gunshot cisco. Cisco. What is it, pancho . Dead. This look like heaven. It must be heaven, pancho. There is a beautiful angel watching over us. Thank goodness youve come to. Here. Cisco, an angel in petticoats. How can thth be . Pinch me, cisco. You totowist the skin off of my boneses that hurt. How can it hurt, pancho . Youre dead. Then somebody should tell it to my leg, because he didnt die with the rest of me. I wonder where wha hey loco loco, loco loco, loco. Loco, loco you know, i think i never see you again, loco. laughing ah, loco. Oh, loc where you find them, senorita . Thats not important. But the two of you must leave here at once. Re out of hidden valley. Leave now, miss . But oh, please dont argue with me. I havent time to explain. But you must leave i. Greetings, gentlemen. I trust that my niece has made you welcome in mabsence. Im george challis, at your service. My friends call me cisco. And im pancho fernrndo gonzalez de conejo, jr. We owe our lives to your niece, sir. We got lost in the badlands. I found them unconscious a north gate. They were just goioi to leave. But, my dear nedra, that wouldnt be hospitable. You must remain as my, uh, guests for a few days. Well, it is very kind of you, sir, but i refuse to take no for an answer. Oh, cisco, pinch me no, no, no, i pinch myself. Ai i didnt know my skin was so tender. Whew. Heh. giggling ood evening, gentlemen. Good evening, sir. I suppose youve been wondering why i asked you to come to dinner with your hats on. Ah, we are. Its an old tradition in the house of challis. Thats a good idea, because my head is always s ld. Have you any idea exactly where you are . chuckles no, we really dont. It isnt every day that one wakes up in a desert oasis, off the beaten track and miles froro nowhere. Yeah, not even on the map valley. Barty and i found it years ago when my ship, the golden hind, was wrecked in the gulf. The golden hind . Thats funny, my uncle tito told me when i was a little youngerer that the golden hind was a pirate ship. That she was, my bucko. The sweetest little ship that ever run up the black flag. Marty is inclined to exaggerate. I was a privateer with authority to seize or destroy enemy craft. Oh, those were wonderful days. This was my favorite blade. Pistols are excellent, but give me cold steel for dependability. A blade in the hand of an expert swordsman never fails. Excuse me. You look lovely, my dear. Please, be seated. Pancho. Gracias. Well, this is delightful. We donon very often have the pleasure of entertaining guests. Oh, nedra, where was it exactly that you found cisco and pancho . Oh, i dont remember exactly. Strange that, uh, one of my guards didnt report it. However, its of no importance. To the golden hind. . . Ive come for you, challis, like i promised. Killing me wont dodoou any good, rand. My indians will tear you to pieces. But you wont be alive to see it. And neither will barty. gun cocks . . All right, barty. Take him outside. My deest thanks to you, sir. Think nothing of it, sir. Who is this man . One of my workers. Perhaps nedra can tell you more about him. And perhaps nedra can tell us where he got the pistol. . . gunshots Cisco Cisco Cisco ooh, cisco cisco, oh, cisco. Pancho im so glad to see you, cisco. What happened to you . Oh, i dont know, cisco. I was asleep, and a man come in here with a with a great, big knife. Man . What kind of a man . Well, i dont know. He he had on a mask and little holes for the eyes, and a black overcoat. Mask and a black overcoat . Yeah. How could he have disappeared so completely . Well, thats impossible. I think you must have had a nightmare, brought on by too much dinner. Come on, barty. Now, pancho, take it easy start from the beginning. Guess youll believe me now, skipper. Yes, yes, i believe you. I told you he had a mask on. What are you looking for, cisco . Im looking for bullet holes, pancho, but theyre arent any. You mean to tell me i missed the whole wall . Say, pancho, hand me my gun belt. Mmhmm, theres your answer. speaking spanish theyre all blank bullets, eh . Yes, pancho, eyre all blank bullets. Somebody changed the cartridges in our belt while we were at the dinner table. Cisco, i bet it was that man in black with the great, big knife, huh . He want to cut our hds off. speaks spanish Walking Around with a hat and no head . Not bad. chuckles . . Scurvy dog. Get some water. This is my grainery. In addition to hay, barley, and