the odd story of how he got wedged in, and how firefighters pulled off the tricky rescue. a little red fox decided to go live in the highlight. >> but why did he set up house in a crow's nest? we've got some crazy theories. a gunman forces a guy to withdraw money from an atm. but when the gunman looks away -- >> that's when the guy at the atm says "now's my chance." >> some street justice. the guys go all hollywood. how holding the gun like a star makes all the difference. >> it works! it's time to get our show started. play time quickly turned into a nightmare for a 5-year-old boulder, colorado boy. we got the story from 5-year-old was playing at a neighborhood park with friends and there was a hole in the park. these boys were taking turns jumping in and out of the hole. when it was this 5-year-old's turn, his ankles got crossed and his knees turned under and he got wedged in the hole. now this hole was 3 1/2 feet deep, but only a foot in diameter. >> oh, my god. >> this happened about 7:00 p.m. police were called. police, fire rescue and ems all came to the scene. they ended up having to dig the boy out with a shovel. this whole rescue process took about a half-an-hour. >> why was it so hard to get him out? i just imagine the way his legs were in there, it almost wedged him in. i feel like it would have just tried to pull him out it would have hurt his legs because his legs were crossed and behind him. >> that is right. this is a shot of the whole after they dug him out. you see how narrow this whole is and because he was wedged in, they had to dig out the side of the hole. they were worried since they were using a shovel that dirt and debris would fall into his face. they used a bottomed-out bucket to put over where his head was so no dirt could get down and injure him. >> do we know why this hole was in this play area where kids are playing and could fall into it? >> no one knows why that hole was there. in fact, now that the boy is out and no injuries were reported, they are conducting an investigation to find out why a hole was in the middle of this neighborhood park. >> just what an odd thing to happen. >> it is a dumb thing to play with but that's what little boys do. you find something stupid in the playground and let's jump over this hole. then you don't realize that something like this can happen. when you are a parent, you expect that your kids are safe once you hand them off to the school bus driver. right? well, for the parents of these students in the current high school district, that was hardly the case. this happened in the fresno area and this video we found on kget, this is a video taken by eddie christwell, he was driving on a freeway and all of a sudden he says this high school van full of kids driving on the freeway. but not just driving. he is allegedly speeding at 90 miles an hour. >> are you kidding me? >> i'm following a current county bus and a bunch of kids. >> at one point eddie pans down at the video to show his speedometer shows they're driving at 90 miles an hour. he is following. >> right now he's driving 90 miles an hour. >> so what is the school district saying about this? >> they did show the video to the spokesperson of the school district. >> it could be that somebody's going to lose their job as a result of this. this is very serious. you know? that's some pretty precious cargo there. >> the district has launched an investigation to figure out what was going on, who the driver of this vehicle was, because they have no idea. if this guy hadn't taped this video, they would have no idea that he was driving this fast. >> let's not forget though that the guy following him is also doing 90-plus miles an hour. >> he's talking about, hey, these people are break being the law -- dude, you are, too! >> i'm the parent of a kid. i want him to be patted on the back because he got video of somebody putting my kid in harm's way. >> he could have called the highway patrol and said, hey, there is a school bus going 90 miles per hour on this highway, you need do something about it. >> but then nothing gets done. chances of the police dropping what they're doing to catch up with a speeder are slim. at least this guy's got video and now the district knows about it and has proof and something will actually get done. >> he's driving 90 miles an hour. a guy walks up to an atm in shreveport, louisiana and gets an unwelcome visitor. that unwelcome visitor is a man with a gun. demanding money, covering his face. you can see, this is the middle of the day, it looks like, or at least daytime hours. this is at a capital one bank atm. the video from the above angle we can see the man tries to kind of walk away. the man with the gun demands the money. guy forks over the money he just took out of the atm but the gunman doesn't stop there. he says, you know, take more money out of the atm. the guy listens. you know, if the man's got a gun, you might as well listen to him. takes more money from the atm and notices that the guy's kind of looking around a little bit and that's when the man at atm says now's my chance. full-on tackles this guy, takes him to the ground, goes for the guy's gun. he's able to wrestle the gun away from this guy. dude takes off, runs to a nearby apartment complex. police are still looking for the dude. that's why they released this surveillance video. >> how brave of that guy, because he has a gun and you just never know what could happen. > youe'r ppedou listen to the but i'm glad this guy didn't get hurt, fought back. >> i