Transcripts For WMAR News 20130226

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because the currencies tem for financing renovation will not catch up to the needs of the schools. teachers students and parents all gathered at that rally described bad conditions at city schools including broken windows and hot classrooms and inadequate computer labs. they called upon law makers to provide the resources to rebuild the state's oldest school buildings. . >> the legislation would allow us to take existing state fund and leverage those funds to affect wide scale renovation. >> reporter: that rally was sponsored by baltimore education coalition the mayor and city school chief urged them to pass the bill. it comes for a hearing on march 5th. sherrie johnson, abc2 news. merrill is the most dangerous state for teachers according to the most recent data compiled -- maryland is the most dangerous state for teachers according to most recent data compiled. abc2 news investigators looked deeper into the issue to find out what's going on in your child's classroom. teachers bullied in their rooms. tonight at 11 we will hear from one victim beaten so badly it's tough for him to stand up in front of a class. we will hear from a school district promising changes. the student who brought a gun to school on the first day of perry hall high will spend next 35 years in jail. robert gladden was sentenced for the shooting and begins the sentence in jessup. prosecutors released a tape of a 50 minute interview with gladden after the shooting. he told police he asked two friends to leave the cafeteria and the 15-year-old said he had been having suicidal thoughts for the past 6 years. >> i wanted to kill myself because i don't like people and i don't -- i don't -- you are just going to die and there's nothing after that i think. so, what's the point? >> before sentencing he read a ledier to the -- letter to the family apologizing for his attack and borwy's mother says she hopes he meant it and she calls perry hall every day to make sure her son is og. gun control came into the spotlight after the sandy hook shooting and one suggestion was to arm teachers. most teachers are not comfortable with the suggestion. 3 in 4 say they would be unlikely to bring a firearm into the school if allowed to do so. even among those who say they own a gun only about 1 in 3 would be likely to bring it to their school. the survey conducted by the school improvement network will be released tomorrow. after the school tragedy in newtown connecticut donations toys, gifts from all around the world poured into the town. and now more than 2 months after the deadly shooting, families had the chance to take home those tokens of support. more than 60,000 teddy bears were sent there all in an effort to comfort the people in that town. they had so many donations that the mayor actually had to stop people and ask them to stop sending them to newtown and make donations to their charities. >> it's pretty special that everyone gave us stuff -- gave this stuff to us. just like for us to be happy. >> i think it's cool a lot of people donated the stuff for us. and for us to be happy and try to get over it. >> the familys affected by the tragedy had the first pick of the donations some of the large are items like bikes and rollerblades were auctioned off. the remaining gifts will be donated to area charities. today marks the sad anniversary for two families and supporters across the country. it was february 26th when 17- year-old trayvon martin watts shot and killed after fighting with a citizen watchman in a florida neighborhood. george zimmerman said he shot him in self-defense going onto claim the teen punched him andslammed his head against the ground. he was arrested and charged with second degree murder and the young man's parents say they continue to work every day to preserve their son's memory. >> candlelight ceremony here in new york and we have done something in miami. we have done a peace walk to let teens know that they have a right to walk in peace. >> after a lengthy court battle disirmman was released on bail and that trial is -- zimmerman was released on bail and that trial is set to begin june 10th. he worked with p-diddy and rihanna and drake putting out hit sock and -- song and now he is coming to perform at the preakness. we will tell you who is coming and who he is bringing with him. plus the picket vendors tack on to the -- ticket vendors tack on to the ticket prices could be coming back. we have details straight ahead. [ mom ] dear chex cereal, i just had to write. you can't imagine how long i've been searching for something like this for my family. i'm amazed you make so many great flavors that are gluten free. my guys are crazy for chocolate chex and honey nut chex. for me, it's cinnamon. it means a lot to be able to give them something that's good for them, that also puts smiles on their faces. 'cause i really love those smiles. we're the harris family. and we love chex. [ male announcer ] love chex? connect with us on facebook. the headline for the preakness show has been announced. >> you probably heard your kids listening to his songs including i know you want me and don't stop the party. we are talking about rapper pit bull is going to join rapper mcelmore thrift shop you know his latest song? >> no. >> i don't either get the tickets at a reduced price at 40 after what they go up 50 bucks from may 11th and 60 the week before the preakness and this is one of the situations where it's better to plan ahead. mark your calendars because the preakness is on may 18th. >> doesn't pit bull do dr. pepper commercials. >>i don't know. i am the most uncool person you know. >> sad what you are dealing with this morning. new video out of louisiana this is not snow falling from the sky but hail. there are reports -- were reports of hail the size of peas to golf ball size. it lasted 20 minutes and changed to rain and if you have any experience with hail storms, 20 minutes is is a long time and can be a precurseor to things like high winds straight line wind and lynette even the threat of tornadoes. hail is is a sign for bad things to come. >> you are right. and you know you are talking about that in louisiana. and that was yesterdaych the severe weather threat is shifted to the east. we are looking at heavy rain in georgia. so if you are going to be traveling in that direction today you might want to hold off. and even around our area we are going to see the wet weather this heavy rain on the move as we go more into the afternoon. this will overspread the area by the evening. talking about heavy rain. but right now, we are dry. we are dealing with plenty of cloud cover this morning. so as you step out and about this morning, temperature wise, it's what you can expect. 