Educational opportunities better. Do you think its too little, too late for him to try that tactic, george . Well, look, i think the tactic is okay, but i think that its not going to bear much fruit. I mean, i dont think donald trump has any real potential to penetrate the Africanamerican Community. If you look at the trump organization, there are no africanamericans. You dont see any africanamericans visible in his campaign. You dont see any of them in all of these great speeches that hes made. He has the decorations behind him have not shown private sector or insiders to donald trump. When you look at Hillary Clinton, cheryl mills has always been there. You look at al gore, Donna Brazile was always there. You look at bill clinton, Vernon Jordan was always there. Theres a history in the Democratic Party for that support. Donald trump ha so, the focus groups that hes now putting together and meeting with different heads of leadership, thats not going to do it . I mean, you know, nobody in their right mind, not even val, thinks that Donald Trumps getting 95 of the africanamerican vote in america, and hell be lucky to break Single Digits with africanamerican voters. I mean, right now hes polling at 1 , 2 at best in some places. So, i mean, i dont know. And its a difficult message for him to sustain over time because its not a republican message. And so the polls do show Hillary Clinton, in pennsylvania anyway, 10 points up. Can she sustain that . Do you think shes got her own challenges with these new emails coming out . Well see. A gallup poll came out this week that shows that shes got her trustworthiness untrustworthiness numbers gone up again. Shes in the high 60s. Shes in the, you know, high 20s with democrat voters. Shes got her problems, but getting back to the africanamerican outreach, it is as Newt Gingrich pointed out this week, it is a valid message. You know, you look at cities like philadelphia and detroit and milwaukee, and you go on and on, where democratic rule has been for generations now, and say, what has the Democratic Party done for you . I grew up in south philly, and its not just a black issue, its a white issue, too, where every year crime got worse, the schools got worse, the work ethic got worse, and we kept electing the same folks over and over into office. A lot of them went to jail. Were seeing that again democratic corruption happening all throughout philadelphia. So, its a legitimate issue to bring up by the republican party. Give us a chance. Weve got Charter Schools. Weve got an opportunity message. Weve got things like, you know, opportunity zones and lowering taxes. But, val, dont you think that the message from trump is flawed . Because when he announced this this week, he basically said, all africanamericans are poor, destitute criminals in that is not what he said. Thats not true. That is not what he said. I have the quote. It says, youre living in poverty. Your schools are no good. You have no jobs. 58 of your youth are unemployed. Its offensive. What do you have to lose . Thats the quote. And thats my point. The you is offensive to us. Yes, the you because its too inclusive. The you is offensive to the Africanamerican Community. Right. The language he uses is offensive to the Africanamerican Community, and whether he intended or not, the way he articulated it, it seemed to most africanamericans ive talked to, hes talking about everybody. Can i also Say Something, monica . And he also says that hell be elected and, in four years, would get 95 of the vote even then, because he wouldve delivered so much to a particular group. So, hes already projecting a reelection of presidency. I hate to pile on my conservative brother, because, you know, but this year is a sui generis year, and what jim was saying is absolutely right. First of all, the message is skewed, but that message also of caring for the Africanamerican Community, coming from that mouth, after that history that donald trump has had, it rings hollow. And i will Say Something else. I was watching his speech in i think it was wisconsin. It was an audience. It was almost like he wasnt speaking to the Africanamerican Community. He was speaking to those independents who might be a little bit on the fence, the suburbanites here in philadelphia who were saying, well, i dont like what hes been saying before. It wasnt a message that was directed toward the Africanamerican Community, at least for me. And the thing that upset me as an immigration lawyer, as well, was that it seemed as if he was pitting brown people against black people. He was making it seem as if the Africanamerican Community was suffering because of illegal immigration, when the correlation between the economic downturn and the Unemployment Rate in the Africanamerican Community is not direct and has very little to do with the issue of illegal immigration. Well, lets talk about immigration and how his message anyway is being softened, perhaps, or being redirected. He does have new people at the top who are advising him. Is he trying to make a left turn here and soften up the immigrants . Hes not going to build the wall, perhaps. I dont know, monica. You know, when we went to air, what i saw was that he was after hed said he was going to soften it, the very next day, he was saying, no, were deporting 11 million people. I think hes confused. I dont think there is a policy. I think its whatever comes to his mind. One thing i learned way back when i was a candidate i know george was also a candidate you know, you dont necessarily speak to the crowd right in front of you, because youre speaking, if youre on tv, to a much larger audience. And if youre always reacting to that crowd right there, youre gonna be inconsistent, because