now says he lied. bernie fine lost his job back in november after the men came forward, but floyd van hoosier now says he accused the coach because he was angry fine did not help him find fight a criminal conviction. van hoosier is now in jail. however two, other of fine's accusers are still standing by their claims. penn state's legendary football coach joe paterno has spoken out for the first time since that sex abuse scandal that cost him his job. paterno, who's now also battling lung cancer, told the "washington post" why he did not go to the police. abc's t.j. winick has the details. >> reporter: jerry sandusky is accused of molesting 10 young boys over 15 years. those alleged victims have now heard joe paterno explain for the first time why he went to two members of the penn state administration, not police, when told sandusky was caught in a locker room shower with a young boy back in 2002. >> i called my superiors, and i said, hey, we got a problem i think. would you guys look into it? because i didn't know -- you know, i had never had to deal with something like that. and i didn't feel adequate. >> reporter: after hearing paterno's version of events, the attorney for the young man known as sandusky victim number 6 maintains the former coach bears some responsibility. >> i think frankly he's having difficulty coming to grips with his role, with the role of penn state football, and with the role of the university in this long-running tragedy. >> reporter: the 85-year-old paterno insists the assistant coach who reported the 2002 incident didn't want to get specific about what he saw. "to be frank with you, i don't know that it would have done any good," paterno said, "because i never heard of rape in a man." >> he presented himself as a very sort of old world man who was really out of his element in dealing with these sorts of accusations. >> reporter: paterno did not want to speculate about jerry sandusky's guilt or innocence before trial, but he did say their relationship of more than 30 years was strictly a professional one and not social. t.j. winick, abc news, new york. >> sandusky's attorney said that sandusky's was dismayed that the board of trustees dismissed joe pa and the university president. >> he called it a knee-jerk reaction to the accusations without getting all the facts out there. i wonder if this latest interview with joe pa, as you heard, he painted himself as an old world man. but old world or new world, kids and rape-u know right from wrong no matter what world you live in, right? >> yeah. >> very strange. >> bizarre. shifting gears now, the nation is of course officially remembering today dr. martin luther king jr. but tributes went under way yesterday on his actual birthday. the national park service hosted a wreath laying ceremony at the new mlk memorial there in the nation's capital. dr. king's oldest son martin qulierth king iii was there with his family of course to reflect on his father's legacy. and king's 83rd birthday sparked a much more spirited service in nearby maryland. the commemoration at a church in the suburban town of capital heights consisted of plenty of singing, dancing, and even some re-enactments of dr. king's civil rights marches. also, president obama, the first lady, and their two daughters also observed dr. king's birthday in church, attending a worship service in washington's historic zion baptist church. today they're also taking part in a community service project in attending the let freedom ring celebration, which is taking place at the kennedy center. and with that here's a look now at your mlk day forecast. we have some showers around pittsburgh, chicago, memphis and little rock, heavy snow in the colorado mountains and cascades. flurries in seattle. also some light snow from the northern rockies to the twin cities. >> it's 45 in indianapolis and 37 in omaha. 70s from dallas to miami. 30s in the northeast. phoenix climbing to 66. albuquerque 54. and it's just 10 degrees in billings. so pretty chilly near the canadian border. well, wedding planners are gearing up for a new high season, and in new york state they could have more work than ever before because of course same-sex marriage is now legal. brooklyn hosted new york city's first same-sex wedding expo this weekend. about 75 vendors came there to talk up their wares. >> couples came by to check out bakers, caterers, photographers, party spaces, and djs and alternative-friendly lawyers were on hand to offer free legal advice. new york state is the largest state to allow same-sex marriages. i planned one wedding. and boy, i'm glad i don't have to do that again. >> not into the wedding? >> like i said, when you finally propose to your girlfriend of 95 years you'll understand. >> you love to give me -- soon enough. >> if you tliek then you'd better put a ring on it. >> thank you, beyonce, for your words of wisdom. it's good for business, all these new weddings. interesting times out there. i'll send you invitations soon enough. >> you'll invite me actually? >> yeah. as long as you plan it. i want a big gift. we'll be back with more "world news now" right after this. ♪ the look in your eye ♪ [ male announcer ] meet lafayette. we asked him to be part of an experiment to prove that febreze air effects can eliminate tough cooking odors. [ moderator ] take a deep breath and then tell me what you smell. wow. it takes you kinda to like an island. like a paradise. [ sniffs ] vanilla. [ sniffs ] i smell caramel, like a caramel candy. [ moderator ] go ahead and take your blindfold off. ah man. ♪ [ laughs ] wow man! [ laughs ] [ male announcer ] eliminate tough odors with febreze air effects so you can breathe happy guaranteed. ♪ have given way to sleeping. where sleepless nights yield to restful sleep. and lunesta can help you get there, like it has for so many people before. when taking lunesta, don't drive or operate machinery until you feel fully awake. walking, eating, driving, or engaging in other activities remembering it the next day, have been reported. abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations or confusion. in depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur. alcohol may increase these risks. allergic reactions, such as tongue or throat swelling, occur rarely and may be fatal. side effects may include unpleasant taste, headache, dizziness and morning drowsiness. ask your doctor if lunesta is right for you. then get lunesta for $0 at there's a land of restful sleep. we can help you go there on the wings of lunesta. ♪ fashion police are out. >> yeah, got my pajamas on. perfect for this next story. >> this one had us scratching our heads a little bit. call it's one-man fashion police unit. now on patrol on the northwest corner of louisiana. are you sure you want to go back to the state of louisiana? >> it's never dull. give it that. one lawmaker in that state wants to crack down on folks who like to stay comfortable in public. craig simms of our station in shreveport has the story. >> reporter: pajamas or pajama pants are comfortable, and many of us choose to wear them out in public. but that will get you into trouble with the law if one caddo parish commissioner has his way. >> if you're wearing pajama pants in the public, they should not be worn. that's what they're going to say. >> reporter: district 3 commissioner michael williams is proposing an ordinance that will ban the wearing of pajamas in public. williams says the idea for the ban came from a situation inside a local store where some senior citizens thought a young man was exposing too much of himself. >> and i asked him to cover up because of those senior citizens. because they did not respond in a positive way like i thought, i thought it was time that we addressed this issue. it's long overdue. >> reporter: some people disagree with the proposed ordinance and wonder how williams will define what is pajamas. >> they have to learn the difference between actual pjs and pajama bottoms and people wearing jogging pants and stuff like that. as pajama bottoms. >> reporter: williams says if the ordinance passes it will be up to police to decide what is appropriate on the street. he adds that this ordinance is about bringing back a sense of respect he thinks society has lost. >> and i feel that the pajama garment in the present form is very disrespectful. >> if you live in louisiana, i can say quite honestly that i don't think pajamas is shreveport's biggest problem. not really. come on. >> i have no issue with it. i have running pants on and tennis shoes on underneath. >> yeah. stay comfortable. why not? this is our facebook question of the day. make sure you chime in there, let us know what you think. i'm sure the aclu may have some thoughts on this one as well. we've seen this debate before. the saggy pants. now pjs. >> should there be regulations? let us know on make sure you hit us up. >> while you're wearing your jammies. >> yeah. hopefully something. >> or something. speaking of fashion, who looked great and who did not at last night's golden globes? >> and how ricky gervais kept everyone on the edge of their seat. are you on the edge of your seat? it's all next in "the skinny." don't fall off, though. whoa. >> oh. ♪ skinny ♪ so skinny there's only one thing you enjoy more than stories about awards season. stories about animals. >> exactly. this is the all golden globes edition of "the skinny" here, starting with your fashion choices. >> yeah. you're going to get a sense of what kind of things i like and what i don't. okay. so here's my best dressed. we're going to go with the beautiful charlize theron. >> i agree. looking good. >> paula patton. and you just had to explain to me who she was. but i liked the dress. >> yeah, she is stunning. >> i like the dress. mila kunis. sofia. beautiful. i love her self-deprecation, too. she has a great personality. >> all good choices. >> okay. worst dressed. michelle williams. i mean, what in the world is she thinking? she's beautiful. she's got like a head band on. >> it was kind of like a -- looks like a richard simmons leisure suit. she was swaeth with the oldies last night. >> she's