Stick em up. Marge. I thought this place was out of bounds. Does your uncle know youre here . Well, i hope not. I just strayed away from the ranch and the first thing i knew here i was. How are you getting along . Oh, slow. This place is gonna need a lot of work. All i need now is another pair of hands. Whats the matter with these . Marge, you know how i feel. galloping uhoh, here comes trouble. Hello, mr. Lacey. I told you you werent to see him again. Im sorry, uncle jim, but i happen to be in love with him, and im afraid theres nothing you can do about it. Theres plenty i can do, and i will. As for you, ryan, if i ever catch you talking to my niece again ill beat you within an inch of your life. I wouldnt try it, mr. Lacey. I might forget that youre twice my age, and i might also remember what you did to my father. Youre just like your father. He couldnt keep his hands off of other peoples property. Get on your horse, marge. Ill catch up with you later. Bill, you shouldnt have said t tt. No, i guess not. Hes right about you, though. As long as youre under his roof. Whats wrong with your roof . It leaks. I cant ask you to give up everything you have just for a handtomouth existence. I wish youd stop being you want to see me . Helel, jason, sit down. You still want to be foreman of the lacey ranch . Well, sure, sam, you know that. What about steven . Oh, i think a change could be made. Old man lacey was in this morning. He seemed quite perturbed over the goingson between his niece and young ryan. He had me change his will. Thats very interesting, but, uh, how does thatat make me foreman . He made me executor is after hes killed, why hes killed . Yes, thats where you come in. Now as i was saying, after hes dead, ill appoint you foreman of the ranch and between us well pick it as clean as a bone. That sounds great. But how do i keep the sheriff off my neck . Ive got that all figured out. Now you do exactly as i say and the sheriff f ll be after young ryan instead of you. Man, nothing like having a lawyer for a partner. And youea maybe i did. You know how you say things when you lose your temper. How do you account for your branding iron being found beside the body . Well, i dont know, unless the killer left it there to incriminate me. Or you dropped it by accident. But i tell you i didnt kill him. Well, the circuit judge will have to decide that. Youre under arrest. Get t your horse. . . Hyah oh, cisco, this is so peaceful here. No troubles, no sheriffs. Nothing to do but to catch fish. Pancho, we will not catch anything if you dont stop talking. Oh, cisco, how you can say such things to m i dont talk too much. Hey, i got a bite i got a bite huh . Ooh, ooh oh, say, he h hes a fighter. He must be a big one, huh . Hey, whe where is he . Whered he go . Was he big . Was he a big one, huh . He was definitely a big one. Oh, a big one. You ought to have that stuffed and mounted, only its too young to leave its mother. Well, how could such a a little one that big put up such a fight . Make his cast. galloping howdy. Hello, sheriff. Did you see a young fella ride past here just a few minutes ago . No, sir, we saw nobody pass here. Well, if you happen to run into him, why, look out. Hes a killer. Ho cisco, for once the sheriff aint looking for us, eh . rustling hey, whats that . Shh. Where are we going, cisco . Shh, shh. Come out of there, quick. Hey, hes the killer, cisco, the one the sheriff is looking for. Please, i im not a killer. I. Help me, pancho. The next thing i knew did mr. Lacey have other enemies . I dont know. He was a cantankerous old goat, but i dont know of anybody who hated him enough to kill him. Hmm, except you, maybe. I suppose i amm the logical suspect. I cant blame you for not believing me. But we do believe you. We do . You stay here out of sight. Pancho and i will l e what we can find out. Come on, pancho. . . Ms. Lacey . Yes . My name is cisco. This is my good friend pancho. Wont you come in . We are in. Well, wont you sit down . Thank you. Sit down, please. Where is bill . Is he all right . He is safe. But it looks very much like someone has framam bill. Do you know who it could be . Well, everyone liked bill except my uncle, and he resented him because of an old feud he had with bills father. Is there anything that you can tell us that might give us a lead . Well, this may not have any bearing, but a very strangng thing happened. When mr. Foster, uncles attorney, took over the estate asasxecutor, he fired our foreman and several others who had been on the ranch for years. Huh, that is a very strange way for this executor to act. You know, maybe you have given us a lead. chuckles a lead into more and bigger door opens well get in touch with you later. And give bill