responsibility. >> we're in the [ bleep ] tornado. i'm not kidding! two dudes drive straight into one crazy cloud. >> it's called a rain-wrapped tornado. >> see why it is so dangerous to chase this storm. tempers flare on a road trip. >> they're fighting over her driving, they're fighting over the radio. and look -- ooh! >> she just has to deal with him because later on she may need him to fix a faucet. >> and a snake has a bad meal that's just got to come up. >> what is that? bewe begin our show today with the story of a hero and his actions all caught on surveillance camera. when this footage first picks up, do you see that thing flying through the air? that's a piece of metal flying toward a bus windshield. watch what happens when it hits the windshield. >> oh, my gosh. >> the metal flies through the bus windshield and strikes the driver in therm andnd. you'll see why he's being called a hero when he reacts. he's wounded severely -- but, he takes the time to stop the bus, turn on the emergency lights, pull on the emergency brake, and -- watch this. he even gets up out of his chair and turns around to address all of the passengers warning them that they are on a highway and to not run around, that it would be dangerous for them. >> talk about honoring your responsibility. >> this bus driver is 48-year-old wu ben. he was rushed to the hospital after this happened. now they are still investigating the accident itself but preliminary reports say that this metal came from a passing truck. do you see right there? there's a truck coming. then you'll watch the piece of metal come flying toward the window. >> wow. he had no chance to react. that thing came at him so fast. >> only a few days after he was taken to the hospital, he did pass away from his injuries. but, the city in china is now calling him a hero and they have honored him as such because his actions saved all the lives of the people on that bus. >> this is really sad because this guy really went beyond his own personal pain to save those people. surveillance video from a neighborhood alley in spokane, washington. this video was obtained exclusively by the news station khx. tell me what you think you're seeing in this video. >> guy pouring gas on the other? >> yep. this is an arson attempt on somebody's garage that was caught on surveillance video. it looks like two young males -- this was at 6:15 in the morning -- a neighbor actually noticed something fishy was going on, saw this happening on his surveillance video. it wasn't his garage, it was a neighbor's garage. he was in the right place at the right time and was able to go out and put out the flames before they spread and burnt this garage to the ground. >> any clue what the motivation for this was? >> spokane fire department, they are investigating. in the video you do get a really clear video of these guys. of course they're asking for help from the public in identifying them. the guy who put out the fire chose to remain anonymous but he did speak to khq. >> was lucky enough to get a video of it and we hope that somebody can recognize these two. >> the garage belongs to a woman named debbie devito. she never even met the neighbor who saved her garage but obviously she's thankful. >> i have one that helped and was able to stop the fire. >> what is someone doing at 6:30 in the morning starting a fire? >> this fire could have gotten way out of control. you could have wound up killing somebody. >> i hope the parents of these boys see this video and they are the ones to turn them in. this video is a perfect example as to why you should always wear a helmet if you're on a motorcycle. look to the left of your screen. >> oh! >> wow. >> what you just saw was this motorcycle run into the car, the rider got thrown into a wall that comes crashing on to the pavement. i don't know how he would have survived that if he hadn't had that helmet on. >> maybe the backpack might have saved his spine. did he just lose control or -- >> this is -- >> the driver was uninjured. he hits this wall. thing comes crashing down on to the pavement. >> amazing he just gets up. >> he got the snot knocked out of him. but he's like let me stand up and see what happened. the person in the passenger seat gets out and limps over to help. >> he's banged up, too. >> it knocked him out of his shoes. he lost his right shoe in the impact. >> that really is tough to watch. a wild weekend of weather on the east coast. three states -- pennsylvania, maryland and virginia all experienced about a dozen tornadoes, including this one captured by a couple of storm chasers near the boston-maryland area. >> whoa! we're in a tornado! >> before you know it, they find themselves right in the middle of an ef-1 tornado. >> another power flash. [ bleep ]. we're in the [ bleep ] tornado. >> winds of up to 100 miles per hour. watch up the street. you see what happens next. >> oh! >> there are other people out there on the roads, besides these guys. >> they're driving right into the storm that these storm chasers seem to be trying to avoid. >> what makes this tornado a little bit unique, it is called a rain-wrapped tornado so it is sort of covering up the common funnel cloud we're used to seeing. this particular tornado left 26,000 people without power, caused about $1 million in damages and injured three people in a building clps. now that wasn't the only tornado captured on cap ra. check this one out in hampton, virginia. it's getting really close to this guy. the tornadoes in virginia caused no serious injuries but damages equalled $4.3 million in damage to about 200 different homes. talk about a rare sight. check out this mini tornado it is being called in mexico city. people were caught out in the middle of the street. you see trees going down and you can hear the hysteria of the people trying to run for cover. 