holding her -- >> she won. she's a great actress. >> zooey dech nell. i'm not sure what kind of look she's going for, but she could use a spray tan. >> oh! >> frida pinto. frida's a beautiful young girl, but that looks like a maternity dress and there's no way she's pregnant. >> you thought it would be more form fitting? >> the only reason you go with -- yeah. that is if you're pregnant. angelina jolie looked better, i think, in video but -- >> she's too thin. that skeletor look, i'm not feeling it. pretty girl but have a burger. call paula dean. let's go through some of the big winners last night. >> we have "the descendants." >> won for best film. >> yeah. best comedy. >> went to "the artist." yes. best actor and actress for a drama george clooney. everyone's favorite for "the descendants." meryl streep won for "iron lady." >> and best actor in a comedy, jean dujardin for "the artist" and michelle williams for "my week with marilyn." i've got to see the artist. >> christopher plummer for "beginners" and octavia spencer for "the help." everybody tuned in to hear what ricky gervais would say. here are a few of his zingers from last night. >> the golden globes are to the oscars what kim kardashian is to cate middleton. >> see, ricky had a few really good funny ones last night. he was -- he took one jab at justin bieber. he took another jab at jodie foster, which was my favorite line of the night. he came out with some real good zingers. >> he said about bieber, the only way he could have impregnated a girl is if he borrowed one of martha stewart's turkey basters. and he even ripped on nbc who -- >> he had a good opening line. >> the golden globes are to the oscars what kim kardashian is to cate middleton. what? >> he said tonight you get britain's biggest comedian hosting the world's second biggest awards show on america's third biggest network. >> oh. >> sorry, fourth. >> ricky was brutal. but some say this was toned down. he did drop a few f bombs last night. obviously they bleeped that. the whole thing was on a seven-second delay. even meryl streep dropped an s bomb. >> people tune in they want to see him -- >> they have these big famous tv, they put them on tv, you see the champagne at the tables and the wine. people get loose and that's kind of what i like about the globes. we'll be right back. ♪ i'm like a bird ♪ i only fly away ♪ i don't know where my soul is ♪ ♪ i don't know where my home is ♪ ah, ah. like a bird. you know? that was my bird. >> are you really going to fly away? >> maybe. >> finally this half hour, come on -- >> boom. >> time for our favorite story of the day. this one about a man offering a helping hand to some animals. maybe a helping wing. >> the animals in this case are whooping cranes, birds that need some help getting where they're trying to get to. here's abc's john berman. >> reporter: this is nothing less than airborne hope. whooping cranes on a 1,200-mile journey behind a very special guide. for the last ten years "operation migration" has been leading the cranes south behind this special tiny aircraft known as an ultralight. >> they're just learning their wings. they're just on their first big adventure. sometimes they're very insecure. sometimes they're overly confident. >> reporter: whooping cranes, the largest north american bird at five feet tall with a seven-foot wing span, all but disappeared from the planet. there were as few as 15. 15 in the 1940s. but through conservation efforts like this their numbers have grown to several hundred. but their migration routes have been erased from memory. they need to be taught where to go. the long route from wisconsin to florida. from the time the birds are hatched they're introduced to the planes on the ground, around a track, to get used to the sound. and then -- they take flight. but this year the migration hit a bureaucratic snag. "operation migration" pays its pilots. but the faa says ultralights can only be flown for recreational, not commercial use. for a creature that faced down extincti extinction, red tape seems like a mind-boggling obstacle. and the faa agreed, granting a waiver for the flight to continue. so these birds will fly again on their guided mission to salvation. john berman, abc news, new york. >> so "operation migration" also works with canadian geese and sandhill cranes. but riding -- flying that little aircraft, their arms are up, it seems like they would get tired. have you ever flown anything like that? >> no. oh, is there -- see, there's my part-time job. got my ankle socks on, looking good, leading the birds down to florida. >> you look a little thick in the middle. >> i've got to cut down -- >> too much paula dean cooking. >> too many football beers sunday. kind of tough. more from abc coming up. >> fly away. >> fly away. >> announcer: this is abc's "world news now," informing insomn this morning on "world news now," campaign exit. republican jon huntsman's planning to get out of the presidential race later today. >> his announcement later this morning could give an extra push to front-runner mitt romney. it's monday january 16th. good monday morning, everybody. i'm rob nelson. >> and i'm paula faris. a bit of a 180 for jon huntsman. he is planning to throw his support to fellow republican mitt romney. it's a major announcement on this final week of campaigning for what may be a make or break south carolina primary. he's expected to do so this morning at an 11:00 a.m. press conference. >> it's so funny how politics work in this country, too. because he just gave an interview days ago saying mitt romney's not given anyone a reason to trust him just yet and here we are it's going to be the endorsement today. it's funny you talk trash about somebody for weekends and then endorse them. it's so weird. also our other big headline this morning is that deadly cruise ship disaster in italy where at least now a half dozen people are confirmed dead. what the captain of that ship did and did not do during the crisis could actually land him behind bars for several years. >> and it is mlk day. later this half hour, we will take you back to the day when martin luther king day was finally observed in all 50 states. a big day in our nation's history on this national holiday from the abc news vault. but first, major political news on this monday morning. jon huntsman is dropping his run for the white house and will endorse mitt romney later today. >> the dramatic change just days ahead of the south carolina primary is only adding to the sense that a romney victory is inevitable. here's abc's david kerley. >> reporter: desperate to put a dent in the front-runner, mitt romney's opponents blanketed the airwaves. >> romney carries a real scarlett letter here that we can't have a nominee that takes away the most important issue in this election. >> reporter: the social conservative vote, a huge factor in south carolina, appears split, despite an endorsement of santorum by a prominent conservative group this weekend. romney's opponents are struggling to find something to stick. the republican establishment recoiled at this from rick perry. >> companies like bain capital, they're vulture capitalists. >> reporter: but perry defended his attacks of romney's business experience. >> but i think what a lot of republicans are worried about is they're going to see that phrase vulture capitalism coming out of your mouth from president obama and the democrats. >> i think if this is a fatal flaw it needs to be talked about now rather than september. >> reporter: with time running out -- >> corporate raiders led by mitt romney. >> reporter: -- the attacks are unrelenting. but even newt gingrich laughed about his latest ad attacking mitt romney for speaking another language. >> he speaks french, too. >> [ speaking french ]. >> mitt romney as governor governed like a massachusetts politician. he's much closer to dukakis and kerry than he is to ronald reagan. >> reporter: one of those so-called super pacs which supports mitt romney is running ads targeting santorum. but romney himself is so confident in the poll numbers that he took sunday off from the campaign trail, just five days before south carolinians vote. david kerley, abc news, the white house. >> i wonder what huntsman has to gain by endorsing romney at this point in the game. he was just endorsed by south carolina state's biggest newspaper as well, "the state." >> he's going to run out of resources. maybe money got kind of low and just realized the support is not there. the reason they endorse female they formerly bash is because if romney is the next president -- >> hey, remember me? >> -- all of a sudden it's secretary huntsman, ambassador huntsman, which he served before. politics is a fun business. well, more politics this morning. rick perry is now leading the charge to get his name on the ballot in virginia. his campaign filed the papers with a federal judge over the weekend. newt gingrich and rick santorum also joined in the suit after they were kept off the ballot as well because they didn't have enough signatures. overseas now, where rescuers are searching right now for at least 14 people still missing from that cruise ship disaster off italy. at least six people have been found dead, including two elderly men who were still wearing their life jackets. they've now brought in dogs to help the search. abc's lisa stark has more on the investigation into what caused the deadly disaster. >> reporter: the first mistake by the captain and crew was repeatedly telling passengers not to worry, that the ship had a minor electrical problem. in fact, the ship had suffered a horrific gash, something the captain later admitted. a former cruise industry safety executive tells abc news captains are trained to tell passengers the truth so they can prepare and are less likely to panic. that did not happen. as for reports that navigational gear was knocked out because of a power outage, that too shouldn't have been a problem. >> cruise ships have a redundancy of backup systems. they don't just have one radar. they'll have two or three radars. if they were to lose one of their generators, they