my love. Heh, maybe you want us to take him a little kiss, eh . Pancho galloping howdy, miss marge. Hello, sheriff. Say, i know you two. Yeah, remember . We meet you down by the river. Did you caught your fish . Nope, still angling. You know, i, uh. Why, thats foolish. He wouldnt dare. Well, you cant tell. Its easy to find out, sheriff. Why dont you lo . Thats what i had in mind. All right with you, miss marge . Why, of course. Ill show you arorod, huh . Come with me. . . laughing whats so funny . You know,w,heriff, i was just tin is a good place to hide. Yeah, so is the houou. Guess well look there first. Shall i go with you . Better stay here. You boys go around the back. chuckles allllhese chases of the wild gooses is funny, marge. Marge, its me, bill. Bill bill. Please, miss, this is no time for love. Why didnt you stay undnd the cover like cisco told you . I had to come back and see marge, to convince her that i didnt kill her uncle. Oh, bill, i dont need convincing, you know that. Bill, get back to your horse, but dont leave until i give you the signal. All rigig, cisco. And wait for us at the rocks galloping hey, whats the idea of bumping into me . Im sorry, it was an accident, i just tripped. Whats the trouble . R rn, he just rode off. He must have been hiding in the shack. Y s lets go aftem, boys. Whats going on around here . Looks like someone has loosened the cinches of your saddles. Ill say they did. Who did it . Well, i didnt. That kind of leaves you two, doesnt it . Me . Not me. Maybe the cinches gets so tired being so tight around the horse that they jiggle themselves loose. But if i see you two around, i may still do it. Hyah thanks, cisco. And you too, pancho. Miss lacey, who is this man that tried to shoot bill . The new foreman. The lawyer hired him. Ah, thats very interesting. Well see you later. Come on, pancho. Well, it doesnt matter. The sheriff will pick him up anyway. What about the cattle . Well, ive had d em moved to the lower 40, ready to push across the state line as soon as you give the word. That will be in a day or so when i hear from t t buyer. By the time i get through with the lacey ranch, there wont be anything left but the buildings. Hey, cisco, you see who it is with the lawyer . Yes, pancho. There is plenty wrong around here. Stay here, pancho. Keep your eyes open. Oye, se . O have you seen my friend cisco . I think hes lost. Yeah . Yeah, i looked for him anyplace, but i cant find him somewhere. Maybe help me look h oh, but, se . Or get out of my way. door opens that was ciscos pal. That do was shut when we left here. Anything missing . Theres plenty. Are you sure about him, cisco . Bill, everything seems to point thatathis foster is a crook as well as a lawyer. Well, if youre right about him and the new foreman they could robobarge blind. Isnt there anything we can do . No, not unless we get more evidence. Hey, thats bill. This is better than we thought. You know what to do. Pancho, that smells pretty good. gunshot ricochets . . Better make a run for it before they pin us down. Get to your horses. Ill keep you covered. gunshots cisco, lets went. Im sorry about them getting away, foster. Never mind about that. We gotta move and move quick. Get that cattle across the state line as soon as you can. Leave it to me. All right. Thank goodness i found you three before the sheriff did. Hats happened, marge . Well, ive lost most of my cattle to rustlers, and the sheriff thinks you three stole them. Can you imanige that . T . Who told that big lie . I break his neck in two places. It was one of my new punchers. I was in town when he rode in hey, bill, you know this country around here pretty well . Surur why . What would you do if you rustled cattle, where would you drive them . Well, id take them over the state line, through devils pass. Well, then, theres where were heading for. Miss lacey, will you do something for me . Certainly. Please tell the sheriff to pick up foster and hold him at his office until i get there. All right. Thats jason and the new lacey riders. . . Look after them, pancho. Ill meet you in town. Sheriff, this is an outrage. You have no right, legal or otherwise, to detain me here. I insist to cool off, sam. Iinot detaining you, just keeping you company until cisco gets here. door opens did you find my herd, cisco . Your foreman, jason, and the new hands your lawyer hired. Are you insinuating that im behind the rustling . No one else. Ou cant prove it. No . chuckles a smart attorney like you should be more clever where you hides s ings. Sheriff, i found this bottle of ink eradicator in one of his files. This, my friend, is going to send you to the gallows. Really . I im positive. And, sheriff, take a look at this. This is a