abandoned home in baltimore and needs a home. we will tell you more about adopting the ppy. he is so sweet. >> he is adorable. very, very -- he's been yawning all morning. now, if you are thinking about adopting stars can i or hutch think about your pets's diet. stacy has an all natural food store four pets and has all natural ideas to make sure the guys like st-arsky and hutch can grow up strong. we will talk about kids and clutter. do you have a messy room as a kid. >> until i was 15 and my momcame in and took one look and said, i've had enoughand walked out and from that point on i kept my room straight on my own. >> it's funny because i think every parent says i am going to throw everything out and we went through that and found our toys in a bag upstairs. anyway, how to keep that clutter under control in your kids' room. also, you're going to learn more about this guy who is chewing on megan's microphone. this is a nice tv moment. >> all right. so we will tell you all about that more. but first the hot topic. >> involving these bad boys. neckties. to wear or not to wear is the question. >> all right. well, it turns out doctors in canada now considering whether or not they should stop wearing neckties to work. >> the reap one doctor says they pose a health hazard to patients, but as linda found out not everyone is convinced these are so bad. >> reporter: for years, the symbol of professionalism for many male doctors was thought to be in the necktie. bought in recent years it's been discovered that's not the only thing in the tie. >> there's microbiological study showing there's bacterial contamination of neckties. >> reporter: the doctor works at u of a hospital and came from the united kingdom where there's a no-tie policy. he is hoping doctors here will ditch the ties. >> there are people. >> reporter: 2004 study found nearly half the neckties worn by 42 doctors contained a bacteria which can cause illnesses such as pneumonia and blood infection. >> it gets in the way and flaps about. >> reporter: alberta health service has no official policy in place carding the -- regarding restriction in ties but there's other policies to prevent infects. >> probability most important one is the cleaning of hands and of soap and water or alcohol hand jells before and after every patient contact. >> reporter: the doctor doesn't question the fact bacteria exists on the ties but says that doesn't mean it's source of infection. >> bacteria don't jump or fly. they are transmitted by direct contact. so if the tie were to directly contact someone, they could pick up a bacteria. >> that he no evidence to show neckties have been associated with increasing infection, it's another component of reducing risk. >> reporter: along with the with the ties, doctors in the uk have stopped wearing the traditional white coat. >> there's lots of evidence that shows if you have a white coat or short sleeves or jacket and don't wash your hands efficiently if it's below the elbows. >> reporter: alberta health services says there's no plans to change the dress code and he hopes they will do it on their own. >> maybe if you dry cleaned your tie more often not you. >> you asked yeah but you gave a great history lesson about the tie. >> when i was on my honeymoon in crowis a asia we -- croatia the men of a distinguished status needed their head connected to their heart. are neckties necessary for doctors or in any professional environment? mick says i have nice suits and shirts and think they look better when i don't wear a tie. i don't disagree with. you people have false ideas of what make them look professional. pj says dressing appropriately is always necessary. if you take your profession seriously, your choice also reflect that. so something to keep in mind. >> weigh in if you like for your two cents at abc2 news facebook fan page. leave comments and we will share them throughout the day. another topic we are talking about megan, with the ravens out of the playoff picture, who you got this weekend? jets, steelers, packers, bears, we got to root for somebody. >> i root for the bears. i have to. >> go away. >> i know charlie wants packers. >> justin who you got? >> jets. got to go jets. and you have to go antisteelers. by the way from your tie to my tied eye. that is little transparent, the earth here in the green sees through it. and now you know what col outer wall s i want to thank the kids and faculity at deep run elementary. went there yesterday for the first installment of the wind for change and we rayed over $450 -- raised over $450. i wanted to let them know we were thinking about them on this semisnowy, icy morning. we will share more later and online. storm, it end early. the direct track over maryland was the reason why we got less snow. it delayed the arctic air that's here right now. we will talk about the roads icing up. delays in carroll and baltimore and harford county