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Oh, my goodness. This doggy needs a home. But youve got to potty train the dog before well, yeah. Not yet housebroken. Oh, the doggys crying. Whats wrong, pal . Are you okay . Oh. Anyway this is the best dog in the croon verse. Meanwhile, theres going to be a dog Film Festival going on this weekend. I heard joan rivers two dogs are going to actually be walking the green carpet the late, great joan rivers. We love joan rivers. Rest in peace, joan. Anyway, were going to talk more about the dog festival coming up. But everybodys keeping an eye on the weather. Thank goodness, joaquin, not going to be part of our vernacular this weekend. Yeah, mike, it misses us, right . It looks like its going out to sea, yes, indeed. Weve still got to watch it, but right now all the forecast information seems to be going further and further out to the east. Good morning to you. All right, lets show you whats happening here. First of all, on esp radar here weve got the showers that have been running up into the tristate region. Some of us are missing out on that rain, mainly up around sussex county, its cloudy and then duchess and Litchfield County in connecticut, youre not getting the rain, but its pretty much everywhere else all in the light range so far, but there will be heavier showers coming to us later on in the day. Right now its light but still raw. Winds coming in from the northeast at around 1020 miles per hour, sometimes gusting up to around 30 miles per hour, but theres been a persistent wind, and thats whats causing the problems in terms of coastal flooding. We do have coastal flood watches and advisories, warnings in effect around the tristate. Temps havent moved much, were still at 5, weve been there 52, weve been there since 4 00 this morning. Temps arent going to move much. If they go up, its only by a few degrees. Heres the stalledout frontal boundary, wherever that is, thats generally where the showers tend to focus and that means, yep, were going to deal with rainfall out there. The area of low pressure right there is helping to pull up additional moisture off the atlantic waters, and you can see some of the brighter yellows heading in our direction. Its going to be soggy this afternoon, this evening and tonight. Well have to wait and see on this one. Take a look at the future cast. The closeup says, you know what . Yeah, the rains coming at us, in fact, itll probably intensify into tonight. Tomorrow its still showery, still quite windy, too, with that area of low pressure slowly swinging by. Even as we head into sunday, not much of a break. It may not rain solid, but it will be windy and raw through the majority of the weekend. Certainly not one where you want to do things outside. Then we have joaquin which is a cat four hurricane there in the central bahamas. Not quite there, thank goodness for that, those are more populated regions, but still its just been kind of sitting and spinning more or less. Come down as it heads out into the atlantic waters. Its far enough offshore that we only see some increase in the surf early next week. As far as wind and rain is concerned, we dont get it. High temp today, 57, 65 on sunday, thats when the rain wraps up and the coast aloe or the stalledout frontal boundary, anyhow, were clear next week, looks like a lot of sunshine starting on tuesday of next week. Greg and rosanna. As we mentioned, governor governor christie has declared a state of emergency. Obviously, this little doggy has no idea whats going on. Thats good. Chilling, man. Maybe this emergency will not be necessary, right . After what happened with Superstorm Sandy and the damage caused by that, you know, lots of people still feeling the effects of sandy, just getting in their homes. All right. Lets go to the jersey shore where its much rougher than the water off long island. Hi, teresa. Hi. Good morning, greg and rosanna. Good morning, even. Quite windy out here, as you can certainly see. The wind is absolutely howling. Its tough to be out here, and the sea is very angry too. Look at some of the waves that were seeing here in seabright. They are trying to repair the massive sand barriers that they have put up here. This is really their only line of defense because you have the ocean here, and on the other side you have the river. And typically when we see conditions like this, the two meet, and it is quite a difficult situation for them with major coastal flooding. They are hoping that doesnt happen this time around, but they are preparing for the occur. The town has removed a lot of, they tell us, a lot of things in the street and such that may potentially be lifted by these heavy winds. Theyre asking town residents to do the same. Governor christie declared a state of emergency here in new jersey because of these incredible winds, because of the rain that we are expecting and because of the waves that we are seeing that might create coastal flooding conditions. Or hes asking people here along the shore to put their emergency preps into place, and also a he has told people in other parts of the state like, for example, bergin county where they might see downed trees and power lines that they, too, should make sure