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Deadly. That winter storm dumping more than three feet of snow, whipping winds creating whiteout conditions. This bus tipping over. The dramatic rescue as temperatures plunge up and down the east coast. And a new storm on the way threatening to wreak havoc for millions of holiday travelers. And breaking overnight, kanye west hospitalized hours after canceling his tour. Get ready. Get ready because the show is over. Just days after this the breakdown and the latest on his condition. We do say, good morning, america and a lot of news to get to this morning, just one day away from the biggest travel day of the year. Right in time for that day, robin, the snow is piling up. Take a look at this timelapsed video of upstate new york. A lot of people may be happy to see that. Im sure some arent. Ginger will be here with much more on your holiday forecast. A lot of information that people need. We have to begin with sad news. That bus crash in tennessee. The school bus flipped on its side hit trees killing at least five young children. That bus driver now under arrest facing charges and amy is on the scene in chattanooga with the latest. Good morning, amy. Reporter good morning, george. It is a devastating morning here in chattanooga. The accident happened on this road right here behind me just a few hundred fee yesterday afternoon less than a mile from school as you mentioned, 35 kids on that bus and in addition to those who were killed, dozens of others were injured. And the posted speed limb on this road, 30 miles per hour. Federal investigators are now looking into whether excessive speed was a factor in this tragedy. The bus has flipped over. It is occupied with children. Reporter a bus full of children on their way home from Elementary School runs off the we heard the crash and we went outside to look and we saw that the bus had turned over and apparently had hit the house across the street. They were escaping through the roof hatch. Reporter Police Believe excessive speed may have been a factor. They have charged the bus driver, Johnthony Walker, with five counts of vehicular homicide and reckless driving. We executed a search warrant know if there was any outside influences on his ability to drive a car, to drive a vehicle. We dont know at this time. What we do know now his behavior was to the point of recklessness and it met the criteria for filing charges for vehicular homicide, reckless driving and Reckless Endangerment. Reporter at least five of the students dead and two dozen others injured. As Emergency Personnel race to to their children. The bus so mangled it took more than two hours to get the students to safety. The local hospital overwhelmed as ambulance after ambulance arrived. Our thoughts and prayers are with their families, their schools, their friends and our entire Community Impact the by this tragedy. Reporter hundreds gathered at area hospitals standing in long lines to give blood. This is an absolute Safety Professionals in chattanooga are prepared and trained to make sure this is investigated thoroughly. Reporter authorities planning to review the video from the school bus to figure out exactly what happened. We just saw a massive tow truck and a flatbed right in front of me going up to the scene of that bus crash. Theyll be removing the bus shortly because the investigation has gone on through the evening but so many people do want answers including the parents of children who were parent, craig harris. Craig, thank you for being with us this morning. Thank you. I know your daughter, your stepson and your niece were all on that bus. How are they doing this morning. This morning they are doing a lot better. My daughter and my stepson, theyre in a lot of pain and a little bit of shock still but for the most part theyre fine. My niece, she is in recovery this morning. She just got out of surgery about an hour ago and theyre just keeping a close eye there was a fear at one point she might lose her arm. Thats how severe her injuries were. They had to go into her leg and remove a vein to replace the one torn from her arm. She is looking at a long road to recovery and a lot more surgeries but shes here. I cant imagine the moment when you got word that your children were involved in a bus accident and a severe bus accident. Tell me when you first heard and what happened next. Its been a big fear of mine and which first heard i literally had i almost lost it and hi to sit down and gain my composure. I had to calm my wife down and other family members that were also affected by this and it just it was just its something i never want to face again. So you get the word. You go to this room and youre waiting to find out if your chen i can say that they did the best they could and in my eyes they did the best they could because there were so many people down at the hospital at the time and so many families just in the same boat that i was in. Waiting to hear if their children were dead or alive. Right. What was that room like of parents . Were you comforting each other . Yes, we were. Some people were easier to calm than others. Have you seen the bus driver, do you know him at all . I dont know him. I dont know him personally. Honestly, he there has been times where i saw him faster than he probably should be going. And that concerned you as a parent. Did you ever have worries putting your children on that school bus. Yes, maam. Thats the reason why i tried to be there in the mornings when hes pulling up so i can try to get a rhythm for what he was doing and also in the up the treat and drop them off. Some days he would go down the street and drop them off. Im not a bus driver so im not sure how what their protocol is but i kind of figured that that wasnt something he was supposed to be doing. Well, the ntsb investigating his actions and he is in custody at this hour so we do know that much. In terms of whats next for this community, i know that to see those lines with people giving from thanksgiving. Whats the impact on this community . For me there was a Silver Lining in this because i did see my city come together yesterday. Well take that. Craig, thank you so much and wishing your children a speedy recovery, physically and mentally because theres a long road ahead for everyone. Yes, maam. Definitely. Speaking of coming together woodmore elementary cool is actually open staff and members of the community. This accident is raising major questions about school bus safety. The ntsb is launching a go team to investigate there in chattanooga. Abcs david kerley joins us with more on that and, david, what can we expect from this team to do in its investigation . Well, the ntsb looks at all the factors, robin. Theyll look at the weather. Theyll look at the equipment, pictures tell so much from this story, robin. You can see that bus, looks like it rolled onto its side and hit the tree and just folded around that tree. But thats all the things the ntsb will look at. Think about this, robin. On average, five schoolkids are killed in a bus accident every year. Six were killed yesterday. Yes, all right, david. Thank you very much and, again, the Investigation Continues and our hearts go out to the in chattanooga. Cannot imagine what those parents are going through. Okay, we are going to move on and get the latest on president elect trump. Transition in full swing at trump tower. Last night he released a Youtube Video. David wright reports from trump tower. Good morning. Reporter this videotaped message outlining an agenda for proposals. Trump focused on things he can do immediately by executive order and this is really the first time weve heard extensively from the president elect since election night. Our Transition Team is working very smoothly, efficiently and effectively truly great and talented men and women patriots, indeed, are being brought in and many will soon be a part of our government. Reporter a short restrained speech talking directly to the american people. I want the nexter happen right here on our great homeland. America. Reporter trump promises to renegotiate trade deals, ease restrictions on energy production, crack down on immigration abuses and impose a lobbying ban for all workers in the executive branch. I will provide more updates in the coming days as we Work Together to make America Great again for everyone and i mean everyone. Reporter revolving door formal rivals now looking for jobs. Among them former governor rick perry of texas who was sharply critical of trump during the primaries. Donald trumps candidacy is a cancer on conservatism and must be diagnosed, excised and discarded. Reporter he was recently voted off dancing with the stars now hoping for a cabinet post and trump met with hawaii congresswoman this movement of love and compassion is bigger than any one of us. Reporter not the Republican Convention but the democratic one talking about bernie sanders. The 35yearold progressive now considering coming over to trump. I think theres a recognition that there is a big country out there with lots of voters that feel disaffected from their party, the democrats. Reporter sorry. Sorry. Whats triking here is what trump leaves out. Hes not talking about repealing obamacare or locking Hillary Clinton up. Hes focused here on what on reaching out to all the american people, george. David wright, thanks very much. More on this from our chief political analyst matthew dowd. Matt, thanks for joining us this morning. We just saw that Youtube Video as david mentioned. Trump did not get into things hes not doing. Also facing questions right now about these conflicts of ivanka trump sitting in on the meeting with the japanese Prime Minister and meetings with his Indian Business partners and yesterday mr. Trump talking to his british