Abc news obtaining the video overnight, and now the message she wants to everyone to hear. I cant Justin Timberlake and best new artist Chris Stapleton bring down the house at the cma awards. J. T. Shows off his southern roots. The entire audience leapt to their feet. Thank you. Lord have mercy. Good morning, america. How did you know j. T. Was going to own that night. With Chris Stapleton who had a big night, as well. A lot more on that. Performances. We have i acomplete wrapup coming up. We begin with major developments in the investigation of that passenger plane that fell from the sky in egypt. Preliminary information suggesting a bomb may have caused a jet to blow apart in we are just hearing from defense secretary ash carter aboard an Aircraft Carrier in the south china sea. Our National Security team covering all the angles for you and brian ross is going to start us off. Good morning, brian. This morning there is growing concern a terror bomb did bring down that russian plane. If so it could represent what u. S. Officials call the nightmare scenario for air travel everywhere. Counterterrorism Officials Say new intelligence led them to their conclusion that the plane was likely blown out of the sky. We have concluded that there is a significant possibility that that crash was caused by an explosive device on board the aircraft. Reporter as officials continue to search for clues in the desert the u. S. Secretary of defense this morning echoed the concern about a bomb. In an exclusive interview with abcs bob woodruff conducted on board an Aircraft Carrier in the south china sea. That is one possibility, an explosive device and that is i understand that there are other hypotheses. Reporter the russian flight left from the Sharm El Sheikh airport in egypt where now all flights to and from britain are suspended because of what british officials told abc news was lax security. There are indications now that the airport itself may have been compromised by the Islamic State. Reporter within hours, the Islamic State there are group in the sinai said it was responsible for the russian jet crash. A claim that was at first dismissed as propaganda but now the group has become a prime suspect and it has posted a second claim of responsibility. Citing russias new role in fighting isis in syria. Now that russia has begun operating in the region they become a target of the same terrorist groups that have been targeting the u. S. And european nations over the last several years. Reporter while there is till no hard evidence a bomb was responsible, u. S. Authorities are already considering what steps they could and should take to increase security for u. S. Flights that go in and out of the region, george. Okay, brian, thanks very much. More from martha raddatz, and, martha, if this is isis, if it was a bomb it would be a major shift in their strategy. Reporter it would, george. If isis got a bomb on this plane, it is a game changer for the fight against them. There have been some intelligence officials who viewed isis as a regional problem, a group that wanted territory in iraq and syria, but were not thinking beyond that. Now the Intelligence Community has got to be saying if they could bring down a russian airliner, what else could they do . And remember that russia just started bombing in syria over a month ago so if isis brought the airliner down as retaliation to the russians, isis got that plan together very quickly. And i would think russia would have to go after them even harder. Yeah, russia will have to change their strategy and if, indeed, isis is branching out, what does the United States do . Reporter well, theyre going to be laser focused on the safety of our ire lines oversee overseas. I travel a lot and security varies. They will be focused at airlines at homes, as well. Weve heard concerns about lone wolves. There would be even more concern about that now, george. Okay, martha raddatz, thanks very much. We bring in abc news aviation consultant, colonel Steve Ganyard to talk more about what you were talking to martha about. If this was indeed a sophisticated bomb what does that mean for u. S. Security here . Good morning, robin. I think, i think the important point is its not so much the sophistication of the bomb but its where the bomb is placed on the airplane and how big the bomb is. If we remember back to the pan am 103 flight over lockerbie, scotland, that bomb was less than one pound and able to bring down a 747 which is. Bigger than this aircraft. How will this change the way bags are checked . Well, you know, our own Alex Marquardt was telling us yesterday about how bad the security was, even after this incident in sharm and how bad it is in general in egypt so i think theres probably a problem throughout the middle east in terms of security but whenever anything like this happens, our own security folks are going to go back and look and see if there was some hole the terrorists might have been able to get a bomb through. Might have been able to get an unchecked bag on that airplane but when we go through our own tsa prechecks we times get irritated at having to sit and wait in line but theyre there for a reason and remain the first line of defense against Something Like this happening in the United States. We have to keep that in mind, thank you. Race for president and donald trump set for center stage on saturday night live now facing new protests, latino groups picketing the show as Bernie Sanders takes tough new shots at democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton. Abcs jon karl is on the campaign trail in manchester, New Hampshire, with the latest. Good morning, jon. Reporter good morning, george. Donald trump is now finally spending some of his billions on campaign ads releasing his first radio spots this morning set to air in iowa, New Hampshire and south carolina, but he will likely get far more attention when he takes the stage on saturday night live. Live from new york, its donald trump. Saturday night live has released its first promos for trumps appearance this weekend as the shows guest host. And because of equal time rules for television, mr. Trump can only speak for four seconds in this promo. So let me just say this, ben carson is a complete and total loser. Donald has promised for the whole show he is not going to brag or say hes the best at anything, right, donald . Thats right, cecily and im going to do the best job anyones ever done not saying it. Reporter trump, of course, is predicting the show will be huge. A lot of them are going to say itll be one of the highest rated shows in their history. All donald trump has got to go. Reporter overnight hispanic groups delivered a petition claiming over 500,000 signatures calling on snl to dump trump over his controversial remarkses on immigration. Watching is rival dr. Ben carson. Because i think the presidency is a very serious thing and i dont like making light of it. Reporter trump prepares for his hosting duties hes also taking to the airwaves releasing his First Campaign radio ads this morning. If the people of iowa vote for me, youll never be disappointed. I dont disappoint people. I produce. Together were going to make America Great again. All trump, trump, trump. To me it feels like a historic day. Reporter he became the first republican candidate to file for the ballot in New Hampshire. This may be a very, very important signature or maybe not so important. Well have to see what happens. Reporter and nearly everywhere you go here in New Hampshire youre bound to run into a president ial candidate. George, by my count there are seven wouldbe president s campaigning here in New Hampshire just this morning. You have been on the bus with jeb bush dropping in the polls john mccains playbook going across the straight. Hes got his new boss, hes going around around the state and we see a clearly energized jeb bush, the most energy ive seen from him since he started this campaign. I asked hip, though, about a Media Consultant he has hired to help him do better in the debates. This is what he said. But youve hired this Media Consultant to help you with debates. Yeah, ive had one meeting with the guy. Im going to be better. What is he telling you. Hes telling me to be me. Hes telling me to own what i believe. You need a consultant to tell you that. Yeah, its amazing, isnt it . Probably not. Probably not. That debate is coming up on tuesday. Meanwhile, on the democratic side Bernie Sanders really shifting gears now and going right at Hillary Clinton thats right in an interview with wall street journal he talks about her changing positions on key issues like trade and Keystone Pipeline saying they raise character questions and then he said this about her emails, those damned he said they raise valid questions, her private use of private emails. I did not say end the investigation. Thats silly. Let the investigation proceed un unimpeded so Bernie Sanders taking a. Hillary clinton now. Even on the email issue. Opening that back up. Much. All right, george, we move on to a violent rampage at a university of california campus. A male student stabbing four people before being shot dead by police. All of the victims are expected to survive and investigators are trying to figure out the