Transcripts For WPVI Action News Weekend 6AM 20140817

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time when you were all the way down to 45. trenton, 62. millville, 5 and dover 67 degrees. here's the satellite and radar composite, cold front coming in from the north. that will bring the chance of a couple showers to the area over the late morning hours and into the first part of the afternoon. a lot of this is falling apart as the drops down into the delaware valley. forecast for today, accuweather says a lot of more in the way of clouds, 71 degrees by 9:00 a.m. lunchtime, 79. 3:00 p.m., 84. it's going to be milder, maybe a touch more humid and there's that chance of a spotty shower, don't cancel the plans it would be brief and light, 6:00, we're back down to 83. turning humid starting tomorrow and several chances of showers and thunderstorms in the seven-day forecast, i'll run it down for you when i come back in just a bit. >> police in ferguson, missouri squared off with protesters overnight as they imposed a can you phew on the town. the protest turned violence and one person was shot critically. marcie gonzalez is in ferguson. >> reporter: another standoff between demonstrators and police. >> you must disburses immediately or you will be subject to arrest. >> reporter: after the midnight curfew went into effect, the highway patrol heard reports of gun on a roof of restaurant. officers were met by a protesters pointing a gun and the crowd refused to leave. the s.w.a.t team moved in. >> i was hit in the face with tear gas. >> reporter: highway patrol said they took the extreme measures learning that someone has shot. >> we have a shooting victim that's in critical condition that may lose their life. we have a subject snding in the middle of the road with a handgun, we had a police car shot at tonight, yes, i think that was the proper response tonight to mntn officer safety and public safety. >> reporter: the curfew put in place last night after nearly a week of violence, following the shooting death of an unarmed teenager by an officer. today the parents of michael brown will rally once again pushing for answers in the case and much-needed peace in this community. marcie gonzalez, abc news ferguson, missouri. rica" ha fcosongp ve newsrnjuredac vefrom tretiooffi rlivece. sedetrsuth brlia p lette tinpnb fdehinaerea, bee detrs b eee operaonisxpteo allo dd sou hinformio 6c.w t bnydia. >> eva, turning to baseball fever, the taney dragons take to the field at the littleeague world series. you can root for the team at a pep rally at city hall. hang around the courtyard and watch the game at 7:00. the dragons play texas today, they have a game tomorrow whether they win or lose today. chad perdelli is along for the >> reporter: there's more to do than just watch baseball here at the little league world series. kids can test skills in a family fun zone and grab a photo or take a turn with the bean bag. >> say it's like disney world for kids that like baseball. it's clean and safe, everybody having fun, it' just a really nice atmosphere. >> it's fun, i've been here for five years and every year it's fun. >> reporter: and it seems everywhere you walk, someone asks for a pin, yes, trading pins is big business. >> you want this pin, because if you get double of it, you're good to go. >> how long have you been doing it? >> i started since 2011. >> reporter: grab yourself a cardboard box and slide down the hill -- [laughter]. and you have to check out the little league world series museum it's an inter active baseball wonderland with everything from babe ruth's uniform to this mid 1900s baseball. >> it's a fantastic place. chad perdelli channel 6 "action news." >> chad's live coverage from the little league world series continues tonight, espn and watch espn broadcasts the game live. the reds crushed a team from kentucky in a tournament in virginia. in tru championship form, he took advantage of four errors to win easily. >> looking good, my kind of baseball. >> there's much more to come on "action news" sunday morning. gathering -- gearing up, children of local troops stock up for school and the things they got was for free from an army of volunteers. >> the couple who kidnapped the all michigan girls, their motives made public. >> we're facing a reality that some of us will get wet, as a cold front slips in from the north. there will be showers out there. re shower threats in the seven-day forecast, i ♪ [ telephonrings ] how's cathe mping trip? well, thkiun, but i think i slept on a rock. having coffee. ohh. ♪ is folgers in your cup >> welcome back onhis sunday, 6:11, 68 degrees, sky6 live hd taking a live look at the center ci skyline which is about to change, the pnb letters are coming down by helicopter this morning, that means there will be detours in the areas around south broad street. they have been there for a long time. a little sad to see. >> reporter: i thought you were talking about the clouds, that's going to change, too. let's go live on sky 6. yesterday we had a nice, sunny day, low humidity leaves and highs in the 80s and lots