officials about wind farms in britain, even republicans now starting to raise questions about these conflicts. George, i think the biggest problematic thing for president elect trump in his administration ahead isnt his appointments which a lot of people have been disturbed about it could be this issue with interests around the world and it looks like him putting this in a blind trust run by his children wont be clean enough. Even the wall street journal said he ought to liquidate all his assets of the problem if he doesnt do that and clean it up hell be subject to conflicts of interest charges and could be subject to corruption charges and finally he could actually be subject to constitutional questions as you know, there is a clause in the constitution, called t it means you cannot take advantage or benefit from a foreign state or a foreign government. Thats a huge problem for donald trump. The trump team says they are going to put structures in place. Well see what is coming as the transition goes on. Some word this morning that perhaps donald trump will not pursue this investigation of Hillary Clinton. That probably makes sense. I think that makes sense. I think most of his voters could care less. Most want him to change their economic life. With more. Good morning, brian. Reporter well, good morning, robin. With preparations well under way for heavy security around the big thanksgiving day parade, the fbi has arrested a brooklyn man who tried to join isis and talked of an attack right here in times square. The fbi moved in Mohamed Rafik naji. Officials said the suspect tried to join isis overseas and then returned to new york expressing support and recorded conversations for an attack like the one in nice, france, where an isis follower drove a semi truck through crowds attending the bastille Day Celebration killing 84 people. If there is a truck, he said, i mean a garbage truck and one drives it there to times square and crushes them, times square day. A potential attack given that this individual was following isis direction to carry out an attack against a large crowd. Reporter earlier this month, isis posted an online message praising that attack in france and calling on other followers to use speeding vehicles to attack Outdoor Events featuring a picture of the new york thanksgiving day parade. Now new york police are sending a clear message to not even think about an attack announcing an unprecedented level of security to guardhe floats and huge crowds. I think that we will have the traditional counterterrorism well see people out there. Reporter the new york police will deploy a military battalion of officers, some 5,000 of them assigned to the parade including snipers on the rooftop, 81 huge trucks filled with sand to block vehicles, all along the twomilelong route which passes two big trump properties, robin. As always if you see in new york in the middle of that first major snowstorm of the season. Standing outside there freezing. Gio, creating quite a mess on roads for people. Reporter what a mess, michael. Good morning to you. Listen, this is the Third Straight morning that people here have been waking up to all this snow. Can you just imagine having to shovel all of this stuff out. Especially when you hear that some parts of this area have 40 inches of snow. Storm turning deadly. The storm hammering parts of upstate new york, dropping more than 40 inches of snow in some areas, homes buried. The whipping winds and whiteout conditions leaving highways hazardous littered with wreckage. Just take a look at this heartstopping moment caught on tape. A bus overturning while trying to avoid this spun out car. Austin beeching and his family watched in horror as it tipped inside but they were all okay. We got them out of the emergency exit. Reporter of the 40 high school passengers on board, luckily only nine suffered minor injuries. And because of the icy conditions near rochester, one person lost their life. As they slid straight into the path of an oncoming tractor trailer showing how ferocious the storm has become across new england. We have a lot of accidents until people learn to slow down a little bit. You can see the rapid this time lapse video. This could be just the beginning of a lingering travel nightmare as we head into a busy holiday weekend. And so the good news right now all this snowfall will stop today but now attention turns out to the west. Thats going to cause some major, major travel problems out there for the holidays, michael. Thank you, gio. Back in times square you have a look at the weather coming up for everybody getting ready to travel. Thats right. Wouldnt be thanksgiving if we lets kind of time it out for you. The tropical moisture fueling this along the cold front and this low pressure system going to develop some snow, a mix of rain, know and sleet in parts of minneapolis so thats one of the airports that id watch and certainly a lot of highways around there, chicago, another hot spot by tomorrow morning, if you have a flight, there will be rain in the region so with a lot of flights going on thats something to note. Severe storms in afternoon, eastern texas, southeastern oklahoma, as i middle of the country and out west in seattle, oregon and into the sierra if youre driving is one to look for too. You guys, i have one more. A lot of people yesterday were saying i looked so happy with that first snow. You did. Not as happy as this guy. Ready . First snow, western colorado. Ah. Id say we were competing as to who was happiest. Yes. You did look mighty happy out there in your element. You stood still, though. Kevin areas of light snow continue up north. The wind remains so the day. Overcast guy in western and northern areas. A little more sunshine in southern and eastern parts of the state, very typical of a northwest flow as the system continues to slowly move away. Cooler than average temperatures continue. Notice the five atop mount washington. Extra bite from the wind, with temperatures in near 40 coming up that breaking news overnight, kanye west hospitalized after his bizarre behavior on stage. Weve got the latest this morning. And our investigation as millions get ready to fly for the holiday. Can fumes on the plane make you sick . Why airlines are calling for big changes coming up on gma. Oducs that will impact the p and l that i think. Hey guys, i gotta call you back. Hello . Hi mom oh, hi sweetie how are you . Im good. I was just thinking of you. How is everything . Give a Keurig Brewer this holiday and they will think of you everyday. Starting black friday. Only jared has this pandora holiday gift set 12 charms and clips including the jared exclusive mrs. Santa claus charm. Nivea inshower body lotion after washing apply and rinse 24 hours of moisture with no sticky feel. Then get dressed and go. Delight your senses with inshower cocoa butter. Available in the body lotion aisle. Available in the body lotion aisle. As soon as i left the hospital after a dvt blood clot, i sure had a lot to think about. What about the people i care about . Including this little girl. And what if this happened again . In the hospital, but wondered, was this the best treatment for me . So i asked my doctor. And he recommended eliquis. Eliquis treats dvt and pe blood clots and reduces the risk of them happening again. Yes, eliquis treats dvt and pe blood clots. Eliquis also had significantly less major bleeding than the standard treatment. Both made me turn around my thinking. Dont stop eliquis unless your doctor tells you to. Eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. Or abnormal bleeding. If you had a spinal injection while on eliquis call your doctor right away if you have tingling, numbness, or muscle weakness. While taking eliquis, you may bruise more easily. And it may take longer than usual for bleeding to stop. Seek immediate medical care for sudden signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. Eliquis may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. Tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. Eliquis treats dvt and pe blood clots. Plus had less major bleeding. Both made eliquis the right treatment for me. Is is right for you. . Eat up, buddy. Youll get it this time. Yeah ok not too quick dont let go until i say so. I got you. Start strong with the Lasting Energy of 100 now, from wmur news 9 sean the time right now is 7 23. Police in pelham are warning of a possible bad batch of heroin in the area. Investigators say they have seen a sudden increase in drug overdoses in pelham in recent days, including three in the span of 24 hours and at least two people have died in the last week and a half. Police think the heroin that is circulating is likely mixed with synthetic drugs, including fentanyl. Police in derry need your help identifying this man. They say he broke into the Gilbert Hood Middle School early yesterday morning. Officers found a broken window after alarms started going off around 3 00. They searched the building for about an hour, but didnt find anyone. However, a man was seen on Surveillance Video Walking Around inside. It is not clear what, if now, meteorologist Kevin Skarupa with your stormwatch nine forecast. Kevin quite a few clouds out west and up north. Still some snow shower activity. In central and southern areas, we continue to see partial sunshine. Everyone is in on the brisk northwesterly wind which will continues to move away and eventually sets of quieter conditions for wednesday. Temperatures like yesterday, 30s to lower 40s. The wind adding extra bite through the afternoon. Today very similar to yesterday. That the slick start we had. Fair skies for travel wednesday. The next system tries to approach thursday morning. Looks like it could be a light rain or snow mixture trying to make its way in, but spotty and americas Beverage Companies have come together to bring you more ways to help reduce calories from sugar. With more great tasting beverages with less sugar or no sugar at all, smaller portion sizes, clear calorie labels, and signs reminding everyone to think balance before choosing their beverages. We know you care about reducing the sugar in your familys diet, and were working to support your efforts. Less sugar. Balanceus. Org. People say, lets just get a sandwich or something. Or something . You dont just graduate from medical school, or something. And we dont just pull smoked chicken, bake fresh foccacia and handslice avocado. Theres nothing or something about it. Im here with targets black friday 30 off apparel doorbuster you guys look amazing . Go crazy . Of course, that is prince. Performing lets go crazy at the super bowl in 2007, one of the greatest halftime shows in history and this morning we have your World Exclusive first listen of released from princes vault coming up. A World Exclusive. Youve been to a couple of super bowls. Do you know who is performing at halftime . You know who is performing and trying to get out of the locker room early. Coach, cut the speech short. Prince is performing. You try to get out. You have to focus . Thats my motivation. Not you right now. Im surprised at that. Who knew . Candidates at trump tower today before he leaves for florida where he will spend thanksgiving. Overnight 6. 