[ cheering ] the car rolls over, bursts into flames, the driver trapped inside. Samaritans rush in. Please, hurry the dramatic moment they formed a human chain to pull him free. And good morning, america. A lot to get to this monday morning. Three weeks and day before the votes are counted. Donald trump unshackled all weekend, that was his word. Lashing out at the forces rigging this election. Trump calling alec baldwins impression on snl yts a hit job. Were going to have a lot more on that. We begin with the breaking news. Thousands of iraqi troops trying to take the key city of mosul deal a crippling blow to the group. What is happening right now, alex . Reporter good morning, weve been watching this battle for mosul play out in the valley with the forces up here in the hills and the Coalition Jets above, pummeling those isis militants below on the first day of this battle that will determine the future of isis. The battle for mosul beginning. An estimated 30,000 fighting onic that the strong hold. Those kurdish fighters zeroing in their mortars on yis krs targeting below. Targets selected and observed by american forces, ib colluding these soldiers from the 101st airborne division. That was one of the rockets heading out into the plains around the city of mosul. The sun has come up, the pace of fighting has picked up as well. Weve been able to see and hear the artillery and the air strikes landing down there. Around mosul. For the first time, were hearing gunfire as well, meaning the two sides are now closely engaging each other. The view of the fighting increasingly obscured by a thick, black haze. If isis loses mosul, they lose their last foothold in iraq and their biggest prize to date. It would deal a devastating blow to the group. For months, theyve talk t about the plans to retake mosul from isis. Hoping to energy jazz e ing tinn the city. Theyre expecting 1 Million People to flee the fighting. Could be one of the biggest humanitarian crises this year. Thank you, alex. Lets bring in martha rad dat dats for more. We have seen the public buildup to this battle for months. This is so critical because moos sl the last strong hold for isis in iraq. Exactly right, george. Its critical and difficult. The u. S. Military feels very confident that the iraqis will succeed. This will not be fast. This would be a huge step towards defeating isis in iraq. Governing and stabilizing that area will be a challenge. Isis in syria is a much more complicated problem. You zroept a unified fighting force there. Few u. S. Forces to help them. This will be the challenge for the next president. Martha raddatz, thank you very much. Now to the race for the white house and the attack on a Republican Office in North Carolina. The local Head Quarters firebombed. And a nearby building spraypainted. Steve osunsami is in raleigh, North Carolina, as authorities search for who is responsible. Good morning, steve. Reporter good morning to you, robin. Authorities are here this morning trying to figure out who did this. There are all sorts of suggestions. The good thing is no one was hurt. Police believe someone threw a bot wl flammable material through the front window of the Orange County Republican Party Head Quarters sometime between saturday night and sunday morning. The fire inside burned furniture and caused smoke damage but went out on its own. This is a horrific, horrific act of political terrorism. Reporter this is, of course, a key swing state in the president ial election where polls show the race is tight. Republican candidate responded on twitter immediately saying animals, representing Hillary Clinton and dems in North Carolina, just firebombed our office in Orange County because were winning. Police say there is no evidence that whoever did this represented the democratic nominee, who condemned the attack. We have a lot of cleanup to do. Reporter theyre cleaning up graffiti that was next door. Or else what . Because were not going anywhere. Reporter the graffiti was sprayed on the other side of the building. The democrats are raising money for the workers here. In a few short hours, they have raised 13,000 online. The latest now from donald trump. Hes fighting hard from behind. Bashing Hillary Clinton, the media even saturday night live as he doubles down on claims the election is rigged. Tom llamas is tracking it all from trump tower. Reporter good morning to you, george. Donald trump has yet to provide any evidence the election will be rigged in november. Thats not stopping him from preaching that message and that multiple groups are out to get him. Donald trumps now peddling a new conspiracy theory. The election is being rigged by corrupt media pushing false allegations and outright lies in an effort to election Hillary Clinton president. Reporter over the weekend, in less than 48 hours, trump mentioning the election being rigged more than 20 times. The process is rigged. Its a rigged election. Its a rigged system. And they take these lies and they put them on front pages. Reporter trump, referring to the growing number of women, accusing him of Sexual Misconduct. The republican nominee seeming to attack the looks of jessica leads, who says trump groped her on a flight in the 80s. Believe me, she would not be my first choice, that i can tell you. Reporter trump also suggestioni in suggesting the polling system is rigged. Tweeting the election is absolutely being rig bid the dishonest and distorted media pushed crooked hillary. Not all republicans are on board. A spokeswoman for Speaker Paul Ryan saying our democracy relies on confidence in Election Results and the speaker is fully confident the states will carry out this election with integrity. Even the Vice President ial candidate taking a different approach from his running mate. Well respect the ril will of the American People in this e election. Reporter as pence tries to soften the tone, trump is growing wilder in his accusat n accusatio accusations. We should take a drug test prior drks because i dont know what is going on with her. But at the beginning of her last debate, she was all pumped up at the beginning. Reporter this morning, Hillary Clintons campaign is out with a new ad. Its called americas bully. It compares donald trump to some of the greatest bullies of all time including biff from back to the future and the members of cobra kai from the karate kid. Trump has said hes not a bully, hes a counterpuncher. As Hillary Clinton stepped out of the spot light this weekend, we canky leaks released another batch of emails thought to be from her top aides. Cecilia vega joins us with more. Reporter the Clinton Campaign calling this a crime reminiscent of watergate, but worse. A slow leak every day a new batch. And the Clinton Campaign know this is could be a problem for them every day until election day. This morning, thousands more emails appearing to show the inner workings of Hillary Clintons campaign. Wikileaks releasing the newest batch of what are believed to be Campaign Chairman John Podestas hacked emails. One showing just how much clintons Team Struggled to get her to apologize over the private server controversy. Writing her inability to just do a National Interview and communicate genuine feelings of remorse and regret is now, i fear, becoming a character problem. I tee receive no downside in her actually saying, look, im sorry. I think it will take so much air out of this. Podesta agreeing saying trying to figure out how to get her there and best way to execute. As i look back at it now, though it was allowed, i shuld have used two accounts. One for personal. One for workrelated emails. That was a mistake. Im sorry about that. I take responsibility. Reporter abc news has not independently verified the emails. The Clinton Campaign not responding to individual documents, instead, akuding the russians of orchestrating the hack to give donald trump a win. I dont give credence to the dumped documents because i dont know if theyre accurate. Reporter 12,000 emails so far. Everything from when clinton should laugh during debates. Whoo, okay. Reporter to her prooifrt speeches to wall street that seem to contradict her public positions. Everyone this one, claiming clinton told a private trade union gathering that extreme environment al lists need to, quote, get a life. And donald trump has questioned whether the russians were behind the hacks. His running mate, mike pence, seemed to take a different stand saying theres no question, george, that evidence suggests russian involvement. Lets britain in matthew dowd and Martha Raddatz for more. Three weeks and a day before the election. Our polls show a fourpoint lead for Hillary Clinton. No question, donald trump behind right now. He needs major shift to get back in the race. When you looked at the race a month or so ago, i said it was about a field goal. Today, were in the final less than 22 days, its as if hes behind by four or five runs in the ninth inning. Its a much different thing. Can he come back . Its possible. Lit take a big debate. Right now this race falls in about a sixpoint Hillary Clinton lead. Martha, you spent time with voters at a key state of