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ull of music legends are expected to perform. rock and roll hall of fame singer darlene love plans to attend. she says houston's mother, cissy, and her cousin, singer dionne warwick, are coordinating the service. >> they are like the two matriarchs of the family. >> reporter: these new tmz photos show houston in the days leading up to her death, lounging by the pool wednesday at the beverly hilton. and abc news has also learned that the doctors and pharmacies where houston obtained several prescriptions will be subpoenaed in the coming days as part of the investigation into what caused her death. linsey davis, abc news, newark, new jersey. >> and -- >> go ahead. >> no, apparently, it was a party full last few hours, few days for whitney. there are some news reports out there that she was complaining about the bartenders at the beverly hilton hotel watering down her drinks, that she was ordering cocktails as early as 10:00 a.m. starting wednesday before she passed saturday afternoon. >> yeah, doing some crazy things around the pool. somersaults and just kind of acting a little belligerent as well. >> either way, a big funeral on saturday. i'm sure they will send her home well. >> in style. for sure. >> absolutely. all right. turning to other news this morning, the family of josh powell wants to bury him near the two young sons that he killed. an official in suburban seattle says powell's relatives have selected a plot just 25 feet up the hill from the graves of his two young boys. however, the parents of powell's missing wife are fighting, as you can imagine, to block that burial. well, petco is at the center of a lawsuit accused of mutilating at least two dogs in hawaii. one pet owner claims her dog's tail was cut off when she took it in to be groomed. another woman says her dog came back from a grooming session with its ear cut off. and someone at the pet store even tried to reattach it. >> it was dried, bloody. there was dried blood, everything. i noticed that at home, you know. so when i took her to the vet, the doctor told me it looked like they tried to glue it back. >> the nails are bleeding because they were cut too short. the dog is filthy. and the tip of the dog's tail was cut off. and they didn't seem -- the people at petco didn't seem to be overly concerned about that. >> tried to glue it back on? the plaintiffs say they hope the lawsuit will lead to better training for pet stylists. petco says it takes any animal care concerns very seriously. well, most major airlines are increasing fares, and it's the second price hike actually this year. discount airline southwest and jetblue increased fares this week by $10 per round trip. other major carriers including american matched those increases on top of that. airlines are paying higher fuel prices these days, and carbon emissions surcharges on flights into europe. well, it's taken a few months, but the heart attack grill in las vegas has certainly lived up to its name. a customer ordered a triple bypass burger, described as being 1 1/2 pounds topped with 12 slices of bacon. he was partway through it when he started shaking, sweating, and complaining about pains in his chest so much that an ambulance took him to the hospital. >> i actually felt horrible for the gentleman because the tourists were taking photos of him as if it were some type of a stunt. and even with our own morbid sense of humor we would never pull a stunt like that. >> i don't think i would walk into a place even if it's called the heart attack grill and order food and expect that i was going to have a heart attack. >> the owner says warnings are posted everywhere about the restaurant's high-calorie menu. the man is recovering, but doctors haven't said if he actually suffered a heart attack. but if the warnings are out there. >> hey. this day and age we know what we're doing to ourselves. you know? the phrase "you are what you eat" kind of comes to mind with some of that stuff. well, here's a look at your weather. windy with morning showers from l.a. to san diego. mountain snow from southern california to flagstaff. snow showers in the northern rockies and michigan. rain for much of the east coast and from tallahassee to new orleans. houston and west texas. 64 in dallas. 74 new orleans. 82 in miami. mostly 40s from the northeast to the midwest. phoenix and sacramento climb to the 60s. it will be near 50 in albuquerque. there's your favorite song again. >> yes. anything from the movie "annie." >> little sweetheart. >> you want me to sing it for you? >> no, please. okay. well, a southwestern pennsylvania town is under siege by thousands of crows that just won't go away. >> residents say the crows are loud -- >> caw. look at them. >> during the overnight hours they they say they're especially loud and they're leaving their droppings everywhere. oh, man. scientists have tried using laser lights and a plant-based fog to discourage them from roosting, but so far nothing's worked. one woman even put a scarecrow in her tree, but that didn't work, either. ah-ah. ♪ bird, bird, bird ♪ bird is the word ♪ bird, bird, bird ♪ bird is the word [ sighs ] i wish there were an easy way. woohoo! why put up with drips? gimme that. let's foam in those tones and highlights. [ gigi ] try nice 'n easy colorblend foam. get permanent dimensional color in a drip-free delight! oooohh! [ gigi ] our foam penetrates hair and locks in color. for tones and highlights that last. drips? dropped! grays? gone! why put up with drips when there's foam at your fingertips. [ gigi ] try nice 'n easy colorblend foam. no other foam color lasts longer. [ female announcer ] from the color experts at clairol. [♪...] >> announcer: bank robbers stole $43 million in one year. but identity thieves? try 37 billion! and guess how identity thieves are getting some of that money. by taking over our bank accounts. they may not even need your social security number anymore. all an identity thief may need are a couple of pieces of information, like your mother's maiden name or the city you were born in, and they could add their name onto your bank accounts in order to make your money their money. [whoosh, clang] you need lifelock-- the only identity theft protection company that now monitors bank accounts for takeover fraud. we have the most comprehensive identity theft protection available, so call now. try lifelock's service risk-free for 60 days. if you're not satisfied within 60 days, simply notify lifelock and you won't pay. and now, keep your personal documents out of the wrong hands with this personal shredder, yours free with enrollment. call the number on your screen. [♪...] now the story that's sure getting lots of attention across social media platforms. just what did happen when a preschooler in northern carolina -- northern carolina? >> north carolina. it's all right. >> i am so tired. north carolina was eating her lunch a few weeks ago. >> as wtvd's alina macahdado reports, the girl's grandmother is still mad about it claiming officials overreached completely and all in the name allegedly of nutrition. >> my kids' lunch box or grandchildren for that matter. >> that's the message this woman has for state officials. she's the grandmother of a 5-year-old prek student here at west hoke elementary whose story has made national headlines. the woman, who has asked to remain anonymous, says a few weeks ago a state agent inspected her granddaughter's homemade lunch and forced her to eat cafeteria chicken nuggets. she says the lunch consisted of a turkey and cheese sandwich on white wheat bread, potato chips, a