have a backup emergency generator. >> reporter: cruise ships are designed with a series of watertight compartments so if just one or two is flooded the ship can still float. but with the massive damage the captain may have been trying to ground the ship. considered safer than risking sinking and evacuating in deeper water. but the delay in abandoning ship proved deadly. that delay in sounding the alarm to abandon ship and in waiting to notify the coast guard appeared to be yet other mistakes made by this crew. by the time the abandon ship order went out, the cruise liner was listing badly and many of the lifeboats could not be lowered. lisa stark, abc news, washington. >> and we hope at this point the entire industry now begins to review emergency procedures because it seems like so many things went wrong and so many procedures not followed in this incident. >> i don't understand why they wouldn't require you to issue those procedures before you even leave. >> right. >> within 24 hours. >> they're waiting an hour to tell the coast guard. the whole thing is just very scary. and of course you can stay with abc news as we cover the cruise ship disaster in italy. we'll get the latest from investigators in america this morning. and also later we'll take you live to the italian sea port for an update on "good morning america." stay tuned for that. investigators are trying to determine the cause of a small plane crash that killed the two people on board. the single-engine plane was on a 20-minute flight from martha's vineyard to hyannis when it went down yesterday. the pilot had reported smoke in the cabin shortly before disappearing from radar. the victims were later found dead on a beach. one of the four men who accused a syracuse university basketball coach of sexual abuse now says he lied. bernie fine lost his job back in november in the wake of the scandal. but floyd van hoosier, who was raised by fine after his parents died now says he accused the coach only because he was angry that fine did not help him fight a criminal conviction. van hoosier is now serving time for burglary. police in montana are asking ranchers to search their grounds as they try to find the body of a popular high school teacher. two men have been arrested, but authorities are still not saying how they believe the teacher died. abc's yunji de nies has more on this baffling investigation. >> reporter: authorities have charged two men with aggravated kidnapping in connection with sherry arnold's disappearance. the 43-year-old math teacher went missing last saturday after leaving home for an early morning jog. after days of searching on foot, going house to house in the small town of sidney, montana, an anonymous call to a tip line gave investigators the break they needed. there is still so much mystery. did they target her? was this a hit and run? or something else? >> the scary thing is it may just be random. it may be that she was hit by accident or that she was abducted. >> reporter: hundreds of arnold's friends and family gathered to remember her at a memorial service. arnold leaves behind five children, and her husband gary, who tells abc news, "we would like to thank police, the fbi, the people of sidney, the people around who have turned out to help and the role they played in bringing sherry back home. it wasn't how we wanted her to come home, but she came home to us." yunji de nies, abc news, atlanta. >> we do expect to get some more details today. police are going to call a press conference at noon today to get into a little more detail about the folks who have been arrested. a lot of questions here. and a sad story. well, one of the biggest and most toxic bits of space junk has come crashing down to earth. russia's space probe failed shortly after it was launched in november, bound for one of the moons of mars. officials say all of its highly toxic rocket fuel burned as it fell back to earth. what was left of the 15-ton spacecraft plunged into the pacific ocean west of chile on sunday. people living in nome, alaska could soon have some m h much-needed fuel. a russian tanker is now moored about half a mile from the harbor after a slow journey through thousands of miles of ice. but there are still some major challenges ahead in all of this. that fuel can be only transferred in daylight, and at this time of year nome has just five hours of sun. some of that ice they're breaking through is eight feet thick, some of the ice in those spots there. so it's kind of scary. what that icebreaker's trying to get through. the coast guard is not even giving a date anymore when they can get there. >> when you don't have the daylight. >> thatch harder. let's take a look at weather across the country. some heavy snow in the colorado rockies and cascades. lighter snow from cheyenne to minneapolis. showers around dallas, little rock, chicago, detroit, and pittsburgh. >> a reasonable and seasonable 36 here in new york. 30 in baltimore. 73 in new orleans. sounds good. a wet 38 in detroit. 41 in chicago. 37 in omaha. phoenix 66. sacramento 51. boise 31. just 10 in billings and 11 in fargo. it's the time of year when i wish i was someplace warmer. >> it makes two of us, trust me. >> not that i don't like it here. >> i know. winters are tough. well, the first james bond movie hit the silver screen, believe it or not, 350 years50 years ag mark the anniversary 50 iconic bond vehicles were on display in england over the weekend. among them one mounted with machine guns from "you only live twice" and the submarine lotus spirit from the movie "the spy who loved me." >> there were lots of other spiffy vehicles, some of them wearing -- or bearing, rather, bullet holes and other signs of the debonair spy's misadventures. that is cool. look at that green snazzy car. >> and one cool stat here. 22 films produced since 1962. that means the 007 franchise is the longest-running in film history. james has been around a long time with his martinis and beautiful women. so congrats. james bond. and we'll be back with "world news now" right after this. ♪ let me tell you about a very important phone call i made. when i got my medicare card, i realized i needed an aarp... medicare supplement nsurance card, too. medicare is one of the great things about turning 65, but it doesn't cover everything. in fact, it only pays up to " 80% of your part b expenses. if you're already on or eligible for medicare, call now to find out how an aarp... insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company, not paid by medicare part b. that can save you from paying .up to thousands of dollars... out of your own pocket. 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and find out about an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan. you'll get this free information kit... as with all medicare supplement plans, you can keep your own doctor and hospital that accepts # medicare, call this toll-free number now. have given way to sleeping. where sleepless nights yield to restful sleep. and lunesta can help you get there, like it has for so many people before. when taking lunesta, don't drive or operate machinery until you feel fully awake. walking, eating, driving, or engaging in other activities while asleep, without remembering it the next day, have been reported. abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations or confusion. in depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur. alcohol may increase these risks. allergic reactions, such as tongue or throat swelling, occur rarely and may be fatal. side effects may include unpleasant taste, headache, dizziness and morning drowsiness. ask your doctor if lunesta is right for you. then get lunesta for $0 at there's a land of restful sleep. we can help you go there on the wings of lunesta. welcome back on this national holiday. today is martin luther king jr. day. of course it celebrates the life of king and his non-violent struggle for civil rights. >> back in 1993 the holiday was marked three days before the first inauguration of bill clinton. so we go back into the abc news vault now from january 18th, 1993. >> reporter: from her father's old pulpit at ebenezer baptist church martin luther king's youngest child bernice preached a sermon intended for the next president. her message, keep the promises you made during the campaign. >> we say president-elect clinton is say what you mean and mean what you say. >> reporter: at the howard university ceremony he attended, clinton listened to king's "i have a dream" speech. afterwards, it was as if he was responding to the sermon from king's daughter. >> i will try to follow the powerful example of dr. king's conviction into these new responsibilities. for i know that god did not drop me from a mountaintop. i was born in the valley. >> reporter: for the first time the king holiday was observed in all 50 states. new hampshire became the last when it added king's name to its existing civil rights holiday. >> we finally got it! >> reporter: but the most jubilant celebration was in arizona, where in 1987 then governor evan meachem rescinded the state king holiday. the voters overrode that order last november. >> it makes me happy to know that the state really honors martin luther king now. >> reporter: and so for the first time people in arizona marched in celebration instead of protest. linda pitillo, abc news, atlanta. >> important day to remember the dream, the man behind it, and how much progress we've made and how many more miles there are to go. >> and they're even honoring his legacy overseas. at hiroshima at the mayor's office they have a banquet, just in hopes of unifying that country and using king's message of rights. >> important holiday. remember the message, everybody. coming up next after the break, one thing's for sure. there won't be a repeat super bowl champion this year. >> highlights from the divisional round of the nfl playoffs. and our new picks competition standings straight ahead to see if rob's in last place. this will be painful. but let's just get it done this morning. there are now four teams left -- >> it's okay, rob. >> i'm crying over