but let's head over to angela. she has your traffic. good morning. the roads are pretty good except for those that normally travel on ricetown road. we got a couple of alternate routes set up for you. you may want to jump on the northwest expressway on 795 or the would hinges mills boulevard -- or owing mills boulevard. straw hat road is shut down and it may be a while before they reopen. if you're heading out this morning and traveling on the harrisburg expressway, we're starting to seat usual buildup around middle town road and southbound 95 through the roseville region, heavy as you make your way to the top side of the beltway. also the same story on the west side passing liberty road becoming crowded. keel keep you up to date with any changes out there. follow us on twitter at maryland traffic. new this morning, if you were lucky enough to asend the super bowl events in indianapolis last week. you may want to call your doctor. an unknown known of people were exposessed to measles at super bowl village. a person inif he canned with measles visited the -- person infected with the measles visited the village. it is not deadly. but it can cause a rash on your face and neck. democracy 2012 great news for rick santorum. rick santorum won the state caucus in colorado and won the primary in minnesota and missouri. >> i don't stand here to claim to be the conservative alternative to mitt romney. i stand her to be the conservative alternative to president obama. >> there are two contests remaining this month. the next one is maine on saturday. and the next major battle is super tuesday on march 6th when ten different states will go to the polls. speaking of romney, it was not his. night. they nabbed the offender that shatter bombed his office. authorities have found a baby inside of a dumpster in harford county. they got a call on the 800 block of stable road in bel air where they got a report that a mother gave birth to a stillborn baby. they did find the baby in the dumpster. there's no word if the police have found the mother. they're close to see thing a why are in the trial of george hughley, the former uva lacrosse player who is accused of killing his girlfriend, yeardley love. >> reporter: in a few hours, attorneys from both sides will narrow down the jury poll. george hughley left the courthouse last night heavily guarded by police. and they have spent the last two days with jury selection. last night they farrowed down the pool to 28. and the final phase of jury selection will start this morning. and once the jury is seated, opening statements will begin. human being human being shoeing on trial for killing his ex- girlfriend, crockesyville native yeardley love. and most jurors make up their minds right after opening statements. >> if you're the prosecutor, make these 12 jurors recognize that this is a very sad case. we have very strong evidence. there's no question what you're going to find from this. >> reporter: when court resumes this morning, the prosecutors and the defense attorneys will have the chance to dismiss potential jurors they don't like. a judge dropped one of the counts against a campaign consultant accused of using robo-calls accused of trying to keep the black voters out of the polls. the judge said it was redundant. and the judge denied a motion to dismiss the case on the grounds that it violates of the first amendment. he used to work for former governor ehrlich. the penn state sex abuse scandal may change the way sex crime are reported here in maryland. let's turn that over to sherrie johnson. >> reporter: in annapolis, lawmakers will join to discuss bill 140. it's a bill to that will make it a penalty to not report sexual abuse. this tbroingz the light that the fact that maryland's child abuse reporting laws have no teeth. there's no criminal penalty in the law for not report ago abuse. there is a hearing on the bill after that news conference. pennsylvania prosecutors are asking that jerry sandusky be kept indoors as part of his bail condition. prosecutors say that several people have seen the former penn state assistant football coach watching children in a schoolyard from the back porch of his home. he is charged with molest is young boys. he is under house arrest. his lawyer said that safety concerns are unfounded. sherrie johnson, "abc 2 news." maryland general assembly will consider a bill that will require parents or guardians to report to the police about dead or missing children. it's called -- caylee anthony law. missing children under 13 would have to be reported within 24 hours. children older than 13 would have to be reported within 48 hours. police in baltimore city are looking for a suspect that disappeared. the man in a stolen car was being followed and he jumped out and ran towards the school on the 2500 block of north parkway they searched friendship academy. but they did not find him. nasa was on lockdown for a little while but students were eventually sent home. friendship had already been dismissed for the day. official said having a tax could cut down on the county's environmental cleanup costs. extremely cold temperatures have brought parts of europe to a complete stand still. coming up, the frosts that one driver not going anywhere anytime soon. look at that car. and people enjoying a circus act got a shock of