hope this guy never robs anybody again because he's scared of folks like that. this story will bring out tears of joy. this is the south l.a. area and some people found a dog living in the trash. you see it? >> no -- oh. >> man! >> that's fiona. as soon as they got a look at her close-up, they realized she was blind in both eyes. >> my goodness. no wonder she's living in trash. she has no idea what she's around. >> so they went up to her, they were very gentle. they let her sniff them and they took her home and they cleaned her up. here she is getting some tlc. they had to shave off all her ha. >> oh, man. >> they said that she had the worst flin festation they've seen. >> that probably feels awesome after you've been living in trash. >> the itching from the flees, too. i'm sure not having that probably feels like heaven. >> so they be a few days later they took her to see a doctor. this amazed me. they were able to look into her eyes and figure out that, hey, we can restore her vision in at least one of her eyes. >> are you serious? is. >> i told you it had a happy ending. she went through the surgery and there she is eating. >> look how happy she is now, jumping around. >> guess what? she was adopted. >> she's so beautiful! >> isn't she great? >> look at the joy in fiona's little body. you can just see it. >> the next time you feel like, hey, i want to donate to a good cause? go to and you can help with doggy rescues like this because doggy rescues are not cheap. makeover. >> being on street didn't take out her loving spirit. >> but she hasn't forgotten her street smarts. ricky martin is showing off his two little boys. >> of course they've got the fanciest haircuts i've ever seen on a child. >> see the "vanity fair" video and hear what he says about their secret mom. and, in the middle of battle, this. a one-on-one tug-of-war between two good friends. >> who wins? canada or the u.s. >> see how it turns out -- next. welcome back to the show. but don't forget to check in at " great videos all day long. gracing the cover of april's "vanity fair" in spanish is none other than ricky martin and his two beautiful little boys. valentino and matteo. >> respect they most the adorable little kids? >> of course they've got the fanciest haircuts i've ever seen on a child. >> in the video that was created by "vanity fair" and posted on their website, we see the process of the photo shoot and ricky martin just being daddy and playing around with his boys. >> in this article he talks about fatherhood obviously. his boys are now 3 years old so -- >> he's had a chance to play mr. mom. >> and he also talks about his relationship with the woman who carried the babies for him. he doesn't like the term "surrogate" and he prefers to say that he -- the relationship for the woman he says he would die for her so it must and really close friend of his. >> has he ever said who the lady is? >> we do not know who this woman is. >> only time will tell if these two little boys live la vitaloca. he's living in the tree. when have you ever seen a little red fox live in a tree? he's living in an old crow's nest on the university of prince edward island campus. >> the nest has been abondened. if you snooze, you lose. >> nobody probably bothers him up there. >> does he stay up there? >> he does stay up there. tree he's living in seems to be leaning over. people have spotted him walk right up to the trunk of the tree. >> he just walked up the tree. >> do biologists have an issue with him being there? >> they say it is fair but a fox isn't the first squatter in this nest. i guess last year a couple of squirrels took up residence in the old crow's nest. >> maybe he really is a sly fox and now he's just waiting for the crows to come back to their nest so he can -- >> shouldn't he be wearing a crow's costume then so he can fool them. >> that would be super smart. >> probably what he's doing up there, getting all the feathers that the crow left in the nest. start sticking them on himself. smart fox. very foxy of the fox. nelyibvice out there to help paraplegic. it is a robotic mobilization device. it was created by ams mega tronics. it is a brand-new approach for mobility for paraplegics. it allows them to get in a standing position, then it can move because it is motorized. it looks like a segway but it is controlled more with a joy stick. but can you go somewhere in a seated position and then it allows you to easily pull yourself up into a standing position so that you can reach things, do all kinds of things and be eye level with your friends and family. >> i think this is a fantastic creation because you know what else it does? it kind of takes away that stigma of being in a wheelchair. >> the great thing about it is it is a rear load device. so if you're getting out of bed or maybe if you're in the bathroom and you're in a position where you are seated, it is easy to get in rather than a wheelchair that can be incredibly cumbersome. >> i bet it would also assist in even therapy. >> you are exactly right. >> a wheelchair can only get you so fair. it is limiting and this thing definitely gives you a lot more freedom. tomorrow -- on "right this minu minute" -- >> my brother was formed with down syndrome. i'm just happy he's my brother. >> isn't that so cute? that's tomorrow on "right this minute." a pizza guy makes the delivery and doesn't like the tip. >> i don't want pizza people to [ bleep ] my car because they don't like my tip. >> see his revenge. and take a look at this one. a car crashing in