A lot of elation. Lets go to new york to Adrienne Bankert live from president elect Donald Trumps headquarters. Good morning, adrienne inch good morning. If it was an october surprise, it was certainly a november shocker for so many. Donald trump has won the presidency. Arriving by motorcade in true president ial fashion donald trump addressing a jubilant crowd. I just received a call from secretary clinton. [cheers and applause] she congratulated us. Reporter the gop nominee now president of the united states. Trump winning ohio, clinching iowa and North Carolina and defeating the odds of early polls. Ours was not a campaign but, rather, an incredible and Great Movement made up of millions of hard working men and women who love their country and want a better Brighter Future for themselves and for their family. Reporter and its clear that here around the hilton hotel in midtown manhattan. Trump election headquarters. But as the crowd of support was leaving it was a sea of red and white and make America Great again. Adrienne bankert abc news new york. Now over to my colleague Kenneth Moton following Hillary Clinton. Reporter adrienne Hillary Clinton supporters will start the day shocked and confused. An amazing moment when Clintons Campaign chair not clinton walked onto the stage for her Election Night party. He told supporters to go home because it was not over. Well, that changed quickly. Shocked and awe for Hillary Clinton and her supporters. Its been a long campaign. But i could say we can wait a little longer cant we . Reporter Clintons Campaign chair john podesta taking its stage in the Early Morning hours to tell the somber crowd shes not giving up. Shes done an amazing job and she is not done yet. [cheers and applause] so thank you for being with her. She has always been with you. Reporter but moments later clinton the first woman to secure a major Party Nomination for president called donald trump to concede. She had the money, she had the high profile surrogates and she had president obama but early results show she failed to win over the majority of the voters in several key battleground states. The Clinton Campaign says she will have more to say later this morning. At this point it appears there will be a concession speech. Reporting live in new york this morning, Kenneth Moton abc news. Back to you. Kenneth thanks so much. Well have more on last nights election including that pennsylvania u. S. Senate race. But first up lets find out whats going on today with your weather and your traffic. For that weve got dave murphy and karen rogers. Good morning. And as promised we do have some showers building in from the west. Looks like during the Morning Hours well start to see some of this overtake most of the region and today will be damp with showers off and on throughout the day. Every now and then theres a little steadier stuff highlighted in darker shades of green. The onset of this in Chester County and berks county though though is mainly light rain. And the wider view also shows you that along with the rain weve got lots of clouds in store today. And it will wind up being kind of breezy cooler than yesterday and at times damp. Might even get a pocket of steadier rain in a couple spots for at least a time. 48 in allentown, 50 in trenton, 49 wilmington, 49 in millville and 58 degrees in cape may. As we roll through the day, expect it to stay cloudy and for the most part damp. 50 degrees by 7 oclock, vees by 10 00 a. M. , 55 degrees at noon and 3 oclock thats your high 58 degrees before we zip down to 48 degrees by 6 oclock. Tomorrow looks sunny but breezy and also cool. Ill have details on that and the rest of your accuweather 7day coming up karen. What about the roads early yes. The day is turning damp. The roads still dry right now as we look outside live, this is the roosevelt boulevard extension at ridge avenue. We had some construction blocking two lanes northbound but its cleared. All lanes reopened and traffic is moving pretty nicely right now much its early yet. Weve got light volume out there. No overnight construction on the vine street expressway. Westbound, eastbound looking good at this point and on the big picture no accidents on the blue route, schuylkill or 95. We do have this accident in Hamilton Township Atlantic County and we had watched a problem they had said that the egg harbor toll plaza the ez pass lanes were blocked. They just cleared that scene. Traffic moving a little better now matt and tam. All right, thank you so much karen. In another heavily disputed and very close race republican senator pat toomey won reelection. He overcame a hard charging challenge from democrat katie mcginty. The race was a wash in money, 160 million to be exact an historic amount spent between the two candidates. A ton of outside money in particular. Yes. Senator toomey beat mcginty with 49 percent of the vote compared to the democrats 47 percent helping retain the republican majority in congress. Action News Reporter Annie Mccormick is live in center city with more on this. Annie, so many people have been watching this particular matchup. Reporter how could you not because the commercials were all over our screens over the the past several weeks, several months rather and this is an incredibly narrow race. In fact, senator pat toomey only won by two Percentage Points over katie mcginty. This is also the most expensive u. S. Senate race in history. Well, you can see here the race is another one that went into the Early Morning. Senator toomey took the stage around 1 40 this morning after receiving the call from mcginty. Candidates spent 160 million on this race, negative and positive ads filled air waves and the internet. Senate incumbent toomey had