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Center of the outbreak answering any questions this morning. Super bowl showdown. Amy schumer, seth rogen join forces in a new ad for the big game. Today we celebrate our Independence Day. Are you just quoting Independence Day . Yeah. Really inspired. A dream team of laughs and you can see it right here only on gma. We do say good morning, america. On this wednesday morning and many cant wait to see those super bowl ads and the super bowl itself. The game. Its going to be a great show and theres also big news about lady gaga. She is going to be performing the National Anthem. Yes, at the super bowl, only four days to go until the super bowl. Six days until New Hampshire. That is right so youve got them on lady gaga and beyonce and coldplay and in New Hampshire, take a look at this donald trump with a commanding lead in New Hampshire. But remember the polls missed the mark in iowa and that one was taken before the votes. The big question this morning, will trump drop in New Hampshire after that second place finish in iowa . He is joining us live in just a moment going to talk to george about that. First its your voice, your vote and abcs tom llamas starts us off on the latest republican race from manchester, New Hampshire. Good morning, tom. Reporter robin, good morning to you. Donald trump now changing his tune acknowledging he may not win every primary while still trying to show that trump swagger that carried him this far. Overnight, donald trump in full spin mode trying to shed the loser label. For trump, even though he lost iowa, he is still a winner. I came in second. I came in a strong second. Third was quite a bit away. Reporter actually it was a narrow victory, a difference of 1. 2 . But trump feeling more confident about New Hampshire. Do you now feel real pressure. No, i dont think i feel any pressure. Ive done very well in New Hampshire. Ive been here a lot more. Reporter and trump out with a new line of attacks against the iowa winner, senator ted cruz, accusing him of winning with dirty campaign tricks, citing how the Cruz Campaign mistakenly suggested in an interview dr. Ben carson was dropping out. He insulted ben carson by doing what he did to ben carson. That was a disgrace. Reporter cruz apologized to carson but says trump is the one with the real character problem. I can tell you six weeks ago donald trump was saying every day that i was his friend, that he loved me, that i was terrific, that i was nice. [ laughter ] and now youre an anchor baby. And now im an anchor baby. Reporter in New Hampshire cruz will have to get through marco rubio also. I think teds been very calculated and will say or do anything to get a vote. Reporter but the granite tate already proving to be a rocky ride for rubio. So when senator rubio gets here, when the boy in the bubble gets here i hope you guys ask him some questions. Reporter governor Chris Christie called you the buy in the bubble suggesting youre a delicate candidate thats not been tested. What do you say. Chris has had a tough couple of day, did very poorly in iowa. Sometimes when people run into adversity they dont react well. Reporter and rubio and cruz will several events in New Hampshire. Donald trump with a single event in arkansas, trump says that he will be adding events here in this state and also acknowledged that skipping the debate right before the iowa caucus like lie hurt him but he would do it again in a second. Why . He raised 6 million for veterans. George. Okay, tom, thanks. Lets talk to mr. Trump right now joining us by phone. You heard tom llamas there, mr. Trump. Acknowledged skipping the debate might have hurt you. Whats the biggest change you need to make as you head into New Hampshire . Roger stone says you need to sharpen your focus on cruz and rubio. Well, i think i dont have to make too many changes, i mean, im doing pretty well. I came in second when people said i would be in the top ten when i went out to iowa, they all said id be in the top ten. You were leading all the polls going into the vote. No, but the polls came out very late and said toward the end it looked like i was doing very well, frankly and i ended up coming in second place and its interesting because the man that came in third place, a good guy, marco, everybody saying he won like it was a big victory. I came in second place, ab easy second place and nobody said that. On saturday you yourself said unless i win i will consider this is a big fat beautiful and by the way very expensive waste of time. I dont like second place. Im not a fan of second place but i did well and the person that came in third place everybody is raving about how wonderful it is and they dont say that about me. I came in second place so i dont say that. Im not thrilled with second place but i was told dont even go to iowa because im not going to win iowa and i thought it was something i should do and i went there and i almost won it and by the way, i got more votes than anybody in the history of the state other than the one particular player. Who is the bigger threat, ted cruz or marco rubio . I dont know. And there are others also that you didnt mex, i mean somebody else could sneak up so i mean theres always threats. I dont assume that anybody is out of it. You have some people that were supposed to be threats and theyre no longer threats it would seem but you have somebody could come out of the pack. You got some people coming down hard on you, as well. John sununu former governor of New Hampshire in the New York Times says i think trumps loss will remind people that the guy has a history of losses. He brought up your bankruptcies and the charges against Trump University and goes on to say theres no longer trump vodka, frag begans and three magazines that mr. Trump put his name on. History of losses. No, i have no is tri of losses and started off with very little. I used the bankruptcy laws just like anybody else, its corporate, its not personal. Look at the biggest people, i wont mention their names here but a list of the biggest people we have in business, all of us do that, use it. Its a business tool and use that to our advantage and ive built an amazing company. I have a company thats worth many, many billions of dollars and Everybody Knows it. You were outspent in iowa. Are you ready to spend more of your own money in New Hampshire, go up on the air, make sure you get that victory . Oh, yeah, were spending a lot of money. New hampshire is my first place and i really liked iowa. Di well in iowa by all accounts, i mean, lets face it. I did well and came in second and there are ten people that didnt and, you know, we started off with 17 if you think of it that way but i think i did very well. You look at a guy like sununu, you talk about losers, he got fired by bush like a dog and this guy goes out and i guess hes working for somebody that he wants very much because i heard about that and i think its a ridiculous attack. What do you think happened in iowa because all the polls in the final three days did show you with a clear lead. Well, i think its very hard to poll a caucus. Caucusing is very tough to poll and that showed it. Now, didnt show a big polling. Showed i could win by a little bit and i was actually surprised because i was not supposed to win iowa. I was supposed to do really great in New Hampshire but not iowa, and, you know, thats the way it is. Look, i came in second and the person that came in third was praised as though he had a great victory but they didnt say that about me. The New Hampshire polls can often swing very hard after iowa. Are you braced for that and if you fall short again, is that the end of the road for your campaign . No, not at all i think well do well with South Carolina and with the s. E. C. In nevada. This is long term. I have Unlimited Money and im still funding my campaign and, you know, one of the things i said yesterday, i dont think i get any credit for selffunding my campaign. I get nothing. Its an amazing thing, im putting in millions of dollars and i will put in millions but i dont think the voters when they go into the booth say, oh, wow, hes funding his campaign, isnt that wonderful . Everyone else is not doing that. Im the only one selffunding and honestly, i dont think i get very much credit for that and it is something you should be given credit for. You heard it here. You are in for the long haul. See you in New Hampshire. Okay. The battle between the democrat, Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders shifting their focus to New Hampshire after the Associated Press officially declared clinton the winner in iowa. Abcs cecilia vega is in manchester also with the latest. Good morning, cecilia. Reporter robin, good morning to you. This is Bernie Sanders backyard. He is basically coming home here and even after that tight iowa win, Hillary Clinton is here playing catchup. Overnight, Bernie Sanders hitting the trail on his own turf. We believe in you. [ cheers and applause ] more importantly, i believe in you. Reporter drawing supporters out in full force, now just less than a week from the first primary vote here. The vermont senator amping up his ground game enjoying a doubledigit lead in the polls but also looking ahead to the tough fight against Hillary Clinton. Secretary clinton won here in 2008. So, you know, we are taking nothing for granted. Reporter clinton trying to avoid an upset. Well, i am in a contest with your neighbor. I have the highest respect for him. Were in his backyard. Reporter this is the backyard. Now, i want to give you an example of what it looks like here. We have obtained a copy of a fundraising memo that Clintons Campaign manager sent out updating the status of the race. In it he says New Hampshire voters have a history of supporting candidates from new england, so its not surprising sanders has a double digit lead here, robin. This is clearly an attempt to try to explain why a presumed frontrunner is in a second tier standing. Thank you. Well bring in abcs matthew dowd, taking it in talking to donald. Bernie sanders with a double digit lead and also a 20point lead in the latest one before the iowa voting but hes still the favorite. Still the favorite and i think