banana, and apple juice. >> it is very healthy. she had her dairy. she had her protein. and she had her grains. >> reporter: hoke county assistant superintendent bob barnes agrees that the lunch was healthy, but he says it was missing milk, a key part of what is considered to be a healthy meal under state guidelines. >> we are not the lunch bag police. okay? but if we observe that a child who's brought their lunch is missing one of the key components of the healthy meal, we simply say if it's milk here's some milk, you may have it or not. >> reporter: barnes says there was likely a misunderstanding between the child and staff. >> she went through and got a school meal. she didn't have to do that. >> reporter: meanwhile, this woman says the state should not be inspecting lunches and that the focus should be on academics instead. >> get your priorities straight. >> reporter: school district officials say they are sorry for any grief this misunderstanding may have caused the family. in hoke county, alina machado, abc news. >> just tell me what food group a fried chicken nugget's in. what list is that on? >> protein and fat. >> oh. paula. look at that. a little fried whatever. >> a little butter and heavy whipping cream on that bad boy. >> i like that. >> put some ranch. >> i like the hairnet, too. looking good. >> i'm going to send you home a bill, too. fried chicken. fried chicken. i mean, seriously, turkey sandwich on white wheat? >> sounds okay to me. >> what is white wheat bread, by the way? >> i've never heard of that, either. we'll be right back, everybody. stay with us. ♪ toys, toys, toys ♪ lots of lovely toys we need a new promo after that one. we are terrible actors. >> the oscar committee. we mentioned the toy industry's biggest event of the year yesterday, the american international toy fair is now e. >> it was fun while it lasted. before they closed the doors, our giz wiz dick debartolo had to check it out. >> you've heard of the jolly green giant? this is the jolly green lego. can you believe this guy? it's the 109th toy fair. we're going to look around and find new stuff at toy fair 109. hey, a big trend at toy fair, things that glow in the dark. now, over here i'm going to show you something need. it looks like an appliance. but it is the digital light designer from crayola. it's going to be under $50. and it's coming in september. ♪ and you know, sometimes robots just want to get down and get funky. this is disco robo. he's coming in the fall. and he's going to be under 50 bucks. i'm up at mattel. this is barbie. i'm not interested in -- wait a minute. i just saw my picture. >> that's right. >> what is this? >> this is our photo fashion barbie doll. she's a stand-alone barbie and digital camera in one. >> wow. and how many pictures can she store? >> 100 pictures. and you can customize those pictures with 15 preloaded graphics. >> and can you upload them or they stay in barbie? >> of course you can upload them to your computer with a pink usb cable. >> did you like that? hey, this is wall tracks. this won best boy toy of 2011. you know, you don't have room in the living room for a track? this whole thing hangs on the wall. so now the cars go up an elevator. they run down -- look at these cars jumping this track. there's a saw here that could cut you off. now, the very, very basic track starts at under $40. so there it is. wall tracks. it's a fall release. you've heard of the generation gap? well, at toy fair there's something called generation app, where toys and apps are meeting. where at appffinity. and this is an appfinity toy. you can play these games on your ipod or your android. but now with the steering wheel you get a much better effect of driving. and the neat thing is this is going to be under 20 bucks. you supply your own digital device. but it'll be out in the fall. hey, there's more than just toys at toy fair. there's solo wheel. take a look at this. this is really amazing. this little guy weighs 26 pounds. you charge it for two hours. and you can get a couple of hours of ride out of it. and it's $1,795. on one charge you can go 15 to 20 miles an hour. and the top speed is 10 miles an hour. i would ride one home, but i prefer not ending up in the hospital. this is called glow crazy. it's under 20 bucks. comes with special paper that you draw on. that's me, my mustache, my eyes, my mouth. it's pretty nifty. kids really will love it. dick debartolo, the giz wiz, for "world news now." >> nicely done. man, the things kids have these days. i was happy with my connect four thing back in the day. >> that surprisingly looked just like him, didn't it? that little illustration. >> yeah. good stuff. thank you, dick, for that report. and we will have "morning papers" when we come right back. [ female announcer ] there's a science to the perfect swisssh. it's about zero weight, 100% more nourishment, hair that's not weighed down. introducing new aqua light from pantene. our lightweight conditioning formula nourishes then rinses clean in seconds, leaving hair perfectly conditioned to swisssh. new aqua light. pantene. hair so healthy it shines. [ woman ] swisssh. here's mine. now you show me yours. come on! swisssh your hair and upload it on pantene's facebook page. swisssh! [ giggling ] have given way to sleeping. where sleepless nights yield to restful sleep. and lunesta can help you get there, like it has for so many people before. when taking lunesta, don't drive or operate machinery until you feel fully awake. walking, eating, driving, or engaging in other activities while asleep, without remembering it the next day, have been reported. abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations or confusion. in depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur. alcohol may increase these risks. allergic reactions, such as tongue or throat swelling, occur rarely and may be fatal. side effects may include unpleasant taste, headache, dizziness and morning drowsiness. ask your doctor if lunesta is right for you. then get lunesta for $0 at there's a land of restful sleep. we can help you go there on the wings of lunesta. >> announcer: "world news now" delivers your "morning papers." okay. love this story out of kansas. if you're in the midwest or you're a fan of -- why are you looking at me like that? >> i wasn't. sorry. didn't mean to distract you. >> love this story, though. this little kindergartner, she has very -- there you go again. >> i crossed my eyes. sorry, paula. >> kansas, kansas state, these two schools hate each other. and apparently this little kindergartner already knows where she stands on the issue. one of the assignments in class the teacher assigned all the students that they had to color a picture of a jayhawk, which is the mascot for the university of kansas. well, this little girl, who her parents are kansas state alum, she refused to do it. she threw the picture in the trash. there it is. the teacher reprimanded her. she still refused. so the mom had to do a little bartering. she says, okay, i'll print out a wildcat, which is the mascot for kansas state. and she said will you color it? she said yes. she apologized. but she wore a little kansas state shirt to school the following day. you already know where that little girl stands. >> collegiate loyalty is very important. i couldn't color in a duke mascot. i went to north carolina. stand by your alma mater. >> stand by your school. >> i like that. this is kind of crazy a little bit to me. this apparently was a big trend in australia about a decade ago, then spread to england, and now it's right here in brooklyn. they're called baby chinos. yes, these