oats, i raise the finest of wheat. Barty, bring rand over here. Uncle, please dont go through with this. Please youre in love with him, arent y y . Ive known about it for some time, nedra. Im sorry, but rand must be punished. You know what to expect, rand. All right, barty, proceed. Ill crush your bones into a pulp, you scurvy rat. You cant do this. This boy is so weak, he cant stand on his feet. How unfortunate. For him. Barty will kill him. We think alike. This is not punishment. Our concern is very touching. Perhaps youd like to take his place. . . Stand still and fig, blasted flea groaning yes laughs your little boy barty is weak in the knees and fall down so easy, eh . You fight very wellllith your fists, my friend. I can do better with a gun. Let me have back the bullets that you s sstituted with blanks and ill be glad to demonstrate. Oh, you are the one who do this why . Merely a precaution, pancho, since i am allowing you and cisco the freedom of my entire valley. But i must warn you against trying to leave. My indian guards wouldnt appreciate it. Theyre yaquis, and they might shoot to kill. You mean to tell us we are prisoners . Oh, i prefer to call you my guests. Until such time as i weary of your charming company. And then . Well, thanks, cisco, for taking my place. Barty would have killed me. Forget it. Say, why dont you people all band together and try to get out of this valley . Were virtually slaves, all of us. Forced to work in his hay y d grain fields, whipped, beaten, and starved. Yeah, well, how you all get ininere . Did you ever hear of the walker expedition . You mean the wagon train from st. Jude that disappeared without a tracac yes, well, heres where it disappeared in hidden valley. We didnt know our guide was one of his yaquis. We made camp here one night, ananthe next morning we were all prisoners. Robbed of our cash and other belongings. We didnt have a chance. Our leader, jim walker, disappears he was killed. There is a way out of this valley. Yes, theres a way east of the buttes, but youll never make it. Three e the men tried it, and they were killed. The whole place is ringed in with his yaqui guards. Yeah, we dont got no bullets. No, pancho, but we have our horses. Yeah, and a whole bunch of yaqui indians waiting to kill us. Ah, you know, that aint so good for the health, cisco. So far, pancho, weve enjoyed our health. Wait, what are you doing there, carving your name on that . Im carving my me on this post because when i come back here, i want to know this is the place i didnt want to be at. Come on, lets go. Well be back, friend. Well go, and we dont come back, it wont be so healthy. . . Dont youll have every guard in the place after us. gunshot hey, pancho, that shotll bring out every indian in the valley. Im going to try to draw themm uhh just as soon as pancho is captured, which should be very soon now, both of you will be shot. You u uerestimate pancho, my pirate friend. Hell be back, but not alone. You never give up, do you, cicio . Stay here with him. . . Hey, do you like silver . You see these eagles on my belt . Theyre of real silver. You can have them. My gun is made of silver, too. Thank god youre safe, cisco. This is jim walker, leader of our wagon train. But you said he was dead. I wanted challis to think so. Jim came out of hiding shortly after you and pancho had gone. Then you were looking for challis in our room last night . I was looking for shells for this gun. Uh, i w wh i had some for mine, too. What became of pancho . I sent him out in the fields but were not going to wait for him. Were going to stage an uprising. And well start it at t e grainery . . gunshot missed him hell spread the alarm now barricade the gates uprising in grainery. They have guns. Place barricaded. Call in the guards. Saddle my horse. Let them have it all whooping allllight, back to the gate whooping continues all right, go in there and help them. Get em, men, get em what the hell . Get em, get em, come on come on, get em whooping by golly, we got here just in . . En gard challis. Oo youre a swordsman, too. This should be very interesting. Im glad you didnt kill him, cisco. That right belongs to the public hangsman. Walker yes, you murdering pirate. Its your turn to walk the plank. Get up. Well, one cant live forever. Congratulations, cisco. Goodbye, amigos see you soon laughs . . . . clock bell chiming . . knocks loudly how can i help you . Been a long