Offing. A couple of other names have been battled around that trump is meeting with. Whats your core reaction at the outset here . Well, id like to see, you know, a little bit more information about all of these. Many of these names are certainly unfamiliar to me and a lot of the people that i know, at least the community level. Many of them seem welleducated and good training, but there are tions around you know, issues around muslim bans and comments about whether or not the naacp is an importan you know, whats gonna happen around civil rights . So, i think you know, certainly as with the election many people are still very much concerned that, you know the direction of the country is gonna be not what we hope america is, which is a land for everyone. Well, Michael Flynn ically had tweeted out back in february fear of muslims is rational, his words. He would the National Security advisor. Whats your reaction to that . Mike flynn has spoken more expensively about that, and he talked about having prudential steps to control movement of individuals from states that are on a terror watch list or engaged in terrorism. So its not focusing on muslims. I mean, that was a misstep. Trump made it himself. He very quickly recovered, but he keeps on being hit over the head with it. People have stopped listening, and if they do listen, theyll recognize that first of all mike flynn, who is head of d. I. A. , has a very well developed view on how to deal with terrorism. By the way, he did not get a single meeting with president obama. Mm. Which was indicative to a large number of people where the president s thoughts were in terms of dealing with the terror threat. And jan, steve bannon had been head of breitbart communications, a platform for what many call the alternate right, and thats concerning to many folks. In fact, there are petitions saying he has no place in the white house. Well, i think it makes perfect sense that any victorious candidate is going to want to staff up with the people that helped get him where he is. And certainly steve bannon was one of those key people. It makes perfect sense that he would end up in the staff of a victorious president elect. And i think, frankly, a lot of the criticism of him may turn out to be just politics. There are a number of jewish groups that have come up and said theres really no evidence that he himself is antisemitic. The israeli ambassador has said that hes looking forward to looking forward to the Trump Administration, and he mentioned in particular steve bannon. Alan dershowitz came to his defense. Yeah. I think a lot of the criticism may be political. And trumps own soninlaw is jewish and his daughter converted. From the legal perspective, senator sessions for attorney general has been talked about. Remember, he was rejected for a position, a highlevel position of the Reagan Justice department i was around, a young lawyer in those days for some racially insensitive comments that he made in his career. So, yes, hes been elected to the u. S. Senate numerous times since then, but when he was up for appointment to the justice department, that appointment did not go through with the reagan administration. And there have been names, of course, batted around. Well see how they turn out in the end. But mitt romney is actually meeting with the president elect. Anybody shocked that those two arch rivals would actually perhaps, have a facetoface and something would come of that . Well, i think again, as people are trying to figure out,me balance here for those who are very concerned that they think some of the appointments seem to be quite extreme, that mitt romney is coming out as someone who possibly could be seen as someone who knows foreign policy, who has some sense about the country, and that could balance some of the other voices that are going to be around president trump. And how sorry about that. How much mike pence influence do you think we are seeing here . Hes head of this effort obviously, in the transition and Chris Christie was taken off or at least reduced to association with the chief i think a lot. For one thing, i think the reconciliation that it seems that has occurred with sps face it. That was a pretty rocky relationship between donald trump and the speaker. I think pence has been the bridge there to get speaker ryan on board and Start Talking about making America Great again. And i think his relations in congress are very good on both sides of the aisle, and i think he can be a big plus for trump and is right now. Jan, any concerns though that there arent enough people of color, perhaps, so far or enough women represented. Weve only heard one name batted around for a possible womans appointment. Sure. Everyone agrees that we want a more diverse representation in the president s cabinet. I think it makes sense that the new administration is reaching out to its past critics. It makes them look magnanimous and forgiving, and i think it makes sense of those past critics to touch base with the incoming administration. Either theyre gonna get appointments, or theyre not gonna get appointments, and if they dont get appointments, at least theyve demonstrated that they have an open line of communication with the new administration. So its in everybodys advantage that there be wide ranging contacts and a wideranging search to staff up remember, the president s got the president elect has 4,000 positions to fill, so theres a lot of jobs that available for people that are available willing to come and thats assuming that he doesnt eliminate some of those agencies. There you go stream lining. But in the meantime, we still have protests all around the country, including in philadelphia. Regularly people who are antitrump, who were horrified at the outcome of the election still marching through the streets in many of the cities. Are fear and terror abating is that at least is that componentless . I think people have some real concerns. I mean, the language that was used during this campaign has been language that people have not confronted in, i think, a long period of time. And i know that some people say well, there are voters who took the language seriously, and there are others who really didnt take the language seriously, and i think there were a lot