here. in the nfl playoffs. and there's been some movement now in the picks competition playoff competition. let's get to it. >> first the highlights. and who dat is all done. rob, your saints were out in san fran. a fantastic football game. i think the best one so far that i've seen. >> absolutely. >> teams trade scores twice in the last 3 1/2 minutes of the game. the last and most important one was a touchdown pass from niners quarterback alex smith to tight end vernon davis with just nine seconds to go. loved his emotion afterwards, crying. san francisco is going to win a wild one. 36-32. and there's that touchdown reception by vernon davis. >> new orleans, get your secondary defense together, please. also tim tebow and the broncos were in foxborough to face the pats. this one was close until new england quarterback tom brady threw five touchdown passes. that was just way too much for the broncos to handle. the patriots win in a total rout here. the tebow hype can end today, folks. final score, 45-10. >> not nearly as much offense when the ravens hosted the texans yesterday. baltimore had the lead at half thanks to two touchdown passes from joe flacco. their defense held houston in check, shutting out the texans in the second half. the ravens, they will face the patriots after their 20-13 win. texans could have had that game, too. that was a close one as with'el. >> and finally, the reason so many folks in this office are smiling today, the giants beat the packers. a replay of the nfc title game. last play of the first half, eli manning hits hakeem nicks, the hail mary. 20-10. then the giants defense was causing all sorts of problems for green bay's usually deadly offense. manning and company tacked on 17 more points in the second half. the road warrior giants now heading to san fran to face the niners. they beat green bay 37-20. new york is a happy place this morning. >> okay. so just three games in the season left. where are we? you want to see where we are in the playoff edition? thanks to a 3-1 effort, picks commissioner jack sheehan moves into a first place tie with broadcast producer david myers. fireman bob remains a game off the lead. and -- >> paula, you and i are bringing up the rear, although you did go 3-1 as well. those are the standings. just of course two weekends left to go. joining nous is the commissioner himself jack sheehan out of the sick couch and back on the set. >> brought some tissues in case anyone needs them. you need them. >> i've got to wipe some tears today. >> thanks very much. >> brutal. >> you know what? i'm just getting word. >> what? >> from the experts. in the desert or wherever they are. >> yes. >> they have installed the patriots, 7 1/2-point favorites over the ravens. >> okay. >> that makes sense. >> and the san francisco 49ers 2 1/2-point favorites over the giants. >> two great defenses in the giants and san fran going up against each other. i'm surprised san francisco's favored in that game. >> well, home team. figure the home team is going to get 3 points anyway if they're only getting 2 1/2 from the experts. >> just because they beat your saints. >> on paper we had a better team. sorry. and our ring came two years ago. san fran, what, 1836 last super bowl out there? >> you have to go there, really? >> yeah, i had to go there. >> we were hoping to hear from fireman bob this morning. especially because he was -- well, last friday at least he was a new england fan. and -- >> he had his tedy bruschi -- oh, here he is. >> can we roll the brady snchid touchdowns? let's have some of those. the other game brady played. >> tom brady, eli manning. that was a nice little catch right there. >> i think it might be giants-patriots in a rematch. >> i wouldn't be surprised if you're right. i would not be surprised if you're right. >> i'm going to root for the giants now and their new orleans naughtive quarterback eli manning but i think we're looking at a pats super bowl, my friend. we'll see how it all turns out. >> great job on san fran. >> thank you. we know a place where tossing and turning have given way to sleeping. where sleepless nights yield to restful sleep. and lunesta can help you get there, like it has for so many people before. when taking lunesta, don't drive or operate machinery until you feel fully awake. walking, eating, driving, or engaging in other activities while asleep, without remembering it the next day, have been reported. abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations or confusion. in depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur. alcohol may increase these risks. allergic reactions, such as tongue or throat swelling, occur rarely and may be fatal. side effects may include unpleasant taste, headache, dizziness and morning drowsiness. ask your doctor if lunesta is right for you. then get lunesta for $0 at there's a land of restful sleep. we can help you go there on the wings of lunesta. pantene said, "breakage and split ends? get pantene breakage to strength." [ female announcer ] the keratin protection pro-v system helps prevent then repair split ends. zero fear of breakage, 100% more strength. pantene. intense shadowblast from covergirl. the news? it's eye shadow with primer built-in. fadeproof, waterproof, totally ignore-proof! oh yes! intense shadowblast from easy, breezy, beautiful covergirl. >> announcer: "world news now" delivers your "morie i"morning " welcome back, everybody. time for some monday papers. this story i really like. this will make a lot of people out there happy. there's a new study out there according to -- two long-term studies, in fact, that kind of justifies or explains why smart kids grow up to be heavier drinkers than less intelligent kids. two interesting theories here. it says that because when you're young you study so hard, you're into school, you want good grades, you want to get into good schools and all this, that when you get into adulthood you try to compensate for the fun you missed out on. and that's why they tend to be heavier drinkers. and smart people also, booze so we can tolerate everyone else. >> did we really need a study to tell us that? >> it's an interesting theory, though. you realize you're drinking heavy and you're in your 20s and 30s that means you're smart because you worked so hard as a young kid -- >> and then you just kill all those brain cells. >> bottoms up. >> this story out of the uk. and this dentist was making dentures for elderly. he made about 168. 168 customers. he was making them in a filthy room. like disgusting. it was a deeply unhygienic mess. look at this. okay? they cost up to 1,400 euro. he raked in about 200 euro. quick conversion for us, rob. okay? his work was so bad, though, that some patients at his clinic refused to be seen in public. okay. so the guy has an expired license. they warned him in 2008, listen, if you're going to try to defy the law, buddy, do good work. isn't that disgusting? >> and of all things dentures, right in your mouth with that dirty workshop. oh, man. >> i hope those folks that were victims can recoup the money. >> yeah. or at least start rinsing heavily. >> especially it's the elderly. >> the huffington post, kids ride aound sometimes on their toy motorcycles. this little bike right here. this kid was riding around. police actually ticketed him because he drove his miniature motorcycle into an suv. they impounded the thing. then they told his mom he had to pay almost a $200 fine for this little gasoline-powered motorbike. it happened at the end of last month here. and they cited him for kind of reckless driving and driving without a license for driving that -- >> he's 6. >> he's 6 years old. >> come on. >> police rescind td to their credit. but let the kids be kids. >> real quick from the huffington post, william gold entertainment, they provide, they book impersonators like obama. >> political impersonators. >> there's mitt romney. but they're desperately seeking a rick santorum impersonator. again, this guy right here, reggie brown i believe is his name, obama's impersonator. >> he's good. >> over $450,000 a year he's raking in. >> there is big loot to be a presidential -- >> let me see. santorum? no. >> i don't think it's going to fly. i'm going to sit here and do some calculus this morning on "world news now," captain's conduct. the man at the helm of a luxury cruise liner that ran into a rock is now in jail. >> what italian investigators, the cruise line, and passengers have to say about a captain who was supposed to be in control when the worst happened. it's monday january 16th. good monday morning. mlk day, everybody. i'm rob nelson. >> did you have a good weekend? >> it was a good weekend. not bad at all. besides that little mishap in san francisco. but other than that it was good. >> all right. well, i'm paula faris. that cruise ship disaster at an italian sea port has claimed at least a half dozen lives. the search for people who are missing continues day and night. meantime, the captain's actions are under a microscope. >> some crazy reports out there about what he was doing, what could have possibly led to this. but it really looks like a scene out of "titanic." thank god the death toll is far lower than in that other incident. also the big headline this monday morning is republican jon huntsman's announcement coming later today that he is officially getting out of the presidential race. what will this mean, though, for front-runner mitt romney and the rest of the gop hopefuls? >> and if you're in touch with your entertainment side today, which you are, later this half hour, the memorable moments and the big winners at last night's golden globe awards. the big ceremony leading up to next month's oscars. >> a lot of predictable winners. "the artist" had a good night and "the descendants" had a good night, too. and ricky gervais was controversial as he likes to be and was expected to be. >> as we like him to be as well. >> yes. but first, the owner of the cruise ship issued a statement late last night saying there appeared to be significant human error on the part of that captain. >> an italian couple claims they saw that