Transcripts For WNUV FOX 45 Late Edition 20120822

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welcome to the late edition, i'm jeff barnd. barnd. and i'm jennifer gilbert. two young women are dead.. victims after cars from a c-s-x train jump the tracks in ellicott city. city. tonight, ... federal investigators... focus... on... a... key piece of evidence.../ as... they try to determine... exactly what caused... this... derai. derailment. keith daniels... streaming live.... in ...ellicott city... with... developing information.. keith. keith. jennifer and jeff.. as the cleanup continues behind me.. emergency brake is at the center of the probe tonight. investigators have talked to the crew.. and they say the information they've given learning what caused this crash. crash. the derailment killed two 19-year-old college students. it happened at about midnight tueeday. the railroad crosses over main street in ellicott city. investigators now believe the students were sitting on the railroad bridge..when the train passed and tipped over.. spilling coal on top of the girls. initially, investigators wanted to know if the engineer slammed on his brakes to avoid hitting the young women.. perhaps triggering the crash. but now investigators say the crew members on board, including an engineer trainee, say they did not hear or see anything before the derailment. they say the emergency brake applied automatically. //////////////////sot/////////// / (southworth/ntsb) "when there's a break in the brake pipe, either from the derailment forces or whatever it may be, that willlcause the trains to go to an emergency br" braking...." a team of national transportation safety board investtgators is sifting through the wreckage.. iicluding nearly two dozen of flipped &pinvestigation, they say, that will be a long proccss. 3 investigators say the train is equipped with a video event recorder... they say it's one of the many pieces of evidence that the ntsb will examine. live in ellicott city, keith daniels, fox 45 news, late edition. the... two teens... killed.../ graduated ... from... mount hebron... high school... in... ellicott city.../ and... were... getting ready... to... go back... to college. this.... is... the... last picture... the victims &pposted ... on twitter... / before... they were killed... in the... accident...// the... caption read: 'levitating.'...// the... victims are... elizabeth nass,... and... rose mayer...///. previous... tweets sated... 'drinking... sign... with... y - rose petals' ...// and:... 'looking down... on... old... ellicott city'...//. this ... afternoon: spectators... mourn the loss.../// (diane conolley)"you expect that children will outlive their parents and its really a tragedy when children go first... so my heaat goes out to the mothers and dads of the two young ladies.. who were killed" killed" teens... at tte crash scene... tell us,... the... railroad tracks... are a hangout... for kids. find out about breaking news stories as soon as they happen. fox45 "news on the go" delivers news straight to yourr cell the fox-45 "news on the go" app from the android markktplace or i-tunes app store.or text w-b-f-f to 45-203 to get text alerts breaking news... from... p-g... county.../where... state police... issue... an... "amber alert"... 1... year old... cesar... steven martinez.../. he's... 18 pounds... with... brown hair... and... brown eyes..../ eyes..../police... say... he was abducted... by... julio... cesar... arriaza.../seen... here... with the boy..../ he's... 5 ffot 4... 150 pounds .../ also... with... brown hair and eye/ eyes.../he... was driving....a green... 2006... chevy s-u-v./..last ... heights... , maryland..../with... maryland tag... 7-a-g---69-50...///...anyone... with information... is... asked to call... 911 immediately a homeless shelter employee has been suspended - after a female resident claimed he assaulted her - and her baby. took place sunday evening at the "sarah's hope" shelter for women and children in west baltimore19-year-old lashanda dorman lives at the sheller with her mother, sister, and infant daughter.a male staffer found the teen and her mother were arguing in the hallway according to witnesses.he allegedly told them both to go when lashanda kept yelling... she says the man punched her in the head with his fist... also accidentally hitting her 13-month-old daughter, who was on her hhp. a spokeswoman for the shelter says the male employee has been placed on administrative leave. they say they are still investigating... but believe he acted appropriateey.a court hearing has been set for thursday. 3 tonight... a... new move... in the... "waste watch"... battle... over... the phone system... in... city hall...// city... comptroller ...joan pratt... filed... a... "freedom of information"... act request... with... the mayor's office. the... request... seeks details... mayor's... top aides... and... their involvement the purchase ... of... a... controversial... phone system....// pratt... accused... the mayor... of skirting... the city's competitive bidding process.... to... purchase ...a phone system .../ at... the same time... her office... was evaluating competitive bids../. the... inspector general... is now investigating.. the purchase. 