pennsylvania. One of the surprises i think you found is that that access Hollywood Tape didnt turn out to these stroerts be a gamechanger. What the voters said backed up our abc poll. They may not ling what he said. May not think his apology was sincere. Many voters said this would not affect their decision, men and women. One man saying he wasnt surprised by tape. One female voter saying she thought it was funny. Another saying shes heard that talk before from men and women. There were voter who is were disturbed by the tape, but seemed to fall into the onethird in the poll who would not likely have voted for him any way. The opinthuz yachl for donal trump is down. Who hes lashing out at, the media. Clinton. But claiming the whole election is rigged. Its fundamentally not the undecided voters. Whats Hillary Clintons fundamentally its change. And the tape is her enthusiasm level is up to what Donald Trumps supporters level is. Thats a major change. It has caused a twopoint lead to a 6point lead. Hes trying to rile up the base. Theyre both in the final 22 days focused on the base and not undecided voters. Thank you both. Final president ial debit is wednesday on abc. Ill be anchoring our live coverage starting at 9 00 p. M. Eastern. Also this morning, now to new backlash from those recent clown scares across the country. Were two weeks away from halloween. Target is announcing their pulling some of their clown costumes. T. J. Holmes is here with that. Reporter get this, on targets website, you can still get, as an adult, a Michael Meyers costume, complete are a fake butcher knife. You cant get a clown costume. In this season where youre supposed to have scary fun this creepy clown phenomena is causing some people and retailers to adjust. The creepy chaise has gone international. Bizarre bozo sightings caught on camera are lighting up social media feeds around the world. Back home, this video on live leak apparently showing a knifewielding clown approaching a home. This clown on the back of a detroit bus. Scary clown masks are flying off the shelves. National costume retailer Halloween Express says its clown costume sales are up 239 this year. Target tells abc news its removing clown masks from its stores and scale back inventory online. Saying this e e do six was made out of sensitivity to the issue at happened. Look at this clown. Reporter even Ronald Mcdonald is keeping a low profile. With creepy clowns reported in at least 40 states. Hey, you the clown that was scaring those kids back there . Reporter as far as Ronald Mcdonald goes, theyre scaling back the appearances. Saying, hey, just being sensitive. Police say these are pranksters doing all these things. Social media causes it to spread like crazy. This close to halloween. All right, t. J. , thank you. To amy for the mornings other top stories. And you urgent search under way for the man accused of shooting a Police Sergeant in fair banks, alaska, then saling his police car. Walking to the officers side of the car with a gun drawn before opening fire. The the sergeant is in stable condition. New video shows the aftermath of a horrifying crash if san diego. A truck plunged 60 feet off a bridge to park below, killing four people. The driver, a navy sailor, is charged with drunk driving and ve hick la homicide. In florida, Good Samaritans rushed in to help rescue this driver of this suv. They formed a human chain to pull him out of the vehicle and carry him up that hill. Thankfully, incredibly, he suffered just minor injuries. In sports, the dodgers got even against the cubs, shut out chicago, 10, with an impress i have performance from clayton kershaw. The series moves to los angeles. Finally, this Election Year has been pretty nasty. So, one candidate promising to get back to basics. Ann collins is running for county treasurer. See the billboard. She says, i wont steal. And she adds, i know how to count. What more can you ask in no asnax no empty promises. I think that is a sign of the times. Like that. Very simple message right there. Exactly. Thank you. Lets go to ginger. Ult mall Indian Summer in parts of the country. The Weekend Storms that blasted through parts of thwhera ridge and well see that east of the rockies. So many folks closing in on records from amarillo to washington, d. C. , des moines 84. Chicago, 80. Even new england look at boston by tomorrow, 79 for the high. New york city in the low 80s. Philadelphia. You know were going to pay for this. Well come back on what the heat is, i have to show you the pictures out of the storm in the Pacific Northwest over the weekend. The winds 07 Miles Per Hour. Ef2 tornado in in in oregon. Lets get to your local weather brought to you by edward jones. Reporter hey everybody, david murphy here with an update from accuweather were dry. On Storm Tracker 6 live double scan a couple of earlier sprinkles in the predawn hours are gone. Theres sun down the shore, some of you dealing with thick fog in some neighborhoods that will burn off over the next hour or two hours. The exclusive accuweather sevenday forecast were moving from temperatures in the upper 50s to a warm high of 80 this afternoon and the mid 80s tuesday and wednesday both days could set new record highs. Live for that scathing impersonation. I need all of my sorters to get out there and vote on election day. Mark it down. Heres the daalive. A dramatic rescue caught on camera. Bystandering racing in to save a woman after she accidentally drives into a pond. The dearing besix that saved her life. F magic. Im beowulf boritt and im a broadway set designer. When i started designing a bronx tale the musical, i came up. With this idea of four towers that were fire escapes. Essentially. Ill build a little model in photoshop and add these. Details in with a pen. I could never do that with a mac. I feel like my job is. To put out there just enough detail to spur the audiences. Imagination to fill in all the blanks. This windows pc is amazing, having all of my tools. 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Good morning everyone, im Matt Odonnell, 7 23 a. M. Monday october 17. Its a brand new workweek, lets start you off with karen rogers and traffic. Reporter check out the trash 422 westbound past trooper overturned tractortrailer. You can see the trash all over, the left lane is blocked. Debris all over the median. Police are on the scene its creating a slow go westbound, 25 minute ride from 202 to oaks. With no delay it would be seven minutes. We have an accident whitpain township jolly road at dekalb pike. One in abington old york road. The big accident on the schuylkill expressway eastbound at university that has cleared. Traffic moving better. Lots fog in the area and heavy delays on 42 northbound. Well talk about accuweather when we come back after the break. With simply right checking from santander bank, just make one deposit, payment, withdrawal, or transfer each month to waive the monthly fee. And theres no minimum balance. Youre alright with simply right checking from santander bank. Are you feeling alright, baby . But pat toomey actually owned a bank. Most people owe the bank. And when he went to washington, he voted to change the laws. To benefit wall street and banks like his. Voting to gut Consumer Protections that crack down. On predatory lending and fraud. To take money from you and. Line the pockets of wall street millionaires like. Himself. Pat toomey out for himself, all in for wall street. Dscc is responsible for the content of this advertising. Z254jz zi0z y254jy yi0y some of you are dealing with thick fog around the region. 60 degrees, winds are light out of the southwest. This afternoon the big story is the temperature. In fact the next three days unseasonable warm. 80 degrees is the high. Sun and clouds. Tomorrow, fog in the morning, sunshine overall, record heat high of 86, another record likely on wednesday, high of 85. Maybe a wednesday shower. 