hes the odds on favorite. He has to win New Hampshire. He said that hes going to go on regardless. He has to win New Hampshire. A wink to the super bowl. Its a lot like an allstar rookie quarterback in their first game who throws an interception on the first series, thats what happened to him in iowa. Theyre going to put him back in in the second series but if he throws another interception hes gone. Coming out of iowa and he kept talking about this, donald trump, saying, you talk about marco rubio. He came in third. But he has the momentum. Marco rubio absolutely has the momentum and looks like hes beginning to consolidate the establishment lane in the party. I think marco rubio has to finish second in New Hampshire. He has to do that in order to keep everybody else at bay and so if he does, then he continues that momentum. How about the others . Who needs to gain some traction in New Hampshire, chris chris e christie . A real dice roll. Chris christie, jeb bush and kasich. If they dont beat marco rubio and finish second its over for them. The race is done. In 2012 we did some polling and the republicans, one in five, they waited until election day, election day to make up their minds so we could see some surprises like we did in iowa, right . The interesting thing about New Hampshire voters is they always wait until after iowa votes but then they dont necessarily follow iowa. Weve had a lot of people that won iowa and have gone on to lose New Hampshire but they always wait to see what happened and then they make their decision. This race could adjust dramatically in the final 72 hours. I see a twinkle in your eye. Its not politics as usual. Even though what happened in iowa it proves its not business as usual. This is the most fascinating race ive ever seen. Its an amazing race. You heard it from matthew dowd, thank you. Complete coverage of the race for president including the next Republican Debate moderated by world news tonight anchor david muir and this week coanchor Martha Raddatz this saturday night 8 00, 7 00 central right here on abc. Thanks, robin. We turn to a Major Development in the Global Health emergency caused by the zika virus. The first reported case of the virus spreading from person to person by sexual transmission instead of mosquito and it happened right here in the u. S. Dr. Richard besser has all the latest from the epicenter of the outbreak in brazil. Good morning, rich. Good morning, george. Disturbing development in the zika epidemic spreading across the americas. Just yesterday a Health Department in texas reported the first case of zika transmission in the United States during this outbreak and it wasnt spread by a mosquito. It was spread through sexual transmission. An individual went abroad, acquired the virus and came home and infected their partner. The cdc says they are developing guidelines for in that should be out in the near future. In the meantime, the others hold, pregnant women should avoid travel to any place where its beg spread and those who return with symptoms should see their doctor. George. Such a scary emergency. Thanks very much. This is he indicating so quickly. To that massive storm moving across the country, tens of millions in its path as a series of damaging tornadoes tear across the south. Abcs Steve Osunsami is in clarksville, tennessee, with the latest. Good morning, steve. Reporter good morning, robin. There was some frightening moments for the family of the Police Officer who lives here, they say the sky went dark and then the winds started blowing, knocking over this large pine tree which pushed over a street light and then came crashing down on their second vehicle. They say theyre lucky it didnt hit their home. Go, go, go. Reporter across parts of the south overnight families had to sleep with one eye open. The tornado picked us up and turned us. Reporter the sky started falling before dinner. What looked like a giant tornado moved in over fields in alabama. Its in the water tower. Monster. Reporter the high winds blew up a transformer and tore apart power lines. And some areas trees were pushed over orrined from the ground. I didnt know what had happened until i came out of that closet and saw everything around. Reporter in alabama and mississippi, First Responders and families searched through areas that were hit and it was good news. No one was seriously hurt. Tornado on the ground. Reporter there were reports of at least six in mississippi including this huge funnel cloud. This morning, families whose homes were damaged are trying to save what they can. Its possible some of those reports are from the same tornado. The National Weather service will determine that in the next few days. It isnt unusual to see tornadoes in the south this time of year. Robin. Unfortunately, its not unusual. Youre right about that. Take care. Thank you. Now amy with the mornings other top stories starting with that water crisis in flint, michigan. Thats right, a congressional hearing is scheduled on the flint, michigan, water crisis happening today but the former emergency manager is refusing to testify. Flint switched Water Supplies to save money and since then the water has been contaminated with lead. A michigan congresswoman wants to spend 1 billion to replace water pipelines and the governor wants to spend 30 million to pay residents water bills. The pentagon is asking for a 50 increase in its budget to fight isis. Defense secretary ash carter making that request to congress. He also wants to quadruple military spending in europe to deter russian president Vladimir Putin from any further aggression. Well, there are new details about the apparent explosion that ripped a hole in this planes fuse lalg in midair. It happened over somalia. Authorities believe one passenger was sucked out of the hole and killed. Investigators say they have found no evidence of a criminal act but still trying to figure out what caused the blast. The plane ultimately landed back in mogadishu. Well, bill cosby is expected to be back in a pennsylvania courtroom today as his lawyers resume their effort to have charges against him thrown out. A former District Attorney testified tuesday that he made an oral agreement not to prosecute cosby in connection with claims made by a woman over a decade ago. But the current d. A. Says that deal is not binding because it wasnt in writing. A judge could rule as early as today whether the case against cosby can move forward. And finally an update on the woman making headlines because she was very unhappy with the kit kat bar she ate. Same ma al bhchlt ad said she bought eight kit kats and none of them, none of them had the trademark wafer inside. She is demanding nestle settle this by sending her a free lifetime supply of kit kats. In a statement nestle would say it only encourages customers to contact the company directly with any issue. Her response says if the response isnt sweet enough she will sue. The loss i suffered is of monetary and emotional significance. When you need your wafer, you need your wafer. A loss of a wafer is nothing to be trifled with. I wonder how it happened. Lets go to rob with the latest on that blizzard. Theres a big wafer shortage and, you know, you got to cut back where you got to cut back. Types are tough. Time to talk about good morning again. We have rain lifting off to the northnortheast on storm tracker6 live double scan. A bit wet in those northern suburbs. As we head outside cloudy skies across the region. Theres a bit of a break in the action rainwise in the center of philadelphia. More rain this afternoon. Mild with record setting high of 64. During the afternoon and evening some heavy rain maybe even a thunderstorm. And rain combined with snow melt and runoff could produce some flooding. Messy ride home. Coming up, new developments in the murder of that young girl in virginia. Her heartbroken mother speaking out and the role social media may have played. Big alert about the secret apps your child could be using. A massive 63 million jackpot on the line. The Winning Ticket sold at this store. The deadline to claim it a day away. Everyone searching for the winner right now. This is a body of proof. Proof of less joint pain. And clearer skin. This is my body of proof that i can fight Psoriatic Arthritis with humira. Humira works by targeting and helping to block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to both joint and skin symptoms. Its proven to help relieve pain, stop further joint damage and clear skin in many adults. Doctors have been prescribing humira for 10 years. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, liver and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. Before treatment, get tested for tb. Tell your doctor if youve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if youve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flulike symptoms or sores. Dont start humira if you have an infection. Want more proof . Ask your rheumatologist about humira. Humira. This is my body of proof a tyshows his loveguin by offering the female. A pebble. Some male penguins, however. Are a little smarter than others. This valentines day. Everyone loves a gift from kay jewelers. Save up to 30 on select diamonds in rhythm. 