. . indistinct chatter mr. Parker, i not now, rry, im busy. Its important. Ive got to talk to you. See me later. Hi, sheriff. Hello. Do you mind if i talk to my client a minute . Oh, not at all. Give me your gun, mr. Parker. All right. Let me know when youre ready to leave. Theres 75,000 waiting to be cut up among us. Therell be no split if i go to trial. I think we ought to break you out of here. Divide the money and leave the country. Oh, no. Then id be wanted the rest of my life. Come on, sheriff, were ready. Ive got a better idea. What is it . When the cisco kid comes to town to identify me, get him. I cant do that, right here, under the sheriffs nose. Its either that or have to end your talk now. I gotta leave the office. Very well. What does my lawyer think of my new plan of attack . Ill do as you say. Now youre being smart. Not much use in my having a lawyer, is there, sheriff . Not when i have to tell him how to proro my innocence. Parker said the tall, thin ill flip you to see if i get him. Flip it. Heads. Youll take pancho and like it, joe. Suits me, lou. That liar knows what hes talking about. I got the best of the deal. Hows that . Panchos fatter. Better target. I cant miss. . . Come on, pancho. Theyve stopped. Lets get closer. Whats wrong, pancho . Why are you riding so slow . Oh, cisco, my saddle is no good. I better fix him. Pancho, you are up to a trick. Cisco, how you can look on top of my face and say such things to me . Pancho,o,ou are deliberately delaying my trip to doralo. Hey, cisco, why we are always in such a hurry . For the 300th time, i tell you the sheriff sent for me to now, i saw him very plainly, and i can identify him. Uh, cisco, take advice from a big fool like me and dont stick your nose in other peoples business. Someday, youre gonna walk right into the ambushers. Just as i thought. Theres nothing wrong with your cinch tighten it. Hurry. Look out gunshots . . gunshots you wait here, pancho. gunshots gunshots . . Pancho, get your horse . . They got away clear. You and your tricks to save my life. Pancho. Im going to break his old neck sometime laughing . . Well . Didnt work out as we expected. But you stopped them, didnt you . Yeah, but they got away. You bungling idiots we did the best we could shut up save your explanation for tracy. Did the boys get cisco . Im sorry, tracy they tried, but he got away. You dimwit. Mr. Parker, i got i told you, im busy, terry. Its about tom tracy. What about tom . Whats it worth to you and tom for him to get out of jail . What are you driving at . Is it worth 5,000 for him to walk out scotfree . You must have something quite i have. Is it worth 5,000 . Step into my office. . . How does it feel to be a free man . Fine. There never was any doubt about my innocence, was there . Uh, no, of course not. You know, youre not such a bad lawyer after all, thinking up this one. The sheriff wasnt as happy abt this as we are, the old fool. Sheriff, i was just telling my no hard feelings i guess you had to do your duty. Thats right. Well, you ought to be happy about it. This trial is gonna be an easy one for you with terry ryans signed confession. Hes your man, all right. Is he . Youd sound rather silly going into court and asking that question. Yeah, reckon i would. Well, thanks again for your kind treatment. Well, youll know where ill be if you want me for anything. Come on, t tcy. You bet ill know where to find you, both of you. How can you tell such a lie . Please, pat, go away and leave me alone. I know what im doing. But i dont understand. Youve confessed to committing a murder. They might hang you ill take my chances. Youll find your horse at the stable. Thanks, see me at the shack. Yes uh, wait a minute. Listen. Stop your worrying, parker. You make me gloomy. I should be rejoicing of my good luck. I didnt like the way that sheriff talked. Mamae our plan wont work. Why not . You sent the 1,000 to the specialist terry told you about, didnt you . Yes, herwise, he wouldnt have signed the confession. Then itll work. It better. Remember, it was your idea. Meet me at the shack. Flat feet on the ground . both laughing hey, pancho. That is the man i came here to identify. The one the sheriff picked up on suspicion. Did he break t from the jail . Well find out. Youre the man that shot the banker. What are you talking about . The sheriff has the guilty man locked in jail. Then, if youre not guilty, youll have no objections in going withthe to the sheriff. Mister. . . Just a minute, cisco. Hello, sheriff. Im afraid i brought you here on a wild goose chase. Go on, sheriff, tell this loco stranger hes asking for trouble, stopping this way. Go ahead, tracy. You mean you really turned this outlaw loose . I had to let him m. Come on over to my office, and she says shes going to marry the prisoner, no matter what happens. The cisco kid and pancho. How do you do . So youre the one whos to identify the killer. Thats right, miss. Well, theres terry ryan. Does he look like the killer . Well, mr. Cisco kid . No, it was a man, not this boy. You see, what did i t tl you . Now you turn him loose. Im sorry, i cant turn him loose, pat. You mean youd rather keep an innocent man in jail . According to law, ive got to hold him. He signed a confession. Terry, you are making a verer why dont you mind your own business . Ah, but it