Supreme Court in a 2 to one decision the 9th Circuit panel reiterated an argument made by those suing the administration they say President Trump is trying to get money for a while construction that Congress explicitly denied him and Congress controls the federal purse strings door lobbying is a lawyer with the American Civil Liberties Union one of the plaintiffs in the case everyone knows that Congress the night the president the wall on the internet and everyone knows long government shutdown in history over the wall it's just not credible the government can say that it can go but wall anyway next the trumpet ministration can ask the appeals court to reconsider or take the case directly to the Supreme Court for n.p.r. News I'm Lily Jamali in San Francisco Congressman Justin Amash of Michigan's 3rd Congressional District says he's leaving the Republican Party he writes in a Washington Post op ed today he's becoming an independent calling the 2 party system an x. a Stench a threat to America's principles and institutions earlier this year a mosque became the only Republican to support impeachment proceedings against President Trump nearly half the field of Democratic presidential candidates will be in Houston tomorrow for an education forum including many front runners Andrew Schneider of Houston Public Media says they'll face some unscripted questions the National Education Association is hosting the strong public schools' presidential forum as the centerpiece of its annual assembly the speakers include former Vice President Joe Biden as well as Senators Bernie Sanders Camila Harris and Elizabeth Warren the n.e.a. Says thousands of teachers administrators and parents have submitted questions for the event online an Australian student detained in North Korea late last month has been released and has safely left the country N.P.R.'s Michael Sullivan has the story from Seoul Australia's Prime Minister Scott Morrison told parliament today that 29 year old Alex the Glee had been released from detention this morning and is safe and well. He extended his deepest gratitude to Swedish authorities for their invaluable assistance in securing Alex prompt release Australia has no formal diplomatic presence in North Korea and relies on other Western countries to act on its behalf on his arrival in Beijing Sigler told reporters he felt great but did not say what had caused his detention in the 1st place Sigler had been studying in the North Korean capital friends and family of the normally active social media user had lost contact with him June 25th Michael Sullivan n.p.r. News Seoul this is n.p.r. Russia is now disclosing that the military submarine that suffered a fatal fire Monday was nuclear powered Russian President Vladimir Putin says the blaze broke out in a battery compartment and the nuclear reactor was contained 14 sailors were killed in the fire Russia's defense minister has said the sub was surveying the sea floor near the Arctic. As millions of Americans gather for traditional July 4th cookouts and fireworks today the Federal Aviation Administration has a reminder for the modern era do not fly drones in or near fireworks N.P.R.'s Alina sell you core ports every year around this time Federal Aviation regulators share reminders for drone owners around the country tempted to capture videos or photos of exploding fireworks up close and the reminder is do not do it the f.a.a. Says drones should not be flown near fireworks for now casual users are also not allowed to fly drones over groups of people in public events or at night though the f.a.a. Is considering whether it should relax those restrictions in the future in general drones should not be flown outside the operator's line of sight or higher than 400 feet also all drones should be registered with the f.a.a. And have the registration number labeled on the outside and be our news in women's soccer the u.s. Will face the Netherlands for the World Cup title Sunday the Dutch beat Sweden in extra time yesterday in the semifinal I'm Barbara Kline n.p.r. News support for n.p.r. Comes from n.p.r. Stations other contributors include I drive providing automatic cloud backup for businesses and homes to protect P.C.'s Macs and servers from data loss due to ransomware hard drive crashes and cyber attacks at I drive dot com slash n.p.r. . I'm Robin Barnes 4 w o u v news and 18 year old has been indicted on an aggravated murder charge in the shooting of a 12 year old girl in Ohio a grand jury in Licking County yesterday also indicted Keegan mommy of Newark on charges of rape and evidence tampering Newark police suspect money and the death of Isabella Barnes who was shot on the porch of her home nearly 2 weeks ago a prosecutor said the 2 had been in some sort of relationship a la erasing city's profits from operating traffic cameras has taken effect in Ohio Ohio governor Mike De Wine signed a transportation budget in April that included the camera restrictions which began yesterday they reduced state funding for any city town or village operating red light or speed cameras by an amount equivalent to the fines collected Ohio's chief law enforcer is reminding residents they may purchase fireworks legally but not set them off in their own backyards unless they have a license Attorney General David Yost issued the words of caution ahead of today's Independence Day holiday a judge has ruled Kentucky's death penalty protocol is unconstitutional because it doesn't automatically suspend execution of prisoners with intellectual disabilities the Courier Journal reports Franklin County Circuit Judge Philip Sheppard said Tuesday the rules are flawed because they would allow execution of a prisoner with intellectual disability if the prisoner to Klein's further appeals Robin Barnstable you know you've been news. This is Morning Edition from n.p.r. News I'm Rachel Martin and I'm Noel King good morning July 4th is a day for fireworks and parades but this year there will be more in the mix at least here in Washington President Trump is going to give a speech at the Lincoln Memorial there will be tanks and military flyovers no one knows how much this is going to cost and so local officials and d.c. Residents are pushing back alley you have member station has a story. On Wednesday the Lincoln Memorial is crowded with groups of tourists and visitors as it usually is but what's different is there are barricades and fencing surrounding the area in front of the memorial steps is a big stage with the red carpet and bleachers right behind it this is all trump this is never happened before Robert go Freddy is giving a walking tour near the reflecting pool to a group of visitors he's a 3rd generation d.c. Resident and he feels the president is hijacking the 4th of July celebrations at the National Mall Congress should Bill him personally for all of this nonsense this is stealing the my moral from the American people members of Congress have been trying to