>> union bank has put its financial strength to work for a wide range of companies, from small businesses to major corporations. what can we do for you? >> and now "bbc world news." >> i terror plot aimed at taking revenge for cartoons of the prophet mohammad. five are arrested. tens of thousands without water in northern ireland. authorities warned of a public health emergency. and one leader says they are going back to the ivory coast. the international community's steps of the pressure. welcome to "bbc world news," broadcast to our viewers on pbs in america, also around the globe. coming up later for you -- crackdown on corruption. and it summed up the spirit of an nation. 70 years on how firefighters saved london when the nazis bombs. -- when the nazis bombed. the danish authorities say they have managed to stop an imminent terrorist attack in the capital of copenhagen. ed this was to be carried out against newspaper that outraged muslims by printing cartoons of the prophet mohammed. they planned to shoot as many people as possible. we have this report. >> this is one of the two places in the danish capital where the authorities swooped up suspects in up what they describe as terrifying, probably the most serious terror attempt in denmark to date. >> we've been following them very closely. today, we believe the situation is under control. we found it was necessary to intervene in order to prevent a terrorist attack in copenhagen. >> police say the four arrested in denmark are of 45-year-old man from tunisia, a 30-year-old swedish national, a 26-year-old iraqi asylum seeker. another spot -- another suspect was arrested in sweden. three were said to have traveled through denmark during the night. this is where they hired a car to cross the border. this building is said to have been the target, the offices of the newspaper that first published the cartoons in 2005, to challenge self-censorship and the media, and act regarded by many moslems as an insult to their faith. >> this is something you think about every day. >> kurt westergaard, the cartoonist to endure one of the most controversial images, extended sympathy to his colleagues. >> obviously, the cartoons have been used very efficiently by a militaristic groups worldwide in targeting denmark specifically and trying to explain why the violent extremism is necessary. so, denmark has become a priority target for these groups around the world. >> swedish police say there is no known notice of the bomb blast in stockholm earlier this month, but it is thought that intelligence services and police have thwarted a potential imminent large-scale attack. >> in northern ireland, 36 -- 36,000 homes are without running water. some people have had their water cut off for nearly a fortnight. and is growing. -- anger is growing. chris butler has more. >> water is a precious commodity in northern ireland. even the emergency services have a disruption to supplies. >> they started out with bottles. we do not really care about ourselves. it is unbelievable. >> things are improving, but at the peak of the current problem, of 50,000 tons without water. some have not had a means to a supply for 11 days. unless something is done quickly, there could be serious health issues. >> we now have a serious public health emergency in northern ireland because so many homes have been of supply for so long. the key to good health is a hand washing and cleanliness, and people have not had the supplies to do that. >> northern ireland water is a government-and co., and that means politicians are ultimately in charge. >> in scotland, when you had the snow, the transport minister had to resign. >> no, i do not think it is the case. that was a completely different case in scotland. there was a failure to prepare. we are dealing with probably thousands -- it is impossible to stay with us are. >> but the deputy prime minister of northern ireland indicated someone could lose their job. >> that is for the time ahead. >> and these men are under pressure. the chief executive did not want to talk about the future. >> my focus is getting the customer is back on supply. that is what i am focused on. >> all are well aware of the public anger and realize that will not go away until supplies are fully restored. >> they have to come up to people. >> it is likely to be days before many again have the water they actually want. bbc news, belfast. >> the first attempt by the neighbors of ivory coast and to resolve the power struggle has failed. they are trying to persuade the figure on the left, lanthanides -- laurent gbagbo, to give up power to demand internationally acknowledged as the winner of the presidential election. >> tensions are high and even united nations peacekeepers got into trouble when their convoy took a wrong turn. the incumbent president's, international observers say lost the election and should leave power. laurent gbagbo has been in power for 10 years, but he has refused to hand over to his challenger, the u.n. says clearly won the polls, alassane ouattara. the united nations protect the hotel and guards the government that the international community has recognized. the soldiers loyal to laurent gbagbo control the access roads, so the only safe way to get there is by helicopter. the government in waiting says support outside the hotel is being targeted by those forces, charges partially backed by u.n. investigators. >> all these people are threatened. you see all these people in the hotel. we are the only ones protected by the international forces. >> the cabinet meeting of the government in waiting -- this is as much about form as substance, because the truth is laurent gbagbo still holds most of the reins of power in ivory coast. the situation has been going on for weeks now. almost the entire international community -- the european union, the united states, and crucially most african countries -- recognize the president as working