is my business. I know you didnt shoot the banker. I said i did. Terry, why did you tell this lie abououyourself . Go away and leave me alone. Hes a very strange hombre, this fellow, you know . W . Most men like to save their neck, but this one pancho, be quiet. I think why all the time, be quiet, dont talk, shut up, dont talk why, wh pancho, you want me to tell you . Well, after giving it a second think. No. Dont worry, miss, well find out what this is all about. Ill be at my p pce, taking care of his mother, if you want me. Goodbye, terry. Goodbye, pat. . . . . Someones coming. Oh, its only parker. Well, gentlemen. Howdy, counselor, what brings you out here . Now, dontnswer that. You come about your fee. Youre a very thoughtful client. Well, when do we split the kitty . After ive taken care of what do you mean . And im not sending the rest of that 5,000 to the doctor. And im not breaking the kid out of jail. But thats what i promised him, i thought oh, stop it asasong as that kids alive, i stand a chance of being hung. He might turn yellow and blab. Once hes dead, that confessioio he signed stands, right . Well, what are you gonna do . Im gonna stay here and hole up for a while, till its all over. Till whats all over . The hanging of terry ryan. But. That might take weeks. Not my way. Hello. Lou, you and joe go on to town. Stir thing sup. You know, like a good, oldfashioned lynching bee. And remember, that banker was liked by everyone. I gotcha, tom. You know, maybe i should have been a lawyer. Go ahead, have some coffee. Dont let a little thing like this upset you. Friend to most of you. Somethings gotta be done about his coldblooded killing. crowd muttering by the time the circuit judge arrives, he might escape. Why, he might drum up some legal trick to get out of this thats the way it happened, men, and something should be done about it whats going on out here . Trouble. Lets get him out of jail and get it over with all chattering all chattering angrily you might wanna open up, sheriff sheriff, they aint gonna take him were gonna take him with us. Pancho, get our horses. Get one for terry, also. Well, hurry youre going with cisco. Ill keep him busy a few minutes. Hike it up out there crowd chattering we want your prisoner stop the shootin, man keep out of this, sheriff we aim to get terry ryan give me that gun get the horses, men. Never mind him, terry broke jail with the help of the cisco kid. Better ride with us right come on whistles what happened . No time to explain now. You better ride on back home. Im going wherever terry goes hows mom . gunshots continue this may be your last chance to tell the truth, terry. I dont know what your talking about. bullet ricochets gunshots continue the money you got for your mothers operation. You got it from tracy, didnt you . Think it over, terry. In trouble, itll kill her. Theyll get me out of it, they promised me es, a promise. It was his lawyer, eh . Well, see how hes doing it yeah, i see it. I certainly wasnt fooled, but i needed the cash for moms operation. Well, now that we know the truth, well win this fight,t, wont we, cisco . Hyah gunshots gunshots continue m glad youre here, sheriff thats an ornery bunch to hold out against. Tracy paid him to sign that confession, shshiff. Maybe theyll stop firing. They wouldnt let you finish one sentence. click click gunshots continue click huh. Maybe they gotnough. Hey, you men you been sold the wrong bill of goods terry aint the guilty man now, cut out this foolishness, or youll all find yourself dead or in jail i think we have everything under control, sheriff. Ill see you later. . . Hold it, parker youre going to town with me. Now, wait a minute, cisis, i hello, cisco. Move over there. I was gonna take you with me, parker, but i couldnt find room for your thihis in my bag. . . Uhh uhh unh uhh uhh oof uhh on your feet, mr. Tracy. Now, ill identify you for two everythings under control, pancho and i will be on our way. You know, cisco, im very happy about this town. N. Pancho, im very happy youre happy at last. Yeah, my heart is filled with happinesesbecause all those guilty men are in the calabasas. And the senorita gonna marry terry, and they willllive happily ever afterward. Pancho, you surprise me. I didnt know you had any romance left in your soul. Ah, i dont got no romances. Only, if she marry him, that will be one less senorita to fall in love with you. laughter gooe, goodbye, cisco. Adio goodbye, sheriff. Oh, sheriff, one thing more tell those banditos to keep in touch with you, huh . Tell the banditos, uh laughing hey, you hear that, tracy . He said tell you banditos to keep in touch with me laughing . . Hey, pancho, your s sdle cinch is loose. You cant fool pancho with his own tricks. Its not t trick. Be careful. Fool. laughing goodbye, amigos see you soon laughing . . Cotti. Hes alone. I got him mr. Gilmans coming i got mr. Gilman. . . You tell him everything cotti . I have thirty miles to tell him. Hey you in there now we got the law in this town too scared alread oh you yellow bellies bringing the law in here aint gonna help ya. Y aint ya . laughing hey law man you tell em. They keep me in this jail much longer they aint gonna have a town laughing go on tell em, they aint gonna have a town . . Trackdown s the town of talpa had been in fear. They had stood, just