Yeah, im gettin kinda anxious myself. Whwh, he still back there . I dont see him but, hes still back there. Ah, what if he is . Donnt mean hes followin. No . Well look, it was no secret in town when we bought this outfit. And any idiot could have guessed why. Ah, maybe youre right, dunc. How much further is it we gotta go . Oh, we can make cramers camp in a few hours. If we keep on movin. Then how far . Four days. If i had known what it was like minin any sign of him . Ah, hes around someplace. Maybe he went huntin. I never figured why cramer stayed here while you came into town. His horse went lame. It was faster if i came in alone for the burros in the outfit. Listen, take the stock over there wherertheres more grass, dunc. Ill start fixin supper. Hey, clancy clancy, come here. Its cramer. I dont like this a bit. That fella followin us, and now this. This cramers wife . Yeah. Its not here. Whats not here . The map. He hasnt got it. The way to the mine . Well, i thought you knew how to get there. Look, you were there when you found the gold. Wewe, i wasnt trying to remember the way. Cramer was writin it down on paper. Be here someplace. He wouldnt have thrown it away. Thats what he must have done. Studied it, learned it by heart and. And got rid of it. Now, suppose you tell us what youre after. I was about to ask you that. We got the idea you might be following us. Reckon were just headed the same direction. Well, just keep travelin. Well follow you for a while. Sorry, but t tres no more water afraid ill have to stay a while. Where ya headed . North. You know that country up there pretty well . Pretty well. You look pretty funny standin there with that gun in your hand. We was, um, just about to cook some grub. Glad to have you join us. Thanks. Oh, i hope you had a reason for not runnin him off. I did. Besides, dunc, i dont t ink hed run. Well, now with cramer dead, were twothirds of the way to a big strike and no way to find it. Right now, its eitherer turn around or get some help. So, wwe figured maybe you could help us find the spot. Once, for wages. About three years ago. [chuckling] youre soundin better to me by the minute. But im not lookin for a job. Oh, well, its not a job. Well cut you in, share and share alike. Were talkin about a big bonanza. I dont know. Gold can play some funny tricks on men. Ive seen it. well, it wouldnt be like that with dunc and me. hes my best friend. We came west together. Ed in gold. But im a little doubtful too. Whatd this place look like where you found these . Well. The mountain was steep and rough like all the rest of em, except this one had a creek. A little creek. Andand d e mountain across the way was shaped like a. Like a saddle. You were on blackfoot creek. You know where it is . You, you can get us there . [laughing and cheering] hey, gents this calls for a drink, huhu well, heres to. Hey, i dont even know yououname. Cheyenne bodie. Heres to cheyenne bodie. Hey, this is it this is where where clancy, where . Here it is. Take a look at it. So t tts what this stuff looks like, huh . Why, that aint much different than sand. Just plain sand. But its real rich dirt. Just show me where to start diggin hold it. We dont dig here. The rains washed this down. Thats where we gotta go. Up there. Well, what are we waitin for . Flume leaks, some at first till the boards swell and close the seams. All right clancy. Let her go. Right there shshcomes. Let her rip yahoo i sure had some blockheaded ideas about prospectin for gold. All in the findin, i thought. You just picked it up, put it in sacks and carried it to the bank. Theres your share, duncan. What are you gonna do with your hard earned money when you go back and cash in . . Oh, i figure ill keep on, roamin and lookin. Lookin . . Lookin for what . Wish i knew. Ive been fiddlefooted all my life. Guess that comes from livin with indians for eight years when i was a kid. N where he can, kinda settle down and feel like hes come home. If he can only find it. Whatatbout yourself . I figure on buying some land and d owing some fruit. Apples, maybe. Howd you come to s stle on apples . Oh, i can remember my granddads farm when i was kid, back in new york state. He had an orchard. I can remember the smell of the blossoms and the fruit. The cider press. Whats all that about . We were talkin about what we aim to do when we get back. Never no question in my mind about that. Yeah . Tell us about it, dunc. Im gonna have me a saloon. And not one of them, sawdustonthefloor joints like ive been workin in, neither. This is gonna be a saloon with class. Bartenders in white coats orchestra, girls. Hmm. Im thinkin. How long do you reckon were gonna be here . Six months or so. We ought to put somemeinda limit on our take. Agreed, between ourselves. That when we get exactly so much, well pull up stakes. Mmhm. How much you think the limit ought to be . Ten thousand a piece . ten thousand . with all the gold were sittin on . How much do you say . Well, 50,000, anyway. Seventyfives more like it. Ten thousand in one piece thats small change. No use making a hog of yourself. Hog, am i . I . Why, id be within my rights to ask twice what youre gettin at. how come . Theres no denyin, is there . I put up all the cash for the outfit. Thats right, dunc. I always meant to pay ya back. The next time you go callin me a hog just remember what i could