Its the epic showdown of cat versus crocodile, yall. See whos a big man now. Oh wow reports say that this is video released by police in lima, peru. And what were seeing is a group of men that police say are known as the coyotes, theyre robbing cars as they sit in traffic. Taking advantage of congested streets in lima. Its a smashandgrab and they do it in groups. So that the driver is so stunned and so confused they dont know which side of the car to protect. Theyre getting away with belongings like purses and bags and phones. Th perfect opportunity for a crime wave. Theyre all in one place, they cant drive away. Theyre kind of sitting ducks for this. Lock your doors . Start there, right. You see a couple of these guys run right up and open the door. Police are saying that it is a smashandgrab, so in some cases they make even break in a window. So even if your doors are locked, that might not necessarily help you. Somebody shooting at them . Yes. In fact reports say there was a police car caught in this traffic jam, and he saw what was going on and started waving his gun and even fired shots toward these guys. Theres some more video that shows police arresting some people who were involved in some of these crime sprees. But police are still looking for members of this gang, this group called the coyotes. Police say there are drastic new laws in place that allow for extended sentences for these kinds of crimes. And theyre hoping that that will be a deterrent. Two insanely scary videos. This first one is from russia. The person with the dash cam is driving down this road. Look up at the road on the other side. Oh. Oh oh down came the power line. Talk about an insanely close call for those two cars. It looks like one car rearends the suv. Knocking that power line down. And coming straight to the car with the dash cam. The person reacts very quickly. Misses the car, but ends up on the side of the road. Finally smashing into a log, which helps it stop. You know what, it looks like he got out uninjured, though. Maybe a little bit of a scratch to his car, but not a bad accident, considering what just happened in front of him. Heres another really scary moment. Its a dh cam on a big rig. You see houses, possibly businesses, many driveways, keep an eye on the suv up ahead. It has a rack on the roof. Oh yes. Goes right in front of the semi and ends up smashing headon. Mind you this thing is orange. How could they have missed it . How do you miss a bright orange 18wheeler. They use this color for hunters in the woods. How do you miss this . At first glance you might think a few Grocery Stores may have overwaxed their floors. Because were seeing some spills both people falling and some spills because some gallons of milk and juice are falling all over the place. But quickly you realize its not the floors this is actually a prank video from the chasy channel, based out of vienna, virginia. These brothers have been filming and posting their pranks on the web for a while now. Hold on to this cart. Hold on. Come back this way. Now, as you can imagine, a lot of mixed reviews online. Weve got the gang from the chazy channel, here with us on right this minute to talk to us about this video. Did you get in trouble for this prank . I cant imagine the stores were happy about it. Or did they not care . We didnt get in trouble actually they kind of felt bad. They kind of acted like it was just like a typical spill. They didnt realize it was a prank then . They thought these were legit accidents . They never found out it was a prank. Do you guys feel bad now looking back at this and causing the destruction that you caused . We kind of do now. But i mean it was just, it was an innocent prank. No one got hurt, nothing bad happened. Tell us about some of the comments. What kind of reviews are you guys getting from this video. Were either really good or really bad. Some are you are saying this is hilario hilarious, others are saying its a big mess. What was your initial goal getting the video out there . What were you guys trying to accomplish . We thought maybe if were lucky, get 50,000, we never thought we would get this many looks in this amount of time. 50,000 subscribers in less than a day. How do you top this . I dont think we can top it. And we probably wont do anything this bad again. Probably calm it down a little. Weve got an ipad mini to give away in just a little bit. You need mondays buzz word, you have to be 18 or older to enter. Stand by for mondays buzz word. Good luck, everybody. This is margaret, shes from morning view, kentucky and she has one strange addiction. Im addicted to stinging myself with bees. Margaret stings herself with bees, up to as many as 15 times a day. What the heck . I sting myself on my hips, my elbows, on a finger, ankle, my forehead, on the tips of my nose. Shes been doing this for a decade. She started doing this because she wanted a treatment for arthritis. I had read how people had been using it to relieve certain pain symptoms. The first time that i stung myself it didnt hurt as bad as i thought it would. And it just got easier every time. You know, the show on tlc my strange addiction has shown strange addictions, but ive never seen anything like this. She raises the bees for this purpose. It looks like she has at least a bee hive so shes able to do