motive. Abcs matt gutman is in merced, california, with the latest. Good morning, matt. Reporter hey, good morning, robin. The key to untangling why this student may have gone slashing his other classmates may have been in the backpack that he wore. Now, there is a brief chase right over that bridge, you can see the lights right there. The police shot that young man dead. Now, they detonated his backpack and testing a substance found interside of it. As this attacker was in this class, a contractor nearby overheard the commotion. Thought that he was running into break up a fight. Instead he encountered the attacker right there. Somehow managed to lure him out. Now, that contractor buy on price is being hailed as a hero saving lives and caught up with his father overnight. Did byron get a good look at him. Very good look at him and said its a real weird thing that im probably the last guy that stared him right in the eyes. Reporter moments earlier john prices son was working here at the class and Office Building when he heard screams. It was mayhem in there. Apparently a lot of things were going screaming and as soon as the attacker saw him he went after him. Reporter drawing the attacker out of the classroom. He was able to kick the guy in the head and got him away. Rather than run away from it, you know, not knowing what he was up against he went into it. All of us want to be able to think that were that guy who can do that when called on. Says hes going to be just fine. Probably will be back at work the next couple of days but this community is still reeling and thats possibly because stabbing attacks are so unusual. The fbi is investigating whether this student who was called antisocial by his roommates was just having a bad day, whether this was a lone wolf attack or possibly an act of domestic terrorism. George. Okay, matt gutman, thanks very much. We turn now to that stunning twist in the case of the Illinois Police officer killed back in september. Authorities now say lieutenant Joe Gliniewicz shot himself in a staged suicide. Abcs alex perez is in fox lake, illinois, with the latest. Good morning, alex. Reporter good morning, george. Investigators say lieutenant gliniewicz felt the walls were closing in on him and even planted evidence to try to mislead them. From standup officer to lying thief, this morning new details about the death of lieutenant Charles Joseph gliniewicz not killed in the line of duty as initially believed but instead took his own life. Carefully staged suicide. Reporter investigators say for seven years gliniewicz stole and laundered money from the Fox Lake Police departments youth program, a program that he ran and feared he would soon be exposed. Using the money to pay for personal trips, his mortgage, gym memberships and even adult websites. Gliniewicz committed the ultimate betrayal, to the citizens he served and the entire Law Enforcement community. Reporter this a dramatic conclusion to a twomonth mystery, gliniewicz radioing for help september 1st telling officers he was pursuing three suspicious men. 104. Did you need a second unit. Go ahead and tart somebody. Reporter by the time backup arrived gliniewicz was found dead. Send everybody you possibly can. Officer is down. Reporter 150 investigators spending 25,000 hours following up on hundreds of leads. But the alleged suspects never found. The investigation now revealing gliniewicz used his experience working mock crime scenes to plant evidence and then shot himself twice with his own gun. And Authorities Say they are investigating two other people who may have known about the embezzlement, the gliniewicz family in a statement saying they would not comment on the investigation and theyre still coping with their loss. Robin. Thanks, alex. Now to 345 thaij winter storm dumping feet of snow from california to colorado. Its now moving into texas with gusty winds and the potential for more flash flooding, ginger. That same storm blowing through denver overnight. Being being in the 60s and wake up the next day and you have your first snow of the season. Thats what happened in denver, the thunder snow, that has an associated cold front and its going to bring severe storms from dallas to wake so to austin, strong winds later this afternoon and evening. Large hail, even an isolated tornado. That is the same spot that was with the flash flooding last weekend. Flash flood watches up to arkansas. And, again, that heat, ive got to get to it. Are chester, new york, hit 78 yesterday. Woo. Ill tell you when it cools down yesterday. No rush in cooling down there, ginger, thank you. Now amy with the mornings other top stories starting with some surprise ing ing headlines from formatter president bush. This is being called a political bombshell. In his new buying iographer the elder bush has scathing criticisms and says his son was not supported well by his aides and singles out dick cheney saying he became too hard line and hawkish and calls former defense secretary donald rumsfeld. Arrogant. The book published next week. Iran appears to be stepping up psycher attacks. Those attacks have reportedly targeted email accounts of Obama Administration officials. The wall street journal says the attacks have been on the rise since an american Oil Executive was arrested in iran last month. Well, back here in this country a close call for a woman driving down a massachusetts highway when this wood post came crashing through her windshield. Amazingly she is okay. Police think the post was thrown over it. And there was a big surprise for people eating in this florida restaurant. Ceiling tiles started falling down on to them and seconds later a man came crashing down through that ceiling. Police say he was a wouldbe thief trying to break into the restaurants office. And finally, an unexpected layover for some Airline Pilots in asia. They had to land in indonesia after the planes fire alarm went off. But, see, there was no fire. It turns out it was methane gas. Apparently from all the gassy goats in the cargo hold. They took off a short time later. Yeah, there were over 2,000 of them. I dont know what they fed those goats but diversion. No one wants to comment. People are eating breakfast. I think we got that. We got the gist of it, thank you, amy. Youre welcome. Spencer stone speaks out for the First Time Since he was stabbed for a second time. Thats in just 0 seconds. 30 seconds. Were back at 7 17 with Spencer Stone, the hero who helped top that terror attack on a french train is now speaking out for the First Time Since he was stabbed outside a nightclub in his hometown. A suspect has been arrested and abcs david wright has the story. I nover thought i would ever get stabbed in nye life. The fact that it happened twice within a twomonth period is reporter Staff Sergeant Spencer Stone speaking for the First Time Since this violent altercation caught on security cameras last month outside a sacramento nightclub. They didnt know who i was. They were just out there maybe looking for trouble, looking to get in a fight. Reporter just this week Sacramento Police arrested 28yearold james tran in connection with the stabbing. Police say they identified him partly through the security footage which showed the suspects getaway vehicle. Authorities say they stopped trans car tuesday near his home. Then arrested him for the mr. Stone. Reporter the air force had just promoted stone and the french gave him the legion of honor for his part in stopping a gunman armed with an ak47 on august. The gunman slashed stone with a box cutter. But he and his friends still managed to hog tie the man and give first aid to a fellow passenger. Im just glad that, you know, ive had enough training to be reporter stone and his two friends got a heros well when they came back to sacramento. Now the airman is recovering from wounds in the second stabbing. With wounds in his lungs, liver and heart. I hope this doesnt define me for the rest of my life. I hope i can use everything thats being offered to me to, you know, do good in other peoples lives. Reporter even after two close calls in two months, Staff Sergeant stone counts himself lucky. For Good Morning America, david wright, abc news, new york. He is a lucky young man. Serena williams leaping into action after a thief tried to steal her phone. The exclusive video youll only sometimes pets make mistakes. But the Stainmaster Petprotect carpet and cushion system helps prevent pet stains, reduce pet odor and easily release pet hair. 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Ask your doctor ifp adding onceaweek tanzeum r is right for you. Go to tanzeum. Com to learn if you may be eligible to receive tanzeum free for 12 months. A tanzeum week. Back here on gma, you can hardly see in brooklyn, new york, you can see that foggy sky camera. That High Pressure system parked over the consideration ushering in that warmth. Record warmth yesterday from detroit to tampa. We could do it again today. Lets get yo the son of a polish immigrant who grew up in a brooklyn tenement. He went to public schools, then college, where the work of his life began fighting injustice and inequality, speaking truth to power. He moved to vermont, won election and praise as one of americas best mayors. In congress, he stood up for working families and for principle, opposing the iraq war, supporting veterans. Now hes taking on wall street and a corrupt political system funded by over a million contributions, tackling Climate Change to create cleanenergy jobs, fighting for living wages, equal pay, and tuitionfree public colleges. People are sick and tired and they want real change [ cheers and applause ] Bernie Sanders husband, father, grandfather, an honest leader building a movement with you to give us a future to believe in. Sanders im Bernie Sanders, and i approve this message. Copy welcome back. Good morning, everybody. 