justified. even with less snow and bitter cold is here for all of us. want to do some checking up here and some accountability. this was my forecast and i expected two inch swath from howard through anne arundel county and eastern shore. inch or less of underdeveloped snowdrifted to the north. back towards carroll county. that's more towards the north the 3 i beench -- inch range in hereford disoab. harford and cecil getting higher amounts. by the water got 2 inches and a chunk of carroll county and someplaces wound up with nothing and that's because it passed by us. strong gusty winds, a 22 wind chill. let's watch the parking lot ice over and melt and ice over again in towson. now we are at 306789 anything that was wet a few hours ago when the snow fell on warmer grounds, refreezing and we have ice issuesch that's the situation in owings mills. harbor school at 29. sun should help out. but we are watching snow showers building in. owes owings mills up 10 -- owings mills up towards 140. band of snow and flurries can pass in the next 20 minutes. this is not anything more than a nuisance. storm is gone and out of here. but we spec the track to be in southeast virginia and it end farther north. wanted to drought track. that is farther north track the reason why we wound up with less snow. we get the cold air single digits or below zero ohio valley westbound. and that is why we have falling temperatures today. so no more 32. we dropped to the 20s and winds at 30 miles per hour. feels like the teens and we will talk about that weekend outlook in a little bit. back to you. >> all right. i want to qualify something i rooting for the packers for one reason. i want aaron rodgers to at the . out from under brett farv's shadow and be the elite quarterback we know he is. that's it. my team is out, the ravens, that's why i am going with the pack. >> if you have thoughts on this we posted a question regarding it on the facebook fan page. you can weigh in there. >> all right. going on, we all know that the commute to and from work and running errands can be a big challenge especially around here. >> coming, baltimore is one of the worst when it comes to commuting in the entire u.s. but, why could it be worse? >> those kids living with kids of course. we will tell you keeping everything organized can be such a big challenge. but it doesn't have to be. we have simple tips to clean up the clutter. and slip sliding away. we look at vehicles sliding down icy roads spinning everywhere and crashing into anything that is in their path. that's straight ahead. it's 9:09 on this friday morning." good morning, maryland." with fios, when you're watching the picture, it just jumps out at you. -it was like, "wow!" -bam! [ male announcer ] decisions don't get any easier than this. now you can move up to fios tv, internet and phone for just $99.99 a month for a year with no term contract required. [ mr. donovan ] we have more choices. so many more hi-def channels. with fios, i really feel like we're getting a great deal. [ male announcer ] call now and we'll include a multi-room dvr free for 12 months. record a show in one room. watch it in up to six other rooms. [ mrs. baltin ] fios dvr is very easy. even i can do it. even he can do it. [ male announcer ] fios is a 100% fiber-optic network, with hd picture quality rated #1 by changewave research, plus the fastest internet in the u.s. switching to fios was the best thing we've done in a long time. and my wife reminds me of that often. [ male announcer ] don't wait. get fios tv, internet and phone for this great price plus a multi-room dvr free for 12 months. call 1.888.818.fios. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities that's 1.888.818.3467. at 800-974-6006 tty/v. fios. a network ahead. you're watching the station that works for you, good morning maryland out nine. if you drive into baltimore every morning, you probably know this. our area is one of the nation's worst when it comes to traffic congestion? a new survey ranks baltimore area as the 5th most congesteded area in the country. the latest survey by the texas transportation institute says congestion adds so much time to the average person's commute that we are spending the equivalent of one weekend every year stuck in our cars. but as abc2 news roosevelt leftwich tells us, it could be worse. >> reporter: you get up early. you try to leave at an off time. but on any given day at any given time it will be some sort of delay on baltimore area roads. on any given day at any given time, the car that will be stuck in that congestion will be yours. >> a bad day is probably 45 minutes, 50 minutes. >> reporter: does it seem is it the traffic or the weather? what makes a bad day? >> a bad day is typically driven by the traffic which is driven by construction recently. >> reporter: congestion from ill timed traffic lights, congestion from construction, and congestion even caused by speed