to a it measured up to last year's race... and what to expect for your morning commute. hello, i'm jennifer gilbert. jeff barnd is off tonight. promoters of the baltimore grand prix... are calling it a success.... despite the drop in turnout from last year. meliida roeder is liie downtown... 3 wwere some of the course is still being dismantled.... melinda? they say it'll take another two weeks to completely dismantle the track... including all the fencing and the grandstands.but they say all the access roads in and out of downtown will be cleer byytomorrowwmorning. in fact... crews got started last night on the cleanup... and they've been hauling away bits of the course everrsince. piece by piece... restoring baltimore to normal.overall, with how the race went off ed - this year. and they hope to bring it back to baltimore again in 2003. this... despite am obvious drop in ticket sales from last year,. promoters are quick to add that all the vendors and the city's tax bill have been paid. so there's no lingering debts - like last year. they intend to gather feedback from sponsors, attendees, and neighbors... and keep that in mind moving downtown - melinda roeder - fox 45 news - late edition. 3 we're following breaking news out of northeast baltimore, where police are on the scene of aadouble shooting. the vvctims being put into f -3 ambulances.severeal intersections were blocked by police near mathews street about 7 this evening... that area is just off of greenmount avenue.police are still trying to sort things out... but here's what we know tonight... 2 people were in the leg... the other person was shot sevvral times in the chest.we do not know the conditions of the victims right now...but homicide detectives are investigating and the search continues tonight... for a gunman ho openee fire at a house mother. 22-year-old larelle amos was shot early sunday morning at a home on the alemeda near richnor avenue in northeast baltimore.she was cauggt in the crossfire.... standing in the front yard when a bullet hit her in the chest. family members say theeshots ere fired from down the street.... where a group of men were arguing. (ms. murray) "and lorell and i was just standing there.. and she was like you know aunt and you know, life ended. life ended so fast.. for no reason at all." all." investigators don't believe amos was the intended target. she leaves behind a one year old son.... anyone with information should call police. you can track criminal activity in your neighborhood &pwith 'spotcrime.' get email alerts when crime happens. log onto fox baltimore dot com and click on spotcrime in the hot topics sectton. surveillance video sheds new light on the case of a prince george's county police officer... who claimed he was attacked by a teenager. teenagerr19-year-olddryan dorm spent almost 4 months in jail after he was accused of assaulting corporal donald taylor in february. but surveillance video tells a different can see dorm walking away as officers thee hit him in the head with a gun. dorm had been with a friend, who the officer claimed was wearing a ski mask and loooed suspicious.but dorm's attorney says they were just getting snacks at a nearby gas station... "he didn't just assault y client and violate he civil pights but he made up a story &pto write false charges agains my client." client."corporal taylor... has now been indicted and goes to trial in november. dorm as filed a 10-million-dollar lawsuitt a developing story out of anne arundel county tonight. ponight.rescuers are stiil looking for a man who went missing on the chesapeake bay today.a man and a woman fell off a sailboat abbut 2 miles away from bayside beach... about 12-30 this afternoon.the woman was rescued.they aree still loooing for the maa. still no cause of that fire in 88-year old woman ddad. fire fighters ressonded to the 22-hundred block ofeast north avenue on sunday evening...where heydiscovered the victim on the first floor. gertie horttn... apparently died of smoke inhilationand burns.when nnighbors discovered smoke coming from the house...they attempted to rescue her. (plumber) "my son-in-law and his brother-in law tried to get her out of the house but when hey broke the door in, they coulln't get her out because the fire came toward them.""and one guy broke his leg trying to get to her so it was too late." late."neighbors say the victim lived with several grandchildren...but no one and a two-alarm fire damages a baltimore county landmark... the blaze brokeeout sunday in the basement of ross' crab house in dundalk.six employees safe... a fire engine that was block away arrived a miiute later. the cause remains under investigation. when it comes to news in your neighborhood... see it.. shoot it.. send it. you can upload photos and videos to our website. go to foxbaltimore dot com