In Cambridge w o u l f American w o u h f m Jellicoe the and w o u z f m Zanesville you can find us online at w o r g live from n.p.r. News in Washington I'm Jack Speer President Trump plans to visit Pittsburgh tomorrow to comfort victims of Saturday's deadly synagogue shooting N.P.R.'s Scott Horsley reports a White House spokeswoman brushed aside suggestions the president's language has contributed to a hostile climate in the country White House press secretary Sarah Sanders calls anti semitism a plague to humanity and said all Americans have a duty to confront it some Jewish leaders have complained that trumps own rhetoric directed at refugees and Democrats is fueled division in the country but Sanders dismissed that criticism saying Trump bears no responsibility for what she called a chilling act of mass murder you can't start putting the responsibility of individuals on anybody but the individual who carries out the crime Sanders added Trump will continue to highlight sharp differences with his political rivals in this final week before the midterm elections Scott Horsley n.p.r. News Washington rescuers in Indonesia have recovered some human remains along with pieces of aircraft and personal belongings from the Java Sea after a Boeing jet operated by an Indonesian airline crash minutes after takeoff the 2 month old plane with spirits pilots aboard was flying in good weather when it went down Stephen Wright is an aviation expert he says it appears the plane needed to be checked for issues and was not it has had an issue it's had some maintenance corrective actions been released to service and here's the way it thanks in its next flight the last contact where the flight crew recognizes a problem and then the VOs to come back home strikes a y. And it's in those few moments they are off to their last contact in this aircraft is obviously ditched into the states believed all 189 people aboard the relatively new Boeing jet flown by Lyon air were killed in the crash October auto sales figures I do want for a few days yet but some analysts are already bracing for a slowdown in the industry consultants j.d. Power and Elam see automotive both say they expect sales of slip slightly this month compared to a year ago when the need for replaced. As following Hurricanes Harvey an arm a boosted demand for vehicles after opening much higher stock prices plunged the Dow was down nearly one percent N.P.R.'s germs Rolly reports the drop came after news the u.s. May impose more tariffs on Chinese goods the Dow is up 352 points at one time in the morning but in the mid afternoon word came that the trade war with China might be intensifying and the Dow dropped as much as $566.00 points it later recovered part of the loss big exporting companies like Boeing were hit hard and so were tech giants like Amazon which fell more than 6 percent for the day Netflix lost about 5 percent the Dow has fallen 10 percent in less than a month and is now in negative territory for the year Facebook is down 30 percent from its all time high Jim n.p.r. News New York the Dow is down 245 points the Nasdaq 116 this is n.p.r. . Support for n.p.r. Comes from n.p.r. Stations other contributors include f j c a foundation of donor advised funds working to maximize the Empacher of charitable giving and to create customize philanthropic solutions learn more at f.c.c. Dot org and the n.e.a. Casey Foundation from the w o u b Newsroom I'm Aaron Payne the state's funding for local governments has been cut by hundreds of millions of dollars in the last 8 years which communities say has made it very difficult to fight the opioid crisis and maintain local services State House Correspondent Karen Kasler talked to the major party candidates for governor about their plans for the local government fund Cordray has promised to restore the local government fund without raising taxes we ran a bigger budget surplus last year than the local government funds would cost if we put them back and we're running in other big budget surplus this year this is something we should do and Cordray says he doesn't see any signs of an economic downturn that could threaten a surplus the wind says he'd like to help local communities with more money but he says economic uncertainties prevent him from making the promise cordura hats I'm unwilling to make a flat commitment or a totally restore local government fund over a certain period ta But I have said that would be great partners the states rainy day fund is near its maximum of $2700000000.00 But Republicans have said they don't want to tap that savings account yet Karen Kasler at the Ohio Public Radio statehouse former Vice President Joe Biden urged Ohio State students to vote with Democratic candidate for governor Rich Cordray w.o.s. Use Page Flager reports inside a diner in the Ohio Union Joe Biden did his usual routine with Rich Cordray in tow handshakes and very very next president ses one go up to the other and of course the shakes back home are going to walk away so I got very far Vice President said that he fears portrays opponent Republican Mike De Wine wouldn't stand up to his party or the press. He praise Cordray for leading the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau his stances on health care and his jeopardy level smarts person got a nobody is going to be smarter you that's a 1st that I've got after I got it all 'd goes uphill from there Biden and Cordray encourage students to get out and vote in next week's election for Ohio Public Radio I'm page Flager That's a look at your local and regional news from the w.l. You the news room I