Transcripts For WPVI Action News 6PM 20170404

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drag her inside. and she told how she was afraid for her life. and after dickson was shot. trooper alex douglas was shot by the same sniper and he crawled inside to safety. the jury that arrived in vans are from chester county. given the notoriety in pike county it was decided to use an out of town jury. and there is a sense of tension with police patrolling around the courthouse with rifles and a temporary screen was put in to move frein in and out of the building. and in the opening the prosecution put a hand written note allegedly written by frein, it reads in part, got a shot and took it. and how the victim fell and yelled and the writer expressing surprise at how fast he fell. >> and watched as the lawyer told the jury frein would not take the stand. but statements will be played in open court. >> other evidence displayed today in open court from frein's computer a letter to his parents reportedly explaining this to his parents. starting to start a fire and win back certain elements of liberty he felt he no longer had. and day two of testimony will start at 9:00 tomorrow morning in what is expected to be a five to six week long trial. john rawlins, channel 6 "action news." >> thank you. the man accused of a sniper style shooting in the northern liberties section of physical face aid judge today. 29-year-old lawrence mitchell reportedly fired toward delilah's gentlemen's club narrowly missing a woman in the parking lot. he was arrested last week in possession of assault rifle ammunition and the hearing cleared the way for extradition to philadelphia to face atemmed murder charges. >> a third person has lost his fight for life in the wake of yesterday's shooting war on west styles in north philadelphia. meanwhile the search continues for two gunman that got off up to 25 shots. "action news" reporter vernon odom is live at the shooting scene and what is the update there? >> jim, the neighborhood remains tense at this hour. the fourth victim in the shooting remains hospitalized listed in critical condition, and tonight $70,000 in reward money helps police nail the two suspected gunman. school let out in time at saint malaki this afternoon and went into lock down at the dismissal hour after gun fire erupted and 25 shots fired by two men during a triple murder ran out in broad daylight in the courtyard of the complex. school parents are still shaken. >> it's scary, if the kids were outside. it's scary. >> police are scouring the area for surveillance video and the area is is the rated in case there say new attack in retaliation for last night's execution. >> they walked up to them and both had guns and fired multiple times striking all four and killing three of them. >> there will be retaliation, they are mad because something happened down there and something happened down there and ore here. don't know. >> a fourth victim remains in critical condition, the three deceased are 27, 32 and 27-year-olds all with long arrested records. the killer remains at large. >> to do that during broad daylight they have to concern for human life. >> this has to stop. every time you turn around someone killing someone. it's not fair to those that are trying to raise their children right. >> reporter: jim, an anti-violence vigil is expected to begin here at 11th and styles in just a few moments, the police presence is heavy here and promises to remain that way all night. it could have been a battle over drug turf. i'm vernon odom, channel 6 "action news." >> thank you. on the political front at this hour, the eight candidates running for district attorney in philadelphia took questions during the forum today at the college of art and design, members of the city's bar association asked the men and women to explain their position on a whole range of issues, the primary election is may 16 and, they are vying to replace embattled da essential williams who remains in office despite his corruption case. and the cell phone video to investigating a fight at the king of prussia mall. police say that a group of teenagers attacked a single 14 yl boy, and live here tonight is bob brooks with the full story. bob what do police know about this? >> reporter: jim, police pretty tight-lipped about the investigation but i did speak with the victim's family and as you can imagine they are shaken up about this. when you see the video you understand why. it's disturbing video to see for a mother terrifying. christina pennington watchd this over and over now that is her son on the floor defenseless being beaten by a group of teens. >> we are all in shock that something like this would happen to him. he is not one that goes and starts trouble or fights. her son understandably did not want to go on camera, the 14-year-old young man is hurt. at the mall friday night with his girlfriend and his mom tells us they were celebrating his birthday. >> the teen is recorded and followed for a few steps and the teen goes to the ground with another and he was surrounded in seconds and the kids gang up and stalk a child in the mall for we don't even know what reason is just ridiculous and not fair and scary. >> the unfair brawl only last aid few seconds and you see dozens of punches connected to the victim as he tries to protect his head and now they are using it as evident in the investigation. they say that she doesn't understand who could take part in beating a helpless person. >> it's very sad the world we live in today. i have taken him to the mall several times and always seen security and felt my son was safe at the mall. apparently he is not. >> she adds she has seen similar videos like this before but never thought it would happen to her son and want its to be seen with the hopes that changes were made. >> my message to kids is it's not cool to hurt someone, we should all be peaceful and loving and kind to make this world a better