9 earthquake hit japan sending residenting running for shelter. Tremors could be felt to tokyo. Tsunami warnings have been lifted thankfully. A big dramatic night in the ballroom. The final four couples faced off but jenna and gleb were sent home. Well hear what theyre saying about it just ahead. For new trouble for chipotle. Are their calorie counts misleading faced with a new lawsuit and much more coming up. Say it aint so. Who would have thunk it . We are going to begin with amy. She is in chattanooga, tennessee, just moments ago we got new details about that school bus crash. Good morning again, amy. Reporter thats right, robin, good morning, chattanoogas police chief said this is every Public Safety officers Worst Nightmare and it well. Were learning more about the children on that school bus. 37 students were involved and of the five fatalities, we know that three of them were in fourth grade. One was in kindergarten and one was in first grade. One boy and four girls dying in this horrific tragedy. We know that six children are still in the icu and six others are in the hospital. Thats down from the 24 who were originally taken off that bus to the hospital and as weve been saying Police Believe right now excess in this tragedy. Overnight Police Charged the bus driver, 24yearold Johnthony Walker with five counts of vehicular homicide, Reckless Endangerment and reckless driving charges and authorities are testing his blood to see if he was on any substances while driving that bus and the families of the dead have been notified as this entire community tries to come together this morning. We know that students will be excused if they choose not to go to school today but important to note schools are open in this offer much needed counseling to so many students, their parents, the staff and this community as they try to come together and heal after this horrific accident just two days before thanksgiving, robin. Im sure theyre in need of that help, amy, thank you very much. Like amy we are thinking of all those families and its a very closeknit community there and the community is really coming together. We are flat they are coming together and thinking of them. We move on to that health care for kanye west. Hes been hospitalized after a series of bizarre rants on stage his wife Kim Kardashian rushing home to be by his side and nick watt is in los angeles with the latest. Good morning, nick. Reporter good morning, george. Well, right now kanye west is under observation at this hospital. Behind me a source telling us he is suffering from exhaustion and sleep deprivation and that he checked himself in voluntarily. The call came in at 1 20 p. M. Medical emergency at a West Hollywood address. Responding, according to tmz west was at his trainers home, quote, acting erratically. . To a woman so heartless jooet qua . Reporter earlier they had can sauled all dates of his saint pablo tour and his wife was supposed to make her first public appearance since she was held at gunpoint and robbed in paris last month. Shes been living the quiet life ever since but skipped the comeback event he did something similar after her robbery. Im sorry. Family emergency. I have to stop the show. Whatever is happening with kanye maybe were about to see a change from both of them. Maybe not. Reporter the gold digger singer is famously unpredictably and provocative. In 2009 he storaged the vma stage as taylor swift accepted an award. Im going to let you finish but beyonce had one of the best videos of all time. Reporter saturday night in reporter was maybe the first hint all is really not well. Kicking off his gig 90 minutes late then more venting than singing. Its a new world, Hillary Clinton. Its a new world. Everybody in Middle America showed how they felt. He has this fashion line losing tons of money. On thison thats a lot of pressure. Reporter then literally dropping the mike. Shows over. Reporter gone after just a half hour on stage. Two days later, hes in the hospital. And there is no word yet on when he may be released and sent home but this morning, there is a lot of love and support for kanye west all over social media. George. Okay, nick, thanks. Well bring in former editor and deprivation, sounds serious. It does. I think when youre hospitalized for Something Like in this is not someone who cant get sleep. It seems like something way more serious. I dont know any pop star whos seemed more unhappy than kanye west. He had about what. He has critical acclaim and all these other things but seems to be he just doesnt get enough attention. He seems to always have hes constantly having fights with people whether its taylor swift or now jay z and beyonce and you saw him really get a huge reaction at his concert by saying he voted for donald trump. No, he didnt vote would have voted for donald trump. A double whammy there. He i dont want to be too glib about this but seems to crave attention and has for a very long time and the accolades he gets when it comes to his music dont seem to be enough. He just has to be in the public eye. And the timing a little bit strange, the same night that kim was supposed to reemerge in the public spotlight. Just watching that report, was involved in the o. J. Simpson case, this is like a pop culture fruitcake. I mean the amount of connects these people have around them and yet still, you know, chaos and what seems to be unhappiness. How does someone like kanye reemerge from Something Like this. I think professionally there will be a great amount of attention. When he gets out of the hospital, back into the studio, when hes reunited with kim, this is the stuff of the life he leads, you know, in the public sphere. What happens with the what happens with what the art is, that remains to be seen. It seems as if the art has become secondary to the kind of public posture and public life. Sure seems like it. Hackett hablth, thanks very much. Over to michael. Thank you, george. Coming up on our big board, chipotle under fire. The restaurant chain being sued. Did they mislead customers about the calories in some burritos . A big exclusive. Weve got that never before heard prince music, the debut is just two minutes away. No one id rather have dinner and a movie with. No one id rather lean on. Being in love is an amazing thing. Being in love with your best friend. Is everything. The ever us twostone ring. One diamond for your best friend. One for your true love. For the one woman in your life whos both. Ever us. Available at kay, jared and zales. The enamel on my teeth was weakening. The whiteness wasnt there as much, my teeth didnt look as healthy as others. My dentist said that pronamel would help protect my teeth. Pronamel is giving me the confidence to know that im doing the right thing oh, get ready for this. Welcome back. Time now for our big board and breaking down more of this mornings top stories. Dan abrams is our man at the table and start off with that calorie controversy. Chipotle is being sued by customers who claim the companys menu misrepresents nutritional information citing the chains chorizo burrito described as having just 300 calories. Theyre saying they got duped. Action. They want to put together every person who bought a chorizo burrito assuming it was 300 calories. Now, ready for this . Its not 300 calories, okay. As it turns out and im going to put together a quick bun for you. If you want to put together one of these, you have chorizo, 300 calories, the torety joe, 300. Brown rice, 210. Not really so theyre basically saying its a legal matter in california. Its a great place to file this kind of lawsuit that they want to put together all these people who bought them and sue for damages. Theres a sign that said it was 300 calories but on their website chipotle had the accurate calorie count so does that help them in their legal defense. Thats going to be one of their defenses. One is going to be, look, this wasnt intentional. This was accidental. They say the 300 you could have gone to our website, also in these kinds of lawsuits you have to be able to prove, a, you bought it. B, you bought it because it was 300 calories and what are the damages . So even when people win these kinds of lawsuits, it tends to be the price of the burrito. Thats about it. Yeah. So its not like anyone is going to get rich over the kind of cases. We move on now to the