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Wouldnt be standing there, youd just be the guy with the weird hair youd just be this guy with the weird hair a spoof of lemonade with the women in Donald Trumps life. He didnt like it at all. Hes fighting back saying the show has to be canceled. Well have much more on that in a moment. Hes on the offense, doubles down on the claims that the e election is rigged. Saying the Sexual Misconduct allegations are all part of an effort to get Hillary Clinton ele elected. Take a look at this. Supermoon. Did you see this over the weekend. It was beautiful. This is called a hunters moon. The first full moon after the harvest moon. Dont be too disappointed. There are two left in 2016. It was gorgeous. It kept me up at night it was so bright. It was beautiful. Saturday night live kept a lot of people up as well. Donald trump is fighting back. Calling it part of the medias conspiracy to bring him down. Reporter serious matters of the republican aside, its considered unusual in the Entertainment Industry for someone to call for a cancellation of a tv show he, himself, hosted less than a year ago. Thats what donald trump did this weekend after snl exceedic salvo. I love kids. I love them so much, i marry them. Reporter with the election ever closer, this weekends saturday night live, another show case for the donald trump impression of alec baldwin. Number three, women cant be charged more for men than ah reporter sparring with Kate Mckinnons Hillary Clinton in a debate spoof. We disagree on almost everything. But i do like how generous he is. Just last friday, he handed me this election. Reporter alas, not everyone appears to be laughing. Trump tweeting, watched saturday night live hit job on me. Time to retire the boring and unfunny show. Alec baldwin portrayal stinks. Media rigging election. He guest hosts less yan a year ago. Remember. Part of the reason im sheer that i know now take a joke. Reporter back then, trump pronounced himself pleased with the outcome. We had a lot of fun last night. It was terrific. It was well received. Reporter of course, satire is not intended for its focus. I want to talk to you about a timehonored, democratic tradition, sexual performance in the white house. Reporter later, Darryl Hammond scored with bill clinton sendups. And will ferrell would turn his george bush impression into a oneperson show. Is. You have to admit, its a good plot twist that i turned out the be a smart one. Snl can do these that stick. Its hard, sometime, for voters to distinguish between the portrayal and the actual person. Reporter but nothing topped tina fey, as 2008 Vice President ial nominee sarah palin. You know, hillary and i dont agree on everything. Anything. I believe that diplomacy should be the corner stone of any foreign policy. Andky see russia from my house. Reporter palin would later appear on weekend update and move to the beat. Everybody party were going all night la, la, la, la, la, la reporter truth is hes either not that rich. Wrong. Reporter if theyre not making fun of you on snl, youre not making news. My microphone is broken. Reporter no comment from snl. Alec baldwins response to retweet trump. Were going to talk to you more about that. Joining us now is dean obeidallah. He used to work for snl. Let me ask you. How do comedians view trump . Has that view change during the tam pain . When he first started running, we viewed him like a kardashian. He was a punch line. Everyone republicans said they would event vote for him. He e involved. I think our comedy evolved. I really hope xheed cans can turn back into a punchline and make america laugh again at trump. Thats part of the problem. Donald trump not liking being laughed at. Lashing out. Now snl. He used to be in on the joke. Had fun with it. We have seen him turn on comedians in the past. Definitely. He tweeted about seth myers. He pseudobill maher for 5 million over a joke bill maher told on the tonight show in 2013. He withdrew the charges later. We cant lose comedy. Lets bring chris back in on the discussion. You think what donald trump saying about snl youre not taking him as seriously as maybe others are . Its not like the New York Times or People Magazine getting those cease and desist notices in the mail. Its the idea of looping in snl along with everything else, the media the cultural elites. This is the basis of his narrative right now. You can see him folding it into what hes trying to say. He may not win new votes. His base is probably going to love it. I wrote an article about how ridiculous this was and his supporters are fighting me on twitter saying hes right. The fck could cancel it if its aun fair show. Even sarah palin. No one criticize more. Laughed at it, rolled with the punches. Thats what you should do. America, we have a rich tradition of political come did i. Its so important, this is shortening my life expectancy, this campaign. Politicians have, in the past, used comedy to help them and broaden the base. Absolutely. We saw Hillary Clinton go on between two ferns with zack galifianak galifianakis. Comedy will reach people that wont watch a debate, a serious speech. Its the greatest thing to use. Donald trump fighting against it when he actually has pretty good comedic timing. He should be using comedy to help him. Instead, hes fighting this. 22 days out, youre going to tweet about cancel saturday night live i dont think that is the most pressing issue for americans right now. The end of orange juice. Why the drink may be disappearing from breakfast tables this year. And the big samsung ban. Wh why officials are showing up at the airports. laughs laughs what does cleanripple texture do . Catches all the stuff that you want to get out. This is really nice. This one is, like, it goes the extra step. It gets it all clean. How does being clean feel . Kind of sassy. Uh, breezy. Hands up. Weeeeeee. My bum is saying, thank you very much. Cleanripple texture is designed to clean better. Go cottonelle, go commando. Life can be messy. But with crayola color wonder. It doesnt have to be. Dont you wish life could be this messfree . Color wonder. Find it in the crayola aisle. Sets each sold separately. Cno artificial flavors. Philadelphia® garden vegetable. Rich, creamy. And delicious nothing else tastes like philadelphia®. One pan, less than 30 minutes. Because if they arent going to eat it, at least you didnt spend too much time making it. Campbells one dish recipes. Made for real, real life. Time now for our big board. The team of insiders standing by live. Linsey davis is here at the table with us. Her story is coming up. First, lets start with the latest on colin kaepernick. The controversy. 49ers quarterback off the bench, getting his first start since he began the National Anthem protest. His team lost, 4516. Stephen a. Smith joins us. Kaepernick showed up. He had a muhammad ali tshirt. He knelt down. Other teammates did as well. Lets take a listen to how he was received when he stepped on the field, stephen a. [ crowd booing ] i dont think many are surprised by that reaction on the road, youre usually booed any way. Then what hes been doing. Explain the environment around the game. It was very divisive, obviously, robin. You have some people believing that hes just unamerican. That he is not what america is all about. They believe that hes disrespecting the flag, disrespecting the National Anthem. Disrespecting what america supposedly stands for. As a result, they have a lot of vitriol for him. Another segment of the populus want to applaud him, thank him for his bravery, courageousness. They wanted to take selfies with him after the game. Talk to him. Its one of those situations where, it just heightens and illuminates that were a divided nation right now. Its incredibly polarizing times. We all know it. We watch not the election. His situation, essentially, epitomizes that. I wasnt surprised at all by what i saw from the fans in buffalo. They just felt the way they felt. Others feel otherwise. He seems pretty unfazed by the criticism. Those are rare occurrences right now, i think people realize the impact of whats going on. Like i said from the beginning, i knew the consequences of what could come with this. And i was prepared for that. Bigger issue for him now as player is the play of himself and his team. Theres no question about it. The 49ers stink. Lets be clear about that. Listen, he didnt play miserably. At the same time, 13 for 29 for 187 yards is not that impressive, though he made some plays with his feet. The 49ers dont have playmakers on offense pip dont know if they have players on defense. They looked like a franchise right now. They are absolutely awful. The worse he plays, hell get more attention. Stephen a. Smith unplugged. Lets move on to the flight ban for samsung phones. U. S. Air safety officials are issuing an emergency order that prohibits people from taking the galaxy note 7 on planes. Gio benitez has the story. Passengers trying to fly with help could face serious penalties. Were talking veer potential punishments. Up to 180,000 if fins. Up to ten years in prison. Thats if you sneak these phones sboonon to these planes. Even if you get them on the checked baggage, they dont want them. Were learning new information about the batteries. The troubled batteries that are causing the problems. The wall street journal is saying samsung was using selftesting. Doing their own testing instead of using Third Party Testing like other phones. No doubt, a lot of people will be looking at that. No doubt. Also, lets be realistic, if you own one of these phones, youre traveling, what are you going to do . Are there suggestions . Were learning right now, samsung, robin, is going to be at some of the busiest airports. Probably here at laguardia. Samsung reps will be here. Theyll exchange it. But samsung is sending boxes to your houses. Theyre these fireresistant boxes. Pop the phone in, send it back. They dont want it here. If tsa sees it, theyll send you home. Now the a breakfast staple in jeopardy. O. J. , orange juice . Once the mornings beverage of choice for so many is plunging in popularity. American consumption is down 13 . Whats up with o. J. . O. J. Is going the way of spam, at least it seems. Zbloe, yeah. Something you used to enjoy for breakfast, now, not so much. The primary reason is health. For years, orange jus was marketed