their lives when one rider came crashing down. what is this about and how many people are injured this morning? and we'll tell you the top ten foods that contain the most salt and some health warnings. but first up to new york and get a look at the latest business news. >> reporter: good morning. better odds for finding a job. the number of jobs available in the u.s. jumped in december to the best level in three years. that means for every open job there is an average of four applicants down from almost 7 a few years ago. possibly a look the positive jobs look, borrowing is up for the second month. and the so-called food police want the whole truth about the whole grain claims. and the center for science in the public interest is demanding that the fda define the terms of whole grain and whole wheat. if you've thrown nutritional claim to the wind, there's a 24- ounce version of this milkshake. it has a thousand calories and 24-grams of fat. that is the breakfast of champions. i'm rob nelson. ♪ [ male announcer ] for our families... our neighbors... and our communities... america's beverage companies have created a wide range of new choices. developing smaller portion sizes and more low- & no-calorie beverages... adding clear calorie labels so you know exactly what you're choosing... and in schools, replacing full-calorie soft drinks with lower-calorie options. with more choices and fewer calories, america's beverage companies are delivering. credible new video a terrifying motorcycle crash in michigan. amazingly the stunt man is alive this morning. but take a look at this video. he hit a guide wire and fell at least 25 feet. it seem that's the wire was not supposed to be hanging there when the stunt was performed. he is recovering from his injuries in the hospital this morning. >> i thought i was going die at that point. i was flying through the air and closed my eyes and said okay. if igo, i will. i was still breathe. >> he broke his leg and wrist. he is expected to make a full recovery. and we have dramatic video of a duck trapped in the canal and fighting her its life. it got stuck in the canal in sacramento, california. rescue crews had to be called in to pull him to safety. they eventually lassoed the deer and pulled him to shore. he was checked out and released back into the wildfire away from the canal. we can see a little bit of rain -- i'm sorry, megan. >> that's okay. this video is where a dog got stuck in the reservoir in colorado. the rescuers pulled him safely. the dog is doing just fine. so that is a happy story. >> it is a happy story because we could see a little bit of snow in the days to go but nothing like they are seeing in japan. there are 16 inches of snow expected to get another foot by tomorrow. this has caused the snow covered roads icy and making driving almost impossible. this is from japan. it's impossible to drive your car if it's encased in ice. this is in anyone geneva, switzerland. so things here not so bad. you got that right. i think it will be a little messy this evening. you know how mutes are even if we -- how commutes are even if we just get plain rain. so we could get black ice out there overnight. i'm thinking maybe up to an inch around the city and points northward maybe two inches and maybe a little more the further west you go. we usually get more snow in those areas anyway. but we're talking about the roadways. but we will not see that much snow on the roads. the ground has been too warm. but we'll get the accumulations on the grassy surfaces. you can see this on the cars as well. and all this is going to come from this storm system right now. this is to the south of ohio. you can see snow, lots of snow and heavier snow into ohio right now. this is advancing towards the east as we go through the day. it will start into western maryland as snow. and then it will move into our area starting out as rain and we'll move it over to snow as we go into the afternoon. so the time frame, about 2:00 or 3:00, that is when we'll get the unsettled area in our area. so just in time for the kids starting to get out of school. today, the temperature around 38 degrees and it's going to be cloudy and it will be colder. tonight the temperatures drop below freezing. and we'll get some gradual clearing as we go through the night into tomorrow. lots of sunshine returns. and the temperature comes in around 48 degrees and the temperatures above average once again. and here's a look at your seven- day forecast. we'll get colder this weekend and we have snow possible on saturday. we'll see about that one. and now a check of your traffic. good morning. we've been following a story with wires down across the roadway. it will impact your drive coming out of owings mills at straw hat road. that is where we have the closure. we've been suggesting 795 and the northwest expressway as an alternate. a lot of bailout traffic on 795 right now. in the meantime, if you're traveling on the southwest side or south east side of the -- southeast side of the beltway, we have a report of a stalled car on southbound i-97. i-95 a does decision traveling to the capital beltway. traffic is building on pairing parkway. on the west side of 695 to 795 and i-70, a seven minute drive. and to providence, six minutes to get you there. 6:16. 