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blue shaded counties including baltimore, harford back through carroll, anne arundel kpg, winter weather advisory, 2 to 4" rains ton high end, maybe a few high-end spots, cecil county, pink-shaded counties, a winter storm warning, delaware back through the jersey area, they are gonna be getting quite a bit of snow in that direction. below freezing, 16 in frederick right now. we'll climb slowly out of the 20s toward midday tomorrow. snow showers beginning to come down in the afternoon, a slick evening commute, you know it takes an even quarter or half inch to mess things up on the roads, that snow gets steadier, that's when we're gonna get our main snowfall in here, tomorrow evening into tomorrow or so. back to you guys -- >> more on this natural gas in arizona, the president is going to travel to arizona wednesday. they talked to two of the people who helped hold down the gunman. >> it included an arizona congresswoman who is showing this nation she is in for the fight of her life. we have the latest from tucson tonight. >> reporter: jared loughner appeared in federal court with a shaved head, he showed no emotion and appeared to smirk as the judge spoke to him. he is charged with several counts of murder and attempted murder and one count of attempting to assassinate gabrielle dividend giffords. >> this is a dysfunctional family. >> reporter: led by president obama the nation paused for a moment of silence. >> i'm spending a lot of time thinking about the families and reaching out to them. >> reporter: at university medical center in tucson where the shooting victims are being treated the swelling of giffords plain has remained under control. >> every day that goes by and we don't see an increase, we're slightly more optimistic symptoms this is where the youngest of the victims, 9-year- old christina taylor green, attended third grade. >> i found her picture in the news and cried my eyes out. >> reporter: we'ring out more about it. there was gab zimmerman, a recently engaged aide to the congresswoman, dorothy and george morris were high school sweethearts as well, married 55 years, george survived, dorothy did not. federal judge john roll had just left saturday morning mass and phyllis next, who loved volunteer work and cooking and her son and daughter. there were several signs jared loughner had been planning something sinister including a good by message he had left on a friend's voice mail. t.j. winnik, abc 2 news, tucson. >> we're all amazed at the fight that congresswoman giffords has in her. we invited one of our great neurosurgeons into abc 2 tonight. explain how doctors saved her life. you're going to find this interesting. doctor? >> the doctors who treated the congresswoman did a very important operation to save her life. that operation is called a decompressive korean energytomy and what that does, a piece of  the skull, the part that was shot in her case, is removed. that then allows more room in the skull vault for the brain to expand and that decreases the pressure on her brain and can help the brain recover in a more rapid fashion. >> 9 out of 10 people shot in the head don't make it but he says we have proof tonight you can survive. >> for the latest tonight baltimore city police are mourning the loss of one of their own and still trying to sort out the details of a shooting over the weekend a fight broke out at the select lounge on packer street early sunday morning, things got out of control, shots were fired, 41 to be exact, and in the end two were dead. one an 11-year veteran of the force, 33-year-old william torbit who loved being a police officer according to the police commissioner. at a brief press conference they expressed condolences, and while they are still trying to figure out exactly what happened they have determined one very important fact. >> here is what i'm able to tell you today. all of the firearms that were discharged at the incident were those that belonged to police officers. >> friends have identified the victim, the civilian victim, as 22-year-old shawn gamble. they have said he was unarmed and possibly an innocent victim but police are still investigating. the commissioner took no questions at that press conference. baltimore county police have identified the gunman who sparked a manhunt on friday as 36-year-old robert bus. tonight we're learning bus new the family who they tried to burglarize. they discovered him dead inside his truck about a few miles from where he entered the home on glen arm road friday morning and got into a shootout with the woman inside. >> it's believed that the suspect in this case knew the victim and her husband as a result of them owning a business in the essex area. >> now the wife of the owner of leo's barbershop on eastern boulevard told police she retrieved two hand guns from her bedroom after she spotted him breaking into the home with an assault rifles. they said no one was hurt but bus