And it could have been a real mess so we dodged a bullet across South Carolina more than 150000 customers still do not have power Charleston Mayor John tackle Burke says getting the lights back on and clearing roads is a major part of the recovery we've got over $100.00 local streets and roads a few of a major streets that are out of service right now says as his city's springs back to life will be watching Dorian's path in North Carolina and offering whatever support he can Bobby Allen N.P.R. News Charleston House Judiciary panels convening a hearing in the Texas border city of El Paso today Texas Public Radio's Lauren the hospice reports the testimony will focus on violence aimed at immigrant communities El Paso Democrats. Will lead the hearing hosted by the House Subcommittee on Immigration and Citizenship they'll pass the hearing comes on the heels of 2 separate August mass shootings in West Texas the hearing is titled The oversight of the Trump administration's border policies and the relationship between anti immigrant rhetoric and domestic terrorism the A.C.L.U. Of Texas and members of several local immigrant advocacy groups are among those who have been invited to testify For N.P.R. News I'm Lauren. Iran is lifting restrictions on its nuclear research and development in its latest response to U.S. Sanctions N.P.R.'s Peter Kenyon reports on the details publicly disclosed by Iran's official news agency on its face the move to resume research and development poses no imminent nuclear threat but it comes on top of 2 previous moves to exceed the camp on low enriched nuclear fuel Iran may stockpile under the deal and to enrich that fuel to slightly higher levels though still far from weapons grade this latest breach appears aimed at spurring European countries to fashion a means of continuing trade despite the American sanctions the going has been slow most recently Tehran said it wasn't interested in a 15 $1000000000.00 line of credit recently suggested by French President Emanuel micro Peter can. In N.P.R. News it's DAY TO Well the U.S. Economy added 130000 jobs in August as hiring remain solid throughout the job market the labor department importing that unemployment rate was unchanged at 3.7 percent job gains were notable in government health care and finance one of the stronger areas of hiring was the federal government which added $28000.00 jobs from Washington this is N.P.R. News. The Trump administration is tightening restrictions on Cuba the most significant changes involve family remittances Treasury is now imposing a cap of a $1000.00 a can be sent to any one Cuban national per quarter and its barring remittances to family members deemed to be closely related to Cuban officials have been sanctioned donated remittances are eliminated but Washington is allowing funding to support activities promoting economic growth in the private sector independent of government control in Cuba authorities in Moscow are stamping out dissent as the Russian capital prepares for disputed city council elections this weekend N.P.R.'s Kim reports from Moscow the president Vladimir Putin's opponents are attempting to make the vote a referendum on Putin's 20 years in power on Thursday a Moscow court sends Constantine quarter of a computer programmer to 4 years in prison for repeatedly attending unauthorized political rallies. Supporters of the 34 year old reacted in the courtroom as the judge read out the ruling protests broke out the summer after election officials barred opposition candidates from running in Moscow's city council elections opposition leader Alexina Vali is advising voters not to boycott the election but instead to cast protest ballots to kick out pro-government lawmakers on Thursday night masked law enforcement agents raided my volleys Moscow offices interrupting his weekly Youtube show and confiscating equipment Hussain N.P.R. News Moscow U.S. Stocks higher with the Dow up 81 points 226809 The Nasdaq is up 3 points and S. And P. Has risen for since the open I'm Lakshmi saying N.P.R. News Support for N.P.R. Comes from Capital One offering the spark cash card for businesses committed to helping business owners turn purchases into meaningful investments that can help drive business forward Capital One what's in your wallet more at Capital One dot com and Americans for the Arts. I'm Christopher Campbell from the extreme radio this week I travel to free to Maine to chat with Aaron French chef and founder of Los kitchen one of the most exclusive restaurants in America also in this week's show more joke is on the wild wild world of pumpkin spice and Dr Eric Carroll answers the question should we avoid high mercury fish coming up this week on the radio from parents listen tonight at 9. This is FRESH AIR I'm Dave Davies in for Terry Gross our guest Maggie Gyllenhaal stars in the H.B.O. Series The deuce its 3rd season premieres Monday the deuce's about the intersection of prostitution pornography organized crime cops politicians and feminists in the Times Square area of Manhattan in the seventy's it's also about changing attitudes toward sex in that period and how pornography became more mainstream the series was co-created by David Simon who also created the wire and co-created Tremaine the 1st season of the deuce was set in the early seventy's Gyllenhaal plays candy as the series began she was a sex worker but after she was beaten up by a John she looked for a safer alternative she started acting in cheap porn films became fascinated by how films are made and decided she wanted to direct the following season scripts ahead to 1977 when porn has become more mainstream Candy's been acting in and directing porn films but she wants more control over the stories and wants them to reflect a woman's point of view in this scene from the 2nd season she's unhappy about the latest film script