in an air-conditioned tent in a hotel. united nations says it will continue to supply and protect itself and to guard the government in waiting of alassane ouattara, but so far international pressure on laurent gbagbo has failed to convince him to leave power. mark doyle, bbc news. >> accord in angola has sentenced a condoleezza managed to 24 years in jail -- a congolese man to 24 years in jail. four chinese nationals will stand trial for their part in the trade of exotic shellfish. ed smuggling has been linked to international drug gangs and chinese triads. we have this report. >> nature does not get much better than less. -- than this. if you are lucky, you can catch a glimpse of a whale or two. but this beauty spot is a crime scene. we're on the trail of poachers, men who ship exotic fish and to east asia illegally. -- to east asia illegally. we have had a tipoff that a gang of divers have been spotted as the coast. we finally tracked them down. [siren] >> you in the boat. come here. >> they ignored the demand to stop. with thick seaweed slowing the patrol boat down, it is difficult to catch them. they have moved in to try to make an arrest. the men on the boat were found with diving gear. they are likely to face jail. the coveting -- the coveted shelf fish cannot be found on tibet. it has almost certainly been dumped. there's just time for the captain to turn around. and this is the surprise the diverse seat. the sea snail known as avalon -- abalone. 1,000 tons are far of illegally like this. 2,000 tons are being smuggled out. local gangs and the chinese crime syndicates are cashing in to this trade to buy weapons and drugs. the foot shoulders -- soldiers are not hard to find. >> it is difficult for the community. >> typically how much can you catch in a night? >> sometimes we come in with 1.5 tons. when it is out of the shell, about 1.5 tons. 800 kilos. quite a lot. >> you can turn of fortune in just one night. a hard habit for a hungry man to give up. bbc news, south africa. >> you are watching "bbc world news." still to come -- the big movie trend of 2010, but how much staying power will 3d really have? now what happens to history in the digital age? the internet has given us unparalleled access to information, but with hundreds of millions of websites, how do we assess that all? we're taking a look at the process of web archiving. >> is hard to believe the world wide web is only 20 years old. trillions of megabytes of information have appeared on line. the library in oxford has helped preserve information for generations. now commercial organizations and artists are racing to preserve it digital information for prosperity. >> for some reason people do not think it is as important as a handwritten letter. and think we are trying to bring awareness through the work of the preservation coalition that e-mail is quite often just as important as a handwritten letter. >> here at the british library, books like this one and newspapers from the early 1700's have been saved for generations. and yet, a lot of digital information has already been lost forever. and the british library is trying to do something about it. here you will find the uk web archive, set up to preserve and document websites. it is not just books and blogs which need archiving. companies are also under pressure to archive information on their web sites. by law, firms in the u.s. have to archive everything from their web sites, facebook, and twitter feeds. so you might want to think carefully about what you post on line. it could be in years to come at your descendants will be through your social networking comments as though there were a notebook. bbc news. >> this is "bbc world news." the headlines this hour -- 5 arrested in denmark and sweden. there's a suspected plot to attack newspapers linked to the muslim cartoon route. -- row. tens of thousands in northern ireland are without water. northeastern australia has had the worst flooding in decades and there is chaos across the region crops have been damaged. steve marshall has the latest. >> queensland's officially known as "the sunshine state." much of it is under water. it has flooded hundreds of homes and businesses. after recently emerging from a decade of drought, farmland has been turned into lakes and properties isolated by the inland sea, but millions of dollars of crops destroyed. residents are fleeing the worst floods in half a century. prime minister julia gillard has called on australia to support the victims. >> to the people of queensland, i say our thoughts are with you, in two australians generally, please consider donating -- and two australians generally, please consider donating to the disaster relief fund. >> across the state, about 1000 residents have been forced out of their homes, and roads and highways remained cut off. >> the city can be cut off to the south and west. the unknown factor again is the local rainfall, the high levels of flooding we are not likely to stay. >> with five flood-related deaths in the last month -- although the rain clouds have begun to disperse, rain is being distributed across southern queensland. the overall damage is expected to exceed $1 billion. >> the russian prime minister vladimir putin has praised the new start arms treaty with the united states in his first comment on the accord since it was approved by the u.s. senate last week. he said the treaty, which is in the process of being ratified by russian lawmakers, would benefit social and economic initiatives in russia. the new treaty, which was signed by presidents obama and medvedyev iapril who would affect 4550 deployed warheads. the vatican has published new rules on financial operations, making them more transparent they have established an new body that monitors all vatican entities handling money. two top officials from the vatican bank have been identified. the chinese government has promised to win back public