cut himself trying to escape from the home. they said he had battled drug addiction and his wife had recently left him. ed reed is in louisiana tonight, he left the team yesterday right after the game in kansas city when the team had given him a bit of time to deal with his missing brother. ravens going to practice tomorrow as they get ready to play pittsburgh saturday. coach harbaugh was asked today how important a win against the steelers would be because no baltimore team has beaten a pittsburgh team in the playoffs. he said simply this is one game for three hours. >> coming up cheryl connors could introduce us to a ravens fan who has never seep her favorite team in person. wait until you hear what lengths she went to get a seat. that's coming up. >> great story. >> tin cans meet an american can company in,s kay in east baltimore. >> and now pepsi in ham den. the manufacturing of these items in baltimore have come to an end and they rely on the pepsi sign for the time and temperature. but is it telling us something else tonight? here is christian schaefer. >> that's right kelly. thousands of people drive by the pepsi manufacturing plant almost on the way in and out of baltimore every day. the plant is going to be here. the sign will still be here. so many of the distribution and trucking jobs. bull all of the pepsi manufacturing workers here, 77 of them, will be well, canned. right now the pepsi plant employs almost 400 people, many of them live in ham den or their nearby neighborhoods. they had been pushing for a tax or most beverages sold in baltimore city to help fill a $121 million budget gap. opponents worried about the impact on business. >> i've always voted against it being a small business owner myself. i know how hard it is to survive and i think we need to make it easier on business people instead of harder. >> reporter: after a long debate at one point the beverage tax was defeated they passed a 2-cent version by a vote of 8-4. councilman coal voted for it. >> we're limited in our ways to grow revenue in this city and that 2-cent tax was one way we balanced our budget last year. >> reporter: the pepsi facility sits in the district represented by councilwoman belinda connoway. she voted against the beverage tax. >> i'm disheartened people have to lose jobs especially when people work hard and it's not due to their own negligence but something beyond their control. >> reporter: she said representatives from pepsi warned layoffs could happen if the tax passed. >> i believe that the beverage tax is a part of it. it affected it. to be competitive, i don't think it was the sole deciding factor, but certainly it played a big part in it. >> reporter: on monday a spokeswoman for pepsi said "given a climate making a beverage in a city where there is a beverage tax doesn't help." councilman coal says he is sad, but it contributed to programs in the city. >> i regret people are losing jacques. i do not regret the vote i took because i think it was necessary at the time. >> reporter: the 2-cent beverage tax was passed on the condition it would expire in three years but, last month, grocers in baltimore city held a news conference to say that their beverage sales were down 7% since the tax passed. once again, tonight we have learned that 77 workers will be laid off from the pepsi manufacturing plant here in ham den. christian schaefer, abc 2 news. well could this really be it? could it finally be the day verizon customers, tomorrow bringing the long-awaited announcement that they'll soon have a chance to own an iphone. they have scheduled a major press conference event in new york. they'll announce the iphone is going on sale at the end of the month. of course we'll keep an eye on the big event and little you know if the rumors prove to be true. >> good stuff. >> no kidding. looks like this latest round of weather will spare us the knockout below once again. >> folks in the south, if they are using the right stuff like we are, it's been one heck of a snow day. >> plus awfully chilly so why are these metro riders in d.c. dropping their trousers? >> all right. 36 degrees out at bwi today. cold day. below average, now yet another winter weather maker making its way up the i-95 corridor. we talked about who in maryland gets the most snow right after this. we all know that being morbid leo bees is dangerous and can compromise your lifestyle and for one ravens fan that kept her from going to the game. >> why? she figured she couldn't fit into a stadium seat. the effort one woman is making to cheer on her team. >> yeah jaymee and kelly it's been a lifelong battle for laura crow. but the big part started 9 months ago and since then she has lost, get this, what amount to me sisters laura crow and jessica sanderson have a similar tale. through their childhood and much of their adult life they were morbid leo bees. >> in school you were always the last to be picked in gym class, you're the big kid in class, the big kid in