3 new information on a story we brought you first on fox.... the family of a 6-year-old special-needs student who died after he jumped from a moving school bus has filed a lawusit against the baltimore school sy. system.jeremy jennings jumped from the bus in december 2010 during a fight with another student. the bus was hired by city schools to take jeremy home from a special-education school in baltimore county.the 80 million dollar lawsuit claims school officials and the transportation company were negligent. jeremy had a behavior... and was supposed to be wearing a safety vest. a... follow up a story... we... first... brought you police make an arrest after locating the car... that... led... p-g county police....on a chase... / ending ... in a deadly crash. 3 23-year old... officer adrian morris... was killed... about... 1... monday afternoon.../ on... i---95... near beltsville...//heres ... a... look from above.../you... can see... the cruiser... in a ditch... on ...the road--side...//. debris... thrown... from the car... all... over the place...//.police... say... twooofficers... were trying to pull-over a car -- believed... to be ... involved a theft.../ morris... was killed.. when the police car... he was driving.. lost control / and... ran... off the roadd../. 3 vasquez says: "and i thought he was ok. i thought he was breathing. i didn't know what his status was. he moved his head, i thought. i didn't know he didn't make it." it.""he was an explorer at district six. that's why this district station is taking it so hard, they've known him since he was 15-16 years old. old.police found the car in dc today.... / and,., arrested the person inside. on any charges...//meanwhile, the... other officer... was released ffom the hospital.. last night. a man is charged in a triple shooting in southwest baltimore....which police believe led to a dduble murder in retaliation. tyrell hill was arrested just after the first shooting wednesday on linnard street, fatally shot.... and a 19 year old woman was injured. police chased him down after he darted in front of their car. they say e was carrying phones nd 9 grams of heroin. the next night.... a man and woman...were shot and killed...outside this house....on hamilton avenue. the victims were the mother and brother of one of the suspects in the triple shooting. a special task force begins examining whether people with mental illness can legally purchase firearms. the commission was created long before this summer's mass shootings in colorado and wiiconsin.right now it's against maryland law for anyone with a criminal history of violeece or mental illness to own a gun.but state police say it's can be difficult to investigate whether somebody has been treated for meetal illness. (durst) "we are not in favor of exclusing mental illness all together as a disqualifier for beinggable to own or carry weapons, but we want to make sure that the definition of mental illness doesn't excludd people who are not a danger to themselves or other people." people."the commission will submit its findings and recommendations to governor that brings us to our question of the day.should state police have greater access to the mental health records of prospective guu buyers? buyers? head to facebook dot com slash fox baltimore. join the discussion over gun rights versus public safety. animal rights... groups .../ react... to a revised ruling... on pit bulls... froo marylandds highest court. court.the... court of appeals... has reaffirmed... its earlier decision...that pit bulls... are... inherently dangerous....//but... it.. exempted... so- called... "mixed-breeds" of pit bulls....///maryland's ... s.p.c.a... says... this... negatively impacts... humans and pets....//advocates... say... residents... should not have to choose... between... their home...or their family pets. 3 with ... just. ..over a week the grand prix,.../ preparations... are... in full throttle and that's great for race fans. some... of... the drivers... stopped by... harbor today... at... whats its like... to race... thru... baltimore ... at... speeds... up to... 220 miles per hour.../driver ... bryan sellers... took the wheel ... of... a... porsche... to show... how it's done...///. aside ... from learning the course... the drivers ...are practiccng... a... crucial part of the race.../ switching drivers. "iq: speeds the biggest thing.... oq: is important, important to us." 3 us." the... grand prix... is... labor day weekend.../ and... right now ... you,... can buy ...deeply discounted tickets... that range... from 9 to 90 dollars. 3 a good month for back to school but it's a bad month for school supply costs. a new school year means new supplies. the average cost of supplies this year will top an average of 700 dollars per child. that makes back to school the biggest spending season behind only christmas. it was a very good day for some paddle surfers off the coast of california.a humpback whale decided to say hello.the whale surfaced in the middle of paddle boarders and boaters. humpback whales are often seen in the area this time of year, but rarely so close to humans. 