man, the myth, the legend, prince. He has a new collection of music that is out together including the never before heard song moonbeam levels and Chris Connelly is joins us with the World Exclusive first listen, so lets check it out, everybody. . . He doesnt know what he wants at all . . He says please send all your moon beam levels to me . . Please send all your moonbeam levels to me . Nobody sounds like prince. Uhhuh. Makes me miss him even more. It does. Chris, this is the first song released from his paisley park vault. What can we expect and what does this mean for his legacy . Lets start with moonbeam according to prince vault. Com on july 6th, 1982 so its a 34yearold song and was recorded the night of a total lunar eclipse. How about that . Its never just coincidence with prince. Well, the estate says next year theyre putting out a refurbished version of purple rain and in connection with that an entire new cd of unreleased songs from the vault. Shangrila for prince fans, so much stuff weve year will be our big opportunity. So much there but as you keep referring to the estate, were all very aware of this ongoing legal battle. Where does that tan right now. Its a 300 million estate i guess by some peoples reckoning and two people are in charge of the music and its distribution and that all seems to be going relatively smoothly but as far as the estate itself i guess theres he died without an heir, without a spouse and without a will. They are expected to split things six ways. There have been other people who have attempted to get a piece of the estate and you know i think the court is sort of been sorting their way through that. Dan, i want to ask you. Weve seen battles over estates in the past. Is there an end in sight to this . How ugly could it get. I think it will end soon. As chris mentioned you have a few people who have come forward and been dismissed. Someone said, for example, that princes famil is, well, no, thats not enough. I think it will get resolved. The estate will continue to grow. Exactly, exactly. More and more valuable. Dan, chris, thank you very much. You can listen to the full version of princes moonbeam levels on our live Stream Listening Party that starts at 9 00 a. M. Eastern. Coming up in two minutes as millions get ready to travel for thanksgiving, our investigation, what some flight crews say can get into the planes cabin and get up for black friday. Starts thursday, 6pm. Walmart. Ive been on my feel all day. Im bushed yea me too. Excuse me. Coming through ride the gel wave of comfort with dr. Scholls massaging gel insoles. Theyre proven to give you comfort. Which helps you feel more energized. All day long. The first place to stop and the best place to shop is kohls black friday. Shop online all week. Get 24. 99 toys 29. 99 diamond and crystal earrings. And stores open thursday at 6pm. Plus everyone gets 15 kohls cash we are back with gma investigates as millions get ready to fly for thanksgiving we got an airplane alert about fumes that can enter cabins and make you sick. Flight attendants and crew members are calling on airlines to make big changes and Abcs David Kerley has the story. Reporter emergency vehicles surround a jetliner. The first officer taken away on a stretcher loaded into an ambulance. The captain o dave hill. We were both feeling bad during the approach and landing. Reporter flight attendants too. The entire crew even some passengers reported feeling ill. My whole life changed. My health to this day is not the same. Reporter exposed, they say, to a neurotoxin leaking into the cabin air during flight. How . Because on nearly every jet the air used to pressurize the cabin, the air you breathe is in the engines oil is an additive containing that toxin. Tricresyl phosphate. Tcp. If there is a leak it could mean fumes in the cabin. Creating an odd smell like dirty socks. What do the doctors tell you. That i have Central Nervous system damage. From the chemical. Reporter memory loss, balance issues, headaches can result if enough of that chemical is inhaled. The captain says his sympts faa he was no longer safe to fly. Were you ever in the cockpit again . No, that ended my career. Reporter they pulled your license. Pulled my license. Reporter the Flight Attendants Union says on average once a day there is a fume event on 1 of the 35,000 flights crisscrossing our country. Most incidents dont cause a problem. Its a safety issue that the airlines should be addressing and they should make them aircraft manufacturers, boeing and airbus say the air on their jets is healthy and safe pointing out that many aircraft have pepa filters. Those can capture some but not all of the toxin according to experts. We decided to check. So on five different flights on four Different Airlines we tested the air with these monitors. The other test is a swab test. Take this swab and run one side over this to see if any those surfaces. The results, every swab picked up traces of that chemical tcp which could be due to an accumulation from several flights. And the air monitors, while they didnt find the chemical they did find evidence of small amounts of jet engine oil which would suggest a leak. But while these oil leaks and fumes are possible, experts and even those who have been affected say the risk to passengers is low. How do i protect myself. There is no way. You should be aware of it. Reporter for good morning america, david kerley, abc news, america. The faa responded to this and say the air is safe on the vast majority of flights but admit air can be contaminated after certain mechanical failures and the Flight Attendants Union are making sure they have all sensors installed to detect the toxins and filter them out. Coming up as millions get ready to travel weve take a look at that. Come on back. Coming up gmas ultimate cranberry challenge brought to you by ocean spray cranberries. The unofficial official fruit of the holidays. Oliday time, and no fruit is as versatile as our ocean spray cranberries, which is why were declaring it the unofficial official fruit of the holidays. The figs gonna be so bummed. [ chuckles ] yaaaaaay is back at mcdonalds. Buy any 5 mccaf . Beverages and you get 1 for free when you use the mcdonalds app. Yaaaaaay enjoy a mccaf . Moment. Fact. Advil is not only strong its gentle on your body too. No wonder doctors and patients have trusted advil. For their tough pains for over 30 years. Relief doesnt get any better than this. Advil. Why seven days . Science. Join me as we walk through the seven stages of decisioning. 1. Consideration. 2. Questioning. 3. Deciding. 4. Queso. 5. Nap. 6. Sudoku. 7. Tambourine practice. I think i made my point. Theyll give you an offer for your car, you take seven days to think about it. . vo your love is purely thoughtful, purely natural, purely fancy feast. Delicious entr . Es, crafted to the last detail. Flaked tuna, whitemeat chicken, never any byproducts or fillers. Purely natural tastes when heartburn hits, fight back fast with tums smoothies. It starts dissolving the instant it touches your tongue. And neutralizes stomach acid at the source. . Tum tum tum tum . Smoothies only from tums most people know the four cs of a diamond. Now, kay jewelers brings you. The newest c chocolate. Levian chocolate diamonds. Only levian, masters of jewelry design for centuries. Makes jewelry with rare chocolate diamonds. Save up to 20 on select levian styles, that shes sure to love. At kay, the numberone jewelry store. In america. Levian chocolate diamonds. For the sweetest thing in your life. . Every kiss begins with kay. . Our mission is to produce programs and online content for African Women as they try to build their businesses and careers. My name is yasmin beloosagie and im a cofounder at she leads africa. I definitely could not do my job without technology. This windows 10 device, asier and faster than the old mac that i used to use. You can configure it in so many different ways, it just, i dont know, it feels really cool. I feel like im in the future. Back here on good morning america, you can hear it, im messing with them. Severe storms in parts of texas. This afternoon, evening and in southeastern oklahoma you could see an isolated tornado in tha traveling that way. Also we could see the southernmost landfalling hurricane if this thing, otto makes landfall in nicaragua or costa rica. Good morning america is brought to you by kay jewelers. For 100 years, every kiss begins now, from wmur news 9 sean welcome back. The time is 7 56. Fire officials in manchester are trying to figure out what sparked a fire that left a woman severely burned. The fire broke out last night at a multifamily building on pine street. When firefighters arrived, they say they found an woman suffering from severe burns inside the building. At this time, there is no word on her condition. The chief says crews were able to put the fire out quickly. The red cross says it is now were displaced. A portsmouth pet store is asking for your help in tracking down a stolen puppy. The little shop of pets says this twopound, threemonthold chihuahua was stolen this week. The owner believes the 900 puppy was taken out of an open pen sometime sunday night or monday morning. Right now, the biggest concern is that the little chihuahua is not getting the specialized food it needs. The pet shop owner says she is concerned that the thief will try to sell the puppy online to waking up to more cold temperatures out there, but it looks like the sun is starting to come through those clouds. Kevin more sunshine and southeastern areas then we will see to the north and west. Flows still out of the northwest. Wind still of the northwest. I continues to bank against the western and northern terrain. Scattered snow showers up north. A low pressure continues to slowly pinwheel through