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Its all moving east at this hour. And new concern tonight in the antarctic. An iceberg the size of delaware breaks off. Good evening, and its great to have you with us here on a wednesday night, and we begin tonight with President Trump defending his son. Saying many would have done the same thing and saying yes to a meeting where he expected to get dirt on Hillary Clinton with help from the russian government. Tonight, don junior acknowledging he likely would have done things differently and he is also asked, were there other meetings with the russians . Abcs chief white house correspondent, jonathan karl, leading us off. Reporter tonight, President Trump is coming to the defense of his son. He says he doesnt don junior for agreeing to meet with a woman described as a russian government attorney who claimed to have dirt on Hillary Clinton. In an interview with reuters, the president says i think many people would have held that meeting. In an email exchange with an acquaintan acquaintance, don junior was told the purpose of the meeting was to provide the Trump Campaign with some official documents and information that would incriminate hillary. The information described as high level and sensitive and part of russia and its governments support for mr. Trump. Don juniors response . If its what you say, i love it. Last night, don junior went on fox news to explain in retrospect, i probably would have done things a little differently. For me this was opposition research, they had something, you know maybe concrete evidence to all the stories id been hearing about that were probably unreported for, you know, years, not just during the campaign. So, i just wanted to hear it out. Did you ever meet with any other persons from russia that you know . No. I dont even know ive probably met with other people from russia. I mean during the campaign. Certainly not in the context of a formalized meeting or anything like that, because why would i . Reporter when asked in march by the New York Times whether hed had campaignrelated meetings with russians, donald trump jr. Said, none that were set up and certainly none that i was representing the campaign in any way, shape or form. And just a month after the meeting with the russian lawyer, don junior angrily dismissed suggestions the Trump Campaign had anything to do with russia. Its disgusting its so phony. Reporter also entangled in all of this, Donald Trumps soninlaw and top advisor jared kushner, who attended the meeting with the russian lawyer after don jr. Forwarded him that email chain with the subject line, line russia clinton private and confidential. What do you say to democrats who say that Jared Kushners security clearance should be revoked . Once again, we dont discuss security clearances, but i think democrats are trying to play political games and i think its ridiculous. Reporter is there any concern over the top advisor to the president did nothing wrong . No. Reporter the president himself has been out of the public view for days. Aides describe him as angry and frustrated, but today these images emerged, the president meeting with faith leaders in the oval office laying their hands on him in prayer. Jon karl with us live from the white house. In this interview with reuters, the president for the first time describing he how questioned Vladimir Putin about meddling in the u. S. Election . Reporter the president tells reuters when he met in Vladimir Putin in germany, he spent the first 20 to 25 minutes talking about russian interference in the election. This is how the president described it. I said, did you do it . He said, no, i did not. Absolutely not. I then asked him a second time in a totally different way. He said, absolutely not. But david, there is no indication in this interview whether or not the president accepted putins denials. Thank you. After that russian lawyer who met with don junior said she was not connected to the russian government and she had no interest in politics, there are growing questions tonight after images emerged of her in the front row on capitol hill. If she is not interested in politics, why was she there . Our chief foreign correspondent, terry moran is there. Reporter she is at the center of a global media fire storm. Let me ask you a question. Reporter but natalia vesle net skaia says she is not interested in politics. She is known as a politically connected lawyer, and no stranger to washington. She is in the front row of a hearing on russian sanctions, just five days after she got that meeting at trump tower with top campaign officials, including donald trump jr. He was told she was a russian government attorney bringing damaging information about Hillary Clinton. We asked her about that today. Is that true or false . Listen, she says, i have never had compromising materials on Hillary Clinton. Her only agenda she says, we relieving some u. S. Sanctions. She