theyre going to applaud for something and boo for something. And thats not you know, youve got to be consistent with what you actually believe, and i dont know what this guy believes. But immigration evidence is what Donald Trumps problem is in this election. He said, im not a traditional politician. And now hes behaving like a traditional politician, and his position on immigration seems to follow whoevers in leadership in his organization, and that leadership has changed three times in the last three months. You know, no executive leadership can be consistent and stable with the kind of changes that hes had. And his policy has seemed to reflect whoevers in charge at the moment, and it will change again next week, because, right now, what donald trump is trying to do is win an election. And its not about principle. Its not about values. Its not about honesty. Its about winning an election. And hes being driven by. That goal. And the question is, with these polls showing him behind at this moment in pennsylvania, it appears, anyway, that there may be a trickle down to other races like the senate race pat toomey and Katie Mcginty. Four out of five polls show pat toomey behind. What do you think hes going to have to do . Theyre both courting the gun lobby, and both of them are trying to get gun advocates and gunrelated proposals passed. And theyve had endorsements from different groups who have different ideas, but whats going to happen on the toomey front . Well, i was with pat this week and his folks. We had a fundraiser for him in Chester County, went very well. He look, 11 million in negative ads against pat toomey by leftwing groups since june 30th. Thats why his numbers are down. I can also tell you ive been privy to polling for state reps, congressmen, and state senators throughout the region, and were seeing, at this point, no trickledown effect to the lower level, the down ticket. Tom killion, for instance, whos very well liked and running for reelection for state senate in delaware county, hes doing very well, even though trump is not doing well at all in that district. So, same thing with a guy named jack london, whos running against andy dinniman. Hes up. So, were not seeing that yet. That could possible happen later in the campaign. We also think Donald Trumps at a floor at this point and will come up a little bit, and that will help the down ticket. Back to toomey, i think that if you have there are a lot of republicans who are disappointed in toomeys moderation on the gun issue, and its almost like all or nothing if he doesnt if hes not with us, were against him. Recently, when mike pence came to the philadelphia area and gave a shoutout to toomey, there was someone in the audience who said, hes a traitor, hes a traitor. Thats typical of a certain mindset that, if you dont if youre not completely, 100 down the line, aplus with the nra, were against you. And that is so selfdefeating. Pat toomey has been a fabulous representative for the commonwealth of pennsylvania, and he is a bipartisan representative. And if you have Gabby Giffords and Mike Bloombergs pack supporting him look, i think that Gabby Giffords Group Endorsement of toomey was significant. Right. I do think that. Shes a democrat. Hes a republican, of course. Having said that, just about all the other groups in favor of gun control have endorsed Katie Mcginty. And while i applaud what toomey did for whatever it was four or five years ago, he proposed some legislation. After the sandy hook incident. He did absolutely, really, virtually nothing to get it passed. It did not pass. It is not the law, and hes done nothing since. So, i think voters wont you know, dont fall for those kinds of things. I dont know about endorsements and how much weight they really carry. I think ads that ive seen from the mcginty Campaign Running in the southeast, right here in philadelphia in the suburbs, catching pat toomey, who didnt think he was being recorded, saying, i got 100 with the nra. Im 100 with them. I think thats a very damaging. But shes also going after women. Commercial in this district in this region. The thing that gets me as a woman, and youre right on that point, but her ads are its almost as if, if youre a woman, you have to vote for me, because hes gonna ban all abortions. And its just its so dismissive of women who happen to be conservative, who may be prolife. Its almost this idea that theyre taking us for granted and that were gonna fall in line like lemmings behind a woman who has, really, a very thin resume when it comes to this. And one last thing yes, i mean, he wasnt consistently banging the drum for gun control or bipartisanship, but it took a lot of courage for him to come out after sandy hook and do what he did and work with manchin. It doesnt take a lot of courage for Katie Mcginty in this area, in the commonwealth of pennsylvania, in these two metropolitan areas, to talk about gun control. That doesnt take courage. But the interesting thing, i thought, tactically, take a page out of the Arlen Specter book. Tape your opponent you all remember incidents of this when they dont think theyre being taped and run it as a commercial. Its very, very damaging. Go ahead, george. But, you know, we are it doesnt take courage. What takes courage is to go after the issue. Its not to go after something on the fringe. What he supported was on the fringe. It doesnt get at guns. It doesnt get them off the street. Background checks . Thats not a fringe. It doesnt really get them off the street. And toomey doesnt have a commitment to the issue of guns to the extent that what its doing in innercity communities. I havent seen him in innercity communities. I havent seen him in philadelphia. I dont know what