as part of a complete breakfast. Recent years, evidence suggests its not as healthy as we thought. Its high in fructose. A lot of carbs. And the poor citrus farmers have the trifecta. People are not as interested in drinking it. Theyve been battling bad weather. And disease. This is so serious. You have the usda shifting guidelines . Thats right. Any day care could not give orange juice there to kids under 1 year old. You have School Districts following suit around the world that are removing orange juice from the school. One thing i read. I tried it myself. If you google orange juice good for you. The two top hits, one is the number one reason to stop drinking orange juice. And the other is why orange juice is slowly killing you. 27 grams of sugar, in 12 ounces of orange juice. Its the same ad as a pack of m ms or a can of soda. We drank it growing up. Who knew . I like freshly squeezed orange juice, which is much better for you. We have a 2 1 2 yearold so we try to model for him. We sneak juice in the other room. Can i have my kambucha. Its supposed to be really healthy for you. Its just good. Its just good. Kambucha, good, o. J. , bad. Thats the takeaway. Thank you very much. Coming up, we hear from the heroes seen many this amazing rescue video. Hay theyve is a woman trapped in her suv as it takes on water. The end to expensive ivf treatments. A potential breakthrough for parents. Ve my students. I want them to be successful. I cant imagine doing anything else. I was twentyeight years old when i felt my first lump. A year later i found out i had Breast Cancer. I told my students, i promise you i will come back. Cancer Treatment Centers of america, i felt like they really cared about me. I met my team of doctors and my Care Management team. They helped me manage the side effects of my treatment. The most important thing is that miriam knows that her team is doing everything they can to look out for her, to make sure she has treatment options. In miriams case surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy. 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Tena lets you be you back now with the amazing rescue. Good samaritans rescuing a woman who accidentally drove into a pond. Good morning, robin. One Massachusetts Woman lucky to be alive when a woman accidentally hit the gas when she was backing up near a pond. Did it go under . Reporter its a desperate race against time. Watch as the suv quickly starts to sink. Its driver, a 68yearold woman, trapped inside. Pounding on the passenger window. Go to your back window. Reporter a quickthinking Good Samaritan wastes no time. Just as he opens the the door to help the woman out. You got to come out. Reporter the vehicle takes on water and submerges. I lost her. I lost her. Reporter but then behind you. Reporter the woman reaches the surface, gasping for breath. Just as the first bystander starts to fatigue, dan jumps in to hemp. She had this terror, frantic look in her eyes. I knew she couldnt swim. I grabbed the cushion that had handles on it. I flung them toward her. She grabbed it. Reporter the whole incident lasting less than three minute ps. This morning, the driver is in the hospital recovering from mild hypothermia. This was just an accident. The driver was not impaired in any way. The First Responders made to it the scene moments late person they said if the Good Samaritans were not there to help, it could have ended much differently. So fast. Scary. Heroic, heroic efforts by those Good Samaritans. Coming up, dancing with the stars terra jole takes us behind the scenes in the ballroom. That and a whole lot more. Motivation monday, gma. Hey, jesse. Who are you . Im vern, the orange money retirement rabbit from voya. Vern from voya . Yep, vern from voya. Why are you orange . Thats a little weird. Really . Thats the weird part in this scenario . Look, orange money represents the money you put away for retirement. Save a little here and there, and over time, your money could multiply. See . Ah, ok. So, why are you orange . Funny. See how voya can help you get organized at voya. Com. The possibility of a flare was almost always on my mind. Thinking about what to avoid, where to go. And how to deal with my uc. To me, that was normal. Until i talked to my doctor. She told me that humira helps people like me get uc under control and keep it under control when certain medications havent worked well enough. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. Before treatment, get tested for tb. Tell your doctor if youve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if youve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flulike symptoms or sores. Dont start humira if you have an infection. Raise your expectations. Ask your gastroenterologist about humira. With humira, control is possible. Welcome back to gma on a monday morning. This is not the image you want to e see flying out of philadelphia. Ground stop now. Thats the airport. Visibility less than a quarter mile. We have red flag warnings. Wall fire at least 6,000 acres. Katie im Katie Mcginty and i approve this message. Vo donald trump and pat toomey have plenty in common theyre both putting pennsylvania women at risk. Even after trump bragged about sexually assaulting women, toomey stood by him. On Womens Health both trump and toomey would defund planned parenthood. On abortion trump there has to be some form of punishment toomey i would suggest that we have penalties for doctors who perform them. Pat toomey and donald trump too dangerous for pennsylvania women. Matt odonnell, 7 56, october 17. Trash along the highway. Reporter look at the trash all over the median blocking the left lane on 422 as we look live, an overturned tractor trailer. Goodsize delay between 202 and objection. The accident on the schuylkill expressway cleared after being shut down for 6 hours. Eastbound is okay, westbound is jammed from passyunk to the vine. On the blue route northbound to the ramp schuylkill expressway westbound, look at this heavy traffic. A disabled tractortrailer blocking the right lane. A slow go there. The fog is an issue in Delaware County on i95. If youre heading to the airport theres a ground stoppage due to the fog. Live look in atlantic city, dont see any fog on this camera. Lets go outside to david murphy. Reporter we have sunrise over the terrace. 59 degrees in philadelphia. Here the latest fog were down to. 1 in philadelphia and wilmington. That will be trouble for air traffic as karen mentioned and drivers. Slow it down if you encounter the thick stuff. 80 degrees this afternoon. The fog will burn off after that were off to the races. A warm summerlike afternoon. Tomorrow, mid 80s and record highs potentially, both days. Were in the 70s on thursday and friday and the 60s this weekend. A young father was shot even killed outside the home in the philadelphia crescentville section. His wife and young child were inside the home when the attack happened. He was able to give Police Information about his attackers before he died. We have information about the septa strike and the regional rails at 6abc. Com. Im leading the fight to stop the epidemic of heroin and opioid abuse. As attorney general, ill prosecute anyone who scams our seniors. And ill hold the oil and Gas Companies accountable to keep our Drinking Water safe. Im josh shapiro. Ill be an attorney general who always fights for you. Scalpel. I have no idea what im doing. Im just a tv doctor. I never went to college. scream i dont do blood. But now, thanks to cigna, i can do more than just look the part. Is that a foot . We are the tv doctors of america. And were partnering with cigna to help save lives. By getting you to a real doctor for an annual checkup. So go, know, and take control of your health. Doctor poses. Cigntogether, all the way. Was mr. Bonejanglesny expecting the perfect toy at an amazing price . Of course not. Hes a dog. But thats the beauty of a store full of surprises. You never know what youre gonna find, but you know youre gonna love it. When i was one year old, i was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer on my spinal chord. But i spent my whole life fighting back. So you can imagine what i thought when i saw donald trump say. I dont know what i said, ah, i dont remember that reporter he is talking about suffers from a chronic condition that impairs movement of his arms. I dont want a president who makes fun of me. I want a president who inspires me, and thats not donald trump. Priorities usa action is responsible for the content of this advertising. Good morning, america. Its 8 00 a. M. Donald trump is doubling down. Bashing his opponent, the media even saturday night live. As Hillary Clinton faces a new batch of leaked emails. Also this morning, is it finally the end of expensive ivt treatme ivf treatments . And dancings breakout star, terra jole. Ive never danced with an archsized partner before. Ive never danced how theyre inspiring each other and america. As we say good morning, america. This is my heart beat song and good morning, america. Welcome to monday here in times square. And robin, you are bringing something very special this