and trump agree on one thing. That meeting was a bust. He wanted to hear from me, that which i did not tell him, she says. He got disappointed from not hearing it. Today, vesle net skaia insisted she is not an em baa sar. Were you carrying any message or any information from anyone in the russian government to the Trump Campaign . No. No. Reporter you seriously think that if the Russian Confederation could do Something Like that, they would do it through me . Its just funny. Terry joins us from moscow, and you reported the lawyer denies she has a connection to the russian government, saying, quote, im not interested in politics, but how does she explain images like this one of her in washington, d. C. . Reporter its a straking image, and she says she was publicly advocating her position on u. S. Sanctions. Thats not something she would do, she says, if she were a spy. Terry moran in moscow. Thank you. Now to the fireworks on capitol hill today. President trumps pick tory place comey in the fbi. Asked about loyalty to the president and what the president said just today, that this is all a witch hunt. How his nominee answered. Abcs justice correspondent, Pierre Thomas in the room. Reporter after firing previous fbi director james comey, President Trumps pick to replace him, chris wray, facing intense scrutiny today. Grilled about everything from the loyalty to the president to don junior. If you get a call from somebody suggesting that the Foreign Government wants to help you by disparaging your opponent, tell us to call the fbi. From any nation state or any nonstate actor is the kind of thick the fbi would want to know. Ill take we should call you and thats a great answer. Reporter after those oneonone meetings between President Trump and james comey, the new mom knee was asked, what would he do . If the president asked you to do something unlawful or unethical, what would you say . First, i would try to talk him out of it, and if that failed, i would resign. Reporter just today, President Trump defending his son, again saying the investigation into possible collusion with the russians is a witch hunt. Im asking you as the future fbi director. Do you consider this endeavor a witch hunt . I do not consider director mueller to be on a witch hunt. Reporter asked whether he would pledge loyalty to the president my loyalty is to the preside president. Reporter his answer seeming to sway even some democrats. You think he will be independent enough . Yes, i do. If that changes, ill let you know. Pierre thomas with us. He seems to be headed to confirmation. Ra rare . Reporter he is not afraid to challenge the president. He once threatened to resign over a tloefrl surveillance plan during the last term. We move on now tonight to newly released Surveillance Video showing the fatal beating of an american while abroad. Just graduating from college in may celebrating with a sorry occasion in greece with friends. The video shows him running and then a mob chasing him. Its disturbing. Heres kayna whitworth. Reporter tonight, the newly released Surveillance Video, 22yearold bakari henderson, seen running from a mob of angry men on the greek island of zakynthos. Hes shoved onto a car, violently kicked and punched in the face, his friends say he was pummeled with brass knuckles. The savage attack carried out in under 15 seconds, a man and woman rushing to stop the beating, someone performing cpr, but it was too late. Later, authorities saying henderson wasnt able to defend himself, suffering severe head trauma. Nine men under arrest. S seven of them, serbian tourists. Tourists, covering their heads in shame, and two workers at the bar where the fight started. Hendersons friends back home in austin, texas horrified by the tragedy saying he had just graduated from college and had a Bright Future ahead of him. He was going to do so many great things with his life. Reporter hendersons friends say they were minding their own business in the bar when several men got in hendersons face. As for those charged, their lawyer says they never intended to kill anyone. David . Kayna whitworth, thank you. We turn next to the search efforts. The digging under way at this hour near philadelphia in the search for those four young men who vanished. We have learned a person of interest is now you werent arrest. Abcs eva pilgrim from the scene. Reporter tonight, with the search for these four missing men intensifying, officials announcing the rearrest of person of interest Cosmo Dinardo. This is for receiving stolen property and theft of a 1996 Nissan Maxima that is owned by thomas meo, 21 years old. Reporter that car found on dinardos familys property, meos diabetes medication still inside. Officials say dinardo was trying to sell the car for 500. Authorities searching this field for any sign of tom meo, 19yearold jimi patrick, 22yearold mark sturgis and 19yearold dean finocchiaro, all missing since last week. We have