very slow motion. and this is art -- how? >> we'll tell you why it's art, and how it all works -- next. this video should serve as maybe a little warning that you should have an adequate tip ready when the pizza delivery guy drops your food off. according to the person posting on youtube, he claims the bill was $30. >> less than 10%. >> $2. >> $2. >> well, according to it's my bimer, that's what motivated the pizza delivery guy to do this. he claims the guy spit on the window. >> oh. >> lucky that's all he did. >> he spit on the window. take a little windex, paper towel, you're fine. what's the big deal? >> first of all, if that was my employee, i would ask them politely not to spit on a customer's car even if they gave him a cheap tip. >> the pizza guy thought $30, that should be a big tip. >> i'm a notoriously no-cash girl. but this guy did just drive to your house and dlir your food to you. >> it is a courtesy, i don't have to give you a tip. >> sure. but you also shouldn't spit on somebody's car. >> who cares? it is spit on a car window. >> i don't like people to spit on my car just because it is a bad tip. i wouldn't want people spitting, are they going to spit in my food. >> it is a small tip and it is a small, stupid thing do. i guess maybe they even out. zplefr one was wrong in this one. >> yeah, i agree. we're going to put it up to you guys, go to and tell us what you think. were they both wrong? you let us know. how these two groups of warriors settle their differences? a good old match of tug-of-war. >> the canadian brigade saw the u.s. soldiers doing this very interesting tug-of-war game. and since the canadian soldiers were about to leave, they thought, let's do a departing little tug-of-war match. and this is what happened. on the left is master corporal john celestino, and on the right, an americansoldr. iilario because they're almost in harnesses. it is almost like they're hanging. >> it is very unusual, very interesting game of tug-of-war. >> nevertheless, it worked. >> we're taking wagers right now -- who wins? canada or the u.s. >> we're in the u.s., i got to vote for the u.s. >> auz all the way. >> i'll root for canada because they're our friendly neighbor to the north. they're america's hat. >> here we finally are about to see who the winner is. >> keep going! you're almost there! go! go! >> canada won? >> oh, man! >> canada won. ♪ o canada >> i don't care who we're fighting, if we're fighting a battle, even if is battle is tug-of-war -- >> play to win. >> -- you want to win. sadly, we're not always on tv. but don't worry, because we're always on full episodes, breaking news, great videos. always on it's time "right this minute" for some target practice. >> it works. >> what really hits, and what misses -- next. we see a ton of car crash videos on this show. they all seem to happen in a split second. but this car crash happened over a month. >> whoa! >> you might be saying, huh? how could a car crash happen for a month? >> how could a car crash happen for a month? >> exactly. i thought you might ask that. it is a vw golf that an artist, jonathan shipper, set up in new castle, england. this thing is moving super-duper slow. we're watching really sped-up video here, but this thing is moving just over a quarter of an inch an hour. using slow hydraulics, you can see the car starts to get smashed up. >> the effect is supposed to be the same as if it were a high-speed crash? >> right. well, they removed anything that might explode from the car because of course that would be dangerous but the artist, jonathan shipper, said with a dramatic inevitability that reflects our own mortality over the course of the month, the car is eventually destroyed. >> and this is art -- how? >> art is in the eye of the beholder, beth. >> but it's weird -- it's weird -- it's weird. >> i think it would be cool to walk back and forth and see this thing over time and see the progress of the damage. this whole project isn't finished yet. the car is still slowly, very slowly, being smashed as we speak. it is going to last for an entire month. the hollywood marksmanship. suppose you see 007. do the techniques work. >> like the shooting pose, like the way that they shoot. >> in this episode of "gun gripes," we prove the efficacy of hollywood poses. >> welcome back, my friends. we're going to be doing shootin. show you just how they do in the movies, see how well it works. i'm going do three poses for you, hollywood pose. i'm going to do hans solo with hands way back like this. i'm going to do james bond. he kind of shoots like this. hans solo. james bond. >> is this going to lead us to believe that the position of your other hand is going to somehow affect your aim? >> these two guys, proving all this fancy hollywood stuff doesn't always work right. >> who cares? a movie is a movie. gangster style. you see this in a lot of gangster movies. >> movie date night. turn the gun sideways and steve carell like -- >> no, he turned it sideways! >> it works. >> it works. >> i just think you have to be pretty darn good. we have one more video for you. nick mcnut doing a ski tour of british columbia. don't forget, another half-hour of "rtm" is on the way.

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United States ,Canada ,Louisiana ,Fresno ,California ,Prince Edward Island ,Colorado ,Hollywood ,Boulder ,Spain ,United Kingdom ,America ,Canadian ,Spanish ,British ,Ricky Martin ,John Celestino ,Steve Carell ,Beth Troutman ,

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