they do all of their preps in advance of this storm. It is bad now, and it is expected to get worse as the day drags on. [laughter] greg and rosanna, send things back to both of you. I think after a couple of hours of being out here, the wind is starting to get to me. Yeah, right. Exposure people die of exposure. Teresa, thanks so much. Because of the bad weather, the mayor, de blasio, he has canceled his scheduled trip to washington. Oh, ill sleep so much better knowing hes in town. He has one of those progressive meetings going on in d. C. , but hes put that on the back burner right now because he knows things are happening here in new york, and people remember what happened with Superstorm Sandy. The good thing is were going to get maybe an inch and a half of rain this weekend according to mike woods. So, yeah, you prepare for the worst but really shouldnt be that bad. Ben simmoneaus live in battery park. Yeah, guys. Pretty calm and quiet here for a friday morning, just a light rain coming down. Not a lot of wind out here, actually, and not a lot of chop on the harbor. You can see the Staten Island ferry out there making its way back to Staten Island. We just saw the first Statue Cruises boat head out here this morning on its way to lady liberty and, guys, even though its only about 50 degrees out here, it actually was pretty full, likely of tourists heading out there. At least for them it will not be a crowded morning overall on liberty island. The city says dont panic, but they want you to know they are taking a couple of precautions. The city has activated its Emergency Operations center. Theyre putting out portable generators and lights at key intersections, things like that. They want you to know your flood important. That plan came out under mayor bloomberg, dividing the city into a number of flood zones. Should any evacuations be warranted doesnt look like thats going to be the case, of course, with this rain were seeing this weekend, we actually do need the rain, greg, as you mentioned, and thats pretty much what this is going to be in the city. It can be in places like the fdr drive, things like that, minor ponding on the roadways, places where it typically does get some minor flooding. Thats the story for now live at the battery. Rosanna and greg, back to you. Okay, ben, thanks a lot. On long island . Okay, yeah. They looked like they knew what they were doing. Long beach, long island. All right. Theyve been preparing too. Theres lots of water there, and people have built those temporary sand dunes to prevent boardwalk. There . Relatively mild out here on long beach so far this morning. We do know the conditions will worsen throughout the day. Coastal flooding always a concern here on long beach, especially after Superstorm Sandy devastated this city almost three years ago. This morning you can see crews have been out here. Theyre built this sand wall, this is a temporary sand wall about 10 feet high, and theyve done this to prevent the ocean from reaching the boardwalk as it did with sandy. Coastal communities like the city of long beach preparing for flooding, strong wind, any kind of beach erosion that might come with joaquin, and were also dealing with hey rain on and off heavy rain on and off throughout the day. Nassau county has humvees with rafts and rescue vehicles that can float. Authorities advising everybody on long island to gas up their cars, have an evacuation plan in place. The boardwalk this morning, the new boardwalk is relatively quiet this morning, but we have seen a lot of surfers. Tim and i, my photojournalist and i, have counted about 25 surfers who have been out here all morning long. Nothing is stopping them. I mean, so far the weather, as i said, relatively mild. Theyre taking advantage of the waves. You can see them out here and, yeah, its been pretty interesting to see. Other than that, not too many people out here. Greg and rosanna, back to you. Carrie grew, thanks a lot. So i was thinking last night, letterman, no longer on tv. I know, i miss David Letterman. Colberts doing a great job, but letterman invented so many of the conventions of late night tv. Stupid dog trick ares, top ten list. And it wasnt just dave, it was paul schafer and also big red, the announcer. The guy who actually not only introduced dave, but, well, had fun with dave night after night. Heres a little bit of a guy named alan calter. New york, the greatest city in the world. Its the late show with David Letterman [cheers and applause] tonight, stupid human tricks, katie holmes music from knoll gallagher he was like the don pardo of cbs, is that fair to say . Wouldnt it be great if he did something for us on good day new york . I hear, look, he doesnt have anymore. That would be something. I wonder what it might sound like . From new york, the greatest city in the world, its good day new york with greg kelly and Rosanna Scotto oh, my gosh, he just walked in the room. And now, with their last 47 minutes of the hour, greg and rosanna oh, my goodness. [cheers and applause] that was awesome. Now that youve introduced us, lets introduce you. Come on over here, alan, youre fantastic. And heres alan calter what a pleasure. Big fan. Big fan of yours too. Youve done voiceover