find out exactly how much the president celebration build a salute to America will cost d.c. Officials who are helping to secure the day's events say they'll submit a reimbursement request to the federal government after it's all over Meanwhile city officials say they're prepared for the day's events including a protest near Trump speech more protests are planned Saturday when a group of right wing activists will hold what they call a free speech rally counter protesters are expected to be there as well d.c. Police chief Peter Newsham this is not out of the ordinary here in Washington d.c. So we will be ready for tanks and military vehicles will also be stationed around the mall for the event and local officials are worried about the potential damage they can do to city streets Meanwhile the Federal Aviation Administration says it will temporarily ground flights at Reagan National Airport for the flyovers all this military display is why. And right now retired u.s. Army colonel came to protest the 4th of July and it's supposed to bring our country together it's not supposed to be for militarism this is kind of like Red Square in Pyongyang and Iran where all of the military troops are brought out as a form of nationalism and that's not what we do Meanwhile the White House says the president's address will be patriotic and he will quote help all Americans celebrate our independence our flag and our armed forces for n.p.r. News I'm Eleanor in Washington on this July 4th Morning Edition marked the holiday as we do every year with a reading of the Declaration of Independence. When in the course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which of connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of Nature's God entitle them a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation we hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights that among these are Life Liberty and the pursuit of happiness that to secure these rights governments are instituted among men deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends it is the right of the People to alter or to abolish it and institute new Government laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form as to them shall see most likely to affect their safety and happiness Prudence indeed will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light intransient causes and accordingly all . Experience has shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer while evils are sufferable then to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed but when a long train of abuses and usurpations pursuing invariably the same object even says a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism it is their right it is their duty to throw off such Government and to provide new Guards for their future security such has been the patient sufferance of these colonies and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former systems of government the history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute tyranny over these states to prove this that facts be submitted to a candid world he has refused his assent to laws the most wholesome and necessary for the public good is forbidden his governors to pass laws of immediate and pressing importance unless suspended in their operation till his assent should be obtained and when so suspended he has utterly neglected to attend to them he has refused to pass on the laws for the accommodation of large districts of people unless those people would relinquish the right of representation in the legislature a right inestimable to them and formidable to tyrants only he has called together legislative bodies at places unusual uncomfortable and distant from the depository of their public records for the sole purpose of fatiguing them into compliance with his measures he has disowned representative houses repeatedly for opposing with mentally permissive his invasions on the rights of the people has refused for a long time after such dissolutions to cause others to be elected by the legislative powers incapable of annihilation ever turn to the people at large for their exercise the state remaining in the meantime exposed to all the dangers of invasion from without and. Convulsions with it he has endeavored to prevent the population of the state for that purpose obstructing the laws for naturalization of foreigners refusing to pass others to encourage their migrations hither and raising the conditions of new appropriations of lands he has obstructed the administration of justice by refusing his assent to laws for establishing judiciary powers he has made judges dependent on his will on loan for the tenure of their offices and the amount of payment of their salaries is a record a multitude of new offices and sent it there swarms of officers to harass our people and eat out their substance he has kept among us in times of peace standing armies without the consent of our legislatures he has affected to render the military independent of and superior to the civil power he has combine with others to subject this to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution and an acknowledged by our laws giving his assent to their accept pretend it legislation for altering the bodies of troops among us for protecting by a mock trial from punishment for any motives which they should commit on the inhabitants of the states for cutting off our trade with all parts of the world for imposing taxes on us without our consent for depriving us in many cases of the benefits of trial by jury for transporting us beyond seas to be tried for pretended offenses for abolishing the free system of English laws in a neighboring province establishing there in an arbitrary government and enlarging its boundaries so as to render it at once in example and it instrument for introducing the same absolute rule into these colonies for taking away our charters abolishing our most valuable laws and altering fundamentally the forms of our governments for suspending our own legislatures. And the Clarion themselves and vested with power to legislate for us in all cases whatsoever he has abdicated government here by declaring us out of his protection and waging war against us he has plundered our seas ravaged our coasts burnt our towns and destroyed the lives of our people he is at this time transporting large armies of foreign mercenaries to complete the works of death desolation in tyranny already begun with circumstances of cruelty and perfidy scarcely paralleled in the most barbarous ages in totally unworthy the head of a civilized nation vs constrained our fellow citizens taken captive on the high seas to bear arms against their country to become the executioners of their friends and brother in order for themselves by their hands he has excited domestic insurrections amongst us and has endeavored to bring on the inhabitants of our frontiers the merciless Indian savages whose