recovered several important pieces of evidence. Reporter neighbor Susan Coleman says she heard gunfire on dinardos property on saturday. We heard it, we felt it. It was violent. Reporter sturgis and meo, described as close friends, both worked for the same construction business. Finocchairo, their mutual friend. Patrick, a popular sophomore at Loyola University in maryland. He was on the baseball team. He was the best kind of person. And eva pilgrim with us again. The man arrested being held on 5 billion bail, you were telling us . Reporter thats right, david. Prosecutors argue Cosmo Dinardo is a flight risk and danger to the community. His parents saying they sympathize with the parents of those missing men and are cooperating in every way possible with law enforcement. David . Eva pilgrim in bucks county, pennsylvania. Next to the severe storms across this country. Six tornadoes in the last 24 hours. This one in buxton, north dakota. Look at this. Lightning striking within feet of a passenger plane at ohare airport. Lets get to rob marciano. Its moving east, right, rob . Reporter it is, and a lot of heat and humidity fueling these storms. It is july after all. They are from boston to chicago, and a thunderstorm watch in wisconsin. The action will be along this front. Several pulses through, and by this time tomorrow, cincinnati and the ohio river valley getting it. South, heat really up, and advisories from kansas city to new york city. It will feel like 100 degrees tom. Thank you, rob. From the bottom of the earth this evening, one of the largest icebergs ever recorded has now broken away from the Antarctic Ice shelf. Scientists have been concerned for some time about this, and announces linsey davis with the images coming in now. Reporter a massive iceberg now free floating tonight after breaking away from the ice shelf in antarctica. More than a trillion tons and the size of delaware, the iceberg is one of the largest to ever snap off. The crack has been expanding for years. Scientists are calling the split an enormous geographical event and are studying what role, if any, regional warming may have played. Disappearing ice is an issue on both poles, as we saw firsthand during a visit to baffin island, just off the coast of greenland in 2012. Theres so much more water now compared to when i first came out here. And now its, like, Little Islands of ice. While breaks have happened before, what is unusual about this latest break is the size, the concern is if enough large glaciers end up in the ocean, sea levels could rise, which is why scientists will be keeping close watch. Abcs news new york. There is much more had on world news tonight this wednesday. The images tonight. Look at this train stuck on the tracks. The problem forcing hundreds of passengers to walk back through the tunnels. Also the story of this little girl and the major cancer breakthrough tonight that could affect hundreds just like her. Possibly many more. And your money tonight. How to make hundreds of dollars a month. As a mystery shopper going to the stores you already go to, and in some cases, there is free merchandise as well. How to do it when we come back. A apremilast . Otezla is not an injection or a cream. 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Boost® high protein its intelligent nutrition with 15 grams of protein and 26 vitamins and minerals. For when you need a little extra. Boost® the number one high protein complete nutritional drink. Be up for it next tonight here, your money and how to make a little extra cash becoming a mystery shopper. Often at the same stores you already go to. Abcs linzie janis out to save your money tonight. Reporter you wont notice them but theyre out there, in stores and in restaurants. Socalled mystery shoppers hired by retailers to shop undercover and give feedback. Youve been a mystery shopper for over ten years . Yes, im a pro. Reporter we caught up with lori cheek, not on the job today, but when she is, shes like a secret agent on a Quality Control mission, checking every detail. Its the lighting in the window, maybe its the carpet at the entry, the stock, the staff. Reporter she records her observations and files a report. How long does the job take . Some of them can take ten minutes, some can take two hours. Reporter lori says she makes up to 700 a month and gets free food and merchandise. While the pay and the perks may be tempting, the government warns there are several scams out there. So if you want to be a mystery shopper, do your homework. Legitimate companies dont charge people to work for them. Never pay fees to be a mystery shopper. And beware of another scam that asks you to deposit a check and wire some of the money back in order to activate your employment. David . Never pay them. Let them pay you, lynn say, thank you. When we come back, a quiz for you tonight. The top sports team in the world, and the American Team at the top of the list. Also that commuter train nightmare. And the major cancer breakthrough that helped this little girl and could affect so many. But why go back there, when you can stay home. With Neulasta Onpro . 