may or in pain. Here with crossing boundaries Oh you be and here's Eli paper boy read with the high and mighty brass band Well all right now. Some people. Never know what's next. live. Live. Live about. Isn't. It. The guy who sits next to you and reads the newspaper over your shoulder wait don't turn the page I'm not finished. Life is so uncertain. Given the true intellectual and emotional compatibility or at the very least difficult if not impossible to come by we could always opt for the more temporal gratification of sheer physical attraction that wouldn't make you a shallow person would. Forward a shiver lay what just to Chrysler what cornflakes are to Post Toasties what the clear blue sky is to the deep blue sea what Hank Williams is to Neil Armstrong. Can you doubt we were made for each other. Look I understand too little too late I realize there are things you say and do you can never take back but what would you be if you didn't even try you have to try. So after a lot of thought I'd like to reconsider please if it's not too late. Make it. That's King leg with the Little Richard song Lucille before that we hear Lisle love it with here I am Sally Ford and the sound outside with danger and paper boy read f. It's not joined by the high and mighty brass band for well all right now and thanks for tuning in for crossing boundaries tonight on the. Brian Gibson and support for the show comes from Ohio University Libraries presenting authors at Alton with John greening recent editor of Edmund Blunden is rolled war one memoir undertones of war greening will speak on London and the poetry of World War one with Associate Professor Nicole Reynolds Thursday November 8th 3 till 4 30 pm on the 4th floor of old and library. Coming up this will hear from Missy Raines the Jayhawks Elvis Costello right now the Gibson brothers. Everybody Hurts w o u b. N. The. For a rabbit. Every time. I wish I wish I. Just wish. I. Would love. To. Live to say. This verse for all the stuff. To. Get people. To see Above the full. Member. That. Elvis Costello and the imposters from the new album look now that was underlined before that we heard the Jayhawks smile Missy Raines with under a dark sky and the Gibson brothers starting the set covering our Youngs everybody hurts you with crossing boundaries on w o u v and support for the show comes from Ron Lenahan in d. Of precision pain care and Lancaster board certified in pain management doctor Lenihan treats chronic pain with minimally invasive state of the are procedures with short. Recovery times and no opioids information at precision Pain Care dot org One programming note Steve Stivers and Rick Neal candidates for Ohio's 15th Congressional District will debate at the Nelson court dining hall on the campus of Ohio University tomorrow night at 6 o'clock o.-u. Alumnus Joe Hallett a retired reporter from The Columbus Dispatch the Toledo Blade and the Plain Dealer newspapers will moderate the debate you can listen to that live coverage of the debate tomorrow night 6 o'clock right here on Public Media. At the World Cafe coming up at 10 right now Steve Forbes That would be all right. A mom. Mom. I remember. He did. This year is gone. She is moving on. Chasing news through. Finishing up tonight show with Vanessa Peters and get started Peter Wolf ahead of that with wastin time Graham Nash better day Jamie Lynn Wilson had the being gone and Steve Forbes or 2 at the top with that would be all right and thanks for joining us tonight for crossing boundaries support for the show comes from Athens good to cab and Athens Airport Express providing local taxi service along with service to the John Glen International Airport and surrounding areas information at Athens go to cab dot com Athens Airport Express dot com or 740-590-4686 I'm Brian Gibson and this is w o u b public media w o u b f m Athens w o u c f m Cambridge w o u l f m i n n w o u h f m g l a copy and w o u z f m Zanesville you can find tonight's playlist on the listen page w o r g. You're listening to World Cathy Hi I'm calling in for Tallia today get your scotch on it's the English Beat. And there's a little. Smoke. We'll hear live performances from the band and talk to founder and bottomless pit of energy Wakeling will tell the stories about the classic songs tenderness and save it for later and describe the sound he was going after with the English be Wakeling says he wanted to blend the sound of a couple of bands toots in the lace holes with the building of the great sounds awesome as if the 2 bombs were jamming imagines and them oh I go to break either. Timber Claypool brawl and failing because I was the singer and so I got to show off it's going to be a fun romping rollicking time with Scott Strode on this himself Dave Wakeling of the English Beat on World Cafe. Live from n.p.r. News in Washington I'm Jack Speer the man who allegedly murdered 11 worshipers at a synagogue in Pittsburgh is now being held without bail N.P.R.'s Quil Lawrence reports he briefly appeared in court today showing little expression 46 year old Robert Bowers entered the court handcuffed and in a wheelchair still recovering from surgery after gunshots he sustained in an exchange of fire with police he was surrounded by federal marshals he spoke only to respond Yes sir when the judge asked him if he understood the charges against him 29 counts including murder and federal hate crimes bars has no criminal record and very little history on social media other than recent posts against Jews and immigrants in an online forum he own numerous firearms all apparently legally registered and next