captain in a lifeboat covered by a blanket well before all the passengers were even off the ship. as abc's todd ed reports, the search and recovery mission off the coast of italy is happening right now. >> reporter: on sunday rescuers found three survivors. a crew member with a broken leg who was hoisted to safety and a south korean couple on their honeymoon trapped in their cabin. divers also found the bodies of two elderly men in the submerged part of the vessel. the "costa concordia's" black box was recovered and is providing vital information about where and when the ship went aground. it was perilously close to shore when it hit a rock, opening a huge gash in the hull. underwater pictures detail the destruction. within minutes water started gushing in. [ screaming ] amateur video shows the chaos and panic that ensued. initially, passengers were told there was an electrical problem. but the situation was under control. when the ship started to list, passengers scrambled to the deck, where the crew hesitated to lower the lifeboats. >> we had to wait over an hour and a half before we could get onto that boat. and the boat was obviously sinking. >> people started loading into the lifeboats and there was just panic. people were pushing. it was just chaotic. >> reporter: according to the black box it took over an hour for the captain to alert the coast guard. he admits an error in judgment but denies claims that he was one of the first off the ship. "we were the last to leave the ship," he said. the captain has been detained and could face manslaughter and other charges. todd anton, abc news. >> you have to wonder why it took an hour for the capital-ton notify the coast guard. that could have saved lives those 60 minutes. you also think about the divers going into the ship today, because if that boat shifts at all they could be in danger of sinking. >> they're onshore in water about 100 feet deep. still at this moment 14 unaccounted for. >> unbelievable. you can stay with abc news as we cover this cruise ship disaster in italy. we'll update the investigation later this morning on ""america this morning" and later today on "good morning america." we're going to shift gears to politics this morning. there is one less republican running for president today. jon huntsman is officially dropping out of the race. the former utah governor will endorse mitt romney later today at an event in south carolina. just last week huntsman said romney was "completely out of touch." but apparently he's had a change of heart now and sees romney as the best candidate to beat president obama. >> that was a severe change of heart. >> yes. well, rick perry is taking a controversial position on that photograph showing the marines urinating on corpses in afghanistan. he said the men should be shown leniency and not brought up on criminal charges. and perry said the obama administration's denunciations of what they did showed disdain for the military. and a former army lieutenant colonel and current republican congressman from florida has plenty to say about that marine scandal. congressman alan west says those marines should be given the maximum punishment and make full apologies. but west also says, "overemotional pundits and armchair quarterbacks need to chill. does anyone remember the two soldiers from the 101st airborne who were beheaded in iraq?" he adds, "unless you've been shot at by the taliban, shut your mouth. war is hell." >> it gets people on the other side to think about here. >> definitely. >> he's also pointing out the idea that bodies have been dragged of our soldiers through mogadishu. blackwater security guards were killed, their bodies burned, hung from a bridge in fallujah war is a series of atrocities. >> he says i don't recall any self-righteous indignation when those things happened. any father is a former marine. he actually sent that story to me. it kind of got me thinking. because we talked about this. and how the majority of our fans on our facebook page were saying what's the problem here? you kind of get a sense of what the rest of america is feeling. >> our soldiers killed these guys but then it was the urination people took an issue with. it's a gray area. and it's a good debate to have. shifting gears again now, sarah ferguson is at the center of an international incident. she was supposed to visit the u.s. this month. instead, she is stuck 23in the afraid to leave the country because she might end up in a turkish jail. abc's kelly could biella has mo. >> reporter: sarah ferguson could end up in a turkish prison. this is what caused such a stir. a 2008 british documentary called "duchess and daughters: their secret mission." fergie went undercover with a hidden camera and her princess daughters to bring attention to alleged abuse in turkish orphanages. >> every day like this?the children's faces. but the original show did not. prosecutors in turkey have now charged the 52-year-old duchess and a producer with breaking the law in acquiring footage and violating privacy, crimes that could get them 22 years in a turkish jail. >> we just felt that the world really needed to know what was going on inside turkish institutions and the only way we could do that would be to trespass and to secretly film. >> reporter: hidden cameras have gotten fergie in trouble before. in 2010 she was caught on tape trying to sell access to her ex-husband prince andrew. with these new charges the jetsetting duchess is reportedly afraid to leave great britain. and with good reason. >> it will be very risky for her to travel outside of the uk, especially in those countries that have an extradition treaty with turkey. and that's most of the world. >> she may be successful fighting extradition, but it would be time-consuming and expensive. the duchess won't truly be free to travel again until the turkey charges are settled. that could take months, possibly years. kelly cobiella, abc news, london. >> fergie always in the news. all right. here's a look now at your holiday forecast, everybody. some heavy snow in the cascades with a dusting around seattle. up to 18 inches of snow in the colorado rockies. a half foot in the mountains of wyoming and montana. also some light snow from cheyenne to minneapolis and showers from dallas up to pittsburgh. >> it's 36 here in new york. 55 in atlanta. 74 in miami. kansas city 53. chicago 41. fargo and billings barely climb out of the single digits. 41 in boise. and 51 in sacramento. brr. i need an extra blanket. >> tough out there. well, two giant pandas are now settling into their new home at a zoo in france. this morning the 3-year-old male and female were born at china's famous panda breeding center and are now being loaned to france in the latest round of panda diplomacy. >> the pair made the long flight to europe in special enclosures on a charter flight called the panda express. of course it was called the panda express. >> of course. >> in france they will entertain and educate the public about their seriously endangered species and hopefully start a family of their own. france hasn't had a giant panda in a decade. >> and in case you're wondering their names, they're hwan -- >> hwanhwan. >> who's the female. and yanxai who's the male. if i'm saying that right. >> you said it wrong. >> won't be the first time. we'll be right back on "world news now" right after this. ♪ the bare necessities ♪ the simple bare necessities ♪ forget about your worries and your strife ♪ ♪ i mean the bare necessities ♪ [ carrie ] i used to think regular soap left my skin squeaky clean. that's just a bunch of noise. because that squeak, it's residue. with olay foaming face wash it's possible to get a cleaner rinse with less residue than the leading bar soap. skin so beautiful, it sings. olay cleansers. i used to only wear sun protection on a beach day. now, i wear it every day. because damaging uv rays are everywhere with olay daily complete uv, its possible to block 92% of harmful rays for naturally beautiful skin in any light. olay daily uv. ♪ sugar ♪ ♪ oh, honey, honey ♪ you are my candy girl well, i have sat at this very desk now and of course soiled the praises of chef paula dean's cooking -- >> love her. >> what's not to love about southern food? the sugar, the butter, the cream, the deep fried this and that. >> butter cream. >> it's all good stuff. >> nice little fettuccine alfredo. well, seems like too much of a good thing may have led miss dean to some health problems. abc's yunji de nies has the details. >> reporter: there's nothing low fat -- >> i'm going to wrap my bacon around this macaroni and cheese. >> reporter: -- low calorie -- >> it's the ladies' brunch burger. >> reporter: -- or low carb about paula dean's cooking. >> 3/4 of a cup of heavy cream. >> reporter: and that's just how she likes it. >> this is not going to take long to fry up. >> reporter: but her taste for all things deep fried and bacon wrapped may have led to a serious health condition. "the daily" is reporting that dean has type 2 diabetes. dean's camp won't confirm or deny. this southern belle has been at the center of an infamous food fight. after fellow tv star anthony bourdain charged that pushing such fatty concoctions on an already obese nation make her the worst, most dangerous person to america. >> listen, come to my house, i'll cook you a meal. and if you still feel that way about me, so be it. >> reporter: this type of southern goodness, mac and cheese, cornbread, fried pickles, and ribs that's made dean a cooking sensation. but if true, diabetes could be more than just a health problem for the georgia peach. it could be a financial one as well. between her cookbooks, product lines, speaking fees, and tv appearances, dean raked in an estimated $10 million last year alone. so what happens if the queen of the deep fry can't eat what she's cooking? dean may already be cleaning up her image. just this week she tweeted this photo, writing, "they say southern girls don't sweat. but honey, i'm willing to argue that after my workout today." yunji de nies, abc news, atlanta. >> and you know i love me some paula dean. but i don't think anyone that