school, getting teased and picked on. >> uh-huh. >> then it gets to a point where, you know, it affects your health. >> but not now. the combined weight loss for the two sisters adds up to almost 330 pounds. >> and this is my jersey from this christmas. >> reporter: for lara the journey began 9 months ago. she is down 158 pounds, the sisters were told by their doctors weight loss surgery is the best option since they went up and down on the scales. >> i would loss weight but it would find its way back and bring friends with it. a vicious rollercoaster. >> reporter: their new bodies no longer need a man's double xl jersey. >> i'm one in fact tore when i was a 5-year-old. we raced to the bus stop. >> reporter: eye they say their skinny fantacies have came true. simple things like crossing legs and wearing knee-high boots but as a ravens fan lara has missed out on one big thing. >> i had tickets in hand but i wouldn't go because i wouldn't fit in the seats. it was smashed up against her right now but being smashed up against people and having them be uncomfortable. >> a typical stadium seat is 2 feet wide but at 355 pounds she was too intimidated to try to fit. jessica took on the challenge at her heaviest. >> the seats are, you know, like the finish line, it's getting to the seats and up all those ramps, that is insane. >> reporter: now lara is having that old jersey turned into a dress, she hopes to wear it to a game, be it in pittsburgh on saturday or next season at the bank. >> i, i was a big ravens fan. and now i'm even a bigger ravens fan. >> well a new ravens jersey is just one benefit. the sisters are eating healthier and exercising, they no longer have high blood pressure and sleep apnea. all that is missing is some live action from the ravens. here is hoping she gets it. cheryl connor, abc 2 news. >> great story cheryl. tonight much of the deep south is snowed in that storm headling our head our heading our way left it's mark. you couldn't find a starbucks or mcdonald's, everything was shut down. more than 1400 flights canceled there, in atlanta. cars spinning in and out all over the place as the crews were scrambling to keep the roads clear. and the school kids just about everywhere the storm hit got to spend the day enjoying the snow instead of sitting in class. >> announcer: now, maryland's most powerful doppler radar, and the forecast certified most accurate by weather rate. >> and i had friends posting on facebook from fayetteville also to greenville, south carolina. they were all excited. no school for their kids. >> no school. it's amazing to think that down in a city like atlanta they don't even have plows. they wait until mother nature melts it which is going to be days from now. >> i'm stuck in kansas city at 3:00 this morning goodness sake. guess what, the de-icer thing came out and broke. they had to get a new deicer. that's comforting. >> comforting on the plane. >> you made it back. >> you ever hear, when you're in a plane, you have the de- icer? it's one of those big -- >> yeah, comforting. i feel good about flying. >> you guys, back to what we're getting now. it's interesting, we get back to december when we picked up an inch and a half, our biggest snow in baltimore this year. even if we get you know 3" out of this that's our biggest snow of the year. but we think back to last year, 2, 3, 4" is not a huge amount of snow but you know, it will make roads slick tomorrow night. evening commute a headache. try to duck out tomorrow if you can. >> okay. >> i was giving you the excuse. >> safety first. >> you know. >> cold night. cold january night jamie. it must feel like kansas city all of a sudden back here. 24 degrees bwi. this is january, the heart of january and it just kind of makes you wish that you still had -- i was hoping you would hand that to me jamie. thank you for throwing me my clicker. we had some high, thin clouds today in baltimore, no precipitation with these, but often an indication, you get a better view here in d.c. watch these high cirrus clouds  blowing in at a pretty good clip. that's often an indication of some high thin clouds, it doesn't create the weather but gives you an idea what is coming our way. that is an approaching winter storm out of the south. now temperatures, frigid state- wide, cold day below average by about 5 to 10 degrees, 21 now in the east, 24 baltimore and 20 at dulles and i want to show you some of the wind chills across the region, teens, i mean it is a chilly chilly night. so we know as the snow comes in it will stick tomorrow afternoon. clouds will begin to roll nhs the morning. we still got a generally clear sky over most of central maryland, that will change. the snow is moving at at an, the overall system is moving north relatively slowly. that's why we think we can get in the morning and even the lunch hour, fine on the roads around here, but that will begin to change. snow eventually creeping into richmond by midday. as we go into the afternoon