cameras. most folks have to take their cars. >> where i live, the only transportation that comes through the city is commuter he buses and it's not always a vehicle time. if they had the subway out in white marsh which are live or light rail type thing, i would use it. >> reporter: the texas transportation institute survey graded baltimore and other urban areas of the cost of congestion and gas and time and wear and tear on the car. each year americans spend or lose $115 billion stuck in track and waste more than 3 billions of gas and spend more than 800 dollars out of south pockets. white national average is around 34 hours a year, the baltimore area, we waste 50 hours stuck in the car. that's like losing an entire weekend. >> construction is probably playing a small part in that congestion that we see. and god knows if there is a flake of snow or a drop of rain, or a crash, at any given time particularly along the i- 95 corridor which i take daily from harford county into the towson area, you can expect major congestion. >> reporter: mid atlantic aaa keeps an eye on congestion saying big projects like bridge and widening projects and massive tollway projects will hopely ease congestion one day. but until then, motorists need to commute smarter. >> public transportation are option that is we certainly encourage motorists to consider. carpool lanes and again if your employer allows a flex time with the scheduling, that's an option. >> so the big question is how do you avoid congestion? the texas transportation institute says there's no easy answer increased public transportation and make it more flexible and maybe make your work hours more flexible and better traffic management in peak times. those are some of the answers to consider. charlie. >> megan thanks a lot. now back to your two cents on the hot continue to. should men wear neckties in proregulars -- professional environments like doctors or where there's close human contact. that's the question. i've been weighing in. are they really necessary? well mick has said the thought of a contact may come in contact is nauseating. there's a time and place for a shirt and tie but not when it comes with carrying the risk with a spread of infection to patients. interesting. tracy writes saying, if the doctors say the ties are dirty, then why aren't they cleaning them on a regular basis? good food for thought there. so, if you want to weigh in on this, go to the abc2 news facebook fan page and leave a comment and we will share them on this topic later this morning as well as the secondary topic with the ravens out of the playoffs this year, who you got? jets, steelers, packers or bears? answer that question as well. you got to be organized this time of year for playoff football. you got to have your teams in line. but you have to have your house in line. you have to have your rooms in line. organization is a big key especially for kids and teenagers. >> where there's kids there's clutter. >> this is amy who is going to be in this morning from simplify. everything you need to know and we are talking about this off camera a moment ago. is there a light bulb that clicks in a toon's mind where they say, straighten this mess up? >> sometimes there's a lot parents can do to guide them. and the chief complaint i have with my clients say when they come to kid clutter is the paper they bring home from school. so i am going to share simple tips parents can guide their kids. and, so, you get this sack of stuff every day it comes home. >> and parents want this stuff because what you are talking about is things like this. the little great drawings and you want to keep them. you certainly want to keep them as momentos. >> how do you keep them and how is i have the answer. there's tons of stuff that comes home and things to save and toss and things you have to act on and the kids want to refer to later. so i am going walk you throughthe toips deal with it. i love this product. it's from dynamic frames. it's my new favorite product. so, the kid comes home with a great work of art. pop it in a frame that opens like a book. and it is spring load in the corners. and you close it and do it while it is on the wall. how excited is your kid going to be once you put it in the frame. >> the latest artwork. >> absolutely. >> and the others. >> keep it current. >> and others are filed behind it. >> the others are filed here. sorry quinn. but, keep the best and eliminate the rest. it's a teachable moment. you have the opportunity to teach it's about the process of drawing and learning and not always the product. so you highlight the best and this stores 50 piece of paper. so, this is your container up on the wall. no piles of paper on the counter. and, it looks great. so, there's also going to be things that come home you need to act on. my key for that is make sure you've single and consistent home whether it be a big bulletin board and