are many decaf cappucinos, or frothy cups of steamed milk and foam for the toddler set. believe it or not, these are incredibly popular in the last few months in brooklyn. this is getting a lot of play. you're seeing these coffee stores start selling this kind of stuff. it's a shot of decaf espresso topped with steamed milk. like i said, started overseas about a decade ago, is now spreading here. no caffeine. kids just like the warmth and the foam and the kind of stuff like this. but start at a young age getting kids hooked on that coffee habit. >> what parents do. >> it's in new york where everyone's walking around with their starbucks and all this. i don't know if it's a good habit to start so young. it's all the rage in the big apple. >> what happened to just giving them a juice box? >> come on now. >> so this is highly disturbing. this comes out of queens. and a teacher at a public school asked her students to send holiday cards to families that were in need over the holidays. little did the kids know that she was actually having them sent, 27 of them, to her boyfriend, who was in prison, incarcerated. bad judgment, says the school. these kids -- and what's even more disturbing is that some of the letters had their addresses and their names. this guy was in prison for a felony weapons charge. not good judgment, teacher. >> is she getting suspended or written up or whatever? >> they're working on the reprimanding right now. >> oh, teacher, teacher, this morning on "world news now," hometown tributes. whitney houston's fans celebrate the superstar's life. >> and houston's family changes their plans for her funeral, saying her fans in newark and worldwide will not be left out during the service. it's thursday february 16th. good morning, everybody. i'm rob nelson. >> and i'm paula faris. cameras will be allowed inside whitney houston's funeral this saturday, and fans will be able to watch it live on the internet. we're getting new details about who will be there performing at a memorial service as unforgettable as whitney houston herself. but good to hear, though it will not a public service that fans will still be able to take part in it at least. >> live streaming on the internet. they're going to close streets down around that church. people are clamoring against that. because obviously there's going to be a huge outpouring there and people want to be a part of it. we'll see how it plays out. certainly a little nod toward the public, which is good. also this morning, big developments from iran, where president mahmoud ahmadinejad is showing off his nuclear might. he has agreed to negotiations, though. however, worries about terrorism continue to escalate. and later this half hour, the robo calls that interrupt your dinner. what you can do to stop these recorded sales pitches once and for all. and they are certainly annoying. and always coming during family time. >> that's the worst time of the night they pick. they know what they're doing here. >> and you can't even yell at them. you don't have the satisfaction of saying stop calling. >> that computer voice. well, before we get to all of that, we are learning some new details about the funeral services for whitney houston, which will take place this weekend in new jersey. >> a legendary singer who was very close to houston is among those who will be paying their respects. wabc's jen maxfield reports from newark. >> we love you, whitney. >> reporter: the mood at the sidewalk memorial to whitney houston was like a dance party at times, with fans celebrating the singing legend's life through her music. ♪ don't ever walk away from me, whitney ♪ >> coming here, i feel much better. seeing the love and the flowers and the people singing and, you know, just celebrating her life. >> reporter: sarah strawbridge drove more than two hours to pay her respects outside the church where houston got her start singing in the choir. >> i know they're not having a public thing for her. you know, and i understand. they want to be private, you know. so i'm just here to, you know, show my love and support for her. you know, her family. >> reporter: authorities in california have released houston's death certificate with no cause of death listed. it's pending investigation. tmz released two photos of houston relaxing by the pool three days before her death. >> she was an angel. really an angel. >> reporter: fans gathering want houston to be remembered for her music and not her struggles with substance abuse. this high school track team from elizabeth came with their coach. >> it's important for them to see this because very rarely you get an artist this big in our hometown. >> reporter: following whitney houston's funeral service here on saturday sources say she'll be buried at a cemetery in westfield, new jersey next to her father. jen maxfield, abc news, newark. >> and her death also getting political attention as well. governor christie of new jersey's ordered flags flown at half staff in her memory. on top of that the congressional black caucasus going to honor whitney houston with a resolution they hope to get to her family by the time of the funeral. >> you can only imagine aretha franklin singing. they're going to raise the roof off of that church. >> no doubt. the queen of soul, absolutely. it will be quite a send-off. and abc news actually will present a two-hour special on whitney houston's life and death. it is a special edition of "20/20" tomorrow night. 9:00 eastern, 8:00 central. be sure to tune in for that. to presidential politics now, and a major endorsement for mitt romney, the governor of michigan rick snyder is announcing later today thael back romney. the endorsement comes as romney is struggling to make headway in the state where he was born and raised. a loss to rick santorum in michigan's primary on february 28th would be an embarrassing blow to his campaign. >> what a turn for his campaign that he's struggling in his -- in michigan of all places. >> home state. also, rick santorum's tax returns from the past four years are now public. santorum and his wife made anywhere from $659,000 to more than a million dollars in 2009. and over that four-year period the couple paid anywhere from $167,000 to $310,000 in federal taxes. but the interesting part here. compare that to mitt romney's reported income in 2010, when he made nearly $22 million and paid $3 million of that to uncle sam. that's a tax rate of just under 14%. overseas now. police in thailand confirm the two iranian suspects in custody were plotting to attack israeli diplomats. that backs israelis' claims that iran has launched a worldwide terror network. and there are new tensions over iran's nuclear capabilities. abc's christiane ammanture reports. >> reporter: even as iranian president mahmoud ahmadinejad was holding up the first ever iranian-made nuclear fuel rods at the tehran research reactor, top iranian officials were reaching out to the west with a letter agreeing to both the united states and europe's calls for nuclear negotiations. iran is trying to show that it can master the nuclear fuel cycle alone and continue its nuclear program even under sanctions. u.s. officials tell abc news they have no problem with this reactor. however, they remain concerned about iran's nuclear ambitions. and tensions between iran and israel continue to mount. specifically over attempts to bomb israeli personnel. from thailand to india to tbilisi in the country of georgia. no one was killed, and iran denies being behind these attacks. but some analysts believe this was payback by iran for the assassinations of five of its nuclear scientists. >> i think the iranians sent a very deliberate message this week. on the one hand the announcement that their nuclear program is becoming ever more sophisticated, ever more capable, and then a terror message, that we can fight back, we can fight dirty and we can fight tough. >> reporter: for now the u.s. and europe want to focus on iran's willingness to sit down and negotiate. one administration official telling me that there is still time and space for a diplomatic solution to this crisis. and iran's letter must have drawn a sigh of relief from the white ho to be dragged into bombing iran. christiane amanpour, abc news, london. >> of course, it's all having an impact on oil prices. the latest this morning, a barrel is $102. so of course all of this conflict having -- we're feeling it right in the pocket. >> absolutely. good to know some of that tension is being eased somewhat, the sign they're willing to perhaps go back to the negotiating table. and again, keeping an eye on that situation in the strait of hormuz. 