known rule of warfare is an undistinguished destruction of all ages sexes and conditions in every stage of these oppressions we have petitioned for redress in the most humble terms our repeated petitions have been answered only by repeated injury a prince whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a tyrant is unfit to be the ruler of a free people nor have we been wanting in attentions to our British brother and we have worn them from time to time of attempts by their legislature to extend and unwarrantable jurisdiction over us we have reminded them of the circumstances of our emigration and settlement here we have appealed to their native justice and magnanimity and we have conjured them by the ties of our common tin grid to disavow these usurpation which would inevitably interrupt our connections and correspondence they too have been deaf to the voice of justice and of common sense when to we must there. Or acquiesce in the necessity which denounces our separation and hold them as we hold the rest of mankind enemies in war in peace friends we therefore the representatives of the United States of America in general Congress assembled appealing to the supreme judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions do in the name and by the authorities of the good people of these colonies solemn only publish and declare that these united colonies are and of right ought to be free and independent states that they are absolved from all allegiance to the British Crown and that all political connection between them and the state of Great Britain is and ought to be totally dissolved and that as free and independent states they have full power to levy war conclude peace contract alliances establish commerce and to do all other acts and things which independent states may of right do and for the support of this declaration with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence mutually pledged to each other our lives our fortunes and our sacred. 243 years ago today church bells rang out over Philadelphia as the Continental Congress adopted this draft of the Declaration of Independence This is n.p.r. News. Next time on the New York radio hour I'll talk with a writer and director Aaron Sorkin about his adaptation for the stage of Harper Lee's classic To Kill a Mockingbird reading the book now 58 years after it had been written there were things I found troubling about Atticus Aaron Sorkin joins me next time on The New Yorker. The New Yorker radio our committee heard every Saturday morning at 10 and public media your n.p.r. News Dacian support comes from the Athens County Visitors Bureau welcoming the 40th anniversary of the quilt National Exhibition at the Dairy Barn Arts Center in Athens through Labor Day weekend details a dairy barn dot org We invite you to join us as the Ohio University Astronomy faculty and students for a public telescope night this Saturday July 6th from 9 until 11 in the evening at the observatory on the ridges in Athens while waiting your turn to look through the telescope you will be showing a sneak preview of the series Chasing the moon from American Experience on a large outdoor video screen bring your lawn chair or blanket and register for w.b. Space related giveaways and see the stars with this Saturday evening at the ridges . It's Francis lamb and this week it's a pepper party from the hot sauce facing the honey calling for my mother to the best chill this rain has you might ever have a magical little pepper powder from France of all places it's a chilly world and you just live in it that's a splendid table from American Public Media. Support for n.p.r. Comes from this station and from campaign monitor and e-mail marketing platform used by more than 250000 customers offering personalization tools like engagement segments and dynamic content more if campaign Monitor dot com. From the William t. Grant Foundation working to harness the power of research to make a difference in the lives of children teens and young adults for more than 80 years learn more it w. T. Grant f t n dot org And from the Lemelson foundation committed to improving lives through invention in the u.s. And in developing countries and working to inspire and enable the next generation of inventors more information is available at. Www dot org. It's Morning Edition from n.p.r. News I'm Noel King and I'm Rachel Martin good morning the jobs of more than a 1000 coal miners are risk after one of the nation's largest coal producers declared bankruptcy on Monday revelation energy and its subsidiary black to will employ workers from Appalachia to Wyoming and many of them were told to stay home this week in Kentucky Harlan County judge executive Dan Mosley says some 200 miners were caught off guard and days later there's still a lot of confusion there that I have kind of not been told a lot. More under the impression that they've been laid off or are under the impression that they're going back to work in just a couple of days. There's a lot of people I think that really don't know what's going on into Wyoming 2 mines closed following the announcement miner Rory wallet says the community is shaken but people are stepping up everything from one call businesses doing just talents donating money donating services local individuals donating everything from money to child care how to resume help the community is absolutely amazing while it says they can't do much now but just wait William Wright is a reporter with the Lexington Herald Leader who's been covering the story and he joins us on Skype from Pikeville Kentucky thanks for being here William thank you for having me why did Revelation Revelation energy have to declare bankruptcy Well they say that the competition for natural gas was a major factor and other market declines and demand for coal so contributed that's why you have seen from a number of other studies you know showing why it calls the climb Ashley and in particular in Central Appalachia is is cheap demand from natural gas is the main factor sounds from the tape we just heard that there's a lot of confusion though among employees you've been having conversations with people how many people are affected and what are they telling. Sure my call you know I have spoken with some miners and they're saying basically what you heard from Judge mostly was that there's a 'd lot of confusion about whether these mines or if these mines are going to reopen and in and out you know a community like Carlin County 200 jobs as a law it's and these mines support a number of other small businesses and so you know there's just a lot of confusion about when are we going to get back to work and and should we start looking for other employment and have you heard from local officials we heard from a mayor of the town of Cumberland Kentucky and he said that you know basically what you what you've already heard the folks are concerned and he said it would be devastating for the