you can put your map homework there and clip it on the bulletin board or you can throw it in like a magazine caddy. as long as the kid knows they've single system at home where all the action items should go. >> but when you putting things up on refrigerators, doesn't that get clutter? >> no because it will be action whether it's due tomorrow or a week or in month only action items go there and you have a limit to how much space. so this is the only place action items go. there's no other. containers are to limit and you can only go that far. >> you are giving them to avoid becoming you know, a topic on hordeers or something. >> yes. and -- hoarders or something. >> yes. and parents can shape how their kids process the paper. and you can do with things that they need to reference later is at the start of the year, set up a file which each tab for a different subject or class. if they have something they want to refer to, they drop it in and those binders are not budging. and it's not just paper that becomes a problem. toys can take over, too. so i have a couple of great tips for toys. >> quickly let's knock them out because we have to get to a break. we have toys. >> don't underestimate the clear container. these are great because they create division between things and they maximize space in your shelves and the kids can see it. you want a nice balance between close and open accessible containers. they are great. i have a picture of a playroom. i don't know if it's on top. >> these are fit nicely into the ikea unit there with the cubies. the last thing i want to share is from clever containers. >> we have 10 second. >> all right. and these are cool because you can divide them between a big container and switch it into three or have two sections as well. so as the kids change their bins can change. >> amy thanks so much. we will have this on our website, getting organized staying organized, and not being a pack rat, rat. megan. >> were you calling me a rat? >>i know how you love rats. >> i know that was meant for kids but a lot of adults could use some of that stuff, too. >> husbands. >> yes. very cool. thank you amy and thanks charlie. i know you like the school bus. stay with us, aileen gabbey will show us the pet of the week. the picture doesn't do him justice. he's cute puppy. when we come back we will introduce you to him. thanks for joining us. every single friday aileen gabbey comes in and the newsroom goes crazy because we are happy to see her and she brings in puppies. this dog is so cute. >> he is a definition of cute. this is starsky and we have ahutch. they were found in an abandoned house. they are up for adoption. not sure what he is. shepherd hound mix is a guess. he could get to be a quite bigger size. he is doing really cute puppy things and since he is small, it's not much of a nuisance for boredom. >> he can't be bothered. >> he jumps up which is cute, but when he gets bigger that will be a nuisance so when he jumps up to say hello, i would make him sit and then pat him and praise him so he doesn't get used to jumping up on people which will be a problem when he is bigger. >> puppies are so adorable, the one thing that comes with a puppy is training. and that might come in the form of having toys and spending a lot of time with them so they don't chew on things. >> yeah. charlie was asking if he chews and that's a resounding yes. he's chewer and you want to make sure you are training him to chew the right things so he needs to have toys around and stuff that's sturdy and he does need to know that if he is fighting you that's not okay. you can make a high pitched noise to make him stop like a litter mate would do. that's how they learn bite and when he kisses, praise the kisses and he is a smart puppy and he is figuring that out. >> he is adorable and has a very nice personality. before we go we will give outs information and before you go i wanted to ask you a tough question. 2009 we saw really terrible case of animal abuse here that goes to trial today of a pit bulk set on fire. >> it's going today. we will be there and we will be watching. it is a good thing this is going to trial and is taken seriously. it's disappointing it has been postponed and delayed for so long. and one of the twins that has been in the news is accused of attempted murder. so you want to get dangerous people off the streets, period. and you want to take animal cruelty seriously because it's a felony and a crime. and the people are violent no matter what. >> this terrible case made us look at animal cruelty and i know you are on the task force so that's a positive that came out of it. >> and the task force is a permanent commission. >> one more shot of the puppy and give us the information about where people can get him. >> there's the website on the screen. we are open today at noon. please come by and say hello. >> his eyes were open but it's tiring being a tv star. >> he