of people who believe that what was said is real, and some people are acting on that. I mean, look at the university of pennsylvania where you had students who received hateful emails. You had a student at villanova. Right. Who was treated improperly. So, the idea that there are people who are acting on these and, again, im not saying that, you know, donald trump is responsible for people having these feelings, but it certainly feels as if people feel a lot more comfortable being able to act on them. And i think pushing back against that kind hate you know, if were gonna make America Great, we shouldnt be trying to make america hate. This was a very divisive election. Its an election yet again where the democrat got the majority of the votes. So its not as if trump had some gigantic mandate. Theres a lot of people in this country that are upset that hes president , and they have every right to protest peacefully. And if thats the way that they want to vent their frustrations and make their voices heard, i think you know, theyre allowed to do that. Well, speaking of the democratic popular win pennsylvania has traditionally been for dem and 53 went for trump, so is this the end, is it sort of the cracking of the brick wall finally that has surrounded democratic vote in pennsylvania . I think its very troubling. I think people on the democratic side had looked at pennsylvania the 90s with the clinton years, and al gore winning the state, john kerry winning the state that pennsylvania, while there were parts of the state that were red, the more Populated Areas were blue, and that seemed to be the winning formula. Trump seems to have obviously. He doesnt seem to he did come up with a solution to that problem for the republicans. Now, whether thats a trump solution that only works for trump, or whether its a solution for the Republican Party generally i think remains to be seen. And one of the issues thats interesting to analyze now in hindsight, jan, is that soccer moms, if you will as theyve been dubbed at least collegeeducated white women in the suburbs had always been assumed even though many were republican that they would vote for a Hillary Clinton because shes a female first is what many analysts assumed going in and second, because shes, you know, sort of traditional in her speech patterns and not as offensive as some of the things that mr. Trump said. They didnt always go for him. In fact, theyd go for her they went for mr. Trump. Do think job for their families jobs, trumped the woman factor . Well, i think if you compare 2016 to 2012, when romney was the candidate i mean carried the majority of white voters in pennsylvania including white women. I think he exceeded romney by about 1 . Yes. But he also exceeded romney among hispanic and black voters, too. So that was interesting. Now romney was not terribly popular among minority voters, but trump was able to raise that number. And is it the promise of jobs alone . Is it just the desperation of people who would beg for a job . You know, i just think its changed. People are ready for change. And if you look at american politics over the long term, the American People like to flip back and forth and they get tired of having one party in control. It was time for a change. Rig i think this was the revenge of the deplorables. I think people did not appreciate that term. They dont appreciate the way cultural elites, whether its the media, academe, government athletics, entertainment, look down their noses at them. Gh people were sick and tired of this. They came out. We kept on hearing that, oh the vote may be suppressed in philadelphia. Philadelphia came out for Hillary Clinton. That vote came. Yep. Its just lots of people who stayed home four years ago decided this time they were coming out, and a good number of them voted for barack obama four years ago and eight years ago. And to jans point, they do want change, but also that cultural insult about being deplorable i think part of that coalition, i agree with ed, is also a percentage of people that ive talked to just blow the whole thing up. Lets just send a hand grenade into washington and get metaphorically speaking, of course. Right. It could have ripple effects, for philadelphia, because trump had said during the campaign that he would not federal money. Hes gonna cut funds to sanctuary cities, and philadelphias vowing to stay a sanctuary city. Mayor jim kenney says he believes trump is a dealmaker and they can make some deals but the bottom line is it could hurt financial wherewithal in philadelphia and really affect the city. I do not see him making a deal on sanctuary cities. I think trump is going to stick to that, and its one of those red line issues. You touch that, you die. I think thats i think the people who came out for him are very concerned, and its shocking. You get a town like San Francisco that says no, were gonna stay a sanctuary city. You say, really . So a seventime deportee whom you refused to turn over the fed, kills kate steinle, and youre still not going to change what you do . I think most people look at that, and they say enough of it. But i think but its clear but i think its clear that when people are talking about sanctuary cities, theyre talking about the family that right now is in a church on broad street which is saying im really concerned. I think im gonna be sent back. Im a good person. My children are american citizens, and i dont know what im gonna do. I mean, most people have argued that we need some kind of commonsen approach to people who have been here for a long period of time, who have children, whove worked hard. I dont think anyone disagrees if someone has created some kind of criminal act, absolutely they should leave. Thats the law. I think the sanctuarycity thing has been distorted. The issue is around people who are here who dont have any other way in order to become citizens when half their family are citizens and their children are citizens. And the question is, should local Law Enforcement be going around door to door, restaurant to restaurant, and asking people for their papers, and then over to the feds . Thats what people dont want. Thats not what its about. But thats not what it is. It does conjure up the image though of a harsher