10% of the world's oil flows through there. iran is threatening to shut it down. that would have a huge effect on the global economy, too. so a good sign but not out of the woods by any stretch. shifting gears now. the so-called underwear bomber is being sentenced today, facing the rest of his days behind bars. umar farouk abdulmutallab could get sentenced to life for trying to bomb that amsterdam to detroit airliner a bomb hid nen his underwear. the nigerian national pleaded guilty to that christmas day plot. but his attorney says the septs is unfair because no one but him was injured in the incident. a man is charged with killing his neighbor afr dispute over dog waste. police say frank santana was arguing with neighbor tiric harris about harris's dog defecating on santana's lawn. eyewitnesses say that's when harris pulled out a gun and shot santana in the face, killing him on the spot. neighbors are outraged, saying santana was looking forward to raising his newborn daughter. >> a 2-month-old child? she doesn't have a father now. and that guy who shot him, his life's over. over a dog. >> their neighbors say they also argued with harris about his dog but they were stunned that this confrontation ended in such a violent way. >> unbelievable. for the first time in more than six years there are no more fema trailers in the city of new orleans. the final trailer was removed after the family moved into a rebuilt home after hurricane katrina back in august of '05. more than 23,000 fema trailers were brought in to of course house so many displaced residents in that community. although the trailers are now gone, some people are still waiting to get back into their homes. >> there's a lot left to be done. but as you know, with the last fema trailer going out, these are the most difficult clients left. there's a reason why after six or seven years they're not home and their houses have sat and they're in very, very poor condition. they're the hardest jobs ahead. >> there are still actually a few trailers left elsewhere in the state of louisiana. but fema says clearing them from new orleans is a significant recovery milestone. if you wanted any more evidence how slow the recovery is in some ways, 6 1/2 years from the storm the last trailer out of that city. that's unbelievable. but again, a little glimmer of hope for the city, which is great. speaking of weather, i know it's warm all the time in new orleans, isn't it? >> yeah. for the most part. so nice. >> well, here's your thursday forecast, everybody. light rain from boston to d.c. thunderstorms from the carolinas down to florida. and from western texas to the big gulf coast windy with morning showers from l.a. to san diego. heavy snow in the mountains of southern california and arizona. lighter in the northern rockies. and one of my favorite songs of all time. you're hearing it now. ♪ tomorrow >> "tomorrow." you're so sweet, paula. 40s from boise to albuquerque. 33 in fargo. 36 in the twin cities. and 42 in the windy city. 49 here in new york. 67 in atlanta. and 82 in new orleans. annie. ♪ and grin and say >> the sun is going to come out in new york if you're a knicks fan, right? >> yeah. >> speaking of which, by now you've likely at least heard of the nba sensation that's sweeping the nation. of course we're talking about jeremy lin of the new york knicks. i did have a point with that previous comment. i was going somewhere with it. >> he was at it again last night, handing out 13 assists, scoring 10 points. another double-double. in the knicks' win over sacramento. for those counting at home, that is seven straight wins for lin and company. >> no need for last-second buzzer beaters. lin only played about three quarters. just enough to keep the legend of lin growing. so he started sleeping on a couch, and now he's got his own little palatial apartment in new york. >> i saw pics of his new place. he is living large. so keep on rolling, jeremy. we'll be right back after this. ♪ ♪ let me tell you about a very important phone call i made. when i got my medicare card, i realized i needed an aarp... medicare supplement nsurance card, too. medicare is one of the great things about turning 65, but it doesn't cover everything. in fact, it only pays up to " 80% of your part b expenses. if you're already on or eligible for medicare, call now to find out how an aarp... insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company, not paid by medicare part b. that can save you from paying .up to thousands of dollars... out of your own pocket. these are the only medicare supplement insurance plans... exclusively endorsed by aarp. when you call now, you'll get this free information kit... with all you need to enroll. put their trust in aarp p medicare supplement insuranc. plus you'll get this free 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announcer ] get ready to pop your laundry. ♪ ♪ mr. telephone man ♪ there's something wrong with my line ♪ ♪ when i dial my baby's number we've got to take you to karaoke sometime. >> no, no, don't do that. >> we've all been there, the family gathered round, you're just about to dig into a nice home-cooked dinner, meatloaf, mashed potatoes, gravy. >> that's what i'm talking about. there you go. >> and then it happens. some computer somewhere calls you, trying to sell you something that's not mashed potatoes and gravy. >> robo calls. we all hate them. and now as abc's dan harris reports, we can actually do something about them. >> hi, this is lauren calling back in regards to your loan modification. >> i was just calling to let you know that i'll be in your area -- >> reporter: it is one of the most annoying aspects of modern life. >> those calls you used to get on your home phone, they'd call up and you'd be like hello, hello. >> reporter: you-tune tooub is brimming with complaints about those unsolicited inhuman calls -- every night marketers rev up their computers and dial countless numbers ringing phones all over america. but after thousands of americans complained -- >> none of us like being interrupted by robo calls. >> reporter: -- the feds said they will now require companies to get your express written consent before they robo call or text you. >> consumers who don't mind getting automatic calls can continue to get them. >> reporter: but beware. there are loopholes. politicians and pollsters can still robocall you. and it's still okay for companies to call you the old-fashioned way with human beings. so what can you do? chris moran from came to my office with some advice. >> the do not call registry is the biggest