needs his beauty sleep. >> see. that's the love look. love me. >> back to sleep. >> love me. >> he is lovely. >> 9:27. thanks a lot. you know somethings always look good on television including starsky babies sing and icy road crashes when no one gets hurt. jeanne moos looks at fender benders caught on tape and always fun to see and the season is in the books. but the ravens laying the groundwork for next season. it's owner, president and gm and coach talking about the state of the baltimore ravens. we will have that next. with fios, when you're watching the picture, it just jumps out at you. -it was like, "wow!" -bam! [ male announcer ] decisions don't get any easier than this. now you can move up to fios tv, internet and phone for just $99.99 a month for a year with no term contract required. [ mr. donovan ] we have more choices. so many more hi-def channels. with fios, i really feel like we're getting a great deal. [ male announcer ] call now and we'll include a multi-room dvr free for 12 months. record a show in one room. watch it in up to six other rooms. [ mrs. baltin ] fios dvr is very easy. even i can do it. even he can do it. [ male announcer ] fios is a 100% fiber-optic network, with hd picture quality rated #1 by changewave research, plus the fastest internet in the u.s. switching to fios was the best thing we've done in a long time. and my wife reminds me of that often. [ male announcer ] don't wait. get fios tv, internet and phone for this great price plus a multi-room dvr free for 12 months. call 1.888.818.fios. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities that's 1.888.818.3467. at 800-974-6006 tty/v. fios. a network ahead. curtis: welcome back to geico gecko: kate from mill valley, it's all yours. kate: well, i'm shopping for my first car. gecko: nice! i do hope you'll choose geico and save a good bit of cash... curtis: what color is the car? i bet you'd look great in a blue car. kate: no...actually, i'm torn between a fuel-injected inline-6 and a higher torque turbo diesel. gecko: that's quite a quandary! umm, i mean of course you could save either way. curtis: yeah but is one of them blue? cause i'd go with the blue one. anncr: geico. 15 minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurance. now out good morning maryland at nine. sliding cars on the ice. some people like our floor director love this stuff and can't get enough of it i hate it. a fresh blanket of freezing rain and snow acrossroads like here in oklahoma city making driving a slick idea yesterday morning. you see that jeep get out of control and they found out how bad it was. it spun out of control on the parkway nearly jumping the barrier before rolling over and believe it or not when the vehicle was flipped right side up, the driver drove off and we can't forget video from pittsburgh earlier this week. cars heading downhill, some even picking up speed and careen willing into parked cars and telephone poles and trees and you name it. it's one icy -- hey. no one was hurt in that -- it's one icy derby. no one was hurt in that. somebody that you know could be in the car. jeanne moos looks at the bumper crop of bumper cars. take a look. >> reporter: it's become almost a winter sport. no not ice skating, car sliding. like this almost core gaffed ice dance down a hill in spokane, washington. or this pickup picking up speed heading backwards in colorado springs. >> watch out. watch out. >> oh. my gosh. >> reporter: it's the pickup truck drivers that can beat any hill no matter how icy and now everyone has a camera phone, like ian smith, we are all able to see the carnage. >> this sucks, dude. look at your car. is this your car? look at your car. oh, my god. >> reporter: he shot pileups that damaged more than 20 vehicles. >> get out of the way. >> it was really cool to be able to see the crashes. nobody got hurt. >> reporter: it's paid off for ian. his slido attracted advertisers like cheapo auto quotes for insurance. tv outlets licensed his video. attire company might use it in a commercial. what was the street called where all this happened? >> south carefree and powers. >> reporter: carefree? >> yeah carefree. >> reporter: oh it's carefree all right. >> oh, my gosh. >> reporter: we thought we would hand out medals for some of the most nerve-racking slides. for the best spin, we award the bronze medal to this pickup in spokane kind of reminds us of a spinning skater. or speed and elegance we award the silver medal to this jeep. >> oh, here comes another one. oh. >> reporter: for dumbest attempt and for striking more than one vehicle, the gold goes to... this pickup. >> oh, man. >> reporter: that thought it could go where no one else was able to. but the truck didn't stop there. it kept on sliding. >> we tried to tell him. >> what an idiot. >> reporter: did whoa mention the guy who shot the video performs hip-hop? this pickup was on its way all right. ♪ on on