27 people were injured in these tornadoes near mexico city and throughout the city. about 102 trees fell down. eight big boards. the roof of a gas station was torn off. this person has no car that they're in to protect themselves. that is just wild. that's not a ma'hammer, it' smartphone. we'll show you why the glass can take a hammering. time for your palms to get a little sweaty, guys. >> sweaty palm time because little sweaty, guys. >> swea[ male announcer ]se are you paying more and more and more for cable -- and enjoying it less? 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>> well, in this case, this is also being used as a hammer. you don't have to download an app. this thing is so strong that the guy is using it to hammer a nail into a strip of wood. made with the gorilla glass that's supposed to be super-duper strong. they're testing out the gorilla glass. watch. not a scratch on it. >> that's impressive. >> you know who's going to impress us with his knowledge about why this thing doesn't have a scratch on it? thank you for joining us yet again. why does this work? why is there not a scratch on this? >> it is all about this gorilla glass. it is chemically strengthened so it is extremely durable and really compact. >> has this been used anywhere else besides cell phone technology? >> this is made by a company called corning. they make this glass and it's used on tons of limelectronic, tablets and ipads. >> does it come in all smartphones? ky smash a nail with my iphone? >> i can hammer something into nick's head with my iphone? >> it is on every smartphone but the majority of smartphones now use this gorilla glass. they keep coming up with new iterations to make it stronger and even more compact. let's turn from a right lane on a busy road. bad idea -- always. left turn from the right lane on a motorcycle with no protection? really bad idea. >> what are you doing, bro? he wasn't even going fast enough to make that move. >> the guy from this car drives next to this big truck, obviously in the blind side of this motorcyclist. but the guy doesn't even turn and goes from very right-most lane to try to make a left-hand turn and doesn't even see that this car's about to hit him. >> he's not wearing a helmet. nothing. >> nothing. you see that the windshield cracks immediately on impact. >> did the car roll over, too? it looks like the dashcam car rolled off. >> it went straight for the post. you can't really tell what's happening to this car but i think seconds later you do see the driver of this car -- because he moves this dashcam and then points it at himself and you see, he's pretty bloody. >> don't do that, guys. if you ride a motorcycle, turn your head. >> just be in the left hand when you want to make a left-hand turn. >> when you miss the turn, go up to the next one and do a u. time for your palms to get a little sweaty, guys. because it's more people jumping off of extremely tall buildings. this time, istanbul, turkey. it is the sapphire power. it is the number five tallest building in europe, number one tallest building in turkey. the roof is 781 feet in the air. >> now you call this base jumping. you got a guy, you got a girl. you're getting geared up here on top of this sapphire tower roof. this thing is 55 floors up. hey, there he goes. >> oh! >> i love the running jump he gets. that's cool. >> did any of you notice that as these people were jumping off of of the building that there were people sitting on the edge of the building? >> notice that. notice when they come in for the landing and they almost deck these -- >> whoa! >> the other kid got wrapped up. >> they all go in for the high five. which i will, i love high-fives. >> you're right about the sweaty palms. >> what a great co-host. >> we're really close. >> wipe your sweaty palms all ov over. it starts as a battle over the car, and turns full-out guy versus girl. >> they haven't talked about it. they need to discuss the problem. >> i'm out of here. >> see the fight, the make-up, and decide for yourself. who's right? that sets off 100 car alarms at the same time? >> i would think it was an earthquake. >> nope. it's a [ male announcer ] are you paying more and more and more for cable -- and enjoying it less? upgrade to verizon fios tv, internet and phone at a great price: just $99.99 a month, guaranteed for two years with no annual contract. or get $250 back if you sign a two-year contract. it's your last chance. don't wait! unlike cable, fios is a 100% fiber optic network that delivers america's fastest, most consistent, most reliable internet, plus the best tv picture quality... and more hd. switch to fios tv, internet and phone for just $99.99 a month, guaranteed for two years with no annual contract. or choose a two-year contract and get $250 back. last chance. this incredible offer ends june 16th. call 1-877-729-fios. contact the verizon