thing. >> reporter: right. step one, go to and sign up for the "do not call" list. step two, threaten to sue. you have that right. and the companies know it. and step three, never give out your phone number on the check-out line. the dirty truth, though, is that marketers will still try to find ways to reach you. even if you take all the steps, you can't end this scourge permanently. >> no. these are all like putting up a dam against a huge wave. >> reporter: the feds acknowledge this but they insist that they struck a big blow, making dinner-time in america much saner. dan harris, abc news, new york. >> listen. who's calling me? yes? we're actually doing "world news now." can i help you? >> can i interest you in some vocal lessons? we heard your rendition of "tomorrow." we were all sickened. and we wanted know if you could get some lessons, stat. please. please. consider it, please. >> did you know you're calling me? >> was i really? >> yes. >> oh, sorry. we'll be right back -- >> see? they'll call you anywhere. >> please take the lessons. ♪ well, the subject of our next story has heard "hail to the chief" probably more times than he'd ever like to remember, and that seems just fine by him. >> he's a chicago native who's had a front seat to history for the last three years, and as ben bradley of wls reports it's all been one frame at a time. >> reporter: inside this country's best-known building you'll find one of the world's most photographed men. but long after the media is ushered out of the president's public events and private meetings in the oval office, one photographer typically remains. his name, pete sousa. and he's been with barack obama from before day one. >> the first few days in the white house he really didn't know his way around. so he was always asking me, you know, where's the cabinet room now? and how do i get to the situation room? >> reporter: sousa has more access to more meetings than almost any adviser but the chief of staff. boarding marine one recently, that's sousa next to the military aide carrying the nuclear football. >> i think this was the happiest day of his presidency really. >> reporter: the monumental moments that stand out are the passage of health care reform and the day american forces brought justice to osama bin laden. >> i thought this kind of captured the tension that was going on. >> reporter: sousa says that was one of the days when he was keenly aware the world would be watching america's actions through his lens. >> the one photograph has gotten a lot of notoriety, but in actually i think i probably took 1,000 photos that day of the different meetings. >> reporter: the modern white house is of course a very scripted place, complete with made for the media events. but looking through the thousands of photographs taken by sousa and his two deputies, you get a sense of what it's like to be in the room during difficult decisions. >> i think that's probably when he forgets about me the most. is he's so focused on what he's doing that he just, you know -- my presence is not even in his radar. >> reporter: the official white house photographer also captures the president's private moments. from family to frustration, fun to fantasy. it's a dream job for a photographer. capturing history as it happens. >> people usually ask me the question, what's your favorite photograph? and i always say it's the one i'll make tomorrow. because that's sort of like what keeps me going. >> so many great moments. >> wow. the things he's witnessed over the last three years must be incredible. actually, before he joined the campaign he wrote for the chicago tribune and "chicago sun-times." journalist at heart. we like that. >> wig shout out to chicago. >> we'll be back. and lunesta can help you get there, like it has for so many people before. when taking lunesta, don't drive or operate machinery until you feel fully awake. walking, eating, driving, or engaging in other activities while asleep, without remembering it the next day, have been reported. abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations or confusion. in depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur. alcohol may increase these risks. allergic reactions, such as tongue or throat swelling, occur rarely and may be fatal. side effects may include unpleasant taste, headache, dizziness and morning drowsiness. ask your doctor if lunesta is right for you. then get lunesta for $0 at there's a land of restful sleep. we can help you go there on the wings of lunesta. ♪ who let the dogs out ♪ who, who, who ♪ who let the dogs out ♪ who, who, who, who ♪ who let the dogs out ♪ who let the dogs out ♪ well, the party was nice the party ♪ whoo, whoo, whoo. >> we can't get enough doggie stories, can we? >> we love it. you especially. >> finally this half hour, a story that even rob can love. the dog lover, right, rob nelson? that's why it qualifies as our favorite story of the day. we were in sync there, too. >> that was good. we're in rhythm. this is basically a survival story out of pennsylvania. where an admittedly cute dog went for something of a pretty wild ride. nicky krize of wnep has the details. >> reporter: when dogs ride in pickup trucks, they usually sit in the front seat. not this guy. this stray spent his valentine's day riding in another spot. until he ended up at alexander family buick gmc near bloomsberg. >> we were in the shop and one of the other mechanics was going to come out and pull a truck in. and he said he saw animal legs hanging out from underneath it. so went out there and looked underneath it and crawled underneath and saw it was still alive. >> reporter: the mechanics say the puppy was found underneath a ford f-250 sort of like this one, right under here where the axel is. that's where the dog was laying over, its paws about this far off the ground. >> pulls his legs out from under the sway bar then tried to pull his paws out from the axel and we had to yank it out from underneath there. >> reporter: anthony hill and rob matthews are mechanics at the dealership. they say the owner of the pickup had no idea the pup was hiding under the truck. he drove ten miles to the dealership, hitting speeds of 55 miles an hour, with the puppy underneath the entire way. somehow the puppy held on. >> he wasn't in shock, which is amazing. his temperature was normal. he was acting fine. >> reporter: the six-month-old pit bull mix was taken from the dealership to the animal care center near danville. workers there say he is in very good condition, considering what he went through. >> he's undernourished. he needs food. he needs some exercise so that his muscles will get strong again. but he's a very nice little boy. >> reporter: matthews and his wife hope to adopt the puppy. they have already named him valentine to remember his wild ride. >> as soon as i seen him, he was kind of stittish at first and then kind of was wagging his tail and chasing his tail and was real happy to see me and stuff. so i fell in love. >> that is a good story. >> did you like that one? >> they named the dog valentine, too which i thought was a nice touch, a nice little gesture there. >> a dog story that even rob can love. i thought that was very, very sweet. give it up for the dog for -- >> hanging in. >> hanging on. >> yes indeed. that is the news for this half hour, everybody. this morning on "world new this morning on "world news now" -- big accomplishment. the do-nothing congress finally did something, reaching a deal on extending payroll tax cut extensions. >> cha-ching. the deal late last night protects the paychecks of 160 million americans when the nation's