my way i am on my way >> reporter: jeanne moos, cnn new york. >> i don't know what to say. >> okay. now wait you don't like the videos. niley don't. the best thing i like about that whole story my favorite part was the guy who said nice driving, dude. other than that it makes me uncomfortable. scary when that happens. >> i was doing a story two years ago and i got caught on a frozen overpass in arkansas. and caught 7 and one crashed about four feet in front of me. and it was it can be perilous but sometimes it's just funny. >> thankfully we haven't seen anything like that here right justin? >> >> seriously i am watching thinking how many people were disappointed that we didn't get more snow? >> no one. >> come on. this are kids getting rade for school now and teachers and we have ice out there. we have icy spots. especially with places that were wet because of the warm ground and snow underdeveloped in spots. harford county 27 degrees. that wind chill occasionally dropping down into the teens and they will continue to slide. 18 is a wind chill. hereford zone 2 1/2 inches of snow. 27 with 19 wind chill. owings mills 27. by the way, we have flurries passed through reisterstown and towson may get flakes. nothing substantial but it's about the cold. we will talk about that winter chill and another snow event in a bit. >> now back 20 two -- back to two cents. should men wear neckties in the instance of doctors or professional environments where health risk could be a problem? that's the question we pose today. and megan. >> yeah. yes it's necessary. how would people know what feeling and being professional is if they don't practice it? that's why young children today don't understand dressing professionally. i do like the look of a tie i got you and agree. and jerry writes in, when i go to the doctor, i just want to feel better. at that on the i could care less about their attire. to be honest it's the last thing on my mind. good point. >> if you want to weigh in on this or other hot topics lie who you got in the playoff now the ravens are eye limb nated. wmar facebook fan page. leave a comment and we will let you share these as well as exactly who some of you have coming up in the week's divisional playoffs. >> well a week ago rains fans they were giddy look forward to beating the steelers and this week, many still shaking their heads at what happened saturday night. this guy included. yesterday, those who run the team came together for their annual state of the ravens address. let's listen. >> i am still very happy to have joe flacco as our quarter baka after what boughtmore has been through since 1996 i think we are in pretty good shape. >> okay. so here are a few things thatcame out of yesterday's chat. ticket prices not going up megan. our money with interest back if there's shortened season because there's talk of the lockout. number one goal is to sign. [audio not understandable] it's the last chance after several problems with alcohol abuse and as for the offense,the coach says he likes cam cameron under fire. aid pretty good move for the next season and is flacco is improving. they talked about ray lewis supplements. he said if he passed a drug test there's nothing to it. bottom line is the ravens need to be better from top to bottom. no doubt. >>i just wants the fans to know though we don't give you 100% result we give you 100% effort and i am proud of the guys but you are not wrong, i came home from atlanta from the nfl meetings and i got on the internet and it took me a half an hour to read what you all were saying and what the fans were agreeing with you about. and i don't have much argument. there's a lot of things. you all are pretty accurate when it comes to assessing the team. and so are our fans. they are commit and knowledgeable. and right now, they are frustrated. but we are trying a put a good product on the field for you. >> from my perspective, and any time you talk to a personnel guy, it's always about we are going to get better players. i provide john with better players, his coaches with better players, we will do better on sunday. so we can get better players. >> ravens owner is shooting to have one of the most consistent franchise in the national football league but when he talked about you can hear from the coaches and from the players, but he said when you listen to the fans, they will let you know the state of your team. they will let you know the state of their satisfaction and for the owner to come forward and say that so openly it proves what ravens franchise is, wanting to put a good product on the field for those in baltimore. >> absolutely. well, we did ask you on the facebook fan page now the ravens are out, who are you picking? what are you hearing. >> a lot of people saying anyone but the steelers and it's been pretty consistent across the board. some people saying jets, some people saying packers. and not very many people