Hi, dan. Reporter no shortage of excitement for more than a year and a half. An email scandal has followed Hillary Clintons campaign. She has always denied that donors to the foundation were given special treatment from the state department. Well, critics sy a new batch of email that were released last night has more explaining to do. Thank you. How are you doing . Reporter with new polls showing Hillary Clinton like iowa, the democratic nominee in des moines laying out plans to rebuild and mod he werize the nations infrastructure. Build a modern electric grid to teak the clean renewable energy, that is produced in places like iowa, and make sure it can be distributed, where it can be used. But as she looks to ride a wave of momentum. An old canle did a is casting new shadows over questions about whether top done ares to the Clinton Family foundation were granted special favors during the secretary of states time in that position. It is called pay for play. Some of these were really, really bad and illegal. Donald trump in virginia with a speech on revitalizeing coal and energy. Taking a swipe at the opponent. Folks, well see what happens with it. It is very, very serious stuff. Reporter mr. T attention from his own. Nothing you can do, folks. Although, the Second Amendment people, maybe there is, i dont know. Were are report the gop nominee heavily criticized after some say he suggested Hillary Clinton would be shot by Second Amendment supporters. Trump now speaking out to clarify those comments in an interview with fox news greta van susteren. There is tremendous political power. Tremendous. You know, you look at the power they have in terms of votes, and that to, obviously, that is what i was referring to. Reporter still,s recent strength of self inflicted controversies appear to be ig with aing done the poll numbers. A margin political experts say is going to be hard to overcome. So i have got to be honest with you. It doesnt happen very often, but the question that i pose to people this year is why has gone according to the historical plan . Well, not a lot ts back on accusation offers the emails calling them a mischaracterization, insisting that Hillary Clinton never acted on any of those requests and trullps remarks just yesterday. Reports indicate that the secret service has paid a visit and spoken to the campaign side. Alley sop, steve thank you, dan. Thanks, dan. Joe will let us blow the candidates stand and what states they need to win. All right. Meantime. Fifth avenue in midtown, where a guy is going up the side of the building with suction cups. Jen law merse is outside now. Jen . Jen lahmers is outside. Jen . Reporter yeah. Cops are keeping the public at a casual distance. There are a lot of people taking pictures, ready aring video. This gentlemen has been climbing up the side of trump tower using an apparent suction device. He is going up the east side of the from what i have been told from police, he came up through the promenade. He took an escalate are on the inside. Then you can walk outside of the building. He started climbing up on the fifth floor. I believe he is past the fifth floor now. We have a number of Emergency Service, the unit is out here, as well as tactical teams, trying to get him to come down, but through the conversations hes a been having with police, he is having none of it. He has been telling the police to watch the that is what he keeps saying over and over again. Check out the Youtube Video. That is the reason i am doing this. He is wearing a backpack. Police are not sure what is in the backpack back. Up with us they get him down, he will be separated from it, just in case anything should happen, or just in case anything suspicious may be inside of the backpack. That is the latest. We have from 57th and fifth. This gentlemen using apparent suction dea vice tower and they are not sure what the motive, not sure what the messaging is but trying to get him down now. He is not moving that quickly. There are teams all around him. So far, they have not been able to get him yet. That shot there on the upper right corner. You can see the blast out of that vent. There is a Police Officer in the right side of the window. They did that. They did that to get him to not be able to keep going up further and then went though left. Above him, too. There is a refliction or someone pof him. If there is, it could be. Yeah. I dont know if you can hear me. There are teams above as well. They cleared out a portion of the building where he was, you know, closest to where he is, so they can organize, they can try to negotiate with him. Yeah, jen, a great shot. They break out window the floor above him. They are talking to him now. I do think there is a sense that this is some sort of stunt, you we dont know that. It seems to be what is going on here without confirmation. Obviously, though, the nypd taking this seriously. This is a building that has all sorts of security give in the heat of the president ial election. You can see, this is something we dont see every day. Boy, it seems to be a part of this walkie election. The scene you see on the tv now. Yeah, when you think it cant get any engage. He looks like he is moving