copy of jim laceys will. Foster removed the name of the real executor, the banker, and substituted his own. Ththcattle rustling was only the first step in looting the ranch and stripping miss lacey of her inheritance. This s a very clever deduction, cisco, but im afraid it will never be admitted as evidence. Congratulations, mrs. Ryan. Oh, you know already, mr. Barton . Yes. Cisco and pancho told me ababt your getting married. But you understand under the terms of your uncles will, its my duty as his s ghtful executor to cut off your allowance. I know, but being married to bill is worth it. Well, i called you in for another reason. Bill, have you a dollar . Sure. Why . Oh, give it to me. Why should i give you a dollar . Hey, do as he say. Give him the dollar. Whats all this about . Married you, then the executor could dispose of the property at his discretion. And after a full discussion of the matter with our mutual friend cisco, its my discretion to sell you the entire estate for exactly one dollar. Oh, cisco take good care of her, bill. Oh, tamal. Lets went. Oh, pancho . . Goodbye, amigos see you soon laughing oh. Good morning ranger. Its gonna be warm, huh . Looks like it milo. How are things . Oh, i cant complain. I could i suppose, but it wont help. Keep s sling, i always say. Well, its good advice. . . There you are. You looking for me . I certainly am. Hehe, read that. Jack summers releaseded ye and gun, well, whos sam benton and whos this jack summers . Sam bentons a newspaper man in dallas, an old friend of mine. Jack summers is from this very town. Hes a murdering convict and hes coming here to kill someone and youve got to stop it hoby. Trackdown Ranger Gilman learned that jack summers and his older brother larry had both grown up and gone to school in porter. Five years before, jack summers had been arresteteand convicted for attempted train robbery. And ill tell you this hoby. If i were a man, id buckle on a gun and id wait for him at the edge of town, and id tell him he wasnt wanted. Yeah, where is he . Dead. Oh yeah, Natural Causes . No, bullets. Well, when was this Larry Summers killed . A couple years ago. Here in town . So, jaja summers is coming back to avenge his brothers death, is that it . Yeah. Well you cant exactly blame him for that. Oh, please hoby, now dont joke this is serious. Now i cant tell him to move on, not unless hes done something. Hoby. Well i dont know who killed larry, but he deserved it. And his brother jack is of the same rotten breed. Well, how old a man is s . Oh, about 23 now. Thatll make him all of 18 when he went to prison, thats kind of young to be rotten all t t way through, isnt it . He is though, he couldnt be any other way. Alririt, henriettta, i wont argue with you anymore. Now, what else can you tell me about this Larry Summers . Who works at the Hotel Restaurant . Yeye. Well she was engaged to larry at one time, but she didnt kill him. Are you sure about that . Im sure. And you might talk to tenner. Tenner . Well hes only been in town a few weeks. Well hes from abilene. And larry spent a couple of years in abilene. Alright. . . Is tenner in his office . Thank you. knocking come in. Oh, its you. Well, i wont even ask you how business is. Id give up half of it for an extra hour a day mr. Gilman. Well, what can i do for you . You must know it does mean something to me or you wouldnt have asked. Well hes on his way here. I see. I understand that his brother larry was in abilene same time you were. And did you uh, know him there . Well, youll find out about it anyway, so i might as well tell you. Yes, i knew him. He was my partner. Go ahead. Why didnt you leave . Larry would have liked that fine. But i had too much money invested and i wasnt about to give it up. Summererwas too mean to live. I figured hed run into a bullet someday, and he did. Yours . He was killed here, mr. Gilman. I was in abilene at the time. And i can prove it. Alright. Whyd you u ave abilene . Business was terrible. I figured with summers dead, business would pick up, but it didnt. The saloon still smelled of him and his friends. People stayed away. So, i sold out. I um, i found out that this place was for sale, so, well, you know the rest. Well, it strikes me that uh, you gained quite a bit out of Larry Summers death. You got a business of your own now. Partly financed by him. And i imagine that jack summers has thought about that. Well see. Eileen, can i have a little more coffee please . Im sorry. Im sorry want to tell me all ababt it . I got part of it from henrietta. Part of what . You and jack summers. Theres nothing to it. Alright, you have it your way. Im just trying to help. What do you want . You jack summers . Yeah, thats right. Im hoby gilman, texas