Extremely dangerous. Good evening. And we begin tonight with that chilling piece of video, livestreamed on facebook, in the moments after a man is shot by police. His girlfriend in the car, pulling out her phone and then capturing the moments right after. Her exchange with the Police Officer. Now seen by millions across this country, the pictures coming in now here in new york city of protesters gathering near union square. And just a short time ago, the governor of minnesota asking, would this have happened if those passengers were white . He said, i dont think so. We begin with abcs gio benitez in minnesota. Stay with me. Reporter this is Diamond Reynolds streaming live on facebook from her cell phone just moments after her boyfriend Philandro Castile was shot by police, during a traffic stop over what she says was a broken tail light. She says castile told the officer he was carrying a licensed gun. Hes licensed to carry. He was trying to get out his i. D. And his wallet out of his pocket and he let the officer know that he was he had a firearm and he was reaching for his wallet, and the officer just shot him in his arm. Reporter the Police Officer pointing his gun into the car. Reynolds, calm and clear. Her young daughter in the backseat. Were waiting keep your hands where they are. I will sir, no worries, i will. He just shot his arm off. We got pulled over on larpeanter. I told him not to reach for it, i told him to get his hand out. You told him to get his i. D. , sir, his drivers license. Oh my god, please dont tell me hes dead. Please dont tell me my boyfriend just went like that. Keep your hands where they are please. Yes, i will sir. I will keep my hands where they are. Wheres my daughter . You got my daughter . Reporter then officers, guns drawn, order reynolds out of the car. Get on your knees. Get on your knees. Reporter now on the ground, she never stops livestreaming. They threw my phone, facebook Reporter Police perform cpr on castile on the street, reynolds now detained in a patrol car, her cell phone still recording. I dont know if hes okay or if hes not okay. Reporter her daughter still with her, reynolds finally breaks down. I cant really do [ bleep ] because they got me handcuffed. Its okay, mommy. I cant believe they just did this, im [ bleep ]. Its okay, im right here with you. Reporter Philandro Castile, a supervisor at a school cafeteria, where kids loved him, was take on the hospital and died. Diamond reynolds says she was held by police until 5 00 this morning. This is where the shooting happened. Im told its usually a quiet neighborhood. People have been gathering here since the incident, and take a look at what theyve been posting film the police. Reynolds today explaining why she did just that. I didnt do it for pity, i didnt do it for fame. I did it so that the world knows that these police are not here to protect and serve us. They are here to assassinate us. They are here to kill us because we are black. Reporter later, she got a facetoface apology from minnesota governor marc dayton. I cant tell you how sorry i am. And the terrible tragedy that has been forced on you and your family. I dont want you guys to be sorry. I want you to be more careful. We want justice. Reporter and late today, this statement from the governor would this have happened if those passengers, the driver, the passengers, were white . I dont think it would have. This kind of racism exists. And gio benitez is with us from st. Paul, minnesota, tonight. And gio, what do we know about the Police Officer at the center of the case . Reporter well, david, that officer has not yet been identified, but we know that hes on paid leave at home and investigators did speak with him this afternoon. David . Gio benitez, thank you. And as they now call for the Justice Department to get involved there in minnesota, in baton rouge tonight, the feds are already on the scene, as outrage grows there, as well. A father of five tackled by officers and then moments later, they fire multiple shots. Tonight, abcs byron pitts is there with the video, the moment it appears an officer reaches into the mans pocket. Reporter today on the streets of baton rouge, a mix of seething anger and steadfast solidarity. As investigators examine every frame of this fatal encounter, theyre looking at footage from other cameras. You can see the two surt scam ares from outside the store. It would have captured the incident from the moment the police arrived, to the moment alton sterling died. So, your camera shows the front of the store . The front of the store. Reporter so, everything that happened. It would have showed everything. What made you decide to start rolling on that . I seen that it was getting bad. Reporter sterling, he says, recently started carrying a gun after other Street Vendors in the neighborhood were mugged. But abdullah says the first time he saw sterlings gun that night was when police pulled it from sterlings pocket. Sterling couldnt legally carry a gun because he was felon with convictions for battery, domestic abuse, and illegal possession of a firearm. Sterlings aunt insisting, though, he had