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So when the flu hits, call your doctor right away and up the ante with antiviral tamiflu. Prescription tamiflu is an antiviral that attacks the flu virus at its source and helps stop it from spreading in the body. Tamiflu is fda approved to treat the flu in people two weeks of age and older whose flu symptoms started within the last two days. Before taking tamiflu, tell your doctor if youre pregnant, nursing, have Serious Health conditions, or take other medicines. If you develop an allergic reaction, a severe rash, or signs of unusual behavior, stop taking tamiflu and call your doctor immediately. Children and adolescents in particular may be at an increased risk of seizures, confusion, or abnormal behavior. The most common side effects are mild to moderate nausea and vomiting. Antiflu . Go antiviral with tamiflu. Suffered a head injury. Cab was empty. The train was carrying 55 people heading west. Karen rogers has more on how this impacts mass transit. Karen. Thats right, matt. As you look at this image you can see that car that was just dragged. What happened was this train hit the vehicle near Cherry Street dragged it westbound towards ash street. We have cherry and popular both closed between elm and washington. Fortunately no one was in the taxicab but as you said one injury on the train. We have those streets as we go to the maps here of westbound being closed, cherry and popular streets both closed between washington and elm. We want to talk about the septa regional rails because the Manayunk Norristown line is canceled because of this so right now theres no service. One of the things you could do is try taking the norristown high speedline or bus routes 95 and 97, matt. Well take a break and come back with the accuweather forecast. Medicare and medicaid services. Fewer than 6 received 5 stars. Among them was Cancer Treatment centers of america in philadelphia. Learn more at cancercenter. Com slash eastern. Cancer Treatment Centers of america. Care that never quits. Appointments available now. Good morning again everyone. On the big board storm tracker6 live double scan showing you that there is rain pushing up towards the northnortheast still affecting a the lo of or northern suburbs. There will be a lull later on that and then another round of widespread steadier rain this afternoon and tonight. 43 degrees currently in philadelphia. We are on the mild side. And staying mild today. Your sevenday from accuweather shows a high of 64 and well set a new record if we hit it. We have that heavy rain later today and tonight combining with no, sir melt perhaps providing us with flooding. Matt. More information on that crash involving a septa train an taxicab in conshohocken on 6abc. Com. Whats with them . Oh, those two . Theyre always fighting for attention. Theres more to a legendary city than its legends. Plan your legendary stay at visitphilly. Com we welcome you back to gma. A series of tornadoes tearing across the south overnight. Winds up to 70 miles an hour ripping apart homes, schools, now millions of americans are bracing for bad weather as the storm moves east. So much destruction there. Also right now all eyes in New Hampshire. Just six days away from the primary. Hillary clinton is stepping up her campaign after that close call in iowa and donald trump fighting back after his second place finish telling us he plans to spend a lot of money to make sure he wins in New Hampshire. The red cross is taking precautions to prevent the spread of zika asking people who travel to areas affected by the virus to wait at least four weeks before donating blood. If i remember correctly, donald trump said he has Unlimited Money. Thats what he told you. Unlimited money. Also this morning that massive lottery mystery. Someone out there could be very happy or they could be very upset. It could go either way, right, michael. Yes, it could go either way. Theres 63 million. Somebody could be 63 million richer and dont even know it. The huge jackpot is currently unclaimed. Take a look at the winning numbers for that ticket. You check your pants pockets, under your couch. Your gym bag. Check your diaper bag because if you dont claim it, you might cry like a baby. The time is running out to collect your prize. We have more of that coming up, george. We got a few hours till that deadline. We switch gears and begin with new developments in the murder of Nicole Lovell. Her mother overcome with emotion as she tried to speak about her daughter and new details about how the teen may have met the man charged with her murder. Abcs eva pilgrim has the latest. Good morning, eva. Reporter were learning disturbing details about nicoles final moments. Police still not releasing a motive as to why two College Students would allegedly kill a seventh grader. New details this morning on the murder of 13yearold Nicole Lovell. Authorities now saying at least one of the two Virginia Tech students had been planning it for weeks. A very preliminary determination of the cause of death is stabbing. Reporter nicoles mother remembering how her daughter beat the odds fighting to survive Childhood Cancer and illnesses. She had a passion for pandas, music, dancing. Reporter heartbroken. Nicole touched many people throughout her short life. Reporter unable to complete her statement tuesday. I cant do that part. Reporter 13yearold Nicole Lovell last seen january 26th. Her parents say she pushed the dresser up against her bedroom door before climbing out the window. She was killed the next day, police say, her body discovered saturday 80 miles south of her blacksburg home. Police saying the 13yearold was active on facebook with multiple the accounts and active user on kik. Thats where police think she met 18yearold david eisenhauer, a freshman at Virginia Tech, one of the two College Students charged in her murder. He spoke here to our baltimore affiliate about his track career. I realize in the moment that i am doing things that other people wish they could be doing and yet i still have goes for myself because there are people who are better than me and i will personally not stop until i reach my peak performance. Reporter eisenhauer, a former High School Track star, now facing charges for premeditated murder. Court documents charging his accomplice, natalie keepers began planning the murder in early january. New charges for her, accessory before the fact, first degree murder. Natalie keepers is expected back in court today for a bail hearing. Nicole lovell will be laid to rest tomorrow. George. Okay, eva, thanks very much. Lets talk to dan abrams about this. Natalie keepers, we just saw, being charged with accessory before the fact. It means she was helping to plot the crime, they believe. And that was one of the most disturbing new facts we learned, right. They may have been plotting this for weeks. They or he at least because shes not being charged with murder and thats an important distinction, because what it means is that the authorities do not believe, for example, that she was at the scene, that she was involved in the murder, but that she was helping him knowing that he was going to commit a crime. You cant if i give you something and i dont know youre about to go commit a crime im not guilty of the crime but if i help you knowing that there is a crime about to be committed. Its not just not stopping but helping. Its not stopping, you actually have to do something to help the person, aid and abet the person to be guilty of that crime . How about this instant messaging app kik. Do they have any liability at all. Possibly not. Most of these app, most social mediacans, servers, et cetera, are not held civilly or criminally responsible for the things that happen, but theres in question theyll be under the microscope. Dan abrams, thanks very much. You bring up that app, george. We have more now on that messenger app kik. The tool the young woman may have used to meet the student charged with her murder. Now, a big question for parents this morning, are apps like these safe for your children. Abcs t. J. Holmes is here with some very important information. Good morning, t. J. Hey, robin, you remember there was a time when parents had to warn their kids abouting looking out for strangers at the playground. Now they have to warn them about strangers on their cell phone. Kik, this wildly popular app. Anyone can download it for free and within a matter of minutes they can be sending a private message directly to your child. A young life cut short, an investigation concludes that 13yearold Nicole Lovell used an app called kik, so what do parents need to know . Experts say many so of these instant messengering apps can lead to threatening behavior and Law Enforcement worry about potentially dangerous encounters. Im willing to say kik is a devil for young children. Its like a free ability to text anything you want and parents cant see the phone numbers coming in and out. Reporter experts say many of these are popular with teens and predators. You can sign up as anybody you want to be. It really becomes a private hunting preserve for some of these pedophiles. Kik is a free app where users dont have to use their real names but can share message, photos and video. Parents sometimes take these away saying the child has abused it but only need a wifi signal to be able to communicate. Reporter abc reached out to the people who run kik who told us kik cooperated with the fbi for their investigation. Kik cooperates with Law Enforcement to combat child predators anywhere in the world, either under provision of a court order or in emergency situations such as this one. Some apps can sort users by geographic location, others by school, some by age. So how do you keep your family safe . The first thing parents need to do is set ground rules, secondly, they need to know the technology, know how the Parental Controls work and, third, they need to talk to their kids and have ongoing conversations about safety so that kid when it comes time makes that smart decision. There are plenty of apps like this but this is one of the largest most popular, 250 million users, 70 under the age of 25. No Parental Controls and no age verification and the scary thing the user name, you have to have a user name, most kids give it away. Look up kik me on some of these and you can find people saying come find me on this kik app so its downright scary. Just like that. Just like that and directories, you can put in the age youre looking for, gender, you can target folks by age in some of these directory, its scary. Thanks for bringing that to us, we appreciate it. The search for that mystery lotto jackpot. 