morning. Everybodys gotting . T got something. Extra special. Extra special because amy, elizabeth vargas, and dan harris are going to join us. Were going to talk about how colleagues can help each over through their somethings. Its no different. No different than any other work place. The way we have bonded together. Youre a family. Were family. Where do you find the time is what i want to know . Amy, when shes not here, its because shes somewhere in october addressing. Well talk about that coming up. Lo you for that. Also coming up this morning, who likes saving money . Lets just say it . Who likes it . Me. You. We have great apps and tools to bulk up your bank account. They work. Now lets go back to amy with the morning rundown. Good morning. A major battle under way against isis in iraq. At daybreak, an offensive was launched to retake the city of mosul. Overnight, the coalition bombed with artillery. Ashe carter calls it a decisive moment. There are concerns of a major humanitarian crisis. Back here at home, republicans are calling an attack on a gop office in North Carolina political terrorism. The building was firebombed and a slur about nazi republicans scrawled nearby. No one was insxwrurpd donald trump is blaming Hillary Clinton and her supporters. Clinton called the take horrific. Democrats are raising money to help reopen that office. Trump is campaigning in wisconsin this morning. Hes warning voters that the election is rigged. Hes unleashing more allegations as clinton opens up a bigger lead in the polls. Tom llamas has the latest. Reporter good morning. Donald trump is heading out west this week. First the midwest and the rockies and then las vegas on wednesday for the debate. Hes preaching this message of a rigged election. The process is rigged. Its a rigged election. Its a rigged system. The election is being rigged by corrupt media pushing false allegations and outright lies. Reporter in his latest conspiracy theory, hes saying the media wants Hillary Clinton to win the election so theyre putting out stories against him. In less than 48 hours, he mentioned the election would be rigged more than 20 times. So far, he has yet to provide any evidence of that. Wick ke leaks says founder Julian Assange has lost his internet access. Hes been holed up in ecuadoecu embassy in london. There were emails leaked that seemed to show she was softer on wall street in spreechs than in public. This morning, 21 schoolgirls held cattive for more than two years have been reunited with their families. They say they went ho 40 days without food. Nearly 200 girls are still being held by boko haram, what is pwh is reportedly willing to negotiate. Look at a new superyakt its the ig best ship of its kind. Longer than 1 1 2 football fields. It features eight dex plus an underwater lounge. The price tag . 400 million. He has sailing yacht a. Motor yacht a. Maybe a discount on the b series. But is he happy . Exactly. Make us all feel better. How about some news that goes pop, lara . We begin with pop news. Nearly 200 fans walked out of amy schumers show. After she began bashing trump. She called the candidate an orange, sexually assaulting, fake collegestarting monster. She asked a supporter to join her on stage to say why he was voting for trump. When fans booed, she invited them to leave. The audience members saying it just became too political. One tweeted i went to hear jokes. But with an audience of 8500 people, the show did go on. A lot of tension everywhere these days. A lot of tension, even in comedy. You were talking about it earlier. Also in pop news this morning, two, not one, but two surprises from Sarah Jessica parker. She revealed in an interview with our pal, jess cagle, she almost didnt do the hbo show that made her so famous, because she thought she would be trapped and unable to do other things. She tried to get out of it. Executives convinced her to stay for one season, see if you like it. Thank goodness, she liked it. S. J. P. Also revealing a third film installment of sex tapped the city is in the work. Saying it rests in the butlers pant pantry, not on the table. Somebody is holding it fairly nearby. How close is the Butlers Pantry . Dont you have a Butlers Pantry . Hopefully, its near the table. Back together . Her show, divorce is really good. Its another great s. J. P. Moment. Love her. Finally, in pop news the desert trip megaconcert we have talked about. They put on a show that will have people rethinking the nickname, oldchella. Saturday night, sir Paul Mccartney called rihanna up on stage. Mccart any enjoyed it imminencely, telling the estimated 80,000 concert goers we finally found someone under the age of 50. Oldchella, as its known, ended on sunday. If that is what getting old looks like . Bring it on. Something tell us me it will be back. Ive heard nothing but great, great things. Incredible. Amazing lineup. Pop news off to great star this week. The bar is set high. Coming up, new hope for couples trying to start family. The breakthrough that could make fertility treatments more affordable. Plus, behind the scenes in the ballroom with dancings terra jole. And the moment she says everything changed. I love you so much. Thats why i bought six of you. For when you stretch out. I want you to stay this bright blue forever. Thats why you will stay in this drawer. Forever. I cant live without you. And thats why i will never, ever wash you. Protect your clothes from the damage of the wash with downy fabric conditioner. It not only softens and freshens. It helps protect clothes. From stretching, fading and fuzz. So your favorite clothes stay your favorite clothes. Downy fabric conditioner wash in the wow. 80 of recurrent ischemic, strokes could be prevented. And im doing all i can to help prevent another one. A bayer aspirin regimen is one of those steps in helping prevent another stroke. Be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. Alri was the mommynow slam dunk champion . Really . Yes, really dont sound so surprised. Lets see it oh youre ready. Alright, here we go. Lets hear the crowd. Ahhhh i go to the right. I go to the left. Fake em out. Mama go up, up, up she did it. Again . You cant avoid gravity. But unitedhealthcare can help you avoid financial surprises by helping you compare costs and doctor quality ratings. Unitedhealthcare uhhuh heyyyyy its the Little Things that make life rich. Ritz. We invited women to a spa to dish soap. Body wash. You may not feel it, but some body washes can contain cleansers found in dish soap. Dove body wash is different. It has only the gentlest cleansers. It just made me feel good. This is dove. Because its here. Cue the confetti. Say hi to xiidra, lifitegrast ophthalmic solution. Xiidra is the first prescription eye drop solution approved to treat the signs and symptoms of dry eye. So give your eye doctor a ring, and your eyes just might thank you. One drop in each eye, twice a day. The most common side effects of xiidra include eye irritation, discomfort or blurred vision when the drops are applied to the eyes, and an unusual taste sensation. To help avoid eye injury or contamination of the solution, do not touch the container tip to your eye or any surface. If you wear contact lenses, remove them before using xiidra and wait for at least 15 minutes before placing them back in your eyes. Are you ready to do something about your dry eyes . Talk to your doctor about xiidra. Stand by me back here on gma, thats dancing star terra jole. Were going to go behind is the keens with her and her marter in just ahead. First, a new study to those trying to start family. Could mean more affordable ivf treatments. Dr. Jen ashton is joining us this morning. You have a jampacked schedule. Can you tell us what about this study is all about . Yeah, robin. So really exciting stuff coming out of Salt Lake City and this meeting. One of the major themes of thissiers conference, affordability for infertility treatments. This particular study comes out of usc, university of southern california. They looked at women 35 years of age and younger with good prognosis for fertility treatments and treated them with whats called modified natural cycle ivf. Three days of medications instead of two weeks of medications. Day found they did pretty well. A good live birth outcome. They saved over 7200 per live birth. This is significant because we know ivf is expensive. Its still expensive with this but a step in the right direction. About 1 in 4 u. S. Couples struggling with infertility cannot afford the treatments they need. This is less is more. Very encouraging news. Less medication. Easier on the body . I think its easier on the body. On the mood, and the mind set. Its easier on the bank account. All of those things matter potentially lower complication rate of something called hyperstimulation. Its not for every infor tillty patient. These are for women under the age of 35. But youre starting to see this trend of infertility specialists trying everything they can to lower costs because they want this to be more affordable to more people. And jen, what are you also excited about this conference that youre going to be hearing . So, robin this is arguably the biggest infertility and fertility conference in the world. There are for than4,000 experts here if all over the country and the world. And they hit every aspect of reproductive medicine. Affordability is a big thing this year. Genetic advances. Huge always important. Advances in male factor infertility. The Mental Health aspect of patients. And polycystic ovarian syndrome. And so much more. Im going to try to see as learn as much as i can today. I feel like a kid in a candy store. Thanks for being our eyes and ears there. Thank you, jen. You take care. Have a good time. Dr. Ashton will answer your questions on twitter. Coming up, the best newel toos to put more money in your bank account. Come on back. Before fibromyalgia, i was energetic. I was active. Then the chronic, widespread pain drained my energy. My doctor said moving more helps ease fibromyalgia pain. He also prescribed lyrica. Fibromyalgia is thought to be the result of overactive nerves. Lyrica is believed to calm these nerves. For some, lyrica can significantly relieve fibromyalgia pain and improve function, so i feel better. Lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. Tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. Or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling, or blurry vision. Common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs and feet. Dont drink alcohol while taking lyrica. Dont drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. Those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. With less pain, i can be more active. Ask your doctor about lyrica. If youre using this toothpaste, youre probably expecting to get visibly whiter teeth, but it only removes surface stains, and clinical tests show that it only provides about a halfshade of whitening. Colgate optic white high impact white is different. It contains hydrogen peroxide, a professionally recommended whitening ingredient. It goes beyond surface stains to deeply whiten. It whitens four shades, and that is a visible difference in whitening. Colgate optic white high impact white toothpaste. The uncertainties of hep c. I dont want to live with or wonder whether i should seek treatment. I am ready. Because today theres harvoni. A revolutionary treatment for the most common type of chronic hepatitis c. Harvoni is proven to cure up to 99 of patients. Whove had no prior treatment. It transformed treatment as the first cure thats. One pill, once a day for 12 weeks. Certain patients. Can be cured with just 8 weeks of harvoni. Harvoni is a simple treatment regimen thats been prescribed to more than a quarter of a million patients. Tell your doctor if youve had a liver transplant, other liver or kidney problems, hiv, or any other medical conditions, and about all the medicines you take including herbal supplements. Taking amiodarone with harvoni may cause a serious slowing of your heart rate. Common side effects of harvoni may include tiredness, headache and weakness. I am ready to put hep c behind me. I am ready to be cured. Are you ready . Ask your hep c specialist if harvoni is right for you. Welcome back to gma. The best audience lets check the local weather first. Reporter all right, ginger, we are off the a coolish start with temperatures climbing up to 06 in philadelphia. There is some dense fog in the area, so you want to be careful of that, but were not seeing problems with that down in cape may. If youre meeting someone coming in on a flight it might be delayed because the fog at Philadelphia International is pretty thick. The exclusive accuweather sevenday forecast 80 is the high much warmer than yesterday. Next two days, mid 80s and both days could set new record highs. Series, real money. This morning, how the save for retirement. A lot of new apps help people do it right. Theres so much help out there for you, george. Were taking the heavy lifting and guess work out so your money can grow. Even if youre setting aside tiny amounts, these resources can help that next egg grow. They met at work. Hes a doctor. Shes a nurse. Last november, the two more married. They both believe its never too early to think about the future. Retirement is something im thinking about and have been contributing to over the years. Since i became a nurse, i saved some money. I would like to put more in. Reporter enter lauren lions cole. Certified financial planner. Not all retirement accounts are quee ated equal. Some charge more fees than others. To an fiz the fees, theres a Service Called feex. Reporter when you may be paying too much in fees. Lauren says to remember, everybody little bit helps. She showed them an app for saving called digit. Digit analyzes your Checking Account and spending pattern and judges how much you can save weekly, maybe its 3. Maybe its 30. Theyll transfer that there your checking to your digit savings account. Reporter laurens most important tip, dont get overwhelmed. If you need a professional, there are places to find that online. One of my favorite is guidevine. They interview advisers. Before you schedule an appointment you can see if this is the right person for you. Reporter and we have one more bonus resource. Its called blooom. For a small monthly fee, it invests your retirement account for you, potentially saving you hundreds, maybe thousands of dollars each year. Now, lara, a little dancing. Little womens terra joles doing well in the ballroom. We wept behind the scenes to she how they put together the special dances. Shes a fan favorite for her grace and positive attitude. Now the mom of two is opening up about overcoming her challenges. And how she hopes america will see her. Shes 42, but no one the ball rool stood taller than when she scored the first 9 of the season. Our first 9 of the season. Reporter a fan favorite on her reality show, little women l. A. Whats up, ice princess . The most common time is called achondroplasia. Reporter how does she do it . Ive never danced with an averagesized partner before. Hes also never met a little person before. Very excited. Reporter her dance partner, is a shar farber, adjusting the moves for her small frame. She inspires me to create bigger and better numbers. There are specific things she cant do. One of my steps would be three of terras steps. This week, he was like, clap above your head. I was like, uh huh. Thats really going to happen. Reporter all the while balancing motherhood. Her 1yearold is also diagnosed with dwarfism. I dont want them to feel like there are limitations up there. Reporter opening up about her newborn son. I called, whats going on . They said the results still arent in. It almost felt like an elimination. Reporter her mission is for america to see her as more than a little person. In the beginning, i said theres going to be a moment where i hope you no longer think of me like youre dancing with a little person. Youre just terra. Sasha is looking at me like im terra, which is great. Reporter her biggest fear was not making it past the first round. I would say so far, job well done. I think she has achieved that. We see her just as she is. Great story. Absolutely. You can see more dancing with the stars tonight at 8 00, 7 00 central. We have more dancing. Check out this Police Officer getting into formation. Good morning, it is 8 27 be monday, october 17. Im Matt Odonnell its been a trashy morning to get to work in montgomery county. Reporter trashy trashy, look at this mess, the tractortrailer spilled literally trash all over the median. 422 one lane blocked, now its a 29 minute jam thats a big delay on 02 to oaks. David has been talking about the fog through the region. Its a big deal. This is i95 in Delaware County. Also Philadelphia Airport you want to watch they have a Traffic Management program for incoming flights, you may see big delays with that. Route 1 northbound is closed at perry street in trenton watch for an accident 2 Miles Per Hour creating a problem. 129 northbound closed two lanes blocked with a big accident. Stick to mlk or the boulevard. I95 traveling at 17 Miles Per Hour at cottman and the ben franklin bridge. Were dealing with fog this morning in spots lets turn to meteorologist david murphy. Reporter things okay on the terrace, matt, with bright sunshine digging through the lowlying cloud cover. 59 degrees in philadelphia and allentown. The fog is a problem in the i95 corridor from the airport in philadelphia down to wilmington, less than a half mile there. Everywhere where theres gray you could run into patchy fog. After it burns off, well see sun and clouds, 80 is the high. Mid 80s tuesday and wednesday, above the both of those days could be record highs in the mid 80s. Back to 70s on thursday and 60s on the weekend. How food banks stock up after Hurricane Matthew at 6abc. Com. Welcome to my house [ cheers and applause ] we are live here in times square. The audience here. This monday, monday morning. A lot of energy this monday morning. Jesse, kick it off. Did you know that christmas is now less than ten weeks away. Oh, my gosh. Its amazing. Hes excited. You been a good boy this year . You got a big one coming up then. People already talking about gifts, obviously. Lara is done with her shopping. No, im not. Are you really . Im not. The whole hip thing threw me off. Im usually done by august. Theyre not talking about gifts like you would think. Reddit is talking about the most insulting gifts ever received. Apparently people dont put a lot of thought into things. Someone wrote, the first time i met my future motherinlaw was at christmas. She went into my travel bag and took out pair of my own socks. She put a bow on them. And then presented it to me as a christmas gift. Number one . Welcome to the family. Lets just start with going into your travel bag. Lets start with the going creeper. Yeah, totally. Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding. Didnt she get insult fpd guy thought it was a joke. She didnt think it was funny. Yes, yes. I read that story. I was like, oh, no. You cant choose your significant others parents . Another person shared after winning a contest at work, they won a gift. It was a yodeling pickle ornament. Yes. I think we have a picture of that. Thats what a yodeling pickle ornament apparently looks like. Thats the most disturbing christmas gift. Its amazing. I think were going to move on, on that note. Im with you, george. Thank you for bringing that. Merry christmas, everybody. Get excited. [ cheers and applause ] fawnfilled i mean, hard to top. The yodeling pickle. Speaking of yodeling pickles. This im talking about dating, ironically. How much information do you give on a first date . Does anybody do you hold back . Yeah, i mean, thats the sort of big question. Somebody youve met online . Or youre on a first date. I went on a first date. Youre newly dating, how much do you tell about yourself in terms of work . There was a great article in the New York Post that we were all chatting about. We thought it might create a nice conversation out there for you. Theres a big sort of movement where people are not giving their real names. Theyre giving fake names on first dates. One of the thoughts being, it was a psychologist who said it enables you to find out if youre compatible before you get into things that do have an influence. Like what someone does for a living. It gets creepy. Youre on date. You meet this well call him tom. And on the third date, he goes, by the way, im dan. If youre going lie about your name on the first date, youre going lie about everything else. There is this whole article of women saying, i want to it be about nothing else but what really matters. Compatibility. One woman had a very racy job, i wont get into in the article, but its funny. She said, if people knew what i did for a living, thats all they would want to you can that about or, you know, get into. Thats a liptle different. Zpler. Everybody today googles people. What if you are compatible. You say, by the way by the way, im not really george . What is your real name . I dont think i would make that one up. Interesting. Two interesting topics. And now were about to meet a very interesting man. An inspiring man as well. This is a guy in virginia. A Police Officer make something many people smile. Hes gt a viral video just gone people are going crazy. Check him out doing a little formation. [ laughter ] oh, i love it. Hes got it. Look at him, look. Lieutenant deuntay diggs. Hes joining us right now. Lieutenant, thank you for coming on. Good morning. Thank you for having me. We love seeing your smile and your dance. Tell us how this all came to be . Well, i was at the pep rally at North Stafford High School and the energy was a little by low. It was spirit week. I saw the opportunity to engage with the students. I just jumped in and took a chance. Youve been taking a lot of chances. We love what your principal had to say. Scott mcclelland, when dealing with kids, you are very levelheaded and seek to find ways to inspire kids to make good choices. Stafford county is fortunate to have a Law Enforcement officer of his caliber. That must make you feel great. It absolutely does. Im so very fortunate and blessed to have this opportunity. And, you know, you have a quite a fascinating back story. One of the first openly gay cadets at the military institute. First openly gay Police Officer on your Police Department right now. What is your message when youre talking to kids in the classroom . Well, my message is really that, you know, Law Enforcement officers are human beings. And that they can come to us and they can trust us. And so, i engage with them and i want them to to understand that, you know, theres a journey to success. And so, we talk about that. Talk about making positive choices. And, we thank you for that, because so many times, when were in the media and showing stories thats going on, you know whats going on around the country, its wonderful to show this type. How do we bring this how do we bridge this gap between some in the community and whats going on with Police Officers . Well, its really just stepping out and showing that were human. And engaging with the community. And so here, the Stafford County sheriffs office, we focus on community policing. Part of that zbegt out and dancing with the kids and engaging in ways they wouldnt expect. Sheriff david decatur, our sheriff here is much about that and stands behind me. Speaking of dancing. Would you mind . Come on, come on. Oh, yeah, lets go. Lets go. [ cheers and applause ] whoa oh no, he didnt. Its over. Its over. Thank you so much. He didnt have to be asked twice. So great. Thank you. Congratulations. Thank you. Thank you so much. Wow. Oh, my goodness. Thats the second time weve had man do a split on that screen here at the breakfast table. Not complaining. Those three topics should wake us up for monday. Coming up next, how everybodys got something. Thats next. Katie im Katie Mcginty and i approve this message. Vo donald trump and pat toomey have plenty in common theyre both putting pennsylvania women at risk. Even after trump bragged about sexually assaulting women, toomey stood by him. On Womens Health both trump and toomey would defund planned parenthood. On abortion trump there has to be some form of punishment toomey i would suggest that we have penalties for doctors who perform them. Pat toomey and donald trump too dangerous for pennsylvania women. Afoot and lighthearted i take to the open road. Healthy, free, the world before me, the long brown path before me leading wherever i choose. The east and the west are mine. The north and the south are mine. All seems beautiful to me. The local weather. All right, ginger, Storm Tracker 6 live double scan beginning to pick up a couple of showers well west of harrisburg. That temperature we go from 60 to a high of 80. And the mid 80s tomorrow and wednesday. Harvoni. Lets go back to robin. Thank you, ginger. Cannot think of a better way to cap off season one of my podcast, everybodys got something, than with my dear friends, amy and dan harris. Well hear from them along with our colleague elizabeth vargas. First, take a look. The happiest person in the whole wide world. Everybodys got something. I feel like i had a huge secret. Its such a gift to receive love. Reporter and amy and dan have shared their something very publicly. Amy is wrapping up her first mammogram. You said the thing that absolutely made it my mind to do this thing. To have a mammogram in front of 5 Million People. You said to me, i guarantee you, if you walk into that maamovan, you will save a life. A few short weeks later, words i never expected to hear, i was told that i have Breast Cancer. I was telling you i had no connection with the disease. I was standing there with stage 2 invoicive cancer. And had no idea. Had no idea. Felt perfectly healthy. Because you gave me that nudge, i feel like its on me. The onus is on me now to give back. And to pay it forward. You told your story. And so beautifully well. Lets hear dan harriss story. 2004. Good morning, america. I uh had a panic attack that morning. Its too early to prescribe statins for cancer production. This wave of fear rolls over me and i my heart starts racing. My palms are sweating. My mouth dries up. My lungs seize up. I cant breathe. Reporter years of covering wartorn regions took a toll on dan. I got depressed. My way of coping with it was stupid. I started to selfmedicate with recreation nal drugs. Reporter am many and dan both advocate for a cause they believe in. There were bumps along the way. Amy, you do not, like all journalists, dont want to be the story. What i wasnt totally prepared for was some backlash. Because, there are many cancer groups out there who dont a agree with certain treatments. Where the funding is going. And i was knave naive to all of. I believe that what i have to say snow when i speak around the country is a better message than it was before. For you guys, going splik, i really dont think you had a choice. Its kind of a no mf brainer from a Public Health perspective to go public. You absolutely both saved countless lives. I decided to do it because i, as a result of having this panic attack, found meditation, which was useful to me. I felt that, too, was a Public Health message. Meditation is hard. The whole game is just to notice when you have become distracted and start again and again and again. And anybody can do that. Thank you for making your mess your message. And for sharing your something. With us. So remember to always be kind that is a perfect way for me to tend first season and full disclosure, elizabeth was supposed to join us. Duty called at the last second. I have this annoying thing called 20 20, i had to do a shoot. So sorry to miss it. I said can cow please be here. So happy for you. Message youre sharing. Your book has been on the New York Times best sellers list for four weeks. People are reaching out to you. Share your story. Obviously, im more in the vein of dan but even worse, i guess. I was very i have been struggling with anxiety and panic attacks my whole life. I chose to selfmedicate with alcohol. It turned into an addiction. Over the last eight years. 