and the fantasies they're creating she tells that to her boss the porn films producer Harvey played by David Krumholtz. For dealing with trees and the rather. The religious now not just the famous me stayed up all night writing a senior master hired me this was a script. I'm I'm trying to say something about more than once religion in this movie it's a statement yes ma'am when in fact they did more or. Anything else. Yeah . I had to learn any more Daddy Knows Best See that's a fantasy that's a my life and all of that someone's fantasy Harvey you want me to keep and now films for you. You've got to give me some better. To work with and you have got to let me start trying some lines from my thoughts otherwise All right absolutely. I've also been thinking about something. That's a clip from the 2nd season of the deuce set in the late seventies season 3 jumps ahead to 1905 Maggie Gyllenhaal character Candy has become more confident as a filmmaker in the porn industry but her efforts to make erotic films from a woman's point of view are becoming less viable even though the industry continues to expand with the introduction of video in this scene from the 1st episode of the new season edited a bit for broadcast Kandi and her boss Harvey are arguing over how to keep their company afloat I have to turn products. And our customers on. To Mars and they are mostly they are mostly excuse me degenerates Yes we look at that ballroom tomorrow who's browsing who's buying who's taking pictures what men. Are we still having this conversation after all those years were a good filmmaker but the feminist porn is a product that I can no longer invest in OK it is negatively impacting our balance sheet. So go to your plan the European and US that will start making a different kind from St Paul I. Like everybody else. That's the business owner that's a scene from the new season of the deuce which premieres Monday on H.B.O. I know to parents will be talking about sex work in the porn industry and you may not find it appropriate for young children. Maggie Gyllenhaal welcome to FRESH AIR Welcome back thank you I think you're so terrific in the series was it difficult for you to decide whether to take the role on the one hand you have like David Simon co-creator of The Wire and trim a and 2 great writers Richard Price and George Pelecanos who among their other credits wrote for The Wire on the other hand it's about the sex industry and you play a sex worker who enters the porn biz 1st as an actress then as a director the subject matter gives it the potential of being exploitive of women so what did you need to know before accepting the part before feeling confident that you had a read on how the women characters and how you as an actress were going to be treated. I think the thing that was unusual about this project for me was that when they asked me to do it they only had 3 scripts written and. You know I'm interested in the themes that this project is dealing and you know I didn't have a problem with playing a sex worker full stop you know but yeah I feel nervous with only 3 scripts and already in the 1st 3 episodes like my clothes off most of the time and. And yet very very drawn to it very drawn to working with David and George and Richard. And also drawn to. The things that were clearly on the table and how I mean it was a valid. It was about even from the very beginning. An imbalance of power between men and women in terms of Sachs in terms of our in terms of business it was about desire it was about transactional sex in the way that's kind of a part of almost every bit of our culture at this point but you know I basically I I met with them and I really wanted to do it after talking to them I mean David George are so smart and interesting but I I guess I'm old enough and I've been through enough. I knew I didn't quite have enough of a guarantee that I could trust it so what did you ask for so that you can find out more in figure out if you could trust the material I asked to be a producer how is that going to help. Well basically what I wanted was to be a part of the conversation to be in the room you know I've said this before but I think it's a good way of putting it like I knew they needed my body and I wanted to make sure that they also wanted my mind because I thought I'm an asset here you know not not just not just as an actress I guess and I wanted to use that part of myself and I thought it could be helpful to the story that they told me they were trying to tell. I really wanted to do it which is the you know if the my bargaining power wasn't like all that strong but I had to say to myself I'm not going to do it unless I can be a producer because I think that that will give me this other kind of guarantee in terms of storytelling and and they gave it to me and so I did it so you wanted to be in on the conversation of how your character was going to be depicted has sex was going to be depicted one of the issues in the deuce is how on the porn sets to treat women respectfully while having them perform sex. That's something that I imagine applies also to filming the deuce because the actors like you have to perform sex scenes and I'm sure you insisted on treating being treated respectfully though maybe you didn't need to insist maybe that was just a kind of given onset but Were there conversations you had around that is like how how should the actors and actresses be treated so as not to. Violate them in any way wash. Noting the scenes and ditto for the scenes when you were a sex worker working the streets. You know we as a crew and as actors learned a lot about this as we went the 1st season. And of course in between the 1st season and the 2nd season there was the Times Out movement which brought to light a lot of things that I think people didn't want to see before that it made it impossible