63 million on the line. The winner just has over a day to claim it. Time is running out and this man right here, he knows firsthand what missing out on millions feels like. Hell tell us about it next. The final countdown e cadets. Huh . What . Ive drawn a blank. Whats my line . [director] reset maybe we do live in a fantasy. In our own little bubble. Just hangin out as if were not completely down to earth. But just a bunch of dreamers . No way were just like everyone else. You know, average joes. Start dreaming big at visitcalifornia. Com Better Things than for rheumatoid arthritis. Before you and your rheumatologist move to a biologic, ask if xeljanz is right for you. Xeljanz is a small pill for adults with moderate to severe ra for whom methotrexate did not work well. Xeljanz can reduce joint pain and swelling in as little as two weeks, and help stop further joint damage. Xeljanz can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections, lymphoma, and other cancers have happened. Dont start xeljanz if you have an infection. Tears in the stomach or intestines, low blood cell counts, and higher liver tests and cholesterol levels have happened. Your doctor should perform blood tests before you start and while taking xeljanz, and monitor certain liver tests. Tell your doctor if you were in a region where fungal infections are common, and if you have had tb, hepatitis b or c, or are prone to infections. Xeljanz can reduce the symptoms of ra, even without methotrexate. Ask your rheumatologist about xeljanz. Back at 7 42 with that big lottery mystery in california. Somewhere out there, someone has a Winning Ticket worth 63 million. One of the biggest unclaimed jackpots in lottery history and time is running out. The winner has just over a day left to collect their fortune. Abcs matt gutman has the details. Reporter there are winners who lost out. Paper millionaires who never collected on lottery winnings. In 2015 alone over 100 winners of a million bucks or more never claimed their prize. In fact, 2 billion in winnings go unclaimed a year. But the biggest single loser so to speak in recorded history reportedly bought a Winning Ticket in england in 2012 worth 100 million. And by tomorrow, the customer who played the super lotto last august 8th at this 7eleven in chatsworth, california, risks tossing a whopping 63 million down the tubes. The third biggest unclaimed ticket in u. S. History. The store even posting those wanted signs. Is it you . 63 million still unclaimed. Olivia says shes been buying tickets here for years. Did you buy one of the tickets for this particular lottery . Yes, i did. You did . Yes. From this store. Yes but i didnt win. I checked. Reporter did you checky did you check twice . The tore could narrow down the possible winner and amazing thing whoever bought that ticket was filmed on this very camera. But the owners say theyll only use that to confirm the winner if it wasnt mashed up in a washer, gobbled up by a dog or just heartbreakingly lost. For Good Morning America, matt gutman, abc news, los angeles. Joining us now is clarence jackson, someone who almost had it all winning Lottery Ticket worth nearly 6 million but you went to claim the prize three days late. No money. No money. Oh, how did all that time elapse . How did you find out that you had the ticket in the first place . We never knew until the night it expired. Two hours before the expiration, it was a sunday night. We thought we were supposed to take it to the lottery headquarters and sunday night the headquarters, they arent open. I would have found somebody. Yeah. Not open i would have been in the street. By the time you did go there they said they couldnt do anything. Where was the ticket in the meantime, between the winning and trying to claim it . Well, it was in my dads hospital bed. My dad was in the hospital with he was suffering from emphysema and he was in the hospital for most of that year. He came home a week before the expiration date. So you all had so much on your mind you werent even realizing that and michael and i are impressed by this. Most people would be like, oh, but youre like, Little Silver lining. You think what happened was meant to be and youre a better person for it. Yeah, because back then i must say i would have been too young and i would have blew all the money. I was living a different lifestyle. I was trying to get in the music tri back then and i know i would be dead or broke now but here i am talking to you. That is the truth. Now, do you think this person with the 63 million ticket, do you think they have a chance to beat this deadline . What could they learn from you as far as being able to turn in and redeem the ticket. The Office Closed sunday. You dont have to go to the office to redeem your ticket. Is that correct. Yes, i didnt know. So he has to make sure he or she has to make sure they find out and please get an attorney and a Financial Adviser and please do not let the money go to their head. Thats so good of you, clarence. Thats great advice. Im glad everything is working out for you. Thank you so much. All right. Well, well see if that other person comes through. You take care now. Coming up, who is behind the wheel of this car . A huge super bowl surprise is next. Come on back. Im digging this weather for sure. Oh, my gosh. Youre right. Its time to set this bird free. Hot blooded, check it and see. Got a fever of 103. Feelin hungry . How bout a donut . Im hot blooded. Im hot blooded whether its 30years old or 30days old, carmax will appraise it in as little as 30 minutes. And then your only concern will be how to spend the cash. Rad. bear growls burke smash and grub. Seen it. Covered it. We know a thing or two because weve seen a thing or two. We are farmers. Bumpadum, bumbumbumbum the flame is out. Ugh. Today the flame is out, tomorrow my attitude. Your mother. Antonio. Antonio. Que . The stove. Its not working. Campbells microwaveable soups. Made for real, real life. She sees the world. A little differently. And, by some miracle. She actually said yes. To me. Tell her everything you love about her with charmed memories at kay jewelers. Where you can now discover the new charmed memories star wars collection. Like the i love you i know bracelets. Inspired by the light side. These handmade charms will keep the force with her. Always. The charmed memories star wars collection. Now at kay, the numberone Jewelry Store. In the galaxy. Every kiss begins with kay. You having a good day . Yes. So, who is that guy . Lyft passengers have no idea their celebrity driver is nfl hall of famer jerry rice driving them in san francisco. He played for the 49ers. Come on. Its a stunt for super bowl week. The wide receiver spent an afternoon picking up unsuspecting riders. No one recognized him, even the guy thats in there now who is a diehard 49ers fan. In all fairness, rice was in cognito. He even took off his super bowl rings. It was cool and guess what, pizza diet coming up on gma. Ooh. Coming up, gmas winter Concert Series is presented by hilton. Ready and waiting for you in over 2,000 cities. Acation, its time to play. So at hilton we say play hooky from your regular monday. And while youre at it, play hooky from the ordinary. The uninspired. The routine. But mostly, just play. When you plan a vacation at any one of hiltons 12 distinct brands, you always get the lowest price. Only when you book direct at hilton. Com. Eat up, buddy. Youll get it this time. Yeah ok not too quick dont let go until i say so. I got you. Start strong with the Lasting Energy of 100 youre doing it whole grain quaker oats. And off you go. Legalzoom has your back. For your business, our trusted network of attorneys has provided guidance to over 100,000 people just like you. Visit legalzoom today. The legal help you can count on. Legalzoom. Legal help is here. My main goal was to feed him a quality diet. , i decided to give freshpet a try. Dexter theres real chunks of vegetables and chicken in it. Raul and, if the food is in the fridge, you know it has to be fresh. Patrick hes a happy guy when he has his freshpet. Iand quit a lot,t but ended up nowhere. Now i use this. The nicoderm cq patch, with unique extended release technology, helps prevent the urge to smoke all day. I want this time to be my last time. Thats why i choose nicoderm cq. This is ti love bread i love bread. I now just manage it, so i dont deny myself bread, i have bread everyday. Thats the genius of this program. I lost 26 pounds and i have eaten bread every single day. And clean and real and nowhere to be,o, and warmth and looking good, and sandwich and soup and inside jokes, and dan is back good, clean food pairs well with anything. The clean pairings menu. 500 calories or less. At panera. Food as it should be. Welcome back to gma. 33 degrees this morning in las vegas. 46 in san diego and cold air dropping in behind the blizzard, denver from southern minnesota and temperatures feel like theyre well below zero and it moves to the Good Morning America is brought to you by panera bread. Food as it should be. Breaking news a 7 56. Service remains suspend he along septas Manayunk Norristown lane. Septa train crashed into a disabled taxi on the cabs right at the river walk apartments in conshohocken. One of the 55 people on board the train suffered a head injury. The taxi was empty. Karen rogers has more. Matt that taxi was dragged along. It was struck at Cherry Street at washington and dragged all way towards ash street. Just a mess of a situation and you can see the emergency workers on the scene. The closures here are on cherry and popular street. Both closed between elm and washington so watch for that accident and an accident investigation and its giving big lakes with mass transit. The line still shut down. Expect delays with overcrowding. Try bus routes 95, 97. They do service that area as well but i know this one causing a lot of problems with the Manayunk Norristown line canceled. We have a vehicle fire off to the shoulder but id watch for it with police and emergency workers on the seen in salford township. Northeast extension northbound near lansdowne matt. Thanks karen. Seeing light rain in some spots around the delaware and Lehigh Valleys and that will be followed by heavy rain later. Dave murphy has forecast. On the big board mat you can see most of the rain this morning is placed in the northern half of the region and continuing to lift up to the northeast. Philadelphia with a couple of lingering sprinkles maybe a few more on the way. Generally speaking the heavier more widespread stuff is in store later in the afternoon tonight. Mild this morning, 46 degrees in philadelphia. 