7 25 right now. Police and fishing game officers are looking for a teen missing from rindge from a school that provides services for those with disabilities. Julian hasnt been seen since 8 00 p. M. Last night. He is about 6 feet tall and has brown hair and last seen the red cross is helping several displaced after a fire reported in a threestory multifamily building. Firefighters are still on the scene and firefighters were able to contain the flames. No injuries were reported and its not clear yet what sparked the fire. A small airplane registered to a man from wry was found off the cost of queens. They have found one body and they are not sure why the plane went down but the f. A. A. Says no distress call was made. And a beautiful start to our day, kevin. Kevin yes, the sun is felt strong, stronger than usual for this time of year. Today its a lot of sunshine south of the white mountains. Turning partly sunny later this afternoon. This is front that eventually changes everything in time for that arrives late tomorrow afternoon and ottawa into tomorrow evening. Temperatures falling back into the 20s and thirts and we will quickly rebound and get into the mid 60s today and a couple southern spots. Low clouds and fog will form in areas tonight. Maybe even a little bit of drizzle to start tomorrow and quite a few clouds tomorrow in what should be the warmest of welcome back to gma and look at that Surveillance Video of Serena Williams. Abc news obtaining it exclusively overnight. The tennis star stopping the thief who swiped her phone. He was not going to get away. A lot of other headlines. The investigation into the passenger plane that fell from the sky in egypt. Preliminary information suggests a bomb may have caused it to blow apart in midair. Thousands are stranded with flights to the region suspended. A major milestone for facebook. The site now averaging more than 1 billion users per day. That is almost one in seven people on the planet every single day. Wow. Unbelievable. And big night Country Music last night, michael strahan. Big, big duet by Justin Timberlake that stole the show and Carrie Underwood and brad paisley got a lot of laughs out there. Biggest moment coming up in the speed feed but until then i hand it off to you. We begin this half hour with Serena Williams chasing down that man who tried to steal her cell phone. Abc news has obtained video of the incident and t. J. Holmes got a lot more on this, dont you . You shouldnt steal but lets say you decide it steal and the victim you choose is one of the greatest fiercest athletes the world has ever known who just happens to make her living aggressively swatting forehands and backhands, good luck with that. Now, watch how this plays out. No, its no the a bird, its no the a plane. Its not even superman, its serena, super serena, the 34yearold chases down a thief who stole her phone. This all started when the 21time grand slam winner dining francisco suddenly spots a man coming towards her out of the corner of her eye playing it pretty cool then swipes her phone off the chair next to her. The six time wimbledon winners selfdescribed superhero sense kicks in. She leaps up, chases after him, the action. The people in the restaurant were shocked. She said she thought that was the best approach so that she could avoid any conflict with him. And i just said, good job. Reporter serena confronts the man asking if he mistakenly took the wrong phone. The thief hesitates then sheepishly admits he did because it was, quote, so confusing in the restaurant. Williams recounting the whole incident on facebook leaving her followers with some advice. Always listen to your superhero inner voice, just because youre a lady, dont be afraid to step up to any challenge and not be a victim but a hero. The superstar even posting this photo of herself wearing that classic s. I think that she was very brave, she could set like an okay, you see the picture there. Great picture, by the way. And she these are here superhero very emption did, the speed, the power, the seduction, the sex appeal, the strength, the leadership and yet the calm to weather the storm. Hmm. She laid her resume out. She did lay her resume out there. Very happy everything worked out for her. But what do Authorities Say you should do. A big but. Generally here she was able to assess the situation and level of danger. They will tell you dont chase after somebody. Dont even fight back if someone snatches something from you. You dont know what theyre capable of or if theyre even armed. This is a cell phone. If somebody grabs your wallet, a few calls you can cut off the credit card. Somebody grabs your cell phone, you might chase them down the street. You just react. In the end the guy does not get arrested. We dont know what happened to him. Hes not too fast so we should be able to catch him. Real soon. Thank you, t. J. Thanks, t. J. We got another caught on camera but no heroics on this. It shows an fbi agent knocking down a teenager in a fit of rage. Right there, the agents been convicted of assault and abcs chief justice correspondent good morning, pierre. George. Today that fbi agent faces possible jail time after getting entangled in a friends messy family situation. Oh. Reporter it was an ugly confrontation. But it began as a simple custody handoff of a toddler. Sorry, im her father. Two hours later. Reporter Gerald Rogero berating the childs father for being tardy. Rogero is a counterterrorism official but the people hes confronting apparently dont know that. It is my business. I just told you who i am. Who are you . To me it was really scary someone this large coming at me threatening me who i dont even know and he had no involvement in this situation. Both sides rises, a 15yearold who is with the babys father confronts rogero and rogero suddenly reacts. Youre going to get yourself locked up. Dont act stupid. Your future [ bleep ]. How is it your problem . Whatever i feel like. You what . Reporter the agent pulls out his gun and tries to arrest the boy. Stop it. You dont touch him. Get on the ground. Get on the ground. Dont touch him. If i have to shoot you, i will. Dont make me shoot you. This agent made two otherers he created a situation. Reporter he maintains he did nothing wrong that the agent had a right to defend himself but his career may now be in jeopardy because the fbi has launched afternoon internal investigation. George. Ill bet. Okay, pierre, thanks very much. Coming up, gma on the lookout as credit card fraud explodes shark tanks Robert Herjavec vac take takes us inside his cybersecurity headquarters. Im not just a shark in the tank im a shark in the cybersecurity world. His expert secrets to keep your wallet safe. Thats coming up. The orders were rushing in. Racing towards us. We didn t need a loan. Funding fast. Building 18 homes in 4 months . That was a leap. On American Express building materials. Amex helped me buy the inventory i needed. Fill the orders. Just like that. Another step on the journey. Growth presents itself . Realize your buying power at open. 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Her accountant. Care of mom, exploding. And abcs linzie janis is here with what you can do to keep those cybercriminals from cashing in. Good morning, linzie. Reporter 32 million americans had their credit cards breached in 2014. More than three times the Previous Year and this morning, shark tanks Robert Herjavec who founded a Global Cybersecurity firm has tips to help us all protect ourselves. Hes best known for his role on abcs shark tank. Im going to make you an offer. Reporter but Robert Herjavec built his empire as a cybersecurity expert. We help very Big Companies keep them safe and secure online. Reporter gma getting a behindthescenes look at herjavec groups headquarters in toronto where his staff works around the clock to protect Major Companies from cyberattacks. There is a map of the world and those little lines coming out of it are brandnew breaches that are happening right now in realtime. Reporter and one of the biggest breaches for consumers, credit card fraud. Herjavec says those new emv or smart chips on credit cards are an added layer of security. But you still need to be careful. Thank you. Watch as he shows us just how easy it is to walk up behind someone and quickly swipe their credit card number. I stole your credit card. Very smooth, robert. Reporter watch again. Heres what he did. By using Free Software on his phone, he stole the Financial Information from my smart chip credit card in a matter of seconds. While its still in my wallet. Year ago and it hasnt changed. But he says theres an easy way to