a huge amount of support from turnout in rural areas. He kept his distance though from donald trump throughout the campaign. However, later admitting to voting for trump. This will be the senators second term. Katie mcginty who held a number of high profile jobs in washington and harrisburg fought a tough campaign and early this morning congratulated toomey. Lets face it. This was a tough campaign. This was quite a battle. There was an alltime record amount of money spent against us. A lot of ads were just outright false. But you know, the voters were smart enough to figure it out as they usually are. Senator toomey and i have disagreed on a few things. But this i know. The senator has served this pelt and he is raising a beautiful family in this commonwealth. He has earned and deserves our gratitude and respect. And i wish him gods blessings and godspeed. Reporter now, toomeys narrow win was followed by a number of republican wins in battleground states across the country. For now reporting live on the Art Museum Steps Annie Mccormick channel6 action news. Matt back to you. Thank you annie. Voters in new jersey had two constitutional amendments on the ballot. Voters said yes to requiring that every penny of states new gas tax be used exclusively for transportation costs. This formally dedicates money from the 23 cents hike towards bridge, Road Construction and transit improvements. New jersey voters rejected expanding casino gambling beyond Atlantic City. The ballot question asked whether to authorize the construction of two new casinos in separate counties in the northern part of the state. It was soundly defeated. Democratic congressman john carney has won the delaware governors race. Carney defeated colin bonini 58 to 39 percent. The action cam was there as carney thanked his supporters the the Double Tree Hotel in wilmington last night. He promised to address gun violence education and state employee healthcare. Carney will succeed jack markell who defeated him in the 2008 democratic gubernatorial primary. 59 percent of voters went for the Democratic State senator compared to 41 percent for her republican opponents lamar gun. Democratic Michael Purzycki has won the mayors race in a landslide 82 to 11 percent. One thing you have to say is you rarely heard someone say i dont care about this election. They cared. And theres some sites that are saying that voter turnout was up by like 4. 7 percent. Wow. Which is a little bit. Its up over the last election im surprised it isnt a little more than that actually but yeah a lot of people voter obviously and we had those lines that we were showing last night right here on action news. Storm tracker6 shows us we have showers beginning to build in from the west. Looks like parts of Chester County berks county now picking up some of this and Lehigh County also just the northern part of the county anyway and down past allentown beginning to pick up some of the light stuff. Most of this Early Advance of rain is highlighted in lighter shades of green that. Means its not really all that heavy. But just behind that initial band you see some steadier rain highlighted in darker shades of green and were going to be kind of in and out of that stuff as we go through the day. As we take a look outside, we have skies six center city still red white and blue in the aftermath of an historic election last night. Temp 52 degrees. Your winds westsouthwest at 3 miles per hour. Not all that strong. But the big story today will be that rain and you can see between now and 9 oclock how it does shoot in and cross most of the region on the latest model run. It still looks like by noon were in and out of this stuff. Fairly damp day ahead from the looks of it and by 3 oclock the kids may still wants umbrellas and rain gear because it may still be a bit damp. In fact even as late as the evening rush hour some pockets of precipitation probably left over. It all dies away later on in the evening and nighttime hours. Over the next 12 hours look for 51 degrees at 8 oclock, 53 at 10 oclock, 55 by noon and then thats your high, 58 degrees at 3 oclock before we dip down to 52 degrees at 5 00 and probably down into the upper 40s as soon as dinnertime tonight. High temperatures across the region, mid to upper 50s from allentown down to philadelphia and millville. And a couple of spots farther south could actually get to 60. 57 is your high tomorrow under the sun with breezy conditions and then look outs for a chill arriving on saturday. Your sevenday from accuweather todays high will be 58 with showers at times. In fact a good portion of the day could be damp in some neighborhoods. Mostly sunny and breezy tomorrow 57. A decent veterans day on friday sunny and windy with a high of 63 and the weekend brisk and chilly on saturday a high of 51 degrees. Sunny and a little better on sunday for the eagles, a high of 58 degrees there. Perhaps still a little bit breezy and then monday 60, tuesday 63. By late tuesday night or wednesday it looks like we could get some more showers. All right. Thank you david. It is now 5 11. And still a big Election Night, thats ahead on action news. All eyes will be on wall street today after the stocks plunged last night as donald trump moved closer to the white house. Well explain whats going on. That smog over california cities may soon be more like a purple haze. Voters in the nations most populous state move to legalize pot. Karen. Were live in montgomeryville checking out 309 at dekalb pike. Still dry at this point right here although were anticipating showers that will be moving in. Well take a look at 95 when action news comes right back. Fios is not cable. Were wired differently. That means incredibly fast 150 meg internet for the holidays. So in the 3. 