affect more than a million peop. people. and not your average field trip. mos says: "i'll tell you what i'd like to see more of what happpned when some elderly womennmmt the world's sexiest men. good evening i'm jeff barnd barndand i'm jennifer gilbert the head of the baltimore county fraternal order of police is charged withh assaulting a sedan driver ii his parkville neighborhood. neighborhood. 3 karen parks.../ live.../ county.../ police headquarters...//// áákarenáá...// the... officer's.../ police powers ...// have been.../ suspended..../// right? right? a police spokesperson tells &pplaced in an administrative position.... according to reports.....weston says.....e believed suspicious activity was going on in his d he acted accordingly.... (13:29)for no reason punching my face and pulling the gun in the back and pointing it in my face and im very very scared... (9:22)i would assume he just profiling seeing a back fuy walking toward asedan car or a car that's unmarked that does not give him the right to say what he said to me and do what he did to hoosein... 3 a.../ maryland man.../ pleads.../ guilty... to.../ kidnapping and.../ killing...// an.../ 11-year-old girl. girl. sarah foxwell.../ lived in salisbury --- //// áásheáá.../ went missing.../ december 2009 --////- ááthousands áá.../ of people.../ helped... in the search --//// ááheráá... body... was found .../ christmas day.../////. ááthomasáá... leggs.../// was... the boyfriend.../ of... foxwell's.../ aunt.../// áátodayáá...// he... admitted.../// to... the crime...//// in... a cecil county.../ courtroom --- //// ááavoidingáá.../ the... death penalty....///// ááprosecutorsáá.../ say...// they ...made the deall../ at... the family's.../ request../// (parents) "we're satisfied completely." "very satisfied.. and again, matt explained it. enforce it." "the death penalty." "they won't enforce it. why get it?" it?" before.../ this murder --- /// leggs was a convicted.../ sex offfnder.../ in maryland.../ and.../ delaware. 3 3 first on fox prosecutors have &pdropped dozens f sex abuse charges against a former maurice llen, who was a is - deacon at beth el temple phurch of christ in west baltimore, as charged two- years ago with the abuse of a teenager. but tonight, the allegee victim is outraged after learning the state has dropped the sex abuse charges. 3 (4:27:10) "i was not done justice at all by the city and i am upset about that but morr upsee is the registered as a sex not know he's a sex offende" offender." curtis allen did plead guilty to second degree assault and was ppaced on two- years un-supervised probation. &p in a statement released tonight, state's attorney gregg bernstein admits e's troubled by the case and has launchhd an investigation. also first on fox tonight ---a carroll county family spent seven months fighting a parking ticket from m-v-a police in washington d-c... ábbtá --- they were not anywhere near the nations capitol on the day in question. the poth family is busy raising 7 children and rarely leaves carroll county. yet, the m-v-a says they were last august. and then theyy realized --- the license plate on the ticket matches theirs... but the ávehicleá ticketed.. does not. (randy) i didnt get a ticket.." (kristin poth)"we dont even own a ford.. none of our cars are a ford..we havent been n dc we have no reason to be in dc" today, when we called the d-c m-v-a. after a quick review of the told us the matter was:quote : "reconsidered.. and dismissed." 3 new tonight --- a shooting at marley station mall put one man in the hospital....///it happened at the mall parking lot near j-c-penny and ruby tuesday././//two friends ddove the victim to a nearby dunkin donuts and called for help....///he is in stable condition at shock trauma tonight...//. another.../ suspension.../ pn... the department.../ of.../ transportation.../////. áátheáá...// supervisor.../ of... 13 workers .../ arrested.../ last week...//// suspended.../ as e. well.this is the building where...// the workers...// were... caught.../ gamblinn ...and drinking .../ on... the.../ job.../////.áá6áá...// were... already.../ convicted..../ of... serious...// crimes...///// áábutáá..../ that... didn't stop.../ the... city.../ from.../ employing.../ them...///// áátheáá...// d--o--t...// says...//// its.../// prohibited.../ from... asking.../ pooential employees.../ to... disclose.../ past.../ criminal.../ history. 11:47:18: cole: "when you're taking about using ttx dollars, i think you probably do need to take a closer look at the policy."11:55:35: kraft: "it's much better to have them working, collecting salaaies, paying taxes and contributing to society than us having to warehouse them." them."the.../ workers arrested ...//// combined...//// ááearnáá...// nearly...// 310-- thousand.../ dollars.../ a... year.../ from... the.../ city. we...// asked: should.../ the... city hire.../ workers .../ with... felony.../ records? áá83%áá...// say... yes...// yes...// desmond.../ says...// "have.../ you... ever heard.../ of.../ anthony.../ writes.../ they... don't deserve.../ to... work in.../ public service...