eats all that bacon-wrapped -- there you go. that was the date we went on a few months ago. that was good times. >> you do love paula. >> i do. i have so many paulas in my life these days. >> you know what, there's something to be said for cooking naturally. you know, my mother and lau and father-in-law eat that all the time and they're healthy as a whistle. >> i believe that. nobody eats the bacon wrapped mac and cheese and thinks this is heart healthy. we all know the risk of eating poorly. >> moderation. >> but all the the stuff that's bad for you is so good. >> look at all the opportunities. she can have new cookbooks. >> good to see she's exercising. keep it up, paula. when we come back, spreading the love around in tinseltown. >> awards season kicked into high gear last night at the globes. winners, losers, and all the highlights straight ahead. i want welcome back everybody. the golden globes are now in the history books for another year, and no one is in an uproar like they were the same time last year. >> ricky gervais as host for the third straight year, came off without a hitch last night. joining us from miami is music and media consultant bruno del granato. let's start with the host. ricky gervais. toned down? too toned down? >> ricky was a little toned down. there was so much hype he was going to be dropping bombs all over the place, and it was a little too much. the expectations were a little bit too much to live to. he started the show with this -- where were we? which was his line from last year. i think everybody really expected him to be really crude and nasty. but he really wasn't that much this year. >> there were a few f bombs and he did take a good swipe at justin bieber, took a good swipe at jodie foster too, but maybe a little toned down from last year. he's pretty good. obviously nbc likes the controversy. also the controversy surrounding madonna sxelton john last night. >> madonna, certainly just like rodney dangerfield got no respect going into the awards show. everybody really voted her off saying she wasn't going twoin. elton john on the telecast said she certainly wasn't going to win the best song. and lo and behold she won. it's actually a beautiful song written by her. co-written by her. produced by william orbit, who's been one of her greatest accomplishments as a producer for her. she looked good. she was happy to be there. her promotional tour has started, we saw last week with "nightline" and "good morning america." she's going to be on the super bowl next month. her media blitz is in full effect. the great thing about madonna was that she presented the best foreign picture after her winning an award. and it went to iran. first time iran has ever won a golden globe. the movie's called "a separation." beautiful, beautiful movie. and it's going to be interesting to see what the newspapers in tehran say tomorrow about the golden globes handing out iran best foreign picture and madonna being the person handing the award. >> that award comes at an interesting time certainly with the two relations between our country and theirs. >> no surprise that "modern family," which is right here on abc won best television series. been credited for bringing sitcoms back. >> great show. >> back to tv. >> you know, third time was the charm for "modern family." because the show was shut out twice. two years in a row by "glee." luckily this time they won. it is the best sitcom on tv by far. great ensemble acting. tremendous writing. and sofia vergara right now is the queen of sitcom tv. she basically ruled the night throughout the show. the cameras constantly panned to her table. >> we can see why. >> tremendous, tremendous acceptance speech in spanglish or bilingual with steve levitt ann. and every other commercial break was sofia vergara hawking pepsi. it was her night. >> i wasn't paying too much attention, bruno. i'll be honest. i was a little focused on the golden globes. >> literally the golden globes. >> i'm just saying. >> also "the artist." great night for that movie. and george clooney. he was another star of the night as well. >> well, "the artist," going into the nominations it had six. it led the field with nominations. it walked away with three. funny, for a silent movie made by a frenchman about hollywood, to be so successful. and everybody saying this is going to be the movie to certainly clean up at the oscars. won three awards, three of the biggest ones of the evening, including best picture for musical or comedy. they're saying this is going to be a very, very strong contender for best picture of the year at the oscars. and clooney, what can we say about him? he is the king of hollywood. not only is he a tremendous, tremendously talented actor, but he's a movie star. he can greenlight any movie that he wants. he had two nominations going into today, for best picture. "ides of march" and "the descendants." "the descendants" won. he had four nominations. he walked away with two. best picture and best actor. there's no bigger actor than george clooney right now. >> and did you think "the descendants" was that good? is this a real strong contender for best picture? as well as getting such rave reviews. >> yes, "descendants" is another one that's a very strong contender for best picture. as well as "moneyball," which is done by his friend brad pitt. george has two very strong movies going into oscar season, "ides of march" and "the descendants." the funny thing is, rob, both movies have grossed, earned only $65 million at the box office, which is not a lot of money in today's market. but you know, clooney can't do anything wrong right now. he is the midas touch. >> absolutely. must be a nice life for mr. clooney. bruno, as always, we thank you. appreciate your insight, man. have a good one. enjoy that cold weather in miami. we'll be right back. stabbing your fingertips to test your blood glucose, we have news that could change your life. if you're on medicare with diabetes, then you need to know there's an alternative method for checking your blood glucose every day. you don't need to stab your fingertips anymore. the embrace meter from diabetes care club is easier to use and nearly painless. and the best news is that diabetes care club would love to send you one of these meters. this method hurts less and because you can see and hear your results, it may be easier to understand. >> female voice: your blood glucose reading is 89. >> call now to find out why nearly a quarter of a million patients have joined diabetes care club. membership is free. so is the call. >> announcer: call diabetes care club at the number on your screen. >> talk to diabetes care club. you'll be glad you did. what? pay you? hang on. kitchen counselor here. mom, i think what she means is "greasy dishes." cascade complete pacs fight tough greasy messes better than the other tablet. there's only one cascade. love it, or your money back. [ male announcer ] that onion after taste after you again? new crest complete with scope dual blast technology blasts away bad breath germs and food after tastes. new crest complete with scope dual blast. blast your way to fresh breath. have given way to sleeping. where sleepless nights yield to restful sleep. and lunesta can help you get there, like it has for so many people before. when taking lunesta, don't drive or operate machinery until you feel fully awake. walking, eating, driving, or engaging in other activities while asleep, without remembering it the next day, have been reported. abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations or confusion. in depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur. alcohol may increase these risks. allergic reactions, such as tongue or throat swelling, tal. side effects may include unpleasant taste, headache, dizziness and morning drowsiness. ask your doctor if lunesta is right for you. then get lunesta for $0 at there's a land of restful sleep. we can help you go there on the wings of lunesta. ♪ well, if you saw this little segment on friday, we told you about the new movie out there called "joyful noise." it's a musical comedy starring queen latifah and dolly parton. >> and we just were talking about her age. 65. she looks amazing, doesn't she? >> congrats to her surgeons. >> we have the critics' comments and now one of our own, our digital news associate edit. we call them dnas. jason saw this over the weekend. this wasn't getting good reviews publicly but what did you think about it? >> rotten tomatoes now only has it rated at 36%. but i'll address that later. but i'll first ask you guys, are you big "glee" fans? >> i've never seen an episode of "glee." i know that makes me uncool. >> a little too cheesy for me. >> then i recommend staying at home. this movie is pretty much like "glee." the only difference is it's about a church choir and there's definitely a spice of dolly thrown into this. >> a lot of spice. >> and what's funny is dolly basically plays a mirror image of herself. she tries to break the traditional mold of gospel singing which rose hill played by queen latifah isn't too happy about that. let's just say vaya wants to keep things a little conservative in the name of god. and gigi, played by dolly, wants to modernize things a little bit with just a little bit of glitz. the two help lead their church choir group all the way to national finals, with quite the performance that almost had me on my feet dancing. let's see if any others were dancing too. >> i thought it was a real feel-good piece. but i think it was definitely too long. >> the music was amazing. >> i love dolly parton, and i was hoping that she will deliver. >> it was very uplifting. and the singing was very powerful. it was the best $13.50 i ever spent. but i don't recognize the -- dolly parton's grandson. he was cute, too. he's probably somebody new, but i'm going to google him. >> did you like the movie? >> yeah. >> did you like the music? >> yeah. >> were you dancing? >> talking to the little guy. >> yeah. i'm going to take that as a no. but what's -- you know, what really surprised me about this movie is that it is getting such harsh