ranger. Im temporary sheriff here in town. You dont say. I understand theres a possibility yoyomight be coming to town to kill somebody. Mr. Summers, if my information is correct, i suggest you reconsider. Go on someplace else and cool off. You got anymore talking to do . Yeah. If a mans got to be punished, its the laws job, not yours. In the first place, hes got to be proved, in in the second place. gunshot gunshots hold it hold it i lost him. You have any idea who it was . No i dont. Thanks for trying to get him anyway. You wanna walk on down to my office and wait for me while i go get your horse . Does that mean im under arrest . Nope, i just want to talk to you. Alright. Are you sure you dont know who it was . No. s killer is trying to get me before i get him. No, i dont think so. What are you talking about . Well, its pretty short range to miss with a rifle. Looked to me like he was just trying to scare you off. Well, i doubt thatat in any case, i dont scare very easily. Dont take the law into your own hands mr. Summmms. . . Hello hoby. Good morning. I have an item for your newspaper. Well, what is it . Jack summers is in town. Thats not even news. Well this is. Somebody took a couple of shots atatim last night. Oh, well they missed unfortunately. How did you know . Well now he wouldnt be registered and in his room at the hotel if they hadnt have missed would he . Where were you . I was talking to him at the time. I took off after the party that fired the shots, but i missed him. You have any idea who it might have been . Misguided texas ranger protects the wrong man. Yeah. Ive been checking into the records on this uh, Larry Summers, and i found this. Drunk and disorderly a aalf a dozen times. Killed two men in a gunfight june 72 self defense. Suspicion of homicide, august. No evidence. And he killed somebody named jay spenenr in september 72 in self defense. Was fofod dead the same month. Unknown. Now, who is this jay spencer . Never heard of him. Now come on henrietta, yououont expect me to believe that, do you . You know everything thats ever happened in this town. Who did what, and how, and who to. Theres your friend. Headed for tenners place. N entered the saloon from the rear. He intended to stop any shooting before it began. But he also realized this was possibly his best opportunity so far to learn some concrete facts about the death of Larry Summers well . Ow why im here tenner. To kill me i suppose. Thats right, if you killed my brother. I didnt. I wasnt here at the time. You could have hired somebody to do it for yoyo if it becomes necessary for me to kill anyone, ill do it myself. My brother was your partnenein abilene. He sent me a copy of your agreement with him. Ive never denied it. Do you have the agreement . Yeah. Ill buy it from you. Whats your offer . Three thousand dollars. Three thousand dollars. Thats a lot of money. As next of kin, youu entitled you your brothers half as next of kin, youre entitled you your brothers half youre trying to buy me off. Do you want the money or dont you . Ill decide that later. In the mean time, im going to do what i came here for. And if youre the man im looking for, all the money in the world isnt gonna help you. Morning. . . Get out of this town. Who are you miss . My name is eileen day. If it means anything to you. Yeah, my brother wrote to me about you. You were going to be married, he loved you very much. Oh, he loved nobody. Nobody but himself. Nobody was happier than me when somebody shot him. I wish i had done it myself. Did yoyo no. And im not gonna let you hunt down the person that did it. Well youre not gonna stop me maam. Nobody is. Let go thats enough. Im sorry eileen. Youre under arrest for attempted murder. I dont think she woululhave used that gun ranger. Come on. Eileen. Could you have pulled the trigger . I dont know. Well, i dont think you could have at that. You go on back to the hotel. And stay out of my business from now on, alright . Looks like im indebted to you again ranger. Thats alright. Now i think maybe you can stop following me around now. Now you listen to me summers, ive had a aut enough out no, you listen to me. I havent broken any laws yet, and im not your problem until i do. Now i appreciate what youve done for me just now, but you dont have to appreciate anything. It wasnt loaded. . . knocking come on in hoby. Ive been expecting you, what took you so long . You didnt have to wait t for me. No . Youd have come to my house and awakened me anyway. Hes been all over town asking questions. I dont think hes found out anything yet. At least he hasnt gotten to shoot anybody. Now, are you gonna tell me about this jay spencer . The one that Larry Summers killed. Well, i might as well, youll