32 when you wake up around 7 this morning. and lunchtime at 42 degrees. let's check the abc2 timesaver traffic with lauren cook goodmorning. >> reporter: good morning. no rain yet and no delays on 95 -- 95. it's nice and clear from columbia all the way to downtown baltimore. 695 will be delay free. all the way around and if you are traveling on 83, as we check in and take a live look here in hunt valley at shawan road everything is moving along. be aware bridgework will intensify later today at middletown road. one lane will be shut down in both directions from 9 to 3 in the afternoon. that's a look at your abc2 timesaver traffic now over to you. yahoo's boss is making policy changes for the company. >> one of the changes is not sitting well with some of the employees. why the latest memo reads go to the office or quit. >> reporter: the usns comfort has been part of the baltimore for the past 25 years and this morning it says bye. where it's headed and where it will call the new home. ♪ [ female announcer ] at yoplait, we want you to feel even better about your favorite flavors. so when you call, tweet, and post, we listen. that's why yoplait light and yoplait original are now made with no high fructose corn syrup. and why we use only natural colors and natural flavors in yoplait original. but you'll keep it to yogurt, right? 'cause we shouldn't really help with your love life. yoplait. it is so good! ñ[= denny's everyday value slam egis four dollars every day. wait, is that right? eggs, bacon, pancakes. yeah. that's right. the four dollar everyday value slam. only four dollars every day. only at denny's. 5:44. thanks for joining us. she can provide the same services as any general hospital in the country. the only difference is she floats on the water. the usns comfort provide medical and surgical care for the navy and linda so is live in canton to talk about the comfort's latest mission at sea. linda. >> reporter: things are getting underway right now crew members are arriving and making sure the ship is ready to deploy on its humanitarian relief trip that is heading to 8 countries for the next five months but the biggest story this morning is that when the comfort leaves, baltimore this morning, it will not be coming back. that's because it has a new home in norfolk and to tell us moo jessica alexander thanks -- more jessica alexander thanks very much. >> good morning. >> reporter: we are are used to seeing the ship docked but when it leaves it's not coming back. >> that's correct. and i want to thank the city of baltimore for being a great host to the navy's -- one of the navy's hospital ship for the past 25 years. it's getting ready to leave and it will head out to three days for a sea trial period before it heads to norfolk, virginia, the new labor not home port but it's the naval station norfolk. >> reporter: and why is it heading to norfolk? because it's been such a big part of us here in baltimore for a long time. we are used to seeing this ship docked in canton. i understand it makes it easier to respond to places in need more quickly? >> sure. well it puts the ship closer to the ocean. and also closer to the region that it tends to respond. especially in the humanitarian aspect. it puts it closer to the south america central america operating area. it also is the closest locationto where the hospital personnel are. they are in norfolk where the naval hospital is medical personnel are kind of home ported out of. >> reporter: tell us about the upcoming trip. you will leave for five months right? >> it's from april to august and it's called continuing promise 2013 and 8 nations down in central and south america and the caribbean. it's a humane tearian mission and kind of threefold missionlife changing surgical procedures and treating patients ashore in the 8 nation and the -- nations anded medical exchange and collaboration between the medical personnel so the opportunity to partner with the host nations and do that one-on- one training, and knowledge sharing. >> reporter: thanks so much. again, the comfort when it sets sales and leaves this morning, at around 7, it's the final time that this ship will be leaving from baltimore when it comes back from that human tearian relief mission, the home will be in norfolk, virginia. people on the ship has provide so much help to those who needed it and it will be sad to see it say bye to the ship. but again, it will be leaving here in baltimore at 7:00 for the final time. live in canton, linda so, abc2 news. >> thanks. nothing is more annoying than paying for a ticket to a concert and having tons of fees tacked on to the price which is why baltimore put an antiscalping ordinance in place saying third parties like ticket master couldn't sell tickets formore than 50 cents above face value now the city council is proposing to revise the law to allow ticket master to charge the user fees. according to publish reports there are concerns ticket vendors may refuse to do events in baltimore. don't bother firing up a heater when you go to camden yards or m and t bank stadium. they are banning smoking of any kind. the o's and ravens are expected to allow designated spaces within the confine to smokers. five things to know on this tuesday morning. a confirmation hearing for today for secretary of defense nominee chuck hagel. republican senators block the first nomination vote with a filibuster. secretary of state john kerry continues the tour of europe and the middle east and will