late edition.../, i'm... jeff barnd. barndd and i'm jennifer gilbert., chaos after a serious boating accident that sends children to thh hospital.. hospital..a ... head-on ...collision... on... the water..////. police... release ...the... 9-1-1 calls... from... thee.. accident... involving... state lawmaker... don dwyer.. / who... admits... ádrinkingá... before... the crash.../. crash.../. keithh.. daniels,... streaming live... in pasadena ... with... the... emerggncy calls.. keith. keith. jeff.... the magothy river is just beyond those homes..... some of the people who live in this neighborhood.. including children were involved in that accident.. and tonight we hear the frantic calls for help... from one man who jumped into action. action. &p(áááááánats up full: ááááááááá)witness: "i saw it happen.."911 operator: "how many people did you see go people flying in the water. i don't know. they may be ok, they may not. i'm not sure." witness: "there was one boat flying, that seemed like full throttle and the other was towing some kids." kids." in all.. four children and two adults were seriously hurt, including del. dwyer, who admitted he'd been drinking before his boat collided with another vessel. after the aacident.. he talked publicly about it. it. 3 "it is true that i was drinking while opertaing my boat yesterday. ii has also been reported that my blooo alcohol level was .20. no one should be drinking while operating a motor vehicle or powerboat." investigators are trying now to determine exactly what causee the crash.. including talking to witnesses, many who acted courageously that day. 3 dwyer has not been charged. police say the investigation could take several weeks. live in pasadena..keith daniels, fox 45 news, late edition. 3 3 we are tracking breaking news out of baltimore county. county. a boater is missing in frog mortar creek near martin state says the man jumped into the water to help two swimmers who were later ressued. the search for the man has been suspended or the night. dive teams will continue the search tomorrow morning. p3 a ... high school... student... is... in stable... but... critical conddtion.../ after... he... was shot... p in... the... perry hall... high school cafeteria... monday...///. kathleen explains... what happened... monday.../...and... the clues... police... are finding... about... áwhyá... the suspect ...started shooting shooting phe... family of the shooting victim... released this statement... today../."we... would... like to... personally thank personnel ... who... quickly responded, ... getting daniel... to safety...//.we'd... also... like to thank... baltimore county e-m-s.../, e-m-s.../, baltimore county... and... maryland state police... who quickly... ransported daniel.... to... the... ár... adams cowley... shock trauma... center.../ the shooting is raising a lot of questions whether administrators should monitor social media for signs of trouble. trouble. moments before the accused gunman opened fire, there was a posting on his facebooo page which read....."first day of school....last day of my life.." llfee..."some schools now regularly monitor social &pmedia to keep track of troubled students..... the principal at perry hall high school says the growing number of social media sites makes it virtually impossible to track. (22:52:24) "i think in terms of looking at it closer i don't know if any more or less of what we have cause there's so much out there and so much volume of information. we certainly take action if somethings sent to us we follow if something needs to be investigated, it is investigated." investigated." some schools are hiring outssde firms to monitor what their students are saying online.... but already there are complaints that the monitoring violates their first amendment rights. that brings us to our question of the day.should schools monitor social media for signs of troubled students? students? go to our facebook page and let us know what you think. 3 baltimore's... newly appointed ...police commissioner... took questions... today...//. we... learned.../ commissioner... anthony batts... mee with... commanders... this morning.../ and... were... told... to... compete... for posiiions.... by... submitting... resumes. resumes.batts... led departments... in... long beach... and oakland.../ but... left... oakland... after... a rocky relationship... with... the mayor..../// most... batts ... was... the c-e-o... of... a... police consulting firm.../ and... served... as a.. researcher... for... harvard university. 23:22:07 if i do my job correctly and well when my &ptime is up is that we make sure we have someone from baltimore put in that position and serves the organization co" continuously." several ...council members... wanted ...acting commissioner... anthony barksdale... appointed../.and... voiced their concerns ...outside city hall today. people turn out in huge of a prince george's county l - police who was killed while pursuing two suspects along interstate 95. 95.23- year- old adrian morris was killed last week when he lost control of his cruiser on the interstate near beltsville. another officer was also injured.morris was buried in davidsonvilll. b.g.e.... continues... to install... smart meters... to... residdnts.../ aimed... at... giving... the... utility... more... accurate... information... about... energy... use...