to the left and going around. He will not get too far. He will keep trying apparently. You can see the k bro in out windows. He is surround in every direction by nypd who aric tooing this seriously regardless of whatever it turns out to be. He has a backpack on him. That is the key thing. Finding out what is in the backpack. There were reports it was some sort of banner or something he was trying to unfurl. Adds you heard jen during the day. He got up up to the fifth floor. He took out the suction cups and started kralling up the side of the building. A. Yeah. The area when you get off the escalator. The level with the star bucks there. You have it going. Walk around. Make your way outside, climb up the building if you so choose. Just watching that, oh, my gosh. It gives you a knot in your stomach thinking. Yeah. A ladder unit like just to the right of center everybody, it seems like they are keeping their distance, but they are all you can tell, even when you cannot see, the mirrored glass of that building, there are police in every room around him, now. Including they break out the window on top of him, limiting the option we are goes from here. Right now, a wait and see mode, while negotiators talk to him through broken windows and however else. He keeps going up. He is going away from him now. Yeah. Obviously, the concern can you dont know. He has a backback on. There is a concern of what could be in it. You never know. He is going around. He is pivoting around him. He knows if he goes there, he will get grabbed. It looks look he is going left. He has gone further left since we started watching this at the top of the hour from below the broken flats where he was heading. Then he went left to win dev Police Officer above it right now. So it looks like he is going further left. It will be with interesting to see if they break break out another window to limit the options. And again, if he is attention seeker which is a mission accomplished. This is quite the sight for people in midtown, obviously, all sorts of trav issues, et cetera, et cetera. Everis gawking. This could become they are throwing something out of the within throw. Oh, you can see the reflection of they are bringing him up through there. Moving up. It has been a difficult area to get through with the security. I can only imagine at 5 10. What a message. Trying to get a glimpse. This building has become a tourist election. He is going around left. I thought they were going to pull through. He keeps moving left with those suction cups banging them into place, trying to avoid the police f. Now the next thing we are looking to see when does the next widow get broken above him. They finally grab him. Pull him in. See him there. I dont know if he is having a conversation there. You saw him wave the hand in dom me sort of gesture. The suction cups are the building like this. Those are heavyduty suction cups. There he is. He is attaching them once again to the building. He is right within reach or right out of reach of that lis officer with the blue blanket. I am mt. Sure what the protocol kiss for this as far as haze they do and try to grab him once they are in sight. They dont want him falling off the side of the building here. I am sure there is toll this point. It does appear to be some sort of attention seeker, et cetera. The backback he is wearing is the concern. They wont, they wont rest until they know what is in there and make sure he doesnt have any more malicious plans than this. He keeps moving further away from the police. It is amazing, too. You look at the way he is strapped in there. Three to four suction cups. I dont know what the material is. He has the legs wrapped in. Amazing that the guy is making the progress he is making in. That seems like from one of the suction cups to get a foothold. He is using the toast pull himself and go left, boy, i mean, just what a sight here. This is the trump tower on fifth avenue. The famous Trump Building and probably of all of them, this headquarters shall are, et cetera. This sort of stuff happening during this election. An extra suction cup there he is not using. You can see it dangling in the back. Having trouble to figure out what the strategy is to how he moves to get that is what he is trying to avoid. Yen, i am curious if youer on the phone. What is the situation like on the ground . I can only imagine . Well stay on this shot. It is captivating it is a real zoo on the street right now at rush hour. Ok. Jen is gathering more this is quite the image. Ewants no part of it. Right. It is incredible. The Police Officer stick his head out and negotiator of some sort trying to get this guy to give up whatever he said. He continues to move to the left with the suction cups to avoid over the broken glass. They broke the window out. He wanted to be out out of the before he continues that. There he is. Setting that up, making sure it is secure getting ready to take it out once again. Oh, the people taking a look. The question we were asking jen a moment ago. You can see everybody on the ground gawking at this as you can imagine. What a surface at rush hour. 57th, fifth. Doesnt get more midtown than that. Hot, humid day. Chaotic