work. Not just work with dave, but youve done so many voiceovers ive done a lot of commercials over the years. Give us some of the commercials youve been involved. Oh, ive put four airlines in the ground already, ive done a whole bunch of them from hemorrhoid products to Hair Products to cars, just too many to mention. I actually heard you even announced at some point the 10 00 news right here on fox 5. I did. A long time ago. Did you do, its 10 00, do you know where your children are . Is that what you did . I might might have. Its way in the past. You speak in the microphone all the time, they press play and record. That stuff is all over the place. You know what . I think its fair to say the height of your career, the relationship with dave letterman. I mean, are you okay with that . It was great. How long . 20 years exactly. I never had a nicer time or more fun time in my whole life. Every single day, if you can imagine, 4 305 30, i was laughing. No matter what else happened in your life, youre laughing once a day. And i was doing things that as a 10yearold my mother wouldnt let me do. Like . Oh, my god. I was taking off my clothes, i was singing with my twin, i was knockingday off his pedestal, i dave off his pedestal. It was a lot of fun. For 20 years. Whats it like . Your daily routine has been disrupted, at the least. What has this past month been like for you . These past months have been great for me, actually. Im mulling things over, getting a lot of calls, thinking of what to do. In this looks like a great seat for the next 20 years, you know . I fit. Hey, easy there, alan. Take it for the time being. No, i like the way he announced us. It felt grander with alans voice are. Well, he can also do comedy. Heres a highlight from your storied career. Take a look. Thank you. The celebrity interview. Alan, take it away. [applause] you did it to me again. What, what . You did it to me again. Huh . What . You must think this is hilarious. I fail to see the humor okay. I dont know what youre talking about exactly. I dont know what youre talking about exactly. Wait a minute, im right here. Here, let me introduce him to you, mr. Jerry seinfeld. Oh, great. [applause] that was a great bit. The rivalry seems genuine there for a second. It was. No, it wasnt. [laughter] it was great. And you were absolutely right, paul was a genius. He was wonderful to work with, the band was great. Pat farmer and biff were great, i still talk to them today. It was just a wonderful time every single day. And i imagine you have that same time here. We do. You know what . Whatever problems we have and lord knows weve got many we come here and for three hours we forget our problems, and we do laugh. You guys are great on the air. Thanks, alan. You take new york where it should be, and you bring us the highs and lows and do it in the right way. Thank you. Thanks, pal. David letterman. Hes got the biggest beard ever. Thats the real dave. The guy who wants to get into his sneakers and his white socks and put the hat on backwards and grow the beard and just be himself. On . Supposedly he was ready to move on. I give him about a year, maybe im waiting. You werent ready to move on, or were you . Im never ready. I love what i do. Howd you get into broadcasting . Radio, whn radio, and after that i did real people commercials, and then i did game shows. I was the announcer for a number of game shows as long as they were in the new york area, raising a family here. And then finally into dave. Did you do the voiceover for to tell the truth . Yes, i did. Remember that who is the real joe schmo . Joe schmo. Thats so funny. But ive got to tell you, im here for a very important reason. Yes, we want to thought about that. Yes. For the last 15 years ive been associated with united Cerebral Palsy of new york city, and they are the lifeline to, right now, 14,000 people with disabilities. Debilitating disabilities here in new york. They train families, they train people to train families to deal with people who have disabilities, and without that little bit of extra cash that comes in from new york city residents, you know how important it is to deal with the children and the families of not only Cerebral Palsy people, but anybody with disabilities in new york. We wouldnt get anywhere. We have a Golf Tournament coming up, of course. System. You need to talk to people in navigate you do. We put families with families, we also teach teachers and doctors to teach teachers and with disabilities. We do housing, we can. And a Golf Tournament isnt going to get a lot of people its significant. It is. Our own Teresa Priolo will be there. Teresas my cohost. Weve got to make sure shes off the beach. Yes, that she doesnt get knocked down by a storm. She will be there on monday. If you can play, please, anybody please come. But give extra money. Give what money you can because this is a life support system, it really is. The easiest way to remember it is ucpnyc. Org. Easy. So even if you cant make it right. You cant play golf on monday, you can donate. Yes, you can. Have. Just beautiful. Thank you, sir. Did you go to, like, school to learn how to develop that voice . You dont hear that kind of voice. My dad had this voice, my