mellowed with age. They slayed my nephew right here. See the stains of blood there on the ground . Thats where they murdered him. Baton Rouge Police Department are murderers. Reporter both the sterling and the castile shootings sparking outrage nationwide. More than 5 Million People reacting online. Beyonce writing, its up to us to take a stand and demand that they stop killing us. From the famous to an unfamiliar voice, a voice from behind what is normally the blue wall of silence. How dare you stand next to me in the same uniform and murder somebody. Reporter nakia jones, a mother and a Police Officer in ohio, her video post also going viral. I am my brother and my sisters keeper. Thats why im going to keep this uniform on because today i wanted to quit when i saw that video. But i need for yall to support the ones of us that are right. And i need for you to stand for those that are not right. Reporter emotions are still very raw here in baton rouge. Tonight, the governor has called for a prayer vigil here in town. Byron pitts tonight, thank you. In the meantime tonight, we turn next to capitol hill this evening, and the fbi director on the hot seat. More than four hours of questions, among them, did he give Hillary Clinton preferential treatment when he recommended no criminal charges . Abcs Pierre Thomas tonight with how he answered. Reporter the fbi director called before congress under fire from republicans, but standing firm. Did Hillary Clinton break the law . My judgment is that she did not. Reporter director comey challenged about whether he let clinton off the hook. Was there a double standard . No, in fact, i think my entire goal was to avoid a double standard. To avoid what sometimes prosecutors call celebrity hunting and doing something for a famous person that you would never do for an ordinary joe or jane. Reporter comey drawing con trs from the case of general petraeus. The big difference, petraeus lied to the fbi. Clinton did not. About instruction of justice, you have intentional misconduct. He admitted he knew that was the wrong thing to do. Reporter but he did blast clinton for great carelessness in protecting sensitive information. Director comey, are you implying in that statement that the private email servers of secretary clintons were, perhaps, less secure than a Gmail Account . Yes. Reporter the days most dramatic moment, comey challenged the idea he orchestrated tuesdays announcement that he would recommend no charges. Look me in the eye and listen to what im about to say. I did not coordinate that with anyone. The white house, the department of justice, nobody outside the fbi family had any idea what i was about to say. I say that under oath. I stand by that. Reporter after four hours of testimony, the fbi director left having changed few minds. Director, how do you feel about todays hearing and was it useful . And Pierre Thomas live us with tonight. Pierre, some republicans saying they may call on the fbi to open a new probe into whether Hillary Clinton perjured hes during the benghazi hearings when she said there was nothing marked classified on her emails . Reporter yes, david, they plan to pursue a perjury case about that testimony. So, there could be an invest zbags. But proving perjury is another High Standard where you have to show clinton intended to mislead congress. David . Pierre thomas with us again tonight. Pierre, thank you. Meantime, donald trump tonight waving as he left meetings on capitol hill himself with members of his own party, saying that are by great meetings, and in his words, quote, very productive. But this evening, were learning of reports of tension inside those meetings, and heres abcs david wright. Reporter today, at the Washington Capital club, the dealmaker tried to win over the doubters. Donald trump, seeking to reassure republicans. I think we had a great meeting with our presumptive nominee. Reporter but the atmosphere in some of those meetings, tense. Senator jeff flake of arizona confronted trump about this snipe at john mccain. Hes a war hero because he was captured. I like people that werent captured, okay . I hate to tell you. Reporter flake introduced himself to trump as the other senator from arizona, the one who didnt get captured, saying, i want to talk to you about statements like that. Kws. I want to is support our nominee. What an awful thing to say about a true war hero. Reporter the republican establishment is increasingly concerned trump is wasting an opportunity to hit Hillary Clinton, preoccupied with controversies like the one over this tweet from his campaign. Clinton, on a pile of money with what many say is the star of david on top. Trumps aides took it down. Trump now says that was a mistake. They have the star, which is fine. I shouldnt have taken it down, you know, they took the star down. I said, too bad. You should have left it up. I would have rather defended it, just leave it up. And david wright with us live tonight. David, donald trump said he would reveal his list of Convention Speakers yesterday, then the Campaign Said they would reveal it today, so, any world yet . Reporter he keeps