have done if i wanted to. I just dont like bein told im a hog, thats all. [mountain lion roaring] [crickets chirping] you oughtnt go jumping out at a man like that. Could be dangerous. You out for a midnight stroll . Didnt spook the burros. Yeah . Whats the matter, dunc . I just think ill go and make sure them burros are all right. Help yourself. Whats up . Nothings up. Wheres duncan . Pokin aroundd out in the dark. Hes sure takin a long time. Im gonna take a looksee. Wheres clancy . Outside someplace. Looks like its come around to me again. But i wont take my turn if yououwo will quit worryin duncan just like i thought mind tellin me first what this is all about . You know what this is abouou without my tellin ya. Well, so this is where you cast your dust. Whats all the gunplay for . Seems like i accidentally stumbled on duncs bank. Accidentally . What were you trying to pry that rock up for, tell me that . I saw a gila monster crawl under it. I gotta hand it to you. You can sure think of a good story when you got to. t need that gun. No. All right, im a liar. Theres no gila monster under there. Lets see ya stick your hand in. clancy go on, go ahead. sure, i will. One move outta you and ill dont worry, im gonna stand right here. I wanna see this. Reach right in, dunc. Show us youre not yellolo they never let go do they, cheyenne . Them gila monsters, once they grab a hold of ya. but their heads will still hang on, i hear. but by then, the victim is dead. Aint that right, cheyenne . Its near enough. clancy well, whats the matter, dunc why dont you reach your hand right in and get your dust . clancy it couldnt be youre scared to, could it . after ya shot off your mouth. come on, dunc show us youre not yellow. Ill kill you, you dirty, thievin now, one more bad move outta you, dunc and ill blow you to kingdom come. Come on, boy. Come on there. Come on there. Come on. Whoa. Any more outta you, ill haul off and let ya have it. You know whats good for ya, ya wont monkey around with me. Take it easy till you get your wind back. You were lucky, dunc. Yeah. Who pulledede out . Clancy did. Look at this. We got Company Comin up the trail. More than likely, its a bunch of renegades headed for the hills. Wed better get ready for em. [dramatic music] whats the matter . Indians. Ll, what are we gonna do . Cant get down to the horses. Theyre lost. But we can save the burros and the food. Well, if we have to fight, lets fight. We may be there for a day or two. Ill take it. Get the guns. Quick you dont seem the least bit worried, partner. Well, thats funny. I am. Thats what you say. Im on to your stinkin game. You made a mistake when you told us you lived with the indidis. now youre gonna take whats comin to ya. dunc, you gone crazy . I knkn what im doin. How do we know what he does when hes away from camp . He signaled them indians. Why . duncan n so he wouldnt have to split with us. you know any prayers, you start sayin em. Better think it over, duncan. Sound of that gun will bring the indians right to us. And youll wish you had me back. [dramatic music] mescaleros. Ranging way north of their territory. Must have the army on their tail. [ dramatic music continues] thats far enough this is my camp. What do you want here . Guns, food, bullets. We have your horses. Good horses. You give us gun, bullets, we go. [hooting] [multiple gunshots] [gunshots continue] [gunshots still continue] you reckon theyve had enough . Just dont stand up there. You mean they aint gone . Far enough to try to throw us off our guard. Youre really scared, arent you . Offerin t tgive away your gold. Its better than gettin killed. Yeahahi guess it is. Well, the indians dont know or care about gold. Give em a load of buffalo hides, you might makaka deal. [gunshots] somethings happened. Wait a minute. Maybe thats just a trick to lure us out and then get us. I dont think so. Spot they got us in, they dont need tricks. [gunshots] hey, partners come on up here theres a sight if there ever was one. [gunshots continues] duncan soldiers, ok at em. thats why they wanted guns and ammunition. Ped id never see a uniform again. I take it all back. They still know where to find us. Maybe its time we pulled out. yeah, i guess theres no sense in pushin our luck. how much you figure weve made up to date . Oh, maybe 30,000 a piece. Well, theres still a lot more up here. If we stay, we may be wintered in. I vote with you, cheyenne. Lets call it quits and leave, huh . [trumpet music] settled, its settled. She sounds like a real nice girl. Who . Cramers wifefei mean, widow. You read that. I aint read it. Whats it say . Dear lou. It was such a relief to get word little jimmy is fine but he misses his daddy almost as much as i do. Ive never thought any material treasure no matter how great is worth the painin of these long separations. The fruit trees are all in bloom and everybody looks forward to big crops. Of course, im hoping that you. Will, at last, strike it rich. It is high time for luck to start smiling upon you. Forever yours, helen. Somebody ought to write and let her know. Yeah, im gonna do that as soon as we get back. But iii been thinkin. That we ought to share somemef our gold with her . Thats right. You mean, give her some of our gold . Yeah. Youre crazy. Weve had all the luck, he didnt have any. Seems to me, it wouldnt hurt if we shared ours. You sound