brother gary, everybody in the family has this voice are. It was a little funny when my mother spoke [laughter] this is what we got and we lucked out. Golden voice. So nice to meet you in person. Oh, its been a pleasure to meet you. Can you give us like an ending to our show . You gave us a nice beginning to the show. And rhee sanaa say sanaa say rosanna say have a nice day. Okay, i like that. It works. Thanks, pal. We appreciate it. What do you think of my dog . Please, please. This dog is up for adoption. Its part of a doggy festival thats going on this weekend. And i know you know joan rivers. Two of her dogs are going to be walking the green carpet. Oh, thats great. Isnt that great . Joan lives on. All right. If you dont want this one, theres something wrong with you. I know. Well tell you all join the millions who have already switched. We switched. And now, were streaming netflix. Who knew Time Warner Cables internet was so fast mom switched. And now, we can watch our favorite shows together, on demand. I switched. So i can connect to the internet just about anywhere with my free twc wifi hotspots. Join the millions who switched to Time Warner Cable. For 89. 99 a month, youll get 100meg internet, and hundreds of hd channels. Youll also get unlimited calling across the u. S. And 34 other countries around the world. Call today. I switched. Now i have a free app that lets me watch tv whenever i have the time. For 89. 99 a month youll get tv, internet and phone. And if you call now, theres no risk, no contract, no catch, no kidding. I switched to Time Warner Cable and knew exactly when they were coming. Thanks to their one hour appointment window. Switch to Time Warner Cable today. And ask how you could get a 300 reward card. Call today. Here in vineland, home of progresso, we love all kinds of chicken soups. White breast meat chicken every time. So if youre not going to make your own chicken soup tonight, do what we do. Make it progresso. You say avocado old el paso says. Zesty chicken and avocado tacos in our stand n stuff. record scratch you say stand n stuff tortillas old el paso says. Hey, everybody. Welcome to the movies. And lizzie. Look at how cute and this is an unnamed well, oreo is his proposed name, but you can name him anything you want. These are the cutest dogs in the world. Why do we have them . There is a dog Film Festival. Theyre actually calling it the dog Film Festival. Youve heard of the cannes Film Festival, this is the k9 Film Festival. Its the first annual new york dog Film Festival, lets see, tomorrow, right . Yes, sir. On the upper west side. Details on how to see it in a moment, but weve got some dogs to show you as well as the director of the festival and the director of a great movie called theres something about molly. Her name is sue carpenter, and tracy, the director of the festival. Is this the first time youve done . The first annual, but well be back every year. How does this work . Theres a pooch party tonight, so anyone who wants to come to the pooch party, they can come with their dogs, ruby and jacks dog shack, and then you get a doggy swag bag and vip tickets for tomorrow, which is saturday. Two showings, noon and four. So you can bring your dogs with you . Not to the movies, but to the party tonight. Dogfilmfestival. Com has all the inknow. Inknow info. Lets find out about the movie. Hi, sue carpenter . What is the movie about . Its about my dog. Its a tribute to how wonderful and special my dog was. She connected with everyone who met her. How old, how old was molly . She was 11 when she died, very sadly, before her time should have been up. But its a happy movie. It closes the festival. It is a happy movie. And these dogs are the beneficiary of the used to be on yes, 100 years its been around. Its the oldest shelter in the city. And halo, which is the sponsor of the festival s giving them 10,000 meals as beneficiary. So these dogs are going to eat well. Fantastic, but they want a home. Theyll have a loam a home by the end of the show. Do you know about lizzie . Very healthy, already spade chihuahua . Pure chihuahua. All three of these from the same litter. We brick them in from everywhere that doesnt have homes for them and finds them homes in new york city. Absolutely nothing you can say bad about a chihuahua. Why do they shake like that . To stay warm. Really . Sure. Warm. You shiver to be warm. Tell us about gregs doggy. This dog is the best dog in the universe. No, lizzie is. My dogs better than your dog, my dogs better than yours. My dogs [inaudible] yeah, thats where hey, guys, keep your day job. Yeah, we run out of gas. Dog. Theyre all from the same chihuahuas. Oh. Whoever would adopt them so this dog is fully grown . Two months old. The chihuahuas are small. Oh, mines talking. Not going to get a whole lot bigger than that. You know or we did the honeymooners, this does look like lulu from the honeymooners. Yeah. Very similar. Tracy, when you adopt them, by the way, how much does it cost . It depends on the dog. Theres fees, you know, puppies are a different price. Theres a big, Beautiful Black Lab for adoption. The fees somewhat are generated by the age of the dogs. Older dogs, you get a break. Theres always deals. All