//// 3. .mmtorists who cause fatal accidents...don't always wind upbehind bars. and some...don't even face criminal charges. that's why state lawmmkers are trying to close a llophole in the law. a bill would impose up to three years in jail ann &pup to five thousand dollars i fines...for those who cause fatal accidents. purrently...only drivers who are legally drunk...or had been driving at high rates of speed...could be charged criminally. the father of connor kohls...who was struck and killed...says the young man responsible...never served any time. (kohlss "he paid about $1200 in fines, he did not go to court, we never saw him. he killed our son, he just paid a fine, $1200." $1200."the bill has alreaay passeddthe house.but some senators...say the bill goes too far...and would incarcerate driversswho are not necessarily guilty of gross negligence. more... scrutiiy.../ of... the...// governor's.... 34... billion dollar.../ budget. the.../ senate's ...// debating...// a.../// proposed...//// 3--percent...// increase...// in.../ the... sales tax...//;/ for... beer.../ liquor....////// áásupportersáá...// hoped...// that.../// ll... proceeds.../ would... fund.../ mental health .../ programs....////// áábutáá...// a... good chunk...//// of... that.../ revenue .../// ááwilláá.../ go... to.../ baltimore... city.../// and...// p---g.../// county...//////. (kittleman) "i think we need to be honest that if this s what we told folks why we're raising the revenue which would go initially, then we do this little switch and now it's not going there." there."the.../ senate's... expected.../ to... give...// final approval .../ tt... a hike.../ in... the.../ alcohol tax...// this week. mayor...// stephanie... rawlings-blake.../// is... set to.../ reveal.../ her... budget...// plln.../ tomorrow... //// ááwhicháá.../ includes.../ cuts...// to... áherá.../ office. office. the.../ a.../ $65... millioo dollar...// deficit.../ for... fiscal ear.../ 20-12...//.//// áátheáá...// mayor's .../ operating... budget proposal.../ is...// expected... to include .../// áámoreáá... than...// p 364-thousand.../ in... cuts.../ office...///////. ice- ááonáá... top... of.../ a... 576- thousand dollar.../ cut...// in... the current.../ budget..../// ááthat'dáá...// be... more than.../ a... 19 percent drop.../ since.../ she...// took office. 3 great day for a local baltimore parish...when the pastor was tallying up this sunday's collections platee--- he found a winning scratch off ticket.the ticket was purchhsed at the number-one liberty mart in randallstown dollars.the church nd the - bad day for the economy ... high prices at the gas pump and record high food prices have more and more americans worried about spending.and those fears sent consumer confidence plunging to a three month low in march. a bad day for the bronx zoo. a cobra with a deadly bite is ssill on the loose.the cobra slithered out of the reptile exhibit over the weekend. the reptile house has been closed while they try to track him down.if the snaae bites somebody, they could be dead in 15 minutes. the zoo says it's confident the cobra is in an area of the building not accessible to the public. rain... maybe snow on the way 3 way lets go to chief meteorortologist vytas reid with the skywatch forecast forecast 3 trace amounts of radiation are showing up in rainwater here in maryland. maryland. earlier this week.. trace levels of radioactive iodine 131 were picked up by air monitors near two nuclear facilities.over the weekend.. japan ssw huge spikes in radioactivity... which means we could see more elevated readings here... but health officials say the increased levels in maryland aae not ddngerous. sharfstein says, " much much less than an x-ray. in ca, reported amount less than 1 / 10th offwhat you'd get flying frrm chicago la - chicago. what we found in md was a lot ca." scientists say the radiation probably came ffom the first releases of radioactive material at the fukushimi dai-ichi nuclear plant in japan. doctors are studying a new way of detecting melanoma.'s a non-invasive and pain-free way of examining a suspicious mole... calledd "tape stripping."the tape pulls off the top layers of skin that would have fallen off in a few days... and that sample is sent to a lab. right now the only way of detection is taking a iopsy from the skin --- and that is painful and can leave a scar. 3 mos says: "i'll tell you what i'd like to see more of and tha" that's..."too hot for ttv -- after the break ---- where these assisted living residents went for a wild field trip --- and why it makes a whole lotta sense... a young girl brutally murdered by her ex boyfriend ---how pictures of her dead body ended up on facebook ---and why the social networking site refuues to destroy any evidence of them... women.../// versus.../ walmart... //// in... a major case.../ of.../ gender.../ discrimination.../ ---protesters at rally--- women's...// rights.../ groups.../ rallied...// outside... the.../ u-s... supreme.../// ááaheadáá...// of... opening arguments .../ today...//////. áátheáá.../ court ...must decide.../ whether.../ the... case.../ can... go forward .../// as... a class-action.../ suit..////// áátheáá... women .../ accuse walmart .../ of... paying them...// less.../// than men.../// who... held...// the... same...// positions...///// ááandáá... passing them... over.../ for promotions. walmart is trying its level best to keep us out of court so the facts won't be presented to the public at large. the lawyers on the othhr side went too far when they tried to sweep every person in the &pcountrr every womannin the country into this class. the case.../// could... affect.../// as... many as .../ 1.6... million.../ plaintiffs....///// áátheáá...// largest... class action.../ employment lawsuit.../ in... u.s..../ history....