///. but... john rydell says.../ some... critics... are concerned... about.. safety... ((nats-street))in downtown baltimore....a small but passionategroop of turning heads.. "it says moratorium on smart meters, it means stop, please stop smart meters, we don't want them, they're not healthy."they're upset that b.g.e. is installing new, high-tech smart meters in their homms.some claim...they emit harmful radio frequency. (protester) "i had cancer, i don't want any more radiation." others...say those meters have proven to e other states. (libber) "there's a series of fires all around the country involving smart meters aad just recently in philadephia, there were 12 smart meters that caught on fire in very short rapid succession."but b.g.e. officials...are telling members of thepublic service commission...their meters are perfectly safe. (gould) "we've installed about 60,000 meters largely in the anne arundel county area but in the southern part of our territory. not one time have we had a fire or a sparking incident." utility officials are also disputing claims... thhse meters...aree hazardous. (gould) "microwaves, cellphones things of that nature, those items emit thousands and in some cases much more radio frequency than a smart meter." (rydell) "if for whatever reason do not want one of those smart meters installed in your home, you can contact bge and let them know you want po opt out, so you can keep your old meter, at least temporarily."(glass) "but it's only temporary so i want a permanent opt out so that the citizens of maryland can decide for themselves whether or not they want a smart meter."but that decision...will be up to the p.s.c. in baltimore, john rydell, fox 45 news...laae eddtion. bge ... officials... are expected ... p to... install... smart meters... in... all homes... work... continnes... this hour... on... eaat... monument street... to... repair a sinkhole. sinkhole.crews... filled the hole again... after... weekend rains... washed... tons... of... material away...//. several... homes... were evacuated... yesterday..../ today,... those evacuations... have... been lifted,.../ and... the... sidewalks are open....//the ... timetaaleestays... the same,.../ though-- it... could be ...iito november ... when ... the road... is... finally reopened. gregory crowell, east baltimore: s 28.21 "it's messed up. one minute, the businesses are open, the next minute, they're closed.""ikia grimes: 55.25 "i feel like my building is gonna collapse eventualll. they keep patching pt up instead of solving the actual problem." problem." public works officials... say... thh... old storm drain tunnel ... dates back... to the 1800s, .../// 3 a bad day or prostitutes in virginii. a roanoke man is using a simple strategy to keep hookers away from his home. home.corbin pryd-wen moved into mountain view in june,, and says he likes the pirection the neighborhhod is headed, with the exception of one problem he's trying to fight. he ssys prostitutes frequent the area, esppcially on one particular street.that prompted pryywen to take action, and post these signs in his yard, to discourage the activity on his lock. 116-126"we want this to e a neighborhood, you know, like any other neighborhood, where you can go outside, you can sit on your porch, and you don't have to worry about a drug deal or the prostitutes." prostitutes." at night, the sign out in front of his home lights up, drawing even mmre attention to the issue.roanoke police say they have arrested prrstitutes in prydwen's neighborhood. another bad day for chad johnso. johnson.the n-f-l wide receiver's estranged wife-- &pevelyn lozada-- hassfiled for divorce.johnson was arrested earlier this month, after she accused him of head- butting her.according to the divorce documents, the couple had a prenup. the couple's marriage-- bb the way-- was shorter than kim kardashianss they were married on the 4th of july. it will be a courageous debut this weekend for a 19 year old indy car driver...who's paralyzed from the waist down. got a sneak peak today of michael johnson's car. he's racing in the usf2000 indy car divison at this weekend's grand prix.johnson, who became paralyzed at 12 from a mooor croos accident, will become the first paralyzed driver to compete in an indy car race.his car is specially modified so hh can steer and brake, only using his hands and body weight: "i'm proud of him very much" much" "when i'm in the car, takes away everything else, i can let go offeverything else" elle" johnson wwll compete both saturday and sunday. 3 another beautiful day in baltim. baltimore. but... a... much... different story... down south... with... hurricane isaac. isaac. let'ss.. go to chief look at what's happening now. 3 a little hurricane can't stop what's happeninn with the grand old party. the latest next.from tampa, comiig up &p3&p a robber breaks into home and ends up bleeding on the floor. how the homeowner prottcted is family while on the phone with police. man versus hurricane. hurriccne will always win, how these idiots learned that lesson the hard way. kate and i have been married for 15 years. that's 3 moves, 5 jobs, 2 newborns. it's no wonder i'm getting gray. but kate still looks like...kate. [ female announcer ] with nice'n easy, all they see is you -- in one step, nice'n easy with colorblend technology, is proven to give more blends of tones. for color that's perfectly true to you. [ rob ] i don't know all her secrets but i do know kate's more beautiful now, than the day i married her. [ female announcer ] with the dimensional color of nice'n easy, all they see is you. hurricane issac can't stop the republican party. party. the convention is in full swing tonight and today mitt romney was voted in as look at the ccnvention hall in tampa where new jersey governor hris christie has just finished speaking to the crowd. theerrcurrinn them has been job creation. the republican message is clear, the president is doing a terrible job with the economy and mitt romney is the answer. 3 "on this vote the honorablee mitt romney of the state of massachusetts has received 2061 votes (cheering) more than a majority of those votes entitled toobe cast on this convention." romney will fficially acccpt the nomination for the presidency tomorrow nnght. head to ox baltimore dot com and look for our vote 2012 tab under hoo topics. fox 45 is your source to make an november. great weather tomorrow 3 3 a burglar brraks in and piids more than stuff to steal. how the suspect wound up bleeding on the ground with police on the phone. we're taking bets, who do you think will win, these three guys or a hurricane. sense is next. 3 hurricane isaac... has... hit land.../ áandá... 