critical reviews. but i think, you know, we have to give it a little bit of benefit of the doubt. i was pretty much easy on it. i gave it 3 1/2 stars out of 5. >> it seems uplifting, though. people are in the mood -- >> i do have to say the music inspiration behind it is just a real good, feel-good film. and you have to go into it without expecting a lot. just go into, it have fun, be openminded and enjoy the music. >> it's fun holiday time stuff. >> and a big bucket of popcorn can this morning on "world news now" -- criminal investigation. the cruise ship captain who is in major legal trouble after a disaster that killed several people. survivors are telling some pretty frightening stories while pointing fingers at the captain who was supposed to be in control. it's monday january 16th. and good monday morning, everyone. i'm paula faris. >> happy mlk day, everybody. i'm rob nelson. well, did that captain abandon his ship, and did he wait before ordering an evacuation? the cruise line, italian investigators, and now passengers are all demanding some answers right now after a disaster that has already killed several people. >> keep seeing that video over and over this weekend, but every time i see it it's just as powerful. >> it's crazy. also this morning, joe paterno's first interview since the penn state sex abuse scandal broke. and what one of jerry sandusky's accusers is saying after hearing joe pa's side of the story. >> the more interviews the players in this scandal give, the more it angers some of the victims out there already. so not any different this time around, even with joe pa himself finally talking. also later this half hour, talk about the fashion police. well, one lawmaker wants to ban people, get this, from wearing their pjs -- >> horrible idea. >> -- in public. hear what he has to say and share your impressions about this on our facebook page, no jammies in the street? what's up with that? >> good thing people can't see you waist down because you have your pajamas on right now. >> you're lucky. but first new details in the cruise ship disaster. the ship's owner says now there appears to be "significant human error" on the part of the captain, who is in jail this morning. >> at least 14 people are still missing including two americans. abc's lama hasan reports from the site of the accident off the coast of italy. >> reporter: all day long rescue teams scoured the ship from above and below, swimming into the wreckage, looking for people who'd been trapped alive. this south korean couple on their honeymoon rescued from their cabin after being stranded for 24 hours. here another survivor, an italian crew member with a broken leg. he was found and winched to safety. we're also learning about just how chaotic the situation was on board that night. amateur video shows travelers panicking, crowded on the deck of the ship as they desperately waited for the lifeboats to be lowered. the nightmare began at about 9:45 on friday night when, according to the black box that was recovered, the ship hit the rocks just as passengers were having dinner. the vessel had been dangerously close to the shore. the captain later said the rocks were not marked. it ripped a gash over 50 yards along the side of the hull. within minutes water began pouring in. at 9:50 passengers reported the first announcement that came from the crew, saying that it was only an electrical problem. passengers were told the situation was under control, to remain calm and that technicians were solving the problem. the ship started listing. passengers scrambled to the deck. they claim the crew didn't want to lower the lifeboats. >> we had to wait over an hour and a half before we could get onto that boat. and the boat was obviously sinking. >> reporter: at 10:43, over an hour later according to the black box, the captain alerted the coast guard for the first time of the incident. and at 10:50 the order to abandon ship was sounded. the vessel was tilting on its side. some of the lifeboats couldn't be lowered. some passengers claim the captain was one of the first to leave the sinking ship. before he was arrested, he insisted he had stayed until the end. "we were the last to leave the ship," he said. and rescuers will keep searching for survivors. as for the cruise liner, it issued a statement saying, "the captain committed an error of judgment that led to very serious consequences." lama hasan, abc news, porto santo stefano, italy. one woman in southern california is anxiously awaiting the return of her parents who survived this ordeal. jeanette trumbull says she's been communicating with her mom and dad online and says they appear to be fine. the couple was celebrating their anniversary on that cruise. trumbull says plenty of time for blame will come later. >> our thing we've been focusing on is just being overjoyed at the fact that they're safe. >> the american embassy in rome now says 118 of the 120 americans on board the "costa concordia" have been accounted for now. however, a minnesota couple is still missing. so at this hour at least six fatalities, 14 still unaccounted for. like something out of the movie "titanic." it's scary. >> what was really tough for a lot of these passengers, too, you think about it, they're from international, they're from all over the world. how do they get back home? >> some left their passports on board. >> they're on the cruise ship right now. >> 11 million -- >> they're stranded in italy. >> 11 million americans take cruises every year. so this affects a pretty nice chunk of the population -- >> have you ever been on a cruise? >> i have not myself. but that story doesn't make you want to go. hopefully this is just a freak isolated thing. we'll see. and of course we'll be staying on this story. later on "america this morning" and also on "good morning america" today as of course the search and recovery continues overnight. keep it here on abc. well, two colorado men are being held in connection with the disappearance of a montana math teacher. the fbi believes 43-year-old sherry arnold is dead, and they're asking property owners near the north dakota border to search their land for any signs of a buried body. arnold went for a morning jog eight days ago and never came back. authorities would only say that the suspects are facing kidnapping charges. one of the four men who accused a syracuse university basketball coach of sexual abuse now says he lied. bernie fine lost his job back in november after the men came forward, but floyd van hooser now says he accused the coach because he was angry that fine did not help him find fight a criminal conviction. van hooser is now in jail. however, two other of fine's accusers are still standing by their claims. well, penn state's legendary football coach joe paterno has spoken out for the first time since that sex abuse scandal that cost him his job. paterno, who's now also battling lung cancer, told the "washington post" why he did not go to the police. abc's t.j. winick has the details. >> reporter: jerry sandusky is accused of molesting 10 young boys over 15 years. those alleged victims have now heard joe paterno explain for the first time why he went to two members of the penn state administration, not police, when told sandusky was caught in a locker room shower with a young boy back in 2002. >> i called my superiors, and i said, hey, we got a problem i think. would you guys look into it? because i didn't know -- you know, i had never had to deal with something like that. and i didn't feel adequate. >> reporter: after hearing paterno's version of events, the attorney for the young man known as sandusky victim number 6 maintains the former coach bears some responsibility. >> i think frankly he's having difficulty coming to grips with his role, with the role of penn state football, and with the role of the university in this long-running tragedy. >> reporter: the 85-year-old paterno insists the assistant coach who reported the 2002 incident didn't want to get specific about what he saw. "to be frank with you, i don't know that it would have done any good," paterno said, "because i never heard of rape and a man." >> he presented himself as a very sort of old world man who was really out of his element in dealing with these sorts of accusations. >> reporter: paterno did not want to speculate about jerry sandusky's guilt or innocence before trial, but he did say their relationship of more than 30 years was strictly a professional one and not social. t.j. winick, abc news, new york. >> sandusky's attorney said that sandusky was dismayed that the board of trustees dismissed joe pa and the university president. >> he called it a knee-jerk reaction to the accusations without getting all the facts out there. i wonder if this latest interview with joe pa, as you heard, he painted himself as an old world man. but old world or new world, anything involving kids and rape, you know right from wrong no matter what world you live in, right? >> yeah. >> very strange. >> no excuses. >> bizarre. shifting gears now, the nation is of course officially remembering today dr. martin luther king jr. but tributes got under way yesterday on his actual birthday. the national park service hosted a wreath-laying ceremony at the new mlk memorial there in the nation's capital. dr. king's oldest son, martin luther king iii, was there with his family of course to reflect on his father's legacy. and king's 83rd birthday sparked a much more spirited service in nearby maryland. the commemoration at a church in the suburban town of capital heights consisted of plenty of singing, dancing, and even some re-enactments of dr. king's civil rights marches. also, president obama, the first lady, and their two daughters also observed dr. king's birthday in church, attending a worship service in washington's historic zion baptist church. today they're also taking part in a community service project in attending the let freedom ring celebration, which is taking place at the kennedy center. and with that here's a look now at your mlk day forecast. we have some showers around pittsburgh, chicago, memphis and little rock, heavy snow in the colorado mountains and cascades. flurries in seattle. also some light snow from the northern rockies to the twin cities. >> it's 45 in indianapolis and 37 in omaha. 