Its comfortable this morning. 67 degrees. This is a live picture from the Raleigh Durham international airport. If youre getting your morning started we are tracking a little bit of fog. So lets get the latest on that. 5 miles visibility across rocky mount. Look at edgecomb county under that haze right now. That could indicate some denser fog. Visibility at roxboro 2. 5 miles. 6 in fayetteville. It look like reduced visibility in raleigh and durham. Theyve been reporting 10 miles so full vil right now wont slow you down but make sure to let you know if they change as you head out the door. 67 in durham and raleigh. A big challenge from 24 hours ago. Fayetteville in the mid60s this morning along with rayford. Very comfortable. Refreshing as you get ready to head out the door. Goldsboro at 60 degrees. Planning for you day ahead. 69. 84 at lunchtime today. Our afternoon high. Just a few clouds as we head towards 6 00 this evening. Were back to 87. Ly let you know though cold front coming through for the next few days. That could bring us big changes. Those details in about 10 minute. Right now, a check of the roadways. If youre traveling through this is the time to get out there. 540, 40, 440 moving well. No sign of any delays there and if we take you into durham it looks just 85, 70. No problems just yet. Dub through fayetteville. All the green means no delays for you as you head into work. Airport looks good you have to park in the economy lot today. U. S. 70 starting to pick up at 6 02. Get out there now if you can. All right. Thanks. Cbs North Carolina still following breaking news out of raleigh. Cbs North Carolina david hurst is there now. And david, what have you learned this morning . Well, maggie officers are still on scene here trying to piece together what happened. Theyre gathering evidence and as you can see over my shoulder a few police cars left but earlier this road out here which is filled with police cars, heres what we know so far the call came in at 2 45 m and found one man suffering from a gunshot wound. They took him to wake med hospital where he is expected to survive but no arrests have been made at this time. As police continued to look for any potential suspects, and the shooter in this case. We dont know yet. Its not known whether it occurred inside one of hotel rooms or if it happened outside the hotel. There was a portion of the parking lot blocked off with crime scene tape. Well continue to follow this developing story and bring you updates throughout information becomes available. Reporting live in raleigh. Cbs North Carolina. Breaking overnight police in rhode island say the man accused of killing a Shelby Police officer is now in custody. The they found him after raiding a home early this morning. Officials say he shot officer tim braken over the weekend. In addition, they arrested his change after he says she says she was raped by a class maitd classmate and Football Player. The student who made the claim is a sophomore. She came forward tuesday which is why we are identifying her. The athlete has been identified by head coach as allen artist. Who is now facing misdemeanor robinson admits she was drinking on valentines night. She was only 19. But she says that doesnt mean she should have raped. Following the incident she says she went to the hospital and reported it to unc police. No charges have been filed. Artist has been has continued to play football. I did not realize that rather than receiving support and concern from the university id only be people working to keep us safe. He was we take these matters very seriously and are fully cooperating with the appropriate authorities. The District Attorney says these misdemeanor charges dont impact his felony case that he says is ongoing. Back to you. Thank you. A republican lawmaker who backed house bill 2 says it is time to consider repealing it. State senator is calling for ncaas decision to pull championships. Four were supposed to be in cary. Shes in a tough reelection race whos Campaign Manager called the move purely political. The Lieutenant Governor is highly critical of the ncaa while democrats are calling for a special session to repeal hb2. Everybody should be concerned about loss revenue but i dont put a price tag on our women and legislative cronies took those games away from us. Thousands of fans were expected to attend those championships in cary. The influx was expected to bring in more than 2 million to the area. Looking ahead now, the woman accused of hitting two safety workers on i95 earlier is due in court. Police say in lumbarrerton another denial for chandlers defense team. For a second team they tried to delay the trial against the former unc student and for a second time, that effort was shot down by a judge. Hes accused in a 2015 fatal accident that killed two women and a 6yearold child. The trial will begin october 3rd. Hes requiring that the defense turn over it evidence next week. Russian hackers hit the antidoping database and released information on American Star athletes plus this. It was extremely brazen given the fact that it was in broad daylight and he came so many teams. The same burglar three teams. What he got away with. Temperatures before you head out the door on this wednesday. Im Hillary Clinton and i i know more about isis then the apprgenerals do. Age. John mccain, a war hero. Hes not a war hero, hes a war hero because he was captured. I like people that werent captured ok. Donald trump compared his sacrifices to the sacrifices of two parents who lost their son in war. How would you answer that father . What sacrifice have you made for your country . I think ive made a lot of sacrifices, built great structures. 