Ya likehis . [ laughter ] ah. Since we were here last, uh, how many of you arn e lookurcr a bgus, s. Ow. An bie [ laughter ] in los angles,re. Kortreaters anu can see they come to toor, and yop,n when you give em some wheat t. T icughter ] yes. Kids actually faxheir requests to you. Laughter ] d then andou dt get any trickortreats. They say, would youe any grey poupon . Now, who ughter uh. Now, how many of you are looking for something to do, tonight, ter the show, o out . Its halloween applause ] halleen nighfamo unted eleven. sits really eerie. Uh, legend has it that, at the stroke of midnight, gagging on a microwavrro. [ laughter ] [ chuckling ], t. M glad you dont know,aam. Uh. Appalyes a elev sts. Is mey le im not familiarit. Uh i understand some ki went to the whitehouse, today, sd, anbuco mind. , asou. Oetoru so, thats ve nice. Ha guess we cant keep well, here, ale , ca sure you can. Owhe doesn tore. N tt. Ays you put the cand in,rough t. Wknho. E t o encased this in plastic, now. Wow i dont know what fred has been drinkin, all these s, but i wanna get some of it. Yeaoh, ye. I find it hard to believe. I was gonna ask, uh, uh, fred to come over here, but fred dt reay enjoy sitting here, too much, in the spotlight, because its, really, too far away from his refreshments. [ ughter s azg what life of modation in ahis can. Iisnthoug i t clean living. I donh. s ts, tonight, ad somothematerial ready, cause he goes thh fder, so whad to put this phony stuff in. But wed likto givyou a brief summary of fredfe in show business. And we copied down some of the more interesting mmmhmm. Things that happened to him. September 27th, 1910 i already told ya fred is born, in lh is nhe that hll wakup, naked,in t. [ ughter ] peter lassally. [ laughter ] 1928, backstage, at the ziegfeld follies, 18yearold fred sees his first naked woman and makes a major career decision he wants to be a naked woman, too. [ laughter ] [ applause ] 1932, young fred screws up his courage and asks a young lady for her hand. . C on planehethe no barf ba [ some laughter ]lahter ] he hasever experienced, in his young life gin, without that strange bathtub ring aftertaste. Cheap hustler on the make. He is an immediate success. [ laughter ] 1951, fred directs the cult classic, ed fzong an elaborate series of rewards when bonzo doeme and three nawh does something right. . [ laughter ] 1986mljanitheme alause ] inspired by alex haley, frey fred loo up his own ros and discovers hes so old, his family only goes [ laughter ] thats not all, fred. We have just a few photos professionally mounted photos [ laughter ] highlights, from your career, from the hollywood archives. Lets see if we can find them over here. [ laught youre remembering everything. Im trying to remember. [ making silly noise ] [ laughter ] in 1933, he almost entered the american stage musical, with his shocking, guys who are occasionally dolls. [ laught ] no one else made a war film like you did. Theirs all made money, but this one was about three chefs who hatched a plan to drive the nazis itom ttron sold. As called theed bea of navarone. [ laughter ] hicomeesbedti bme o oes to college, he went one sequel too far,re well, theyter ] fred, they didnt always give you the big budgets, but you did the best with what d, in this cheapie horror flick, yron levine, underwear zombie. [ some laughter ] yeah, okay. [ some lghter ] this is for time, folks. And thilm,is was you russian dance troupe, called fiddler on the roughage. . Happy birthday to you . Yeah [ applause ] eah wow wow. Wow. Boy, what a at. Heering ] what a budget we laid out, r akers. [ laughter] one roll of confetti and a cap gun. Bang zoom thats it. Anyway, hes a remarkable man. Youre welcome uh, we will be back, with John Larroquette im remembering anthony griffith, [ applse ] [ ] would you say no to a lot more money . [excited scream] you just won a Million Dollars no thanks. Nice balloons, though or no to more Vacation Days . Janet, im giving you an extra weeks vacation oh, ah. Nooo. What . No way. Who says no to more . Time warner cables all about giving you more. Like the most free hd channels and virtually unlimited movies and shows on demand, so you can binge all day. Call now. Get ultrafast internet with secure home wifi to connect all your devices. Saving on mobile data fees, helps big time. Switch to time warner cable. For 89. 