70s from dallas to miami. 30s in the northeast. phoenix climbing to 66. albuquerque 54. and it's just 10 degrees in billings. so pretty chilly near the canadian border. >> bundle up, billings. well, wedding planners are gearing up for a new high season, and in new york state they could have more work than ever before because of course same-sex marriage is now legal. brooklyn hosted new york city's first same-sex wedding expo this weekend. about 75 vendors came there to talk up their wares. >> couples came by to check out bakers, caterers, photographers, party spaces, and djs and alternative-friendly lawyers were on hand to offer free legal advice. new york's the largest state to allow same-sex marriages. i planned one wedding. and boy, i'm glad i don't have to do that again. >> not into the weddings? >> like i said, when you finally propose to your girlfriend of 95 years you'll understand. >> you love to give me mess about that. soon enough. >> if you like it, then you'd better put a ring on it. >> thank you, beyonce, for your words of wisdom. it's good for business, all these new weddings. so interesting times out there. i'll send you the invitations soon enough. >> you'll invite me actually? >> oh, yeah. as long as you plan it. >> back yard barbecue casual? >> big gift. i want a big gift. we'll be back with more "world news now" right after this. >> i'll give you a big gift. ♪ is it the look in your eyes ♪ or is it lafayette. we asked him to be part of an experiment to prove that febreze air effects can eliminate tough cooking odors. 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>> it's never dull. give it that. one lawmaker in that state wants to crack down on folks who like to stay comfortable in public. craig simms of our station in shreveport has the story. >> reporter: pajamas or pajama pants are comfortable, and many of us choose to wear them out in public. but that will get you into trouble with the law if one caddo parish commissioner has his way. >> if you're wearing pajama pants in the public, they should not be worn. that's what webster says and that's what the law is going to say. >> reporter: district 3 commissioner michael williams is proposing an ordinance that will ban the wearing of pajamas in public. williams says the idea for the ban came from a situation inside a local store where some senior citizens thought a young man was exposing too much of himself. >> and i asked him to cover up because of those senior citizens. because they did not respond in a positive way like i thought, i thought it was time that we addressed this issue. it's long overdue. >> reporter: some people disagree with the proposed ordinance and wonder how williams will define what's considered pajamas. >> they have to learn the difference between actual pjs and pajama bottoms and people wearing jogging pants and stuff like that as pajama bottoms. >> reporter: williams says if the ordinance passes it will be up to police to decide what is appropriate on the street. he adds that this ordinance is about bringing back a sense of respect he thinks society has lost. >> and i feel that the pajama garment in the present form is very disrespectful. >> i used to live in louisiana. i can say quite honestly that i don't think pajamas is shreveport's biggest problem. not really. come on. >> i have no issue with it. i have running pants on and tennis shoes on underneath. >> yeah. stay comfortable. why not? this is our facebook question of the day. so make sure you chime in there, let us know what you think. i'm sure the aclu may have some thoughts on this one as well. we've seen this debate before. the saggy pants. now pjs. i don't get it. >> should there be regulations? let us know on make sure you hit us up. >> while you're wearing your jammies. >> yes. hopefully something. >> something. speaking of fashion, who looked great and who did not at last night's golden globes? >> and how ricky gervais kept everyone on the edge of their seats. are you on the edge of your seat? it's all next in "the skinny." don't fall off, though. whoa. >> oh. ♪ skinny ♪ so skinny there's only one thing you enjoy more than stories about awards season. stories about animals. >> exactly. this is the all golden globes edition of "the skinny" here, starting with your fashion choices. >> yeah. you're going to get a sense of what kind of things i like and what i don't. okay. so here's my best dressed. we're going to go with the beautiful charlize theron. >> i agree. looking good. >> paula patton. and you just had to explain to me who she was. but i liked the dress. >> she is stunning. >> i am out of touch. mila kunis. >> mila kunis, yes. >> and sofia. she's beautiful. >> i do love those golden globes. >> beautiful. i love her self-deprecation, too. she has a great personality. >> all good choices. >> okay. worst dressed. michelle williams. i mean, what in the world is she thinking? she's beautiful. she's got like a headband on. >> it was kind of like a -- looks like a richard simmons leisure suit. she was sweating with the oldies last night. >> but she's holding her man right there, she's -- >> she won. she's a great actress. >> zooey deschanel. i'm not sure what kind of look she's going for, but she could use a spray tan. >> oh! >> frida pinto. frida's a beautiful young girl, but that looks like a maternity dress and there's no way she's pregnant. >> you thought maybe it would be more form fitting? >> the only reason you go with -- yeah. that is if you're pregnant. angelina jolie looked better, i think, in video but -- >> she's too thin. got that skeletor look, i'm not feeling it. pretty girl but have a burger. call paula dean. >> some bacon. >> let's go through some of the big winners last night. >> we have "the descendants." >> won for best film. >> mm-hmm. best comedy. >> went to "the artist." yes. best actor and actress for a drama george clooney, everyone's favorite for "the descendants." meryl streep won for "iron lady." >> and best actor in a comedy, jean dujardin for "the artist" and michelle williams for "my week with marilyn." i've got to see "the artist." >> and best supporting actor and actress, christopher plummer for "beginne "beginners" and octavia spencer for "the help." everybody tuned in to hear what ricky gervais would say. here are a few of his zingers from last night. >> the golden globes are to the oscars what kim kardashian is to cate middleton. what? a bit louder. bit trashier. bit drunker. and more easily bought. justin bieber nearly had to take a paternity test. what a waste of a test that would have been. no. he's not the father. the only way that he could have impregnated a girl was if he borrowed one of martha stewart's old turkey basters. >> i mustn't mention mel gibson this year. not his private life, his politics, his recent films, and especially not jodie foster's beaver. i haven't seen it myself. i've spoken to a lot of guys here. they haven't seen it either. but that doesn't mean it's not any good. >> those are some of his highlights from the night. he was pretty good, i thought. not bad. takes those punches. i like a little of that fearless humor. >> they wanted him to tone it down. he did. but still a toned down ricky gervais is a funny ricky gervais. >> a few p bombs. made fun of the network, the people you would have expected him to. >> oscar february 26th. >> that's right. the real fancy awards show. we'll be back. ♪ i'm like a bird ♪ i only fly away ♪ i don't know where my soul is ♪ ♪ i don't know where my home is ♪ ah, ah. like a bird. you know? that was my bird. >> are you really going to fly away? >> maybe. >> finally this half hour, come on -- >> boom. >> time for our favorite story of the day. this one about a man offering a helping hand to some animals. maybe a helping wing. >> the animals in this case are whooping cranes, birds that need some help getting where they're trying to get to. here's abc's john berman. >> reporter: this is nothing less than airborne hope. whooping cranes on a 1,200-mile journey behind a very special guide. for the last ten years "operation migration" has been leading the cranes south behind this special tiny aircraft known as an ultralight. >> they're just learning their wings. they're just on their first big adventure. sometimes they're very insecure. sometimes they're overly confident. >> reporter: whooping cranes, the largest north american bird at five feet tall with a seven-foot wing span, all but disappeared from the planet. there were as few as 15. 15 in the 1940s. but through conservation efforts like this their numbers have grown to several hundred. but their migration routes have been erased from memory. they need to be taught where to go. the long route from wisconsin to florida. from the time the birds are hatched they're introduced to the planes on the ground, around a track, to get used to the sound. and then -- they take flight. but this year the migration hit a bureaucratic snag. "operation migration" pays its pilots. but the faa says ultralights can only be flown for recreational, not commercial use. for a creature that faced down extinction, red tape seems like a mind-boggling obstacle. and the faa agreed, granting a waiver for the flight to continue. so these birds will fly again on their guided mission to salvation. john berman, abc news, new york. >> so "operation migration" also works with canadian geese and sandhill cranes. but riding -- flying that little aircraft, their arms are up, it seems like they would get tired. have you ever flown anything like that? >> no. oh, is there -- see, there's my part-time job. got my ankle socks on, looking good, leading the birds down to florida. >> you look a little thick in the middle. >> look at that. i've got to cut down -- >> too much paula dean cooking. >> too many football beers sunday. kind of tough. more from abc coming up. >> fly away. >> fly away. aw, aw. >> announcer: this is abc's "world news now," informing insomniacs for two decades.