90s. We had 70s during the mornings. I sdn this is a live picture. You can see if you look closely the sky is starting to get brighter. The sunrise happens later an later each morning. It doesnt happen until 6 57 this morning. Your visibility check this morning. 5 miles visibility. Rocky mount. Out towards roxboro, towards sanford as well. 7 miles here in raleigh. This is not enough to slow you down. Pretty mild in henderson, south hill and roxboro. All around 65. 67 in durham and in raleigh. 61 right now in sanford. Mid60s in wilmington and fayetteville. Thats a big change from yesterday. Yesterday they started off in the low 70s. Get straight to the forecast. Out the door at 8 a. M. 9. 84 at lunchtime. 89 our afternoon high. Yes, this is still warmer than where we should be. Were back to 87 heading into 6 00 this eng really warm day. Well drop to 85 tomorrow. Cold front coming through behind that front. Look at the high friday. 80 degrees. Still in the low 80s as we head to the weekend. Pretty seasonal for this time of year. More on the rain chances though that will return with that cold front coming up in about 10 minutes. All right, thanks. Take a look at this video from brazil. Authorities say a fire tore through one of the poor which caused the fire to spread really quick. This area was destroyed. Local reports reports its home to a thousand People Living in the 120 shacks. There are no reports of any injuries or deaths. Pretty dispriezing. The u. S. Air force says its launched a Successful Air strike. Several american war planes including b52s hit the t. Severed as headquarters for the terror group. Pentagon Officials Say they dont know for sure what chemicals were being made at the plant. Your time is 6 12 on your wednesday. Ed snowden says he deserves a president ial pardon. Plus this. It kind of sounded like a gunshot. And this could get anyone to stop smoking. Details on a recent interview snowden gave before a movie was released about him. President obama doesnt seem to be softening his responded like this. The manner in which he chose to disclose this information damaged the United States, harmed our National Security and put the American People at greater risk. He argues his leaks about surveillance programs were a public service. Without the revelation, wed be worse off. The former contractor fled the country three years not everyone agrees what he did was wrong. He praised snowdens actions in an interview. The United States government developed and deployed a floabl Surveillance System without democratic consent and there was one person who revealed that. He did so with conviction and with love of civil Rights Groups Like Amnesty International and the aclu are launching a campaign to get him pardoned. Russian hackers are releasing medical records for several olympic athletes. The records were posted online by a group that calls itself the fancy bears. Gymnast simone biles and serena and Venus Williams are among the athletes whos records were accessed. Are now responding. Glnch we are learning new details about a Deadly School shooting in texas last week. The 14yearold was planning to kill her stepbrother. She was preparing her weapon when an older student walked in her. She hit her in the leg. She then shot herself. The other student that was hit is expected to be new video from florida shows a team of Police Officers chasing and using stun guns to take down a murder suspect. Trying to run from a home. Police eventually caught up to him but despite being tasered the suspect continued to struggle. He is accused of killing a woman moments before this chase. He says it was in selfdefense. Check this out. Scary moments for a woman in new jersey. Suddenly sends out a big puff the smoke. The battery exploded. The woman wants to be reimbursed for the purse and everything inside. Looking for a very bold criminal this morning. They say the criminal broke into the same home three times in a row. The homeowner was out of town this past weekend and a man is seen here on the Surveillance Video breaking in saturday, sunday and then again phones, a tv, to leftovers inside the fridge. There he goes. Every time he broke in the alarm did go off but he managed to get away each and every time. Kind of like me. I go to the same restaurant over and over and over again. Leftovers must have been so good he just had to come back for more. I want to know what the leftovers were in. Might as well get in. You dont want to risk not getting in. Let get to your forecast today. Looking pretty good. 67 degrees right now if youre getting had to head out the door. Its hard to see it just yet but getting brighter. Whrets get to your current temperatures. All around the area. Were in the 60s this morning. So far this week the sand hills have stayed in the 70s but just not the case this morning. 