and click on the "see it, shoot it, send it icon. you can also send photos directly from your ceel phone to "pics at foxbaltimore dot com." a city fire fighter injured in the line of dutt wants to get back to fighting fires... but is being told he can't. can't. bryan issacs suffered life threatening injuries in 2008.... after emerging ffom a coma and working his way back to health... two expert doctors... and the federal government... cleared issacs to return to duty.but the city fire depprtment won't allow it. a postion issacs' legal team says is taking a toll on him. 18:23:18"he is very frustrated, he wants to be a firefighter"18:23:30"this has impacted bryan personally. bryan has lost a marriage becuase of this." this." issacs filed a complaint with the federal equal employment opportunity commissionawhich ruled the city is discriminating against him. he's now working as a volunteer firefighter in baltimore county. backtracking on his lley is - question over the weekend.when he was asked on "face the nation" if people are better off today than they were four years ago... he said, "no"he tried to exppaan this morning on c-n-n. "here's the reality of our situation as a country. we are clearly better offer s a jobs rather than losing them." - (soledad o'brien: "but you said no.") "we have not recovered all that we lost in the bush recession. recession.oomallly will speak at thhs week's democrrtic national conventton in charlotte. that brings us to our question of the day.are you better off now than you weree4 years ago? ago?here's a look at our facebookpage.some oo you do say yes...a few more of you are saying no......and a few of you blame both ides for our problems...this question and you can join in right now by going to facebook dot com slash fox-baltimore 3 bad day for a-eeg.... the promoters of michael jackson's comeback tour.... newly releaaed emails... show they were concerned about the pop staa just months before his dea. death. the emails were leaked to thee lawsuit against a-e-g, which - stands to lose its 17.5 million dollar insurance policy... purchased in case one email... a promoter called jackson quote - "drunk and despondent" and "an emotionally paralyzed mess." a-e-g claims the emails are incomplete... and ere rrleaseddto portray the company in a negative light. 3 natss "...therr he is...haha" is...haha" bad day foo a minnesota man who spent five hours ripping apart his car to rescue a python. kevin fawver had good intentions when he picked p the pytton from the side of the road... but when he put it it slithered it's waa into a - hole... and got stuck. kevii had to make the hole even biiger to each the snake.... whicc is now being adopted by a woman who saw the ssory.but after saving the snake twice.. kevin found it hard to let go. fawver: "i never thought i would grow feeling for it. but my gosh, my whole family was llke let's go see it." it." experts say the snake is lucky to find a home... ssnce most animal shelters won't accept pythons and it probably storms making their way through the area tonight.... 3 this is what it looked like ii north baltimore earlier this under a flood warning because of heavy rains.... hopefully, we're in the clear now. let's check in with chief meteorologist vytas reid who's been tracking the storms. vytas? 3 3 ---crash nats-- nats-- chaos at a monster trucc show... what caused a drivee to lose control and slam into the stands. detective jennifer ciaccia - "policing is a partnershii, we want you to be involved on that level but we do not want you to try and solve your own crimes or try and pursue suspects, ever." ever." a carjacking ends in a deadly crash ... and policc blame the victim. why they say his death could have been prevented. and a gruesome discovery for beach goers ... why thousanns of rats are washing ashore ... and the reason it could lead to a major heaath hazard. & [ female announcer ] over the years, your mouth has sipped, snacked, ...yellowed... lived, loved, ...yellowed... chatted, chewed, ...yellowed. and over all those years, your teeth...have yellowed. fact is, if you're not whitening, you're yellowing. crest 3d white whitestrips remove over ten years of stains by going below the enamel surface. and, they whiten 25 times better than a leading whitening toothpaste. crest whitestrips. life opens up when you do. ssveral people are injured after a monster truck show takes a dangerous turn.the scary moments weee caught on camera..... as an out of control driver plowed into the stands.lauren mickler has the latest on the investigation ... and wwat may have caused the crash. it was a very scary accident. "his hydraulic steering broke and the truck veered right, hard right, and he had no control at that point." but event director daniel mills says, luckily, it didn't turn out nearly aa bad as some