hes done in pitts but i havent seen in north philadelphia or in germantown or in the places where guns are wreaking havoc in innercity communities. But he does have the daughter of the principal who died in sandy hook protecting her students in a commercial on our air, saying he, you know, is trying to get guns off the streets and, it cost my mom her life. He is a candidate for the United States senate, and he is going to get every endorsement that he possibly can get. Im interested in outcomes. Im not interest im beyond the point of interested in symbolic behaviors. To me, pat toomeys position on this issue, with respect to gun control, is symbolic. Its not producing outcomes that are going to change lives. And lets move on and talk about a new twist in the investigation into local 98 and John Dougherty, the head of that union. Apparently, from the affidavit file and some of the other court documents, there is question about alleged embezzlement of union funds and possibly using fear of retribution against contractors, and that, perhaps, is the impetus behind the case. We dont know the full story yet, but thats at least what the indications would say. The fbis own agent Joseph Ralston was also caught, perhaps, in the crosshairs, a 10year veteran agent who has ties to bobby henon, one of the Council People who was also investigated. All of these were childhood friends and neighbors, and all of them have regular places i think you mean the attorney general agent. Yes. I dont believe it was an fbi agent. Okay. Excuse me. So, anyway, all three of them childhood neighbors and now in positions of prominence. What is going to happen in this case, jim . Well, you know, first of all, i think its pretty clear that the focus is on John Dougherty and the union and how its been run over the last number of years. I happen to know both the attorneys in the case. I worked with them for years. Let me just say this they are pros. [ laughs ] they are thorough. They will run down every single lead, and theyre going to be relentless in this investigation. I think its probably the biggest case in this district right now. And do you think that just the scent of it, definitely not any accusations against our current mayor, but because hes another childhood friend and another person who many people believe John Dougherty and local 98 was able to help get elected, a kingmaker, if you will, is he going to be hurt in any way just by knowing them and being in association with them . That remains to be seen. I think folks on our side of the aisle are going to make that argument. Its part of a broader problem in philadelphia and in Democratic Politics throughout the state, from the attorney general now, whos going to jail, a treasurer in mccord, and then four state reps accused and convicted of bribery or taking pleas on bribery charges, and now this. And again, it goes to the narrative that people in inner cities have to at some point acknowledge. You keep voting for the same people, you get the same results high crime, high poverty, high illegitimacy, high illiteracy, and a lot of these folks are going to jail. But lets just be clear, John Doughertys not being convicted of anything. No, johns not. Nor is bob henon. Hes innocent until proven guilty, and i agree with that. Hes already beat this type of thing once. In all those counties im not bringing it to john, but still, theres the narrative here its a corruption thats been going on in Philadelphia Democratic politics now for two generations. And when are people going to wake up and say, we want different type of leadership . All right, george. I think we can go back and look and see that theres been as many republicans convicted of corruption over this period of time that have been i dont think you can, george. Well, i think you can, but we dont want to start i dont want to start naming the names of people whove already served their time and done their thing. And secondly, poverty is growing in the suburbs faster than its growing in the city of philadelphia, communities represented by republicans, not represented by democrats. These issues not Chester County. Poverty is growing faster in the suburbs than its growing in the city of philadelphia, and part of thats in Chester County. And so, unfortunately, you know, having been in government, ive been in the crosshairs of these investigations, and the unfortunate part about it is that the smart thing for all of them to do, and these people who do more litigation than i do, is to get yourself a good lawyer and be quiet. I mean, there is nothing you cant and theyve all, of course, said theyre not guilty. Right. Dougherty says its because theyve had three Supreme Court justices elected and a mayor, and he feels like, you know, the focus is now on this success rate. Monica, above and beyond, you know, youre both you both have good points, but above and beyond the politics of it, why should you know, george, you might have an answer to this. Why should City Council Members be able to have side jobs . Why shouldnt it be enough that theyre City Council Members . Why should bobby henon be able to have a connection with the electricians . Why is this happening . And, to me and no ones been convicted of anything. Due process, innocent until proven guilty, but, again, the optics are really, really bad here, and its not just democrats. All right. Its republicans, as well. Last comment before we take a break. If you want to take that on, you have to take it on as a state issue. State representatives can have side jobs. State senators can have right. But why . Thats a bigger issue than right here, but its not just philadelphia City Council Members. All right. Well have to leave it at that. Were gonna take a break. Inside