situation. Every time he replaces a suction cup and looks like it is slipping off, you go for a second. You seas t that is a thing, right. It looks like he has heavyduty gear there. This is putting himself at risk and people below, et cetera, et cetera. The Police Officers trying to get him down. He is surrounded now of what the end game is uncertain. He is trying to stretch it out as long as he can. He keeps moving out of reach of the police. That blue and green towel is where officers broke through the window, now the big question. Where is the next window that gets broken in the the climber getting hurt. Yeah. It looks leak is talking with them. He is not cooperating. You see him look every now and then again. It appears he is talking to police. We dont know what he is saying. If he is taunting if. There he guess again. They are communicating. But that is a delicate negotiation. He seems like he is not stopping one bit. He does not want to go inside, that is for sure. For sure. He has the the first time i saw him look down there. Trying to see what is dapping ling. Ok. The extra suction cup. It looks like he has four sore. He keeps using three of them. I have no idea how the setup works. I guess the good news is presumably. The backback what is he used to carry the suction cups into the building. Hopefully there is nothing of any major concern with within the backpack. He probably use had to get the heavyduty 57th and fifth. He got through the lobby to the fifth floor. There is a roof promenade thing. That is where he then started to climb. He is about five floors above where he started if my undernd staking is correct. Now he is getting, he is moving closer. We have Police Officer on the phone now. Former nypd Police Negotiator, frank, is on the line, who can main provide us with in sight as to what is going on i can hear you. I just wanted you to know. I am retired. These guys are doing the job. We knee. As someone who has done this before. Can you give us a sense of what may be going on out there . We have seen couple of conversations between this climber and the guys out the window. What kinds of things would you be saying to someone right you . Well, we are trying to find out what he is trying to accomplish. He wants to get the messaging out. He is getting a lot of attention. Now, i was concerned building. But it looks like it is possible, he is trying to bring himself to the same level as where that hole in the glass is, so he can get to him. You can see a Police Officer talking to him right now. But it is a question of you have to wait and be patient. Unfortunately, it will tie up traffic. People will be, will be given problems with what they are in their personal life, devastating results in personal lives of people, trying to get to a hospital or something of that mature. Right. But still, patience. Every life is important. Yep. On the life of a person who is not using good judgment at the time, with we try to safe that life. The Emergency Service cops are trained. They are a tell from windows. They rappel from rooftops and rappeling. Wait was quite an experience. Wow. I can only imagine, in eid. We are looking at the shot there. We see where they break out within window. Threw blankets down protect the officers. There is a conversation taking place now. That is what i am thinking about. He is talking to them there and trying to keep the attention. Again. Yeah. When he puts a cup on the left side, i have a little concern he may want to go around to the left of the building. Is trying to get away. Doesnt look like he is trying to make the approach to go through the hole in the building. Not getting closer. We have learned the nypd saying they are familiar this guy. He has tried stunts of this element before and certainly from watching him, it looks like he is knows what he is doing throughout. Right. The Emergency Service guys, they know what they are doing. It is going to take time. The bosses have to make sure you dont risk the servicep cos themselves. No boss wants to risk the life of the people who are working for him. They will make, they will make serious decision and take their time in doing so. They dont want to rush anything. You know, just, the impression, i think, everyone with is getting from looking at this, is that this is someone who is evening attention as to opposed with someone with a plot, you know, with anything like that. That is the impression you get from watching this unfold now . That is the case. However, we must always take the worse case scenario, prepare for that, and hope it is not needed. It does look like he is moving maybe back in the direction of that hole in the window. This is a big suction cup to see where it puts it down. Whether he keeps going up. Oh, actually he is not making it. He was talking to police. Looked look he was waving a suction company. No, way, man, i am not coming toward you. Ok. Yeah. With we will take a quick break and stay on top of this. I will be league you now. All right. Thanks so much. This is 57th and 5th. Trump tower. A man is partially climbed up the side of the building using suction cups. He is speaking now with Police Negotiators as we speak. Well be right back. Fios is not cable. Were wired differently. Ich means that in the time it takes mr. Wagner to pour a 20 oz. Cup of coffee, tommy can download 30 songs, and jan can upload 120 photos. 