7 seconds it takes gary watson to beat the local sled jump record, fly, gary, fly. His friend can download 13 versions of the perfect song. His sister can live stream it. While his mom downloads how to set a dislocated shoulder. Get 150 meg internet with equal upload and download speeds, tv and phone for this amazing price. Cable cant offer speeds this fast at a price this good. Only fios can. With simply right checking from santander bank, just make one deposit, withdrawal, transfer, or payment each month to waive the monthly fee. And theres no minimum balance. Youre alright with simply right checking from santander bank. Are you feeling alright, baby . Welcome back. Youre taking a live look here the view of the platt bridge. It is 5 14 here on this wednesday morning. The day after. If you went to bed last night nine, 10, 11 oclock you may not have known the final outcome. About 2 50 this morning donald trump accepting victory as the president elect of the united states. And karen, this is day two of not having a septa strike. Hey. Hurray. Thats some good news. You may be able to actually drive to work or take mass transit for a train. Suburban traffic report time. Lets hit the suburbs and take a look here. If youre coming from bristol or bensalem and youre going to hop on i95 were looking live near allegheny and your ride is looking good. Southbound traffic head towards center city we have very light volume. Anticipating showers working our way through the region by the end of the morning commute at least but for now youre looking pretty good at least on i95. Two different work zones left out here. Northeast extension between quakertown and lansdale. We had four work zones two are still left so watch for lane restrictions in both directions. Northeast extension northbound we have construction here also right near lehigh valley. In Hamilton Township Atlantic County we had a messy accident on the Atlantic City expressway westbound at the egg harbor tolls but the accident has cleared. Car hit a chair that was in the toll plaza. So it was kind of a mess out there but looking better. Thankfully hes a member of our 6abc team. And clifton avenue and collingdale we have some animals near the road. Be careful of that. Storm tracker6 live double scan showing yes theres that rain were tracking lifting up to the north and east so it will slowly progress closer to the city. You can always see some showers that are trying to break out near the city and wilmington right now so i95 still dry but thats going to change. Temperatures ahead of all this 52 degrees, right now in philadelphia. Not too bad. 58 freight in allentown, 49 degrees in millville headed out dry right now matt and tam. All right, thank you, karen this morning expect to hear a lot of adjectives, words like stunning surprising huge and unforeseen one of the most head snapping u. S. Elections in modern u. S. Political history donald trump has defeated Hillary Clinton. Experts say working class voters fed up with political insiders and desperate for change propelled a political novice to the top narrowly winning the popular vote there 48 percent to 47 percent. Action News Reporter and anchor Rick Williams filed this report. Reporter when donald trump was announced as the 45th president of the united states, this ballroom literally shook with celebration. It had been a nailbiter of a night here that finally ended early this morning with jubilation, excitement and certainly relief for these trump supporters. Now its time for america to bind the wounds of division. Have to get together. To all republicans and democrats and independents across this nation, i say it is time for us to come together as one united people. Reporter but the supporters here will tell you that no one ever gave donald trump a shot from the very beginning except his believers. For action news im Rick Williams reporting from new york city. As new president elect made a stunning advance towards the white house investors reacted with a bit of shock. There was a jolt as it became clear that donald trump was going to win the night. Global stock markets sank the mexican current see tanked and u. S. Stock futures plunged. Dow futures were down more than 650 points. Theyre back a little bit down by 200 points still to put the u. S. Market on track for its biggest percentage decline since august 2011. A local seat in capitol hill is staying in the family. Republican Brian Fitzpatrick defeated steve santarsiero. Fitzpatricks brother mike is retiring from that seat in congress. Brian fitzpatrick has never held public officers. He talked to action news about his plans. Growing our economy, defending our homeland and taking steps to reform the system. Fitzpatrick says his work with the fbi will help him reform business in washington. Democrat dwight evans cruised to a new job he crushed gop challenger james jones in the show down in philadelphias second congressional district. Look at that 90 to 10. Evans moves from his tenure has as a lawmaker in harrisburg to congress. He succeeds chaka fattah who was convicted of corruption. Voters in california massachusetts and nevada approved recreation pot. Voters in florida north dakota and arkansas also approved measures for marijuana. The victories could spark similar efforts in other states and put pressure on federal authorities to ease rules that classify marijuana as a dangerously addictive drug. According to national polls, a solid majority of americans support legalization. He gets a lot of compliments. He wears his army hat, walks around with his army shirt looking all nice. And then people just say, thank you for serving our country and im like, thats my dad. Male vo no one