the canadian maritimes. Gradually lessening the effects to breezy conditions tonight. More sunshine. Temperatures starting in the upper 20s to lower 30s. Highs in the 30s to lower 40s. With the wind still gusting over 20 or 25 mph, it is going to feel colder than that. Snow showers up north with her away to a couple of lighter snow showers later this afternoon and flurries tonight. Otherwise, fair skies and excellent timing for your travel wednesday. Clouds start to increase thursday morning. There could be light snow they arrive. Most of that widely scattered on your thanksgiving, with maybe a stronger system late friday night into saturday. Temperatures consistent through good morning, america. Its 8 00 a. M. Deadly school bus crash. The bus is flipped over and it is occupied with children. A bus filled with 35 Elementary School students slamming into trees. At least five killed. More than two dozen in the hospital. Now the bus driver has been arrested. This is an absolute nightmare for this morning. New this morning the woman you remember as octomom now revealing she regrets it all. Well have how our life spiraled out of control. The shocking moment with her 10yearold daughter that turned it all around. Speaking out only on gma. The final three. James, calvin, laurie going headtohead for the mirror ball trophy after one couple cut from the competition overnight counting down to the blockbuster . Weve gone to the dogs. Thousands of amazing Success Stories, dogs finding new homes coast to coast. Our big finale right here live. And here are just a few of our Success Stories. And theyre here to say all good morning, america. . Lara spencer. Its ending. I enjoyed h adopt. It doesnt have to end. It doesnt. Having the dogs every day. Its been mystifying my dogs at home. I come home smelling like dogs. It is a huge morning. Our Mission Pawsible finale and its great to have these adorable dogs. Lets take a look at our class of 2016, graduates of our month long adoptathon. Of course, theyre all here for the big celebration this morning. The green carpet rolled out for them. Country, this morning three of those shelters are joining us with puppy parties in chicago and philadelphia and also in austin, texas. We take a theme in runway. This one we went all out. It really is something near and dear and know the love these dogs can give you. All available for adog, make sure to get the information on our website and just wait till you hear how many Success Stories weve had, the big reveal, the final drum roll coming up. That is coming up. We got to switch gears and get right to the latest on that Deadly School bus tennessee. Amy is on the scene, good morning, amy. Reporter thats right, george. Theres still a heavy Police Presence here just a few hundred feet from that horrific bus crash. This as were learning more now about the victims who were on that bus. We know that five children were killed yesterday. One of them was in kindergarten. The others were in first grade and fourth grade. Several other children are injured and are in the hospital. Six in the icu, six others still recovering there, as well and this crash. This is a road that has signs posted at 0 miles per hour. The 24yearold bus driver is under arrest. He is facing vehicular homicide as well as several other charges. He has submitted to a blood test as well. Results are not yet available but federal investigators from the ntsb will also be on the scene here trying to piece together exactly what happened. One official called this every Public Safety officials Worst Nightmare. We certainly know this is e parents Worst Nightmare. Schools will be open to offer grief counseling to so many who need it this morning as they try to move forward on this holiday week. Back to you. The community and the families are going to need it. Thanks very much. Now to paula faris with the rest of todays headlines. Good morning. We do begin with in texas the man charged with killing a San Antonio Police officer says he was angry over a custody dispute. Otis mckane is under arrest for mckane apologized saying he lashed out at someone who did not deserve it. President elect donald trump is back on twitter this morning announcing that hes canceled his interview with the New York Times today saying the newspaper, quote, changed the terms and conditions at the last minute. Not nice. But this morning the New York Times says it never tried to change the ground rules. Meantime, the president elect is defending his business dealings overseas saying, quote, only the Crooked Media makes this a big deal, end quote. Video he outlined his plan for his first 100 days in office saying that he will withdraw from the tpp, the transpacific trade deal and will let restrictions on or will lift restrictions on energy production. He did not mention repealing obamacare or building a border wall. And Homeland Security Officials Say that thousands of green cards have gone missing. Some were apparently sent to the wrong address. Others were duplicates. The Inspector General says green enable terrorists and other criminals to remain in the u. S. And there was a major distraction during monday night football in mexico city if you were watching. Someone was flashing a laser into the eyes of houston quarterback brock turner. He said it was very distracting. Went directly into his eye. Now, several green flashes appeared. The texans did lose to the raiders. We do want to clarify a story from yesterday about the Dallas Church that showed the cowboys game on sunday. Now, the church says the game was shown while they transitioning from worshiping services to another event. Football may be a religion for some fans, the religion of sports, michael, thats for you. We know there are some limbs in a house of worship. Can i get an amen. Jimmy kimmel is teaming up with bono and some big names to raise money for the fight against aids. Stars include kristen bell, julia robert, channing tatum, sold. You can watch at 11 35. If you donate you could get a chance to sip tea with Julia Roberts and a private concert from u2. This is all the brainchild of bono. Second year hes done this. 10 donation to be entered. Worthy cause. We want to go back to the clarification. That church reached out to us. They were very, very kind. Sincerely, no, they really were in saying it was after the service that its a big difference. Wrong and wanted to clarify that and friendship west, theyre being innovative in bringing the community in. And keeping them. And keeping them. Service and worship together and watch the game together. It wasnt actually multitasking in again, they really showed how you can when something is wrong, they reach out, they were very, very polite about it and just corrected us. It was just a lesson. And we thank you. Yi, we do. A special thank you gift i bring you pop news. Sorry, friendship west. Sorry about that. All right. We begin with our latest update on the romance, oh, you know what im talking about, george. Prince harry. Kicked off his day two of his 15day 7country tour of the caribbean. Hes in antigua and might be traveling on official business but cannot escape the speculation surround his love life. The latest chapter in as harrys world turns, a reception for 300 people and theri prince harry to honeymoon on the island with his girlfriend saying, in a speech, i believe we are expecting a new princess soon. I want you to know that you are very welcome to come on your honeymoon here. See, the Prime Minister topped you. Yes, yes, yes. Thank you, Prime Minister. I know. But nice to have in your back pocket. In addition to the generous and slightly embarrassing invitation harry attended a youth sports festival, he was government for physically challe challenged children to keep his mothers legacy alive despite all of that. Also in pop news, Dave Chappelle kept his fans waiting for 12 years for a live show. Now though hes gearing up to star in not one, not two but three standup specials for netflix. He will debut two shows filmed at austin city limits. The third an all new original series saying dave is a legendary voice in comedy. Searing, vital and now more than ever essential. All three parts will be released simultaneously in 2017. Get ready, people. You got him, chris rock is doing the same thing so a lot of funny tough coming. Funny, smart, interesting, provocative. You should do one . What . Pop news threeparter. And finally just a little joy for you on this tuesday. A little boy named tommy looking to make his grade school crust millie. He wanted to make her his mrs. She breaks the news to the parents that tommy popped the question. They want to see the ring pop that theyve given her thinking isnt that cute except those are real carats. Take a look. What . Tom hi has stolen his mothers engagement proposed to millie. No word on how tommy got the dime Engagement Ring from his mom clearly. No ring pop for tommy. Thats not how he rolls. He knows no matter what, no matter what age, diamonds are the girls best ring. The ring is safely back in tommys mothers hand and millions have decided theyre officially best friend. And that is pop news. Of 4 with her first Engagement Ring. It was not real. Not real diamonds. Did you have a little uh . Yeah. That young age. They grow up fast. Daddies dont want to let go. Moving on, here we go coming up our exclusive interview with a woman you used to know as octomom. Her biggest regrets and the moment with one of her daughters that changed everything. And the night weve been waiting for, the big dancing the show and now down to the final three and have all the details coming up. Before danny got what he was dreaming about for the holidays. Before his mom earned 1 cash back everywhere, every time. [ dinosaur growls ] and his dad earned 2 back at Grocery Stores and wholesale