promising the list, david, but so farp, no sign of it. We did learn about one Convention Speaker today, among the lawmakers that trump met with, the man he used to call lying ted, ted cruz told us he will be speaking at the convention. Wouldnt call it an endorsement, but apparently the two have buried the hatchet. David . Thanks, david. Next, tonight, to severe storms hitting at this hour. Warnings and watches up right now. Already fierce storms in the last 24 hours in texas. Heavy lightning and rain there. Its firing up again tonight. Lets go live to rob marciano at this hour, live out in central park for us. Rob, what are you tracking . Reporter david, some of the same areas that got hit last night getting it again tonight. The northern plains, already two reported tornadoes there. Storming rolling through minnesota. Storm watch up for iowa. Olinas kentucky, too. The heat, thats on, too. From new york to new mexico, and again tomorrow, across the northeast and some of those big northeastern cities will have the heat, but poor air quality for at least another day. David . Rob marciano with us tonight. Rob, thank you. Were also tracking that super typhoon now blowing across taiwan at this hour. After slamming ail shore with gusts up to 185 miles per hour. Its eye, a perfect circle there. The wind and rain now battering the island and well stay on that throughout the night. Just incredible pictures coming in. And from russia this evening, disturbing images from outside the American Embassy there. What appears to be a violent confrontation between an american official and a Russian Security guard. Lets get right to martha raddatz, tracking this tonight. Martha . Reporter good evening, david this incident is really astonishing. The russians, who do outside security at the em ba sip, say the guard tackled the american because he didnt show his pass and could have been a terrorist or a spy. But the diplomat was assaulted the second he went up the steps and then had to fight and struggle to get himself inside to safety. This follows those earshattering Close Encounters between russian jets and u. S. Warships. The u. S. Has taken this to the highest levels to complain, but david, it seems to get more serious all the time. More to come on that. Martha raddatz tracking it for us. Thank you, martha. And back here at home and to california this evening, and to an urgent manhunt under way at this hour for a serial killer. Abcs Kayna Whitworth from california tonight. Reporter tonight, the urgent search for this man, accused of attacking four homeless men in san diego, killing two of them while they slept. And setting two on fire. Including this 23yearold man, rushed to the hospital wednesday morning. His clothing still on fire nearby. These evil acts of violence are some of the worst that i have seen in my 34 years in law enforcement. Reporter the first attack sunday. A man stabbed to death and then set on fire. On monday, a second attack. That man stabbed, but expected to survive. 90 minutes later, a third victim found beaten to death. Then wednesday, that young man attacked. Hes in Critical Condition tonight. Now, an already Vulnerable Community on edge. We better be sticking together in numbers and not alone. Reporter the chief, pleading for help tracking down the suspect. Please. Public safety is a shared responsibility. Reporter david, witnesses near one of the attacks say they saw a man matching the suspects description and that he was carrying a gas can. David . Kayna whitworth with us tonight. Thank you, kayna. There is still much more ahead on world news tonight this thursday. The tragic crash. The truck into a highway bridge. The unsuspecting mother and her children driving by, part of the overpass collapsing right on top of them. And we are on the scene at this hour. Also, the attention around this new noahs ark, built in america. The millions spent. And now, the new controversy. And the rock singer turned, well, Wedding Singer . The pressure was on jon bon jovi at this wedding, and what hes about to do right here. Gary, gary, gary. 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Reporter tonight, a 12yearold girl is dead and her mother in Critical Condition after part of a bridge landed on their car near houston. A garbage truck slamming into this bridge, knocking a concrete slab off the bridge and onto the car. The force that that beam was hit was catastrophic. That bridge is what i call rotten from the inside out now. Reporter you can see that huge slab of concrete crushing the vehicle. Amazingly, another child was able to get out safely. Police have video of the accident that shows the driver of the garbage truck ignoring this sign, and are investigating the incident as a homicide. We are handing this as a homicide, and its only because of the nature of it. Part of the truck was suspended when it should have been down. Reporter david, this bridge has been hit by trucks several times before, and was scheduled to be replaced next year. David . Phillip mena with us in texas tonight. Thank you, phillip. When we come back here, the noahs ark replica, built here in america, opening