prevent this with rfid blocking wallets like these. Our e Field Technology makes your information invisible to hackers. Or you can use an rfid blocking card, herjavec invested in one on shark tank. Im in. Done. Yay. I love it. You put this next to your credit card. It blocks the rfid screen and the signal from the credit card. Lets try it. Try to steal from me now. Aha. Not working. Reporter but the Electronic Payments calista tells us that even though someone might be able to get your credit card number, customers have zero liability when it comes to fraudulent charges. And they say chip cards make it nearly impossible to create fake cards and new Verification Technology protects against online fraud. And to be extra safe, herjavec says stick to using just one credit card for online i have a credit card that has a very low dollar amount that i use online. Reporter a card with a low limit. That way you can quickly identify fraudulent charges. Solid advice from a shark to help all of us navigate this scary waters of fraud. And since having your credit card info taken can be a step towards full blown identity theft, herjavec says protect yourself, you should not give out your Social Security number, of course, but you should never give out your drivers license. Thats something that a lot of us dont think about. Its that last bit of need. I like his idea about one credit card and a low amount on that. Okay, so when it comes to credit card fraud its not just the big purchases we need to watch out for. Advice. He says its often 10 here, 20 here that the crips are charging so they want to make sure they can pull one over on you so you dont catch it but you should statement. Coming up, brad paisley and Carrie Underwoods best moments. What they said about Ashley Madison thats getting a lot of laughs. Thats just ahead. Is your head so congested you may be muddling through allergies. To powerfully clear your blocked nose allergy symptoms. So, you can breathe easier all day. Zyrtec hey mcmellin you gellin . Im gellin and zinfandellin. And so is my new bride, helen mcmellin im so happy my eyes are wellin dr. Scholls massaging gel insoles are so soft they make your feet feel outrageously comfortable. Im gellin youre so not gellin dr. 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About any side effects and about medicines you take as movantik may interact with them causing side effects. So, go on, talk to your doctor about opioidinduced constipation. And ask if oncedaily movantik if you cant afford your medication, on average, women need to work an extra two hours each day, to earn the same paycheck as their male coworkers. Join the fight for equal pay. Join the fight for sara and women everywhere. Im Hillary Clinton, back now with the speed feed and it was my kind of night at the cma awards. So many big moments in that showstopping crossover collaboration, abcs reena ninan has all the highlights. Because theres nothing like your love to get me high reporter Justin Timberlakes memphis roots on full display. I tried reporter stealing the show thanks to his two duets with new artist of the year Chris Stapleton. Tell me baby reporter justins wife jessica biel spotted savoring the music. All night the stage peppered with favorites. Aint that america something to see baby aint that america honey what is your excuse why havent i heard of you reporter hosts brad paisley and Carrie Underwood teaming up for eighth year singing about everything from donald trump. And trumps leading in the polls reporter to Ashley Madison. Carrie, have you heard that duet he did with Ashley Madison. No, that was with ashley monroe. Oh, wait, have i been going to the wrong site. Reporter Little Big Town performing their single of the year, girl crush. You want me just as. I got a girl crush Miranda Lambert. [ cheers and applause ] reporter queen of country Miranda Lambert nabbing the award for female vocalist. Its amazing the amount of rejection that i see in my reflection luke bryan. Reporter while luke bryan took home entertainer of the year. Whoo. Whoo. I cant drink you away reporter the prince of pop summing up the evening best. Lord have mercy. Reporter for Good Morning America, reena ninan, abc news, new york. Whoo whoo is right. It was amazing. I mean, i love this show. We were talking, robin. Its about the music. They play so much music. It was great. Its never a lull in that show and we also saw jessica biel, she was rocking out to her husband Justin Timberlakes performance. Check out this adorable tweet. They look very happy to get a little date night. Look so good. We know what this feels like because were here on tv. Entertainer of the year, luke bryan, he was not having it and didnt want to leave the big stage after his win. Theyre saying wrap it. I aint wrapping. You go, luke. Telling us to wrap right now because we have to go to commercial. Well be right back. Coming up gmas fall Concert Series presented by the bright side of car buying. Love me like you the only rides youll get taken on at carmax are the ones you take yourself. But just in case that absolutely 100 percent perfect choice. Turns out to be. Less than perfect. We give you five days to change your mind. Sorry. Is that a new washing machine . Yeah, its a samsung with activewash. Its got a builtin sink to pretreat and help get stains out. How about this . The samsung washing machine with activewash. Now get up to 40 off major appliances 396 and more, at lowes. Morning ted scott ready to hit some balls . Ooh hey buddy, what s up . This is what it can be like to have shingles. Oh, man. A painful, blistering rash. If you had chickenpox, the shingles virus is already inside you. 1 in 3 people will get shingles in their lifetime. After almost 3 weeks, i just really wanted to give it a shot. You know, i m not feeling it today. Talk to your doctor or pharmacist today about a vaccine that can it takes a lot of work. To run this business. Im on the move all day long. And sometimes, i just dont eat the way i should. So i drink boost to get the nutrition that im missing. Boost complete nutritional drink has 26 essential vitamins and minerals, including calcium and vitamin d to support strong bones and 10 grams of protein to help maintain muscle. All with a great taste. I dont plan on slowing down any time soon. Stay strong. Stay active with boost. Now try new boost compact back here on gma, a shocking video out of south australia. Listen. Back here at home in Good Morning America is brought to you by boost nutritional products. Boost. Tt2wlr [gk eo f blh tt2wlr [gk e n 2l tt2wlr [gk e4 f dzt tt2wlr [gk ex 0; 0 tt2wlr [gk et j 0 t sean right now, authorities are asking for your help in finding a missing teen. Fish and game officers say 16yearold Julian Hofstetter disappeared around 8 00 last night. He was last seen at the Hampshire Country school which provides services for students with disabilities. Julian was on foot and was wearing a blue coat. Anyone who sees a teen matching his description is asked to call 911. Several streets around ray and carpenter streets in manchester s north end are closed right now as state and federal investigators look for clues in the murder of Denise Robert. The 62yearold was shot and killed while walking along ray street back in august, but no arrests have been made and the fbi just joined the investigation and asked residents to sign waivers allowing them to search their yards. A small airplane registered to a coast of queens, new york and the coast guard says they have recovered a body. The plane is registered to james mcgee of rye but it is not clear if he was actually on board. Let s go outside with a live look. You can see some missed in the background of the sun is shining. Kevin five continues to burn off in the lower valleys, extra clouds in the north country. Otherwise, partial sunshine to mostly sunny skies. High and midlevel clouds will start streamlining their way in and blending in with sunshine later on this afternoon. This is our next system, arriving late tomorrow afternoon into tomorrow evening. Ahead of that more of the same. Temperatures in the 30 s and 40 s, jumping into the 60 s and even low 70 s. Southwesterly breeze in the afternoon that stays out today. Maybe even a little drizzle to start the day tomorrow. More clouds than sun. 50 s with a pretty good breeze around, partial sunshine saturday. Full sunshine but still a breeze and only in the 40 good morning, america. Its 8 00 a. M. Found at last, a 5yearold boy missing for 13 years. The astonishing reason authorities were finally able to track him down. Musics hottest crossover couple revealed there together. Blake shelton, gwen stefani, yep, theyre dating. I think hes hot, dont you . What theyre saying about each other right now. No sleep nation. Millions of americans suffer from sleep apnea. This morning the latest research and the easy new solutions to end those sleepless nights. And we are throwing this thursday with leading man Bryan Cranston. One loving look as we say good morning, america. Go big or go home go go and good morning, america. You got a little bit of Bryan Cranston. A lot more coming up. Also this morning, tory johnson is here along with adam glassman, creative director of o magazine and they have special deals