community if these mines were to be shut down Carmel and as a small town and Harlan County I mean so how does this closure jibe with what we have heard from President Trump for years now that he has promised to bring coal back which he has to to a very small degree though the overall trend is going the other way is I'm not sure you know I think that you know what he for President Trump is that you know we're going to bring back coal and these bankruptcy's show that competition for natural gas is a tough thing to be it's we're got our list of your changing regulatory policies and. So yeah it will be a tough tough thing to do regardless of regulatory policy 'd and meanwhile these employees just wait William right reporter at the Lexington Herald Leader thanks so much thank you. When President Trump stepped on into North Korean territory on Sunday his national security adviser John Bolton was not there Bolton's absence raised some questions about his standing in the White House even as the administration is deciding on its next steps for negotiations over North Korea's nuclear program N.P.R.'s has the story president says his national security adviser John Bolton is much more comfortable with using military force than he is John Bolton is absolutely a hawk is. The one that one but that doesn't matter because I want that strong last month on N.B.C.'s Meet the Press after he decided to give striking back at Iran over a downed u.s. Drone. Bolton another advisors have supported the strike known for his hard line foreign policy positions on the Middle East North Korea and beyond Bolton has been front and center on the crisis in Venezuela and the rising tensions with Iran he was in her neuer in February when Trent walked away from talks with North Korea's Kim Jong un at the time Bolton made clear he thought Kim was trying to pull a fast one on the u.s. Here he is on Fox shortly after the summit the North Koreans obviously would like to give up as little of their nuclear biological and chemical weapons and ballistic missile programs as they could in exchange for very broad sanctions relief and that's basically what they asked for president wasn't buying it the question for some is whether Bolton still has the same influence and he wasn't present at this latest meeting with Kim after the meeting the New York Times reported that the White House might a set something less than North Korea's for denuclearization bolter struck back on Twitter saying the National Security Council had not discussed this plan he called it a reprehensible attempt to box in the president Abraham Denmark is Asia program director at the Wilson Center and a former Obama administration Defense Department official it's been pretty clear for a while that there are deep fissures across the top administration on a wide variety of issues and with North Korea if seems that Bolton is more hawkish than from his colleagues in the proper ministration instead of being at the d.m.z. Bolton was in Mongolia for a previously scheduled meeting with the country's prime minister a source familiar with the situation said Bolton was not sidelined from the trunk am meeting and that the president's push for for the nuclearization is still the administration's policy but getting to that point will likely be a process says Patrick Cronin a former Bush administration official who's now with the Hudson Institute everything is an interim stop here in North Korea. The Cold War North Korea overnight Krone says a freeze would allow the administration to move to. For the ultimate goal of North Korea completely giving up its nuclear program I don't think the Maximus position versus a phrase is a big gap as it seems because the Prius is the next wave station for heading toward eventual denuclearization after their meeting at the d.m.z. Trapping Kim agreed to restart negotiations in the next few weeks and the past these working level talks have failed to gain traction it's unclear whether the u.s. Would be willing to move beyond the position pushed by both. Says he likes to hear from all sides but he always stresses that the final decision is up to him. Though n.p.r. News Washington. This is n.p.r. News So think back what were you doing at this time last year hey I'm Elaine and c And one thing folk alley was doing was creating a new session for you with series songwriter on a this week I'm going to share that session with you again and I've got some new music too from Kev Mo Joy Williams and the duo ordinary elephant joined me this week on folk Alan. 19 song of passing up a chance to African music for. The people of Zimbabwe and the work. I'm. Joined me for remembering all the from 2 could see next time. From the. International. Live from n.p.r. News in Washington I'm Dave Mattingly a federal judge is giving the Trump administration until tomorrow afternoon to clarify its position on the 2020 u.s. Census specifically a proposed citizenship question the forms are now being printed by court order they don't include the question though N.P.R.'s Carrie Johnson says the president isn't giving up the legal fight earlier this week the commerce and Justice Department said the census would go to the printer without a question about citizenship on the form then President Trump tweeted he was absolutely moving forward with the query a Justice Department official says they've been instructed to find a legal way to ask about someone citizenship I divided Supreme Court recently blocked the move after Chief Justice John Roberts wrote the administration's explanation was contrived and a judge in Maryland is ordering the Justice Department to explain itself by Friday afternoon Carrie Johnson n.p.r. News Washington on Twitter this morning the president says officials of the Departments of Justice and commerce are working on the census issue even today later today President Trump will be speaking at the Lincoln Memorial as part of July 4th celebrations in Washington events along the National Mall also include a parade and flyovers by b. 2 stealth bombers and the Navy's Blue Angels some Democrats accuse the president of politicizing the holiday this is n.p.r. News. Michigan Congressman Justin Amash says he's leaving the Republican Party to become an independent in May The 5 term g.o.p. Congressman joined Democrats in calling for an impeachment inquiry against President Trump NASA says this is a rare day off for the crew of the International Space Station has the 2 Americans aboard celebrates a live 4th N.P.R.'s Nell Greenfieldboyce reports the space station orbits around 200 miles up in the past NASA says that folks living there have peered down at Earth to try to see 4th of July fireworks displays but no luck it's just too far away the fireworks are too dim to low in altitude and easily obscured by ground lights or weather right now only 3 people are on board the Station 2 NASA astronauts and a Russian cosmonaut later this month they'll be joined by another