42 up in allentown. And your sevenday from accuweather shows a record setting high of 64. But will be accompanied by that heavy rain and we may combine that with a couple inches of snow melt in some cases, we could see poor drainage area flooding later in the afternoon tonight and through tomorrow. Dry tomorrow, though with a high of 52 degrees. Matt. Thanks, david. Keep track of the rain as it moves across our region with the storm tracker6 app or on 6abc. Com weather. [burke] at farmers, weve seen almost everything, so we know how to cover almost anything. Even turkey jerks. [turkey] gobble. [butcher] im sorry burke covered march fourth,2014. Talk to farmers. Weve seen almost everything, so we know how to cover almost anything. We are farmers. Bumpadum, bumbumbumbum good morning, america. Its 8 00 a. M. , and we have a shocking day care incident caught on tape. A coworker filmed this woman hitting a 4yearold and turned her in. Well have what shes saying now about what really happened. We are family Gwyneth Paltrow coparenting with chris martin. What they say theyre doing to put their family first and why she says the coldplay star is now more like her brother. Could you shed pounds with pizza . Its the diet thats made headlines around the world. The chef who created it dropping more than 100 pounds eating a pizza every day. Now hes sharing his secrets slice by slice. And the most anticipated ad of the super bowl. Amy schumer, seth rogen teaming up. You can handle it. Paul rudd with a surprise cameo and a cast of thousands cheering them on. Today we celebrate our Independence Day. Time to get the chains out all that and buckle up. Rebel wilson is with us live, you know anything could happen as we say good morning, australia america. Send that to our friends on Good Morning America, australia. Work it. Work it, girl. She designed that dress. Well talk about that later on, as well as well as her new movie how to be single. I think shes saying, i love you, george. I like your little review of the movie, michael. Rebel, its so funny. But we cant share the review you both shared with us. Some naughty parts. We told you that big super bowl news, lady gaga will tackle the National Anthem right before the big game. Well, guess who is joining her . Oscar winning Actress Marlee Matlin will sign the song beside her. Fantastic. I love that. Every year it gets a little bitter. A question on everybodys minds right now. Can you really lose weight eating pizza every day . Hold on one sec. Youre looking thinner already. The chef in new york dropped more than 100 pounds on the socalled pizza diet. He is so nice, he came here personally and dropped these pizzas off for you. Theres something in the recipe but the main thing it has has something to do with the crust. And theres no cheese. Doesnt matter. Its really good. Very good. Thank you. Youre going to give it a try. Amy has to do the morning rundown. Ill save you. I know you will. The big story, a swarm of tornadoes in the south, dozens of homes damaged and thousands lost power in mississippi and alabama. A federal prison in alabama was one of the buildings badly damaged but so far, no serious injuries reported. And that same storm system pounded the upper plains with a blizzard. Several highways had to be closed after hundreds of car crashes. And donald trump is fighting back after his second place finish in iowa. He acknowledges that skipping last weeks debate may have hurt him. Going forward, trump told george this morning he has Unlimited Money for his campaign. Many analysts are calling next weeks New Hampshire primary a must win for trump. The latest poll shows him enjoying a 20point lead over ted cruz and marco rubio. On the democratic side polls show Bernie Sanders leading Hillary Clinton by as many as 33 points in New Hampshire. Despite his razor thin loss to clinton in iowa, sanders raised nearly 3 million in the 24 hours after the iowa caucuses. A new development in the zika virus epidemic. Officials in dallas identified a victim who did not contract the virus from a mosquito but through sex with someone who had traveled to venezuela. The biggest threat remains for pregnant women and the red cross is now asking donors to wait 28 days after visiting zika affected countries before giving blood. Well, this morning weve learned another former nfl star was suffering from degenerative brain disease before his death. Kent stabler known as the snake during his career with the raiders died of cancer last july at 69. But an autopsy of his brain shows he was also suffering from an advanced form of cte believed to be caused by repeated blows to the head. Well, a worker at a florida day care is facing criminal charges for abusing a young boy. The shocking incident was all conduct on camera by one of her coworkers. Reena ninan has the story. Reporter this morning, every parents nightmare, police in florida releasing this cell phone video monday to our affiliate wftv capturing a day care worker appearing to physically abuse a child. Watch the moment the woman begins hitting a 4yearold boy with stuffed animals. Picking him up by his arms and legs then tossing him roughly back to the ground. The things that run through my mind when i see that, i mean, i have a child. Reporter according to police the woman in the video was 41yearold kimberly reid, the director of childrens Palace Learning Center outside orlando. Arrested on friday, she now faces child abuse charges. Its very disturbing to watch a video like that. It almost makes you sick to your stomach to think that somebody could do Something Like that to a 4yearold child. Reporter the people recording that cell phone video reids own workers eventually turning her into the department of children and families after witnessing abuse, they say, had been going on for weeks. But police say reid is defending her actions. She basically chalked it up to she was doing rough play. Reporter the Daycare Center now closed indefinitely and reid, shes scheduled to appear in court in two weeks. For Good Morning America, reena ninan, abc news, new york. Our thanks to reena for that. Finally, the great selfie that turned into a great big headache. Take a look at it. Its father and son and a camera loving horse there. Photo bombing them, this happened in britain and it won top prize at a travel companys photo contest. Father and son won 3,000 for a free vacation, but now the horses owner has come forward saying, they never got permission to take a picture of her horse. So, she wants some of the prize money, as well. I mean, first the kit kats, now the horse photo bomber. So many people are being wronged. Give me a break. That was the kit kat someone gave you that. Give me a break come on, people, lighten up. Kit kat bar exactly. Look at all this food we have here. Yeah, were dieting. Michael, we miss you over here. I know. I miss you too. I want to talk about pizza. I like the kit kat bar. Heres whats coming up on the gma morning menu. Gwyneth paltrow is revealing how she and her exchris martin keep their Family Strong after the conscious uncoupling. An exclusive look at amy schumer and seth rogens new ad plus the socalled pizza diet. Is it too good to be true . I hope not and we have the chef behind that here live coming up on gma in times square. Hes going to tell us all about it. Look at him. He looks good. Its true. Gmas morning menu is brought to you by advil. Relief doesnt get any better than this. The waves roll over stand out. By design. That feeling recaptured. By design. Its the only light greek yogurt with zero preservatives. To love this life is to live it. Naturally. The fresh taste of philadelphia cream cheese. D we make it daily using fresh local milk, real cream, and absolutely no preservatives. When it comes to fresh taste, nothing else tastes like philadelphia. Feel a cold coming on . New zicam cold remedy nasal swabs shorten colds with a snap, and reduce symptom severity by 45 . Shorten your cold with a snap, with zicam. Hi. Im here to get the lady of the house back on her feet. And give her the strength and energy to stay healthy. Whos with me . yay the complete balanced nutrition of great tasting ensure. With 9 grams of protein and 26 vitamins and minerals. Ensure. Take life in adventures from 599, plus up to 300 to spend at sea. Come seek the royal caribbean. Book now, offer ends soon. Behind eveis a story. Rt. A story about finishing the race. No matter what the obstacles. About rebuilding the bond between a mother and a daughter. Or about helping build homes for others. Because you remember what it felt like. Not to have one. When you keep an open heart, Amazing Things happen. Thats what the open hearts collection at kay jewelers is all about. Right now, save up to 20 on select open hearts jewelry at kay. Keep your heart open. And love will always find its way in. Every kiss begins with kay. 3alright. Big smile smile hey, honey howd it go . Thanks, dad theres my smile the happy meal. With fresh, delicious, california grown cuties. Only at mcdonalds. Welcome back to gma. Well begin with Gwyneth Paltrow. Shes opening up about how she and her ex chris martin from coldplay have gone from conscious uncoupling to coparenting. The interview is in the latest issue of Glamour Magazine and linzie has the details. Reporter Gwyneth Paltrow and chris martin making a very conscious decision to put family first. The actress and entrepreneur now sharing how they successfully coparent. After their conscious uncoupling. For chris and gwyneth conscious uncoupling was really about being carbon monoxidous of their circumstances of the kids, of what they were going through and theyve really practiced what theyve preached with that term. Reporter paltrow recently opening up to Glamour Magazine saying if you cant stay married wouldnt the ideal be that you could still be a family. They spend holidays, weekends and occasionally sleep over at each others houses. Reporter they remain a Strong Family unit with their kids, apple, 11 wane moses, 9. Paltrow telling blacker. Were not living together but hes more than welcome to be with us whenever he wants and vice versa. I sleep in his house in malibu a lot with the kids. We are still very much a family even though we dont have a romantic relationship. Hes like my brother. The biggest concern, mom paltrow has these days about her children, following in their