3---guys... with... no... common sense.../// take... a... look these ... 3--mensa members... sitting... on... aabench... during... the storm..../ the... waterss.. of... lake pontchartrain... near... new orleans.... are... of... a sudden, .../ a... huge wave ...slams into the bench.../ convincing... all of us...// that... these guys... áprobablyá... were not... class-mates... of... bill gates...///. a... home invasion... takes a deadll turn... in... washington state.../the... homeowner... uses a handgun... to defend hii proper. was... around... 2... in the morning.../ when... the... resident... called 9- 1- 1... for help..../the... caller said... he was... asleep with his wife... when ...hhs dog ... started barkingg.. and... he realized... ásomeoneá... was... in his home...//.at... some point..., the suspect... ggt... into the bedroom... / caller... was armed with.... a... 22- caliber handgun. 55-104tell him cops are on the way, you need to leave.cops are on the way, but i just shot him six times.(i'm dying) you will if you move. move.108-119is he inside your bedroom floor now?you're ááleepá damn right he is! he's laying down hhre.did you shoot him?i sure as hell did. he charged at me and my wifee wife.the... sheriff's office says... the case... appears to be... self defense. teens ...who become hooked on marijuuna... may... be... more likely... to be burnt out... later in liie...//.this,... after... doctors... found... persistenn uss of pot... before the age ...o.f.. 18.. /// may... have... an adverse... effect on the brain...//.at... age... 38.../ were... given psychological tests... to... assess memory,.../ reasoning... and... visual processing..../those... using... pot persistently... as teens ... scored... significantly worse... in.... the tests..../ pot... use... áafterá... 18... appeared... to be less damaging the brain. 3 another first for humanity, on the surface of mars. the milestone nasa set today with the rover on the red planet. nass celebrates another day of success by the "curiosity" r. rover. the... rover... was able to... beam... a... human voice... from... mars to earth.../. "curiosity"... checked in... with nasa.../ a... recorded message... harlie bolden. "hello, this is charlie bolden, nasa administrator speaking to you via the broadcast capabilities of the curiosity rover, which is now on the surface of mars." experts believe... this is a huge step... to... extend the human presence ..beyond earth. a former raven kicker wasn't unemployed long...bruce billy cundiff ended up. sports unlimited that's all... foo the late edition, i'm jeff barnd. barnd. and i'm jennifer gilbert. here's bruce cunningham with sports unlimited . . 3 3 september starts in just four days, and the orioles are in a pennant race...last night's win over the white sox was their 15th in the last 21 games...and onight, thhy went against one of the american league's best pitchers...the white sox' chris sale... sale... sale came in looking for his 16th win of the season...but the orioles didn't seem all that impressed......bottom 2nd, bases loaded and two out...nick markais rips this double to left- center...mclouth, machado and andino all come in to score...just like that it was 3-0 oriooes.......and then in the bottom of the 3rd, lew ford takes sale over the wall in second home run in two nights...4-0 orioles... ...meaawhile...chris tillman was cruising...7 innings, one hit and struck out five..this cooing in the top of the 7th... then in the top of the 7th, they get some insurance...adam jones over the wall in right...his 25th of the year aad number 100 on his career....and the orioles win...again...6-0....behind a true gem from chris tillman across town...the final full workout of the week for thee ravens today...veteran guard marshall yanda missed his 4th strained knee, but offensive coordinator cam cameron saas yanda will play in the season opener september 10th...and he's not the only veteran you won't see thursday night,, night,, it's the 4th pre-season gamm...and that means a brief cameo...if that...for the this game is to fill out the roster, to determine who you;re gonna go 22..there are a lot of hungry young players who want a &ppurple jersey...and this is their night elsewhere....béilly cundiff wasn't unemployed very long... released by the ravens on sunday, the veteran kicker has signed a deal with the washington redskins...he replaces yet another raven castoff, graham gano, with the redskins...the 32 year old 2010, but was outperformed by rookie justin tucker in training camp...the two could go head to head later this season...the ravens will visit the redskins on deccmber 9th. it's now time to announce the candidates in our first high schoollgame of the week contest of the school year... brought to you by varsity sports network dot &pcan vote for the game you'd like to see highlights of by going to fox-baltimore dot com and clicking on high school game of the week... week... &phere's this week's slate of games for friday august 31st... calvert hall and dunbar meet in football...hereford travels to north harford on tte gridiron...broadneck hosts south river in field hockey... and bryn mawr welcomes towson in girls soccer... that'll do it for this edition of sports unlimited...i'm bcgoo. goodnight. 3 3

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United States ,New Jersey ,Harvard University ,Massachusetts ,Baltimore County ,Maryland ,South River ,Calvert Hall ,Jersey ,Washington ,District Of Columbia ,Anne Arundel County ,Baltimore ,Beltsville ,American ,Anthony Barksdale ,Sox Chris ,Adams Cowley ,Keith Daniels ,Graham Gano ,Perry Hall ,Bruce Billy ,Don Dwyer ,Michael Johnson ,Jennifer Gilbert ,Charlie Bolden ,Adrian Morris ,Justin Tucker ,Anthony Batts ,Bruce Cunningham ,Chris Tillman ,Lew Ford ,Cameron Saas ,Adam Jones ,Gregory Crowell ,

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