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what do you have on the road. >> reporter: 295 southbound between 100 and 32. look at the beltway. we have traffic building a little bit of volume on the outer loop to the left of the screen. but not too much of a slowdown. inner loop is moving well. we have fine traffic between the beltways no problems there. drive times doing fine and 38 southbound from shawan to the beltway five minutes and 95 southbound from white marsh to the beltway 6 minutes and outer loop between bel air and providence 6 minutes and 7 minutes between 795 and 70. traveling between the baltimore beltway and capital beltway no incidents to report there. we have an accident reisterstown road at ocolla and we are doing fine on jfx southbound between rouxton road and downtown. >> -- rouxton road and down -- ruxton road and downtown. the bel air man was the victim of a burglary. and linda so is here with what's happened next. linda. >> reporter: well, during the ateemed burglary, the man -- attempted burglary the man was stabbed several times and died. patrick ward liveed by himself in an apartment and his mother says he was blind but wanted to live on his own and rehab to learn,000 take care of himself. on friday night, someone broke into his apartment and stabbed him to death. neighbors heard screaming and ran to the apartment to help and saw the suspect leave. harford county sheriff deputies arrested 17-year-old donnell graham and charged him as an adult e lives in that community. patrick's mom says her son was about to earn his degree from harford community college and supposed to be a groomsman in his sister's wedding. >> my youngest daughter is getting married in two weeks and patrick was in the wedding. i hope to bury him in the suit that he bought for the wedding. >> reporter: patrick's mom says he recently stayed with them at their home because he feared some of his neighbors. around the nation this morning, one person is dead and another in critical condition after they had trouble during a swimming portion of the naught canoe york triathlon. a new jersey man was pulled from the hudson river unconscious and was pronounced dead at a hospital. now a female participant had a medical problem during her portion of the swim she is in critical condition in the hospital. no need to travel to a gallery there's a underwater art exhibit off key west florida. you will find it at a former air force ship and it's an artificial reef. -- wrote. an art photographer showing the dozen i am aims. they stretch along the ship 93 feet below the surface of the atlantic ocean. the images are encased in plexiglas mounted in stainless steel frames. a 13-year-old created a slobber dog toy. does roxy have one? >> she will now. >> a tennis ball with a rope but people are buying them up and each time the dollar goes from that young man to houston area animal shelters and it's helping homeless animals, too. >> usually when i donate i say it has to go for food first because that's the most important knees a great kid. -- >> he's just a great kid and i am very grateful. >> this young man is selling the slobber dog toy at area parks, treat fairs and other events. and he is doing it on his website. to date he sold more than 2,000. 6:34. more than 45,000 verizon workers went on strike on sunday. this came after negotiations for a new labor contract failed. if you are customer what does it mean for you. sherrie johnson is live downtown with the details. what's it mean? >> reporter: well, at 7:00 this morning, some local members of the cwa will go on strike this morning. they are actually going to hit the picket line in the 320 st. paul street here in the downtown area. meanwhile, some other verizon workers, they went on strike at midnight. communication workers of america say negotiations went south beginning june 22nd and that verizon is not serious about concerns they raised. there are about 45,000 union members nationwide with about 550 right here in the baltimore area and about 4,000 in maryland. this is the first walkout that verizon faced since 2000 when 80,000 workers went on strike for three weeks. some of the other local strike locations for today include fitch lane old court road and drew it's park -- druid park drive and shawan road. they are fighting to keep pension and avoid cuts in the wages. now verizon officials say this strike is regrettable and they will return to the table at any time to resume talks and they said in the meantime, verizon wireless service should be okay for the customers and that shouldn't be affected. reporting live in downtown baltimore, sherrie johnson, abc2 news. it's called the dream lineraircraft. >> ahead we will tell you what is special about the plane and here's a hint. more leg room, tom. >> people like that. and how do you celebrate 30 years? the national aquarium what huge birthday bash and the celebrations continue. we will take you there. you are watching "good morning maryland" thanks for waking up with us this morning. now "good morning maryland ." after years of delays boeing rolled out 787 dream liner aircraft. and this morning we are giving you a first look. there's no other commercial airliner like the 787. it's a carbon composit makeup. and a heavy duty plastic promising a wired more fuel efficient and cost effective plane for airlines. inside they promise to revolutionize the way we travel with touch screen entertainment panels and business class and more natural light, humidity and more leg room. logistics have to be fine tuned before boeing speeds up the 787 production. >> i think it's an extraordinary challenge many no one built a wide body aircraft at a rate of 10 per month before. so, i think the boeing has its work cut out for it. >> work for most of us having to wait longer before taking a flight on wouldn't dream planes down the road. governor o'malley will attend a launch of the first solar track electric vehicle charger. it takes place in be this is da. last week he -- about a this is da. last week he -- bethesda. the council reformed is to develop standard for streamline preventing the electric vehicle charging stays. domino's pizza is bringing back the noid. starting today, they will feature him in an arcade style video game