clubs. Yeah even before they earned 3 back on gas. Dannys parents used their bankamericard cash rewards credit card learn more at bankofamerica. Com getcashback. I dont want to live with the uncertainties of hep c. Or wonder whether i should seek treatment. I am ready. Because today theres harvoni. A revolutionary treatment for the most common type of chronic hepatitis c. Harvoni is proven to cure up to 99 of patients. Whove had no prior treatment. It transformed treatment as the first cure thats. One pill, once a day eeks. Certain patients. Can be cured with just 8 weeks of harvoni. Harvoni is a simple treatment regimen thats been prescribed to more than a quarter of a million patients. Tell your doctor if youve had a liver transplant, other liver or kidney problems, hiv, or any other medical conditions, and about all the medicines you take including herbal supplements. Taking amiodarone with harvoni may cause a serious slowing of your heart rate. Common side effects of harvoni may include tiredness, headache and weakness. I am ready to be cured. Are you ready . Ask your hep c specialist if harvoni is right for you. pop campbells tomato soup and grilled cheese. more popping go together like being late and being grounded. Made for real, real life. . Happy holidays from crayola. So when do i start . Chemistry, baby n the crayola aisle. Each sold separately. There are some people you should give underwear to this holiday. And there are some people you shouldnt. Ha ha, nay. You shouldnt give underwear to everybody. But for those you do, give them fruit of the loom. Question, are my teeth yellow . Have you tried the tissue test . Ugh yellow. What do you use . Crest whitestrps. Crest 3d whitestrips whiten 25 times better i passed the tissue test. Oh yeah. Crest whitestrips are the way to whiten. . . . Snowmen with buttons, snowflakes with icing . . Candy corn feathers, sure look enticing . . Rice krispies treats, the fun doesnt stop . . How many ways can you snap, crackle, pop . . We are back now with the latest from octomom, remember nadya suleman. She first came on the scene eight years ago and gave birth to eight children after in vitro fertilization and sparked a controversy because she was on government assistance at the time and Kayna Whitworth sat down with her for an exclusive good morning, kayna. Reporter yeah, george, good morning. Its been a quiet few years for the family but after sitting down with nadya who now goes by natalie she says its time to turn a new leaf, put her past behind her so that her kids can flourish. Hi, my name is noah. Isaiah. Maliyah. Nariyah. Joan nah. Makai. Reporter the latest to create a m octomoms wellknown broad is turning eight. Thank you, guys. Reporter the birth of the six boys and two girls made the family a household name. Excited to have all of them back. Their mother nadya who goes by natalie says it also created a monster. I was more or less a carnival attraction and i was a freak show. You think that the world hates you . How can they . They dont know me. Follow mommy. They hated the character. Wants to make amends. You know, i wasnt me and im sorry. Im sorry for anyone i hurt out there. Reporter questions were raised in 2009 when she already a mother of six and on welfare opted to have 12 embryos implanted in her uterus. I look back in retrospect and i would never say i regret not one of my children. Can we ask a question . Reporter she says desperate for money, she began stripping. And it was just to put food on the table to take care of my family. Reporter in a downward spiral she turned to xanax to block out the pain. I ended up numbing that shame so in order to be something that i was not i had to numb myself to do so. Reporter she entered rehab but she said she relapsed almost immediately. It wasnt until she saw her 10yearold daughter play dress up with her stripper costumes she put on these heels, she was strutting around in them and that was it. That was the moment when i said, id rather be homeless in a van with all my kids than allow any of my girls to feel that theyre not worthy enough. Youre the oldest. Im the oldest gear. Reporter amerah knows her mom sacrificed for her. In the beginning it was very difficult. I had so many people asking questions and i was like shes my mom. Shes no different than anyone else. Longer octomom, just mom. What is your favorite thing about being an octuplet. You have a lot of people to look out for you. A lot of people to love you. Whats next for you and the 14 kids . Be a better person today than i was yesterday and be a better person tomorrow than i was today. And i hope my kids learn from that. And nadya tells me she is still receiving some government assistance but does work as a counselor and you saw those kids, yes, they actually enjoy a one would take more than their fair share. They really take care of each other. It was amazing to watch, george. Quite a family. We wish them well. Thank you, kayna. Coming up that dramatic night on dancing with the stars, down to the final three. All the details about the finale next. . I want to make you feel good . Ad, and my sweethearts gone sayonara. This scarf, all thats left to remember. Hows a guy supposed to move on people say, lets just get a sandwich or something. Or something . You dont just graduate from medical school, or something. And we dont just pull smoked chicken, bake fresh foccacia and handslice avocado. Theres nothing or something about it. Achoo snap achoo snap achoo achoo snap snap achoo achoo feel a cold coming on . Zicam cold remedy nasal swabs shorten colds with a snap, and reduce symptom severity by 45 . Shorten your cold with a snap, with zicam. Im here with targets black friday 30 off apparel doorbuster you guys look amazing good thing i wore my formal frosting tonight mastering irresistibly smooth. The lindor truffle. From the lindt master chocolatiers. Hard outer shell. Smooth, luscious center. Unwrap. Unwind. With the lindor truffle. From the lindt master chocolatiers. . You could spend the next few days weeding through w2s, pay stubs and Bank Statements to refinance your home. Or you could push that button. Sfx rocket launching. Cockpit sounds. And go completely online. Securely share your financial info and confidently get an accurate mortgage solution in minutes. Lift the burden of getting a home loan with Rocket Mortgage by quicken loans. whisper rocket know what makes rushing out for black friday sales worth it . Diamonds. And the zales black friday sale has lots and lots of diamonds. Shop wednesday through friday for 35 percent off an amazing selection storewide. . Get up for black friday. A huge welcome back to good morning america. Did you know, well, were obviously standing in a Cranberry Bog but thanksgiving week alone, americans will consume 80 Million Pounds of cranberries, yeah, that is a fact. Right here from this beautiful thing, you know, ocean spray, our sponsor and here. Were having a blast being in cranberries but theyre a serious business. They are, so i am here today with my mom and my sister. We are sixth generation cranberry farmers and part of the ocean spray cooperative which is owned by 700 mul multigenerational family farms that take great pride in growing this amazing fruit. I said ive never been in a bog. Im so happy im here. Youll be a judge for our ultimate cranberry challenge later. A couple of moms with their cranberries have a unique start taste. You kno you know what, i hav you off because were going to keep some of that a secret before we kevin a lot of clouds north and west. Partial sunshine. Everyone in on a brisk northwesterly wind. The lowest starting to pull away. Today much like yesterday. Light snow showers continue up north. Dry d wind for wednesday. The chance of pockets of light snow or rain on thanksgiving. The better chance is later friday night and saturday for light rain or snow. It is time now for our countdown to tonights big dancing with the stars finale. Jana kramer and gleb said goodbye to the ballroom. Now down to the final three couples. Jesse is here with all the detail there is thats right, competition was exciting and tonight were about to see some of the faniest footwork to hit the ballroom but only one couple will go home with the mirror ball as season 23 of dancing with the stars wraps up tonight. . Unstoppable . Reporter the final four hit the ballroom for a fierce freestyle showdown. . I feel like windows rolled down . Reporter this awe dumb day ending with a perfect score for laurie hernandez. Laurie, my darling, playground attraction. . Reporter while James Hinchcliffe brought his neardeath crash to life on the floorering all 10s from the judges. That had everything and more. You are the miracle man of season 23. Reporter and Calvin Johnson jr. s highflying routine. The stars son cheering dad on from the crowd. If i was the postman, calvin, id send you a love letter. Reporter jana kramer showing shes unstoppable overcoming a stumble in this emotional duet. You got through. You guys took a risk but after this freestyle. The couple leaving right now is jana and gleb. Reporter the country stars mirror ball dreams cut short. I grew as a person and i cherish every memory that i have from this show. Reporter and weve got three athletes in the medalist and of course a Football Player and theyre all competitors for a living so, guys, i think its safe we can expect a fierce faceoff in the ballroom tonight. You know all about it, ginger. I do. This final night so they have 24 hours to put a fusion challenge together, a dance that they learned in 24 hours, the competitors at this point are just so exhausted and all so emotional. I was so surprised last night. Megatron kind of snuck up on me. Think a lot are feeling that way. What are you thinking now. I mean i still have laurie. I still have laurie going all the way. She just cant be stopped. That girl. But, you know what, the other, james, one of my favorites this season. Thats the thing you want three winners when youre a big fan of the show everyone starts to kind of come koth. Mirror ball goes to only one. He snuck up on a lot of people. Never danced. Handed the ball off. Now in the finals. So good. Hope for you, michael. Michael. Im doing dancing with the stars right after george does it. Youre well protected. Youll be waiting a long time. The twohour finale of dancing with the stars tonight at 9 00 eastern and tune in tomorrow morning, the finalists will all now, from wmur news 9 sean good morning. 