now, and the controversy tonight. Youll see it here. Also, late developments coming in involving bill cosby tonight. What he and his lawyers were demanding today in court and what that judge has now decided. Well be right back. Im free to do what i want and have a good time. The ford freedom sales event is on and zero for 72 is back on 2016 ford focus, fusion and escape. Plus specially tagged vehicles get an extra 1000 smart bonus. That means freedom from interest. And freedom to choose. With ford, americas best selling brand. Im free, baby now get 0 financing for 72 months. Plus, specially tagged vehicles get a 1000 smart bonus. Only at the ford freedom sales event. Feel free. This dog treat called max and dentalife. Covered its really different. See . Its flexible. 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Tell your doctor if youve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if youve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flulike symptoms or sores. Dont start humira if you have an infection. Want more proof . Ask your rheumatologist about humira. Whats your body of proof . To the index this thursday night, and a courtroom lost today for bill cosby, in the ongoing Sexual Assault case against him. Cosbys lawyers arguing today that his accuser, andrea constand, should have to redo the preliminary hearing, to testify in person and be cross examined by cosbys team, rather than relying on her police statement. The judge, though, ruling it is not necessary and that the case can now go to trial. It is opening day for noahs ark. The replica, at least. A controversial attraction in kentucky. They say theyve built a genesisaccurate replica. Admission, 40. The ark, more than 500 feet long. Costing about 100 million to build. Onboard, replicas of animals, including dinosaurs. Ark employees must be christian and for the first 40 days and 40 nights, theyll stay open late. And tonight, a royal selfie to pass along. Serena williams, queen of tennis, of course, grabbing a snapchat there with catherine, duchess of cambridge, a. And heres what serena said. So, im in the in crowd now. Theyre actually in the in crowd, because serena won in straight sets today, qualifying for her ninth wimbledon finals on saturday. When we come back here tonight, the pressure was on. Look at this. Jon bon jovi, at a wedding, in the crowd. What happens when they do a cover of one of his songs . Youll see what happens when we come back. We always were told we were german. We were in a german dance group. I wore lederhosen. So i just started poking around on ancestry. Then, i decided to have my dna tested through ancestry dna. It turns out im scottish. So, i traded in my lederhosen for a kilt. 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Tell your doctor about any history of Mental Health problems, which could get worse or of seizures. Dont take chantix if youve had a serious allergic or skin reaction to it. If you have these, stop chantix and call your doctor right away as some can be lifethreatening. Tell your doctor if you have heart or blood vessel problems, or develop new or worse symptoms. Get medical help right away if you have symptoms of a heart attack or stroke. Decrease alcohol use while taking chantix. Use caution when driving or operating machinery. Most common sideaffect is nausea. Being a nonsmoker feels great. Ask your doctor if chantix is right for you. Finally tonight here, the Wedding Singer who started the song, and then jon bon jovi, who finished it. Abcs linzie janis on the Wedding Party living on a prayer. Reporter rock stars go to weddings, too. Reporter but there can be a certain expectation. And though it took some coaxing, jon bon jovi, a guest of the grooms dad at this florida wedding last weekend, didnt disappoint. Now hes holding in what he used to make it talk its tough so tough reporter the other guests and bride and groom, jennifer and charlie, rocking out. Reporter its not how were used to seeing him perform the megahit that turns 30 next month. Living on a prayer reporter and this trumpet solo not exactly a substitute for richie samboras guitar solo. But jon bon jovi couldnt have been a better sport. Wonder if that counts as his wedding gift. Linzie janis, abc news, new york. He doesnt need to bring a wedding gift. He just gaifl one. Thanks for watching here on a thursday night. Im david muir. I hope to see you right back here tomorrow. And from all of us here at abc news, have a good evening. Good night. This is jeopardy todays contestants are an Administrative Assistant from grinnell, iowa. A psychotherapist from greenville, south carolina. And our returning champion, an investment banker and strategy consultant from boston, massachusetts. Whose 1day cash winnings total. And now here is the host of jeopardy alex trebek thanks, johnny. Thank you, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome. Very impressive debut performance by our returning champion, matt, here today just a shade under 30,000. So, neil and bonnie, youre gonna have to be at your very best to replace him as champ

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