66 in rayford. Pirs low 60s. Mid 60s in south hill and roxboro. Durham, good morning. Youre checking in at 67. As youre making plans in the upper 60s. Plenty of sunshine out the door early this morning. 84 at lunchtime. We make it to 89 this afternoon. That warmth still around today. Normal for this time of year. Right around 83. Holding on to 87. Anything you have going on cooperate nicely as well. New this morning though Tropical Storm julia formed late yesterday into the evening hours and it continues to move across georgia this morning. Thats where were seeing some rain southeastern portions of georgia and South Carolina. Most of that not going to make it into our area. We will be watching for some of the outer bands just in case late this afternoon. So the update on julia. Wind at 48 miles look at. This doesnt move a lot throughout the next 48 hours. Friday morning, its about 25 miles an hour wind as a rem than remnant low there. Of course, with this kind of a system flash flooding could be a concern there. Really concentrating on the cold front thats to our north and west. Not going to have a big factor on todays forecast. Still warm. Wont be a washout. That chance for wet weather will be there. So lets time out those showers. Today most of us staying dry. You can see some of those outer bands with julia trying to make it into the sand hills. Maybe a few sprinkles or two. Over night on the dry side. Thursday morning will start off dry but in the afternoon remember that front could bring us a shower or storm later in the day. So 8 89 our high today. Not the 70s like what we were in last week and we head into the next few days. The cold front comes into play. 85 tomorrow and 80 as we head towards friday and looking at the upcoming weekend those temperatures still cool for where we have been but normal for this time of year. 83 saturday, 8 4 sunday. Cant rule out a shower or good morning. Still relatively pretty quiet out there on roads especially in terms of accidents. We dont have any out there in the raleigh area. 440, 540 if youre taking these roads moving pretty well am crash in durham that we are following here. Well let you more details as we get them. But its not really affecting traffic. Ill tell you that. Through fayetteville 95 anded heading towards the fort bragg area. Drive times if the durham freeway. The freeway to rtp. 5 minutes there. Durham to rtp about 9. And if you head out the door and taking 70 its going to take you about 16 minutes. Odd you can see things are starting to pick up a little bit. But no accidents as you head through the i need more coffee. 6 23 is your time. Its the worst case scenario. A solution for the exploded phones. Plus an update is crashing iphones and ipads. With im really good at war. I love war in a certain way. Nuclear, just the power the devastation, is very important to me. I want to be unpredictable, unpredictable, unpredictable, unpredictable. Priorities usa action is responsible for the content of this advertising. Mother inlaw with a keen sense of smell. Glad bag, full of trash. What happens next . Nothing. Only glad has febreze to neutralize odors for 5 days. Guaranteed. Even the most perceptive noses wont notice the trash. Be happy. Its glad. The governor takes aim at a state toxicologist today in another political dustup over coal ash. Woman governor pat mccrorys office is refuting claims he misled the homeowners saying she cannot work for a department and an administration that deliberately misleads the public. She claims the state never should have told people who live near coal ash ponds their well water was safe. Man they say all they want is the truth. Samsung has some advice for note 7 owners. Cbs joe wagner joins us live to tell us all about the stories. Good morning. Good morning. The new update caused some major problems. Apple says the issue has been fixed after some customers took to social media. Software fix for its tbal ax si note 7 phones. The Software Works by only letting them recharge to 60 . No word on when that software will be available in the u. S. We just had a report about a little boy who was burned yet again by a samsung phone. Perhaps a good solution there. O. K. Before we let you go another jobs have become au going to the robots. A start up in Silicon Valley is using machine to make pizza. Slide it into the machines put tn on the sauce and slide it into the oven. They add cheese and toppings. They want to eliminate boring jobs to do higher value work. I dont think theres anything boring about it sounds fun to me but o. K. Its so exciting. Something i could do on the side. Add all of that stuff. Im o. K. With it, though. Well, this is the way its going. So hope they can. All right. Thanks a lot for telling us vsm a great day. Okay. Time right now is 6 27. Major develops in the hunt for a killing a North Carolina Police Officer. We treat every case the same but when a Police Officer is slained, it definitely heightenings up the threat level. New this morning, authorities track down the accused gunman. Well show you where they found him. On this wednesday morning we have your forecast. Look like its going to be a nice start to the day. Is it going to change with more clouds . Well find out from alyssa good morning on this wednesday. Russ has the day off. Thanks for watching. This morning david hurst is following breaking news in raleigh where a man was shot overnight. Also lauren is following accusations against a unc Football Player. Lets go to a list is alyssa with a quick look of yo some foggy conditions on your morning drive in. 2 miles in sanford. Though are the areas with the lowest visibility. Out towards the 95 corridor as well. Areas that were seeing that cloud cover start to show up. Thats the fog. 5 miles visibility. 