this constantly. Getting stung by a bee is not fun. She seems to take it like shes taking an aspirin. Ive got chills from this. I, i, i its bizarre. That is so bizarre. You can watch margarets entire story on my strange addiction on tlc on wednesday, february 27th, 10 00 p. M. , 9 00 p. M. Central. I feel bad for the bees. We have a shortage of bees in this country. We need to save the bees, not sting ourselves with them. Its a bus stop full of surprises. Greatest day on earth. See what these people did to get the lucky ride. And these dudes made their own sweet ride. A snowboard out you guys have been at a bus stop before and they are plastered with posters. Do you ever read them . Yeah, because youre bored sometimes, you have noing else to d quao d thing rl cool at this bus stop. They put different posters in the displays. Seen it all, question mark . Bored . If you are any of those things, you put in the url on your smartphone and look what happens oh no way it picked him up . That is a sweet, beautiful yellow lamborghini with a very cute female driver, may i add. That could be the greatest day ever. So much better than the bus. Oh my gosh, no kidding. This guy is looking at this seen it all poster. Types it in his phone and before he knows it not a lamborghini, but fun. You wonder, is he going to get in or not. Of course hes going to get in. This one is awesome. This is the bored poster. Notice the little girl, she got lucky on that one. Because look what happens. Little party comes out of the bus. Popcorn, chinese dragon, clowns. Everything. That will get you out of your boredom funk. The only bummer is the next bus ride you have, its never going to be as good. Wheres the lamborghini. We showed you guys this video of a lowell, massachusetts snowplow driver having quite a good time. Thats the [ bleep ] favorite part of my day. Pushing the snowbanks back. You want to find your car . A lot of people mad about it. Some people saying, hes just doing his job. But maybe he shouldnt be pushing it to this little. We told you his name is dog, well dog has found himself in the dog house, his real name is mark hussey and mark told fox 25 in massachusetts, he lost his job after this. Man . Im doing my job. To widen the road, so a fire truck can get up the street if your house is on fire. But yet somehow im a scum bag. You wouldnt think that people would be mad, upset at a snowplow driver getting rid of the snow. But maybe just the way he was going about it, his commentary had people kind of mad. Now you see it now theres snow all over the roof of the car. Like some residents that fox 25 talked to. Its very aggregating. You want to throw a snow shovel at him. Its very aggregating. Part of your job is not to intentionally bury more people in the snow, its to get rid of the snow so cars can drive. I realize you got to shovel. But if you were that worried about shoveling, you park your car in the parking lot and take a cab home. The maybe the best part of his day maybe shouldnt be making peoples lives harder. I feel bad for him, maybe he shouldnt have lost his job, he should have gotten a stern talking to. But his views reflect the company hes working for. If it was his truck his own company, a different story. This is my enjoyment part. Cat versus crocodile yall. This is in india, a domestic stray cat made its way into a zoo and had an encounter with a crocodile. This was filmed by a woman and her husband, they went to the zoo to celebrate their first wedding anniversary. And boy, did they get a show. There you see creeping out of the water with the long nose is the crocodile. And the cat is like, ill stare you down. Who will win . Will it be the cat . Will it be the croc . Oh boy. No pawed the nose, not once, two times. Look at the crocodile. He backs off. This cat apparently not afraid of crocodiles. When youve got nine lives, i mean you can afford to make risks like this. True. This cad earned a lot of cred with this. Two slaps to a crocodiles snout. Now you walk down the street and youre like what . He just casually walks away like my work here is done. Its monday, that means its real or fake time with ebaums world. This week a car takes a dip in a frozen pond. And a frog makes a funny sound. Like a squeaky toy for a dog. See the videos and decide real or fake. And dont miss your chance to win an ipad [ male announcer ] heres a friendly reminder its your last chance to get a 200 verizon visa prepaid card with fios internet and phone for business, both with 99. 9 network reliability, on an unparalleled fiber network, for only 94. 99 a month when you sign up online with a twoyear term. Plus a basic second line. Order at verizon. Com rightforbiz, or call 1. 888. 774. 