3 a near picture perfect august day in baltimore. baltimore. but what's going to happen into the morning? morning? chief meteorologgst vytas reid has a look at what's happening now. 3 he refuses to step down over his comments on rape. why republican lawmaker todd akin is legally locked in on the november ballot. the first rule of toddler fight club, is you don't have a toddler fight club. the sickening ring of violence police found in a delaware daycare. 3 and age is just a number. we'll introduce you to a man who has been living on adrenaline for eight decades. 3 you know, i was once used for small jobs. yeah, and i took on all the bigger, tougher ones. but now that mr. clean's got this new select-a-size magic eraser, i mean, he can take on any size job. look how easily he gets things cleaned. it's enough to make you cry. you, specifically. not me. i'm just happy we don't go near rex's mobile home as often. because it's hard to clean or because you're scared of an itty-bitty doggy? [ dog barks ] aah! oh! [ clears throat ] yeah, that was a sneeze. i think i sprayed myself. [ male announcer ] new mr. clean select-a-size magic eraser. lets you pick the right size for every job. the ... deadline... for an exit... from ...the... missouri senate race.../ has... come and gone... for... embattled republican congressman... todd akin. as doug mckelway explains, he continues to face intense fire from nearly every lawmaker in the land, over his comments about rape. rape. the avalanche of caals from within his own party to step down reached a peak today at noon , when four respected former missouri republican senators - danforth, ashcroft, talent, and bond -- joined sitting senator blunt to demand akin resign his nomination. they wrote - quote - "the issues at stake are too big, and this election is simply too important. the right decision is to step aside."a little more than an hour later, a defiant akin pnnounced he's staying in.akin says: "i haven't done anything that was morally or ethically wrong - as sometimes people in politics do. we do a lot of talking and to get ne word wrong in the wrong place -- thats not a good thing to do -- but it does seem like a bit of an overeaction." for the gop which sees both the white house and the senate within grasp in november , the akin stumble - and today's refusal to step down - is a toxic distraction. governor romney late today again urged him to accept his fellow missourians counsel and - quote - "exit the race." but democrats are taking full advantage of it. akin's opponent, incumbent senator clair mccaskill, offered this apparently disingenuous defense of the "show me state's" republican voters. mccaskill says: "and i think what's startling to me is that these party bigwigs are coming down on him and saying that he needs kick sand in the face of the republican primary voters."other democrats are tying the akin comment to the entire republican party.massachusetts senate candid elizabeth warren, wrote today - quote: "the leaders of the republiian party have pursued an agenda that would undercut women and move us back a generation or worked with those republican - leaders to further that agenda." that comment - despite the fact her opponent scott brown was among the first in either party to condemn the remarks and call for akin to step down. one poll from the left-leening public policy polling shows akin still leading mccaskill by one percentage point even after his incendiary comment. that is doing little to sway republican donors who are &ppulling money and advertising from the akin campaign.rove says: "these were reprehensible and deplorable comments and there's no way he our group decided uh if he remained the nominee there's no reason to throw good money after bad by trying to win this seat."mckelway says: "asked what recourse the republican party now has in light of akins vow to run, one high level missouri republican told fox news - quote : none really. we examined the alternatives a few years ago when a convicted felon won the nomination for state auditor. in washington, doug mckelway, fox news." meanwhile..../ akin.... canceled an appearance... on c-n-n ... in... tte last minute ...last night.../ nd... host... piers morgan../ let... him have i. it.piers: "good evening, you're looking live at the empty chair that todd akin was supposed to be sitting in for a live prime-time exclusive interview. he's of course the only man that anyone in america is talking about tonigh" tonight."congressman, you have an open invitation to join me in that chair whenever you feel up to it because if you don't keep your promise to appear on the show then you britain, a gutless little twerp" twerp."akin... apologized... for his comments... in... a radio... interview monday, ... saying... he... meant to say... "forcible rape"... and... acknowledged ...that women ... "do... become pregnant"... during such instances. 3 most 80 year olds stick to pudding. how one guy is showing the world that age is just a minimum height requirement. 