of sunshine. today we're waking up to clouds as the cold front sweeps through. we're not seeing any wet weather just yet, poconos areetting wet. as the lineollapses to the south over the course of the rning we'llave our shower thre in the city, too. >> reporter: allentown, 61. numbers are milder than this time yesterday when some locations were in the 40s, millville, 59, sea l isle 71 degrees. dewpoints are comfortable, as long as we stay under 60 degrees, we're close to that in the city, as long as we stay under 60, that means very refreshing air. twig up this afternoon as this -- it will go up this afternoon, as this frontal system approaches. it won't be terribly muggy. there's the cold front towards williamsport and state college, that will push south and east. as it continues to dive south it will encounter dry air, but we run into a chancof a shower or rumb of thunder as it drops il a gh of thitothere or eren thall sour as it drops s anotherneill dg ninth af lowes c s d,15windil pth up nteaerouy.ea the it'sla ire'sutt t, today, pop-uprs lots of cloudsg way to 74 degrees is the forecasted hi in the mountai tseho, not as nice ases, it's not goin a bay but yesterda gorgeous.hat's o nc lllouds shower. will shift out of theest at 10o 15 miles per hou th's a land breez waves of 2 to 3 feet.the risk rs but the uvsex i on scale start tall.yude heerni toid 60sin aga.e exclathe seven-day forecast, monday iscod 84. tur front tr ato9.more showerssursday, 80o for friday and 83 grees. >> d't forgeuyoake smart design fitany device you the mapput townor sma. y si t y th agency is ask the p open atlas of nighttime picture ofar 20lusters of lights have each image n beby volunteers, it hpne by me people. aninhe pho nasa's w >> new overnight wilmington police are combing for clues in a shooting. a man was shot in the chest around 12:30.m. on the 2700 block of et 28th street. who pulled the trigger and why are sti under question. we're learning more about the abduction of two amish girls in upstate new york. the oicials said the girls were sexually assaulted by their abductors. they were kidnapp from a farm stand and let go 24 hou later. easy prowling for the girere strong and fasbout theirime inize difrent ptivity and with those details it was instrumental in us being able to make the arrests. 39-year-old stephen how's and his girl friend nicole vaisey were arrested late friday night. police believe the couple may have been planning to abduct our girls, as well. >> turning to the crisis in iraq where oncega, the u.s. launched airstris nr the mosul dam. it provides power to mosul and baghdad. u.s. offials say thetrikes are an effort to support humanitarian needs and protect erican psonnel andno week-long jonathanopieager been on e run sinceueay. hod upnnounced and viciouslyt her and h frie was involved i foureaight ago. he e ds . ghbo etra atientmedat tpe get e dy. bu alarution tbeyethis ieyr hourwiheneiseshis utility billso $1,200 or more a month. he said his children like the backyard luxury. >> i could see how people would mistake that for a water park. >> reporter: eva, i would never leave the back yard. we have wet weatherhis morning pushing through the lehigh valley and the poconos most of us oft is between i-80 and 78. poconos, lake harmony is right here. right here on 209. between 80 and 78. this is collapsing quickly toward the southeast. it should be getting into allentown in the next half-hour. every now and then we'll pick up a heavier downpour. it is moving so fast what you do see will not last long. we're not seeing much in the way of lightning strikes. this is a brief line of showers moving through with the passage of a cold front. yesterday we had a beautiful high of 81. today it will be more humid a high of 84. we'll start o with clouds which will decease once the front passes through. poconos lehigh valley, you'll see more sun. in the city, you'll see an increase in clouds and shower threat as the front passes through. tomorrow is better, but there's more showers in the seven day, i'll have the details in just a bit. >> the phillies let a win getaway by the bay. jeff skeverski has that, plus the eagles and the taney dragons pitcher now i the spotlight. >> reporter: series finale for the if it is phillies later this afternoon out in san francisco after another head scratcher for the baseball team. it is hard to have fun if you're a phillies fan. the kid is trying to to have a good time this is the only way. ryan howard drove in 3 runs, including this 2-run single in the 5th. phils took a 5-1 lead it fls apart in the 6th. it pops up, i got it, no you don't, falls in between howard and chase utley, phils drop the ball. it gets ugly. michael more rules, rbi -- michael morris, rbi double. it's just the beginning. back to th pitcher, beats it out, giants score four times in time 6th to tie it at 5 and in the 8th, 89rbi passes jimmy rolls. the if it have lost 6 of their last 8. eagles final back on the practice field later this morning. eagles trying t get going here they should be have their top two receivers on the field together, riley cooper