on the facebook page for one week and they will give away coupons for free pizza every minute the player with the highest score racks it up on facebook. the stock market opens in a few hours and investors will be watching very closely. >> yeah. the u.s. aaa credit rating is downgraded to aa plus. what it could mean for you long- term. >> reporter: it was a crime that shocked the community. coming up today, i am sherrie johnson, the man accused of killing a johns hopkins researcher goes on trial. that story coming up. clear. a family is dead after an apparent murder-suicide. what neighbors are saying about the brooklyn park family. we check out the weather looking at 78 degrees still not fun to be outside atan arundel community college. heat index at 82. so a little thick for the morning jog and even the morning commute to work you need to crank the ac. tanya. >> reporter: fallen trees in crownsville. a couple accidents out there. we will show outbeltway and tell you what's going on -- you the beltway and tell you what's going on when "good morning maryland" continues. ♪ the rich aroma gets you up ♪ looking forward to your first cup ♪ morning! big day, huh? thank you. ♪ oh that mountain grown taste, ♪ ♪ just what you need ♪ for the big race. daughter: morning mom! are you excited? ♪ as you finish every mile... ♪ how rewarding are those smiles... ♪ [ cheers from the crowd ] of wakin' up... ♪ mommy, you did it! ♪ is folgers in your cup. you're watching the station that works for you "good morning maryland." good morning. this is your abc2 news to go i am megan pringle. >> i am charlee crowson. >> -- charley crowson. >> this is a picture of yesterday. dan sent this double rainbow from looks like sandy point park. you can see the bay bridge. that was the storm that blew through the annapolis area yesterday afternoon. hopefully that will sety off on a good note. we will show you the u.s. naval academy where we are looking at partly cloudy skies and -- cloudy skies and we have had clouds roll throughout megan had a nice -- roll through. megan what nice weekend. the sailors will be out. we have a breeze and by the water is one of the best places to be. 74 in annapolis. we have many stations in the naval academy coming in close to 80 and some of you not that far behind. 79 in easton and joppa at 75 and 74 in hickory. a little muggy this morning. not much better than yesterday. and isolated storms will pop up this afternoon with a high of 94. more great video and a great forecast for the end of the week. tanya has traffic right now. >> reporter: chesterfield road is blocked at hawkins road in crownsville. fallen stress are -- trees are there. taking a look at the jfx -- no problems: few accidents have been there reisterstown road at ocolla so be aware of that. also, at liberty heights, right near reisterstown road. megan. >> more than a year ago stephen pitcarin was stabbed to death as he walked to his home in charles village. today, his family wants their son's alleged killer brought to justice. abc2 news sherrie johnson is live at the courthouse with more as we watch this case this morning. sherrie. >> reporter: well, many eyes will be on this case. and this morning, john wagner is expected to go to trial for the murder of stephen pitcarin. he was robbed and stabbed to death last year while he was walking home in charles village. wagner's girlfriend was charged with murder but she later pled guilty to robbery charges. wagner is charged with first- degree murder, conspiracy to commit murder first degree assault and second degree assault and a list of other charges. court documents say on july 25th police responded to a stabs in the -- stabbing in the 26 hundred block of st. paul street. pitcarin was found in the street with a stab wiewn to the chest and was taken to the hospital where he later died. once again, that trial is scheduled to begin this morning at 9:30 here at the courthouse. reporting live in downtown baltimore, sherrie johnson, abc2 news. four members of the family are dead in an apparent murder suicide that happened in anne arundel county. linda so is here with what neighbors are saying about the family. linda. >> reporter: well, neighbors say they were a nice family with good kids. we are told the husband was a truck driver who recently landed a new job with the trucking company. his wife was a nurse and her 15- year-old twins were about to start the sophomore year in high school a girl who went to school with the twin victim says the brother and sister stuck together and were nice and respectful. they went to north county high in glen burnie. police say the teens taishawn andtrshawn pugh and their mother nina tomson were shot to death. the husband, kelly thompson, killed the family and then turned the gun on himself. police were called to the house after kelly sent a disturbing text message to his mother. she went to check on him and was talking to police outside and they heard a gunshot. officers immediately went inside and found the family dead. neighbors say kelly went out of his way to help people and he loved his motorcycle. >> he actually hung with the guy that was good friend of ours. and in fact i. talked to him the other night about his motorcycle. >> reporter: a neighbor says kelly was a truck driver and he was about to start that new job with that trucking company. again, his wife was a nurse. linda so, abc2 news. new this morning, maryland state police are targeting aggressive drivers this week. it's part of the third wave of the smooth operator program, a goal to reduce the number of car crashes and promote smart driving decision making by drivers. the campaign by the way runs until saturday. you want drama? look at new york stock exchange in 2 1/2 hours. that's where the world will wait to see how investors react to the unstable economy that could be getting even worse. today, fannie mae and freddie mac could be downgraded too since the u.s. backs the mortgage companies. days after the s&p caused a fire storm by clipping the credit rating there's concern interest raze rates will rise for anyone borrowing money. some people are convinced the best time is to invest retirement savings in property before interest rates start to change. >> they are going to kind of shoot