i know is that everybody they want gregs dog or lizzie. I want them to come to the dog Film Festival and see movies about dogs this one is really available . No kidding . Adoption. Tell us that theater. Symphony space, 95th and broadway tomorrow at noon and four. How do people get tickets . Dogfilmfestival. Com. Reserved number setting expwhrcht weve got to do something. Look, theres nobody here. Hopefully itll be a bit more crowded tomorrow. Did you get another dog . I have my other dog is called dolly. [laughter] and shes a golden labrador. But molly, this was something more special than any other dog, and everybody who knew her said the same. She was an amazing dog. Sue, where are you from . Im from england, from london. She flew in just for the festival. Well, thanks a lot. Yes. Its great to be here. Its really fun. I hope you guys can get away tomorrow. Yeah. For the film. Exactly. Be there or be square. Ill save you a seat. Okay. Easy there, tracy. Thank you so much. Thank you. The dogs, we appreciate it. And thank you to halo for sponsoring the festival and giving them all this food. Oh, halos good. My dog loved the salmon treats. Theres a lot of that in the doggy swag bag. Thank you. All right, so who remembers the stonewall riots . Youve heard about them by now. Stonewall, a bar in greenwich village. There was a famous, well, the Civil Rights Movement for gays essentially started there, rosanna. Theyre talking about landmarking the stonewall, right . I think they already have. Just recently. Anyway, johnny plays the star in this movie, the stonewall. Everybodys talking about it, they want to go see it, but its controversial as well. Were going to talk to johnny we stop arthritis pain, so you dont have to stop. Because you believe in go. Onward. Todays the day. Carpe diem. Tylenol 8hr arthritis pain has two layers of pain relief. The first is fast. The second lasts all day. We g ive you your day back. What you do with it is up to you. Tylenol. We are the largest and most Diverse School district in america yet we are one one point one Million Students one thousand eight hundred schools sharing one common goal. Help all kids succeed. Were new York City Public School teachers. Taking learning to the next level. And parents and the community are on board all coming together. As one. To celebrate the passion and promise of our public schools. Im michael mulgrew, president of the United Federation of you are looking at pictures from the summer of 1969 outside the stonewall inn. At the time, a very prominent and popular gay bar in greenwich village. Well, there was, essentially, a police raid, and there was resistance from the patrons. Rosanna, this was a major moment in the gay rights movement, what happened at stonewall. And its now captured in a new film called stonewall. Lets take a look at the trailer, please. We are all created equal. Seneca falls, selma and stonewall. Ordinary people can do extraordinary things. Wow. It looks good. So, you know, theres some controversy associated with this movie, but one thick is certain one thing is certain, everybody seems to agree that actor johnny bow champ is outstanding, and hes with us guy. Youve got to love that. Welcome, how you doing . Very good, thank you. Tell us about the movie. Its amazing. Its Roland Emerick decided he was inspired by a few peoples testimonies, and he was astounded at the lack of resources for Homeless Youth. So tell us about your role in the movie. I play ray or ramona, depending on what time of day so youre a compilation character . Rays definitely a fictional character, but rays essence is in a lot of other people. Definitely one of the people that was inspired, they were inspired to write ray and ray castro, who was a baker stonewall was, im sorry, a gay bar in greenwich village. Yep. What happened there . At the time there was a lot of raids going on. The police would arrest anyone, the three article of clothing rule was big. You had to have three articles of clothing to your designated gender, and if you didnt, you would be jailed. That was kind of a slippery slope, and there was a lot of gender queer that were down there, and they would go to the stonewall to seek refuge, to no one would serve homosexuals or trans people. It was a gay bar, but the cops showed up. It was the week judy garland died, and the community was up in arms. And it was also one of the hottest summers in history. The stonewall had been raided already that week, so everyone thought it was safe to go to the stonewall. And ed murphy, whos in the mob, he was paying off the cops, and they raided without, like, notice. So everything was kind of up in arms, and things kind of took fire. Johnny, whats the problem with the movie . Why are people not happy with the depiction of the stonewall . I mean, theres been lots of people talking online about, like, the stonewalls kind of whitewashing the history or eliminating key players from the history and stuff like that which kind of made us really upset. You were upset about it . How could we not be . We put so much love and heart into this movie. No one wanted to make this movie. Roland went to every studio, and at the end everyone said they werent interested and he actually used