scarininme. Why dont you try some of your salts again . E air in your lungs. Has she been this bad before . No, sir. Never like this. What are we gonna do . Where are you going, chinaman . Someone is ill. I wish to help. Well, tell me, doctor. Just what do you think is wrong with the lady . [groaning] do you think you can help . I can try. [groaning] please. Breathe gently, softly. Slowly. Let t ur arms feel like the branches of the willow. I seen some mighty poorlooking doctors. During the last years of the war. Nener as bad as that. Yeah, but he must know something. Hes had a good look at our faces. On the other hand, miss burnam may need him to stay aliveve you aint saying we ought to take him along with us. I mean, to the cabin. Well, whats good for miss burnam is good for us. Aint no doubt aboututhat, sir. This delicate heart of mine just might have given out. If it hadnt been for you and your kindness. To the next town. Youll ride with us. Mr. Tate, this man is riding with us. I insist. Why, its the proper thing to do, maam. There is room on top. Im grateful. Sure pleases me to see you feeling better, mamam. How charming, mr. Tate. Its my pleasure, maam. Im indeed flattered to be escorted. By such a fine gentleman. Im your most humble servant, maam. Young caine. Ant. Oh. You consider it beneath you to serve another. How am i to answer . I do not know what it is to be served. Do not the ancients say rank and reward have no appeal. For a man one with himself . Smaller. I have taken without true respect what you have given. We must both learn. Pleaea. It does not seem right. What are you doing . Mr. Tate. Mr. Tate what a a we doing here . I demand an explanation. End of the line, miss burnam. Come on out. Step down, please. Its best not to keep a gentleman waiting. [hammer clicks] mr. Tate, my daddy paid you. A fair sum for your services. And youll not get a penny more. Im not interested in a penny, maam. Your daddys gonna give to us what he denied the confederacy. Fifty thousand dollars if he wants to see you alive again. To dr. Antoines clinic. You gave your solemn word. Wasnt all that solemn, maam. Its been a long time coming. Nicely done, jenny. Get inside. Come on. Come on cost you. Chinaman, you almost cost us a lot of money. Remember what you said about needing him. Case miss burnam has another spell. I know what i said. I settle it. I need you alive now. Ill forgo my satisfaction. [gunshot] [laughing] did you get that letter written to your daddy . Y . Suit yourself, gal. How dare you use that word to me how dares yououse it on me . Youre my servant. Dont bother me again till you get that letter done and signed. Jenny. Jenny, i. Ys been good to you . Havent i always given you things . Things . Things you didnt want no more. Jenny, we played togetetr when we were babies. When i was 5 years old. They put me up on a box. So i could iron your birthday dress. Well, i always remembered you on your birthday. I always made sure you had your own cake. I eat. I eats out back after is through cleaning up the kitchen. You gots to go to school and learn. Did i . When you was sick and ailing, the old doctor came. Who came when i was sick . Did i sew your dress, or was you sewing mine . Even after the war, jenny, you were free. You could have left any time you wanted to. Where was i going, and with what . Id have been fetching and doing for you the rest of my days. If it wasnt for seth. Mr. Tate was ahatching up. Only one id ever r t. Now, gal. Gal. You pick that pen u u and you get that letter done. Because is tired of talking to you. I will not. Seth and i useseto it. But you best be careful of mr. Tate. Hes one of your kind. Hes used to getting his way. [door slams] thank you. I am caiai. M truly sorry that you. Were unfortunate enough to be drawn into this. Outrage. You could not help it. Your friends are not true. Friends . Those men . Those hirelings . When my daddy advertised for a gentleman of standing. To escort me to new orleans, Clifford Tate applied. Seth is his man. And the woman . Is she not your friend . Jenny . Well. Jennys been in service to me from the very start. You do understand what it means to serve someone . No. Ive been spared that experience, thank you. That is sad. Dont be insolent. It was my pleasure to wash them for you. I am very grateful. And i to you, for allolong me to be of service. If in serving, one is s rved. And in being served, one also serves. I do not understand. I am pleased you have done my wash. And ashamed i have not done it for myself. Again, you have taught me. How . A man truly himself. Will not enrich his own interests. Rogant that he needs no one. The greatest man is nobody. We gonna be rich, jenny. We gonna live high. If you had growed up with miss dora. Well, i growed up with him. Once he sinks his teeth in something, he dont let go. He that kind of man. Is that the kind of man you are . Well, i reckon you must have thought so. Else you wouldnt be e re. Shes not gonna tolerate that pit much longer. Shes totoused to those fancy virginia accommodations. You dont know that woman. She got a will of iron underneath all that finery. You know what breaksksron . Rust. This will keep you from the cold. Ohohno. Very kind of you, but i cant. Whwh seth maam . Yall l st be freezing down there. Thats a mighty pretty dress youre wearing. But thesell suit you better. Theyre seths. Maam. If youre ready now to wriri that little letter. To your daddy, theres a warm fire up here. Just give the word. Did i tell you to . I reckoned you forget, you so busy apolishing. Jenny, the state of his sword is the mark of a gentleman. Im surprised you dont know that. Ive heard it said. Jenny. Now, you stay away from there. You want that gal to die . [chuckling] not now. I could use some of that coffee. How about you . Yes, sir. I sure could too