find out anyway. Jay spencer, jimmy. He was a boy, 18, 19 years old. Larry summers had one of his mean nights, he goaded jimmy into drawing and then killed him, just for the fun of it. Any witnesses . Two of them. It happened late at night. The sheriff saw, hes dead now. And jimmys father. Is the father still alive . Yeah. The shock almost killed him. He had a stroke. Hes been partially paralyzed ever since. You u an the stable man, milo . sigh that poor old mans had enough trouble in his life, now another shock might be too much for him. Henrietta, i just want to talk to him. Goodnight. Goodnight hoby. . . . . knocking knocking just a minute, just a minute. Oh, its you ranger. Ill get your horse for you right away. Oh, its alright, i dont want my horse milo. Im sorry to disturb you at this hour, but its important mr. Spencer. Well, it must be important, you calling me mr. Spencer. You always call me milo. You dont mind if i rest while we talaldo you . I get tired awful easy. No, you go ahead. Ill get some chewing tobacco, its around here somewhere, now, uh howd you know what i was gonna do . I never saw you chewing tobacco. Youre a little old to start. Well, you gonna use that . You got the answer to that. It was self defense. I taunted Larry Summers like he taunted my boy. And when he came after me, i used a rifle. I wasnt trying to hit that other summers last night either. I was only trying to scare him. Whyd you throw down on me just now . Id figured youd worked it out and had come to take me in. Ive been waiting for years for Something Like this to happen. O hanging just for killing a snake like Larry Summers. I guess it doesnt matter much either way now. Anyway, i couldnt have shot you. Youve been awful good to me. Now you go back to sleep my friend. M sorry to have bothered you. Ill see you in the morning. No, no. If youre going to arrestste, you may as well do it now. Im ready, go on and take me in. Arrest you. Go back to sleep. . . Jack summers . Yeah, thats right. My name is pete stratton. You remember me. Yeah, yeah, i think i do, youre a friend of larrys werent you . Thats right. Best friend he ever had in fact. Oh really . A hunch i had, i had nothing to go on. The way i see it though, the only man it could have been was tenner. Well how come you didnt do something about it at the time . Well, he has a lot of friends, which you probably well l ow by now. You see, i got shot at a couple of times, and so did some of the other boys. Well, after that the gang just sort of broke up without larry around to hold things together. Mmhmm. Well ive been drifting around ever since that time. I got right back here as fast as i could. You said something about a gang, i dont know anything about that. You mean larry never wrote you anything about us . No. Well now there were six of us in that gang you see. And we had abilene right by the tail, let me tell you. See, larry was the brains, and the fastest gun. He women too. As a matter of fact, he had a gal right here in porter as i recall. Yeah i met her. Yeah . You met her . Yeah, i talked to tenner too. I thought you would. About the papanership i mean. It belongs to you doesnt it . Thats right. Howd tenner take it . He offered to buy me out. I thought he would. Now look, the only reason i came back here is because i want to take up with you, exactly where i left off with your brother. Now how do you feel about that . That all depends on what you mean. Come on boy, you know what i mean. No i dont. Larry never told you a thing . Well the first thing we do, we get our own dealers in the saloon you see, just like we did back in abilene. Then we start taking in twice as much. Then we get rid d tenner all together. Now larry and i had it figured out exactly how we were going to do that. Youre a liar. laughs boy, you got a lot to learn about your brother. He knew more about a marked deck and dealing off of the bottom than any man i shut up you dont have any more sense now than you did when they sent you up, do you . Do you . Why dont you push it too far stratton. You know, if larry w we alive right now hed spit on you for that. Becacae he aint, im gonna do it for him. punching . . Looks like thats three i owe you gilman. I found the man you were looking for. Last night. Who is it . See that little old man . By the liberty stable door . Yeah . Why . Ll tell you why. I dont think youll enjoy hearing it. But you ought to all the same. Jack summers finally realized that what evererne has told him was true. His brother had deserved to die. As hard as the truth was to take, he took it. And more important, he decided to give up his idea of vengngnce. [orchestral music] [dramatic music] son

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