place. >> the upper merion police are investigating and no word of arrests yet and the mall what they plan to do about this, we tried calling them and they do not want to comment. bob brooks, channel 6 "action news." >> all right thank you. there are more signs that the upcoming nfl draft is taking over the neighborhood surrounding the ben franklin parkway in philadelphia. the draft doesn't begin until april 27th but crews are getting ready to enforce the first parking restrictions tonight one minute after midnight. there is no parking on the south side of pennsylvania avenue and the first road closures begin next monday with part of spring garden street and some lanes of the parkway. you can find the full list of road closures on our website at draft. five of pennsylvania's state owned universities are put on notice that layoffs and program cuts could be ahead. notifications have gone out to california, clarion, cheney, ed enbro and -- universities. they are concerned that the cut was make it tougher to attract new students to the school located in a rural part of the delaware valley. coming up on "action news" four police officers in training tell us how they saved a man's life at a new jersey park. the eagles have scooped up a defensive line man from baltimore. ducis rogers will have the details of a trade today. >> sky 6 shows clouds clearing out tonight and mild temperatures and thursday get ready for the risk of severe storms, i'll explain notice exclusive accuweather seven-day forecast. those stories and more when "action news" continues tonight. the home belonging to the city's disgraced mayor will be sold to the highest bidder where tony mack was arrested on corruption charges in 2012. he is now serving prison time and the home must be sold to settle a judgment against him and the sheriffs sale is scheduled for april 19th at 2:00 p.m. two police recruits in knowledge know what it's like to safe a life even before they pin on their badge. no, this was not a drill. nora muchanic has the story. >> as trainees at the police academy, they know they could be called on to save someone's life. they didn't know it would happen so soon. they were at veterans park playing street hockey when a 70-year-old stranger asked to join the game and things went well and then trouble. >> he was breathing heavy and taking deep breaths and we knew we had to jump no action right away. >> i felt for a pulse and oh man he had to pulse and we started compressions. >> and two recruits called 911 and guided first responders to the scene and the other two switched off performing cpr. >> i was on the phone with dispatch and informed her he told us he had previous heart conditions. >> he took over for me and did more cycles and that is when ems start its arrive along with police. >> he is alive thanks to the quick response of these recruits. >> it's what we train for and obviously it was put into motion it was real time, real life. >> can remember thinking that was the longest 10 minutes of my life. >> we wanted to help this man. >> we sign up to do -- why we wanted to be police officers save lives and help people. i feel great and i'm sure these guys do as well. >> the recruits are due to graduate later this month and start careers at their individual departments and one impressive life saving effort under their belts. nora muchanic, channel 6 "action news." mayor jim kenney visited the philadelphia police academy today and spoke to the recruits about the importance of their jobs, kenney says that being a police officer is tougher than running the city. he says that officers provide safety and peace of mind and without them philadelphia couldn't function. the neighborhood house in wilmington received a generous donation, 12 computers were gifted by the newcastle presense coalition and the technology assistance foundation used in the empowerment center that should be up and running by the ebd of the summer. dozens of seniors gathered for a passover celebration in philadelphia today. klein life hosted the preholiday seder and the guests had a traditional meal associated with the eight day jewish festival that begins on monday at sunset. the eagles pick up another line man. they acquire jimmy jorgan a defensive tackle entering his fourth season and had nine sacks the last four years but zero in the final games of last season. the ray ens get the 74th pick. and the eagles don't have to worry about seeing tony romo any pour he is retiring and joining espn's broadcast crew. he turns 37 later this month. romo is the cowboys all time leading passer. and eight more days left in the sixers season and then the early summer vacation begins, they are home to the brooklyn nets the start of a four game home stand. the sixers are guaranteed to have their best season since the "2012" 2013 season. some are calling for the sixers to tank their final games to get their draft position. they are not on board with that idea. >> we are not out here trying to lose games but are trying to represent the city of philadelphia the 76ers and coaches and we are up to one another on the court. we are not going out here trying to lose games that is not what we are about. the flyers skate in new jersey against the devils and we'll likely see new faces, mike morin and he was a stud in college a lightning on ice. he had 63 points in 38 games for union college this past season. one day into the major day baseball season and the phillies are enjoying a day off. oh the life. their series resumes in cincinnati tomorrow night. and fans packed in to see the ncaa basketball championship and the tar heels pulled it out this helps to rephrase the pain of last year's loss to villanova. and finally tonight i remember my parents taking me to the mall and reminding me not to touch things, you break it you buy it. they would say. who pays for this? during a softball game jessie harper rips a foul ball and look out. it smashes a camera. the camera operator is