snow showers will begin to fall here. you see a winter mix, the storm actually beginning to reintensify over the carolinas. so bottom line is high pressure will keep us dry for another maybe 12, 16 hours, then the snow begins to come in. our future caster, here it is, 5:00 tomorrow evening, the chance for snow showers will begin and peak intensity will come in between probably 5:00 and 2:00 a.m. so a brief shot of snow you know, the evening tomorrow night right through about 1, 2:00 in the morning. the weak of this, most of the snow will be, the highest totals will be jersey and places like wilmington, delaware, delaware coast. we're still gonna get some of this though out of this particular storm. keep massaging these snowfall totals, really a tricky system to call because it will be right along the coast. right now we still think a 2 to 3" range, you quickly get in a 4" range maybe eastern harford county, cecil county and kent county over on the eastern shore and northern delaware probably gets you in a 5" range from wilmington back through jersey and atlantic city. tomorrow will be a tough day to try to get over to atlantic city to do a little gambling, that's what we're thinking right now for our snowfall totals. maybe 2008 tweet a bit in the morning and get the latest. overnight 23, cloudy skies, stays cold. tomorrow first half of the day we're fine, never get above freezing, so as this late day snow showers come in they stick to the roads. you know what that means, a tough evening commute, especially south towards dc where the snow will begin first and creep up out of the south in the north in the baltimore and beyond. 24 tomorrow night. snow gets steadier tomorrow night. a pretty wide range, closer to d.c., howard county south 2". you are watching from harford cecil county closer to 4 or 5, a bit of a range. but nothing like what our friends in jersey and new york will see in this thing. after that late day storm, sunny and cold january weather on tap. a few flurries wednesday, we never get above freezing thursday or friday. wash the car maybe towards sunday this weekend. all right cell phone? >> all right wyatt. pants down, simon says pants down. rider ship up on the dc metro. the annual no-pants metro ride. this is the fourth year that a large group of washingtonians head to a local park, take off their pants, and then they ride the metro, pretending to be naked. ooh, those rails are cold. yesterday's weather was sunny, windy, and a high of 38. they started in new york and spread to l.a. but a startling 900 people came out to the d.c. event yesterday. listen to the instructions kelly. you must wear pants to the meeting spot bordered by c and 7th street southwest. from there the group will depant as a group and take to lazipper plaza. >> they consider that a flash mob is what i understand. >> a flash mob. okay. we tell you all the time. one more time. making sure you have working smoke alarms in your home tonight. >> one family didn't gut they are alive tonight thanks to their living four-legged smoke alarm. >> storm gear and promotional consideration provided by l.l. bean. this is the aircraft logbook. we have to write down everything about every flight. with so many new southwest flights, that's a lot of ink. i filled up three of these this month already. kinda like the little black book... of all the cities we've dated. [ male announcer ] we're adding more! southwest airlines has new service to south carolina starting march 13th. fly nonstop from bwi airport to greenville-spartanburg or charleston for only $79. is "camera crew" two words or one word? [ laughs ] you should know... you're the cameraman. [ ding ] this is stan the fan charles with the press box sports report. >> like we said last week you win and you move on, you lose and you're done so good that we won. >> that's the mantra of the coaches. if the ravens make plays like this next saturday they could very well move on to a rematch against either the patriots or others next week. it was an exceptionally emotional day for ed reed to talk to reporters about the support of his players. >> i think about the prayers around the world, all the people who got us in prayer. being teammates like we are you know. >> it may not have exactly been ravens and steelers in intensity but any time they go down to cameron stadium it's a fears battle. a little too much kyle sing letter, that put the terps on the side of it 71-62. two teams square off at college park february 2nd. no better place to keep up with all the excitement than tomorrow on "good morning maryland" the south has been hit hard by a major winter blast. that is tracking east towards maryland. what you'll need to be prepared for it and could it blanket the mid-atlantic. i'm megan pringle. a whole lot more is coming up tomorrow on "good morning maryland." >> abc 2 works for the community, a proud partner with the national aquarium, baltimore. 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