and jeremy maclin chub on -- should be on the field. the eagles have turned the ball over 8 times. they have made 19 penalties so far in two preseason games. chip kelly is not blaming the penalties and the nfl rule changes. >> those are the rules, we have to play by them, whoever is the most disciplined team in the league will play. if you can't play within the rules you can't play in this league. >> we can't practice like that. we have to get our butts in gear and do something about it. >> the taney dragons their quest for a little league world series title continues tonight in williamsport at 7:00 p.m. against texas. since mo'ne davis is not he eligible to pitch tonight, expect a great pitcher for the taney dragons. >> he is a gamer. >> reporter: what do you wants to to philadelphia? >> thanks for the support, and hopefully we'll take another win home sunday. >> reporter: he said he sleeps with a baseball f good luck we'll see if it wor against texas. that's sports, i'm jeff skeverski ha a good >> one person is shot and critically wounded and others are arrested in ferguson, missouri. police are working to implement a curfew. and here at home, pnb will not grace the philadelphia skyline, an operation is underway to take down the letters. >> taney dragons play another game tonight we'll be cheering for them. >> absolutely. first, meteorologist chris sowers is here with a preview of the accuweather accuweather forecast. >> reporter: which looks good, today well have clouds and a litt wle weather later on. you're waking up to sunshine down the shore. north and west of the city you're seeing clouds and wet weather. you're on the beach or planng to go to the beach in the net couple of hours, yeel see increase -- you'll see an increase in clouds and in the after you'll see the swer threat down there. the showers are to the north of the lehigh valley running in betwee78 and 80 in line from pilots to slatington into the poconos, lake harmony and mount pocono. this is pushing toward the southeast, and behind a cold front. behind that front we'll see the winds shift out of the west/northwest which will knock down the humidity leaves tomorrow which is increasing today. you'll see sun once the front crosses in philadelphia points north and west, by 2, 3:00, that's when you'll see the sunshine. sunburn you'll get it in 35 minutes, you'll need to apply the sunscreen if you're going to layout. 4:00 p.m., 84 degrees, it's not a wash, we'll see clouds early, sunshine late, there's a chance of brief, spotty shower, i do mean brief. it will not last long, turning warmer and slightly more humid, not a bad finish to the weekend. when i come back in just a bit, we'll talk about the heavy showers and thunderstorms and the drenching downpours in the seven-day forecast. guys. >> an iconic fixture that has been a part of the philadelphia skyline for close to 60 i wouldn'ters is being removed this morning, sky6 live hd looking live right at it. the pnb letters you see atop the 1 south broad building are coming down. >> pnb meanest philadelphia national bank. it was to house the former wannamakers department store in 1932. philadelphia national bank bought the buildings -- building. >> now a new owner is taking over and requested the letters being removed. of it is unclear why, it sits on top of the skyscraper, the bell rings in honor of john wannamaker. it is not going anywhere. it is listed on the register of historic places. >> taking a live look at the action cam at the 1 south broad building. at any time a helicopter is expected to hoover above and take down the letters. >> roads are closed as this delicate operation is just getting underway. police in cumberland county are investigating a fatal shooting gunfire rang out on bank street in bridgeton before midnight. the unidentified male died at the scene. police are searching for the gunman. developing news out of ferguson, missouri, police fired smoke and tear gas into a crowd of demonstrators. show of force was a response to move back the group who gathered near the scene of the shooting. officials say they respoed to reports of a gunman firing shots in the crowd. police say someone in the crowd was the shooter. police say someone fired at a patrol car, but no officers were injured. meantime, seven people were arrested overnight, it was the first night of a state-imposed mandatory curfew and police were trying to enforce the rule. protesters are calling for justice for unarmed teenager michael brown who was shot and killed by a police officer. a close-knit liberiaian community came together to bury four children in a fast moving row home fire. >> reporter: the sounds of grief filled the steps outside of divine mercy parish. families and friends we want, when young ones carried the youngest victim out the somebodies became uncontrollable. the four children perished in the july 5th blaze. the four children were not related, but their families chose to honor them together. >> he was a precious little tot. >> reporter: family laid flowers on their casket while sharing memories like patrick who took his role of