steals in that magazine right there. Some of oprahs favorite things for 2015. All 50 off. You better believe. Lead with that. Inside Country Musics hottest night, brad paisley. Rocking the nation with country nation. Mascot, cheerleaders joining in on all the fun. They had some really funny moments there. Star inside that stormtrooper costume stealing the stage. That will be revealed in the skinny feed. Pop news investigation. That was a good one. Right now the morning rundown and amy has ha. Good morning, everyone. The big story growing concern that the russian passenger jet that crashed over egypt was brought down by a bomb. U. S. And British Intelligence Officials Say a terrorist bomb is likely to blame but this morning russian and egyptian authorities are dismissing that claim as premature speculation saying at this point nothing can be ruled out. The British Government has suspended all flights in and out of Sharm El Sheikh, egypt, because of security concerns and are scrambling to get 20,000 british tourists back home. Claims that isis brought down that plane are now being taken seriously. Meanwhile, the growing isis threat in syria could draw more americans into the fight this morning. Defense secretary ash carter told abcs bob woodruff that the number of americans on the grow beyond the 50 troops that president obama recently announced. Well, in the race for president , donald trump is releasing his First Campaign ads now that he is no longer the clear frontrunner. The new radio commercials are airing in iowa, New Hampshire and south carolina. Meanwhile, critics protesting his immigration policy are demanding he be dropped as host of saturday night live this weekend. Trumps top rival, dr. Ben carson says he will not be watching the show because he doesnt want to make light of the presidency. Well, a developing story here in new york city. Police recovering debris from a small plane that crashed in the water off queens. The pilot who was heading to New Hampshire from philadelphia was killed. And a boy from alabama missing for more than a decade has been found in cleveland. Julian hernandez was just 5 years old when his mother reported him missing. He is 18 now and the mystery began unraveling when he started applying for college and learned his Social Security number was bogus and so were the names that he and his biological father had been using in cleveland. Julians father has been arrested and could be extradited to face charges in alabama. Well, its being called the once in a blue moon diamond and now we know what it might be worth. Take a look at this giant nearly flawless blue diamond ring found in a South African mine. It is more than its more than a dozen carats and will be auctioned off at sothebys. It could fetch up to 55 million, experts believe. Guys, put in your bids now. 55 it is beautiful. Imly if youre looking for a job there is an opening that is out of this world. Astronauts. It is recruiting now for future missions. The requirements are tough. A degree in engineering, physics, bulgaria iology plus Work Experience this those feels and you have to be physically fit. You cant be too tall or too short and you have to love travel. Yes, because one of the Upcoming Missions is to mars. Time away from the family and the planet earth and reportedly you can make anywhere from 51,000 to 6,000. So, you know, apply now. To go to mars, okay. Thank you, amy. We are going to turn now to a major legal battle over sugar and High Fructose Corn Syrup. Theyre battling it out in court over lawsuits worth a billion dollars and at issue the claim that High Fructose Corn Syrup is essentially the same as sugar. Whether its corn sugar or cane sugar, your body cant tell the difference. Sugar is sugar. Sugar manufacturers have sued saying that is not true. Lets get the bottom line from dr. Richard besser. What is the difference . Here are the two products. This is table sugar. Everyone has it at home. Its made from sugar cane or sugar beets and each one of those grains is half gluk coast and half fructose. This is what High Fructose Corn Syrup looks like made from processed corn. In lots of things. Find it in breakfast cereal and baked good just as you would sugar made up half glucose and half fructose. Fructose we know were learning more and more is not good for us linked to obesity, to diabetes, to heart disease. But the important thing to remember, both of these are about half fructose. So what happens depending on who wins this lawsuit . How could our food change . Its a battle for our sweet tooth. Which one do we prefer but from a health perspective, what we want to do is limit the amount of both of these that we get in our diet. Were not going to see either of these go away but dont be fooled that one is good for you one is good and one is not. We want to limit them all. That is the bottom line right there. Okay, dr. Richard besser, thanks very much. To michael with morning menu. Whats ahead on the gma morning menu, music hot new duo, Blake Shelton with gwen stefani, confirming theyre a couple. Whats she saying about him now. And snuz solutions. Millions of americans suffering from sleep apnea, now new inexpensive ways to help you sleep better. And countrys biggest night, the show dropping moments and the nights hottest looks, we have all that. One of the most talented men in the business, Bryan Cranston is here. Michael, how are you . Coming up live on gma. How are you doing my brother . Great, my friend. Great. I want that voice like you. Gmas morning menu is brought to you by moen. Buy it for looks, buy it for life. [ doorbell rings ] [ male announcer ] dont you wish everything could put itself away like reflex . Only from moen. This test paper represents proteins in your skin. Watch it react to direct contact with ordinary soap. Soap weakens the proteins. Dove is different. With < moisturizing cream and mild cleansers rdove helps skin maintainr its natural moisture. You are in for a treat coming up on gma. Huge deals steals and they are oprahs favorite things. Were going to have your first look at some of 2015s hottest items and theyre all 50 off. Coming up, we got barbies and biggest favorite things. [ barks ] woah, what is it . [ barks ] come on wait. Come on, were about to light the tree woah little dude excuse me welcome to the annual lighting of the tree. Let the holidays begin [ crowd gasps ] oh that is not good a bulb has gone out. Who will go on the perilous journey to replace it . Its too far. It looks cold. No ones ever gone out there. We will crowd huh . We will . Yeah shell ya later. Be careful out there. This is going to be amazing when cigarette cravings hit, all i can think about is getting relief. Only nicorette mini has a patented fastdissolving formula. It starts to relieve sudden cravings fast. I never know when ill need relief. Thats why i only choose coming up, gmas real money brought to you by voya financial. Changing the way you think of retirement. Back here, gma, great crowd, unbelievable crowd rocking out to Blake Shelton singing his big hit gonna. I love that. Gonna. Gonna. You know, he was betting it out out, girl, im digging on hitting you tonight. Girl, im what hitting on you tonight. Girl, im digging on hitting you tonight. That helps a little bit. Im going to cross my leg like george right now as you say that. I wasnt quite sure. What am i saying here . But big news with Blake Shelton. Gwen stefani. There have been rumors for quite some time. Now it is official. The stars have confirmed that they are a couple. Theyre beth going through a divorce at the same time and apparently theyre seeking comfort from one another. Hes a little bit country. Shes a little bit rock n roll. Reporter and this morning, reps for Blake Shelton and gwen stefani confirm to abc news they are no longer just coworkers. But are now musics big crossover couple. And then theres blake who, again, is very sasquatch. Handsome. The voice costars were seen out and about over halloween weekend sparking rumors that they were more than just friends. Yeah. Whos blake. Blake shelton. Oh, the country guy. But stefani dodged questions about their relationship insuring on air with Ryan Seacrest just this past tuesday. I read the stories about the two of you. Are they true or not true. Im not going to answer that right now. I think ive given up enough of myself but i think hes hot, dont you . To be super honest like it is kind of crazy like we both went through the same thing at the same time. Reporter both announced big breaks earlier this year. Theyve really bonded over their broken marriages, they went through very public and difficult divorces. Reporter stefani and her husband Gavin Rossdale calling it quits after 13 years of marriage. Shelton splitting with fellow country star Miranda Lambert after being married four years. Something lambert alluded to while accepting an award at last nights cmas. I appreciate it. I needed a bright spot this year. Reporter overnight shelton also hit the cma stage. Hey hey all right reporter and its reported at the nanny joined him in musics newest couple now in perfect harmony. Shelton and stefani were the talk of nashville last night. A few jokes then their way during the cmas and afterwards sheltons Pal Luke Bryan even joked there is no way he could score a guy like that. Leave it to your buddies to be supportive of your relationship. They say theyre happy together. Thats all that matters. Yeah. What was the song. I just told robin the power of theres so many different ways . Isnt it amazing a song changes when you move one word. Just one little word. That sounded like a hit too. Thank you. See, mara, you stay right here. George, youll take over for me. Need some sleep. Snooze slugdz olutions. Sleep apnea affects 12 million americans. Becky worley here. Youve beening look at this and new ways to fight this. Thats right. 