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marine from union bridge. good evening, i'm marybeth marsden. sergeant charles cartwright died on sunday. jeff hager traveled to the high school today where teachers and students alike are mourning their former graduate. >> reporter: american flags line the entrance of walkersville high school. where charlie cartwright made the decision eight years ago to become a u.s. marine. he enlisted before the terrorist attacks of 9/11. and later served three tours of duty in iraq and two in afghanistan before dying in combat over the weekend. >> we found out on sunday morning. >> reporter: one of his former teachers and mentor, susan says his death has taken its toll on students here who never even knew him. >> and finally in the mornings over the p.a. system in remembrance of charlie. i think that's when the students, they realized what happened and we lost one of our own. >> reporter: he was training, getting ready for his next deployment to afghanistan. >> reporter: teacher beth who's son is among his childhood friend said he always made a point of stopping in to say hi. >> we knew where he came from and he knew when he got home, you know, you don't have a lot of time. and he knew that he needed to just touch base and reconnect with people. his family, his friends, and people who gave him support. >> reporter: on the field of battle, he earned two combat action ribbons and awarded two purple hearts. and here on the home front, his contributions were heartfelt. and they will never be forgotten. >> they are there, the twinkle in the eye. charlie was a very energetic person. he lit up the room when he came into the room. >> reporter: and walkersville, jeff hager, abc2 news. >> ar gent ca -- sergeant cartwright is at the base in california. he and his wife married 11 months ago. funeral services, they will be held on saturday for a maryland freshman who died at the virginia military institute. john evans collapsed in his area last saturday after completing a 10-mile march. the cause of the death has not been announced. they were held at 10 a.m. at st. louis church in clarksville. police say that a 15-year-old boy was found stabbed to death and sexually assaulted by a convicted murderer. the boy's body was discovered in the 2400 block. and abc2 news, here to explain how police discovered the crime and who they are now looking for. brian? >> reporter: marybeth, his name is dante parish. the 35-year-old convicted murderer was out of prison from more than a year when they say he committed this unthinkable crime. police say that they responded to a break-in at a home in east baltimore who were called back later on in the morning when family members, they discovered blood. officers, they searched and found the body of 15-year-old jason madison hidden in a closet, stabbed to death with a box cutter and sexually assaulted. police believe he killed the young man and are now on an all-out man hunt. >> this is a real big priority for homicide. we executed a bunch of warrants, identified a person of interest and pursuing that person as we speak. we're hopeful to bring them into custody very soon. >> reporter: now, according to court records, parish was convicted of murder in 1999 and just let out of prison in august of 2008. if you know anything about his whereabouts, call metro crime stoppers at 1-866-7-lockup. hey, baltimore city police officer shot a man after he reportedly threatened the officer with what apeered to be -- appeared to be knives, happening at 6:30 this morning in the 2700 block of jefferson street. police got a call of domestic dispute between her mother and her 23-year-old son. when officers arrived, police say the son threatened the officers with two sharp objects. the suspect was shot in the chest when he refused to put the weapons down. police say they were at the home earlier around 1 a.m. to respond to a family disturbance and the suspect was apparently drunk at that time. a neighbor says the mother and son lived together. >> they had a real nice relationship. a real nice relationship. another son out there and she was sick over the summer and he took care of her, trying to get her health care and onto the hospital and he was always there for her. >> the suspect was taken to john hopkins. last check, he was in serious condition. the officer has been put on routine administrative leave. it was a grueling two days in courtroom. as the jury was chosen for the trial of the mayor, the mayor had a day off from court today, but attended a veteran's day event. when approached by the media, he launched into a tirade. >> you don't get these cameras away, i'm not going to allow the media to control this spot. i'm not going to answer any questions, i don't want the cameras in front of me. i don't appreciate this. >> the jury of nine women and three men will decide if mayor dickson is guilty or innocent. the lead attorney says he's satisfied with the jury. the mayor is accused of stealing gift cards donated to needy families. tomorrow, they will give their opening statements. the master mind of the 2002 sniper attack were executed last night. and this morning, the family of john allen muhammad addressed the media. >> this goes with anything in that letter because it'll be extremely inappropriate at this time. >> reporter: at the greensville correction center, he was executed for killing dean meyers at a gas station during the shooting spree that terrorized maryland, virginia, and dc. his teenager accomplice was sentenced to life in prison. annapolis police want your help in catching a shooting suspect issue 21-year-old is wanted for a shooting that happened in annapolis on madison street about 1:30 sunday morning. he is charged with the attempted murder of