90% of us out there have too much salt in our diet. so health officials have come up with the top sources of salt in the typical american diet. and get this bread is number one. colt cuts and pizza and poultry and they are leading sources. and soup came in number five and pretzels and chips ranked in around number 10. coffee and red bull, a professor think that the next -- thinks that the next think is inhaling caffeine. each container contained about a hundred milligrams. they want the fda to review it. spring may be a few week as way. but many people across the country are dealing with the springtime problems. we're talking about allergies and the temperature have been so mild that the doctors say that the warm weather has many trees building early and that means that the plants are getting a jump start on pollenating, triggering sneezing and watery eyes. bright signs and big parking lots and tons of locations. there are chain stores everywhere. but which one is the best one? according to a consumer reports survey, 26,000 americans say it's costco. it has the top quality of merchandise in stores and on line. it is one of ten major chains to get and outstanding overall ratings. khol's and jc penny got second ab third as well. >> costco, i just got a membership. if you can't seem to get enough of facebook and twitter, you may not be alone. social networking sites are more hard to resist than alcohol and tobacco. they say there's no obvious or immediate downside. the lead researcher does warning that the service cans ultimate -- services can ultimately be a huge drain on the user's time. do you think? go to our especially media site and let us know what you think about the addictive nature of social media. you have to let us know what you think. a mother in china may be holding the record this morning. >> weight of this little bundle of joy and that is one big bundle and it is the talk of the town. and hard to watch video to show this morning coming out of egypt. what one protestor did that had everyone gasping and how he's doing this morning. there she is ! hey, i got a leak ! yoo hoo ! wait a minute, come back ! um, miss ? up here! right. like 85% of us, you have hard water stains and that cleaner's not gonna cut it. truth is, you need something powerful. you need lime-a-way. it's 4 times more effective at removing limescale than the leading bathroom cleaner. because lime-a-way is specially formulated to conquer hard water stains. for lime, calcium and rust... lime-a-way is a must. governor o'malley said that he hopes that a ruling to overturn the ban on gay marriage will help. a move to legalize same-sex marriage failed in the house last year over religious and family values concerns. a school bus driver faces up to 30 years in prison for producing child porn. he pleaded getty yesterday. he left his cell phone memory card showing sexually void yes of a seven-year-old on his phone. and author has pleaded guilty to conspiring to steal documents from leaders through u.s. history. he pleaded and took the documents -- pleaded guilty to taking the documents. prosecutors say that he schemed for years to steal the valuable documents. a 30-year-old man was pulled alive this morning from the rubble of the rub before i in pakistan. he had been trapped for 46 hours. at least 18 people have died when three a medicine factory collapsed on monday after an explosion. air france workers are still on strike this morning and it could cancel more flights around the world. hundreds of flights were canceled yesterday because of the strike about labor rights. air france advised passengers to postpone flights till friday if possible. workers including pilots and flight attendants went on strike because of a proposed new law that prevents their right to strike. this is over public services. look at this riot police fired tear gas to repel hundreds of protestors. no injuries or arrests. some 10,000 people took part in the otherwise peaceful march of the parliament. they were due to meet on harsh cut backs for the bailouts for the creditors. and the fighting in egypt gets work. we need to warn you that this video is hard to watch. this protestor is standing outside the egyptian parliament. and bystanders rush toward him. he set himself on fire in protest what have is going on in that fire. he suffered minor burns. he is among several day laborers that lost their job. they have ban protest in the country for weeks. there you see him on ground that man suffering minor burns. a mother in china gave birth to a 15 and a half pound baby. megan? >> i had two babies and they did not weigh that. >> possible lit largest newborn on record. the 29-year-old mom delivered the baby by c-section. the baby could hold a record in china but he is not the heaviest baby ever born. so your question is, what was? 1879, 23 pounds. >> 23 pounds. >> just call it 24. it's 23.7. >> ouch. >> stay with us this morning. more ahead on "good morning maryland." a memorial being planned thanks to a show that he help create. a close call for one texas driver. what caused this car to burst into flames? >> reporter: all new information about a washington man who is accused of killing himself and his two sons. hear the 911 calls that were made. heartbreaking 911 calls that we want to you listen to

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