not to see and made a lot of things explicit So the intention was always from everybody to be as respectful as possible season one I was one of the people who was always you know I mean I had my clothes off all the time I was doing the simulated sex scenes and I realized for me the most important thing was to have a physical barrier between me and the day player who had never met before who I was doing this scene with so we sort of fashion and there was nothing like this before like what do they use out of girls what can we call them. On the T.V. Series Girls Yeah I would think they must know what do you what protection do you got do you do those I mean I've done a lot of sex scenes in my career but I mean not quite like with strangers you know and that was something that was hard to do it with strangers it's very intimate so we fashion this kind of thing that would keep you know protect us physically from actually being even in contact through thin layers of clothes feels like too much you know you need some real tech to do so we figured that out and we shared it with everybody but really the 2nd season I think we we made a really big change which was amazing which was that. I had been to some meetings of actresses talking about things simple things that we could change on facts. And someone suggested at one of them that you know when you do a fight scene in a movie or a play there is always a stunt guy there always to make sure you're physically and emotionally protected if something doesn't feel comfortable you can go to the stand in fact they even look and see if after the stunt you might be sort of unconsciously rubbing a part of your arm or something and not come and say you know right to hurt and actress one of these meetings suggested why don't we have that for sex scenes and so on the Deuce in the 2nd season we did we had this woman who was the intimacy coordinator we called her and she was she would call the actors the night before she'd say I'm here to to make you comfortable and this is what your contract says Do you still feel comfortable with that because you don't have to do it and she would be there she would help with the choreography of the sex scenes and she would check in with people and the truth is for me like you said I feel like I could say this doesn't feel right hold on some things off I do know how to protect myself at this point but I felt for people who were coming in for one day who are so happy to have the gig and you know don't feel comfortable saying who might not feel as comfortable as I do saying . You know I actually don't feel OK with this anymore that's what she was there for and I read this piece actually that one actress wrote in The New York Times about coming on our set and how great she felt with Alicia you know I was like. That's what a leash is there for is there anything from the physical barrier that you came up with that is describable on radio with radio standards Well basically it was the piece of the yoga mat put inside a pillow case. And we would just play that pillow case as if it were part of the sheets and then push it out of the way in order to continue on with the scene this is like I said For me it wasn't nudity so much I like the idea of what a human body brings with it artistically to a worthwhile story and my body I mean I'm 40 I I like that. I don't know I didn't I really didn't mind including my body in the storytelling I was doing but I wanted protection from like you know people I barely physically you know so that was a good solution for me you know and there you mentioned a players a lot of day players because all of all of the Johns some of the characters in the porn films they don't figure into other episodes so they are the day players who the women characters are having sex with right and the idea is I mean if you want to make it not a pretty woman. Well then in a way you have to show OK there's this guy and then 2 hours later there's this guy and then there's this guy and then there's this guy. That was a part of it and it wasn't easy well let's take a short break here and then we'll talk some more if you're just joining us my guest is Maggie Gyllenhaal She stars in the H.B.O. Series The Do's We'll be right back this is FRESH AIR. Next time on the New York Radio Hour Salma Rushdie on his new book. Inspired by Don Quixote the book is a kind of road novel and a portrait of life in Trump's America it's a funny book I hope but it's also kind of Assad book I think about a war very worried I mean I do think it's part of the right shoes to provide. Next time on the New York. Sunday morning. This is FRESH AIR And if you're just joining us my guest is Maggie Gyllenhaal who stars in the H.B.O. Series The deuce and she plays a sex worker who has become a porn film actress and director and is trying to show things more from a woman's point of view in her porn films there's one scene I want to ask you about where she's with you know a John a customer in a cheap hotel room and he starts to like slap her and hit her and she takes out she you take takes out some mace from in her purse and sprays him and he's like shocked and temporarily blinded she uses that as an opportunity to run to the door to get out of this hotel room but the door is locked and by the time she she unlocks it he's like dragging her back in by the hair and then the door closes the camera stays on the outside of the room you and John are on the inside of the room so we don't see what's happening but we hear how your character is being really badly beaten up and I'm wondering what that scene was like for you and how how it was filmed so that you didn't get hurt. Yeah well that scene for me I would say is like I know it was affecting to watch because it best to let to direct it it is a beautiful director and yet for me it was very clinical like OK we