50 of apnea cases go undiagnosed. So finding out whats new in the fight for this incredibly common disease is important and very personal for me. Apnea, obstructive breathing while you sleep and its serious. It puts a tremendous amount of stress on the heart and can increase your risk for high blood pressure, heart attacks and strokes. Reporter the treatment a mask that forces air into a patients lungs like Jonathan Williams who suffers from apnea. Its called a cpap machine but the problem i would just rip it off within five minutes of me falling asleep. Reporter and jonathans reaction is not unusual. 50 of apnea patients abandon the machine within three months. Thats forced doctors to rethink treatment. First categorizing that not all apneas are the same. The major breakthrough in the last five to ten years is that sleep apnea is caused by different mechanisms and different patients. Reporter while excess weight has long been seen as a major caution of apnea Newer Research shows some cases are triggered by the brain, it essentially forgets to breathe. Then there are anatomical obstructs, a physical narrowing in the throat. And also signs that the disease can be hereditary. A real issue in my family. Oconnell. Sleep. Apnea. Seven of his eight children have been diagnosed with apnea and that link has me on the lookout for my own children. The good news, new options for treatment like surgery to restructure the throat and mouthpieces that support the jaw. Some patients can be a candidate for these alternative treatments and maybe even newer drugs that are experimental that can activate the throat muscles in the airway to help keep the airway open. So lets go through the Solutions Including new machines in theyre fast, theyre quieter, pore comfortable. Not as invasive so you really should look at the cpap machine again. There are other options. So weve got these. Youve got your mouthpieces. These keep your airway open. Weve got faceal plugs. These are call provent and lisa is trying them out. Makes it easy to breathe in but provide pressure when blowing out. Shes a saint for trying this out. And then cameron over here, a lot of people suffer from positional sleep apnea. And he has on something called the night shift. When you shift on to your back, it vibrates like a cell phone and then it tells you, hey, you need to go back on your side a little bit more of a homemade solution. You could take three tennis ball, put them in a tube sock and pin that to the back of your jammies. You wouldnt sleep like that, would you . No. There really are a lot of new options and worth going back to your doctor. Apnea is so important to treat. Your whole family as been dealing with. Oh, man, its a big deal. Becky worley, thanks very much. Outside to robin. Tory johnson here with a look at some of the items of oprahs favorite things list 2015. Adam glassman, a good friend, creative director of o magazine is going to help us out. I love the cover of this. Isnt it gorgeous . Our biggest favorite things list ever. Lets start. Lets start. Here we go. Okay. Tell us about this oh, nice. Barbie. The fashionista barbie, the new one allows all girls the ability to see themselves in their dolls. You know why oprah loved this. Growing up she could never find a doll that looked like herself. Now barbie has all skin tone, all body type, all hair colors and hairstyles. Perfect, adam. A huge deal on these. So normally 20 for two of them. Youre going to select any two from the 18 choices, 10 plus Free Shipping. I like that. Okay, this one. Is. All about fitness, the best fitness tracker out there. She uses the jawbone 3. I love mine for sleep. Itting tras your sleep and rate. Fashionable, too. Its fashionable but wearable tech. All about wearable tech. Never been offered at a student like this. Normally 180. Today only for gma viewers, thats it . Okay. You were mentioning sleep here. I mentioned sleep. You have got to feel these night shirts, robin. Feel how soft and cozy and great these are. Hmm. Look at this one. I wish you looked at me the way you look at your phone. This is what made oprah crack up too. Namaste in bed. Generousry cut and made in the usa. Also available in plus size as well. Big assortment and amazing deal. Only slashed in half, 34 34. Here we go. Oh. Oh, no. This is the most delicious, delicious tomato sauce. Oprahs neighbors across her fence in santa barbara. She passes it through the fence to oprah. When oprah doesnt make her own sauce this is her own go to susan, hand made, no artificial flavoring. Oprah approved and really delicious. Four different flavors for all four 35 slashed in half, 17. 50. That is last but not least. Clarisonic, the best in skin cleansing ever. It removes up to six times more dirt and makeup than if you were to wash your hands with wash your face with your hands. Special edition keith haring one one, bought it for all her students. Dermatologists love this. It will transform your skin. Truly. This is one the company told me they had never offered a discount like this. Normally 149 slashed in half today only 74. 50 and Free Shipping and theres several more Devices Available online, not just this one. These are some great savings and great ideas. Robin, thank you. 82 more in the magazine. 82 more things in the magazine. You heard what the man said. We want to thank all the companies for providing these great deals. You can find three bonus deals on our website but you got to check out this. The cover one more time. Yes. Of o magazine. Beautiful, beautiful. Thank you, adam, again. You got nice little gifts, ginger. This is tatum, everybody. She is 7 years old and she made a very can you give them a big smile, tatum . Thats big. Were getting there. Anyway, we want to check the weather forecast. Not even wearing a jacket outket out here but down in the southeast marion county, thats between florence and myrtle beach, the rain of yesterday washing out roads and bridges and the heat sticking for at least one more day. Tampa could hit 90 today and that would be a record. Kevin some extra clouds up north early this morning. We continue on with sunshine this afternoon. Partly sunny, but temperatures continue to inch upward. S and 40 s and lower 70 s this afternoon. A little more of a breeze out southwest later today. We are able to eek out one more warm day tomorrow with a risk of a shower late in the day and all right. Thank you, ginger. And now heres pop news, everybody. Country musics biggest night was out of this world. Literally. Galaxy far, far away with a hilarious star wars spoof. Hosts Carrie Underwood and brad paisley channeling Princess Leia and han solo and later they were joined on stage by a surprised guest disguised as a stormtrooper. Star wars is my famous Science Fiction movie franchise of all time. That was great. I love seeing William Shatner there and then as any great awards show host knows, there has to be a showstopping moment so brad, he tries to outdo miley cyrus wild wardrobe by tripping down to his boxers. I expected them to be tighter than that. He was feeling right at home on the cma stage and i couldnt believe he and carrie hosted this for eight straight year. They do so well. They are awesome together. Now we know hes not a briefs guy. I expect him to be a little brief guy. I am glad he wasnt a commando guy. That would be uncomfortable for everybody. There was just as much excitement on the red carpet for everybody. Fans were literally blown away when host Carrie Underwood stepped out looking ravishing in an elegant peach colored gown. Look at that and although Miranda Lamberts dress was beautiful, everyone was talking about the platinum singers new pink hairdo. I like it. Yeah. Looking good. And meanwhile, Kelly Pickler was having one of the best days of her life. If you havent noticed all those yeah, we got it. I want to sing them but dont want to offend the artist. She made a grand entrance in this regal ruben singer gown and not to be outdone, garth brooks, he paired his finest cowboy hat with a snazzy looking tux looking classic there and the man of the night, luke bryan and his wife caroline, yes, luke, they brought their a game with effortless nashville style. Looking good. I got fashion i do what i can do. Youre looking good yourself, buddy. In honor of the cmas, our good friend, jimmy kimmel put together a little special Country Music addition of mean tweets. Lets take a look. You ever gotten so drunk you said a luke bryan song actually wasnt that bad . Me neither. Sam hunt is the male version of taylor swift except his songs suck. Theyre such good sports about it. I love that. The cmas, what an awesome show and they were great with the mean tweets