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When we come back here tonight, america strong. Debra roberts takes us behindthescenes on broadway tonight. Your front row seat for something very special. I was playing golf days ago. Love golf. I used to love golf. Wait, what, what happened . I was having a good round, and then my friend, sheila, right as i was stepping into the tee box mentioned a tip a pro gave her. No. Yep. Did it help . It completely ruined my game. Well, the truth is, that advice was never meant for you. I like you. You want to show me your swing . Its too soon. Get advice thats right for you. Investment Management Services from td ameritrade. The unpredictability of a flaree may weigh on your mind. Thinking about what to avoid, where to go, and how to work around your uc. Thats how i thought it had to be. But then i talked to my doctor about humira, and learned humira can help get and keep uc under control. When certain medications havent worked well enough. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. Before treatment, get tested for tb. Tell your doctor if youve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common and if youve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flulike symptoms or sores. Dont start humira if you have an infection. Raise your expectations and ask your gastroenterologist if humira may be right for you. With humira, control is possible. I hawhen i think about beingght trelated to thomas jefferson,. It certainly makes me feel a sense of pride the tenacity of not only that he showed in his life but was given to me through the slaves that im birthed through as well. It makes me think that theres really no excuse for me in any area of my life to not be able to conquer anything. You dont let anything lkeep you sidelined. Come on thats why you drink ensure. With 9 grams of protein, and 26 vitamins and minerals. Best one ever for the strength and energy, to get back to doing what you love. Ensure, always be you. What twisted ankle . Ask what muscle strain . Advil makes pain a distant memory nothing works faster stronger or longer what pain . Advil. [music playing] across the country, we walk. Carrying flowers that signify why we want to end alzheimers disease. But what if, one day, there was a white flower for alzheimers first survivor . What if there were millions of them . Join us for the Alzheimers Association walk to end alzheimers. Register today at alz. Org walk. Finally tonight here, america strong. What happens when the school play plays out on broadway . The School Children who never thought they would have their broadway debut. Heres deborah roberts. Reporter mornings just beginning here in east elmhurst, new york, but students from ps 127 have already been hard at work for months. About to perform the lion king kids. Hi im preya and i play zazu. My name is Anabelle Brisita and i play raffeke. My name is Anthony Isaac and wait tell me the question again reporter a question his class almost didnt get to answer. School plays are a rite of passage, but for districts with shrinking funding a lot of times arts are sacrificed. Reporter thats where disney, abcs Parent Company steps in, with their disney musicals in school program, offering free performance tools to schools in need. And for kids in new york city, a rip to broadway. They actually get to perform, here, at the iconic New Amsterdam theater. Parents waiting around the block to get in. Lets take a look back stage through the official stage door. Its almost show time. Come on. So youre just about to go on, how are you feeling . A bunch of butterflies in my stomach. Reporter the little stars take the stage. [ cheers and applause ] the reviews . Raves. It was amazing. It was absolutely amazing. Reporter when you go home tonight what are you going to feel . Im going to dream about it all night long. Reporter a dream come true. [ cheers and applause ] our thanks to deborah roberts, and to those budding stars for making our night. Thanks for watching here on a wednesday evening. Im david muir. I hope to see you right back here tomorrow. Good night. This is jeopardy please welcome todays contestants an office clerk from toronto, ontario, canada. A writer and editor from seattle, washington. And our returning champion an Administrative Assistant from granite city, illinois. Whose 1day cash winnings total. And now here is the host of jeopardy alex trebek thank you, johnny. Thank you, ladies and gentlemen. Youre very kind. Things started to pick up for us on jeopardy in yesterdays program. All three players in good shape going into final. And kelly winding up the winner with 22,800, a big payday. Gavin and sarajane, it could happen to you also

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