4 in roanoke rapids. Take your time. Slow down if you star to drive into some reduced visible. Lets get to the temperatures. Pretty comfortable outside this morning. 67 in raleigh and in durham. Fayetteville. Mid60s this clinton. This is a huge change from yesterday. About 5 degrees cooler for many of you. Now around the virginia border thats in south hill. Henderson and roxboro. Heres a look at your forecast for the day ahead. 84 at lunchtime. Plenty of sunshine. Just a few clouds overall. High of 89. Thats 6 degrees warmer than where we should be. We head to 6 00 this evening. I will ha heres allie with a look at our roadways. 6 31. Travel through the raleigh area looks fine but lets take you into durham. Right here if i get out of the way, and westgate drive. A heads up to you. Otherwise, taking you down to fayetteville. On a local roads to fort bragg for work. U. S. 1, i540 to downtown. Outside to i40 at south sawppedders street. A lot of traffic as people head into the work at 6 32 this morning. Breaking overnight Police Killing a Shelby Police officer is now in custody. Come out with your hands up right now. Authorities in providence say they found him after raiding a home earlier this morning. The Officials Say he shot the officer over the weekend. He they also arrested others for assisting in hiding him. Raleigh police are hard at work trying to figure out what happened. They were called to a motel. Thats where cbs North Carolinas david hurst is right now digging into the details. He has more, david . They have been out here at the raleigh inn gathering evidence. If you take a look most of these officers have gone but still a scene here. They learn the news from the morning. Heres what we know so far. 2 45 this morning of shots fired. When they got on scene they found one man suffering from a gunshot wound. He was taken to wake med hospital where he is expected to survive. Blis are looking for potential suspects in this case. We dont know whether the shooting happened in the hotel room but one portion of police are kontding their investigation. Well continue to bring you the latest as we learn more details. Well have that information onlain and online and on air throughout the morning. Thank you, david. New this Morning Police say someone is badly hurt after an accident near fort bragg. A driver was heading south overnight when someone was trying to cross they were taken to the hospital in critical condition. A unc student is pushing for change months after she says a former classmate and Football Player raped her. Krb North Carolina has the latest on the story thats making national headlines. Lauren . Reporter the student who made the clains sophomore Delaney Robinson came forward tuesday. The athlete shes accusing has been identified business head coach larry fedor hes facing misdemeanor charges. She admits she was drinking and she shouldnt have been. She says that doesnt mean she should have been raped. Following the incident, she says she went to the hospital and reported it to unc police. But since then no charges have been filed. Artist has continued to play football and its why robinson says she came forward. I went to hospital and gave an account of what i could remember to the sexual investigator who asked countily demeaning and accusatory questions. How many men have i slept with. I was treated like a suspect. Artist was not at the practice. In a statement the coach said we take these matters seriously and are cooping with dont impact the felony case that ison going. Back to you. Thanks, lauren. Hillary clinton is ready to get back to work. The democratic nominee cancelled the trip to the west coast after being diagnosed with pneumonia. Campaign Officials Say clinton will spend part of her visit in greensboro tomorrow. Her first day back on the trail. Hillary clintons angle this week. She was in durham tuesday opening a campaign office. Campaign will have 33 offices across the state by the end of the week. On the other side of the aisle lara trump will be in charlotte today. Thats where theyre opening the first office in the state. Both nominees, their running mates and other surrogates are spending a lot of time here in North Carolina. Polling shows the race here is closer than almost anywhere else in the country. Popular. Up next Police Officers targeted by a driver at a gas station. See what happens when the driver gets out of the car. I unbuckled my seat belt, i opened my door and i got my babies offer the bus. The hero bus driver. How a woman saved two dozen children from this burning bus. Lest take a look at temperatures before you head out the door. Right now its 65 the afternoon hours will be quite warm again. Find out what changes are in store for the rest of when good, clean food comes to the door, do your best to contain your excitement. Now delivering to your home or office in raleigh. When good, clean food comes to the door, do your best to contain your excitement. Now delivering to your home or office in raleigh. Alyssa is here now. Are we going to see any effects from july ya in julia . So maybe a shower or two cant be ruled out. Let take a look at our radar this morning. Were looking closely at what is now Tropical Storm jawl julia. This system is expected to weaken over the next few days. So well be watching it closely. Right now, though, none of that rain arriving in evening hours. Let get a check on those lets get a check of those temperatures. Its feeling pretty good. Mid60s in both wilmington and fayetteville. 