4418 for other offers. Hurry, this offer wont last long. Time to check in with our favorite monday, matt dreidel, from ebaums world for real or fake videos. Welcome back to the show. Good to be back. How russian dogs are born. What . It looks like its some kind of minor something and they have a little explosion going off and the dog maybe was sleeping right there . Real. Real, totally real. Its russia, so im ready to believe this happened. I guess real. What do you say, max . I wonder if they just like do this all the time. Constantly blowing up stuff with this dog in it. Im going real. We all agree. What a great start to our monday. Next video, reporter loses his story. [ bleep ]. Oh no. Okay. I say real because i believe that car would sink if you rolled it out there. Fake. I think that thats fake, too. I dont think that that car actually looks like its really sinking into that water. It looks like its a photo shop job. Another thing you guys arent pointing out is the attire hes wearing. This does not look like a professional reporter to me. Ive got some knowledge on this one. Oh, you do . It is fake. The original video links back to a danish marketing site. I dont know what theyre trying to advertise here, but it clearly is a fake. Definitely a fake. Next video, worlds most adorable frog. [ squeak squeak ] like a squeaky toy for a dog. It is. While i agree that is the worlds most adorable frog, i dont think its real. Fake. I want it to be real because i want the world to have one of these. I think its real. Its known as a namaqua rain frog that is apparently a might were war cry intended to ward off predators and attract mates. So thats their kinky cry. The only thing its going to attract is my dog. Im attracted. All right, max, thanks for exploring our monday videos with us. Oh, oh [ laughter ] he would not survive. You are dead oh. Mac, i love you but i dont think i want you in my fox hole. Im stuck weve heard the term, so smooth its like riding on glass . The guys over at signal snowboards actually rode on glass. This is from network a, every third thursday, dave lee and his Snowboard Team come up with new ideas and new ways to make snowboards. Here in italy with nino and andrea, were in a glass factory, were going to make a glass snowboard. We have a square piece of glass, that were going to cut into the shape of our parts series, boom. I imagine a, its got to be pretty heavy to be glass. But b, it also probably flies down the snow. It took five days at one point it was 24 hours in the oven. Just to bake in the curve of the snowboard. Unbelievable. Look at that. To give it strength, they tempered the glass. These are the technicians that are going to put the technology in the glass so we can ride it without them, it would be impossible. So grazi. They went up to the tuscan area in italy, to test the snowboard out and dave being the nice guy that he is handed it right over to one of the craftsmen that helped build it. So fast. So fast. We see, watch it slide effortlessly across the snow. Its just smooth. After the first run the board looked like this. Ooh. So it did break up a little bit. It fractured. But this is tempered glass, so it didnt fall to pieces and it was also laminated. They got a couple of hours of use out of this board. And its exactly what they were looking for. A cut edge and now they dont have to worry about it getting broken when they ship it back to the u. S. Its monday, time for the rtm ipad mini giveaway. You need mondays buzz word. You have to be 18 or older to enter. When we give you mondays buzz word. Head to our Facebook Page. If youre using a mobile phone or tablet. Go to the first post on our Facebook Page and tap on the mobile link. The buzzword for monday is sweetheart. Head over to facebook. Com right this minute and hit the mobile link. And enter sweetheart for your chance to win an ipad mini. Good luck, everybody. Five instruments, one tune. One baby band. See how this little guy puts on one cool show. Nick, the youtube description in this one reads joe decided to fall asleep on our road trip when i asked him not to. Naturally, what happens next . Dutys prank each other all the time when you fall asleep in the car. This is a bunch of dudes, so you know a prank is coming. The guy is the pranker. You see he shows us joe. Joe, totally conked out. He shows us that theyre parked. He shows us what theyre parked in front of. Its a tree with some woods and then watch this. No joe gets up in a complete terror and starts screaming at the top of his lungs like theyre about to wreck into this tree. This joke never gets old. Seen it a couple times on the internet. Done it a couple of times. You know hes bathed in sweat and you cant go back to sleep because your heart is beating a million miles a minute. Dudes in the car love it joe just wants to know where the heck they are. Where are we . Their accents make it even better. This prank is awesome. They asked him not to fall asleep. Dude. Vienna thinks daddy is super funny. Vienna, you smile . Vienna . Mmmm. [ laughter ] look at that. Whos laughing . [ laughter ] weve all heard of a oneman band. Now meet the onebaby band. This is little 9monthold quentin rex. You know he probably tells his mom, hey, put me in the shag carpet room i want a jam session with myself. Its actually dad who put the video together. His name is joey and he got his son doing a couple of different things. Hes got him with the rattle, with the drum, with the casiolooking keyboard. A guitar, and my favorite the little kitty telephone. Hes got the usher yeah thing going on. You remember usher . Had the phone sample in it . Oh. Its true. See . Yeah hes got a phone sample. Yeah and its so exciting. He took a cue from usher. Well yeah gets overplayed a lot. I like this kids song better. Thats it for us here at right this minute. Well see you tomorrow, everybody, have a great one

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