story continues right after this. Inside story is presented by temple university. Remarkable change isnt easy, but for those who take charge, it comes naturally. Explore temples impact. Visit temple. Edu impact. For senate, Katie Mcginty or pat toomey . Mcginty supports clean energy jobs. Pat toomey voted to protect tax breaks for oil companies. Mcginty is prochoice. Toomey wants to overturn roe v. Wade and criminalize abortion. Mcginty will consistently stand up to the gun lobby. Toomeys against an assault weapons ban and gets an a rating from the nra. This year, pennsylvanians have a clear choice. Senate majority pac is responsible for the content of this advertising. Fios is not cable. Were wired differently, which means we can fix things differently. Thanks for calling fios. This is ryan. You cant tell me this cord isnt in. I know its in. Its in, but its not working. Im sending you a link to the my fios app that going to let me see what youre seeing. Really . Yes, mr. Mcenroe. See that cord . Just plug it into the connector on the right. So you can clearly see whats in and whats out . Oh absolutely. I like that. Tech support that lets your technician see the problem over your smartphone. Only from fios. Welcome back to inside story. Lets talk about the expanding probe into the finances of Philadelphia District attorney seth williams. First, they found 160,000 in undeclared gifts, which he did apologize for. Now, apparently, theyre looking into his nonprofit, called the Second Chance foundation. Jim, what do you think is going to be the outcome here . Is there illegality, or is it just the appearance of illegality possibly . Nothing has been stated yet. Hes not, again, been convicted of anything, but just looking at what hes declared hes voluntarily declared to me as an attorney, former prosecutor, is outrageous. I mean, to take that large amount ive had clients that accepted a vacation or something, but 160,000 worth of gifts a house, a roof on your house, excuse me and from lawyers and possibly a judge that the d. A. s Office Appears in front or against a defense attorney. I just think, just on the face of it, whether its illegal or not, its just outrageous. And there could be more that we dont know about. These are the ones that have been declared in the past. Im hopeful that what he has to report in the future will reflect a changed attitude and a changed behavior, and i think he also i think one of the things that caught my attention was the fact that there does seem to be a significant amount of money still in the foundation that hasnt been distributed. If i were him, i would start distributing the money from the foundation. All right, lets talk over the river. Governor Chris Christie in new jersey vetoed two gun measures. One of them would have had Smart Gun Technology to prevent children from being able to make a gun fire. Whats the logic here . What do you make of what hes doing with Gun Technology . Is it setting him up, in other words, for the election in 2020, to court the nra on these things . It very well might be because he is definitely he has moved to the right since he was originally elected to the governorship. And i think i mean, you can tell that hes moved to the right because the nra is very happy with these measures and theyre talking about this being a blow for freedom and for gun ownership. But, essentially, what the law, what the proposal wouldve done was to make it more difficult for someone to be able to get a concealed carry license. It didnt prevent them from getting the license. It simply showed they needed to show that there was a need a peculiar need for them to carry that, and a threat. And thats hard to show in many cases. Almost impossible to show. Yeah, but, i mean, they made it seem as if they were trying to make it impossible for someone to have a gun, and it really wasnt an impossibility. See, this is the problem that we have when were dealing with the Second Amendment, because you look at people who say, well, were okay with reasonable restrictions on gun ownership, but then when you come out with what is, essentially, a reasonable restriction on gun ownership, people say, oh, thats violating my Second Amendment rights. Its very, very difficult even for conservatives. Let me read the standard to be able to carry a gun. So, if you own a store and you carry a large amount of cash or a Jewelry Store and you need a gun for protection, you cant get one unless you show theres an urgent necessity for selfprotection as evidenced by specific threats or previous attacks which demonstrate a special danger to the applicants life that cannot be avoided by means other than by issuance of a permit to carry a gun. So, you have to have already been threatened bodily harm, almost, in order to qualify. And then you have to show that theres no other way to protect yourself. Could you have taken another route home . Could you hire a bodyguard . Pfas are like that, too, in domesticabuse situations, val. I mean, you have to show but that doesnt make it right, just because its so difficult on both fronts. It doesnt, but why should it be different in the gun because you have a Second Amendment right to carry a gun and protect yourself. And you have a constitutional right to be protected from the number of stories that we get in america nationally by people who protected themselves by having a gun are miniscule. They dont prevent crime because the guy who has the gun committing the crime has his gun out. And youre putting your life at risk to reach under a counter, do anything else. Its such a preposterous discussion. Were gonna go back to the wild west where everybody had a gun, and that makes sense. To me, the interesting thing with this on