///// ááaáá... ruling's.../ expected... in.../ june. 3 the crisis continues at the fukushima daiichi nuclear power plant in japan.. damage toothe nucleaa facility can be seen from the air.... workers are struggliig to cool reactors and prevent radioactive water from llaking into the ocean. from the tsunami is more than 11-thousand.the estimated cost of the quake and tsunami are expected to top more than 300- billion dollars.. making it the world's mosttexpensive natural disaster. and in libya ---- qaddafi's forces are pushing panicked leader's hometown of sirte. both sides squaring off in the town of bin jawwad just filmed rebel pick-up trucks and cars fleeing the scene. this latest setback for the rebels shows how they're unable to compete with al- qaddafi's more advanced, better equipped forces despite the help of coalition air strikes. 3 a,,,. new... york.../ family.../// is.../// ssething...// tonite.../ tonite...// 2-years.../ ago...// tonite...// áácarolineáá.../ wimmer...// was...// strangledd..// with... an...// electric...// cord...// ááe-m-táá...// mark.../ mooserrella.../// took... pictures...// of... the...// murdered...// girl...// ááandáá...// posted... them...// on.../ facebook...// áátheáá...// family... is...// now...// suing... facebook...// áánotáá.../ for.../ money...// áábutáá...// for... the.../ pictures...// in:"i just don't understand" out:"no one should be able to review them" the...// sleazy... e-m-t...// mark mosserella.../// was.../ fired..// áásoáá.../ tonite...// ááwe'reáá...// showing... his...// heartless...// mug...// for...// all... to...// see...//// these...// elderly... women...// are... on a.../ mission....//// áátoáá.../ see... the sexiest men.../ on.../ earth....//// áá30áá.../ women...// from... an...// assisted living - / center...// ááneededáá.../ no... assistance.../// áátoáá...// see... a...// chippendale...//// show.../// ii... vegas...// mos says: "i'll tell you what i'd like to see more of and tha" that's..." we...// had... to...// cut...// that... part...// out...// áágrowingáá.../ old.../ and... still having .../ a... good .../ time...// áámakesáá.../ a... lotta.../ sense... a damp couple of days ahead ... 3 ...let's go to cheif meteorologist vytas reid... reid... 3 . jake fox had an outstanding spring... but was it good enough to make the opening day roster???... the orioles final cuts are next in sports.. . ((bruce-rp)) 48 hours prior to love legendary covergirl lashblast? 50% more bristles for big bold lashes. make your look even bolder with smoky shadowblast. 6 brilliant shade duos. a unique dual ended stick for colorful smoky eyes. smoky shadowblast plus lashblast. the smoky eye made easy. from easy, breezy, beautiful covergirl. and try liquiline blast liner to intensify your smoky eye. the deadline, the orioles have cut their roster down to 25... buck showalter cut three players today, and one of them is backup catcher craig tatum...and that means jake fox has made the club..((take vo))the veteran journeyman basically powered his way onto the roster...he hit 10 home runs thii spring, and he leads all the major leagues in that category...he also has some versatility to offer...he can play third and first...tatum, was sent to norfolk, ann another infielder, brendan harris was sent to the minor league camp.......and as expected, the biggest standout of camp aside from fox is headed for norfolk as well... zach britton, who went 3-0 with a tinyy1.35 eaaned run average this spring...but if he stays in the minors for 20 days, it'll add a year to when he can file for arbitration... the rays did the same thing with evannlongoria a couple years ago((wipe vo)).the final spring training game of the year... o's taking on the blue jays....bottom of the 1st... vlad guerrero at the plate with derrek lee on 2nd... rips it into the corner in left... lee comes in to score... o's traii 3-1....bottom of the 2nd... matt wieters at the dish... he too, rips into the corner in left... adam jones trots in on the r-b-i double... birds down 3-2....2 batters later... brian roberts smashes it past edwin encarnacion at 3rd... the ball must have magnet to the left field corner... wieters comes in... game tied at 3....still in the 2nd... lee gives the orioles the lead... a flare to center scores roberts... birds up of the 3rd... mike gonzalez getting his final action of the spring... juan rivera goes down swinging... but the blue jays come back to win 7-4... the orioles open up the regular season on friday in tampa bay...((bruce at rp))meanwhile in colleee park...after a breakthru season, the terps' sopmore a,ll-acc selection is pondering a move to the nba... ((take vo))center jordann williams has filed the paperwwrk to enter the nba draft...but don't panic...he just, in his own words, testing the waters...the 6-10 center does not plan to hire an agent, and that means he can withdraw his name from the draft and return to maryland for his junior season...hh has until may 8th to make that decision...williams averaged 16.9 points and 11.8 rebounds per game in the sason just completed...((wipe vo))there will be no rofessional soccer this summer at m&t bank stadium ...over 72-thousand jammed the place to see chelsea and ac milan in 2009, but last year, a friendly between man city and ac milan drew just over 36 thousand...and that dropoff apparently clinched it.. instead, fedex field will be the site of a july 30th match between barcelona and manchester united...the ravens say it's simply a matter of conflicting dates... 3 3 3ate e a