like a preacher. Now whats wrong with that . You tell me one good reason why we should get rich and he gets killed. I figure helping out his wife might be one way of showing we appreciate it. Ill go along with that. not me. i worked hard for what i got. I aim to keep it. Ah, you can do what you like as far as im concerned, you [dramatic music] leave those guns alone. If they meant harm, wed all be dead by now. If this is one of your tricks n peace. You two wait here. Welcome to our fire. Theres only four of em. Why take chances . You heard what cheyennnnsaid. Let him do it his way. He knows indians. Yeah, maybe he knows em too well. What did they want . Theyve got a white woman in their camp. One of the chiefs wives. Shes sick. They want us to help. Tell em well send a doctor out from town. Its not a laughing matter. They ask us once. Next time theyll be telling us. Theres only four of them. Look, well pretend to go and then let em have it soon as we get the chance. No, whether i can help or not, ive got to try. You dont t e them anything. Maybe not. Either way, im goin. Well, go ahead. Clancy and i cant help. Mind taking my gold along . You can handle three burros all right. Yeah, if you want us to. Id be glad to do it for you, cheyenne. You sure cant take it into their camp. I guess id better get started. Well be in bigfork. Good luck. Watch out for them squaws. One of em might wanna marry you for your money. I might just do that. Livin around white men sometimes indians look real good to me. duncan see ya in bigfork. [orchestral music] whats the matter . Im stoppin here for the night. You wanna go ahead, it suits me fine only leave c cyennes gold with me. Now, why should i leave it with you . Its part of my responsibility, ainit i . I dont care what you do, the burro stays here. Now, listen, its still early. Or five miles before dark. I didnt order you to camp here. You can go twenty miles more for all i care. Ordered me . Whos orderin who to do anything around here . You talk like you were the boss of this outfit. Oh . Maybe you think you are. Go on, lets hear you say it. Alright, if this is far as you canano. Who says it is . I just dont wanna go no further, thats all. I could, but i dont wanna, see. Yeah. That was my idea in the first place. Whats the joke . Just come to me what a bonehead move that cheyenne made when he leff his burrow in our keepin. How do you mean . Figured we do his sweati for him, huh . Herd this pack train along so he comes s ong free and easy just behind us. What are you gettin at . Dont you see . It all belongs to us noww we dont go back to bigfork, savvy. Not at all. Youre not serious. You dont realal mean what youre sayin. You and cheyenne was the ones that got scared and wanted to leave the mine, not me. Listen, duncan. While i can stand on my two legs you wont touch a single grain of cheyennes gold. You understand that . Sure, partner. Sure i do. I see just what you mean. Well split up right now. Thatd susu you just fine, wouldnt it . Why me more than you . So you could shoot me in the back. Sneak up on me, get me from behind. Well, if you feel that way, ill go ahead. So you could ambush me on the trail, my pal. One move out of you brother, i pull this trigger. Drop that wood and get your hands up. Get em up. Higher. Higher they wont go any higher. Was i right or was i . You and your sundayschool talk about other peoples possessions. You. Alright, stand up and take it like a man. So youre gonna murder me . Not murder, brother. Now, start walkin. Your funeral. Keep goin. [dramatic music] go on. Hold it. no, duncan maybe i didnt kill him. Maybe i better bury him. I dont want no buzzards givin me away. Clancy tayaka. [speaking nativeamerican] clancy ppartner. Then, when i came to in the middle of the night i could see duncan by the fire. I was too wewe to do anything about it. Take it easy. Youre talkin too much. Get duncan. Alright, lets go. Youre not going anywhere. Who says so . Well, you cant travel. Not shot up the way you are. Youre not leavin me behind. Look at you, weak as a newborn kitten. Dont worry, ill catch up with h h. Im goin. Now, look clancy, youre gonna have to im goin, cheyenne. Alright, i reckon youre goin. How you holding up . Shoulders stinging some but im alright. [wind howling] we use all bullets fighting soldiers. Now we take yours. But i aint got none. [speaking nativeamerican] get away from them burros get away from them burros get away from them burros what are you laughin at . The ininans poured it out on the ground. By now, its blown clear back to where it came from. Looks like the jokes on us. Yeah. Yeah, i guess the jokes on us. , for all i know you may get buried under six feet of gold dust. what about you . I dont know. You could always try your luck again. Might hold up next time. Hm, no, once is enough. Im no worst off than i was before come to think about it. All im out is time. Its not much compared with what dunc lost. Too bad about cramers wife, though. Yeah. Yeah, im real sorry we couldnt do like we planned. The equipment you boughts still here. It ought to bring enough to get you where youre goin. Her in person and tellin her what happened would be a lot better than writin a letter. Besides, maybe you could help her with the orchard. [violin music] yeah. Id kinda like to see some apple trees in bloom again. Ii think ill do it