peopll feared. "at ground level, that would have been a much worse situation. the berm being raised like that is a barrier, there's a ud bog strip at the base of that was supposed to act as a barrier also, but he just clipped the edge of that." mills says the berm, this raised dirt barrrer, is taller than most berms, but even though organizers thought they had taken the necessary steps to protect spectators, mills and his sttff are learning from saturday's incident. "we did everything we could, that we thought was possible, to keep everybody safe here and we're not going to stop. so, we'rr and we learned something. , - sometimes you only learn when you see it happen." and evvn though fans saw it happen... (nats) many still decided to come out to the event tte next where thee watch from. "i was excited either way. i just decided that i'ddprobably sit a little bit further away and still enjoo it." "we see people up close and you're always thinkinn what if, so we ddn't sit close for that reason, but not ours with the little ones we can't move quite as fast." 3 people were hit by the truck's 48-inch tires... and taken to a hospital with non- pife-threatening injuries.the &ptruck driver was not hurt. a leveland mannis killed in a car crash that police say could have been preeented if he'd just lettthem do their job. job. buddy blair died sunday.... when this car crashed into a fire hydrant and rolled onto its side. police say the subbru belonged to blair... but he loaned it to a friend who was carjacked earlier that day.blair had called police who came to take he lattr.... he spotted the stolen car driving by... and took matters into his own hands. jennifer ciaccia - "he then runs up to the vehhcle, grabs onto the side of it, and is hanging on by the luggage rack. at which point the driver offthe vehicle accelerates ann takes off from police. police chased affer the car... which crasheddmoments lattr. the driver was arrested at the scene. 3&thousands of swamp rats washing ashore in mississippi... after hurricane isaac.the rodents are turning up on beaches.... after drowning in the marsh during last week's storm.crews are scrambling to clean up the carcasses ... before it gets any warmer.they say the heat could causeethe rats to swell and pop.... which could lead to a major health hazzrd. it's finally dryed off ut there... but will the raii retu. return.let's check back with chiee meteorologist vytas reid. 3 "she really campaigned realll &phard, you know, before election and up ntil she passed away." 3 3&an alabama oman elected mayor... even though she's already dead. why residents voted ffr her.... and the loophole that let it haapen. a house parry ends in a double off the gunman who turned him himself inn you're on timeout leo! some things won't last 25 years. ah! woof! some things will. who are these guys? oh, that's just my buds. bacon, donuts. -my taste buds. -[ taste buds ] waffles. how about we try this new kind of fiber one cereal? you think you're going to slip some fiber by us? rookie. okay. ♪ nutty clusters and almonds, ♪ ♪ almonds. ♪ fiber one is gonna make you smile. ♪ [ male announcer ] introducing new fiber one nutty clusters and almonds. with 43% daily value of fiber for you. crunchy nutty clusters and real almond slices for your taste buds. some things won't last 25 years. ah! woof! some things will. when electing a mayor... commoo sense would tell you the candidate should at least be alive. 3 this is janice canham.... she was re-elected mayor of jacksons' gap, alabama last week.problem is....she's been dead since july 30th. alabama candidate's name to remainnon the ballot, even after death. it's meant to prevent candidates from killing rivals in order to win. canham beat oot her opponent michael crouch... who earned only 66 votes... after running a nasty campaign that maay residenns resenned. "it ould have been some that were voting against mr. crouch because there was a lot of negative things." "people love to leave a legacy and i knnw it was her hope and desire to to beemayor and to move jacksons' gap forward." 3 the town council will now have to appoint a new mayor after the term starts in november. and common sense says... police shouldn't be too busy to aarest a killer. a party at this house in detroit, ended in gunfire... leaving two people dead and two others injured..the suspected gunman tried to turn himself into authorities at a fire station. but when firefighters called police, no squad cars ever showed up.detroit police say they're deaaing with cutbacks &pand patrols were too busy wit "high-priority runs."the suspect actually left the ffre station.... and was abll to surrender himself at a police precinct. "i saw it coming this way and it was low, and i was like 'oh my osh it's going to crash in my backyard'." backyard'." p surprise