up again fast. so i think, now is the time to really start looking at investing in real estate if you have the means to do it. >> dow futures and the s&p 500 have been down 2% this far. the credit rating may be down but the governor in maryland says the biggest concern should be jobs. he was on abc this week on sunday morning to talk about the best way they are going to do that. >> we need a balanced approach and the extremism that the tea party obstructionism here in washington is keeping us from restoring the balanced approach america used of investing in the future and investing in job creation and also being fiscally responsible at the same time. >> the governor does think the debt committee will be able to tackle the problem and find a solution that satisfies all sides. time for 5 things to know before heading out the door this morning. a busy day ahead for president obama. he is attending meetings at the white house all day and night and plans to attend two dnc fund raisers taking place at the nation's capitol. and two former new york city police officers could learn their fate today. both were convicted of official misconduct but acquitted for raping a woman. the woman told jurors she was drinking and passed out and woke up to being raped. one officer said they snug ed but -- snug led but didn't have -- snugeled but didn't have sex. another officer said he he was asleep on the sofa. warren jeff is accuse -- has been excused from the courtroom saturday after his niece and nephew tearfully testified that they were sexually abused by their uncle. jeffs sat outside the courtroom most of the day. a announcement from arnie duncan anow ising a new waiver to give schools a break from student testing man dates. the state and local official have been begging the federal government for the relief from the testing. and happy birthday to the national aquarium in baltimore. 30 years ago today, the aquarium opened its doors to celebrate the occasion. they can grab 1,000 birthday cupcakes and they will be on display. also anybody turning 30 this year can get into aquarium for five bucks. adult admission normally cost 24.95. the white house -- the white marlin opens today and it runs for a week and it's the world's largest bill fish tournament. there's 2.2 million dollar prize. -- there's a 2.2 million dollar prize. it cost 1500 to get in the water. all the fish weighed at harbor island marina the brian roberts last year caught a 97 1/2 poundwhite marlin aworth 800,000. something new surfaced when it comes to your school packed lunches. heat of thermal container on ibag with the ice pack had food born illnesses. experts recommend freezing fat water or milk with act as an additional ice pack to keep the items k0e8der -- colder. there's a give away going on today to help you save money on back to school shopping. the world class team is giving away book bags full of school supplies. if you want one go to the empowerment temple chen between 2 and 7 this afternoon there. are 1,000 backpacks so get one before they run out. now maryland's most powerfuldoppler radar and the forecast certified most accurate by weatherate. >> it was a rany sunday afternoon in north baltimore. i think this is expected the way the sky looked most of the day and the way the air felt. this is on york road from rachel, an abc2 new viewer. as you can see, the thunderstorm moved through and dump heavy rain and winds picked up and indeed that was part of a complex and series of storms that hit the area during the day yesterday. will we do it again today? a possibility later on. we start erupting the skies but we get a little more sunshine on this monday as we go back and so you officially 75 in baltimore. we talked about the heat index values pushing close to 80 already. so a very thick morning. air may be less humid and less saturated than yesterday but needless to say there's action back here. a frontal boundary is draped to the north. it has spawned showers into the mountains, that won't reach us. and again we are getting at a warm flow that's actually helped to dry out some of the cloud cover. we will be expecting showers to erupt along the frontal boundary and upper level winds will carry them across northern maryland. the front itself won't really reach us until later tomorrow. so there's the push of the plume of showers coming out of central p.a. as we see it a general idea it will be late afternoon through the evening but this is just a gauge at 4:30. it could be three or six, but it will be between frederick carroll and northern baltimore and harford cecil county best shot further south you go diminished chance of getting the storms today. anne arundel county if you have it it will be later and a lower chance. tomorrow a better shot for all of us. front swings through here from mid-afternoon through the evening and we will have showers and heavy thunderstorms and that will finally take some of the punch out of the air. today, you will feel it. 94 is the two degree guarantee and it's hot and hugh midity makes it -- humidity -- hugh piedity makes it feel like -- humidity makes it feel like 100. strong storms in the afternoon tomorrow and 88 and an isolated shower on wednesday with lows in the 60s. highs mid-80s on thursday and friday with sunshine. anton yeah agrees with me, that's -- tanya agrees that's just nice. >> reporter: i like the 80s. no problem there. over 90, i have to go swimming. we are doing okay so far. 259 southbound between 132 slow. beltway is doing slow. a little volume but not slowing down too much. 695 at liberty road is doing fine. 83 southbound from shawan to the beltway takes about five minutes. 95 southbound out of the white -- out of white marshtakes 6 minutes of bel air to providence 6 minutes and 795 to 70 takes 7 minutes as well. we have an accident at liberty road at washington avenue. be aware if you attend ccbc in catonsville they are closed today. no power so it would be a rough day. >> no ac. >> no ac. >> you would be roasting. classes have been canceled. >> all eyes on wall street. markets open in about 2 1/2 hours. we will have more on >> have great day. ♪ [ female announcer ] everybody loves that cushiony feeling. uh oh. i gotta go. 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