66 in rayford. We have 65 in roxboro to start off our day. Heres a look at what youre looking at. 84 at lunchtime. 89 our afternoon high. We drop back to 87 by 6 00. The minute of us staying dry. If we see any ra extreme portions of our viewing area because of the outer bands of what is Tropical Storm jawl julia. Tomorrow is still warmer than normal but back to 85. Cold front comes through tomorrow and by friday we go back to 80. Still right around seasonal. There will be small rain chances. Especially with the cold front coming through. Seeing the rain coming up in donald trump takes his campaign to flynn, michigan, today. I thank god that were not planning three funerals right now. Surveillance cameras catch a time see what happens next when the driver gets out of im Hillary Clinton and i approve this message. D. Hes not a serious adult. I cant vote for donald trump given the things that he said. Trump should not be supported. I believe hes disqualified himself to be president. Officers are okay but things could have gone differently when a man tried to mow them down. The shocking Surveillance Video and story. In this video you see the exact moment a man deliberately plows his car into three phoenix Police Officers. Im outraged by this officers and its simply unacceptable. Our phoenix Police Officers were targeted. Investigators say the cops were standing at a gas station around 2 a. M. Tuesday morning after responding to a call. Moments before the crash, a red sedan is seen speeding up at the opposite end. The officers seen thrown over the suv a 33yearold rookie on his first night of patrol. He suffered a concussion bu suspect to the ground. A third escaped with scrapes and bruises. These officers could have been killed. And i thank god that were not planning three funerals right now. Mark payne is accused of using his vehicle as a as a weapon. Looking ahead, republican visit to flint, michigan today. It was discovered its Drinking Water has other cautions. Lawmakers from both parties say its a prime example of government mismanagement and an aging infrastructure of the its unclear what plans are today in flint. Police are looking for a man who was seen attacking someone at a donald trump rally. This video was seen by lots of folks online. They arrested another man for another assault at that rally. Got all of her students safely off of a burning bus. Smith says the bus started making noises monday afternoon and that she soon smelled smoke. She saw fire so she stopped and off that bus and to safety. Well, i didnt know there was fire until someone yelled fire when i was smelling the smoke. It smelled like a rubber kind of gas. I felt scared. My biggest reward is they are safe because whenever im driving any school, theyre my children until i drop them to their biological parents. Neighbors came out to help r dumb. They are investigating what caused that fire but they think it might have started near one of the back wheels. That is one employee going above and beyond. Doing everything she can to make sure they are safe. Especially when you see the video. Thats the kind of driver you want for your kids. No doubt. Taking a look at the weather now. Things could be changing a tiny bit. Thats tonight though. Today is nice as well. Its tomorrow and friday that the big changes start to come through. Its 67 degrees right now. Not a cloud in the sky. This is a live picture. Still about 10 minutes away from the official sunrise. Get ready for that. Im sure its going to be beautiful with a lack of cloud cover. We do want to check in on visible this morning. You can see those numbers are just quickly updating for us. Improving for many locations. At 5 in roxboro, rocky mount and roanoke rapids. 2. 5 in san shade of white an indicator that visibility is reduced. Southern portions of watch out for some fog as you get ready to the head to the door. 67 in durham and in raleigh. 