saying chicago bears, though. more than anything, megan, people are saying anyone but the steelers. >> so someone this morning did say they were rooting for the steelers because it would be nice to get beaten by you know at least the team going to the superbowl. >> there's that logic. jill says she is cheering for the bears and steelers. she wants them in the superbowland seems like if you want to point to a team of destiny, the bears have been dodging bullets all season. from the very first game of the year. they lost the first game and go onto win. that may bt team of destiny. >> okay. i hope so. stay with us this morning. it's no secret we want our pets to labor long and healthy life. just like us. it matters what you feed them. >> staysy martin duffy will join with us great tips to -- stacy martin duffy will join with us tips on the dog food and treats. justin. [ male announcer ] are you paying more and more for cable and enjoying it less and less? stop paying for second best. upgrade to verizon fios and get tv, internet and phone for just $99.99 a month for a year. call now and we'll include a multi-room dvr free for 12 months. record shows in one room and watch them in up to six other rooms. there's no term contract required. you can cancel anytime with no early termination fee. fios is a 100% fiber-optic network that delivers the best channel lineup, superior picture quality, more hd; plus the fastest internet in the u.s. why keep paying for cable? get fios tv, internet and phone for just $99.99 a month -- plus a multi-room dvr free for 12 months. call 1.866.680.fios. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities that's 1.866.680.3467. at 800-974-6006 tty/v. get the network that delivers more. get fios. a network ahead. richar sher is in the studio and is all the entertaining. >> he keeps you on your toes. >> yes. we will check in with him in bit. but first this is when you e- mail us and you say you've great thing happening in the community. photo focus 2011. soo's journey through the lens is at carroll county arts council. they are open monday through saturday 10 to 4. they are there on west main street. if you want more information, call the number or visit the web address. this is neat. that is bunch of photographers basically spending four years take pictures. so the exhibit is available up until the 18th. >> mine had richard sher in mind when i was picking this. it's glass blowing and dinner. you've date tonight. >> yep i am doing glass blowing. >> there you go, buddy. tonight, every first and third friday from 7 to 10. at glass and dinner 680 # eastern avenue in baltimore. first and third fridays go take a day richard or friend megan. free glass blowing demonstration enjoying a wonderful dinner. make your own glass pendant or flowers. more information at glass >> you want to go. >> i do. >> let's do it. >> a dollor or two a doughnut something gets broken. >> some hearts. >> oh. >> if you have a featured event you want to share and want us to tell everybody about, just e- may us. e-mail us personally at the addresss on the screen. we will would be -- we will be happy to mention it. high preys for the president's response and governor with four more years richard sher of sunday morning's "square off." >> good to see you. nearly 80% of americans including more than 70% republicans, give the president a thumbs up for his leadership following the shootings in tucson. here in maryland, governor o'malley takes the oath for another four years. and wait until you hear about what some lawmakers want to give children of illegal immigrants. here's the panel this week. outrageous john lofton nickly ambrose scott peterson and hasan murphy. let me ask you this. why meet the press when you can hear from the best? see you sunday morning 10 a.m. square off right here on abc2. i will be wearing a tie and justin would not be caught dead without a tie on. >> really? >> he sleeps in ties. >> he's tie man and i will not forget that. >> even when he runs the marathons? >> yeah. >> way way to go. >> we are training together by the way. >> it's bow ties in marathon training. >> he was going to wear a leash when he runs. >> ready for the plunge. >> all right. we will see you then. we try to stay healthy and try to keep our kids healthy, what about our pets, though? >> coming, staysy martin duff phiy has awesome healthy a terntives when it comes to keeping your four legged friend happy and healthy and wise? >> we are back. welcome back. if you are an animal lover u. pets' shelt helt should be a major concern. what other way to talk about it than with our good friend stacy. talking about healthy option for our pets, a lot of us may run to a shop run in and get it and get food and get out but some of the food has bad stuff in it. >> yes. we if we are big label readers for our service we should be for our pets. >> how do you break a pet owner of that habit getting in