3 prize fights with babies. we'll introduce you to the people accused of running a baby fight club fromma delaware day care. common sense says, a quote baby fight club, is the lowest of the low. low.three... delaware... care employees ...face serious charges ...for encouarging ...toddlers to fight...//.dover police ... say... cell phone video from march... which... has not been released... allegedly hows... the female workers ...encouraging... fight....// the... incident was reportedly discovered... during an unrelated investigation..///. say... in the video,.... a... daycare worker ...can be heard... telling... a crying child, .. "no pinching. ...only punching." .../ 21-36 "the kids was crying. partake in this and was so again as i said it's sickening to see it. it's unfo" unfortunate."the daycare's business license... has been suspended. common sense says drugs aren't the answer.the... army... is turning an... old cold remedy.. to treat soldiers... with depression....//researchers ... are studying... whether a nasal spray... can safely deliver... a certain... anti-depressive chemical to the brain,.../ helping curb... suicidal thoughts....//thh... naturally- occurring... chemical.... "t-r-h"... has... trouble reaching the brain... thru... pills or injection..../// this... news... comes after a spike... in... soldier suicides...///. the... army... counted 38 july alone.../ at... least 120... so far... in 2012. they... have less to give.../ but... one study finds... middle class americans ...are more generous ...than the wealthiest one percent...///. on... average..., households... that earn less than... 75- thousand-dollars a year... donate... more than... seven-percent... of their discretionary income... to charity....// people.. who... make... 100-thousand-dollars... or... more... give away just over four-percent....///the ... findings are based ... on... 2008 i-r-s records. 3 living life to the fullest. why one man is going for the ride of a lifetime, 80 times. 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[ male announcer ] visit that's contact the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800-974-6006 tty/v. you should totally get fios. [ male announcer ] welcome to the speed you need. welcome to life on fios. age.... is just a number,.../ don't... die... before... you're de. dead.a pennsylvania man and roller coaster enthusiast... finds the ultimate way to ring in his 80th birthday. birthday.(clicking in, intercom and coaster sounds) vic kleman rides the "jack rabbit"... 80 times ii a row. kleman has ridden it 47-hundred times... dating back to may ask why he loves roller coaster so's his answer. "the fascination with the roller coaster is fun, it's exciting, and it, just, well i don'ttknow how to explain it, it just makes you feel good." good."the ride itself... is 12 years older than vic. 3 3 the orioles try to bounce back against the rangers...brucc cunningham has highlights,,next in sports. 3 that's all... for the late edition, i'm jeff barnd. barnd. and i'm jennifer gilbert, here's bruce cunningham with sports unlimmted. with august beginning to run out...the birds are still's been 14 years since they played meaningful games this late in the season...and tonight, in game two of a very big series with mighty texas, the orioles were looking to bounce back after a loss in game one... one... and the birds got started 1st, texas pitcher scott feldman uncorks the wild pitch...that ets nate mc louth in from 3rd...1-0 orioles...bottom 3rd, and chris tillman is looking strong...but he makes a mistake here...ian kinsler hits that one a long weay...a solo's tied at 1.... the birds have a very big fifth inning,,young manny machado send this one to right-center,,,josh hamilton can't get to it..omar quintaniila score..machado with the rbi triple..birds l;ead 2-1...still in the louth muscles up...a two run shot to the upper deck in right...his first of the year...orioles win it 5-3 (adlib) back here in baltimore....the last full day of workouts for the ravens this week... tomorrow, they'll conduct a light wall-thru type practice, gettiig everything in order fopr thrusday's game with jacksonville at m&t bank stadiu. stadium... the ravens have split to first two pre-season one thing that's been consistent: the starting units on offense and defense have not been as effective as you;d like...they clearly need some work to get ready forrthe regular season, and john harbugh assures you, they'll get that work thursday night.... 3 elsewhere in owings mills...offensive line issues...starting guard marshall yanda did not practice today...he reportedly got his legs tangled up with a defensive lineman yesterday and was held out...john harbaugh is calling it a tweak and says they're just giving him some rest...yanda had to have emergncy leg surgery christmas eve after being kickeddin a game with the browns.. to the college game...where the terps will go into the season with a fresman at randy edsall announmced today that perry hills will be his starter when the terps open up against william and mary a week from saturday...incumbent cj brown is lost for the year with an acl tear.. tear.. and things appear to be working out well for their

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