big brother seriously. >> he was very protective of his little brother. >> reporter: the twin girls had big dreams for their grown up life. the day before the funeral philadelphia chief fire marshal released the report stating the damage to the 13 homes was so expensive officials could not determine a cause. initially there were repor fireworks were to blame. >> what happened, how it happened? >> reporter: the results cap a spectrum of emotions from the community who at times doubted firefighters. city and state leaders spoke at the funeral giving the appearance tensions have eased. the four children were buried at st. peter and paul cemetary in springfield, delaware county. reporting in southwest philadelphia, annie mccormick channel 6 "action news". >> officials in camden are investigating a crash involving an antique fire truck and new jersey transit bus. it happened at 9:00 p.m. at broadway and ferry avenue. crews worked to free someone trapped inside the car. we are told one person was seriously hurt. 8 passengers on the bus had minor injuries. >> the children of philadelphia servicemen and women are geared up and read to go to school. operation home front gave the childrenll the essentials they need. >>eporter: no back to school shopping for these kids and their parents everything they ne w free for the picking at the south hampton ton armory in uth hampton ton. >> a lot of pens and notebooks. >> will you use them at school? >> es. straight as? will you get >> yes. >> reporter: no shortage of pens and no shortage of enthusiasm among the kids, especially those heading to school for the first time. >> i see all the kids are very excited, i think it's really cool. >> this is like christmas morning here. >> reporter: it is, els very excitedrabbing all his stuff. >> rh mountain of school supplies has beenonated and here through an arm of vonteers. a big help for army parents. >> it's a big relief off you, definitely, yeah. saves you a lot of money. >> reporter: this back to school giveway was organized by operation home front. th mtlyunteer financia a other assistanceding to militaryilies since 2002 and the families definitely appreciate it. >> most of of them have been outspoken, i go home and my inbox is flooded with thank you e-mails. >> and needed boost for these kids whose parents are often away from home serving their country. david henry, northeast philadelphia. channel 6 "action news." >> sky6 live hd taking a live look at the camden waterfront. meteorologist chris sowers is back next with the exclusive accuweather seven-day forecast. it's been nice, but changes are coming. >> from produce to deli meat we share tips guaranteed to save you money at the gcery store. and veterans in wheelchairs take on new oh, hi there bill. hey! are you in town for another meeting? yup, i brought my a-team. make the most of the weekend before it's gone. this is my family. this is joe. hi joe! hi there! be a weekender and book your stay at hampton. feel the hamptonality. remarking yesterday how awesome the summer has been. >> reporter: it's been incredibly cool, especially for august standards, we had one day ere we eipsed the 90-degreeaiynr ntoweehamrg all oe isowhe hou b tre0sething dow 4 1. enn,2.ywre nd theat milra heat efheouom the surface. tomorrow is a comfortable day, humidity levels increase slightly ahead of this front today and tomorrow they go right back down, so the comfortable conditions continue. i'll time everything out for you on future tractor. there's the front system running over the heart of the delaware valley. don't cancel the plans keep an eye to the skies, there could be a hit of a shower or rumble of thunder it won't last long or heavy enough for you to cancel the lance. that front is well to the south across the delmarva is where it will stay over the next 48 hours or so. monday, we have sunshine and clouds building to the south during the day. here's the wider view, the only negative with this frontal system it will knock the humidity down, there's a positive, but the only negative, the front will stall south of the mason dixon line, a series of low pressure systems will watch the front west to east into the delaware valley. it will provide us with showers and thunderstorms which you will see reflected in the seven-day forecast. that is what to expect with the passage of the front, light activity with brief showers, .00 of an inch -- .05 of an inch. comfortable 74 for today. jersey shore, you're waking up to sun, it's the completely opposite down here, you'll increase the clouds, there's the spotty shower threat during the afternoon. the muggies return, as well. winds out of the west, southwest at 15 miles per hour, so it will be slightly breezy, as well. the city, 84 degrees, clouds and sun, the hit or miss shower. overnight tonight, partly cloudy, comfortable, 86 degrees, outlying suburbs, 58 degrees, 65 center city. 84 degrees today, 84 monday, monday is a quiet day, sun and clouds. tuesday, humid, showers and thunderstorms, looks like that threat would be from the city south, some of those could be heavy. wednesday, humid, sun, 