choreographed it we did it of course I was protected everyone made sure that my body was protected and I okayed everything we did and. That scene felt like a dance and we did the dance actually there did come a time when we were shooting that was like OK we need to stop now because I can feel that my neck is turning get sore and if we do this too many times I'm going to end up with an injury and this is when is willing to buy the hair was that probably are some. Thing I don't know thrashing around on the bed or whatever but I'm much more interested in scenes that require something difficult or complicated or a difficult map to have to walk emotionally you know so the scenes that follow it where put the make up on and they go out on the street and I loved the scene with with Method Man who who played one of the pimps who's trying to get me in a stable and he's like you you know basically that is the scene where I went this scene is life or death either I died and I agree I just give up I give up my autonomy I give up my sense of power I give up my sense of self and I join up with them and I just slowly die. Or I get off the street and. I don't know I think that isn't that like the way doesn't that happen in some way even though most people aren't doing sex work on the street in New York in 71 is not it's not sort of the question that many people have to ask themselves at some point like wait and my going to like my you know live now. Or am I going to slow it down is an interesting scene too closely you're talking about the emotional complexity like you're feeling very vulnerable at that point because you've been really badly beaten up and now you're back on the street again. And so when when the pimp like tells you like you need someone this would never happen and I protect you. Like you are definitely pushing him away at the same time you're in tears and you weep in his arms temporarily and you can't help doesn't have a dad yeah you know that's the whole thing that's set up in the whole 1st season that she has the dad and the whole pimp thing like they're always condom daddy you know and I do feel like she just wants support she just wants someone to take care of her and she never asks for that too much and so he knows just what to do to try to get her and and he doesn't I think he doesn't know she walks out the street I want to talk with you about the time's up to me to movement the 1st season of the deuce was written before that the 2nd season I assume was written after that so how did all the all the women coming forward in the industry in the Hollywood industry and in other fields change the conversations that you were having with the people you work with including the writers and producers. Personally I think one of the things that really spurred on the birth of the times of movement was not just Harvey Weinstein but was trumping elected and saying everywhere on national television everywhere you can grab women by that. If you have enough power and they let you do it. And there's only Access Hollywood. And it being played everywhere everyone knows about that you know and there's no consequence for it so what I mean to say is like even though the deuce was written before he was elected before time's up really happened. I think we were living in a culture that was massaging ist and this was on everyone's minds I mean we were watching the 1st season and we would often watch the debates in our lunch break it was a part of our cultural conversation even before it maybe it was a part of everyone's conversation because that is what the deuce is about. And how did it change. I feel like everything's changed I see that time that movement as and also just sort of everything in reaction to these you know the allegations against Harvey Weinstein I think it is like this kind of door got pushed open like this old stone door that had been closed for thousands of years like a light streaming through it and I think how do we keep that door open. And I think it involves having the most interesting subtle nuanced conversations continuing to think all of the time. Maggie Gyllenhaal speaking with Terry Gross last fall Helen hall stars in the H.B.O. Series The deuce its 3rd season premieres Monday after a break she'll talk more about the me too movement and its impact on the writing and production of the series also Ken Tucker reviews the new album by Lana Del Rey and David Bianculli reviews 2 new D.V.D. One about a forgotten female silent film director and the other about Tom Lehrer the singer satirist from the 1960 S. I'm Dave Davies and this is FRESH AIR. They knew about our Family Foundation supports W.H.Y. Wise fresh air and its commitment to sharing ideas and encouraging meaningful conversation Support for N.P.R. Comes from this station and from Progressive Insurance committed to protecting cars and drivers whether on the open road or having a driveway moment while listening to N.P.R. Learn more at progressive dot com or 1800 progressive. And from Capital One offering a variety of credit card options with features for a range of customers from foodies to travelers Capital One what's in your wallet credit approval required capital one bank USA and. Support comes from Eddie farm with fresh corn fruit vegetables and custom flowers for your event available daily at their farm stand on Willard Avenue in Newington July through October more at Eddie farm seed tea dot com Orange Is The New Black just ended its final season it's been one of Netflix's biggest shows ever what made it work I think for me I have to stay in the world of realism I had to stay in the world this is truly some one story here at this day no Brooks from Orange Is The New Black the next time it's been a minute from N.P.R. . And Saturday mornings at 10 support for Connecticut Public Radio comes from the Florence Griswold museum in all