parents footsteps. Theyre naturals so i feel like my mother whenever i said i wanted to be an actress she said, oh, no, dont. She said we really didnt have a personal example of what it was like to stay friends so these akind of just creating this path as she goes along. Reporter for Good Morning America, linzie janis, abc news, new york. Hes like my brother. It works for them. No judgment. Thats great. As long as the kids are good. But if we split up shed be a lot meaner than that. I can tell you from experience, yes, it would be on my end. Oh, okay. Were friends. Would you ever want your ex to call you like a brother . No. But i guys were friends. You do whatever you have to for the kids and thats the lesson. The brother thing is further than ive gotten. I think she meant affectionately. But ive seen your children. Theyre so you can tell theyre doing great. Theyre amazing and shes a great mother. Good stuff. Somehow we made it aboutic moole. Not that any of us know. Yeah, you guys are looking at me like michael, be quiet of the youre getting yourself in trouble. Sitting back sipping my coffee. I didnt want to say anything, amy. You go girl. Listen, hold hands. Kumbaya. Segment we were teasing all morning, the pizza diet is one of our favorite foods. Americans consume over 3 billion pies a year. Is there a way to do it without packing on the pounds . One chef says yes. Hes like a brother to me. Hes joining us in just a moment but first gio benitez has the story. Reporter Pasquale Cozzolino is a master in the kitchen cooking exquisite meals but for years after moving to america from italy his weight on a 66 frame ballooned to more than 370 pounds. I discovered th eed the oreo. Reporter oreoy, soda, fried food. I didnt recognize myself. Reporter he couldnt even play with his son at the park. With his doctor warning of a heart attack he needed to act fast. So thats the moment where you knew, oh, my gosh, here i am, i have my son at home and i can have a heart attack. Uhhuh. Reporter thats when you said i got to change. I got to change my life. Reporter he turned to what he knew best, food from his motherland. A med trainen diet and in italy, pasta and pizza are a staple. So i can build a diet to make me happy, doesnt give me the opportunity to give up. Reporter every day for lunch pasquale eats a homemade pizza margherita. Not like the kind you find on the street, heavy. Thats good. Thats why. But my pizza is something that comes from the mediterranean diet. Reporter with his size pasquale figured he could drop weight by cutting down to 2700 calories a day. The pizza has less than 600 calories. That means he has about 2100 calories left to enjoy. At night, he doesnt even touch carbs. The result, an incredible sevenmonth drop in weight of 101 pounds. The secret, he says, natural ingredients. I can tell you something. When i go to the go hery store i always read the label. If its more than ten ingredients i give up. Reporter how simple are the ingredients . Well, he takes us into the kitchen to find out. It takes just minutes and just a few steps to make his now famous pizza. I think ive got a new diet. For Good Morning America, gio benitez, abc news, new york. A lot of buzz on this among twitter. You know dr. Jennifer ashton wants to weigh in and pasquale looked like this before he lost the weight and here he is now, come on out. Look at you. Oh. [ speaking a Foreign Language ] you look wonderful. How are you . Very good. Oh, mwah. Yes. You said your energy is better. Everything is better. Everything is better. And my energy went, you know, much more, the pain went away and now i have energy to play with my son and before was very hard. Yes, no pain in the knees or anything like that. The back and everything was a lot. So you said pizza here is the trick but its not just the pizza, its the crust and you make it yourself. Can you show us how. Exactly. This is a hundred years ago recipe so basic four ingredients, yeast, sea salt, water and flour. We mix everything together, settle there for 36 hours and then the gluten doesnt have any more heaviness, so its a process, ready to be easy to digest. The water is the key. Make sure you have the right amount, 36 hours. Yes. This is my favorite pizza. Margherita. Margherita. How many calories. A 570 calories. Is this what you eat. Yes. Thats your lunch. Absolutely. Come on, jen. What do you think . Its definitely possible, okay, because at the end of the day its about portion control and calories, energy balance, okay, now, i will tell you that most people will find it easier to lose weight quickly if they avoid the carbs like bread, rice, grains, cereal, pizza, but it is obviously definitely possible to lose weight as you did which is so important for your health, eating foods like this. He is a big dude so he consumes a lot of calories. Exactly. But its not only pizza. You do a mediterranean diet. Exactly. Its not about just pizza. So my diet consists of a lot my diet is big, big meal for lunch and breakfast so my breakfast is multigrain cereal, fruit, some orange juice, almond milk and the coffee because im italian then if im hungry through the day fruit and snacks, of course, for lunch my pizza. And for dinner. Dinner, very small meal, just salad, some protein and then a glass of wine. Youre getting absolutely. We see a lot of color, not huge portions, you know, hes listening to his body but i always say, robin, for a indict et to work in the long term because thats the key keeping it off and any diet can work in the short term it needs three ss, safe, simple and it needs to be sustainable. Sustainable. And the other thing and pasquale is a perfect example of this especially with ethnic brackgrounds, foods should be pleasure, nutritious and delirious, a big part of the Italian Culture and thats why youve been successful. Youre part italian too in im half italian. The good half. Pasquale, thank you. Im glad its working are to you and it really is very, very tasty. Its wonderful. Im over here. Cameras, hello. Hi. Hi, everybody. Were back over here. Rob, come on over when youre ready. And we are on the road to the big game, super bowl 50. This morning we have an exclusive look at amy schumer, seth rogen joining the ad campaign for bud light. Robin, close your eyes if you dont want to see a commercial. Its another super bowl commercial. No roll em. My fellow americans. Hey, guy, can you be quiet. Seth and amy are talking about our country. They say we are a nation divided. They say we disagree on everything. Has he not true. We agree on a lot. Like paul rudd. Everybody loves paul rudd. I didnt know this would happen. You know what everyone else loves . Emojis. No. Raccoons. No. Beer. Beer in nothing brings america together like bud light. Thats why were forming the bud light party. Just wait till you see our caucus. We got the biggest caucus in the country. Ooh. Not like too big. Like you can handle it. We will not go quietly into the night. We will not vanish without a fight. Were going to live on. Were going to survive. Today we celebrate our Independence Day. Are you just quoting Independence Day. Yeah, im really inspired right now. America has seen the light. And theres a bud in front of it. [ cheers and applause ] so, how do you rank it . My favorite so far. Robin, did you miss the whole thing . Surprise like many of you she watches the games for not only the game but also the commercials. Weve seen a couple here. We have. And we might see a couple more so brace yourself. Michael is also talking to the nfl kid correspondent coming up, first, though, right now we need spoil arer alert robin. Mali he ya and samantha. Weve got rain across atlanta. Going to be travel delays there. Going get heavy here from d. C. To fill to new york in the afternoon especially and weve got flood watches because of that locally 3inches or more especially down south and were watching potentially for some cold air maybe some snow next week. More on that as we go through time. Rain moving into the pacific northwest. Thats a quick check of your national outlook. Now heres your local forecast. Little damp here in philadelphia rob we still have some rain scooting up through the northern and western suburbs. Theres another band out to the west. We expect a little bit of a lull and then heavier rain coming in later today. As we take a look outside right now cloudy skies the penn rose bridge mainly dry maybe just a little moisture on the road surfaces. Temperatures are mild in the 40s in most spots. This afternoon a record setting high of 64 but during the afternoon look out for heavier rain mixing with snow melt perhaps producing poor drainage area floodingly were dry again tomorrow. Ne works. Thank, my friend. Pop news time, everybody. The doctors are in. Jimmy kimmel staging a reunion of the hit show e. R. Last night but heres the thing, theres george. But he was the only one who could actually make it so jimmy did what only jimmy could do and got creative and asked hugh laurie to make a house call. The star of house and george as dr. Doug ross joining forces to give kimmel a rather grim diagnosis. Well, let me see what we have here. Oh. Oh. Oh. Wow. My. Wow. God. Ooh. Thats bad. That looks terrible. Something wrong . Thats terrible. Well, took cpr to the beat of rappers delight to bring kimmel from flatline to funky town. George was really going for it. So funny. After 15 seasons of e. R. Eight seasons of house, nothing less we expect. A great moment. It was funny. Also in pop news this morning, look out, amy schumer. Jane fonda also wants to be bffs with jen lawrence but then again who doesnt. Fonda and j. Law among the stars that grace the cover of vanity fairs annual issue. She finds the hunger games star mesmerizing saying there are very few that come along like that. Amazing portrait. When i heard she called amy schumer and said im in love with you, i felt so jealous. Were jealous of you, 78 years young. Fonda also sharing that in her lifetime she has witnessed both greta garb bow and Michael Jackson skinnydipping. So rare. She points out decades apart, not together. So much. On newsstands february 8th. Im glad you clarified that. Jennifer lawrence as spontaneous as she is could be skinnydipping sometime soon. Not