confidence in combating corruption. they acknowledge that corruption is a very serious. we have this from beijing. >> this is the face at the chinese government likes to project, but it is tales of champagne communism that anchors the population. lavish parties and perks enjoyed by senior officials are under scrutiny, and while progress is being made in the fight against corruption, they admit it remains a serious problem. >> the number of cases that have been looked into by the inspection authorities, the numbers have increased slightly compared with the same time last year. officials are required to declare incomes and investments. it is designed to make the authorities more accountable. in the past, there have been high-profile corruption cases, but as the country becomes wealthier, corruption has increased, and perhaps more worryingly, the gap between rich and poor has widened. that's, the party fears, could lead to political instability. for all the talk of fine lines and shark's fin soup, critics say political corruption is deeply ingrained, and without fundamental reform to the way china is governed, the issue cannot be tackled seriously. bbc news, beijing. >> the south caribbean president has called for six-party talks with north korea. his comments follow a year of high tension between north and south. now, visits to the cinema in 2010 might have involved wearing rather unflattering glasses. has an two dimensional entertainment gone for good, or is the 3d futures still blurred? >> now your journey lies here. >> films crossed a frontier in 2010. some had the future is up -- the futuristic computer games computer"tron legacy." every blockbuster born in to offer itself in three days. one of the biggest hits was the first ever european film made in 3d. there was no going back for the producer. >> was up four or five films last year. yet for us, this is the future. on occasion, we look at a tv project, but it is becoming rare. >> outside of the cinema, 3d is something of a novelty. but the technology is increasing so rapidly, by next year, it should reach all aspects of home entertainment. the year has already given a fresh vision. there is the first advert web cast and brand new tv sets, all in 3d. they still cost 60% more than devices the broadcast and but -- judy. >> sometimes only one part of a series will be made in three days. or maybe short segments of a program were made in three days. i do not think there is enough money to pay for the kind of feature films like hollywood needs to make films like "avatar." >> many films like "gulliver's travels" are converted to 3d in post-production because it is cheaper. the new harry potter opted out of 3d, too. >> i think the middle ground is going to be interesting. is 3d going to take over the average middle of the road family members? he paid extra for your glasses. they are hurting your nose. nothing has really happened extra. i can notice the 38. >> oh, yes, those glasses. between that and because the be tv set and contacts, it is unlikely for some to become part of everyday into tehama. >> i do not think we will see it for four years or more. that is even just with the glasses. there'll probably have to be another year's worth of innovation. >> it is our destiny. >> still, it is a generation of the increased availability of 3d entertainment. bbc news. >> i am not sure about news in three days. anyway, 70 years today, the aftermath of one of the world's worst air raids on london it became one of the war's greatest episodes. today, we remember the miraculous escape from the firestorm. >> it is one of london's most spectacular views, but on a december evening in 1940, the dome of st. paul's overlooked an inferno. >> fire rained down on the city of london. >> this evening, at the exact time these sirens sounded, a convoy of vehicles retraced the route taken by hundreds of others, a route that led wartime volunteers into a firestorm. among them, this 16-year-old, george wheeler. >> everything had gone up i had spoken to the senior fire officer, and they cannot imagine what it was like. >> modern equipment and communications would just agree. today's firefighters can only imagine what their predecessors faced. >> imagine one single fire, radiating heat, igniting everything adjacent to it. this was going on all over the city. it was a fire storm within the city of london. terrifying. >> as water supplies dried up, prime minister winston churchill issued just one order -- "state st. paul's." bayh don, the fire crews had -- by dawn, the fire crews had held back the flames. >> i did my bit. >> churchill had been right. near disaster had created an iconic image of resistance and survival. robert hall, bbc news. >> you can find out more about the story and all the day's news online at and you can see what we are working on on our facebook page. >> hello and welcome. >> see the news unfold, get the top stories from around the globe and click to play video reports. go to to experience the in-depth, expert reporting of "bbc world news" online. >> funding was made possible by the freeman foundation of new york, stowe, vermont, and honolulu. newman's own foundation. the john d. and catherine t. macarthur foundation. and union bank. >> union bank has put its financial strength to work for a wide range of companies, from small businesses to major corporations. what can we do for you? >> there is one stage that is the met and carnegie hall. >> o, that this too, too solid flesh -- >> it is the kennedy center. >> check, one, two. >> and a club in austin. >> it is closer than any seat in the house, no matter where you call home. >> the top of the world, and i'm there, i'm home. >> pbs -- the great american stage that fits in every living room. your support of pbs brings the arts home. >> "bbc world news" was presented by kcet, los angeles. presented by kcet, los angeles.

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