Lyme Connecticut showcasing American art with emphasis on the art history and landscape of Connecticut learn more at Florence Griswold museum dot org. This is FRESH AIR I'm Dave Davies in for Terry Gross we're listening to Terry's interview with Maggie Gyllenhaal She stars in the H.B.O. Series The deuce its 3rd season premieres Monday the series is about the intersection of sex workers pornography organized crime cops politicians and feminists in the Times Square area of Manhattan in the 1970 S. To her interview Gyllenhaal last year when we left off they were talking about the impact of the me too movement on the writing and production of the series one of the complications for the deuce is that James Franco as one of the men alleged by several women to have behaved in a sexually inappropriate or sexually exploit of way once the women making those allegations came forward my understanding and you can correct me if I'm wrong is that the producers had to figure out how and even if to proceed after that. Yeah I think we all had to do exactly what I'm what I was just describing which is that we had to do the most careful nuanced intelligent clear thinking. All of us. And assess the situation. I felt as a producer it was my job to confront that and talk with him and also to talk with show women on our show both in the cast and on the crew and. Make sure that everyone felt. That they had been treated with absolutely nothing but respect in the work place. And for me and I think this was true for everybody involved. I felt that. Continuing to tell our. Feminist story. Was the most important thing and made the most sense even in light of those allegations I mean in terms of making a show which is about all of these things that we're talking about I think it would be a terrible shame not to be able to continue the conversation which is I think. A deeply nuanced conversation about exactly what's happening culturally right now in terms of Jenny in terms of an imbalance of power in terms of sex as commodification in terms of all the subtleties of that. Early in your career when you were I think 23 you start in a movie called Secretary that younger 20 to 22 OK I think you know I had a young woman who's gotten out of a mental health institution you're a cutter you cut yourself and you get a job as a secretarial though you have no secretarial skills and you end up you end up being in an S. And M. Relationship with your boss played by James Spader and you both realize that there's something really truly fulfilling you find about that relationship and in a way it's become a healthier outlet for your character than then cutting herself has been and you had to really expose yourself physically for that role as well to did that lead you to any thinking that was good preparation for what you have to do on the Deuce. That's interesting I mean Secretary was the 1st time that I was given a role where I could express thing about myself. Which of course you know does nothing to do with Ethernet nothing to with spanking and you know that's the fiction right the idea I think are the things that excite me the most about the role you know roles that come into my life I like is there something in this script in this story that. Will allow me to explore something that's on the kind of the edge of what I know about myself but with the protection of fiction. And the secretary was the 1st time I ever got to do that I never could have articulated that that's what I wanted at the time I just was like oh there's something in here that's for me. And it was a kind of an amazing experience because the director was interested in me as an artist was interested in what I was offering and the way that that shifted the story as opposed to. You know whatever he did Madge and before I got there. And you know at the time like I had gone to college of so late I was a little bit young and I graduated I was 21 so this is right out of college you know and I went to Columbia and I studied feminist theory and you know all that stuff and I was like intellectually I understand what this is I mean I don't think I did I still don't know that I do well in reality I was growing up and you know that's captured inside of that movie let me reintroduce you if you're just joining us my guest is Maggie Gyllenhaal and she stars in the H.B.O. Series The deuce she also stars in a new movie called The kindergarten teacher let's talk about that film a little bit it might seem like oh night and day she's a sex worker in porn director and the do this in a kindergarten teacher in the candlelight he's in love the very odd job Jack tree Yes except except that you have some serious problems in the kindergarten teacher and. Because the character you play is somebody who writes poetry and that's really what she wants to do but no one takes any notice of her poems and she finds a strange outlet for her poetic creativity and impulses Yeah I mean I think the kindergarten teacher is is a movie about. You know what are the consequences the real consequences. Of starving a vibrant woman's mind. And it's told by a group of women filmmakers and so in our opinion the consequences are really dire and it is a kind of an allegory it's a thriller it's almost like a horror movie in some way is. It so that you thought the character your character in the deuce in your character in the kindergarten teacher had a connection do you want to explain the connection that you see between the 2 of them. Well yeah I think both women both characters like many women right now. Are waking up to the fact that they've been accepting a way of living that they're not OK with and not only not OK with but. Is keeping them from from living is keeping them from being who they are you know and I think that's dramatically interesting I think a lot of characters you meet when they come to a point