12 seconds. Thats the power of fiber optics. And right now you can get 100 meg internet with equal upload and dowloads speeds, tv and phone for just 69. 99 per month online. Cable cant offer internet speeds this fast at a price this good. We love the new York State Fair two words. Bonding time. Fried everything theres so many bands. The bands those pigs are just so cute cheesecake, on a stick. A rollercoaster the great new York State Fair just got greater. With all new fairgrounds, more rides and more fun. 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You know, were always told, he came out on the promenade on the east side of the building, be so there is actually an you can walk outside. It is open access to public. That is what he did. He started to scale the building. I believe he is on the 16th floor now. He has no interest in working with the police or talking to police. He is cursing at them, i am told. Was pradly moving to the left whenever they tried to get him to, you know, negotiate or climb through the open space. They actually break a window to help them get in. Hes into interest. He keeps on saying to officers, watch Youtube Video. That is the reason i am out here. Watch it on youtube. They dont know what he is talking about when he says that. I am sure that something obviously they are going to be taking stock in if they are not looking at it already. As i said, you know, once he is down, from the ground here, he is separated from the backback because they want to make sure there is nothing suspicious inside of there that could hurt Anyone Around here. As you in see, a number standing by, taking pictures, and taking video, it is quite the spectacle as you can imagine. It only gets worse as you wrap around the building on the east side. There are a number of people out there. They want to make sure everybody is safe. Yeah. You can see hundreds of Police Officers, Emergency Service Tactical Units are out here trying to get this . Guy to come down. It seems it was no mistake. The guy chose around 5 00 to head up there when he knew they know they would get wall to wall coverage. Pretty critical. He is taking a turn to the left away from the Police Officer. He was excruciating close for a long time. The hole in the window they busted out now he is moving in the other direction. Yen, we appreciate it. Yen, on the phone now, je twitter, chase jason chu, jason c1219. Jason, tell us how you became aware of what was going on here and your hi, steve. I live across the building from trump tower on the fourth floor. About 4 00, and alook out the with doe, i see a man that is scaling the side of the building. Oh, my gosh. With suction cuplike apparatus. He was scaling the building with probably about 30 Police Officers. Look on. This has lasted,oo now. About an hour and a half. Yeah. You work there. You are used to seeing this building be a Tourist Destination since the election. Everyone take selfies, et cetera. What went through your mine when you saw this taking place . First, it was a bit amusing as the Police Presence grew more and more, and they also closed the street, and also, firefighters and numerous emergency workers responding twitter video now. I am actually quite concerned about this machines life. Yeah. Jason, allison here. Question for you. Are you at work . Are you able to come and go from the building have they put out restrictions on Movement Across the street . Um, fifth avenue is completely shutdown with large police and also ems presence. We lost you a little bit. Are you able to leave i have not attempted. Ok. You are staying and watching. Yeah. I want to see. I want to keep everybody updated. Very well, jason. Give us the twitter account. Were you the first to break this. Jason c1219. Very good. All the best. We appreciate your time and appreciate you sharing this with ebb. You are the one that alerted most of us to what was going on now. He he is moving up and away from the left to the hole. Police punched through one of the windows of trump tower and he continues. Boy, there is a lot of back and forth. I would kill to hear what they were talking about. We heard jen mention he is sort of taunting the police and the police role here is to be calm and reassuring to try to get him inside without incident. It doesnt appear that is his motive now. He keeps moving away. It is hard to get a sense, too, at the beginning of whether he was going toward tt. Steady. You can can see now, obviously, he is making his way away from police. Jen was mentioning he kept saying check out my Youtube Video we wish we knew who he was. It may give you a sense of an motive. There is more to be concerned about. The political race, et cetera, et cetera. I would assume this is someone protesting trump. You can see, elaborate process. He has four suction he moves the other ones up. He keeps inching up and away are the police t. The big question now is, when do they sort of move in and take the situation out of his hands . It does seem, though. We spoke to that negotiator, the