his own money he was adamant about making this happen because he was adamant that its 2015 and to this day theres so many parallels. Theres still 40 of Homeless Youth today in america identify as glbt. Thats a huge number. Thats enormous and alarming. So he made this film about the Homeless Youth, and theyre really the Unsung Heroes of the stonewall riot. Im sorry theres been some pushback but, you know, you make a movie about history, its true. Can we see you in action . Yeah, please. Stonewall. Judy just died. Judy who . Garland. Oh her bodys over at franks mortuary, im going to go pay my respects. Sorry man. You wont even give me a pack of cig represents . Ray, i cannot lose my job, all right . Ive got rent and stuff to pay. Oh, come on. Your just going to walk away from me like that . Its people like you, you misunderstand people like me, but thats okay. Dont worry about it. Go pay your rent, talk to your boyfriend. Do what you gotta do, forget it. So, meanwhile, have you ever stonewall . Of course. I grew up in the city, so me and my friends were always down on christopher street. On et we love set we loved to look at the red Village Cigar sign, just seeing that that in the distance, it was weird because thats such a part of my upbringing. I think they just approved it for landmark status this week. Its formally said and done. Are all the characters, are they all gay in real life . No. Thats good. Straight can play gay, gay can play straight. Also trans as well. We need more visibility everywhere, and transactors playing nontrans roles, were all storytellers, so theres endless possibilities, i think, if we take more risks with casting. I know youve been in shows like Penny Dreadful and stuff, but do you consider this a breakout i dont think i would have gotten in the room for Penny Dreadful had i not been doing stonewall. I auditioned for it in my trailer in between setups. Literally looking like ray, i pull 3 a pa pulled a pa into my office and glued my lines to the fridge and filmed my audition, and it worked out for me. Good for you. Johnny, i hope that wasnt an insensitive question, im just curious. A lot of the controversy happened over the trailer, and so i think it was a bit misleading, and i hope people will come see the film. A lot of people in toronto as well, we had a really positive reaction. And on Rotten Tomatoes, theres a 96 positive review oh which means everyone who saw the film in the last weekend must have rated it on Rotten Tomatoes and given it a positive review. I hope people will come out to support the film. Well, support of our its part of our history. Meanwhile, your familys still in the neighborhood . Yeah, yeah, definitely. My mom lives in manhattan, and my grandma lives in the bronx. Were definitely a new york family. Do they serve food at stonewall, anybody know . I dont know if they serve food there right now, actually, i dont think so. But they do serve drinks, and they do serve the tunes. The tunes . Oh, yeah. The music. Johnny, thank you very much. Nice meeting you. Good luck with this. Stonewall out now . Yes. Out now. Out now. Go support. Well put all the information on our web site. So coming up on good day new york i mentioned food. I am kind of hungry. Hi. Kristin, shes the executive chef of boca di beppo. Were going to talk to her, take a look at the restaurant, three of them. What does boca dibacca mean . Gods. Oh you can get these great bottles to of wine by the glass. Executive chef at these three restaurants. Plus shes got a new cookbook out, shes got an apron line which is being sold in bloomingdales. Look at that, domestic chic. You do look rather chic. Welcome to good day new york. Thank you. Thank you for having me. Im so excited. Breaking out a little bit. Is in yours, this apron . This is one. I have dulce. It looks like a dress. It does. That was my idea going into it. I wanted to line of designer aprons where you can feel fabulous in the kitchen. Are there male mens line is coming, itll be available in 2016. [laughter] whats in the cookbook . What are you talking about as domestic chic . The way that i structured the book, its all preset menus for different holidays and occasions by the season. Instead of your overwhelming cookbook approach, i kind of give you heres your menu and decor tips on how to infuse your table with a great theme and a great entertaining tip. Youre making a fritata, its basically like a heavy duty only to let. I like your explanation. Were all about fall today. Beautiful colors, beautiful produce. So i am doing a Butternut Squash request black truffle with black truffle. Here. We have some eggs and light milk. Together. Yeah. You can do heavy cream, i like to err on the lighter side. Butternut squash. Beautiful. Gorgeous. Were going to start smelling up this studio in no time. Kind of like a quiche. Yeah, absolutely. Thats our finished product. We can just pour in right in . Id help, but i was just playing with the dog. [laughter] yeah, dogs and cooking dont really mix. Hes outside right now. Keep your paws out. [laughter] all your ingredients nice spread out on the bottom. Here oh, my gosh, cant get enough cheese, right . Were going to sprinkle in cheese is my friend. Parmesan, weve got some