99 a month youll get free hd channels, 100 meg internet and unlimited calling to half the world. We can call aunt rose as much as we want now. Switching is easy. Get our exclusive 1hour arrival window, a moneyback guarantee with no contract to sign. Plus get free installation, tv equiment and epix included. [ music ] [ applause ] okay, all right. [ cheering ] John Larroquette is a very talented actor. s won four emmys, for his work on the tv series hes also in a new Motion Picture lled tune in tomorrow, which, i guess, is open, as they say, in theaters near you. Or not too far from you. Which c around the corner. I nno where they are. Would you welcome John Larroquette . [ music ] [ applause ] ooh. Scary. Scary. Scary. Isnt it, though . Its bizarre. Its a very interesting, um thats a strange look. Its almost [ laughter ] now, actually, you could go anywhere, with that, and youd be if i wore a hat and kinda covered the face. Be hardput to recognize. Oh oh [ applause ] whoa. Put the mask back on. Now take the other mask off. Boom [ laughter ] happy ha happy halloween. And to yourself. Good to see ya. I you were booked, uh, to be here, a couple weeks ago, and i yes. And you fell ill. And i fell ill. Which is sort of getting to be a habit, with us. I mean you talkin about . Happened, a couple times once at least once before, that i st make you sick, i guess. Uh are you serious . [ laughter ] gee, im sorry about that. cause i dont get sick, very often. About the longest ive been off the show, in for a long time, was three days. I get i get real sick. I got pneumonia, actually, a while back. Thatthats very dangerous. It is. I didnt know i had it, for sev my son had it. My threeyearold. You have what they call walking pneumonia. Yes. You have it, and you dont know it. Yeah, i thought it was just the air and, uh, mymymy aged persona was beginning to catch up with m but, i fi i caught it, from my s my threeyearold son. Yeah. He was real sick. Well, you look well. I feel oh, im fine, now. Whatd you do whatd you used to do, on halloween . I came from the midwest, and i hate to admit this, after all these years, but, in those days outhouses, right . You dont see many of em, anymore, even in the midwest. But ththey used to have the outhouse, away from the main house. And kids would actually go out, on halloween, and tip them over. Yeah. They thought that was a highhigh stung. Hopefully, they were vacant, at the time. Yes. [ laughter ] but you always tip an outhouse over, from the back to the front. Never from the front to back. cause youll exactly. [ laughter] exactly. But, i guess [ chuckling ] thethe rudest thing that, uh, we used to do is, at houses that were, um that wouldnt be very ne in their mailboxes. So, the next morning, when thed reach in, itd be, ya know, really slimy and oh nice. Clever. Clever stuff. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Now, you, uh i know you have to leave early, tonight. Are you going out, with your children . Um most parents should, if the kids are very young they should go with em, on trickortreating. Uh, no, iive gotta go to school. Um, im, uh, taking a class, at ucla. Graduate school, you mean, or what . [ laughter ] well, whaddya mean . Yeah, i should get my high school diploma, any day now. Uh, no, im no, i mean, is this graduate stuff, actually, its halloween. Im going as a politician. See, i wrapped myself in the flag, so uh, no, im, um, taking a photography class. No kidding. Its, uh, something, you know l of us take photographs, all our lives, and you wonder you get ck, from the from the photo place, anyou wond, how did aunt bessies foot get into the middle of that picture . I didn intend that. So, i thought it was time that i learned a little b about cameras and how to take pictures thats good thinking. So im taking this, uh, class, actually. Ive got my homework ready, for tonight, and now, whats your homework, for whatwhat is your homework . Um, we have to well, i you know what . Mm do this, first . You wanna go away . Yes, uh okay. Were gonna go away but you actually have to they give ya homework. Oh, yes. And they grade it, and everything. Well, i wanna see your homework. [ chuckling ] stay where you are. 