time, hadnt it . You havent changed much. Before i leaea town, im gonna see that you die for it. And im walkin out of porter, scotfree. scocos clock chimes he the one . . . Trackdown starring robert culp why dont you keep moving, tully . And let bygones be bygones. You got til sundown. Hey, you. Why you miserable little punk. Go on. Boys got a right to defend himself, tenner. laughs you gentlemen having a little trouble with tenner smith, are yah . No ranger, we aint having no trouble. Oh. Just passing through, huh . Yeah. Yeah you might say thats it. Saxon. Tully saxon. Deal jackford. Mm. Well now gentlemen, we dont want anynyrouble here. Uh, nobodys lookin for trouble, mr. Uh. Hoby gilman. Well, i dont even wear any guns, mr. Gilman. Saxon you dont need to worry about deal here. Hes a quiet lad. Even though he does appear to enjoy little weight on his hip. laughs yeah. Were just waiting around. To get our horses shod. Ll, it wont take you more than about an hour to get those horses shod. Dont. Dont wait til sundown to get out of town. Fair enough. . . Saxon donon you fret, ranger. Well be outta town by sundown unless i miss my get. . . Howre you, mr. Gilman . Hello, joe. Say uh. Id like to talk to you, if you dont mind. Alone. Were running out of whiskey, bring down another case. I brought a case down last night, tenner. They friends of yours . Who . Saxon, and uh. Jackford. You might say. Thth why you let the kid pitch a cigarette at yah . I didnt meet him until today. But you know saxon . Well you know, youre not very consistent. Thats the first time i remember you to walk away from an insult. Well, lili they say, hoby, consistency is the hobgoblin of small minds. All right, tenner. Whatevers on your m md, dont let anybody else in town get mixed up in it. clock bell chimes pretty, aint it . Got her for a dollar. clock bell chimes morning, hoby. Henrietta. You uh, ever know or hear anything about a man named uh. Tully saxon . Eight years ago. Uh, how come you remember . Henrietta im a newspaper women. Hah. What do you know about him . Well, lets see. He was um. He was sent to yuma prison for seven, no eight years, for. Killing a man in a poker game. Why all the questions . Come on. I wanna know. Tenner was the one who sent him up. Well, it all happened at tenners place down in uh, rio hondo. Tenner proved that saxon had marked the cards and, it was tenners testimony that turned it into a manslaughter charge against saxon. Why didnt you tell me this before . Didnt seem to be a need. There is now. Hes here, huh . Yeah he just rode into town with some tough kid named jackford. . . sighs wheres tenner . In his office. knocking come in. Talked to henrietta. I know about your r ouble with saxon. Well that takes care of everything then. Yeah, well, not quite. Well i dont want any gun play in this town. You know that. Theres not gonna be any. So. How bout you staying right here . Just so nobody gets in anybodys way. I can take care of myself. Not they way theyre playing it, you cant. Well what do you want t to do . Close up shop, and run . Look if f eres gonna be a showdown, its gonna happen right here. And theres nothing i can do about it. I can throw you into a cell for how many years . Until tully dies of old age . 3 ladies. What do o h say, gambler . Who toldldou, you could leave the bar . That man over there told me to get him a watermelon. One thing i missed all them eight years, was nice, ripe, honeysweet watermelon. How bout you have mr. Smith cut that watermelon into nice big slices. Go on. Cut it. Now listen here. Back off joe, yah know, theres nothing like a nice texas watermelon, in a friendly place to eat it. Would you care to join me . No, thanks. Now thats not being very cordial, mr. Smith. You havent even asked me how it was, up at yuma prison. Saxon well you wouldnt like it. Not at all, you wouldnt. When you get sick,k,hey chain you to an adobe wall. So the guards wont catch what youre carrying. Then the sun comes out. A hundrereand thirty degrees of it. No ones ever broken out of yuma. Saxon ah sure, theyve tried, but they always get caught. And whip yah. I know every splinter in that post. Saxon every. Single. Splinter. Today the sun is going down for you, tenner. By knew, it was only a matter of time before the constant pressure of insults from tully and jackford, would tip the balance of tenners patience. Even the town of porter had caught the sickness, and