60 of women who are alcoholics also suffer from anxiety. Ive been absolutely amazed i get messages every day, many of them people stopping me on the street, to say, thank you for talking about that. I suffer from anxiety too. I drank, too, to selfmedicate. Or somebody i love is going through this. And your book has helped open up the discussion, because thats such taboo. Whether its Breast Cancer or anxiety especially with anxiety and addiction, theres an anonymo enormous stigma. This is a very busy month for you. And you, as women. You did something last week. I was in san francisco, greensboro, im going to boca raton this weekend, st. Louis after that. To jacksonville this month. Youre in the same rotation. Its about spreading the message of early detection. The confusing guidelines saying women can wait till theyre 45 orks 50. I was 40. I walked in thinking, cancer couldnt happen to me. Im at average risk. I had no family history. How could i have cancer. My message to women everywhere is that it can happen to you. Its up to you to get the test, make the appointment. Starting at the age you want to make them, not when a Regulatory Agency says you should. In my recovery, meditating has been a boost. Youve helped bring to it the forefro forefront. Ive been doing my best. I cant get, i dont want to name any names, but her initials are amy robach, i cant get her to meditate. He was looking at me when he was talking. Anyone can do it. No, no its true. Its true. Anybody can do it. Amy is one of these people. Amy says, i cant dpoipt i cant clear my mind. My message is, you do not have to clear your mind. That is only do fbl youre enlightened. Congratulations, or if you have died. The whole point of meditation is to focus for a few seconds at a time, on one thing. Your breath, a mantra. When you get lost, you start again. Exactly. It helps people get through their something. It really does, amy robach. Okay. Happy to be talking with you on your podcast. You were an amazing guest. Were posting it today. You really shine a light on very spreg things. Hey, guys. Also, its a message that in the work place, and our work place happens to be very public. But its no different than anybody else. Their colleagues become friends and coming together helps. Theres a little bit, they say in recovery, dont compare in despair. You look at everybody else and think, their life is so fantastic why is mine so painful. When you talk about it, people you admire and watch on television every morning, like Robin Roberts and amy robach might have something difficult or challenging. Once again, everybodys got something. Download the podcast on itunes and robin podcast. Com. Catch me on dans. Well be right back. Thanks, guys. How tall are you . How do we measure greatness in america . The height of our skyscrapers . The size of our Bank Accounts . No. Its measured by what we do for our children. The values we pass on. Ive spent my life fighting for kids and families and it will be my mission to build a country where our children can rise as high as their dreams and hard work take them. That means good schools for every child in every zip code. College that leads to opportunities. Not debt. And an economy where every Young American can find a job that lets them start a family of their own. We face big challenges, but we can solve them the same way families do. Working together. Respecting one another. And never giving up. I want our success to be measured by theirs. Im Hillary Clinton and i approve this message. Pat toomey and donald trump theyre just wrong for the women of pennsylvania. New fallout for donald trump. Should a woman be punshied for having an abortion . There has to be some form of punishment. For the woman . Yeah, there has to be some form. I would support legislation in pennsylvania that would ban abortion and i would suggest that we have penalties for doctors who perform them. Pat toomey and donald trump theyre not for you. Senate majority pac is responsible for the content of this advertising. Were back now with our chief health and medical editor dr. Rich besser and his wife, jeanne. Congratulations on this cookbook. This is a lot more than a cookbook. I wanted to show that Healthy Eating can taste good. You dont have to give up your favorite foods. Youll find tacos. Pasta. All the things you like to eat. But in a healthier version. I you nodding. Yourself the tester at home. I am. This is her sixth book. I have eaten every recipe in every book. Multiple time. Our son, jack, is here. Hes eaten them all as well. A good, growing, he will thi boy. What are we starting with . Part of what i wanted to show is that you dont have to sacrifice flavor by being healthy. My version of a burrito bowl. Everybody clofs them. Making it at home, you control what you put in there. Instead of white rice, using brown. Lean beef and beans and avocado and cheese. You dont have to give up your favorite foods. Compared to a restaurant chain, youll save half the calories by making it at home. Instead of 43 grams of fat. Mine has 18. And the restaurant version has over 1600 milligrams of sodium. And we have 200 milligrams. Almost 1500 mill gams of sodium. Thats what youre supposed to have in day youre saving it if you make it yourself. And its still delicious. I love this idea. I always have bananas in the house because our son likes smoothies. I remembered my childhood favorite, the chocolatecovered bananas. I used to pu ed td to puree the. I put nem in the food processer, and, purr ray it. After their frozen. And if you puree it, it becomes this incredible treat. Youre saving calories, so much fat. And youre eating real food. Its fantastic. It tastes just like ice cream. But get any out there. What you to think . Pretty good . [ cheers and applause ] much healthier than going the ice cream route. You can still have chocolate and peanuts. This is not a sacrifice at all. Everything in moderation and portion control. Great stuff. The book is great, too. Well be right back. With simply right checking from santander bank, just make one deposit, withdrawal, transfer, or payment each month to waive the monthly fee. And theres no minimum balance. Youre alright with simply right checking from santander bank. Are you feeling alright, baby . Its family affair. The bessers son right here. Im telling you. Delicious. Delicious. Thanks, everybody, fsh watching. Hello everyone, sorry about that, 8 56 october 17. Karen rogers has transit troubles. Reporter its a mess, matt, its new and just coming in. One hour delay, media elwyn, airport line, wilmington newark, all one hour delays, watch for that with mass transit. Lets check the trash report on 422 westbound yup trash is all over the median, overturned tractortrailer a mess. They have heavy duty tow trucks on the scene and 26 minute delay from 202 to oaks. 422 eastbound at trooper causing problems this morning. A look at the ben franklin bridge, kind of fogged in and slower speeds on the ben. More on the fog and warm weekend with meteorologist david murphy. Reporter warming up right now, too on the terrace with sun above low cloud cover. 59 degrees in philadelphia. Starting to get more comfortable. Visibility an issue, a third of an mile at Philadelphia International airport and wilmington and long lang. Lancaster. Slow it down if you see fog. 80 degrees is the high, the big story of the day very, very warm. Tuesday and wednesday look for highs in the 80s and record temperatures. Thursday were on the other side of a ridge passing through, we dip back into the 70s, low 70s by friday, 60s by the weekend. A man is shot to death during a robbery attempt outside his home. Police are using his dieing words to find his killers. Well update you on the latest on action news. Two people are vying for a cohost spot on kelly, they do battle next. Im Matt Odonnell. Have a great monday and great week. Is a ehing he y254jy yi0y announcer its live with kelly. From billy lynns long halftime walk , vin diesel. And our live with kelly and you cohost search. The Academy Award winner carole bayer sager. Also sam champion with kelly at the cohost decks. Thats all next on live. Announcer and now here are kelly ripa and sam champion. [cheering and applauding]

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