great salt and pepper. Of course, we cant forget our black truffle, oh, my goodness. Oh, i mean i find women love this. Men are not so right, greg . Youre exactly right. I would not smell it. I eat it, but the smell can be overwhelming. Im a big believer we eat with our eyes, but i think women, we eat with our nose as well. It just comes, those aromatics are incredible. Our beautiful creamy baratta. Base. Theres a couple different ways you can finish it off. You can either close this off, now youre going to see our sides start to get firm. So you can either throw this into the oven whether thats what my husband does. Exactly. My mom does the same. Shes very good, youd be impressed. So does my husband. You cant get any better. Thats my goto in the morning. You can pop this back into the oven or cover it and let everything continue to melt. And a few minutes later voila. Look at that thing. Looks gorgeous. [laughter] it is gorgeous. So, kristin, how about you . Where do you come from . Im from california, actually, and ive been a new yorker for seven years now and, you know, so far im breaking out restaurants, weve got books, aprons, a little bit of everything. Where are the restaurants located . 55th and ninth, so i really like ninth avenue. If you go to ninth avenue, youll hit kristin at some point. And you can meet her in person at bloomingdales, i think the one out in jersey, right . Tomorrow from 122. Awesome. Demos there or signing booksesome. Im going to be doing a fall season, pumpkin. What are you doing . Pumpkin gnocchi. This is more of a pumpkin base, so its lighter, its healthier, a little fluffier. One reason why new york is better than california. Go. Oh, new york restaurant scene, done, right there. One more . The experience of the city, the energy. You hit the ground running, walking the streets. Oh, my gosh, it just takes you over. We walk here. They dont walk in l. A. [laughter] thank you so much. Coming up, were going to have a musical performance. No kidding . Yeah. I think you know them. Theyre called time flies, right . Time flies. One word, apparently. Well be right back. Hello my name is phil zietlow. I work on the Cheerios Team and its always bugged me that we couldnt say that, cheerios are gluten free. You know, cheerios are made from oats which are naturally glutenfree but sometimes grains that contain gluten get mixed in. So we came up with a way to remove them. Which means now, cheerios can be enjoyed by everyone just original cheerios . Honey nut cheerios too, buzz. Sweet is anything bugging you now . laughs are you getting the Internet Speed you need . [excited yelling] ah, yes you cannot stop it aww. Your mom liked my post. Youre friends with my mom . We all use it differently. So why should we get it all the same way . Now you dont have to. With Time Warner Cable, you get speeds from 3 megs, all the way up to ultrafast 300 megs. With no data cap. No long term contract. Even wifi you can use at home and on the go. Call us today. Prices start at 14. 99 per month. If youre not happy, well switch you back. No risk. No contract. No catch. Call now. Whoa. Another . Definitely. Switching to Time Warner Cable is easy. Call us and find out about free installation and our onehour service window. See why so many people are switching. From 14. 99 Everyday Low Price internet, to 300 meg ultrafast internet, weve got you covered. Even with wifi at home and on the go. Get it today with no long term contract. No risk. No catch. Call us now. I know, i know, i know i love their sound. Theyre a pop duo with a new album called just for fun. Time flies. Really, time flies when youre with time flies. They stopped by our studio to perform their song, worse things than love. On, put your body on mine. Oh, oh, so bad you know, you turn heads wherever you go. Oh, oh whenever we get together, i feel i dont care, no, i dont care. You know that you could take a trip with me tonight, i know you feel it, so do i. Girl, youve got to know there are worse things, worse things than love. Girl, you got to know there are worse things, there are worse things than love. Ooh, said ooh, come on now, ooh, theres worse things, so tight [inaudible] oh, oh, she free, thats right, we dont leave the sheets the whole night. Oh, oh, whenever we get together its a, hell yeah. Im fresher than the fresh prince of bel air. No, i dont care, you know that you could take a chance with me tonight. I know you feel it, so do i. Girl, you got to know there are worse things, theres worse things than love. Girl, you got to know there are worse things, theres worse things than love. Ooh, ooh, come on now, yeah, come on. Les worse things theres worse things than love. Ooh, ooh, i said, ooh, theres worse things, theres worse things than love. What do we know . Weve got a path that follows us wherever we go. We got to find a way to check our own egos. Maybe stay the night with a [inaudible] and maybe if its right you can wear stilettos. All you need is love, girl. Take a chance with me tonight, i know you feel it, so do i. Girl you got to know, there are worse things, theres worse things than love. Girl, you got to know there are worse things, theres worse things than love. Ooh, let me hear you say, ooh, oh, come