NASA astronaut another Russian cosmonaut and an Italian astronaut from the European Space Agency Nell Greenfieldboyce n.p.r. News the u.s. Will face the Netherlands in the final of the Women's World Cup soccer tournament in France yesterday the Netherlands beat Sweden one nothing in extra time in the tournaments other semifinal match the final is Sunday in Laon the u.s. Is seeking its 2nd straight World Cup title this is the 1st time the Netherlands has made it to the championship game I'm Dave Mattingly n.p.r. News in Washington. Thank you for joining us this morning you are listening to member supported public media support for Morning Edition comes from our members and from underwriters Ohio University's Voinovich School of Leadership and Public Affairs educating tomorrow's leaders and government nonprofit public agencies and public safety through the master of public and administration program accepting fall semester applications through August 2nd information at m.p.a. Data Ohio dot edu support for the State House news bureau stories heard today and. Comes in part from Medical Mutual providing more than 1400000 Ohioans peace of mind with a selection of health insurance plans online at Med mutual dot com slash Ohio a review look at the weather forecast today you can expect on and off again showers the high today around 88 degrees some storms could produce heavy rain support for n.p.r. Comes from this station and from Charles Schwab trial believes a modern approach to wealth management starts with asking questions Charles Schwab own New York tomorrow learn more ish wab dot com from the Andhra w. Mellon foundation guided by the belief that the arts and humanities are essential to the well being of diverse and democratic societies learn more at Melun dot org And from New York Us foundation dedicated to the idea that people can live in harmony with one another and the natural world. It's Morning Edition from n.p.r. News I'm Rachel Martin and I'm Noel King good morning the 2020 census form has gone to the presses the form does not have a question asking people whether they are u.s. Citizens the trumpet ministration wanted that question on the form but the Supreme Court said no for now but then yesterday an official at the Justice Department said they have been told to keep looking for a way to ask this question anyway it appears this was prompted in part by a tweet from President Trump suggesting that he has not really given up on this Hansi Lo Wang has been covering this census extensively Hansi Good morning Ok so this is a developing story that just keeps developing in surprising ways can you explain what's happening now with Department of Justice this is all over this question that asks is this person a citizen of United States Department of Justice earlier this week told us that the printing it started without this question for the 2020 census forms but then the next day President Trump tweeted that he has sensually has any reports that the Commerce Department has given up on asking for this question that's those are not true he said and so and that is a tweet that essentially spurred a flurry of court activity yesterday different court hearings that was revealed a Justice Department official said that they are still looking now for a reason to ask for a citizenship question Ok so they had their chance before the Supreme Court and the Supreme Court said no you may not ask this question What was the Supreme Court's recent the Supreme Court said for now you're not allowed to ask this question because a majority of the court found that the administration's justification for the question that it would help better in forced part of the Voting Rights Act better protect the voting rights or racial minorities that that reasoning quote seems to have been contrived and so the justice and so the Supreme Court rather said that you know the Commerce Department the commerce Ecker Terry who oversees the Census Bureau does have the authority to add this question but there needs to be a legitimate. Reason and that was not a legitimate reason here and is it clear what the Justice Department intends to do to come up with a legitimate reason well the Justice Department has said in a letter to a federal judge in New York who is also wondering what is happening here said that they are instructed to try to look for another way to ask for the citizenship question and get it onto the 2020 census forms and that would require figuring out a new justification for this question and the big question then is once the troublous ration announces it has a new justification for this question Would it pass the test of the courts will the courts now believe that that is a reasonable and also a legal way to get this question on the census Ok so what happens next there isn't a new deadline now right the deadline now is Friday 2 pm Eastern a federal judge in Maryland this is a very complicated legal battle a judge Marilyn says the Justice Department has to inform his court what happens going forward does this judge in intend to try to make another case for citizenship question because it really hinges then on if there are plans to do that a federal judge in Maryland is ready to reopen and reconsider already filed allegations against this question that decision to add this question was intended to discriminate against immigrant can use of color and that there was a conspiracy amongst Trump administration officials and in the meantime we should keep reminding people like the sand is running through the hourglass here right it's a 2020 said it is coming in officially starts in January most people may not be thinking about it but we're in the last stages of preparations and so getting the forms printed finalizing what questions are on the form is very important to make sure count happens on time and this is the count of every person living in the country N.P.R.'s Hansi Lo Wang covering the census thinking about the census Thanks Nancy you're welcome the Vindicator newspaper of Youngstown Ohio recently celebrated its 100 and 58th anniversary. And it looks like it might be the last the paper's owners say they will shut it down next month that would make Youngstown the largest city in the nation without a major newspaper Here's N.P.R.'s David Folkenflik the Vindicator Zoners the locally based Mog Brown family say they've lost money in 20 of the past 22 years we knew we were going to have to do something about 5 years ago but we decided to ride it out at that point because we looked at the sale then and realized that whoever bought it would probably limited over half the staff immediately Mark Brown is general manager of the Vendee as it's known locally his mother Betty Ma gets publisher and she's worked there more than 7 decades the Vindicator carried a large newsroom given its size 40 plus journalist for a paper with a daily circulation of roughly $25000.00 we got to the point where we were running out of