8 27 right now. A manchester man is facing charges after police say they found his children living in deplorable conditions. Officers went to an apartment on quirin street yesterday to check on james grenier. But when they arrived, they say the apartment was littered with trash, animal and human feces, urine, flies, and other insects. They say a twoyearold girl was found in a crib that was covered in feces, and a fouryearold boy was found in similar conditions. The children are now being cared for by relatives. A oneyearold child is recovering this morning after being burned by scalding coffee. The incident happened last night at a home on cedar street. Firefighters say hot coffee was spilled on the child. The toddler was taken to the hospital with burns on 18 of it looks gorgeous out there. A loan walker. The temperature 32 degrees. Kevin we had the breeze early this morning. Windshields windchills in the 20s. Still some snow in the White Mountains and great north woods. Otherwise, a back and forth between clouds and sunshine. A little thicker cloud cover in the upper valley, but a few sunny breaks into the afternoon. An area of low pressure continues to spiral away. Upper 20s and lower 30s, with highs in the 30s to lower 40s. Fairly similar to yesterday in both temperature and wind. We will not have gusts over 30 mph, still over 20 have and 25 mph at times. Just breezy tonight, and lightens in time for the busy traveled a tomorrow. The next system looks to arrive with a thickening of cloud cover early thanks giving morning. Could be spotty light rain or snow depending on the time and holiday weekend. . You got it . Oh. [ cheers and applause ] hi, everybody. Spl that is available for adoption at the north Shore Animal League of america. And today is our finale. So hes going to be joining us for the rest of show. Wonderful. He can be yours. I think it may be a she actually. Hold on. She. So this show is packed. Im late because the elevator we got a lot coming up over this next hour. Great to have you all here with us this tuesday morning. [ applause ] michael, we know youre celebrating your birthday this week. Yeah, george, yesterday i turned 21. And was going to continue because tomorrow is robins birthday in thats right. [ cheers and applause ] nice. 19 never looked so good. And holding and holding. Thank you, happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you, future birthday. Want a cookie. Of course, ill have all right, good. They might have something to do with this story on taste. Your favorite cookie. This is about how chocolate i better help you out. Changes your how you hear music. You are correct, george. Its a new study, new study from oxford and belgium and talked about how you eat chocolate and you hear certain music, you have a different taste. Creamier if youre listening to slower, smoother songs. You want to put it to the test. Lets play a little adele. . Hello . . I was wondering if after all these years youd like to okay. Got a little creamier. It felt smooth. Okay. Okay. Get that out of your system. By the way youre and now people they felt that the chocolate tastes bitter if there were songs that had a little more edge to them. Lets try it. . Baby baby baby oh . . Baby baby baby oh . . Baby baby baby . Are you guys all going to pretend this is changing the way you taste . Come on. Ill be honest it tastes like chocolate to me either way. So the music is supposed to buds so smoother music is smoother tasting, more rich. Well, according to the belgium and oxford university. All tastes good to me. You know what im not complaining. Good chock, good cookies. I think people wanted to just eat chocolate. Have to keep it away from the doggie, you know. I do have something for us. Look into my eyes. You never know you have a conversation with somebody and they cant continue to look at you. What do you mean . They break eye contact. And a lot of us when they do offensive as if theyre lying or not being honest with you. Thats not the case. Kyoto university did a study and what happens is eye contact distracts your brain from coming up with the next words you may need or when youre searching for words so it isnt offensive like im looking at you now but its very hard not to stare at you, Robin Roberts but if someone is breaking eye contact its because your brain needs a makes total sense. When people stare at you too hard its a little freaky. I do that sometimes on purpose. Sometimes im talking with people and ill just stare at them just to make them uncomfortable in it works. It does work. Are you uncomfortable right now. A little bit. A little bit. Okay, i like that. Piercing. Something to think about there. Im excited. This next guest is one of our personal favorite, all know her anlo shes written another great book. Kathy griffins celebrity runins. Lets get kathy out here. . [ applause ] hi hem low. Hello. Hi, everybody. Ill have a double latte. Help me, strahan. Help me, i could go down like a house of cards. Back together. Thank god. Not talking to you. Hi. Hi. Against george . Yes. Please take a seat. Hell help you. The chemistry is palpable between you two. Thats right because im going to use your private parts like a bag at the gym. Okay, first are you a little bit okay, you guys, this book thats my opener. Thats the nicest thing i said to you. It actually is in at least a year. Do you like it . Absolutely. Why you so mad at george. This book theres a lot of stories about myself with famous people who have a lot of dark secrets and tell me things in private and then i put them in a book, all right. So im very i open up all the time. Hes always calling for gossip, whats going on with the lohans . Anyway, you know how he is. So i am very proud of this and wrote a book about all the celebrities i have met over the years that i didnt put in my act or they were unique runins you accidentally sent me an email from yours like, hi, ellie, sweet, i have his email so how long have i been torturing you . A long time, midnight. When shes going to bed im starting to get up. Exactly. She randomly writes inappropriate things. Like ill write him an email that says, hey, george, im going for a hike today. Why are you asking . And like he knows if he does something outrageous its on new years eve or theage so hes always like lol, have a good day. Terrified. But im going to catch him. One of these times. You bet. So many different ive seen your act many times. You do talk about people we hadnt heard before. One story made me laugh was jane fonda. Yes. Your opening line is jane fonda made me the worst and go out of my way truly to meet my bucket list people like im proud of this. I dont know anything about the sports world, i apologize but i actually that means im safe. For now, easy, tiger. One thing i love when youre a comic. You meet an array of people so its not just comics. Im going to make this quick. I got to be friends with Kareem Abdul Ya bar and proud myself because i wrote the joke he said at the Democratic National convention so, a, thats weird. Thats like a weird reason to buy the book. He went out and said, hey, everybody, my name is Michael Jordan and im with her. He said the reason im saying that its not like trump will know the difference and so i enjoy you wrote that. I did. It was on espn and everything. I was so excited. So then one of my joys is you know my 96yearold alcoholic mother. Oh, how is mom. Shes drunk. And shes 96. Yell at her. Send her to rehab with kanye. Oh, my god. Are you all over that. We did it this morning. What do you think. I think he likes attention . Really. What do you think . What do you think are his psychological issues . Shes digging. How dumb do i look . Come on. All right. Fine. So i got to one thing i love is my mom maggie is 96 years young and so she loves meeting celebrities so my friend gloria estefan, you heard all right, so gloria is doing this amazing concert at the Hollywood Bowl and i want to take my mom but my mom wont agree because my mom is afraid seals get whats called the runs. When youre a Senior Citizen its all about that. What . Its all about, so i took her backstage in a wheelchair, team estefan, emilio all met her and then my gloria devoted young at heart to my pom at the her she was very good for a girls singer. And the kicker is that andy garcia was literally playing the bongos for one song like a big surprise so afterwards i introduced my mom to andy, a giant movie tar and turing to him going every band needs a drummer. So good for you for having a teddy job as the drummer. What about janes quesadilla. Well get into so much trouble. Jane made quesadilla. Went through a horrible breakup. I panicked and called gloria steinem. What do you care about men, women are more important. I said im a wreck. Can i come over . She let me like complain about men and how horrible they are. And she was super nurturing and sweet and made me a quesadilla and because its jane fonda who is perfectly fit and never has cheese it was the worst of my life. It was just health like a filled with great advice. Kathy griffin, celebrity runins. Youre welcome. Go pick it up everybody today. Thank