former Police Negotiator a little while ago. Be calm. Make sure he doesnt do anything rash. His life is a major concern for hem, too. They want everyone to come out of safe and that is so we got this dramatic situation now yeah. We will be right back. Hello its our new intern, barts first week here at td bank, hes a robot from one of those other banks. Were training him to bank human. I am banking assistance registration technology. Wait, wait, wait. But you can call me, hi amy. Thank you. Thank you. That is not protocol manager jenna. Thats ok bart, it is here. At td bank we do things differently, like having the longest hours of any bank. Dont just bank. Steve welcome back, breaking news. Much as we left you this guy continues to climb up trump tower. Using suction cups. Alison very little has changed at one point he made his way toward Police Officers, he is now above them. Well see if they will try to break another window to cut him off. He keeps escaping them. Steve very slow process taking these sucktion cups and moving them. He has 4 in total. Two on his feet. Police punched out a window. They did that before he got up to that part of the building. They tried to get ahead of him. We have not seen anything along those lines since. Where he is right now, it looked like they lowered down. A Window Cleaning type unit, but that is now out of the way. They are giving him leeway. They are a public threat. Nypd saying they were familiar with him, they used the Expression Center stunts before, thinking maybe he is an attention seeker, not a danger. But you never know. He looks like, i cant tell if he is looking down to speak to police or getting his footing. Steve he seems to be a pretty experienced climber, he talked about a Youtube Video. We spoke with jason chu who worked at skechers, he knows that area on fifth avenue, he saw that after 4 00, he shot on his phone that tweet is what alerted the world. Joe just popped his head in. He has been in contact with trump people, were not sure building, most likely he is not, because he has a rally in florida tonight at 7 00. Alison it would be trump to get there. Steve it is most likely he is not in that building. Alison among them jen lamb lahmers on the ground, keeping sounded like he was yelling profanities what is latest . Reporter i was told through my Police Sources that they have inflated an airbag. On the ground below where he is. Just in case he falls. He was flipping a couple of times, they kept an eye on him. It is important not just for the person climbing and also he does have a backpack on him. They dont know what is in that backpack. They say once they get him inside they will separate him from the backpack. All Police Officers are blocking off were on 57th and fifth right now, keeping people away at a distance, barricades, and Emergency Service personnel. Are negotiators, and Emergency Service officers. They are responsible for trying to talk him down. He came out through the fifth floor promenade, and made his way with the heavy duty suction devices to 16th floor. Then you know, we dont know if he made it past that. I am sure he has by now. He has been moving to the left, officers have been trying he has been combative, not listening to anyone, and not tiring. They are preparing for a not so good situation, you Highway Patrol for the best you hope for the best, but you dont know who he is, and he keeps telling officers to look at dont know , we heard preliminary reports that he said he was from virginia. And he wanted to speak with donald trump. Have not heard anything from his camp. N that. Alison we heard from joe, said that trump has a stop in florida at 7 00, not likely he is there, and trumps camp not commenting on the stunt thus far. Steve all right, lets get to audrey, heat moved in. Audrey big time. Like we told you yesterday, buying changes came in to the tristate area. You can feel difference with heavy thick air mass. Temperatures close to average today, highs in central park. This morning a muggy 75, areawide in 80s across the region. Were at the high in the park right now at 85, under 90 in well hit 90s across parts of the area into next couple days. It is about the dewpoints, this is a measure of moisture, and these numbers are soaring in to 70s. That is very uncomfortable. It is oppressive here, you can see on scale work some spots higher than 75 it is miserable. It will know it will be that way. Heat advisory has been issued by nation this is originally until tomorrow. But now they have extended it to saturday, with heat index values into 90s. Here is a look at radar. Severe thunderstorm rotating across portions of suffolk county, now offshore of the hamptons, a couple of downpours. Things should get quieter on south fork. We have a couple other showers, popped up across portions of hickville, these are moving east southeast, expect wet activity. Looking at future cast, we have cloudy skies, leaving a collapse for a shower or a thunderstorm, tomorrow repeat, a mix of sun, clouds, more clouds than sun, and showers and storms in afternoon. Well stay with this pattern, over the next several days. It will take weekend. Tonight, muggy. Showers and storms to weaken and