the freight of seeing something about to happen. And yet, unable to escape its destructive force. Tully and jackfords horses re the focal point. Get them shod, and delivered before tenner had been pushed too far. Sepapate the men, before the fuse hit the power. How much longer, lou . Im working just as fast as i can, hoby. I deliver em just as soon as i get this last shoe on. Why dont you go down and sweep up in front of the buckhorn, looks pretty dirty down there to me. Yes, sir. Hoby. You know its all over town, about tenner, and saxon, and his friend in there. Well. Boys ready for the horses . Look, uh, how far can you push someone like tenner . Can help it. If the works all right, ill take my money now, mr. Your works not all right. Left hind shoes crimped. Wouldnt last for ten miles. I wanna new shoe. How come youre so particular, mr. . Make him happy, lou. Yeah, sure hoby. Known saxon . Long enough. For what . Se a gun . Hoby hell also teach you how to wind up in jail. Thanks a lot. Ill try to remember that, mr. Listen to me, kid. You hang around with him. I dont know what youre getting all excited about. Well be outta here just as soon as that h . They aint ready yet. One of ems got a crimped shoe. Well, what dya know. Say uh, whens this thing coming off . You stay close to me, boy. Before you leave this town, youll get your chance at tenner. Yeah, well i want my money. Youll get your money. First you got to earn it. Deal me in, boys. plate crashes to ground laughter that sure was an accident, tenner. laughghr you, tenner. more laughing all right, the games closed. All of you get out of here, go on get out you two. Go on, move. Were still waiting for our horses to be shod. Hoby wait outside. Go on, move. Let me handle thth, gilman. This is still my store. Tenner i say when a man gets out. Do yah, tenner . laughs for mr. Gilman. Come on. laughing this ought to make quite a story, boy. You usededo have quite a reputation down in rio hondo, tenner. Saxon guess a man gets soft, living around too much protection. Out. No. Tenner we have something to settle, right here. You sit down. Bring us a fresh deck, joe. How much money you got . Table states . Sure. Tenner smiths place of business had been taken over by tully saxon, and the gambler himselelhad been made to look foolish in the eyes of the townspeople. But now, saxon had attacked tenner where he lived. His personal pride as a gambler had been kicked, and tenner had come to the end of the road, with saxon and deal jackford. If there was to be a shootout, then tenner would have it now. Hoby gilman didnt want to see tenner hurt, but he knew that short of killing the man, deal jackford waited. He wasnt sure just hohothe plan would be resolved. But tully had promised away. And tully himself, a smile on his face, and a plan in his brain, began to pull the pieces together. Open for a hundred. Ill raise you two. An hour passed. More cards were dedet, and money changed hands. But still, tully saxon hadnt made his move. Tension wawashuffled, and passed among the players, and the four men in the game, waited to be called. Guess im just lucky. Call your fifty. Raise yah a hundred. Well lets get rid of the ribbon clerks, huh . Heres your hundred. Ill raise yah five. Go. Take two. You know, tullll up to now this game was played fair. Tenner because ive taken youou insults, dont think im a fool. I know what youve been trying to do, and i want no part of it. But dont try and pull a cheap trick like that. Tenner why did you do it . Do you think im stupid . I know when a man cheats. You stayayutta this. You keep me out. I aint got a gun, tenner. Good. gunshots ralph clear them outta here, get the doc alright come on. Move out, move. commotion that how you figured youd get rid of me . Well you lost, tully. Im takin in the both of yah. Deal tully you lied to me. You said he was slow crieses i would have known, i wouldnt have taken the job . . In believing both men would kill one another, tully left out the one possible chance that tenner smith was fast enough to avoid getting killed. And so in the end, it was tully saxon that really paid. Well at least one of them kept his word. Hes outta town by sununt. Well lets go get you patched up. . Now loading southbound to gibson through marbletown and wadsworth. . Theyll sell tickets to anyone nowadays i see. Well, ill be doggone, hello, sheriff

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