and, hey, thats all i got. Thats pop news. Thank you. All right. Thank you, michael. Coming up its time to make over your skin care routine. How to make your skin glow this fall. And glenn close opening up about her very personal mission now from wmur news 9 sean several streets are closed in manchester s north end is police and the fbi search for clues in the murder of Denise Robert. Ray here in manchester s north end, members of the fbi and Manchester Police have gathered at the scene where Denise Robert was shot and murdered. They are about to begin the search of the area for clues in her murder. Several streets are blocked off. The search is expected to get underway at any moment. Sean longtime seacoast businessman and former state Securities Regulator Mark Connolly will officially announce his candidacy for governor in manchester today. The newcastle democrat has worked in the private sector as a Financial Advisor and served in government as a deputy secretary of state. He says his Top Priorities are jobs and the economy. Let s talk weather. It has been a gorgeous stretch this week. Kevin just a few fairweather clouds for central and southern areas. A partly to mostly sunny sky today with temperatures a few degrees warmer than what we had yesterday, which puts a lot of folks from the mid60 s into the lower 70 s this afternoon. Still ahead of that front that arrives later today and into the evening later tomorrow and into the evening. 6472 from north to south into into the 50 s later tonight. Morning. More clouds and sun tomorrow. 60 s and lower 70 s. There may be a stray shower tomorrow. It is the wind behind that brings in the cooler air. 50 s for saturday. 40 s for sunday. You will remember me happy crowd out here in times square this morning. A little warm november morning. We got a lot coming up this half hour. Everything you need to know about your 401 k , important information. And he is so talented. Bryan cranston is also coming out. Got a brandnew movie already generating a lot of oscar buzz. Looking forward to that. Why do i have on a winter coat right now. Its not even cold enough. It looks nice. There we go. Time to yahoo your day and make over your skin care regimen for the fall. Bobbi brown is showing us some adjustments to how you can take care of your skin best this time of year. Yahoo your skin care regimen. When it gets cool its time to really take care of your skin. If people follow these tips i hope that your skin looks more vibrant, healthy and just even and beautiful all around. Tip one, switch to a heavier moisture moisturizer because your skin definitely needs moisture in the fall when the weather turns a little bit coal. In the fall you definitely need your nighttime moisturizer because your skin needs to really hydrate overnight. Its really great to layer your moisturizers in the fall because it really locks in the moisture. One suggestion is to try a serum, first on the skin then a moisturizer and then your foundation will look perfect and last, dont forget spf. The sun is still out there. Not as strong, but it still gets you. Make sure youre wearing it. Heres to a beautiful fall. And soon enough, ginger itll be cold enough to wear a jacket for fall. All right. Robin, inside to you. Thank you, Bryan Cranston, just hanging out with him. Isnt breaking bad, his latest film trumbo is great. Hes breaking the rules as a blacklisted screenwriter who wrote some of hollywoods classic names under fake names, two oscar winners and cranston is generating oscar buzz. Yeah, you are. I told you, i watched this last night. I havent enjoyed a film like this in a long time. Start to finish and i think many people dont know about your character, Dalton Trumbo, the fact he wrote all these great informant movies. How. Did you know about him. That he was a member of the communist ten, member of the communist party of america. Political wing of unions and he was very active, very prolific, beautiful wordsmith and at the top of his game in 1947 he was the highest paid screenwriter in the word. And then the house on american him along with nine others and asked them that infamous question are you now or have you ever been a member of the communist party and Dalton Trumbo was trusting that the question itself would be found to be unconstitutional. Freedom of speech, freedom to assemble. Freedom to practice whatever religion or political affiliation, it doesnt hole up. They sent him to prison along with the other ten and after he got out of prison for a year, he couldnt work. There was a blacklist. No one who was a known affiliate or even suspected to be associated with a known communist is off the list. You cant work. Trying times. But you know what, when i was watching it, bryan, i was thinking about today and how even though that was a cold war as you said, theres some aspects of it that make you look around and saying, are we experiencing a little bit of that even today . I think we are. I mean, any time that Civil Liberties are in jeopardy of being lost or suppressed, i think its time for the public to take notice and not allow it to happen. You have Homeland Security that the number one responsibility of a country is to keep its citizens safe. Absolutely. 9 11 changed many dynamics of that. What im saying and what i think the message of the movie is, never discount the value of those Civil Liberties and have that paramount in the discussion when youre talking about government policy. Got to keep that in mind, i want to play a clip. Helen mirren, first of all, you and the cast, helen mirren plays this gossip columnist. Hedda hopper. Yes, shes trying to dig up a little dirt. Drinking alone . Preferably. And what are you up to these days . You know, hedda, another one of these and i just may tell you. Oh, then im buying. Im telling you, the cast top to bottom as i said and helen talked about you and saying one of americas greatest actors in her tim nation. Has a little crush on you. Is it mutual. It is. She is one sexy woman. And a deep, deep talent. Shes the queen. But she doesnt act at all like shes not the queen. Shes a very accessible human being and shes wonderful and im, you know, grateful that she wanted to be in this with me. It had to be wonderful to be on the set and also for you, bryan, the fact that first of playing lbj. We all, of course, love walter, love that character. You dont get typecast. Youre able to be able to do these different types of roles as an arc. That must be so gratifying. Because i have no distinguishing look, i dont look striking by any regard, so i can walk down the street and people are looking at everything else. And in a way that truly is, i mean that, it helps me to get into a character and look completely different from character to character. I know we have to go but, its throwback thursday. Cant we just throw the clip he was part of the abc family. Can we just see loving. The most beautiful thing you okay . Yeah, why . I dont know. You seem a little preoccupied ever since we arrived. Thanks, yes, i havent changed at all. Youll always be a part of the family here, bryan. Hey, continued blessings and all good things and thank you for trumbo. It is in select theaters beginning tomorrow. Check it out. Lets get outside again to ginger. Good morning, bryan and robin and good morning, everybody. Weve got such a great crowd. This is this issally. These 70 from burton, texas and talking about rain, we here are talking about the heat and the severe storm, look where its happening, dallas to waco, it is kind of extended into eastern oklahoma, wanted to show you that and also wanted to show you record heat potential, if you all are sticking around for the beginning of the weekend, tomorrow mid70s in new york. Thats the big kevin certainly, the warmth all week does not last into the weekend. This front comes in late tomorrow afternoon with a risk today. We are in the 60 s to the lower ranges of all that weather brought to you by target. So this you can have for the weekend. All right. Its going to get colder. Good to know. Coming up, glenn close opening up about her very the trailer for alice through the looking glass, the sequel to alice in the wonderland. Take a look. When the day becomes the night and the sky becomes the sea, then the clock strikes heavy and theres no time for tea. And in our darkest hour before my final ride she will come back home to wonderland and turn back the hands of time. Young lady, your time is up. Hello, alice. Aaagh th the son of a polish immigrant who grew up in a brooklyn tenement. He went to public schools, then college, where the work of his life began fighting injustice and inequality, speaking truth to power. He moved to vermont, won election and praise as one of americas best mayors. In congress, he stood up for working families and for principle, opposing the iraq war, supporting veterans. Now hes taking on wall street and a corrupt political system funded by over a million contributions, tackling Climate Change to create cleanenergy jobs, fighting for living wages, equal pay, and tuitionfree public colleges. People are sick and tired of establishment politics, and they want real change [ cheers and applause ] Bernie Sanders husband, father, grandfather, an honest leader building a movement with