where they're like You can't go on like this anymore but. I think it's related to you know what we were talking about about 2 times up you know this cultural moment where women are saying I don't know how I live like this for so long I don't know why except that it's unacceptable and the interesting thing is I think Candy. She's really thinking clearly she knows. What she wants and even though it's very difficult for her to get it I mean she's a porn director in 19774 that she has sex worker in 71 it's an easy path for her and the show certainly doesn't make it easy for her but she's on a path that makes sense that and she just sat back you know like be damned she's she's on her way clearly toward feeding herself emotionally intellectually artistically even financially whereas Lisa and the kindergarten teacher has this very similar needs very similar hunger. And it's not thinking clearly and is confused and the way in which she goes about getting the things that she knows she needs is really deeply problematic and personally I love the idea that it's the it's the pornographer who. Thinking clearly and knows what she wants and knows how to get it and it's the kindergarten teacher who doesn't and that's sort of more of a challenging situation I think and I love that they're coming out at the same time you know and what it what it means when you think about them together I mean I love them to be in a room together sometimes be so interesting. But anyway that's how yes that's how I think they're related because those are the things that are on my. Baggage on how it's just been such a pleasure to talk with you thank you so much thank you Maggie Gyllenhaal speaking with Terry Gross last fall John Hall stars in the H.B.O. Series The deuce it's 3rd season premieres Monday Coming up Ken Tucker reviews the new album from Lana Del Rey This is FRESH AIR. 2020 will be a big year in politics and you might notice all the news starting to sound the same but on MORNING EDITION we tell stories about the upcoming election from different angles offering the diverse perspectives of voters and from presidential candidates to MORNING EDITION takes you want to journey through the issues and keep you informed about all the campaigns listen every day from N.P.R. News. And weekday mornings from 5 to. Support for N.P.R. Comes from this station and from Westin Hotels and Resorts offering a range of wellness options for guests including their. On Demand fitness gear lending program and signature Heavenly Bed. Dot com a member of Marriott Bon boy band from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. This is FRESH AIR When Adele Ray is a singer and songwriter who over the last decade has released a string of recordings that have expanded our idea of what Los Angeles pop music sounds like she's just released her 1st album in over 2 years it's called Norman Rockwell with an exuberant obscenity inserted between those 2 names rock critic Ken Tucker says the music on this album is some of the strongest of the year. To see everything. Trying to climb greens to. His. Stage with a song. To caveman down. And. Like may hit it in ways. This is. One of the ray is guided by what the our critic Peter playgrounds has called the Sunshine muse that bright clarity of California like that also aluminum it's darker impulses and bleak thoughts the singer and songwriters new album is a series of earthquakes and aftershocks rendered with supreme confidence and a steely assurance I was reading. The thing. My. Stress Test was just us. All these dead birds smiling from us and. So on why. They. Friday with. My Del Ray constantly contrast her tone of voice with the words she chooses she creates drama by speaking bluntly through hypnotic cruel she uses the F. Word a lot much harsher than her vocabulary however are her assessments of the men around her many of them self-absorbed boobs who misunderstand or underestimate her need to muster contacts at Comerica. Claims. And. In. On the. Name the family kind of. Make you. And. Then it's with you on the street if it is if you leave maybe you have to say something nice. Say just say and this is it she is. Simply this. Way. That's Mariner's apartment complex Norman F. Ing Rockwell is an album of 14 songs spread over more than an hour songs regularly exceed 4 or 5 minutes one goes on for more than 9 and Del Ray needs every 2nd of them she needs to set scenes to make small jokes and her frame or observations about the various ways we sabotage ourselves and other people. The album was produced by Jack and an off who in recent years has worked with women including Taylor Swift pink and St Vincent. Del Rey Antonov seems to think it best to step back and set off her vocals with piano and acoustic guitar a few times the 2 of them attempt something more grand and a gamble pays off in the gleaming beauty of a song called The Greatest I miss the. A. Miss and so my. Last. Meeting was leading a man was. Was . Lana Del Rey is very consciously i California artist doubting these songs with references to appropriate L.A. Musicians and visual artists you get the feeling her sensibility has been shaped by riding in the car listening to the brightness of the Beach Boys during the day and then holing up in bed at night reading perhaps about the doomed families in Ross MacDonald's Santa Barbara detective stories. There are songs in which Del Ray wants you to envision her unable to sleep climbing into her truck to zoom down through Laurel Canyon making a right on Sunset Boulevard heading off to Santa Monica and Venice Beach feeling a chill of melancholy. News. To. The. Answer. To. Her latest. One of the ultimate L.A. Writers Babbitts made this observation in her 974 book slow days Fast Company quote You can't write a story about L.A. That doesn't turn around in the middle or get lost indeed many of Lana Del