a small handful of citizens guarding the jail since Early Morning two had escaped. One had beeng agent. Now that man was to be triri and hanged. A man no one knew and yet, they were afraid. You were the nearest place we could send for help gilman. We heard you took on a share wih porter. Im just holding down the law on special assignment in porter. Now this town needs authority. Cotti told you what happened. I mean any reprise before that man in there gets hanged. Tell him the truth were scared mr. Gilman thats why we called on ya. Alright take it easy ive got a circuit judge coming up in the morning. You can see we havent hadad sheriff in over a year. Yeah why not . We cant afford it. The sup cleaned out the last one, that halley c cet affair. Old chet farrow. You dont remember me but i remember you. Ell me youre one of the men who held up the butterfield stage depot. The agent shot you before he died. That what they say . Mm. We gotta witness. Saw it all happen. Oh you have . Cotti told you didnt he . Didnt he tell you we got a witness . Yeah he told me. Whats your name . Four out of town. Just ask for mavis. Everythings gonna be alright men. Stop putting on murdock. Look gilman youre still only one man. Besides how do we know the prisoner did it . He was the only one in the street wasnt he . I dont care i dont want his men coming back. His kind never come back they havent got the guts. I got a wife and kid in this town. We all got families peterson. He killed tragger didnt he . Well im surprised you held d to him this long. Look mr. Gilman maybe i better tell you something. We put that man in jail this morning cuz we wanna see justice done. Let me tell him. Now look gilman, if you think were scared for ourselves youre wrong. Were scared for that witness. Now lets say that man in there hangs. Whats to keep one of his friends from coming back and killing her for talking . Or if he dont hang, they might just come back and kill her for being willing to. You got some imagination. Youre just believing what he wants you to believe now arent ya . Stop worrying everybody. Mr. Gilmans here to protect us either way thats what we called him for. Say maybe i could be your deputy. Yeah sure you be my deputy. Well, dont i get a starar or something . Theres one inside somewhere. . . Uh im loooong for mavis. Thank you. . . knocking the trial tomorrow. They tell me that you saw what happened this morning. Youre wasting your time mister i changed my mind. Im getting out. Youre the only witness weve got we cant hang him without ya. Look i know who that man is up at that jail. Whats his name . Oh i dont know his name i mean i know what he is. Braggigi around that saloon last night about what a big man he was with his friends. He runs a real bunch mister. Im not gonna sit up there as witness against a man whos got friends. I wanna live mister hes got you fooled like hes got everybody else fooled. He doesnt have any friends. Well why pick on me . Maybe, maybe hes the wrong man. Maybe he was just an innocent bystander that agent shot when by mistake. Im not gonna do it and afterwards . What about afterwards . What about when you leave town . Whos gonna protect me then . That c cmmy bunch in town . snickers well theres no way out of town now mavis. The stage doesnt leave till tomorrow night, you can take it then. The trial will be over in the morning. I promise you youll be protected i dont want your protection and i dont need no o age. Getting out of town the same way i came in, on my own two feet. Ill give you somebody. You want a witness . There was a kid. What kid . Well i didnt know i didnt get a good look at him. He was blonde. Saw him running up an alley after the shooting. Rider just rode in mr. Gilman hes in the bar now. Alright ill see him. If its one of his men . Alright you better get some sleep. Oh we lostst the witness. Woman skipped town. No. Do you have any blonde children around here . I mean i dont know whether shes lying or not but uh she said she saw a rom the killing this morning. Well forget it. Whatya say . Are you uh staying long . No im not staying long. Well we like to know who comes into town we dont see many strangers. Youre just traveling, huh . You might say that. Your horse doesnt look much traveled. But hes got a wilding w look at a fella i thats right. Ve got over at the jail. Havent got much choice have i . Well. Oh now. Histling head out. whistling whistling head out. whistling kinda nervous aint ya . You dont know how or when im gonna get outta here and you dont know whos gonna help me. Well hes not one of them. How sure are you . There isnt anybody coming back after you. Wait and see. They tell me we lost the witness. If we dont have the woman we cant hold him after tomorrow. This way were just riling him mr. Gilman. Well suppose i find somebody else. Maybe e should just let him go. Maybe hell just ride outta town. Well i asked you a question now. Hed killed whoever you found you knowowhat. One of his men would. Maybe that stranger just rode into town as one of them. If theres a shootin, one of us might get in the way. Ill tell you what you just get out of here. Mr. Gilman mr. Gilman whats the matter son . Whats the matter boy . Wheres mr. Gilman . In the jail. Hello son. You dont remember me do ya . Well uh. I neveveforgot you. Coming to talpa