hearing the case is set for Thursday Quil Lawrence n.p.r. News Pittsburgh the individual accused of sending pipe bombs through the mail to prominent Democrats and other opponents of President Donald Trump reportedly kept a list of elected officials and others he wished to target that's according to investigators that is closure came as 56 year old Cesar say auk made a court appearance in Miami after being apprehended last week David Weinstein is a former federal prosecutor and says this is not necessarily an open and shut case they certainly need to prove what his intent was the need to prove how and why he targeted these people they need to prove to some degree depending if they had any extra charges whether or not these devices were actually going to work whether or not they qualify as weapons of mass destruction officials discovered another package bomb in the mail today apparently meant for c.n.n. It was intercepted in Atlanta Florrie's are notifying some of those on say ox list none of the packages of so far exploded the Pentagon is confirming it sending more than 5000 troops to the southwest border the deployment comes as a migrant caravan made up of refugees from Central America continues to move through Mexico bound for the u.s. N.P.R.'s Pentagon correspondent Tom Bowman has more they will not have any arresting powers and they will not interact with migrants and basically what they will do is. Move Customs and Border Patrol officers by aircraft then by helicopter down along the border and they'll also create camps for them it various locations along the border we expect these active duty Army troops to be in staging bases by weeks and in California South Texas and Arizona 800 u.s. Troops are already on their way to the Us border consumers open their wallets last month of his monthly incomes are rising at the slowest level in nearly a year suggesting the current pace of spending may not hold up the Commerce Department says consumer spending was up 4 tenths of one percent last month as households bought more motor vehicles and spent more money on health care stocks after posting a triple digit run up at least for blue chips gave it all back and then some heading towards the close the Dow was down $245.00 points today 224000 442 the Nasdaq fell 116 points you're listening to n.p.r. . A strike by baggage handlers in Belgium continues to cause delays at that country's main airport for a 5th straight day workers at the obvious partner luggage handling company are striking amid calls to improve working conditions companies services major European airlines including Ryan Air t.-y. Easy Jet and British Airways among others according to a new study concern about the environment appears highest among minority groups yet most people believe whites are the strongest environmentalists Here's N.P.R.'s Dan Charles the study documents a big gap between perception and reality when it comes to environmental concerns among different racial groups when people were asked whether they themselves are concerned about the environment nonwhites said yes more often than whites poor people were more environmentally concerned than the wealthy yet all the groups believe the opposite that white people and wealthier people care more about the environment the authors of the new study which is published in The Journal piano yes say this misperception could affect people's behavior if blacks and Latinos feel that their own social groups are not so concerned about the environment they may feel less free to act on their own beliefs Dan Charles n.p.r. News shares of software company Red Hat rocketed higher today amid word that i.b.m. Is buying the company for $34000000000.00 in stock acquisition the largest in I.B.M.'s history would help the company when it comes to dealing with what is known as the hybrid cloud mix of on site private and 3rd party cloud services the hybrid cloud is viewed as an emerging one trillion dollar opportunity that companies are looking to be prepared for shares vibe meanwhile were lower I'm Jack Speer n.p.r. News in Washington support for n.p.r. Comes from n.p.r. Stations other contributors include visit St Petersburg Clearwater along Florida's Gulf coast offering artistic draws including St Pete's Dali museum that you who we collection and the Museum of Fine Arts more Ed visit St Pete Clearwater dot com. You're listening to World Cafe Hi I'm Calero so my introduction to Dave Wakeling was a little unusual sure I'd heard the English Beat as a kid growing up shout out to my dad who had all of their final but the 1st time I ever saw the Scot crooner pogoing around the stage was at a club show in a tiny college town in Illinois back in 2001 and that was 19 years after the last beat record at the time in 1900 special beat service watching from the front of the crowd I thought Who is this guy he hasn't lost a step it's 2018 and yes Dave Wakeling is still touring like a man 30 years younger than he is but he also recorded a new studio album Here we go love and it contains a lot of the infectious Dancy energy the English Beat were known for Dave has plenty of that energy as well we'll hear live recordings of new songs from the record in stories behind them plus the band performs classics like tenderness and save it for later I'll also talk to Dave about his band general public and the other spinoff from the English Beat That Be Fine Young Cannibals and how their success drove him crazy Yeah Ok sorry not sorry 1st let's get started with a live performance of the love you give it's the English Beat on World Cafe. Loses. South of. Us of. The places.