the man shot in the leg. police say he is considered armed and dangerous. anyone with information is asked to call annapolis police. new at five tonight, a doctor had his license suspended for allege improper conduct with five boys. psychiatrist miguel treated the boys from behavioral issues between two to -- 2000 to 2008. they suspended his license, but he has not been criminally charged. the boys are from 10 to 12 years old and the allege improper conduct happened during physical exams in the doctor's office. frontera faces a hearing next week and can appeal the suspension. >> it's been a nasty day out there and the nasty will continue for a while. i'll show you what's going on. right now, maryland's most powerful radar indicating pretty heavy rainfall across the region. but the heaviest rain remains down to the south of the baltimore area. this map is a little complicated. just stay with me. here in baltimore city and all the counties that you see in light blue, those are coastal flood watches over on the eastern shore. and everything is green over there. that's a coastal flood warning. and a warning is in effect for chesapeake bay. this area of low pressure moving along the coast that will be causing a lot of problems. let me show you what's going on right now throughout the day in the ocean city area. this is what it looked like this morning. now, watch the sand on the beach. and as you are seeing them blown from the north to the south. you can actually see the sand moving there. exteemly high wave -- ebs teemly high -- extremely high waves are going to continue for about a three-day period of time which will cause a lot of problems for the coastal sections. we'll have the complete forecast coming up in just a couple of minutes. just what motivated an army psychiatrist to kill 13 people at the massive army insulation at fort hood texas last week? remains a mystery. terry owens has the latest on the investigation. >> reporter: marybeth, the fbi is now investigating the hours before the attack at fort hood. they are even looking into a meal that major nadal hasan had with six or seven members of his mosque. they want to know if he acted alone or not. meanwhile in washington, the finger pointing has begun. they claim a defense department investigator looked into hasan's contacts with the radical area starting late last year. but a military official is denying knowledge of any connection. signs continue to point to religious extremism as the primary motive for the shootings, not the act of the lone gunman. >> reporter: no faith justifies these murderous and crazy acts. no justice in loving god looks upon them in favor. >> reporter: despite their ties to other terror plots, 20 e-mails between he and major hasan were dismissed by authorities as innocent or protected by the first amendment. terry owens, abc2 news. tonight, blades is out of the hospital and back home. it happened when blade mistook an undercover officer and tried to attack him. the officer then shot the dog. veterinarians removed two bullet fragments from blade's shoulder. blade's handler was at his side throughout it all. this was just a horrible attack that captured the nation's atten. tonight, the woman mauled by a chimp speaks for the first time since that attack. and on this veteran's day, we'll tell you about hope for veterans struggling with post-traumatic stress. so marybeth, have you read a good book lately? here is one for you, stephen king's newest novel. and there's a whole lot of people waiting to see them in more years. we'll have that story coming right up. take a look at the temperatures right now. 45 degrees out here. much cooler. ughier day today. that's coming up with the full forecast. so what comes to mind when we switch the tv from cable to fios? um. tv looks like new. uh, awesome? actually, i want to talk about how i get $150 back? oh, well you get $150 back if you switch to fios. i was curious why we're listening to customers. oh, boy... seems dumb. 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right now, there's the shower activity around the baltimore area, but as you go south, you run into the heavier rainfall. as far as the temperatures around the region right now, we're 35 degrees, and 45 at boston. your forecast for tonight, cloudy, blustery. they continue from the northwest, 15 to 20, gusting 30. the overnight low, about 33 degrees. it'll be cooler than that tomorrow during the day. cloudy, windy, from northeast 10 to 15 gusting about 25. higher winds on the eastern shore, only reaching 50 degrees. your extended outlook for the next seven days. there it is. and that sits off the coast for the next three days for thursday, friday, saturday, and rainy conditions. then on sunday, things start to clear up on monday, tuesday, wednesday, looking pretty good as we recover temperaturewise. we'll be back with the weather. thank you. he's the king of putting hard gore and fantasy all on paper. and tonight, think he was the kind out there. and you can't beat it. about 400 lucky people out there. there are even people there and they are hoping that they will hang around and find some -- sign some extra autographs. about more than a thousand pages of blockbusterrers. because they sold some of the preliminary sales about 12 million preliminary sales and even more out there. because they are some of the biggest fans. >> it's the big day out there. everything is ready for the big one. and making the first ever out there in about eight years. >> the first 20 people will go in. and they are still in the front out there. completely out there. >> the reason why they did that is simple. and folks out there, they love all of them. in fact, this wal-mart, they sold more books than any other wal-mart in the country. and that