you to give us a future sanders im Bernie Sanders, tonight i have the pleasure of hosting the Webmd Health Heroes awards gala. People choice award going to glenn close for her tireless work to end the stigma surrounding Mental Illness which has touched her own family. When awardwinning actress glenn close talks about Mental Illness, its more than a mission, its a family matter. One day my sister we were visiting my parents, my sister came up to me and she said, i need help. I cant stop thinking about killing myself. Ours was a family that never ever ever talked about Mental Illness or the possibility of some sort of mental disorder. Reporter glenns sister jesse lived with Mental Illness her whole life but was not properly diagnosed with bipolar disorder until her 50s. Why do you think that is . I think largely it was the stigma around mental disorder. The stigma and what stigma can do to make it difficult for people to just negotiate, you know, daily is real. Misconceptions. There are many myth, there are many just not having an understanding. Stigmas are still very its a very, very tricky thing to try to change. It can be very, very difficult. You know, thats why were out there saying youve got to start the conversation. Fighting the stereotypes associated with Mental Illness is exactly what inspired glenn change to mind in 2010. One in four of us are touched in some way by Mental Illness, one in four in this room walking down the street, so its always seems ridiculous to me we arent more courageous about talking about it because it touches august of us. With glenn as its driving force and strongest advocate her organizations campaigns are already transforming the way we talk about Mental Illness. Glenn also joined others on capitol hill in washington, d. C. To help pass a groundbreaking. Change is going to come on a grassroots level. Reporter that will provide 1. 1 billion to strengthen the Mental Health care system where do we go from here, glenn . What do you want to see lap . I want to give people, you know, the strength and the support to talk about it. That its okay. Its a human condition. That pretty such says it all. Another person being honored is dr. Bennett amalu. He discovered cte and will smith is portraying him in the upcoming movie concussion. One of the most popular ways to save for retirement is through an 401 k and Rebecca Jarvis tells us how you can make the most of yours. Reporter its lunchtime in new york city. Mind if i sit for a second and the furthest thing from these folks minds, their 401 k s. I dont know anything about retirement. Are you saving for retirement. Yes. How much . I havent the slightest idea. Do you put money this your 401 k . No. You dont . Theyre not alone. A recent survey finding nearly 90 of participants say 401 k s are a must. But half say their planning can be confusing of how much money do you need for retirement . Oh, gosh. Some percentage, 1 , 2 , 3 . The amount you set aside today should be at least enough to get your employers full match, often 50 cents for every dollar you contribute. If you chip in 6,000, thats another 3,000 from them. A taxfree raise. Its all about the match. Because thats the money. Of course. Still, the more you can add early the better off you are. Under 50, contribute up to 18,000 a year. Over 50, and you can do up to 24,000. Where do you put the 401 k money. Just invest it and thats all i know. Reporter the answer, choose a target date fund. These automatically balance your investments, stocks, bonds and cash with a target retirement date in mind. But fair warning they tend to come with higher fees when are you going to retire. Today if it were my choice. Reporter for Good Morning America, Rebecca Jarvis, abc news. New york. All right, thank you, rebecca. Come you go up we have take a chance on a secret potion ill make you fall in love for a spell that cant be broken why not be in love i got the recipe and its all black magic and its all black do you think when you are president youll be paid as much as if you were a manmale. This is one of the jobs where they have to pay you the same. But there are so many examples where that doesnt happen. Im going to do everything i can to make sure every woman in every job gets paid the same. As the men who are doing that job. Im Hillary Clinton p and i approve this message. Its the final countdown the final countdown if youre the band europe, you love a final countdown. Its what you do. If you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. Its what you do. Tt2w`t3n` bt q5\4 tt2w`t3n` a q pp tt2w`t3n` bm q. [\ tt4w`t3n` dztq tt4w`t3n` entq x tt4w`t3n` gzt ax tt4w`t3n` hnt q,4 tt4w`t3n` iztq ;el tt4w`t3n` jntq 5, ting back now for our fall Concert Series with little mix. They have sold millions of records around the world. Their black magic hit 100 million views on youtube and have a new album out tomorrow, get weird. Heres little mix now with love me like you. Shalalala shalalala he might got the biggest car dont mean he can drive me wild or he can go for miles said he got a lot of cash darling he cant buy my love its you im dreaming of they try to romance me but you got that nasty and thats what i want thats what i want so baby baby come and save me dont need those other numbers when i got my number one last night i lay in bed so truth they cant love me like you i tried to find somebody new baby they aint got a clue you still get it what i want i could never get enough now im dealing with these boys when i really need a man who can do it like i can they try to romance me but you got that nasty and thats what i want thats what i want so baby baby come and save me dont need number one last night i lay in bed so blue cause i realized the truth they cant love me like you i tried to find somebody new baby they aint got a clue cant love me like you shalalala woooo shalalala oh oh oh oh oh cant love me like you oh oh oh oh oh love love the way you give it to me it every day love love the way you give i want it every day last night i lay in bed so blue cause i realized the truth they cant love me like you i tried to find somebody new baby they aint got a clue cant love me like you last night i lay in bed so blue love the way you give it to me cause i realized the truth they cant love me like you love i tried to find somebody new cant love me like you thank you. Gmas fall Concert Series gladiators unite. Exciting new episode of scandal is on tonight. Before that Abbie Boudreau went on a set visit. Reporter from salacious headlines. Are you the president s mistress. Yes. Reporter to political twists and turns. I have a guy who says they were blackmailed. Reporter abcs hit drama scandal. I dont want to lie to you. Reporter gma getting an exclusive behindthescenes tour. This is this is voila. Bedroom of the president. Bedroom. Here it is. Reporter Portia De Rossi as chief of staff elizabeth. Super fan of the show before she booked the show of the it was like her and ellens favorite show. And darby starch field. The photo is real. Voila. Ah, the press room. The press room. Love it. So after taking our rightful places i fire off a few super fan questions from twitter. Anyone, anyone . How would you describe season five in one word . Treacherous. Satisfying. Are you two friends or frenemies . I really dont think Elizabeth North has a friend anywhere. Oh, no, thats not true. Reporter just one more tough how does it freel to be a sex symbol . I want to laugh when you say that. It feels funny. Reporter for Good Morning America, Abbie Boudreau, abc news, los angeles. He is so sweet. Funny is sexy. That is. Tgit, scandal 9 00, 8 00 central on abc. Say goodbye to little mix. Thank you, guys, that was great. Somebody new sean welcome back. Authorities are asking for your help in finding a missing teen. 16yearold Julian Hofstetter disappeared around 8 00 last night, lasting at the Hampshire Country school in rindge. He was on foot and was wearing a blue coat at the time. Anyone who sees a teen messing his description is asked to call 911. Several streets in manchester are closed as state investigators look for clues in the murder of Denise Robert. The 62yearold a shot and killed back in august, but no arrests have been made in the fbi has just joined the investigation. Let s take you outside. A beautiful look out there. It is starting to get a little warmer out there. Kevin it is going to warm up into the afternoon. We are up into the 60 s, 6465 about as cool as it will be by 2 00 or 3 00 this afternoon. We have areas up into the lower 70 s. Plenty of high clouds back down to our south and west. We will start to see a little bit more of a southwesterly breeze head of a front in the Northern Plains that gets here later tomorrow afternoon. A quick jump tomorrow. It should be another really one day tomorrow for this time of year. That is ahead of a front that comes through late tomorrow afternoon and into early tomorrow evening. That could mean, after a little bit of fog burns off tomorrow morning, a broken line of showers coming through. Then the clearing skies friday night, the cooler air rushes in and that brees is around with partial sunshine and temperatures in the 50 s on saturday. Highs only in the 40 s on sunday. 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