money we went up for sale and we frankly never expected we would find a buyer but none came forward and the paper says its last issue will be August 31st on the national level the outlook is promising the New York Times has added millions of new digital subscribers The Washington Post is going on a hiring spree for investigative reporters but at the local level it's cut cut cut what's new about Youngstown is that the daily paper won't just be diminished it's not going to publish at all and thinking about all of the different ways in which a newspaper really serves its community this is barbecuing she's c.e.o. Of the business incubator in town from providing information and a bit wary so people know who they have lost simple things like wedding announcements and really community kinds of things we don't think of those as truly an actual They matter to people t.v. Stations and nearby smaller papers say they'll fill some gaps but u.n. Says the Vinnies reporters spent unusual time to develop sources and expertise Youngstown has a population of 65000 a rich history of corruption covered energetically by the Vendee take its reporting on the late Congressman Jim Traficant heard here testifying. For the u.s. House Ethics Committee over his bribery convictions he's highly aware of the presence of his hometown paper Mr D'Souza from the Vindicator And if you want to be defamed there's nobody in America that can defame you like this Susan Traficant was tossed out of Congress and served 7 years in prison 3 years ago the mayor and the former auditor pleaded guilty in a corruption scandal and then this last year the former mayor and finance director of Youngstown both facing over $100.00 criminal charges including bribery and that amazingly these are different mayors one in jail the other awaiting trial next year David Greene is the president of United Auto Workers Local 1112 he puts the loss of the Vendee in a greater context was born in Northside Hospital which is now closed had the Youngstown finicky to deliberate every day the house which isn't going to be there and now my you know obviously my employer is pushing all of the workers from this community to other communities Green says the Vindicator has done a strong job uncovering that employer g.m. Which just eliminated most jobs it's plant up the road at Lordstown car parts factories are largely idle as well on Tuesday night roughly 200 people participated in a public discussion about the future of news in the region I think. We're all. Rolling how we want to look Tracey Winbush is a conservative talk radio host there will be many who are down and we know who and . Mark Brown says the paper's fate should be a sign for the nation 2 of journalism in peril David Folkenflik n.p.r. News. This is n.p.r. News. Tune in this week for a special rebroadcast of Live From here recorded in Carolina with Death Cab for Cutie. Love taking the Bangles Nori Davis in a surprise visit from Silver that's out. Tune in to Live from here Saturday evenings at 6 on member supported. Public Media and now get these stories from the w o u b Newsroom I'm Robin Barnes and 18 year old has been indicted on an aggravated murder charge in the shooting of a 12 year old girl in Ohio a grand jury in Licking County yesterday also indicted Keegan mummy of Newark on charges of rape and evidence tampering Newark police suspect money in the death of Isabella Barnes who was shot on the porch of her home nearly 2 weeks ago a prosecutor said the 2 had been in some sort of relationship Mommy told a magistrate that he has a tendency to blackout and not remember his actions his family said in a statement that their thoughts were with Barnes's family and that mummy is not the person being portrayed a message seeking comment was left with his attorney. An Indiana conservation officer says the body of a Louisville Kentucky man has been recovered after his newly purchased boat crashed throwing him and a passenger into the Ohio River Officer Jim Schreck said the body of 26 year old Donald Watson was located yesterday afternoon near New Albany he said Watson was operating the boat Monday evening near Clarksville when its motor apparently malfunctioned and he and the 28 year old Lavelle Washington of Jeffersonville were thrown overboard and swept through the McAlpine Locsin dam firefighters rescued Washington after he called for help on his cell phone a la a racing city's profits from operating traffic cameras has taken effect in Ohio governor Mike De Wine signed a transportation budget in April that included the camera restrictions which began yesterday they reduced state funding for any city town or village operating red light or speed cameras by an amount equivalent to the fines collected I'm Robin Barnes w o u b News It's Morning Edition support for n.p.r. Comes from this station and from the Charles Stuart Mott foundation supporting efforts to promote a just equitable and sustainable society and its hometown of Flint Michigan and communities around the world more at Mott dot org from the Pew Charitable Trusts working with states to develop data driven nonpartisan solutions for complex issues more information is available at Pew Trust's dot org And from listeners like you who donate to this n.p.r. Station. It's Morning Edition from n.p.r. News I'm Noel King and I'm Rachel Martin as we celebrate this Independence Day we're asking Cokie about the role that women played in the fight for American independence commentator Cokie Roberts joins us now Cokie thanks for being here good to talk to you Rachel happy 4th of July same to you so we often hear about the men of the revolution right obviously George Washington Alexander Hamilton problem here that was going on and on and on but yes our listeners want to know what we did we're doing in the lead up to July 4th 1776 and here's our 1st question Hi this is Lee in Atlanta please tell us everything and anything because Herman 1980 s. A.p. Us history class the only woman who did anything during the Revolutionary War was Betsy Ross and we were told constantly that all she did was so glad now she just no Betsy Ross of the Bessie Ross flag is in the news because of this Nike controversy but that has nothing to do with her role in the war Cokie explained Well I certainly know what Lee is saying and it was my frustration as well to know what women were doing that's why moto book about it but they were doing everything Martha Washington went to camp every year to boost troop morale mercy Otis Warren was a propagandist who spurred on the revolution women served as soldiers and spies and Betsy Ross though many histories have debunked or I found close to a contemporary record written by the niece of Rebecca share min The wife of a sign of the declaration she remembered her aunt visiting the Russian posters shop and her excitement of seeing the flag so I believe it's true. Art our next listener wants to know if there are any stories about women in