meet the syrian opposition leaders and russian and foreign minister in berlin. >> the first witness to take the stand in the bp oil trial happens. lawyers representing thousands of gulf businesses and people say that bp put profits over safety. that trial could result in the largest civil fine of more than 17 billion dollars. a private funeral for mindy mccready who took her life leaving behind two young sons. her funeral will be in fort myers florida. for weeks he has been pushing the white house administration's proposal tree dues gun violence. today -- reduce gun violence today joe biden will make remarks on the first meeting of attorneys general. investors are hoping for a better day than yesterday. the dow and the s&p 500 saw the biggest one-day decline of the year so far. after opening on a high the dow jones tanked 216 points and s&p dropped almost 28. overall traders say political uncertainty in italy was the main trigger for the bad day but add tox have been vulnerable to pullbacks after a make run up to all time highs earlier this month. nice to have a job perk with flexibility and you can stay at home and work but yahoo is changing the rules for employees. an internal memo has been leaked to the media stating that all yahoo employees who work at home remotely full-time will have to start showing up to the office by june. it says the move is to increase communication and collaboration. and if you don't like the new rule, yahoo suggest quit. you know wouldn't it be great to do the forecast from home? >> in your pajamas kicking on the couch. >> i never thought about that. that would be neat. >> we should try it some morning and see how it goes. >> let's talk temps because we are talking about cold temperatures at 28 in darlington. we have the dew point at 28 same as the temperatures. so you know what that means. we have patchy fog in some spots. and ellicott city is cold coming in at freezing degree mark. 32 degrees. and in pylesville the temperature at 27. so make sure to bundle up as you head out and about. let's switch back to graphics and i will show you what's going on as we look at this system finally it's going to be working et cetera way in here slowly. we have been talking about the system for a while and what we will get is maybe to start outsleet mixing with rain but everything switches to rain especially in the afternoon. be prepared for that and take the rain gear with you as you head out and about. and i am not just talking about sprinkles or light rain. we will get moderate to heavy rain at times today. abc2 most accurate future trend goes into motion and look at the time frame on this. so i am thinking around 1:00 it starts to edge in here. but by around 3:00 yes, it will be overspread and in the viewing area. and 8:00 tonight we are looking at reds and oranges and that's the heavy rain we are talking about. we are talking about the potential for about 2 inches of rain and you can see on the future rainfall. temperatures for today coming in at 45 degrees. but with all that rain and cloud cover out there, that might be held down a little bit. also very breezy conditions for today. let's check the abc2 timesaver traffic with lauren cook. >> reporter: good morning. the rain will make for a hectic commute into the afternoon and evening. no delays right now on 95. it's nice and clear here in harford county at route 543. and it will continue that way making the push from white marsh to downtown baltimore. looking live at 695, here in parkville at harford road, everything moving right along. no problems on the inner loop down to 95. and that outer loop looking at a normal drive time of 11 minutes to travel from 95 all the way up to 83. the west side of the beltway is in great shape and it's just going to take you 7 minutes to travel the outer loop from 795 down to 70. and for those of you using 795, no delays for maryland 10 to the beltway. that takes 10 minutes. that's the commute. now over to you. most us take for granted the fact we know what it's like to play shovel and drive through snow. >> but for florida -- for a florida girl she never had the chance to see and feel snow in person until a charity stepped forward to make a wish come true. details ahead. i have never encountered such a burning sensation... until i had the shingles. it was like a red rash. like somebody had set a bag of hot charcoal on my neck. i had no idea it came from chickenpox. it's something you never want to encounter. for more of the inside story, visit taping for joining thus morning. by -- thanks for joining us this morning. by the end of february we look forward to a warmup. >> but for a florida girl cold is something show never experienced. she wanted to build a snowman and the make a wish foundation granted her her wesh by flying her family to maine -- wish by flying her family to maine. she is cancer that's in remission and the family knows the trip is one she will treasure. >> it can come back but we have to be ready and we pray every day that god never will take her. >> the farm where they viseded -- visited planned a full day of activities and they had a hot chocolate party. >> and look how much fun she is having in the snow. time is rung out for congress to avert the spending cuts and strike a dale deal. >> we have been outlining how it could affect your day and now how it could affect those who fly for business or pleasure. >> heart disease is the number one killer among men and women. and now doctors believe they have found a way to give us a new heart ewing our feater. -- using our own fast. -- fat. we will explain this coming up. hey! did you know that honey nut cheerios has oats that can help lower cholesterol? and it tastes good? sure does! ♪ wow. [ buzz ] delicious, right? yeah. it's the honey, it makes it taste so... ♪ well, would you look at the time... what's the rush? bee happy. bee healthy. with clusters of flakes and o's. oh, ho ho... it's the honey sweetness. i...i mean, you're watching the station that works for you. now, good morning maryland. >> police say it's crime fighting tool and others say

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