Theres a fight inside all of us a purpose that binds us together with honest hearts, we dare to stand on new thresholds and take on impossible with strong voices we speak not just to be heard to be felt and with respect for all that makes us different we remain one were all aggies and we are fearless on every front we wish we could explain what just happened but were uncertain. There was no review. Its 2416. Fourth down and seven. Ishmael adams is back to return, he hopes, the punt of shane tripucka. This one is a good one. Adams goes over. Grabs it and steps out of bounds. Good downfield coverage by the aggies. 49yard punt. Nothing on the return. Gary, to the point, the last there was a time out called. Gary sure. Two of them used by ucla. Thats going to happen. When youre ready to burn your time outs the penalty change played into jimmy moras strategy. It worked perfectly. Now hesot plenty of time. E clock is no factor for any strategy that ucla wants to use been more than a few folks who have gone home. Its 2416 with 3 42 to go. Rosen. Here comes garrett from the back side. The pass is caught at the 30. Gary feels like ucla, who is calling the plays or the timing of the plays the receivers are feel like there is a rhythm with josh rosen in the pocket now. Verne second down and one. On the ground. Around the end. Jamabo. First down. Gary fights him off with the straight arm. Aggies have four down. Five on the line. They bring four. Roseb. Looks deep. Fires it deep. Way downfield. Caught. At the 10. Kenneth walker. Touchdown ucla. Gary a m got one like that and now ucla gets one almost exactly the same, and here we go for two. Verne that one scored in front of ucla faithful who are here. And they occupy a good block. Now the try for two. Check the wide receivers. Jamabo is the running back. Rosen and his gang look back at the beh. Kennedy polamalu is the nsive coordinator. A twopoint game, and ucla with the try for two. Gary it looks like theyre going to take a time out. Verne jim mora hurries down. Gary they did not know what they were doing. Verne no. Gary there was a lack of communication all the way around. Verne mora had to hustle 35 yards down and he is somewhat peeved. Gary there is no way marcus tuiasosopoo. Lets go back to the touchdown play. Rolls ask decides what the heck. Let her go. The defenders back to the target. This time nick harvey. Walker makes the catch. A m had one just like it. Kind of toss it up and hope and you get a touchdown out of it. This is not the end of the world for ucla to take a time out. You want to get a good play call. Verne after a modest start, josh rosen has thrown after that 62yard pass for 343 yards, one touchdown, two interceptions. It is the seventh career 300yard gain for the sophomore. Gary look at the total yards in this quarter. A m could not get a first down when they need it. I thought the strangest call was on second down with about eight minutes to go in the game when they threw a pass, gained six yards on first down. Strangest call of the game. Try for two. Two wide to the right. One to the left. Rosen will take the direct snap. Here we go. Rosen. Into the end zone. Caught. Touchdown. A tie. Twopointer. Roberts. Gary beautiful play by roberts. An option play where roberts can go either direction. He isolates. And josh rosen gets a little, all right, iieled at you but youre pretty darn good. Comes out here, wiggles, goes back into the space. One way, back the other way. That time. Wasnt even close. I think the time out, although jim mora was upset, i think it helped settle everyone down and got a good play out of them. Verne, we have been together for 11 years. Weve seen a lot of this. The last five, six minutes of games, there is a lot that happens. Verne as an example. Ucla has scored i get choked up talking about it ucla has scored 15 points in the last 1 40. Gary and it was kind of a toss it up and hope. I guess you and i, verne, had a m intercepted that ball we would have said, josh, why . It turned out, why not . Verne a m to the 21 yard in new york. Adam verne, we go to lambeau. Brandon harris with a minute left intercepted by dakota dixon. Wisconsin will get the win. Look at this cheap shot by l. S. U. Clotheslining him. The first time two top five teams lose on Opening Weekend since 1972 as we send it back to you. Verne thank you, adam. Gary panic is officially going around the s. E. C. Conference right now. Verne youve got it. Verne first down and 10. Knight. Has to throw it away. Gary right now if im tom bradley, the number one thing im thinking about is keeping my rushers fresh. I want to have fresh guys on the field. Are gassed they will not be able to put pressure on them. Give them a couple of plays. Roll the defensive line in there. Verne Trevor Knight has missed his last five passes. Second down and 10. Nothing. Third down. Mckinley limping to the sideline. Gary mora was begging him to get off the field. He did not want him to lie down and force a time out and stop the clock. Verne third down, nine. Verne play clock at 10. Verne knight. Heaves it deep. Incomplete. Gary look at this. Remember, molson is effective from 50 yards, basically, right . Verne we might find out. Gary yeah. This ucla team got the big break on the pass play. Walker catches it. All of a sudden everything has changed. I believe it all changed with that short series by a m. Verne 49 seconds total. Three plays from offense, and a punt. Ishmael adams. Watch out. Out of bounds at the ucla bench. 