center for customers with disabilities that's 1-877-729-3467. at 800-974-6006 tty/v. ♪ fios. a network ahead. [ malat mcdonald's, one taste of the new mccafé cherry berry chiller and you won't be able to pull yourself away. made with 100% fruit juice with natural flavors, blended with ice. the simple joy of keepin' it cool. romania has set a really cool new guinness world record. i say cool because it is spectacularly cool to see 12,700 flying lanterns go up in the sky at the exact same time. >> those are like real flames. >> yeah. these are basically a flying chinese lantern and the way it works is that these lanterns are made with oiled rice paper and that really is a flame under them. it basically is like a mini hot air balloon. the lanterns will fly as long as the flame stays alive. when it goes out, then it falls. >> it almost looks like a bunch of jellyfish. >> yeah. i feel like i would release these in a not-city area. maybe along the coastline where it wasn't going to be -- like there are a lot of trees and stuff that i feel like these things could get tangled in and cause a fire. >> that's a great objection but this around basically a big shopping mall place there. you see the logos on these lan terns. they did this right in front of the palace of culture. >> obviously we didn't hear anything about romania burning down because of a stray lantern. >> about 30,000 people attended this event and the previous world record was set in india. >> i think they crushed the record. >> they really did. orangutan. >> this video demonstrates that male-female behavior is established very early on. >> they're on a little road trip here in pittsburgh. annabel wants him to get out the car but he won't do it. they're fighting over her driving, they're fighting over the radio. and look. >> he added insult to injury by giving her a kiss. >> now he's trying to make things better. >> what makes you say that? >> because she's playing hard to get. >> really? she just has to deal with him because later on she may need him to fix a faucet. >> i can almost guarantee that's her car because he doesn't have one. >> she's legitimately angry and he's just kind of like angry with a smile. >> i think it's a classic case of a man using kissing to get out of trouble. he was told to get out of the car. he wouldn't get out of the car. >> i think it is a classic case of a girl being mad just for the sake of being mad. she's usually loving and kind and now she's being crabby. >> see, they haven't talked about it. they need to discuss the problem. >> forget the talking. i'm out of here. >> you would think that after a kiss it's all over when she needs to explain why you guys are so wrong! >> don't waste your energy being angry and pissy for the rest of the day. especially when they're on a nice road trip. >> see, if men were smart, they'd understand this. okay, yeah, women are crazy, men are done. >> fact. done. >> what do you think in this battle of the very unsexes? go to >> men are dumb. "right this minute" videos first. >> it's summertime and it's time for this. >> he's using these waves as like jumps. >> you can surf anything with waves. right? >> a board, sail, waves and fun. next "right this minute." coming up, stand by for this video. >> oh, no! >> what is it? oh, my gosh, what is i >> cool story, bev. the gang from improv everywhere is back. this time they're making some music. >> love them. >> i guess you could call it music. here's how they're doing it. >> they got 100 people to park their car in a shopping center parking lot on staten island and set off their car alarms. all at the exact same time. the guy from "improv everywhere" sort of acts as a conductor. >> i hate that sound. >> imagine 100 of them all at the same time. >> imagine if you are walking out of this kohl's or this lowe's and you're just like, what is happening? every single alarm in the parking lot is going off. i would think it was an earthquake. >> two freak me out. >> you can see the video people are obviously really confused as to what's going on. it is also funny when they try to shut their car alarms off because they have a little bit of trouble doing that. >> i want to pull my hair out right now and i'm not even there. >> good harmless prank. >> you know when you eat something sometimes and you get that feeling like, it's just not sitting right with you. >> start getting sick? >> yeah. same thing happens in the animal kingdom, too. oh, boy. there's a snake and he ate something that's just not quite agreeing with him. >> oh, no. >> what is it? oh, my gosh, what is it? is it a rat? >> he ate something that made him sick. >> what is that? >> a giant frog that didn't quite sit well with him. you wonder why. it is gigantic. it is bigger than him. >> are we sure this video is not in reverse? that is wasn't a snake eating a frog and somebody uploaded it in reverse? >> no. the frog would be moving as it was coming out. >> unless it was already dead. >> i think this is legit. >> who is there at this moment with a video camera to record this moment. that's our show for today. thanks so much for joining us. we'll see you next time, everybody. i was paying too much with cable. paying so much, you want better quality. for the amount of money that i am paying, my cable company should take care of me. 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