the revolution that were so clearly eclipsed by men this is tariff Elop and I'm from Medina Ohio who should we know about but don't due to being overshadowed by the men like how civil letting 10 road far and longer than Paul Revere but didn't get a poem written about her him he was rich Longfellow certain didn't write a. On a better they have been some really bad ones written but the problem is her story might not be based 100 percent on the facts the way her story goes is that the age of 16 she wrote 40 miles on horseback and I loved the mental image her hair streaming binder to warn the local militia in Connecticut that the British were coming here's the problem with this story as with so many others when you're trying to write women's history there's often no official documentation to guide you Ok one listener wanted to know if there were any women who disguised themselves as men and fought as soldiers this is RINGBACK true right absolutely the most famous was Deborah Sampson who enlisted as Robert short lived and she fought bravely until she got sick and was found out with her thank Heaven there are plenty of records including a survivor's benefit granted to her husband by Congress for sustaining her through the hardships she endured in defense of the country or here's another question about a woman on the battlefield Mike anger here from Portland made when driving down Route 95 in New Jersey I often pass or sometimes stop at the Molly Pitcher rest stop I'm wondering who Molly Pitcher was and what role she played during the American Revolution Well women went with their husbands to war where else were they going to go Molly is supposed to have seen her husband shot at Monmouth and taken over his can and she might be an amalgam for all the women using pitchers for water on the battlefield where she might be a real woman Mary Hayes who was on the battlefield at Monmouth another woman who took over husband's position this time at Fort Washington was Margaret Corben she was given the honor of a burial plot at West Point. Cokie Roberts you can ask Cokie your questions about how politics and government work by tweeting us with the hash tag ask Cokie thanks Cody always happy chalky Rachel. Wishing you all a very happy 4th of July This is Morning Edition from n.p.r. News I'm Rachel Martin and I'm no well King. Hey on the next World Cafe we celebrate 4th of July with an all-American road trip from California. To Georgia. And to Puerto Rico. And. Wishing you a happy 4th of July on the next well cafe. You can tune into the World Cafe tonight at 10 on w o u b Public Media your n.p.r. News station and Station 4 great music as well we'll bring it to you at 7 tonight starting off with crossing boundaries hosted by Deborah Brian Gibson support for Morning Edition comes from the Pomeroy Blues and Jazz Society presenting rhythm on the river at the Riverside Amphitheater in Pomeroy featuring Chicago blues and rock with funky mojo daddy July 5th the date information available on Facebook tonight we invite you to join us at 8 o'clock for a Capital 4th with performances by Carole King in the Broadway cast of beautiful now starring Vanessa Carlton the Muppets of Sesame Street Lee Brice gone west featuring Colby Kalai Hill and Adams Vanessa Williams lane Hardy Lindsay Sterling and Jellicoe hail the O'Jays and more it's a Capital 4th tonight at 8 o'clock on. The Wizard of Oz is turning 80 and the debate continues over what the movie means is it a parable on populism a manifesto for feminists Perhaps it's just a psychedelic trip with poppy fields and flying monkeys The Wizard of Oz your questions answered next time on one essay from w.a.m. You and n.p.r. . Big holiday celebrations don't come cheap Marketplace Morning Report a supported by Progressive Insurance offering its home port explorers so shoppers can evaluate options in one place when buying home insurance custom quotes and rates are available online learn more at progressive dot com and buy Babel teaching new languages with the spaced repetition method daily 10 to 15 minute lessons using simulated conversations that are voiced by native speakers are at Babble b a b b e l dot com In New York I'm and you were in for David Brancaccio President Trump says the 4th of July celebration salute to America and Washington today is quote looking to be really big it's also looking to be really expensive the tanks brought in those flyovers of military planes the president ordered and even his presence at the celebrations all add to the expense Marketplace's Nancy Marshall Genzer explains the trumpet ministration won't reveal the price tag for today's festivities but it can cost more than $10000.00 an hour to fly just one of the Blue Angels jets then there's the tab for moving tanks the Park Service will reportedly divert around 2 and a half 1000000 dollars to cover part of today's costs former National Park Service Superintendent Phil Francis says the parks need that money many parks are down to have very low levels of spending can't provide the services that they have in the past Washington d.c. Typically spends a few $1000000.00 on July 4th says councilwoman and Nida bonds but this year with President Trump and expected demonstrators the city will have to pay extra for police it's a lot of money money that can be helpful to persons at the lower end of our economy and Don says the administration still owes the city around $7000000.00 from the inauguration in Washington I'm Nancy Marshall Genzer for Marketplace. On the campaign trail President Trump promised to do away with NAFTA and technically we have a new deal the Us Mexico Canada agreement or us in Ca which Congress still has to ratify many of the countries farmers feel like they're going to get more money for their products and could get access to new markets but as Emma heard from to be a.b. Ian Atlanta reports the Southeastern produce industry isn't so sure when Britney Lee and her family 1st plants a blueberry farm in Florida in 2010 Things were pretty great There was 3 weeks of the year where the only fresh blueberries in the world came from Florida back in 2007 Mexico exported about a 1000000 pounds of blueberries to the u.s. In 2017 it was nearly $50000000.00 and those berries sell for a lot less in the same season lease as she breaks even selling her berries for $350.00 a pound this year cheaper Mexican imports tractor prices down to around $2.00 That's the status quo under NAFTA she and others hoped u.s.m.c. It would fix but it doesn't and she says the current situation is not sustainable it's a gut wrenching. Feeling To be honest there's nothing that can be done and it's depressing and it's a very difficult emotional. Time she's already seen farms shut down and fruit and vegetable growers across the southeast face similar problems since their harvests are more labor intensive and other highly automated ones like soy and wheat Mexico's cheaper labor market makes for big price