a year ago. Cleaning up everything lickety split. Im johnny doan. Well where are you from john . We got a ranch six miles out. My mas been holding me there eve. When i told her i saw the killing. She was scared for me she said. But i ran away when she told me you were in town. Whats going on . Whats the boy doing here . Can i mr. Gilman . I wanna do it how much did you see john . Well, there was a woman watching it. Youd be my only witness, shes run away. I ran away too but im not scared anymore. You sure . Yes sir. You swear to it . Yes sir. And i saw him fall from his horse as mr. Tragger shot back. You gonna take the word of a kid . Well thats all i got left to hang you with mister. laughs you aint hung me yet. Hey you you have any objections if i leave town . Dont come back. What would i wanna come back here for . I told you there wasnt anybody comin back for you. But you still aint sure are you ranger . Now it was a man and a boy who stood alone against a town that was afraid of reprisals. Congealed in fear that theyre own lives were at stake. If a crime was to be reckoned with and a man to be hanged hobys job now was to prprect johnny doan. Johnny Johnny Johnny you come here ive been looking all over for you you had me worried half to death. I know what youre here for. You cant let him do this mr. Gilman. But he wants to use me ma, he wants to you hush up johnny. Im not having him stand as witness to that man in jail. Well theres nobody else mam. I dont like the idea myself but uh i havent got any choice. Then let him go and whos to watch him from those men who want revenge for what youre gonna let him do . Not afraid and if you wanna stand and get killed alright but dont use this boy. Im not afraid either. Johnny i wanna talk to mr. Gilman. You take the horse over and give her some water honey. Dodohat she tells you son. Yes. Please. You cant use him mr. Gilman. Alright now you tell me why mam. Im not gonna let anythingng. Well i, i guess theres not. You see i saw the killing too. I was here i was getting groceries with the boy. Yeah he told that but he didnt tell me that you saw what happened. Well i didnt but i came out right after the shootin. I saw johnny runnin down the street and then i, i saw that man lyin there. Thats why i kept ththboy in the house all day. I couldnt let him come back and stand as witness because, because i know the man who killed mr. Tragger. The man you wanna hang is john quince. Hes johnnys father mr. Gilman. I ran away years ago when johnny was a baby. I couldndn stand being married to a killer and a thief. I changed our name. Johnny thinks his fathers dead. Dont use him mr. Gilman. whistling whats the matter . We dont want no trouble gilman we chahaed our minds. We decided were gonna let him go. Were nonoeven sure he did it. Any way we dont want that boy hurt. You listen to him law man, hes right you got no witness you got no trial. No. Why . Whyhyrent you gonna let me talk . Youre going home with your maa you mean youre doing what theyre asking you to do . Youre lettin that man in jail get away . I said id help ya. Go on home. You let my mom scare ya didit ya you let them scare you youre afraid johnny. Let me go. Let me go please. Johnny. Youre afriad his friends will come back and kill you. Thats what youre afriad of. Is it gonna be alright . Youll fret a while but you go on home ill get him back to you safe. We made our decision gilman now you let him out of jail. Were not taking the boys order or anybodys anymore. We dont want him in town any longer. You better let me out of here wherever you are theyll hang you u mewhere else. Youll hit a town someday that will have a belly for justice. Stop r ring him gilman the boys gone. You got no witness now. Let him go you tell him mister. Hes right law man, you tell him whered they put my gun . Your horse is over at the stable. Ch better. Maybe someday i can do the same for yoyo tell me uh are you going out to meet your friends now . laughter no. That boy oughta be around though. laughter we dont want him here another minuteteyou hear me mister . Dont wowoy. Hes not gonna be here very much longer. laughter quince. Howd you know my name . I dont need a witness against you now. This poster says two thousand dollars reward money for you. Youre under arrest. gunshots no other way to get quince. The whole thing came full circle. In the end it wasnt the boy who gave his father away, it was the man himself. He drew against hoby when all he had to do was walk out of townn come up here son. Ill take you home. Thats a fair question but im not gonna answer it. Sometimes you just gotta accept a grown ups decision without ququtions. Thats the way it is, you know . But you werent afraid of him were you . chuckles i sure thank you for coming down ms. Hanford. Now, if youll tell the sheriff about offering me a job in Jefferson City and who i am . I did talk to mrmrbodie about ramrodding for us. But i never saw this man before in Jefferson City or anywhere else. And mr. Bodie is lying dead at the undertakers. I just came from there. Thank you. Thats all we wanted to know. Whats this all about . You, your brothers, i know youre lying but i dodot know why. Youre calling this lady a liar . Hold it, you. Thank you, mr. Rankin. Im most grateful

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