deserves a warmer welcome home. Thats why were hiring 10,000 members of the military community. Im very proud of him. Male vo welcome to new beginnings. Comcast. Bet a lot of people were up late last night and still up and now youre trying to think about that morning commute. Live near olney looking at the roosevelt boulevard if youre about to hop on at ninth street northbound traffic on your righthand side headed towards Oxford Circle moving fine right now with no problems as youre headed out. Over here on 73 southbound at route 90 you want to watch for a problem thats restricting traffic right there, dave. Our first band of showers moving into the western and northern suburbs right now karen. Weve got allentown beginning to get a bit damp, berks county, parts of northern Montgomery County and about the western half of Chester County. A lot of this early onslaught of rain is very light. But enough to make the roads a little bit wet maybe give you problems if theres leaves around and then farther to the west a couple of steadier cells on the way. If youre dressing the kids for school this morning, umbrellas might not be a bad idea. Not everybody will need them on the way or on the way home but theres going to be enough rain around today where its definitely not a bad plan. Heres how its going to go today. We stay cloudy and cool. 51 degrees by 8 oclock, 53 by 10 oclock, 55 by noon and your high this afternoon going to be 58 degrees. The rain probably doesnt taper off until sometime later this evening matt. Thanks, david. A grieving father turns to the action news troubleshooters for help. Troubleshooter nydia han has a preview of tonights special report at 11 00. How frustrating is it when youre fighting a company to no avail. Especially when youre fighting in memory of one of your family members. Im alone. And then for them to do this is just incredulous to me. Its like how can you do this to a human being . How can you treat somebody this way. Its a special action news troubleshooters tonight on channel6 action news at 11 00. This is gma first look is brought to you by your philadelphia tristate cadillac dealers. Introducing the first ever xt5. Boost its about moving forward not back. Its looking up not down. Its feeling up thinking up living up. Its being in motion. In body in spirit in the now. Boost. Its not just nutrition, its intelligent nutrition. With 26 vitamins and minerals and 10 grams of protein. All in 3 delicious flavors. Its choosing to go in one direction. Up. Boost. Be up for it. And the reason the toughimes times are easier. Because shes your best friend. And your true love. Presenting the ever us twostone diamond collection. New rings, necklaces, earrings and bracelets. One diamond for your best friend. One diamond for your true love. For the one woman. Whos both. Ever us. Available at kay, jared and zales. An suv collided with a cvs in swarthmore county. Driver lost control and crash into the window of the store. No one was hurt. New on action news here the canadian governments immigration web site crashed overnight. And experts believe the u. S. Election played a major role. Business insider reports the site went down at 10 30 last night and access has been spotty ever since. Online searches regarding moving to canada and becoming a canadian citizen grew in recent months particularly after donald trump won the republican president ial nomination. Maybe theyre connected. Well see if people leave. People always say if it doesnt go their way. Hollywood celebrities. Still ahead on action News Philadelphia Police officers are on the mend after a hitandrun crash. Well give you the details on that. More election coverage including the woman whose win in delaware makes history on two counts. Well be right back. Fios is not cable. Were wired differently. That means incredibly fast 150 meg internet for the holidays. So in the 3. 7 seconds it takes gary watson to beat the local sled jump record, fly, gary, fly. His friend can download 13 versions of the perfect song. His sister can live stream it. While his mom downloads how to set a dislocated shoulder. Get 150 meg internet, tv and phone for just 79. 99 per month online for the first year. Cable cant offer that. Only fios can. Donald trump will be our 45th president. He has pulled off one of the most surprising upsets in political history. Hes been a businessman reality star and mogul. He can now add president elect to that list. Trump told supporters it is time for all american citizens to come together as one. Hillary clinton has been very silent only her Campaign Chairman has said a little bit saying that you will not hear from the democrat until all the votes have been counted. At the same time she did make a concession call to donald trump. Good morning, it is 5 30 on this november 9 many, the morning after. What a morning it has been. If you were looking for the end had you to stay up until 2 50. It wasnt until then that a conciliatory donald trump came to the stage graciously speaking about Hillary Clinton as he told the crowd we have won. Just about every pollster from coast to coast had democrat Hillary Clinton winning this some even said it would be a landslide. Hardly that. With a few states still not called, donald trump has won at least 278 electoral votes. Hillary clinton has won 218. Of course you need 270 to get to the white house. Lets go on over to katherine scott. Shes been covering these breaking ruts for us from the Satellite Center much good morning, katherine inch thats right donald trump will be the 45th president of the united states. Hillary clinton called him overnight to concede in his victory speech in new york city. Tr

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