the habit of looking at the labels, seeing nutritional value for the dog's and cat's food as well? >> i mean, the only thing i can say is pick up a bag or can. look at the ingredients. be-- you have to educate yourself what's in it. because there are some chemicals in the food biproducts and some bad things in there. i can tell you if you want to know. >> let's break it down. we have brand a food ped foot right here and this is something you can get at any store in baltimore and baltimore county. what is in there? >> if it's froshry store food. >> no names. >> no names of anything. >> you can about have buy products. >> what are those. >> chemicals used in a food to preserve them. keep them moist or soft. you just want to look for a good first four ingredients should have a round meat, a chicken, beef, pork, in the first three grind cents. or a meal in the thirst three ingredients. >> we try to balance our die waits good steady equal libium of protein we need to do that. >> you want to stay away from a low carb, no grain is good because animals are not made to eat grain. and most of our foods out there are corn based or wheat based. that's big ones to stay away. from look at the label and read them. that's what we educate people on. we have lots of information on that. >> what. >> what about signs in our pets that might be eating conventional foods and how thr reacting and if they are switched -- how they are reacting and if they switch them wheats negative and positive if we go whole food. >> the preservatives cause seizures. so if you see seizures, it could be the food that really you know brings the issues on. allergies are huge. big concern itching and scratching and marks on the skin and eruptions. you know, all great to go see the -- the veterinarian. however, food is huge in that and you come see night just like with people. >> yes. >> thanks so much. >> yep. >> we will have it on the website. off to a break and back with the weather forecast and to wrap things up in a bit. quick look at numbers here. still 34 in easton and 31 in baltimore. a delay because of the bay. but that cold air is going to cross to the eastern shore. 20s northwest where they had a little more snow. and although i heard frederick not much and only an inch over in elkton so less in cecil and hereford zone york county harford couldn'tity big winners with the snow event. we win or lose out with the cold air. wind chill now 19 in baltimore hagerstown 10 and 11 that is. 10 below in oakland. wind that's the story. it is carried in the flurries and we will have a occasional snowflakes crossing through the region. a sign of the arctic air that's about it. as we head through the day we will look for steady falling temperatures. ice spots this morning. place that is were wet and the sun itself is going to try to soak up you know some of the radiation and ground and warm things and melt things and then refreeze as we head through the evening. we drop back to the 20s. and we will hit 20 and teens this evening and winds will make it feel like the teens or cooler. once again, our storm track was progecked to be southeast virginia -- projected to be southeast virginia but end up farther north. and this is where we thought the storm would go. that's where the storm went on top us. that's why i carried most of the snow up towards the north. they are getting it in new england. but we all get that chill. and these numbers oh, they mean business. we are down to 14 degrees tonight. and bitter cold wind chills down near zero. and we are currently looking at temperatures 10 in detroit megan. 10 in detroit. >> don't live there anymore. >> i know. >> people you know that are there and they have reason to complain. 2 below in chicago. 15 below in minneapolis and that cold airstreams in our direction so we are looking at that cold stuff through the weekend. and temperatures basically come on maps herry up on me. we are looking at a outlook with highs in the 20s. lows down into the teens or colder through the weekend. we will get back to the near freezing and coastal storms showing up. it may mix over with some freezing rain or sheet. and we have to look at that. nol knot a solid snow shot. still early to talk about that. but i want to talk about this while it's time. wait for change. my charity fun raiser this is the benefit the cool kids campaign learning center for kids that are going through treatment. yesterday, just 16 kids helping out for the first run of this. raising 454 dollars. >> that's great. >> i am so thrilled. they gave meet school shirt. >> that's cool shirt. >> megan has been trying to steal from me. >> the globe with the continents. awesome. >> you have a kid in school you want me to go to, contact me at station and we will talk about this and more stuff on monday. >> have a great weekend. >> see you. >> go jets. >> go pack. >> go bears. 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