economy, of course, is still very much on the line. it is thursday february 16th. and good thursday morning, everyone. i'm paula faris. >> friday eve. we like the sound of that around here. >> i walked in, i'm like is it really day four? >> it is day four. we're moving quickly through this week. good morning, everyone, i'm rob nelson. members of congress have of course been under great scrutiny because of this hot-button payroll tax issue. the president has been pushing for an agreement, and late last night we got one. >> yeah, wonders never cease, do they? also this morning, whitney houston's family will allow cameras inside her funeral on saturday. meanwhile, there are serious questions about how the superstar spent her fortunes and just how much money is left for her daughter, bobbi kristina. >> interesting fact. as one analyst said, and we heard the same thing when michael jackson passed away, sadly worth more dead than alive perhaps. scary. we'll get into that in just a second. also, later this half hour a texas mother delivers her baby daughter and then discovered the pregnancy nearly destroyed mom's heart. the big scare. but of course how doctors then went to work. amazing story there. >> and a happy ending, too. >> yes, yes. but first, new details on that breaking news from capitol hill overnight. lawmakers have reached a deal to extend that payroll tax cut for 160 million americans. >> a final vote on the agreement is now set for tomorrow. abc's karen travers is joining us now from washington with the very latest. hey, karen. >> reporter: good morning, rob. good morning, paula. over the last few weeks we saw another chess match over the payroll tax cut play out on capitol hill. and just as we saw in december, it's house republicans who blinked. here's something you don't see that often. congress actually avoided an 11th hour showdown over taxes and spending. lawmakers reached a deal to extend the payroll tax cut through the end of the year. >> it's a win for the american people. >> reporter: the deal comes two weeks before the current short-term extension was set to expire. that's good news for the nearly 160 million americans who will now be able to keep their $1,000 tax cut this year. the deal also extends jobless benefits for the 2.5 million long-term unemployed. it blocks a 27% cut in payments for doctors who treat medicare patients. it's a key victory for president obama. he said it will help speed up the economic recovery. >> as soon as congress sends me that extension of tax cuts and unemployment insurance to my desk, i will sign it right away. >> reporter: last december house republicans learned the hard way what would happen if they insisted on a one-year extension that was completely paid for. bad publicity and pressure from their senate colleagues. >> we were not going to allow the democrats to continue to play political games and raise taxes on working americans. >> reporter: but it's a tough sell for the tea party house republicans who want to dramatically cut spending. >> they figured, we'll just do this deal now, live to fight another day. >> reporter: this is a rare bipartisan agreement for a very contentious congress. lawmakers want to avoid any unnecessary drama because it's an election year. rob and paula, back to you. >> thank you, karen. that is so true, too. it's very telling that they let this thing go through without saying how they're going to pay for that $100 billion in tax cuts because it's an election year, they didn't want to be seen, the republicans at least, as blocking, you know, or letting taxes go up in the middle of an election year. so politics clearly at work in this one. >> so it's going to save the average worker about $80 a month. but there's also a proposed reduction in the maximum unemployment benefits to 73 weeks from 99. >> so a slight compromise. >> slight compromise. shifting gears now to some news overseas. as the syrian government continues the deadly crackdown on its own people. the international community is now speaking out. the u.n. general assembly is voting today on a non-binding resolution condemning the ongoing violence in syria. a similar resolution of course in the security council actually failed earlier this month when it was vetoed by both russia and china. meanwhile, families in honduras are demanding justice after more than 350 people were killed in a prison fire. inmates who survived say the guards refused to let prisoners out even as flames swept through that overcrowded prison. and firefighters say they were kept outside for half an hour while guards fired their guns in the air, thinking they had a riot on their hands. unbelievable. and this story a little disconcerting. police in port saint lucie, florida are on the hunt for thieves who made off with high security clearance badges belonging to the faa and fcc. the men, seen here, robbed several hotel rooms. they stole other valuables. the police are not sure if they were actually going after those badges. >> they went into one hotel and went into the room, and they took some computer equipment, some u.s. currency, and they took some high-clearance security badges that belonged to the faa and fcc, which allows them to get access into the airport. >> now, authorities say there is no indication of any link to terrorism, and they are hoping that those thieves just simply threw the badges away. >> scary, though. after a six-month undercover operation police arrested 17 students from texas christian university for dealing drugs. all 17 now have been kicked out of the school, but the football team has been especially hard hit, losing four players due to this bust. police say the students were caught making hand-to-hand sales of marijuana, cocaine, ecstasy, and even prescription drugs. all those sales to undercover cops. and we are learning new details about the final service for whitney houston. aretha franklin, who was the late singer's godmother, is expected to sing at the funeral on saturday. fans worldwide who want to say good-bye will be able to watch the service online, but the family has decided against a public memorial. and there are new questions this morning about houston's finances. abc news has learned that banks were closing in on her debts when she died. abc's jim avila has more. >> reporter: it is a cruel irony. whitney houston's death may now provide the final comeback she so desperately wanted. ♪ baby, you give good love her music and movies now generating record profits that will do little to console her sole heir, her grieving daughter. >> bobbi kristina can expect as much as $10 million in the next two years. she's going to have money coming in from the singles, from album sales. whitney houston has a movie coming out this summer. >> reporter: "i will always love you" is the number 1 best-seller on itunes, where 22 of the top 100 downloads are sung by whitney houston. ♪ how will i know if he really loves me ♪ it is not her first windfall. the voice, as she was known, earned her a fortune more than a decade ago. and now with her death her albums have gone from the discount bin to billboard's top 10 list again. >> she sold 200 million records. people loved her. ♪ and i >> reporter: her signature movie, the 1992 release "the bodyguard," earned houston $33 million and made her one of the richest women in america. that was capped by a 2001 music contract, one of the biggest deals in music history, $100 million. but her lifestyle was expensive. >> when she died, she had bodyguards with her, a stylist. all these things cost money. houses cost money. your clothes, your chauffeur. all of that stuff. and of