is because they have really good fans. folks that read every book that they have. >> and that is surrealism, right there and their awe row and superb the way they write right through the books. >> you know the characters. >> yes. as if you are in that story. >> reporter: and folks started lining up yesterday afternoon around 6:00 just to get a wristband. and those lucky folks that are in the first part of the line, they just can't wait to meet him. it's going to be up on the shelf and the shadow box and all of it so i could look at it. >> if you get an idea of the cloud, they put that out there and this is sort of the overflow. if you come back towards me, you can see all the folks, everybody, they have a book. in fact, a lot of people have two books like that, one lady, and the book that they will sign is going up on the shelves and they won't touch it. i want to correct myself on this. this is their first one since 1992. so now this is for many folks as a once in a lifetime event. they are doing it right here, starting at about 6:00. that's where they are going to take the podium. and trying to find a lot for them. >> thank you. can he be the and begin recovering from post-traumatic stress disorder. >> shot by a sniper while fighting out there. >> they were not sure where i was shot because there was blood everywhere. >> tász a -- it's a little difficult. >> there were months of rehab. he learned to walk again, but there was something else that wasn't right. he had post-traumatic stress disorder. he is with the veterans of america. >> we know that a third of them are returning or suffering from some type of combat stress injury. >> now, his group is helping veterans like them cope with all of them. >> that no one could talk to a vet like another vet. and no one could understand what's going on and what they are doing other than someone who is also seeing the combat. >> they watched the social networking sights for veterans, called to coping with anxiety. and also how to talk to friends and family about being in combat. but for brown, talking to the fellow soldier, that is already making a difference. >> i now realize that i don't want to be just another number on a piece of paper. i want to live to be 70 to 80. >> for today's health minutes, i'm dr. sanjay gupta. >> who says you can't get anything for a penny? we'll take you to a town where they charge you one cent. >> and cleaning up on the smaller rockside. why you've got to see the video. hi. hey, i need a new cell phone. well, right now you can get verizon wireless plus fios tv, internet and phone. wow. that really is beautiful, isn't it? it's gorgeous. who would know? no one would know. would anyone know? hey, buddy, what are you doing here? i believe that answers my question. (announcer) get the best of everything. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800-974-6006 tty/v today, and get all four services together - verizon fios tv, internet and phone, plus verizon wireless, all on one convenient bill, for an amazing... plus get $150 back. get fios tv, internet & phone on the nation's largest 100% fiber optic network straight to the home, with verizon wireless on americas's largest and most reliable 3g network. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800-974-6006 tty/v to get all four services, for just... plus an additional $150 back. only from verizon. hello everybody, i'm terry owens. identity theft for the local hospital. who stole the records that have patients at risk. the country honors the service of our veterans. we'll take you to both local and national tributes and some tips for those of you ready to start your holiday shopping so you don't waste your money. and if you didn't have to go outside today, boy weren't you lucky. that is all ahead at 6:5:30. a look around the nation takes you to polk county, tennessee for traumatic video of the rock slide that closed the highway for a week. and it happened as the work crews tried to clean up debris from an earlier rock side. and they worked to clear the area. just moments before this slide happened. luckily no one was hurt. how would you like to pull up to a parking meter and pay just one penny to park for hours on end? >> they are so old that we cannot legally change them. you can't find those parts anymore. this parking deal might not be around much longer. they replace the meters to bring in more money like every other place in the world. we'll be right back with more in just a moment. city police are investigating an employee. and he is accused of stealing personal information. and using it to apply for credit cards and loans. abc2 news is here to tell us how the hospital is responding, cheryl? >> reporter: terry, at this point, they said that they sent the letter to numerous patients about a possible security brief. they are sick and trusting and vulnerable. and back out for the ball, that is the investigation. >> what is being done to inform patients? mercy medical center released this statement saying in part without knowing for certain, what information was accessed inappropriately verses a part of legitimate job duties. mercy is taking action by notifying pati

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Chesapeake Bay , Maryland , United States , Texas , Afghanistan , Delaware , Boston , Massachusetts , Clarksville , Tennessee , California , Virginia , Fort Hood , Washington , District Of Columbia , Ocean City , Iraq , New Jersey , Polk County , Baltimore , America , American , John Evans , Charlie Cartwright , Jeff Hager , Stephen King , John Allen Muhammad , Charles Cartwright , Jason Madison , Terry Owens , Atlantic Ocean , John Hopkins , Marybeth Marsden , Nadal Hasan , Sanjay Gupta ,

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