approach. You like to bring up the most extreme examples some fivetime deportee who kills someone. Seven. Im bring the other extreme which is far more many people, far, far many people but thats a distortion. Go ahead, jan. Its not a proposal that theyre gonna go around and check ask John Morganelli in northampton county. He does it. The only question is if people are already in detention anyway. Right, thats the point. Are we gonna cooperate . And frankly, sanctuary cities represent the doctrine of nullification, that states somehow have the federal law just because they disagree with it. And is the city of philadelphia willing overall to lose funding because its gonna draw a line in the sand on this topic . Its gonna hurt a lot of people. You know, San Francisco a rich city. They can afford to lose funding. Philadelphias not. Philadelphia is not a rich city. We can not afford to lose funding in philadelphia, and i agree. I think the Trump Administration should stick to its guns on sanctuary cities, and the city of philadelphia should yield give up the doctrine of nullification and say federal law is federal law, and states and local governments have to at least cooperate and not obstruct the enforcement of federal law. I think that former mayor rendell said that what he expects the mayor to do is to spend a lot of time with the pennsylvania legislative delegation, really explain in full philadelphias situation in hopes that they can fi some other way to deal with this question other than just deporting really good citizens really good people who just happen not to have citizenship. All right, were gonna take a break. Inside story continues right after this. Dot go away. Inside story is presented by temple university. Remarkable change isnt easy but for those who take charge, it comes naturally. Explore temples impact. Visit temple. Edu impact. What do we want our kids to learn . How to game a test. Or test themselves in a game . How to master an exam. Or examine a master . How to be robots. Or build robots . The njea believes students deserve a wellrounded education including arts music, technology, and so much more. Thats why were working with parents and communities to reduce the emphasis on high stakes testing. Because when you limit the tests, they can test the limits. Of their potential. Welcome back. Talking about president elect trump staffing up his team and appears that blood is thicker than water, because Chris Christie, new jersey governor had taken a big risk hes a moderate in supporting trump when the Campaign Primaries didnt work out for him. But it appears that he is not gonna be in the inner circle at least, because he did prosecute trump soninlaws father, and it appears that that is one of a few things that are keeping him from a front seat at the table. What do you think, jan . Well, i dont think jared kushner, the soninlaw, by himself would have been enough to get governor christie pushed aside. But it was a combination of factors, and bridgegate had a lot to do with it. I think thats still an ongoing scandal. Clearly, governor christies involved in it. Clearly, governor christies people are gonna take a hit on this, hes willing to let that happen. So i think theres a combination of factors. But it wouldnt surprise me that governor christie ends up with one of those 4,000 jobs in the end, but hes clearly been pushed out of the top ranks of the transition. Right. Another local name kellyanne conway, of course, is being credited, as a republican pollster, having managed this campaign through to the end, and many people giving her credit with saving it, actually and helping mr. Trump get elected. What do we see in her future and what did you make of how she was so successful, ed . George bush had a nickname for karl rove, his political guru. He called him boy genius. A lot of people thought he was a genius, because he engineered two president ial wins, both very tight. If karl rove was boy genius, i dont know what you call kellyanne conway. I mean, shes a clockmaker god. Its absolutely extraordinary. I think very few people expected that she would be able to impose discipline. She was his Third Campaign chief. So she came in in the end, and right now she can write hern ticket, which is why the Trump Administration has she will have an informal advisory role to the president but not be part so she can continue to do her polling. Her ship has come in. I think she did an excellent job. Shes an atco, Camden County native, as you know. Yes, and i appeared with her on channel 6 many years ago. I think she did an excellent job, and i think one of things that she did by her own comments and the way she carried herself, was to make trump more acceptable to some women. There was sort of a subliminal message that if shes if trumps acceptable to me, kellyanne conway. Sure. He should be acceptable to you, and that was powerful. And she also didnt defend the indefensible. Right, right. When the comments came out from the tape, i think theyre deplorable, theyre horrible. Theyre not good. But i think the campaign is about other issues. So, she was able to transition the discussion without sort of making excuses for behavior that we all thought was absolutely horrible. And it appeared a very tough job, obviously someone as strong willed and hard to persuade as the president elect. There really was a Glass Ceiling that was broken on november 8th, right . She the first woman to ever steer a successful president ial campaign to victory. Right. All right. But not an easy job, because it appeared, at least in one of the debates, that mr. Trump himself was saying into the told to stay on point, and dont get off the subject matter. He sort of was making fun of maybe not her, but of the push by his advisers to not blow it and to keep saying what they believe are the major points. So it had an effect. Lets talk about the state take over of Atlantic City. The state has gh i enough. Theyve moved in there. They have taken over the finances, and this could have serious impact, obviously, down the road. What do we think it leaves the mayor and city council todo . Hmm. Jan or ed . Either one. Ed, go ahead. [ laughter ] hot potato. Gee, i wish sam katz were here, really, out of all of us, has had the most experience in