christie is, whats the political rationale behind this. He has no political future in new jersey. I dont live there, but it doesnt seem like he does. Is he thinking, if maybe trump gets elected and if i take these hardline positions, i can be in the cabinet . Or is he more likely thinking and, val, you would know better what a lot of republicans are thinking, this is gonna be a debacle. Hes gonna lose big and the partys gonna collapse, and its gonna be rebuilt, and its gonna be wide open in four years, and i need to appease the right wing of the party and make them happy so i can have that as an option . Val gets the last word. Thats very possibly a political calculation on his part. I dont know whats in his mind on this what hes really thinking. Its clearly not a political issue in new jersey, so i would agree with jim. It looks to be a national calculation. And well do one quick comment because schools are about to start. We just had a new report that in the Philadelphia School district, Charter Schools had spent double what regular schools were able to spend. Anybody outraged by that . Do you think thats the right direction, or would you say because some of them are having success, that whatever it takes, thats what they should do . What do you think, val . Well, accountabilitys always a good thing, to the extent that the governors trying to have accountability in public schools. Thats a good thing. I worry that this is just another level of bureaucracy aimed to actually harass Charter Schools, which the governor is not a fan of Charter Schools. If we want to have accountability for administrative costs, lets have it across the board for School Districts and Charter Schools. Theres a lot of administrative waste in the Philadelphia School district. We all know that. How come now ones looking at that . So, lets have a level playing field. All right. Well have inside stories for you coming up right after our break. Stay with us. Im Hillary Clinton and i approve this message. Theres a race going on right now. The worlds clean energy super powers either going to be germany, china, or us. And im going to make sure its us. From 500 million solar panels installed by the end of my first term, to precision manufacturing. Well beat the competition and create new high wage jobs. We can do this, millions of jobs right here in america. Thats my plan. Inside story is presented by temple university. Remarkable change isnt easy, but for those who take charge, it comes naturally. Explore temples impact. Visit temple. Edu impact. Time for inside stories, and lets start with val. Thank you. Well, you know, im always happy to brag about my home county. In Chester County this week, we were recognized for our women in leadership in political positions. We have half our row officers, including our county commissioner, republican side, and democrat county commissioner, as well, Kathi Cozzone and michelle kichline. In the row offices, half our row officers are women, and five of our judges out of the 14 are women. And were looking at and, of course, our state representative, becky corbin. Were looking to double down on that in the years to come and get more women and more diversity in Chester County elected officials. All right. George. Donald trump asked, what have democrats done for africanamericans. Weve elected United States senators, governors, legislators, mayors, leadership in local cities, passed civilrights legislation, passed votingrights legislation, reversed the Discrimination Laws in housing, and created opportunities for people like me who wouldve never had them if it had not been for the issues that democrats have fought for in america. Are there issues that continue to be that need to be continued to be confronted . Yes, but they are issues that require Additional Resources to respond to. All right. Christine. Monica, my grandparents were from italy, and many grandparents in this region were from italy. Um, thats why its particularly poignant for us in the philadelphia area to see the earthquake and its impact on central italy. In amatrice, that town was completely destroyed. And so if you want to help contribute, you can go to cri. It or amado amado. Com to donate, and you can also have a plate of pasta amatriciana. Okay. Jim. Monica, my inside story is really about john timoney. He passed away recently. I knew him very well personally, worked closely with him, and i want to echo the comments at st. Pats cathedral this week for his funeral mass by his daughter. He really was one of the greatest men i ever knew. Former police chief of philadelphia. Yes. Thank you all for your insight, and our condolences to his family. And thank you so much for watching. Have a great week ahead. Well see you right back here next sunday morning. Im gray hall, coming up next on action news, Philadelphia Police are investigating an indecent assault. Loved one play tribute to a little girl caught in the crossfire of camden. Were learning more about a motor cyclist who was shot near a steak shop in northeast philadelphia. Hello its our new intern, barts first week here at td bank, hes a robot from one of those other banks. Were training him to bank human. I am banking assistance registration technology. Wait, wait, wait. But you can call me, banking assistance registration technology. Hi amy. Thank you. Thank you. That is not protocol manager jenna. Thats ok bart, it is here. At td bank we do things differently, like having the longest hours of any bank. Dont just bank. Bank human. Is sunday, august 28. Im gray Hall Nydia Han is off. Heres some of the stories were following on action news, has a serial groper struck again . Hillary clinton and trump

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