invasion by a blackhawk helicopter... whh it landed in this wommn's backyard. get this... a blackhawk helicopter lands unexpectedly in a backyarr in indianapolis. came as quite a suprise to nikki schulz.... a young mom who had no idea that 60 marijuana plants were growing behind her house. turns was the indiana national guard...doing a drug bust. nikki was in a panic... until the troops told hhr what was happening. she says it would have been worse, if her little boy was home at the time. schultz says: " (covered with video of her soo): "i would have been even more scared, (on cam) because i really thought they were going to hii the house, (covered with a still of the chopper) and so i was running around frantic juut by myself so it would have een even worse with him (her son)." son)." as scared as schultz was...she still snapped those pictures... 3ocumenttng the "bust"... 3 33 3 "bust"... 3 3 in the 7th but the blue jays have the bases loaded and one out...see if the o's bullpen could hold the in sports unlimited... that's all for the late edition, thanks so much for joining us. i'm jennifer gilbert. up next is bruce cunningham... sports unlimited starts right now. 3 3 3 no matter what else happens in this miracle of a season, the orioles can make this claim.. on ssptember 3rd, thee were within a game of tte lead in the american league east.yes, you heard that right...a single game..the first place yankees llst to tampa bay while the birds took care of business againsttoronto... toronto...bottom of the 2nd... o's up 1-0...yunel escobar lays down a bunt...manny machado shows off his strong arm...mark reynolds with great footwork at first to get the out...orioles defense hhs done a 1-80 since the all-star 5...nick markakis goes with the pitch down the left field line...great piece of hitting...robert andino scores...rbi double...2-0 o' man up...jj hardy scorches it down the line... markakis scores...back-to-back rbi doubles...orioles lead 3-0....joe saunders making his 2nd orioles start...his first one was a disaster...this was much better....bottom of the 6th...strikes out colby rasmus third scoreless frames by saunners....bottom of the 7th...3-0 o' ays have tte basee loaded and one out... .luis ayala gets moises sierra pwinging forrthe 2nd out.... next batter...jeff mathis flies out to jays did not get another base runner...o's shutout toronno 4-0... 3 saunders had a no-hitter through 5 and 2 thirds....j win...zach britton wiil make the start for the o's tomorrow... could the o's make up ground on the yankees???...visiting yaakees down 2-1..raul ibanez to right...ben francisco bad dive...goes to the wall...alex rodriguez fresh off the d-l scores from first..ties it at 2....bottom 8...tied at 3... chris gimenez grounds it to 2nd...under robinson cano's the plate...tampa leads 4-3.... in the 99h...fernando rodney gets curtis granderson swinging to end it...rays win 4-3...o's so close to the division lead they can taste it... here's a look at the updated a-l east standings... the birds are just one game the yankees for 4 starting on thursday... meanwhile, back in baltimore... thh nfl mandated 53, the to ravens are now rfeady to start the season..they open up &pmonday night at home against divisional rival cincinnati... ciicinnati...while they struggled at times during the pre-season, the ravens in general aere pretty plaeased with theway the oofensive line has shaped's beginning to gel, and become a cooesive do with rookie oletcci s to osemele, their second round draft pick, who had impressed mightily during the pre-season..he may r may not become a staater, but you will hear from this kid. 33 it's now time to annnunce the candidates in high school game of the week contest...brought network dot can vote for the game you'd like to see highlights of by going to fox- baltimore dot com and clicking on high school game of he week. week... here's this week's slate of games for friday september 7th...river hill hosts brradneck in volleyball... patterson mill and c. milton wright meet in football... catonsville travels to perry hall in football...and mount de sales hosts atholton in field hockey... that'll do it for thissedition of sports unlimited...i'm bruce cunningham...

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United States ,North Baltimore ,Ohio ,Alabama ,River Hill ,Indianapolis ,Indiana ,Minnesota ,Toronto ,Ontario ,Canada ,Cincinnati ,Dundalk ,Mississippi ,Woman ,American ,Zach Britton ,Perry Hall ,Curtis Granderson ,Chris Gimenez ,Los Angeles ,Jennifer Gilbert ,Fernando Rodney ,Nikki Schulz ,Raul Ibanez ,Colby Rasmus ,Donald Taylor ,Manny Machado ,Michael Jackson ,Bruce Cunningham ,Luis Ayala ,Jeff Mathis ,Robert Andino ,Joe Saunders ,Ben Francisco ,Alex Rodriguez ,C Milton Wright ,Melinda Roeder ,

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