course drugs. >> reporter: how much of her fortune was squandered? abc news has learned banks recently tried to foreclose on at least two of her homes. but a source familiar with houston's financial situation tells abc news she was far from broke. there are management companies that specialize in making profits off of celebrity estates. and they are standing by now for the family to contact them. jim avila, abc news, beverly hills. >> i think it's always hard for regular folks to understand how someone with that much money can blow through it, allegedly, possibly blow through it. $100 million. one of the richest women in the country at one point. hard to believe. also an interesting note. we're hearing conflicting reports as to whether the family will allow bobby brown, her ex-husband, to go to that funeral on saturday. apparently the family divided as to whether he should be allowed in or not. there are also some reports he hasn't even seen his daughter yet, she's with whitney's side of the family still, either in jersey or in l.a. >> there's tension because they believe that bobby brown was the beginning of the demise of whitney. but his camp is saying it's untrue, that he probably will be attending. but again -- >> don't know for sure. >> whitney's camp doesn't necessarily want him there, though. >> he released a statement yesterday saying the daughter's fine. that's the most important thing. >> yes, she is. well, a california couple missing since sunday has been found safe. mark schroeder and his girlfriend jeanette degrace vanished after they were at a wine tasting. turns out they got stuck in the snow. now, schroeder reportedly walked six miles in two feet of snow, flagged down a highway patrol helicopter yesterday. they were both hospitalized. >> wow. with all of their extensive training, of course, firefighters are prepared for almost any kind of rescue situation, but this was a new one for a crew from lexington, kentucky. 2-year-old kaitlin campbell was at the laundromat with her mom when somehow she managed to crawl inside a vending machine with a big claw to grab stuffed animals. she got stuck. firefighters worked for 20 minutes to get her out. and kaitlin did get to keep a few of those stuffed animals. i think she earned that for sure. hard-fought teddy bear. >> i don't know why they would make those openings large enough for a child to crawl through them. >> i don't get it, either. >> but hey. >> hey. >> they won't make that mistake again maybe. >> no. >> hopefully you learn from it. here's your thursday forecast. showers in the northeast. thunderstorms from el paso to houston and from nawlins to tennessee. tallahassee, rather. charlotte, morning rain. southern california. tucson and the pacific northwest. is it friday yet? >> we're getting there. hang on. hang on, girl. 42 in salt lake city. 60s in sacramento, dallas, and phoenix. kansas city at 46. detroit at 43. also some 40s from boston to baltimore. 67 in hotlanta. >> this little piggie went to market. okay. >> this little piggie went home. >> this is the story of six little pigs abandoned in a german forest when they were only three days old. >> wow. the scared and shivering piglets were rescued and brought to a sanctuary last weekend, where a french bulldog named baby started snuggling them to keep them warm. she's been by their side ever since, actually. the little piggies are being bottle-fed and will likely be released in about three months. and everybody lived happily ever after. that is the end of "world news now" fairy tales. >> and this little piggie cried wee, wee, wee, all the way to the commercial break. we'll be right back. >> need some bacon. ♪ you raise me up ♪ so i can stand on mountains ♪ you raise me up [ other merv ] welcome back to the cleaning games. let's get a recap, merv. [ merv ] thanks, other merv. mr. clean magic eraser extra power was three times faster on permanent marker. elsewhere against dirt, it was a sweep, with scuffed sports equipment... had it coming. grungy phones... oh! super dirty! and grimy car rims... wow! that really works! ...all taking losses. it looks like mr. clean has won everything. the cleaning games are finished? and so are we. okay, but i just took a mortgage out on the cabinet. [ male announcer ] clean more, work less, with the mr. clean magic eraser extra power. get two miracles in one product. new tone rehab 2-in-1 foundation. covers spots, lines... and wrinkles. and helps improve skin tone over time. new tone rehab from easy... breezy... beautiful... covergirl! covergirl! ♪ unbreak my heart ♪ say you love me again ♪ undo this toni braxton, where have you been all my life? haven't heard t.b. in a long time. >> all right. before this next story we should tell you that the mother and daughter down in texas that we're going to tell you about are doing just fine. >> that is a happy ending. yeah. well, that wasn't the case, though, after mom gave birth and then suffered a heart complication that actually nearly killed her. janet st. james of wfaa in dallas has the details. >> reporter: when carrie anna carhoun was born in late december her mother's heart was filled with pride and love. two weeks later mom's heart very nearly stopped. >> i received a distressful phone call from my wife. she was very panicked and all she could say was help me, help me. >> reporter: at the hospital doctors diagnosed suzanne with a coronary dissection, meaning one of the main arteries to her heart had ripped. >> it actually only took the first picture. i was shaking for about two hours. it was -- that's how close she was to death. >> reporter: heart disease is a rare but known complication of pregnancy. it happens in about 1 in 4,000 cases. experts suspect hormones or the stress of child birth may weaken heart muscle. in suzanne karhu's case a coronary dissection is even more rare and usually isn't diagnosed until after death. [ applause ] she and her husband returned to medical center of plano to thank the doctors, nurses, and paramedics. they credit them for the miracle of saving little karieana's mother. >> she's going to make a full recovery, live a long life, and be able to take care of our daughter. thank you guys very much. >> and heart symptoms to watch out for, pregnancy-related, fatigue, the feeling of racing heart or skipping a beat your heart, increased nighttime urination, shortness of breath and swelling. if you have that go to your doctor and check it out. >> i'm telling you, pregnancy does strange things to a woman's body. >> better y'all than us. >> i know. coming up next, paul mccartney is giving up one of his favorite pastimes apparently. >> and from break-up to make up, we're keeping up with kobe bryant's love life. it's all next in "the skinny." you missed. >> nothing but net. ♪ skinny ♪ so skinny so are they, aren't they getting divorced? kobe bryant and his wife, vanessa. of course she filed for divorce, irreconcilable differences, last year. she got the three houses. however -- >> and $100 million. yes. >> and a lot of money. however, tmz's reporting that the two are working on a reconciliation. you see the little smooch. and that was just a couple of days ago. >> valentine's day. >> on the way into the locker room she showed up for the lakers' valentine's day victory over the atlanta hawks. so maybe they're getting back together. they've got a couple of little kids. she's got all the houses. >> sometimes people find a way to work it out. >> sometimes you have to break up in order to -- >> to make up. just like the reverend al green said. that's right. good for them. reunited. feels so good. well, you know what feels