like, i guess my day is done, watch forever a yellow orb to come in from the right side. just like that. i'm guessing it might be a few dollars to fix that. >> careful. careful. no no no careful. cecily tynan has the accuweather forecast when we continue in just a minute. alright gus, you're next. [giggle] ready? ok. go!...seahorse... no. -giant snail. -flamingo. the water... ...under the... pony! no. bow and arrow? oh oh... uh-huh. yeah. the leaning tower of pisa. ah-oh. [giggle] really?! [ding] ohhhh. what was it? bank on it. ohh, the new scratch-off from the pennsylvania lottery. with top prizes of $300 grand! oh, i knew what it was the entire time. [laughter] keep on scratchin'. i don't know how this happened but i somehow forgot that you called for these types of temperatures but it's shocking. we hit 74 and i was wrong. a complete miss by 1 degree. tomorrow 70 give or take a degree or two. lots of sunshine and thursday weather goes downhill quickly and stormtracker 6 live double scan showing that most of our region is rain free however there is one isolated thunderstorm that is moving through north hamilton county, and one lightning strike with this moving quickly to the east crossing 611 with heavy downpours and a scattering of isolated showers and thunderstorms this afternoon and everything is clearing out tonight and yes it was a warm day. in fact, the atlantic city airport record warmth reaching a record high of 78 degrees here in philadelphia. 74 d 14 degrees above normal. and wilmington 78 and allentown 73 and trenton 67 degrees. tomorrow will be bright and sunny and quiet. all eyes are on thursday. the severe storm prediction center put parts of our viewing area under the risk of severe weather, the best threat is south of philadelphia and a marginal risk south of philadelphia it looks intense but right fow it's quiet out there. 75 in philadelphia and 77 in wilmington, dover and millville and atlantic city. and reading 74 and cape may with the win off the bay 65. satellite 6 along with action radar showing that one storm system is heading out and high pressure is coming in briefly tomorrow and one system in the plain stateses that has severe weather with it and bringing us nasty weather conditions on thursday. tonight a quiet night. clearing skies and westerly breeze and temperatures no the that cold. 46 in the colder suburbs and 52 for center city. and tomorrow one of those days you'll want to get outside. wall-to-wall sunshine and temperatures running 10 degrees above average, 70 in philadelphia and 68 in allentown and trenton and atlantic city 62 and wilmington 69, and the problem on thursday the showers start likely before day break and then late in the morning at 10:30 we'll likely see a squall line of very potent thunderstorms develop. first there could be flooding 1 to 2 inches, heavy rain on tuesday and last friday, the ground is saturated and the smaller creeks and streams are running high and we will likely see isolated flooding and the risk of severe weather. the main risk is the damage from straight line winds how there is strong sheer in the atmosphere that means the wind will change direction so there is an outside risk of an isolated tornado or two. the best chance of that is late in the morning or afternoon on thursday. so the exclusive accuweather seven-day forecast tomorrow is gorgeous, 70 degrees and sunny and thursday heavy rain and severe storms are possible. 63 degrees and that low pressure becoming cut off on friday and breezy and cool and lots of clouds and showers, and 53 degrees and not ideal conditions for the home opener and gets better for saturday, 53 degrees and clouds and sunshine and sunday warmer and 66 and monday up to 75 as passover begins at sun down and tuesday make a note of this jim, temperatures could be up near 80 degrees by next week so all eyes are on thursday. and i'll have an update on "action news" at 11:00. abc world news tonight is next on channel 6. and "action news" continues at 10:00 on phl 17 with brian taff, sharrie williams, adam joseph and ducis rogers. and then please join us for "action news" at 11:00 here on channel 6. for cecily tynan, ducis rogers and the entire "action news" team. i'm jim gardner we hope you'll join us for "action news" at 11:00. for years, fios has been promising fast internet to small businesses. but for many businesses, it's out of reach. why promise something you can't deliver? comcast business is different. ♪ ♪ we deliver super-fast internet with speeds of 250 megabits per second across our entire network, to more companies, in more locations, than fios. we do business where you do business. ♪ ♪ tonight, the horror seen around the world. the images are disturbing. the deadly chemical attack unleashed in syria. we are staying away from the most gruesome moments. families, children, among the victims. gasping for air to survive. and the moment another explosion hits. our team making contact with a doctor on the ground. also breaking, president trump and his claim that president obama wiretapped trump tower before the election. now, the new question tonight involving president obama's national security adviser, susan rice. did she ask for names? did she unmask them? members of the trump team caught up in surveillance by the u.s. what she is saying tonight. the abc news investigation. former trump campaign adviser carter page.

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Cape May , New Jersey , United States , Millville , Pennsylvania , Brooklyn , Philadelphia , Chester County , Delaware , California , Pike County , Syria , Cincinnati , Ohio , Hamilton County , Merion , Dover , Atlantic City , Allentown , Trenton , Jessie Harper , John Rawlins , Alex Douglas , Tony Mack , Nicole Palmer , Vernon Odom , Bob Brooks , Cecily Tynan , Tony Romo , Lawrence Mitchell , Christina Pennington , Adam Joseph , Jim Kenney , Mike Morin , Jim Gardner ,

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