that i condone that. Lets let rob saving you, saving you. Im actually helping everybody here. Sometimes the best advice that we can give you on a hump day is just go with the flow. Like these guys. Oh, my. I would like everybody to just sit back, relax and enjoy the ride. Oh. George, this is max and ruby. You know sometimes lifes Simple Pleasures like swinging on a swing can put you in a really good place for the rest of your hump day. And that, everybody, is this glorious edition of pop news. Breaking news. Authorities still cleaning up a crash along septas Manayunk Norristown line. The train crashed into a disabled taxi on the tracks in conshohocken two hours ago. The taxi way empty. One of the 55 people on board the septa train suffered a head injury. We heard this huge thump like this bump. It jarred the whole train. I actually thought they ran over a tree or something. Karen rogers has more on how this impacts mass transit. You can imagine for those passengers, 55 people on board and watching as the train just dragged that disabled taxi. Lets take a look right here. This is where it happened. Cherry street near washington street and we still have portions of cherry and popular both closed between elm and washington. Accident investigation out there right now. And of course this is affecting mass transit. This is a huge probable policemen. Its been going on for awhile. The line still canceled at this point. Try take the norristown high speedline but you have to expect delays with overcrowding there. We have bus routes 95 and 97 that service that area and none of the alternates matt are easy ones so this is a big headache for a lot of people. Thank you karen. Lets get more on the rain coming our way with meteorologist, david murphy. David. And the rain is mostly light right now in the immediate region. Heavier stuff popping in later in the day and this afternoon looks like its going to be pretty wet across the region at times with heavy rain at times. 46 degrees currently in philadelphia, so we are mild. Your exclusive accuweather 7day forecast shows a high this afternoon of 64. A new record in philadelphia. But not a great day with rain intensifying later this afternoon and that combined with snow melt and runoff could produce poor drainage area flooding. Dry tomorrow matt with a high of 52. Thanks, david. Bill cosby returns to Montgomery County court any moment for the resumption of a hearing that he hopes will lead to the end of his sex assault case. Action news is there. Well have details throughout the day on 6abc. Com. Flonase allergy relief nasal spray. This changes everything. Flonase is the 24 hour relief that outperforms the 1 nondrowsy allergy pill. When we breathe in allergens, our bodies react by overproducing six key inflammatory substances that cause our symptoms. Most allergy pills only control one substance, flonase controls six. And six is greater than one. So go ahead, inhale life, excite your senses, seize the day and the night. Flonase. Six is greater than one. This changes everything. You want to know how to get people to trust you with their money . Ill tell you right now. You present it as an exclusive thing. Look, its a closed fund. People want something more than telling them they cant have it. People give me their money and i make them richer than god. Richard dreyfuss playing Bernie Madoff in that miniseries that premieres at 8 00 eastern right here on abc. And our amy had a chance to talk with richard. Right, amy . Thats right. Richard is bringing Bernie Madoff to life in that miniseries movie called madoff taking on the man behind the 64 billion fraud, i recently sat down with richard. Were have that in just a moment but first heres the sneak peek. What is it exactly that you think you do . Hmm . Do you think youre wizards . Youre not wizards. Im a wizard. Im a rainmaker. I make it rain. You guys are just shepherds. Youre marketers. Two Sorority Girls from new jersey can do your job just as well as you do. Richard dreyfuss joins us this morning. Thanks for being with us. Thank you. Youve certainly played a lot of roles in your long career. But what was it like playing arguably the most despicable man in mod tern history. Actually he athe second most despicable man because ive already played dick cheney, so i have to say that he was the second and i loved playing them both. Recovering from that last response right now. When you were researching the role, did you learn anything you didnt know that could give any sympathy to this man . At the beginning when i first got involved, i thought no sympathy, this guy doesnt deserve it. He had no conscience. He didnt care about his family. He didnt care about anything. He actually collected 50 billion or more for his own lifestyle and that was it. One of the headlines from the miniseries, you know the man, you dont know the whole story. What are we going to learn . Well, youre going to learn the extent of what it means to be a sociopath and he was. He fooled everyone including the people who were closest to him, his wife and children. And when the stories begin to come out and people would say, did ruth know or did the boys know . If anyone asks me do they know, i say, huhuh. So what do you do after playing Bernie Madoff. I hope ill be counting enormous amounts of own and awards. Those awards are heavy. Theyre very heavy. Youre not going to try for the third most despicable man in america. Whos that . I dont know. It might be me. That would be interesting, wouldnt it . Yeah, ill play me, the third most despicable man in america because he was couping his money. Richard dreyfuss, thank you so much for joining us. Thank you. And the prime time miniseries madoff airs tonight and tomorrow right here on abc. Lets go now to michael. All right, thanks, guys. Now the gma special correspondent for the big game, marlo mosley whos been reporting for us all week. She was chosen from thousands of young football fans to be the nfls play 60 super kid and shes just that. She is a super kid. Now she is joining us from her home in san jose, good morning, marlo. Good morning, michael. Hey, now i know youre a big 49ers fran. Super bowl is in your city. You were chosen to be part of a skills and drills scrimmage clinic yesterday. Did you learn anything . I did not but i interviewed a couple 49ers. Met ian williams yesterday. Interviewed him. I met Arik Armstead as well and met him at media day monday so that was fun and then i got to meet dylan thompson, third string quarterback of the 49ers and torrey smith, a great guy. It was a bunch of fun. Well, im sure they were honored to meet you too. Dont lose sight of that. Also, you were part of the nfl kids show nfl rush. What was yourt fair part of doing the program. I think my favorite part of the program was seeing all these kids like me be a part of that and just love football like i do. To the only are you a part youre the nfl play 60 kid but you play football so what message do you have for other young yes, i do. What message do you have for other young girls who play football, want to play football, what would you say to them. So, when i was in my first year i did get bullied that all the boys said i couldnt do it. I just say be positive and if you really want to do it, go out for it and just try your best at what you do. Well, i tell you right now im sure all those boys are very jealous of you right now. You know that, right . They want to be your best friend when you go back to school. Now, one of the big things you get to do which is one of the things you get to do which is so exciting you get to run the team out for the kickoff for the super bowl. How incredible is that . Do you have any is there any kind of special like run you got . Are you going to moonwalk . Im going to be like, you know, showing the football out there, you know, super bowl 50, im here and im going to be like waving to the fans, im going to be having the time of my life. You should have the tile of your life. It is the time of my life and im honored to talk to you. Youre an inspiration to everybody out. Thank you. Enjoy it. Thats marlo mosley and thank you, marlo and everybody lets good stuff michael and marlo. Been busy out here. Theres your elephant. Enjoy that. [laughter] i didnt make that. There you go. Heres the long term outlook. Next week warm and dry actually across Southern California so thats going to be an issue of maybe cold and maybe snow across the east coast. Thats a quick check of the national outlet. Here now is your local forecast. A little damp in parts of the region this morning around here rob. We have some light sprinkles and showers moving through philadelphia. More up to the north. Your exclusive accuweather 7day shows even steadier to heavy rain coming later this afternoon and tonight, 64 the record setting high. Look tout o out for flooded roa. Neighbors, the hamilton cast will be performing live at the grammys. You wont want to miss that. Tough to get, george, so watch the grammys to get a taste of hamilton. Time now for our series 10 dates in 10 states. We sent producer erica scott on a kind of quest into the heart of dating in america. Shes exploring everything there is to know about the science and business of dating. All while taking us along for a kind of digital dating adventure. Today well find out how her first date went and what she learned about the number one thing you should not bring up if you want a second date. Theres erica scott Getting Started on her first date not awkward at all that we have our cameras there. Ready . Oh, yeah. Yeah, we did hold hands on the first date. Oh, my god. Looked like a fish out of water. Today was date number one with josh. And it went really, really well. Show us. So were going to like lean forward. Oh, that probably helps. All of a sudden i became an instructor. We met on hinge which connects you with mutual facebook friends and i thought that was really helpful because hes not a complete stranger off the street. Im not really good friends with our mutual friend anymore. It was a girl i used to do gymnastics with when i was a kid but noise knowing someone i once knew verified him. This is so romantic. We talked about the basics like what do you do. Where are you from originally. Los