on now, ooh. Worse things than love. Yeah, ooh, theres worse things, theres worse things than love time flies. Awesome. Thank you so much. All right, stick around. Good day new york is going to be right back with a quick check of the weather. Greg is somewhere out there. I think maybe hes adopting a dog. Im not sure, i think hes fallen in love. Well be rightCerebral Palsy can be caused at birth by a doctor or hospitals negligence. For almost 40 years, Jacoby Meyers has offered the specific legal help these cases demand. Winning our clients the money needed to care for and support their child. There have been many advances in the treatment of Cerebral Palsy. We believe you should be able to take advantage that sound. Like nails on a chalkboard. But listen to this family talking thats a different kind of sound. The sound of the weekend. Unleash the power of dough. Give it a pop. This moment is perfect in every way just like my kid gooey. Flaky. Happy. Toaster strudel. I pinky promised my little girl a Fabulous Garden Party for her birthday. So i mowed the lawn, put up all the decorations. I thought i got everything. Almost everything you know, 1 in 10 houses could get hit by a septic disaster, and a bill of up to 13,000. But for only 7 a month, ridx is scientifically proven to break down waste, helping you avoid a septic disaster. Ridx. The 1 brand used by septic professionals in their own regina, im not sure which one is re gene b that, but one of them is our facebook fan of the hour. Thanks so much for saying nice things about us. Meanwhile, greg kellys missing in action. Mike woods im right here. Im bonding with the dog. Youre bonding with the dog . I love this animal. I think hes fallen in love. Is he going to adopt i havent left work early on a friday. Hes bonding with orr to owe whos cute oreo, whos cute as can be and, by the way, is a girl after closer inspection. Anyhow, the layout what to expect the next few days, cloudy and cool with rain. The rain is going to be picking up later in the day. Its light right now, but the more moderate and heavier showers will come through from time to time this evening into tonight with a strong northeast wind. Thats going to pick up even more as we head into tomorrow. Tomorrow youre going to see gusty winds, coastal flooding will become more of a problem at that time, especially at times of high tide, and also some high surf. Right now waves are around 58 feet and could go higher than that. Then joaquin, well be watching that one closely, but at this point, it looks like it passes by offshore. Heres what we see with the winds as they stand right now, 817 miles per hour, pretty decent wind. Sometimes the gusts are up to around 2530. Windy day with gusts that are pretty high and, again, its going to be piling up the waters along the coastal areas. We of do have coastal flood warnings for the jersey shore, everyone else has coastal flood advisories. Keep that in mind. 52 degrees, central park. Stalledout frontal boundary is the focal point for the showers we have in the tristate region. Thunderstorms not really a problem, but there will be occasional heavier showers that swing by. Now lets talk about joaquin. Looks like its going to be heading offshore, so were going almost like a little noreaster. Anyhow, more scattered showers into tomorrow, and then it eases up as we head into sunday. Here is the track of joaquin. Staying out to sea, and it should give us some extra surf; but thats about it. Wind and rain not a problem. High temp today, 56, same thing tomorrow, and its all out of here by the time we get to monday of next week. So there you go. Mike, check this out. Do you remember yesterday . We did one of my favorite things in the history of this show. When we did the honeymooners, mike, you did a fantastic norton. Alice, i mean, rosanna . Alice, whatever . You were pretty good too. Thank you. And i got a lot of positive feedback. This is the 50th anniversary of the honeymooners. There you are as norton. [laughter] you look like norton. Anyone who really loves the honeymooners remembers when norton was the sleepwalker. What was he looking for . He was looking for the dog, lulu. There he is. And what ive just noticed, my friend, is that this dog looks just like lulu. Oh. What do you think of our benson hurst apartment . Ralph, youve outdone yourself again. 328 chauncey street. Have a good day, new york. Have a good weekend. Bye, oreo i want oreo. Lulu oh, wheres my lulu . Lulu. [laughter] remember the maxx your thing at t. J. Maxx with better brands, at prices that work for you. Make each day a little better. Shop t. J. Maxx. And maxx life we love, love, chocolaty, creamy, with a Little Something extra. Mmm deliciousness. Cookies or almonds. Yumminess. Hershey s is mine, yours, our chocolate. Here in vineland, home of progresso, we figured out how to get rich ingredients like bacon into 22 light soups, so if you want 100 calories or less per serving without giving up rich flavor do what we do. Make it progresso. You say avocado old el paso says. Zesty chicken and avocado tacos in our stand n stuff tortillas. record scratch you say stand n stuff tortillas old el paso says

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