so good to paul mccartney? a little of the green stuff. yes. apparently, he is a well-known fan of the marijuana for many, many decades now, but says at 69 years old he's giving it up. he is done with the weed. he says he's developed -- he has apparently developed a sense of responsibility. he's raising an 8-year-old daughter named beatrice. he had that daughter with ex-wife heather mills. he says, "i did a lot, and it was enough. i smoked my share. when you're bringing up a youngster, your sense of responsibility kicks in. if you're lucky, at some point enough is enough. you just don't seem to think it's necessary." he's been arrested before. he was introduced to weed by the one and only bob dylan but says his high days are over. good luck with that, mr. mccartney. >> there's a reason i'm going to do this next story, because rob wouldn't be able to speak. right? it's all about kate upton, who is the "sports illustrated" cover model. >> mm-hmm. >> and she is a beautiful little 19-year-old, 5'11" actress -- actress. whatever she is. >> mm-hmm. >> she's acting, right? >> get to it! >> so anyway, she -- her friends had to have like an intervention because she had put on some weight last year. so last summer -- this is her on the left. this is her i guess if you want to say overweight. but they staged an intervention because they said she's not one of those pretentious models, she likes to eat, she's not into herself. i guess all she had to do was go to the gym a couple of times and now she looks like that on the right. >> and then she looked like this on the cover that came out this week. >> she's only 19. >> only 19. that's why she has such beautiful eyes. >> eyes. what color are they? >> you know, blue, green -- >> you're talking about these. >> of course i am. >> okay, guys. >> all right. we have a male control room up there. cindy crawford, of course her 10-year-old daughter was into modeling, was the face of young versace. but cindy crawford is yanking her out of the business saying she's simply too young, she can go back to it when she's 17 or 18. you don't see that a lot by parents. good call, cindy. i hope that girl grows up to look as good as your mama. ndy. i hope that girl comes out to look as good as your mama. like it has for so many people before. when taking lunesta, don't drive or operate machinery until you feel fully awake. walking, eating, driving, or engaging in other activities while asleep, without remembering it the next day, have been reported. abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations or confusion. in depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur. alcohol may increase these risks. allergic reactions, such as tongue or throat swelling, occur rarely and may be fatal. side effects may include unpleasant taste, headache, dizziness and morning drowsiness. ask your doctor if lunesta is right for you. then get lunesta for $0 at there's a land of restful sleep. we can help you go there on the wings of lunesta. it doesn't cover everything. and what it doesn't cover can cost you some money. that's why you should consider an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. all medicare supplement plans can help pay some of what medicare doesn't, so you could save up to thousands of dollars in out of pocket expenses. call now for this free information kit and medicare guide. if you're turning 65 or you're already on medicare... you should know about the only medicare supplement plans endorsed by aarp; see if one's right for you. all medicare supplement plans let you choose any doctor or hospital, that accepts medicare patients... and could help you save up to thousands of dollars in out of pocket expenses. plus, there are no networks... no referrals needed to see a specialist... and virtually no claim forms to fill out. how's that for convenience? and when you travel, your plan will travel with you -- nationwide. so call now for a free information kit and medicare guide. choose from a wide range of plans to fit your specific needs and budget. with prices that are competitive -- thanks to the group rates available only to aarp members. if you're considering a medicare supplement plan, you should take a look at the only ones endorsed by aarp... these are plans millions have chosen... and even better, 9 out of 10 members would recommend their plan to a friend or family member. why wait? help protect yourself from some of what medicare doesn't pay and save up to thousands of dollars in out of pocket expenses with a medicare supplement plan. call now and learn more about aarp medicare supplement insurance plans, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. get this free information kit and medicare guide you don't need to be an aarp member to call. don't wait. call now for free information about the additional coverage you may need. ♪ ♪ and finally this half hour, some indiana national guard troops who are getting ready for a tour of duty in afghanistan, they are training for it in a somewhat unusual manner. >> this is kind of a cool story. that training is more about building up than it's about blowing things up. the details from julia pursely of wrtv. >> reporter: these indiana national guard soldiers are learning a trade. blacksmithing. they are studying this historic craft as they prepare for a mission this spring in afghanistan. the soldiers will teach the afghan people how to take scrap metal left behind following years of war and turn it into tools for farming. >> for example, a plow. you know, if that's a hand-driven wheelbarrow plow or if it's an ox-driven plow, something that helps them till the earth. >> reporter: their class lasts five days. normally, it would take someone years to learn to be a blacksmith. >> historically, a blacksmith apprenticeship would be anywhere from about four to seven years long. primarily, what the class is concentrating on is being able to set up a blacksmith shop, a working blacksmith shop, using scavenged and found materials. >> reporter: the soldiers are learning how to make items like hammers and chains that can be created and used in afghan villages. >> i'm forging a chain link right now. if they're 100 or more years behind, you've got to go back to that time to find things that are practical and useful for them. they don't have the walmarts and the stores where they can go purchase things. >> reporter: these blacksmithing soldiers will be working together as a team with a common goal. >> you want to feel like you've done something to make the lives of the people better. >> reporter: they plan to do that by giving them knowledge and tools to build a stronger future in afghanistan. >> we've been there more than ten years, and an incredibly bloody, violent, deadly conflict. i wonder why it took so long for something like that to get up and running. but certainly good if they're making an improvement in the quality of life. that country certainly needs it. >> it's better late than never, right? but their tour's going to last a year. so the soldiers say their training will be time well spent if they leave afghanistan a better place than they found it. and of course that's really the ultimate goal. that's why they're going over there, to make it a better place -- >> and that's why you went over there. >> enrich their lives. >> that's why paula went over there -- >> i am good with a hammer. and nails. >> keep banging it out, paula. just keep banging it out. >> i'm handy around the house. >> that's what i've heard. we'll be back. >> announcer: this is abc's "world news now." informing insomnia

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