83. wednesday is quiet. thursday more showers and storms , friday, showers and storms, quiet on saturday. >> the taney dragons etch a new chapter tonight in their diamond dream. >> mo'ne davis will not be on the mound tonight, chad perdelli took a tour of the little league museum. >> reporter: the museum tells the story from the uniform warn by babe ruth to the baseball from the mid 1800s. >> we completely refurbished it last year spent $4.5 million gutting the place. >> it's a great place. >> reporter: while mo'ne davis has been the star of the world series, did you know the first girl to play in it was belgium victoria roach. it started in 1961, the first broadcast the little league world series in 1963. >> christina signed up for the little league at age 7. >> reporter: there's a tribute to former phillies manager dallas has green's granddaughter. >> she was like good. >> reporter: this year marks the 70th anniversary of little league baseball and today the museum unveiled this artwork commemorating it. >> it's like a pop out children's book. everything is layered in 3-d it's either painted or hand printed in layers. >> reporter: the museum is inter active, for today's youth it's baseball heaven. >> all the old stuff is neat. >> traffic, it's terrific. >> reporter: in williamsport, chad perdelli channel 6 "action news." >> the city hall courtyard is hosting a pep rally and viewing party for the game. the rally starts an hour before the first pitch. chad's live coverage. little league world series continues tonight. he'll have all the presame giement -- pregame excitem ok buddy, aim it at us. there you go. so it's kfc night. [cheering] last week we hosted. yes, this week the kids invited us to their place. sorry i was late. i had a little trouble with the rope ladder. he fell twice. but look at all this food we've got. yeah we got this delicious kfc meal and they threw in 2 extra sides for free. for free! and i love what you've done with the drapes. are those your bedsheets? [laughing] ♪ you know what i love america? fine barbecue, good times and zero heart burn. and that's why i take prilosec otc each morning for my frequent heart burn because it gives me zero heart burn. prilosec otc the number one dr. recomended frequent heart burn medicine for nine straight years. you can beat zero herat burn prilosec otc one pill each morning 24hrs, zero heart burn >> the action cam is live for the removal of a signature of the philadelphia skyline. you can see broad street blocked off. the pnb letters on the 1 south broad building are coming down. so they are diverting traffic in the area as they do the work. several roads are closed and septa detours are in effect. steer clear of south broad street at city hall. the national wheelchair games are winding down in our area people from across the country and great britain are competing. lisa thomas-laurey caught up with several of them. >> reporter: this year's game started with a competition of rugby. they will compete in 18 different sports anything from archery and basketball. >> reporter: they will battle it out at venues around the city and southern new jersey. these vets will be among the competitors. this is a four time par olympian. in past games she has been the only woman in her event and beaten all other competitors. >> at age 90, doris competes in bowling an swimming. she is a world war ii navy vet. >> i was in navy intelligence in cape may, new jersey, my husband was the marine that guarded the place, so he didn't like women i didn't like marines, after five monthly with got married. >> what are you going to compete in? >> ping pong, table tennis, air rifles and air pistols. >> reporter: they are confined to wheelchairs because of spinal cord injuries or amputations, but it doesn't top them. >> this is a place where we can all be together and cheer on our comrads. >> reporter: organizers tell me that the super g sunday morning at the convention center is a must-see event. lisa thomas-laurey channel 6 must-see event. lisa thomas-laurey channel 6 "action news." the wonder of summer is that must-see event. lisa i never know what kind6 "actiof adventure awaits. the days are longer, and the breeze feels a little sweeter. and, thanks to volvo, i'll pay nothing for repairs or maintenance for 5 years, nothing. they even cover my first month's payment. so, i'll be happy wherever the summer takes me. the wonder of summer event. the 2015 volvo s60 sedan with complimentary first month's payment. starting at $319 a month. msbut they meet them withts determination and drive. chanelle: teachers like ms. harris made me feel like i'm part of a team. not just on the basketball court. but in the classroom. ms. harris: chanelle is not just a star athlete. she is a star student. chanelle: i headed to clemson university where i can combine my love of sports and learning- and maybe even win a championship. ms. harris: i wouldn't bet against her. or any of my students reaching for their dreams. who's more excited about back to school savings at staples? 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