these kinds of situations where theres a state authority or the state tries to turn a city around. I dont see that the mayor and the council have cards to play in this case. I think that this is gonna have to take some time. Its gonna have to play itself out. And right now, Atlantic City is too broken. Weve said in the previous segment about people wanting to blow it up and start over again. Same here . I think youre almost at that point. I think the pennsylvania model, though, could work. If you look at what happened during the rendell years when philadelphia was in trouble, the state did a bailout, created a board the pica board that ie citys finances, put in place rules that the city had to present a balanced budget and a fiveyear plan that had to be approved by the board, but still left local autonomy, the mayor, and city council having the power to run the city. I think, by and large, thats worked pretty well in pennsylvania. By the way, i when i said sam, i should have mentioned jim here. [ laughter ] absolutely. Because he does have this experience and i do think hes right. Lots of combination of factors in Atlantic City. I mean, some of them were the citys fault for just poor management, not planning for the future. But some of them wert of their control. I mean, no one could have seen all that competition coming in from other states that really destroyed the Casino Industry in Atlantic City. That was out of their control. And the failure of a couple of trump assets, if we can speak of mr. Trump again. So now theyre gonna be able to renegotiate union deals huge. Also fire City Employees and undo all kinds of it gives them power to sell assets. Sell assets. Thats right. I mean, thats one of the big controversies. The local government was resisting the sale of assets. And, jim, pension costs right . Right. Right, but we never cheer you know, the fact that City Employees, people who were doing their jobs every day, were not responsible for the change in the economy in Atlantic City. And i do hope that their concerns and their interests are gonna be at the table, whether the local government is managing things or the state is. Its really important that people whove sort of given their time and interest and live in the city continue to be included in any solution for Atlantic City going forward. And 39,000 residents are depending on that. Exactly. And hopefully maybe there are some lessons to be learned from the city of camden. Camden had similar a situation. Theres a very popular mayor there, so hopefully she will be able to help Atlantic City figure this out and hopefully align things in a way thats gonna work for the people who actually live there. Its helping in patterson and trenton, so well give it a chance. All right, inside story continues right after this. Inside story is presented by temple university. Remarkable change isnt easy but for those who take charge, it comes naturally. s impact. Visit temple. Edu impact. Time for inside stories of the week, and lets start with jan. It was a new experience for pennsylvania to be a swing state in the recent president ial election, but pennsylvania was actually one of six states that president obama carried twice but flipped over to the republican side in this election. So it was pennsylvania, it was ohio and florida, iowa wisconsin, and michigan. And trump also picked up one electoral vote in maine, which had been consistently democratic for the last two elections. Fascinating. Jim . Well, monica, attorneygeneralelect Josh Shapiros taking a different approach to this transition phase. Hes got a big task ahead of him taking over the office after Kathleen Kane fiasco. Instead of having a transition team, big names, mucketymucks people like me. [ laughter ]. Hes doing a listening tour around the state, a series of town meetings with stakeholders on things like opiate abuse, juvenile crime, and other issues that the a. G. Can really make an impact on. So kudos to him. Okay, good. Ed . Monica, timings everything in life. The saudis sent trump a message this week saying dont reduce our oil imports or well cut you off. A couple days later, u. S. Geological survey said weve just found the largest deposit of oil and natural gas in the u. S. In midland, texas 20 billion barrels of oil, 16 trillion cubic feet of natural gas. Take that, pennsylvania marcellus shale, north dakota oil, guess what . The saudis arent gonna be able to play that extortion game much longer. Mm. Sharmain . On tuesday, we had a really great opportunity to celebrate the great Marian Anderson and to give out the Marian Anderson award. You know cause you were there. I was. You did a fabulous job, monica. Thank you. But congratulations to kenny gamble, leon huff, and Patti Labelle for really taking a little bit of attention away from all the politics weve been paying attention to and reminding us that its also about culture, its also about music. Its a great way to celebrate philadelphia. And theyre so talented. Thank you. Thanks to you, as well. Have a great week ahead. See you right here next week. Im nydia han along with gray hall. Coming up next on action news, 30,000 runners brave the cold and wind to hit the streets is for the 44th annual philadelphia marathon. A meeting with new jersey governor Chris Christie is on todays calendar for president elect donald trump. Police search for a suspect in the beating of a man in a casino parking lot. Those stories and the exclusive accuweather sevenday forecast and more next on action news. Fios is not cable. Were wired differently. That means incredibly fast 150 meg internet for the holidays. So in the 3. 7 seconds it takes gary watson to beat the local sled jump record fly, gary, fly. His friend can download 13 versions of the perfect song. His sister can live stream it. While his mom downloads how to set a dislocated shoulder. Get 150 meg internet tv and phone for just 79. 99 per month online for the first year. Cable cant offer that. Only fios can. Good afternoon it is sunday, november 20, im nydia han along with gray hall. Heres some of the stories were following on action news. Runners add on a few layers and face the cold for the 44th annual philadelphia marathon. The septa strike wasnt long but it had an impact on air quality in