17yard return of a 53yard punt. 1 18 to go. Rosen and his team out of time outs. Gary adams a real weapon on punt returner, so much so they moved him to offense. Er for a potential attempt at a game winner. Gary lets remember this. The 48yarder he missed was plent of leg. He just missed it. I think they dont even have to get to the 30. I think they could get a little farther out than that and still have a try. Verne two wide left. One wide right. Run. He gets out to the 46. Loose ball. Loose ball. Gary he was down. Theyre calling him down. Verne yeah. Verne yeah, i think so. Gary Myles Garrett and daeshon hall have been quiet lately. Can they make a play . Ucla substitutes. The umpire will slow it down. Verne fourman ru. Gary were going to have a review on the last play. Referee previous play, ruling that the runner was down is under review. Gary you look at this. You take a look that justin was his knee down, though . Gary i think his knee was down before the ball comes out. Is there movement . Its called down on the field. This is a big call but it is really splitting hairs. Gary i think there is really only one look. The replay official will have to look at that one look and decide whether hes going to change the course of the game. Back it up a little bit more. Did the ball move before the knee went down . Thats whats being looked at. I need to see it more to tell you the truth i dont have enough yet. Verne call on the field, down by contact. Gary one more time as slow as we can go. Hes got it, hes got it, hes got it it does start to move, i have to admit. If the official is aggressive if the replay official is aggressive, if hes that type of a personality heig this. If hes one of the guys that says its too close to call, its inconclusive, this could go either way. Referee after review, the ruling on the field stands. Second down. Gary the replay official did not feel comfortable. Verne i dont blame him. Gary i dont either. Its supposed to be obvious and that was very close. I would say if you put me to a wall and said to decide, i would hairline. Verne second down, 46 seconds to go, aggies have three down. They rush four. Rosen. Intercepted. Picked off at the 47 yard line. Gary same guy. Verne justin evans. Gary [laughing] verne how about that. Gary i think josh rosen fumbled the snap and it threw i had my eyes in the secondary on the play. Yes, he did drop it. Once he dropped it, he never saw number 14. Justin evans was sitting in the middle and he never refocused and found him. Justin evans is right there. Once he loses him, when he loses control of the ball he does not time outs remaining. Evans jumped up. Got it. Was injured on the play. Limped off. First down and 10 at the 47. Fourman ucla rush. Unct. Trayveon williams, the freshman goes across midfield. Gary what a play by number 96 that time. Ankou, the ucla defensive tackle made a terrific play. Verne time out called by the aggies. Two left, 28 seconds to go. Gary screen pass, ankou the play, two guys lay out and make the play, i would give more credit on brown second time ive looked at it. Verne back to play. Second down, five. Josh reynolds, bottom of the screen. Knight retreats. Rolls right. He will run it. Gary absolutely. Verne how about that hurdle. Gary no sliding now. Youve got to win the Football Game now. Verne verne first down, a m at the blitz. Knight retreats. Gary set your feet or get rid of it now. Poor footwork by Trevor Knight. No pressure. He just kept backing up and backed himself right out of the play. Verne 14 seconds to go. Gary with time outs, im surprised we dont get a quarterback draw here to tell you the truth 10 yards and they have an opportunity. Verne you bet. 14 seconds to go. Knight looks over at the near side. Verne ucla. Again they blitz. They bring six. Knight fires it. Incomplete. Eight seconds to go. More on ours to seven seconds, one more click went off the clock, seven seconds youve got time for a 10yard out it doesnt matter, you can throw it anywhere, kevin sumlin has to ride right next to the official on the sideline so he can call the time out instantly when the ball is caught or if its caught. Verne third down, 10. Whistles on the last woplays by the bruins. Four wides. Two on either side. Time out. Theyve still got one left. Gary a m caught a bre there. Lanfear, number 70 really puckered on the play. He moved. Ucla pointed to him. But the officials did not see him pucker up on that play. Gary lets see if we see it. A lot of action going on oh, yes, he moved big time. Verne yes, he did. Gary shod have been called goal range. This is either the 57yard field goal try or the 109yard return