60 in sanford. Mid60s. 6 in henderson and louis bowrg. Hour by hour. In the upper 70s. Sunshine all around this morning am few extra clouds mainly to see if those outer bands of Tropical Storm julia make it to our area. Otherwise high of 89. Thats 6 degrees warmer than where we should be. Heres the set up. Tropical storm julia over the eastern portions of the cold front up to the north. Were kind of between these two. That cold front comes into play. Bring us t storms. Mainly late in the afternoon. We head into our friday. With that stalling to the south we will have a small chance. Possibly into the upcoming weekend as well. Lets walk through our day today. You can see these outer bands making it close to the wilmington area by noon. As we head into the afternoon just a stray shower possibly. Mainly our extreme southern communities. Morning on the dry side. Parly cloudy skies. As we head into partly that brings us an isolated power or storm. It wont be nearly as warm as what were experiencing today either. Heres the forecast track of julia. It formed right off the coast of jacksonville. Right now its 40 miles north of jacksonville. Just barely into georgia. It will quickly lose energy over the next 48 hours by friday morning, winds some very heavy rain expected across eastern portions of georgia and South Carolina with that storm. 89 our high today in raleigh. 88 in durham. 09 in fay fayetteville. Were at 85 on thursday. 80 on friday. Thats going to be the coolest day certainly of the workweek. As we head into the weekend ahead, it will be close to seasonal. Thats 83 saturday, 84 sunday. Cant rule out an isolated lets check in with allie. Good morning. A local road crash to tell you about. Buffalo road, a crash. There not seeing that slow down anything. In durham we have a crash out there thats starting to affect traffic a little bit. Chapel hill boulevard right at westgate drive. Heads up. Drive times if youre heading west this morning on 540 from u. S. 64 to glenwood avenue 16 mi avenue about 59 and overall not too bad. And glenwood aive to wade avenue 3. So starting to pick up out there near the clayton bypass otherwise things looking good. Fiving you a look at 6 51 this morning. You can see you are still able to go the speed limit. Of course, well let you know if anything changes. Maggie, stephen . Not a bad morning commute flying today, well, you may think twice before complaining about long security lines at rdu. Just wait until you see what passengers are carrying on their bags. Kind of scary. First though, gail king has a look at whats ahead on cbs this morning. Good morning to you stephen and mac maggie. A riff between colin powell and the Clinton Campaign over her private servers. The man behind an investigation into the trump foundation. New yorks attorney gel getting hit by cars while getting off the school bus. The new push to add security cameras. Those that go around the bus, bad, bad, bad. When to eat and when to have sex. How timing your schedule is k be beneficial for your life. Pardon me. Into the events. Offices responded to calls about gunshots early this morning. Within man was taken to the hospital with a gunshot wound. Hes expected to be o. K. Right now police do not have anyone in custody. Theyre trying to gather information about any potential suspects. And police in rhode island say the man accused of killing a Shelby Police officer is in custodiment Authorities Say they found him after raiding a home early this morning. Tim brakeen over the weekend. He died monday. Officials in rhode island said they also arrested his half sister. The state Highway Patrol is investigating a deadly crash that had traffic on i85 blocked for hours tuesday. Officials say three vehicles were involved in the accident in orange county. According to investigators a van ran off the highway and rear ended a tracker trailer. The van that hit another truck causing it over. Troopers say the driver was driving recklessly. They believe alcohol was a factor. The tsa says more guns are being confiscated. These are all weapons just at rdu alone. Knives, stun gun and even fake grenades. Officials say most of them were and up to 5,000 in penalties. Im not coughing because i have a cold. Something there but certainly not cold outside. No. Certainly not cold. Its going to be temperatures in the upper 80s again this afternoon. So lets take a look outside. We are just finally seeing that sunrise. Look at it crossing the horizon. Its 67 degrees as we do start off our wednesday morning. Were halfway through the workweek. 63 in louisburg were detecting the 60s around the sand hills. 66 in fayetteville and ray ford. 8 9 our high today. Into friday and drops us back to 80 degrees from friday afternoon. All right. Outside now at i40. U. S. 70. Busy as usual for this time of the morning. Luckily weve only had some local road crashes. Morning. Oh, here comes nancy. Wow, shes sure making a splash in that designer dress and with a thicker, more fabulous formula, shes not splashing. You can wear anything and pour bleach. And her whiter whites, just dazzling. Clorox splashless bleach. Theres something out there. That can be serious, even fatal to infants. Its whooping cough, and people can spread it without knowing it. Captioning funded by cbs good morning. It is wednesday, september 14th, 2016. Welcome to cbs this morning. . Leaked emails show general colin powell urging Hillary Clinton Agency Campaign to controversy. And Donald Trumps foundation is now under investigation by the new York Attorney general. Eric schneiderman will be here in studio 57. A surprise Tropical Storm forms overnight and slamming parts of florida with torrential rain and heavy wind and brought the state of florida with a threat of flooding. A driver runs down three phoenix Police Officers in what

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