angeles. Whats your favorite food to eat and most of the conversation was pretty easy and lighthearted. One thing we didnt talk about was exes and a new study from match says 14 of people will bring them up on a first date and thats totally offlimits. Abc picked up the tab but normally about 50 of guys and 36 of women according to match believe that the guy should be picking up the tab on the first date. So guys think on the first date the average tab should be about 68 and women actually think that it should be less, only like 55. Okay. So i guess well say goodbye now. Great to meet you. So nice meeting you. Thanks for not standing me up. Great time. Im glad i did it. Maybe fell a couple of types but it was part of the fun. Aloha, hawaii. We are officially in hawaii. In a few hours ill be snorkeling with doug, date number two. So what could go wrong . Ooh. Shes got the right attitude. End on a question like that. Yeah, what can go wrong . A lot. But hopefully it wont. You got to be in it, though. Shes in the game. And hes got a nice smile. Evacuate go, by the way, george said hes cute. Snorkeling will be less painful . Im rooting for her. We all are rooting for her. Theres good tips to be had. You can follow ericas journey and go behind the scenes on our website goodmorningamerica. Com on yahoo weigh in using the 10in10. Rebel wilson is next. Stay tuned fo here now with rebel wilson starring with Dakota Johnson in how to be single. It hit theaters just in time for valentines day. So, take a look. If tom texts you which he wont because its still daylight wait four hours to respond. I was not even thinking anything sooner implies that youre needy and really codependent and inkarenable of a simple hookup which is all hes good for. When you respond do not respond in full sentences if you use an emoji i will punch you. Fine. Rebel wilson joins us now. Welcome back to gma. Hey, george. We just saw those rules there. Are those your personal rules. The film is based on ang awesome book with lots of dating advice. I guess in real life i have some rules like dont date a guy whos dating other women at the same time. Thats a real good one, isnt it . I think the girls of a bachelor should maybe take on that role. You took on the girls from the bachelor and said maybe they should watch how to be single so well put you to the test and give some advice. Well start out with bachelorette olivia still on the show but seems to have a problem with perspective after ben tells the group hes lost some close Family Friends she tries to comfort him by saying this. Like people have written blogs that i have cankles. Sorry. Try to be strong all the time but its the scariest thing ever. Shes crying about cankles. I ya, i mean i dont think those were cankles. They look like sturdy ankles to me like stankles which is a prize trade in Hungarian Society so i think with this lady, i think she just needs to be confident in her own skin because when youre happy with you, youre probably going to attract the right partner into your life and thats probably the number one rule and message in the movie how to be single. Very well said. Emily and hayley are twins. Yeah. They came on the show together but last week after learning that emily was the more dominant twin, ben dumped hayley right in front of her twin sister and their mom and here was hayleys reaction. Its not easy to be rejected, but more importantly im thankful that emily does get to continue this journey even if its alone. Okay, i think she knees a better occupation than twin. [ laughter ] and also a good rule to think about is that when it comes to guys like never compete with your own sister or your mom. Why ever do that. Or your grandma because its just not cool. Like whoever saw the guy first gets dibs on him. Free shot. What about if they break up. Well, then you can lay claim. Okay. Dont go for it at the same time. Okay. Were just about out of time but ask to have about your fashion line. Im wearing stuff from my new spring collection for rebel and comes out february 7th so before you sit down to watch the super bowl, just go online and buy some outfits. And you can watch it before you watch how to be single, february 12th. The best thing to do on valentines day weekend. Seriously. If youre a guy take your lady or your guy and you could work out how to get laid. And on that note well be right back. Oh easy come easy go yeah we rocked and w lonely girl youll be lonely girl it is an actionpacked show. Here now with Lady Antebellums Charles Kelley performing for our gma winter Concert Series and you may remember last fall he stopped by gma and you were kind enough to share with us you were working on a solo album called the driver. Well, it has pulled up. It is here. It is out this friday, right now charles will sing one of his new song, its called lonely girl. Yeah. Take it away, charles. [ cheers and applause ] whats the matter you used to be so in love now youre crying he wasnt everything you dreamed of i gotta tell you he really wasnt ever good enough for you lonely girl youre the only girl for me cant you see when youre all alone put this record on in your room oh and you wont be lonely you wont be lonely girl ooh yeah dont you worry im never gonna let you down when you need me im always gonna be around close your eyes ill take your body anywhere it wants to go lonely girl youre the only girl for me cant you see when youre all alone put this record on in your room oh you wont be lonely you wont be lonely girl lonely girl lonely girl ooh youre just my lonely girl youre just a lonely girl just you and me and the sound of your heartbeats rhythm just you and me and the sound of your heartbeats rhythm lonely girl youre the only girl for me cant you see cant you see when youre all alone put this record on in your room oh and you wont be lonely you wont be lonely girl oh yeah i feel your heartbeats rhythm thats right oh i said now you wont be lonely you wont be lonely girl [ cheers and applause ] gmas winter Concert Series is presented by hilton. 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Very chic. Thats what my parents were going for. I think so too and the french accent. Do you like when people give it the french flair. Yeah, its spelled jean so thats how youre supposed to pronounce it. Im just saying my name. Chelsea kane, great to see you. Good to see you too. Congrats on another season of baby daddy. One of my dear friends is the executive producers. Im always rooting for it. Is. Nice. Share with our viewers if you havent checked it out yet what can our viewers who love the show expect and what can new viewers sort of get from it. I think whats awesome about this season is its uncharted territory for us. We finally concluded our love triangle thats been our a plot for five seasons. Ben has his own love triangle now. Season five, i mean, we got along great from season one but now its so fun. We can anticipate what our reactions will be and what the next move will be so were having a lot of fun and, yeah, well just continue to break your heart and put it back together. The baby is still alive. Thank you. Which is impressive for this group . Thank you, guys for popping in to gma. Always love seeing you. Part of the family. Everybody check out baby daddy, the premiere tonight 8 30 eastern, 7 30 central on freeform. Amy, george, back to you. Bye, everybody. Have a great day. It is now 8 56 and the action cam is live inside the Montgomery County courthouse. Bill cosby is due to arrive any moment for day two of his hearing. Lawyers for the 78yearold are trying to convince a judge to dismiss the Sexual Assault case against him. So we will stand by to await bill cosbys arrival. Lets turn to karen rogers for traffic. Karen. Thats right, matt, weve got big news. After this terrible accident involving a septa bus that crashed and dragged into that disabled taxicab, service to the Manayunk Norristown line has just been restored after the septa train hit that, they had it shut down for awhile. Service has just been restored on the Manayunk Norristown line. The first train will be 6 20, 25, it will leave at 905 into center city. You can see they have tow trucks on the scene many scene. Theyll still clearing the scene it happened on Cherry Street by washington street. We still have portions of the street closures here. Cherry and popular both closed between elm and washington. One other issue in bucks county, northeast extension southbound near Lehigh Valley an accident just moved off to the shoulder but expect some delays, matt. Thank you karen. Lets talk about the rain coming in with meteorologist, david murphy. David. Its been a bit of a damp start on the big board right now, matt. We still have some light rain mainly in the northern and western suburbs like allentown and reading. Theres another little batch there looks like it will come in shortly. 52 degrees right now in philadelphia. So, very mild and staying that way today. This afternoon accuweather says well see a record high of 64 degrees in philadelphia. At the same time that rain will intensify later today and tonight and that combined with snow melt is expected to produce some more drainage area flooding. Be careful walking and riding near any of that. Will do. Rebel will s wilson is guest one with kelly and michael. Im matt odonnell. Have a great wednesday. Dad, you can just drop me off right here. Oh no, ill take you up to the front of the school. Thats where your friends are. Seriously, its, its really fine. You dont want to be seen with your dad . No, its. No. This about a boy . Dad stop, please. Oh, theres tracy. What [ horn honking ] [ tires screech ] bye dad it brakes when you dont. Forward collision warning and autonomous emergency braking. Available on the newly redesigned passat. From volkswagen. Its live with kelly michael. Today, from the new comedy, how to be single, rebel wilson. And music mogul and author l. A. Reid. Plus, michael cooks up a healthy, tasty dish as we continue our big game week. All next on live. [captioning made possible by isneyabc domestic television] and now, here are your Emmy Awardwinning cohosts, kelly ripa and Michael Strahan [cheers and applause] kelly hi

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