you, kathy. Coming up, our Mission Pawsible grand finale. Well be right back with the final count. Theres a path that takes you further in life. A breakthrough way of learning that prepares you for an everchanging world. Plymouth states integrated clusters approach lets you follow your own path, not someone elses. It gives you choices within your degree. Open labs. Realworld experience. With faculty who work with you every step of the way. Become the leader. The doer every day. A tomorrow changer. Find your own path at plymouth state university. . Were back with jenna ortega and cerina vincent, the stars of the middle. Theyve been hanging with us behind the scenes all morning. We have had such a good time with you guys but i know season 2 is coming up. Highly anticipated. You are going to tell us, though, some fans can get an early look. Right, we have a short form series that comes out on thanksgiving, november 24th. This thursday on the Disney Channel app. About six episodes and two to three minutes long. I know, jenna, you were in disney world recently and did a presents and magical holiday sell brake and in that i got to surprise a family and, you know, ride along 2s with them and learn about their family. Oh, yes, that is me with my costar, but we got to surprise a very hard working family rewarded with a day in disney world for all of that hard work. So outstanding. We cant wait for stuck in the middle season two. Season two. 2017. Were working on it right now. You can see season one airing on the Disney Channel right now. All right. Well look for that kevin a lot of clouds out west and up north, with scattered snow showers in the North Country this morning. The storm system continues to pull away. Similar temperatures, this weather brought to you ill fling my hair one more time. Not happening. A little too short. Time now for our ultimate cranberry challenge where we ask viewers to send in their favorite yeah, give it up for that cranberry challenge. Send in your favorite cranberry recipes and lee ann zech and Tammy Charles are going headtohead to present their recipes for our sponsor ocean spray so welcome, ladies. Welcome lee ann. Welcome tami. This is a dish my mom used to make 40 years ago and my kids whenever they were born they love it, beg for it every holiday season. So what we feed to do is this is a sweet side dish. So were going to take our chopped up cranberries that you chopped in the Food Processor and add sugar and orange juice, this will be over you put this in the refrigerator overnight. Overnight. This is what it looks like in the morning so in the morning youll add dessert topping, marshmallow, crushed and slivered almonds, put it back in the fridge and cranberry fluff is what you end up with. That looks incredible. Its fabulous. We have our judges over there. Theyre already over there im supposed to ask you to taste it. You are already digging in. Youve already had a chance to taste it. What scores do you give the cranberry fluff . 4s, okay. A total of 12. Okay. A total of 12. I like that. Congratulations. Tami, youre up. Im cold. I got the per feng thing to warm up up. Warm me up. So this dish is a melding of the cultures in my family. My husbands late grandmother taught me how to make this dish. Heres what its made with. Vegetables, butternut squash, caribbean spices. And some pasta and potatoes. One of these, not more, this is a scotch it gets hot. So the way i change it up is i add a thanksgiving aspt star here is my cranberry relish. Tell me about it. How do you make it. I pour in some ocean spray ooh. White cranberry juice and to that i add fresh cranberries, some chopped apples and some light brown sugar. All of it. If it wants to come out. Got to do that. Dig your hand. There you go. There you go. Okay. And then you want to stir this hear a little popping. After that when its all done take a nice heaping spoonful of the relishment pop it on there and now you have a little heat, a little sweet and its pure perfection. Judges, what do you think . 3s. Not bad. A total of 9 points. So our winner is lee ann. You and your fluff won. [ cheers and applause ] we do have a trophy for both of you tu youre going to get ocean spray worth 250. Congratulations, i love when a good little challenge comes together and ends in love. Everybody, thank you. Thank you to ocean spray our sponsor and coming up our Mission Pawsible grand finale. You dont want to miss these cute puppies. Stay right there. Gmas ultimate cranberry challenge brought to you by ocean spray cranberries. Ready to head out when others head home. At eversource, we prepare for ugly weather all year long. Upgrading technology, managing vegetation, improving how we get information to you because we know youre counting on us. Were ready for winter, and we want to make sure youre ready, too. Visit eversource. Com to learn more and sign up for storm updates. And be sure to follow us on facebook and twitter. . And we are back now with our Mission Pawsible grand finale. We are honoring the incredible achievements our adoption class of 2016. Before we meet our graduates, though, please lets take a quick look back at some of our highlights. We started with a simple goal to get as many dogs pawsible. Our friends at north Shore Animal League helped us and from the very start, it was all paws on deck. All good morning, america. Good morning, america from all of us here at the santa fe animal shelterer. Welcome to the greater birmingham humane society. Reporter with daily events, over 30 in total to mannequin challenges to Halloween Costumes thousands upon thousands of live stream views bringing these adorable dogs into our hearts and homes. We got 70 senior dogs adopted. Whoohoo reporter along the way we met unforgettable new friends. Like 10yearold senior beagle toby. He lost both of his parents and ended up at the pennsylvania spca. Were going to help you find your home. R but toby found his forever home. Then theres cocoa, a 7yearold pomeranian with skin issues. Super sweet boy. Cocoa is now home and dancing for joy. Mission pawsible. Now, mission accomplished. [ cheers and applause ] everybody here, your dogs all have your diplomas, congratulations to the class of 2016. And now, michael, i believe it is time. It is time for the moment all right. The tally for Mission Pawsible, may we have a drum roll, please. [ drum roll ] we have gotten forever homes for 5,047 dogs. [ cheers and applause ] dwlakss to the graduating class of 2016. And there is more work to do. Including getting my hat back on my head. Guys, we have to thank we have to thank north shore animal shelters around the country who partnered with us to help us find these forever homes for the dogs. Mission pawsible 2016 may be over but you can still adopt a new best friend. All you need to do is check out north Shore Animal League america. Theyre offering free adoptions on black friday. So, consider it. We cant thank you all enough. It has been such a treat and plan on us doing it again. Thank you. Youre the valedictorian of this class. We just got to say the way youve been pushing for this thank you. Well be right back, everybody. Thank you. Tomorrow its simple. Dnce plus gma equals party. Live in times square tomorrow only on good morning americas fall Concert Series presented by dogs are moving on up. Theyre lucky dogs going home with a brandnew cat or dog bat tress for everyone here in our studio. Thank you so much for adopting. Opening your hearts to this cause. See you tomorrow. Dance party with the finalists from dancing with the stars. Have a great tuesday, everybody. Now, from wmur news 9 sean good morning. The time right now is 8 56. Sparked a fire that left a woman severely burned. The fire broke out last night at a multifamily building on pine street. When firefighters arrived, they say they found a woman suffering from severe burns inside the building. At this time, there is no word on her condition. The chief says crews were able to put the fire out quickly. The red cross says it is now assisting four families that were displaced. A portsmouth pet store is asking for your help in tracking down a stolen puppy. The little shop of pets says this twopound, threemonthold chihuahua was stolen this week. The owner believes the 900 puppy ta monday morning. Right now, the biggest concern is that the little chihuahua is not getting the specialized food it needs. The pet shop owner says she is concerned that the thief will try to sell the puppy online to an unsuspecting buyer. We have snow out there and a lot of ice yesterday morning. But this morning, sunny but still cold. Kevin northwest flow very typical for this time of year. A lot more clouds in the against the terrain. Clear skies in south and eastern areas. The last of the snow for the White Mountains to the great north woods. There could be flurries through the upper valley. We are going to continue to see the wind out of the west. Temperatures starting in the upper 20s to mid 30s. We eventually get back to either side of 40 in southern areas. The wind gusting still over 20 mph is going to feel colder than that through the afternoon. It goes down to just breezy sunshine for wednesday. A busy traveled a busy travel day. Looks good across the northeast. Could be spotty areas of light rain and snow at thanksgiving. Remaining chili into the holiday weekend, with the next system announcer its live with kelly today, from the holiday movie a heavenly christmas, kristin davis. And nascar Sprint Cup Series champion jimmie johnson. And check out the holiday Healthy Eating survival guide. Plus, greenfield returns for another day of cohosting. All next on live . . [cheering and applauding] and now, here are kelly ripa and Max Greenfield [cheering and applauding] .

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