differences Charles Hall runs the Georgia Fruit Vegetable Growers Association he says if trends continue within 5 to 8 years our industry will be decimated George will lose about a $1000000000.00 of economic value and will lose about 8000 jobs but it's not a new issue Mexican production has just skyrocketed recently thanks to government subsidies David Gans is a trade expert at Rice University's Baker Institute it's been a competitive problem even before NAFTA and NAFTA really didn't change it and the u.s. M.c.a. Doesn't do anything agriculture secretary Sonny Perdue says the u.s. Did try to add a provision to make it easier for growers to challenge seasonal imports but Mexico refused when I asked for a lot of things for Christmas when I was a child I got some things but I didn't get everything I wanted and that's why I train to go she Asians are pretty do the former governor of Georgia says he hopes the growers won't quote torpedo the u.s. M.c.a. And he says he's looking for a solution for them outside the agreement like legislation in Atlanta I'm Emma hurt for Marketplace. Let's do the numbers. The u.s. Markets are closed for the July 4th holiday the Footsie in London is basically flat the Dax in Germany is up a little more than 110th of percent the Spanish language broadcaster Univision says it's looking into a possible sale to make its private equity owners happy the company says it's hoping to attract investors from large media companies looking to add Spanish language programming in 2017 Univision turned down an offer that valued the company between $13.00 and $15000000000.00. Marketplace Morning Report is supported by Home Advisor committed to helping homeowners find local pros for their home projects ahead homeowners can get matched to pros read reviews and check project cost guys at Home Advisor dot com or on the mobile app and buy little passports a subscription service for kids filled with hands on activities designed to spark your child's curiosity in the world learn more at little passports dot com slash radio new episodes of the Netflix series stranger things dropped in the wee hours this morning today fans have been waiting more than a year for the retro science I had to return to the small screen for its 3rd season and product tie ins aimed at super fans have been everywhere in recent months Marketplace's Megan McCarthy Corrino has more on what's behind the unconventional marketing push. Through the eighty's simple and bring on the merge including a line of clothing age and retro Levi's dad jeans and a traveling fair with carnival games and a Baskin Robbins truck disguised as the ice cream parlor from the show got me 100 percent more excited superfan Tanner Costa attended last weekend in California and posted about it on Twitter these kinds of subtle immersive campaigns are very effective says Barbara Khan a marketing professor at the Wharton School people enjoy I think you're in on the story you're in on the joke synergy between Hollywood and brands predates social media says Jay. Squire who teaches film a us see the classic example e.t. a Film that clearly inspired stranger things and famously featured Reese's pieces after Eminem declined what a mistake that turned out to be the sales of Reese's Pieces skyrocketed even a forgotten product from the eighty's is getting new life from Stranger things Coca-Cola is reissued cans of the failed New Coke featured on the show maybe you'll have more luck the 2nd time around I'm a good McCurdy Corrino for Marketplace as you're getting ready to cook up those burgers and hot dogs today if you had to get a grill to do it you probably paid a little bit more this year because of the us trying to trade war higher costs for metals and components but it's not all bad news for us to part of Agriculture says a pound of ground beef is down $0.10 from last year steaks even cheaper so maybe you can sub in a Revive for hotdogs this year I need you there with the Marketplace Morning Report . From a.p.m. American Public Media it's a minute until 9 you've been listening to Morning Edition coming up next the b.b.c. News Hour. Public Media were w.b. F.m. Athens w o u c f m Cambridge w o u m i n 10. F.m. Chillicothe a n w o u z f m Zanesville streaming online a w o u b o r g we received support from the Athens real estate company and the alley and Liz mall team where a home is more than just a house a customized plan to sell your home is available at 740-590-8998 or alley at my Athens House dot com support comes from Ohio brew week 2019 in Athens Ohio a 9 day festival July 12th of the 20th showcasing 300 craft beers from 40 Ohio breweries a brew tours and tastings details at Ohio brew Week dot com. Welcome to News Hour from the b.b.c. World Service I'm Dan Damon Australian student Alex signally missing for days in North Korea has been released why did the of our it is there take him away there are certainly people and factions in North Korea who are paranoid about the media generally and about messages getting out that might be misconstrued also after brought a British Marine Commandos seize a super tanker suspected of carrying Iranian oil to Syria to brought his chief minister tells us the ship breached e.u. Sanctions the ban Yes refinery which is where our information tells us this vessel was headed is owned by an entity which is specifically sanctioned is human dominance over the planet coming to an end because of artificial intelligence and residents in Jakarta taking the Indonesian Government to court over air pollution those stories after the news. Hello this is David Alston with the b.b.c. News the British prime minister to reason may has praised the Royal Marines commandos who stormed a Panamanian flagged oil tanker off the coast of Gibraltar the ship was suspected of carrying 2000000 barrels of Iranian crude destined for Syria in defiance of an e.u. Embargo Jonathan Beal reports a team of around 20 Royal Marines were flown from the u.k. To Gibraltar to take part in the operation the tanker grace one had been tracked from the Middle East on route to Syria the raid was given the green light when it entered Gibraltar's territorial waters in the early hours of the morning War Marines were flown by helicopter to board the vessel by rope they were backed up by others including Gibraltar's law enforcement agencies on fast boats no shots were fired the United Nations says it's received reports that Libyan guards shot at migrants as they try to flee from airstrikes that hit a detention center near Tripoli on Tuesday this reported image in folks to Piers they were 2 strikes one on a carriage next to the detention center which was empty at this point so my dad said they tried to leave and there are reports they were shot at by Libyan guards they and the 2nd strike came in this hit a hangar housing 120 people this is where the fatalities happened it is possible that death toll of 53 will rise 8 holes bodies are still being told try.