Rey songs on this album take the same hair pin turns that Brad Pitt does driving down the canyon in Quentin Tarantino's recent Once upon a time in Hollywood the difference is with Lana Del Rey at the wheel you're never afraid you'll get lost or crack up rock critic Ken Tucker reviewed the new album by Lana Del Rey Coming up David Bianculli reviews 2 new D.V.D.'s one about a forgotten female silent film director and the other about a musical satirist from the 1960 S. This is FRESH AIR. I'm Ira Flatow this week on Science Friday we asked what is science and is there a definition that includes the knowledge Native Americans and other indigenous peoples have been gathering for thousands of years plus Randall Monroe joins us to talk about how effective is Serina Williams in sweating down a drone it's all on SCIENCE FRIDAY. Studios. Joining us this afternoon to September isn't a time when most people are thinking about elections but the September 10th primaries could mean changes in who's running Connecticut cities I'm John Dankosky And I'm Colleen McEnroe what happens in those cities has a big impact on the lives of everyone in the state join us for a special primary night coverage from Connecticut public on radio and T.V. We'll be bringing you the results and analysis from Hartford New Haven in Bridgeport and let you know what's happening in other cities and towns around our state join us at 8 pm on Tuesday September 10th are in Connecticut Public Radio television and online. This is FRESH AIR Our T.V. Critic David Bianculli sometimes grumbles that there's too much T.V. And too little time yet he continues to hunt for obscure but intriguing fare wherever he can find it today he reviews 2 recently released D.V.D.'s about entertainment and entertainers from long ago one featuring a singing satirist from the sixty's the other profiling a long forgotten female filmmaker from the silent era both are available for streaming on Amazon Prime video here's David in my college class on the early history of film I spend lots of time showing the pioneering early movie shorts of Thomas Edison the Lumiere brothers and George Miller Yes but I didn't know anything about Elise. Who wrote directed and produced hundreds of similarly groundbreaking films at about the same time now I do similarly in one of my T.V. History classes I teach about the mid sixty's political satire series that was the week that was and that shows brilliant composer of sarcastic topical songs Tom Lehrer but I had never seen a full length concert from that same period in which Lehrer sang and played his own compositions now I have and both of these both Tika items have given me more pleasure than most of the mainstream T.V. I've been watching all summer be natural the untold story of Elise. Is directed edited produced and co-written by Pamela Greene she approaches her subject like a detective story like an episode of the podcast serial where her reporting about the story is part of the story she tells as each nugget of information about the forgotten silent filmmaker leads to another being natural shows in very visual and sometimes playful or dramatic terms how Green put together the various puzzle pieces and the pieces are fascinating the young Elise was in attendance in 895 when the. Lumiere brothers presented their short one scene movie exiting the factory the 1st exhibition of a motion picture film so she was present to witness the very birth of cinema and quickly began making movies of her own and this documentaries title be natural refers to the sign GABLER she hung in her makeshift movie studios in France and later in New Jersey as an ever present instruction and reminder to or silent movie actors green in compiling her film interviews many current Hollywood players who like me express astonishment at not knowing this woman's biography much less her films and green threads it altogether by relying on one modern female filmmaker Jodie Foster to serve as narrator it's a lovely link to past and present with one woman director saluting another niece inspired by the screen and thinks something better could be done in documenting daily life why not use film to tell stories. And he's key My only complaint about being natural is that it doesn't include more complete example. Surviving film work but incompleteness is not a complaint I can level with the other recently released D.V.D. Tom Lehrer live in Copenhagen this D.V.D. Is nothing but full length works more than a dozen songs written and performed by Tom Lehrer before an attentive audience in a tiny Danish T.V. Studio. Labor who provided that was the week the was with such wildly funny songs as pollution the Vatican rag and poisoning pigeons in the park released popular record albums with all those songs but never appeared on that show himself but on live in Copenhagen lire plays piano sings and offers a running commentary on one of his famous songs the elements in which he borrows a familiar melody from a Gilbert and Sullivan operetta to accompany a list of the elements in the periodic table he even provides an update to his material there's a song I always get requests for but I can't understand for the life of me why. It's simply the names of the chemical elements said to a Gilbert and Sullivan. I think the only reason I do it is to see if I still can try. As I want to arsenic aluminum selenium and I deserve an oxygen and I generate a human I'm going to go to me and if your name germanium I remember as you know of any rainy of European economy and if you see I'm an A.T.M. And I don't I mean when I asked to be on radio in govt or any I'm in India and go you know and I didn't for a month early even. As attributes are back to anybody even born again with an even eye opener and even strontium And so look on and sober and some are in business for me looking but really I'm down