temps will be in 60s, to mid 70s. Then stays with us to the weekend, we do not get a break until early next week. Steve all right. Thank you audrey. And. Alison wet weather for a climb. Steve yes, this is not a smart thing to do regardless of weather. Trump tower, guy with a the upward. This has been going on for an hour and a half, big crowds on the ground, people getting out of work, and traffic tieups. I see frustration on twitter, people saying this guy should not get the attention, and this is a Public Safety threat to people in the area. Crowds gathering, jen lahmers is minute. Well continue to stay on top of fios is not cable. Were wired differently, which means we can fix things differently. Thanks for calling fios. This is ryan. You cant tell me this cord isnt in. I know its in. Its in, but its not working. Im sending you a link to the my fios app that going to let me see what youre seeing. Really . Yes, mr. Mcenroe. See that cord . Just plug it into the connector on the right. Tech support that lets your technician see the problem over your smartphone. Steve here it is, the same place that we l left off. Alison on the phone, a former nypd detective, and former law consultant, tom what is your take on what is going on and maybe what police need to get him off the building. How about buttering up the side of the building, get him to slide down. I dont know if we have a disenfranchized g. O. P. Voter, i dont know what it is. Emergency units will be in charge of this, they are trained to go up to high places such as a building of this stature. They will do whatever they can to apprehend him. Preferably alive to interrogate him. Find out what the heck is going on. They also want to make sure that there is no threat to the people below or to the building it is unclear as to ha his motive is. I have not seen any reporting that that specified. Steve the screen right now, a big yellow airbag has been rolled out below him, in case he were to somehow become disconnected. You can see, his safety is the priority right now. While they try to figure out what is in the backpack. I am hoping so. I am hoping he is not armed with any type of explosives. I hope that is not the case, just i am hoping he is just a nut case of your garden variety kind, that do this in new york city on a regular basis. When they climb bridges and want to make a statement. They will attempt to to all they can, the safety of the officers is paramount and the building. The airbag will be effective only tests about 6 stories. Oh, i see. If me goes beyond 8 stories that airbag is not all that. Steve just briefly, i am curious, we saw back and forth negotiation they broke out a window. That did not appear to work. Out . It seems like we have not seen any more windows broken out since then. Well, i mean, i guess they will try. Im trying to see from Vantage Point of camera view, he could probably did far up before, i dont know if he can get up on the top. They want to try to get him before he gets you know to the top of the building, if he gets to the top of the building they will be waiting for steve we did that shot he has a long way to go. He looks determined. I would think they would probably want i think there is a landing off there, that camera just passed by below the tree limb, if they could get to him before he reaches that next level, before he can get to the actual top, ideally that is where they would want to get a hold of him. Maybe there is something in then, yeah. He looks like he knows what he is doing. Either way they are getting to him. Either at that lapding point or the top. Landing point or the top. At that point, i dont know what his you know, end game is. I would hope he would become plant and go c compliant ando with steve tom, appreciate it. As we watch this unfolded. On the ground level we have all sorts of people gawking. Jen lamers is live. What is the word on the street . Reporter well you there are quite a few people out here. Getting off work. And they come out, they dont know what is going on. Near fifth and 57th. The skies are looking dark. Out here. I dont know what would happen if it should start to rain. Being he is using these heavy duty suction devices. I dont know if they could withstand that. That more than likely a good the reason that nypd put that airbag at the bottom, they tell me he got the building in trump tower, exited through there a public promenade and began his climb up to the 16th floor. Where officers and the guys who are there in blue helmet, they were trying to negotiate with him, he has not been cooperative, he has been cursing at Police Officers, and gradually moving away from them issue he has no interest in speaking with them, they did pull him inside. That did not work. Have you officers above and below him. Trying to talk him in. Just to give you back ground on trump tower, this is where his ris dents in, and residents is and Donald Trump Campaign has been run. We heard reports he wanted to talk to donald trump, we have not heard back from his campaign yet. 58th floor building he is on the ska16th, not sure if he will tro keep going or li negotiators. They have a bucket they lowers on the other side of the building that you