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Uh, i had, uh, some grips, at, uh at the studio, uh, tear my bathroom apart, in my dressing room, and convert it to a darkroom. So, unfortunately, i have to well, now, youre goin the whole way. Use harry edisos bathroom, when i have to go. But its ii put everything in there the enlarger, chemicals. Ii itsits totally obsessed. You got a compulsive personality. A oh, yes. Well, lets see your homework. Now, you said this now, they told ya to go out and yeah, well, this is the first one. They andand things do get better. But this is the ii didnt do too i got, uh, a c, on this one. That was a you know, and i printed this, myself iii, uh, developed the film. And it just didnt come out like i thought it would. [ laughter ] see, now, im tryna figure . Am i missing something, here . Well, yeah. Its, uh, sort of my Jackson Pollock period. Yes, i was this is the son from the black lagoon, i call it. So, about a out a c, on that. Yeah, but this one lemme show ya. Moving ahead, here. The, uh the good stuff. The better of that samesame one. But i now, th is i got it down. Now, this is an interesting. But with a little more, uh, technique involved. And i actually got it to where it looked like, uh, a person. Yes thatsthats intriguing. Thats, uh, jonathan larroquette. s youryour son. Yes. How old is he . Hes 13. Okay. And this is my abstract period, here. This is called, uh, crying buddha kills a small wooden dummy. [ laughter ] uh. And, as you can see, its, uh on the top, there do i ve ts right, uh no, that [ some laughter ] thats fine. excuse me. I just no, ii understan its real hard to tell that, but its called waiting for the other shoe to drop is the title of it. Thats my benjamins my threeyearolds sneakers, floating in the air, above the picture, there. Uhhuh. And this little dummy with the dart in it. And, um and ill have these available, for you, in the lobby, for i see. [ some laughter ] five dollars apiece, if you like. Well, thats quite unusual. I got a b, on that one, so. A b . So, youre yeah, im going up. So, youryour a will ccome soon. I w yes, i would hope so. Youyou dyou buy lots oof fancy, expensive equipment . Uh, yes, unfortunately, i do. You got the darkroom. Yeah. You bought a tractor, once, if i remember. I just bought a trailer for it, so i could haul stuff around the property, um, with it. Have you used it . What kind o a tractor did you a ku uh, kubota. Can we say that . I dunno. You said it very well. [ some laughter ] i dunno if you can say it. Yeah, of crse yocan say it. Its got a big shovel, in the front of it, and, uh, i can do you use it . Very much. Yeah. Lute. Absolutely. I dont even know what happened i was driving around my, uh my house and theres a lotta horse property, around my area. And there was a lady, with a stable outside her yard, and w this big pile of horse manure. Mmmhmm. And it had this sign stuck in it free manure i went out, with my flashlight. Got on my tractor. Went out, down my road, with my shovel, and sat, at 10 00 at night, shoveling this horse manure into the, uh into my trailer, so i could put it on my garden. Did you ask her if you could take her manure . No, b the a b sign said free manure, so oh, free i didyou dit s. Did hear something . Yeah. I forgot, again. Free manure [ laughter ] free manure. Um. [ laughter ] i guess i just blocked that out of my whats that little joke about somebody who saw thbig pile of manure the difference between a pessimist and an optimist . Yeah. Guy says one was a big pile of manure, and the other guy says, theres a pony under there, somewhere. Some laughter ] Something Like that. Itit was Something Like that. Thats close enough. Close enough. Whos keeping score . You have a picture out yes. Naturally, called tune, uh now, dont tell me. [ some laughter ] these people will be doing that, for you, tomorrow tell me. The title of this. Its, uh right. Absolutely. Uh, its based on a novel. Its kinda strange. Called aunt julia and the scriptwriter. Yeah, it is strange. Its, uh peter falk plays a soap, uh, opera writer, for radio, in the 50s, in n orleans. And he sort of loses reality, sometime, and the film actually dissolves into the lives of the soap characters. It actually becomes the movie, anthats where you find me uh, myself, peter gallagher, Elizabeth Mcgovern. And, um, this clip, if were gonna roll it, isis sure were gonna roll it. Is when what . Hings are getting things are getting very weird, even weirder, in the soap world. I play uncle albert, the t bresn surgeongynecologist in new orleans. [ laughter ] braur gynecologist. Gynecologist. Hyen it. Yeah, hyphen it. And Elizabeth Mcgovern are brother and sister, right . Andand they are now pregnant. Brother and sister are pregnant, and uncle albert cant have this. So, at four months, hes trying to get her to have the baby, so its not a disaster to the family. I see. And we pick them up, in the operating room, while hes trying to persuade her. Are you follow all of this, folks . Well, lets see muc more oxygen. Push, elena push im only fourmonths pregnant i know its a little premature, [ muffled ]e is running out. Uncle albert, youre a brain surge. [ muffled ] now, girl. Orry aboutt, push push