to. I left out one actually. I knew one was discovered since the song was written it's called Lorentzian So those of you who are taking notes can write it down in your programs. And as an added bonus at the end of that same song lyric tops his new update by providing an older one a sort of brief musical Creek Thank you you may be interested to know that there is an older much earlier version of that song which is due to our stuff will and which goes like this. There is earth and air and fire and water. To timelier face and I. Hearing these one very jams on alternate lyrics is like listening to one of the new multi CD remaster releases of vintage Beatle albums after more than 50 years were getting to enjoy a newly released treasures from the vaults and Lear was recording the same time as the Beatles in Tom Lehrer's case this concert was an absolute rarity for the reclusive mathematician who retired from performing after only a few years and in the BE natural D.V.D. The treasures unearthed are more than a century old both of these artists the forgotten at least the bush A and the reclusive Tom Lehrer would themselves make wonderful subjects for scripted movie biographies in the meantime we have a rich sample or of their respective works and that's a great start. It would be in Cooley is editor of the website T.V. Worth Watching and teaches T.V. And film history at Rowan University in New Jersey he reviewed be Natural be untold story of. And Tom Lehrer live in Copenhagen as inspired by our own great American scientists such as Dr Van our fun Bronx. Gather around while I sing you there are no one around America who is Allegiance is a ruler to buy it speech. Call him a Nazi he won't even. Nazi smarts he says Barron are funded. Don't say that he's hypocritical. Say rather that he. Wants some rockets who cares very calm down that's not my department says Man are fun. On Monday's show our guest will be journalist Stephen Kinzer whose new book poison. In Chief is about the man behind the CIA's secret experiments with L.S.D. And other drugs in the fifty's and sixty's and search of a drug that could be used to control the minds of enemies Allen Ginsberg and Ken Pusey were introduced to L.S.D. Through the program but other unwitting subjects in prisons and detention centers were subjected to psychological torture hope you can join us. Freshers executive producer is Danny Miller our technical director and engineer is Audry Bentham with additional engineering support from Joyce Lieberman and Julian Hertzfeld our associate producer for digital media is Molly soon ask her to shore up directs the show for Terry Gross I'm Dave to. Support for N.P.R. Comes from this station and from the Alliance for lifetime income educating Americans about a new woodies and protected lifetime income on line and across America as a sponsor of the Rolling Stones 29000 U.S. Tour and alliance for lifetime income dot org. And from the Union of Concerned Scientists putting rigorous independent science to work for a healthy planet and a safer world more at U.C. Ass USA dot org You're listening to Connecticut Public Radio. In 2012 a Border Patrol agent shot and killed a Mexican man standing on the southern bank of the Rio Grande the investigation into that incident is still incomplete something is clearly going off the rails. This is just beyond absurd disappointing I'm Ari Shapiro what's bogging down investigations into deaths at the border this afternoon on ALL THINGS CONSIDERED from N.P.R. News was in this afternoon it for some part comes from a lifelong learning instance. Yukon Waterbury. Consumer trend mean good money to feel more like. Believe that as a child in need of a lot of things that need money and. You want to time. On MARKETPLACE. You can join us tonight at $630.00. This is Connecticut Public Radio. N.P.R. . 90.5. 81 Norwich 89.1. 8.5. F.M. Hampton at 91.3 W 258 stores at 99.5 and. It's the 20th anniversary of the movie The Matrix Why should you care but there's a bunch of reasons it turns out 1st of all that movie is very meaningful in a very special way to the trans community many of whom see it and they're all gory or a potential allegory about their own journey that's number one number 2 there's a whole school of philosophy that asked the question would we know if we were living in that kind of situation because of course the chill of the matrix is people don't really understand what their real situation is they're living a simulated reality would we know if we were trapped in one of those simulated reality Lastly I did not know this myself but there is a key happening that is a reappraisal of the work of the actor. Is he perhaps far far greater than we've ever given credit for all of those things are coming up after the news. Live from N.P.R. News in Washington I'm Lakshmi saying many people are struggling to find a way off grad Abaco one of the islands to bear the brunt of the Category 5 hurricane earlier this week in the Bahamas hundreds reportedly were seen gathering at a port somewhere caring what little they had left in duffel bags N.P.R.'s Russell Lewis is on Abaco just to see block after block and mile after mile just houses that are now gone or rubble that is left you see just the the shells of of buildings the roofs are gone and just the walls are standing and that's this is the power of a category 5 hurricane N.P.R.'s Russell Lewis The official death toll in the Bahamas has been raised to at least 30 but that number is likely to soar the hurricane may be downgraded now to a Category one but its impact on North Carolina's outer banks reportedly appear to still take some residents by surprise because heavy flooding hundreds of people were feared to be stranded after they defied mandatory evacuation orders rescuers have been dispatched when.

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