may or may not be able to see from there he keeps telling the officers to look at his Youtube Video, officers are trying to figure kind of message he wants to s send. We have bystanders, and officers trying to keep people away from the middle of the street, taking pictures. This situation is still uncertain ex and unfolding thats the latest here. 57th and fifth. Alison shot, scale up to see how tall the building, how much work he has to do, you have to wonder if he will become exhausted, that airbag is not effective if he gets further up. Steve he is just sort of getting a toehold on the r ridge of the windows there are times he is only connected to the well be right back in just a moment. Across new york state, from long island to buffalo, from rochester to the hudson valley, from albany to utica, Creative Business incentives, infrastructure investment, university partnerships, are creating a stronger economy and the right environment in new york state for business to thrive. Let us help grow your companys tomorrow today at business. Ny. Gov when you can take your hands off the wheel to get out of a tight spot. 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We continue to follow that guy climbing up the side of trump tower, with suction cups, he is pretty far up there. Surely. It looks like every few minutes he gets up another floor. That is then scary, police put an airbag kind of thing under to try to catch him if he falls. It looks like he may be on the point it could happen. Steve we spoke with a former negotiator said that airbag would only pro protect him 5 or6 stories up, he is well above that. He keeps moving u which was not successful, he is moving up the building, you can see alison look at those crowds. Steve everyone who is within eye shot, looking up, filming it the whole typical modernday routine. If this is a guy looking for attention, he has achieved his goal. Scaling in heightth of tourist hour News Coverage for an hour. No idea when it will come to an end, he keeps moving up, it seeps like police will kind of let him go for the time being. Unless they do something dramatic. Right now he keeps making his way up the building. Everyone looking on. Alison i keep window above him to get broken out, and police to scoop him out, it looks like they are giving him room to climb. But as jen said ita humid and potentially rainy. Steve it looks like they have brought down that window washing unite. You have to think they want to end this. As he continues to scale Trump Campaign even in florida tonight 7 00, the odds of him being here are slim to none. Alison also safe to assume they are aware of it now. Steve they are, the world, made for tv freak show, taking place along trump tower. They are lowering that bucket to see if that will bring the situation to a resolution. That is the hope. We spoke with the former hostage negotiat safety is paramount. They want this to be done without anyone hurt, atthispoint. All indication that is a publicity seeker. The backpack, probably used to bring those 4 suction cups into the building and he hopped on to outside patio. Alison you have to hope this comes to an end for his safety and resources that are being so far, he looks like he has no intention of backing down. Steve he looks determined. Has jen mentioned with negotiations we did not want to hear what police said, that is it for our 5 00 show, we go to ernie next, we will continue to monitor this. See you at 10 00. Goodbye. Fios is not cable. Were wired differently. So we wired the wagners house with 100 meg internet. Which means that in the time it takes mr. Wagner to pour a 20 oz. Cup of coffee, tommy can download 30 songs, and jan can upload 120 photos. Meg internet with equal upload and dowloads speeds, tv and phone for just 69. 99 per month online. Cable cant offer internet speeds this fast at a price this good. Only fios can. My son has meningitis b. But how did we end up here . His mom thought he had the flu and that he was covered by the meningococcal meningitis vaccine he had received. Until 2014 there were no vaccines now there are. 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This is a guy trying to he has been moving slowly, but he has been avoiding the steps police have been trying to take to stop him, jen lahmers has been out there this afternoon, what is the latest . He has been at it since about 4 00 this afternoon, where is he now . Reporter well right now he is still on the side of the building, using heavy duty the side of the tower, east side, through the promenade, that is accessible to public, you can go up an escalator to the promenade, he took it, got out to 16th floor and up the tower. Not sure of his plan, right now it looks like he is doing his best to not speak to authorities and i know that cops lowered a bucket on the other side of the building hoping to get him come in. There is a threat of rain right now, not sure what would happen in it does rain. If he would slip, that is why they have airbags, they placed at the bottom just in case he falls, we are told he did slip several times, but he toil officers told officers in middle of you know being

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