position. One of the two. Cant make up my mind. Verne we saw it happened in the houstonoklahoma game today. Gary right. Verne 109yard missed field goal return. Gary that should have been a fiveyard penalty. Im shocked that that wasnt called. Verne third and 10. Threeman rush. They go deep. Verne call time. No. Its incomplete. Gary it came out. Gary great call by a m, kevin sumlin, noel mazzone on that play. Verne ardarius pickett defended. Verne now hail mary time. An set it upper too. Verne and set it up too. Verne which they do. Gary pickett is 510ish. Ricky sealsjones is 65ish. Great matchup to throw the lob ball. Puts it up there. Thinks he has it but its ripped doesnt give up on it. Keeps fighting and forces the ball out at the end. Because i believe sealsjones caught that ball. He forced it out as it was coming down. Great play. Verne the aggies have squandered a 249 lead in the fourth quarter. Ucla, that is in a total of 1 49. Gary remember, a m has the big receivers. Probably a scramble type play to buy time. Sets up. Scramble a little bit. Let her go. Verne into the end zone. Christian kirk. Its knocked down. Gary who would have thunk it . Verne no. Not with almost midway through the fourth quarter. Gary yes. Gary ball came out but not enough for anybody to really react to it. One try for reynolds, maybe, if he was a half step closer but he couldnt get there. Verne it was tahaan go number 21. Overtime. Kyle field. College station, texas. Honey, what are you doing . Watching a cow. Whats it doing . Impressions power up your morning with a new the home depot is pouring more into paint. With fade resistance, scuff resistance, even one coat coverage. This is the next generation of painting. Save 10 or 40 bucks this labor day. Only at the home depot. More saving. More doing. I had that dream again that i was on the icelandic game show. And everyone knows me for discounts, like safe driver and paperless billing. But nobody knows the box behind the discounts. Oh, its like my father always told me put that down. Thats expensive. Of course i save people an average of nearly 600, but whos gonna save me . [ voice breaking ] and thats when i realized. Im allergic to wasabi. Well, i feel better. Talk about progress. [ chuckles ] okay. Verne were back at kyle field in college station. 2424 this overtime made possible by chickfila. 7 minutes and change remaining in regulation. 249. C gary you know ucla wants to go to the right if they get in. They want to go toward their fans. Verne you bet. Gary a m would like to go obvious lie to the left where all the corps men are and the big bowl is. Referee get a chance to score first and 10 at the 25 you may both challenge. Well flip this coin. Heads, tails. Heads, tails. The winner will get the choice of offense or defense or which end of the field well play. Captain, what is your call . Tails. Referee the call is tails. And it is tails. You have won the toss. We want defense. Referee which end of the field . Gary of course, theyre going to go to the closed end theyreot referee ucla won the toss. Texas a m won the toss. First and 10. Verne ucla will go on defense. Gary a m wanted to go that way, ucla the other way, the ucla fans issue on tower right, tvs right, theyre going to go away from them in the first over siting there pay a lot more to the ucla athletic department, to the guys sitting in the upper lefthand gary there are some blue seats up there. Yeah, some blue shirts up there. Verne the ball starts at the opponents 25 yard line. Teams must have an equal number of possessions and they must attempt a twopoint conversion after the touchdown starting in the third overtime. Verne mantoman gary Trayveon Williams. Knight. Josh reynolds. A first down on the first play of overtime. Gary in punch time in this game gary in clutch time in this game a m has gone to josh reynolds. Dependable player, frames out the defender. Verne knight. A fake and hes to the 11 yard Matt Dickerson made the tackle. Second down. 2424. Four wide receivers. Kirk in the slot to the left. Knight fires it. Thats going to be caught. Out of bounds at the six yard line by ricky sealsjones. Gary jayon brown, number 12, linebacker on him. A good matchup for a m. Linebacker on a wide receiver. Verne gaerngs the running back is Trayveon Williams, the freshman. Gary hard to imagine the ball not being in Trevor Knights hands after this play, right . Verne first and goal. Gary he read it. It was a read play. He could have kept it but he gave it, and good blocking up verne Trayveon Williams getting a lot of action now. The freshman. Keith ford injured and on the bench. Theyll give it to him up the middle and he surges toward the goal line. Hes just short. Eddie vanderdoes made the stop. Verne second down, goal. Aggies first possession of o. T. They give it off. Didnt make it. Trayveon williams. Gary here is the play now because on fourth down its hard to imagine kevin sumlin not kicking the field goal even if its fourth and inches, youve got to put points on the board. Is this where Trevor Knight finally keeps the ball