the interstate causing a few accidents and plenty of frayed nerves. we'll tell you what happened next. happy friday, everyone. that was for fonzi over there. our manager. last weekend before midterms. promises to be wild. >> all kinds of craziness and more signs the democrats are desperate including reports out of florida overnight that former president clinton tried to get the democratic senate candidate out of the race. kendrick meek, the democrat, was third in a three-way race behind marco rubio. the idea was meek to get out, endorse crist and join the democrats if he won much the goal was to make sure the democrats stayed in control of the senate. it all fell apart and we'll talk to kendrick meek, the democrat, in just a couple minutes. >> first look at president bush's candid book, new revelations about his actions on 9/11, his personal life including his faith and his struggles with alcohol. and charlie sheen heads back to work as more details continue to come out. new pictures of him with that porn star and the price he may not have been willing to pay. pictures of the woman. we begin with the countdown to the midterm elections. just four days to go and jake tapper is there where they are bracing for a big republican night. jake. >> reporter: that's exactly right. they are certainly hoping and praying and publicly saying that they're hoping for good news on tuesday, but behind the scenes, they are prepared for bad news for a good night for republicans and as the election season continues, democrats try to contain the damage. there are all sorts of bizarre twists and turns. >> thank you so very much. thanks for coming. >> reporter: the big news overnight that former president bill clinton tried to talk democratic congressman kendrick meek into dropping out of the three-way florida senate race. >> any rumor or any statement by anyone that says i made a decision to get out of the race is inaccurate at best. >> reporter: first reported by politico and confirmed by abc news clinton and his top aides thought they convinced meek to drop out, thus delivering liberals and moderates to independent charlie crist and preventing rub rubio from winning. >> i do know it was happening. we had several discussions and conversations with people very close to the former president and it was in play. >> reporter: sources say the plan which the white house knew about fell through when meek changed his mind. >> it certainly looks as though democrats will have a rough tuesday. they list 108 democratic house seats in some level of vulnerability including a whopping 68 democratic seats that either lean republican or are toss-ups. >> even if democrats do hold on to the senate it's probably going to be by only a two or three-seat margin and could be smaller. simply a one-seat margin. >> reporter: one possible bright spot vice president biden's old senate seat in delaware, polls indicate christine o'donnell is double digits behind democratic chris coons and probably unlikely to help o'donnell threatened to sue a radio station if it released this tape in which she urges this -- >> how would you make us actually economically feasible in 2014? what? >> i'm not running for county council, rick, but for u.s. senate. >> reporter: later today president obama will head to charlottesville, virginia, where he will try to help just one democratic congressman in a seat that he barely won that john mccain won. george? >> okay, jake, thanks very much. for more on what did and did not go down in florida we're joined by the man in the middle. congress ma congressman kendrick meek. thanks for getting up. your denial last night was pretty careful and said any rumor or statement that i made a decision to get out of the race was completely inaccurate. did you have discussions with bill clinton and others about getting out of the race? >> bill clinton, as you know, george, came down here last week to hold two rallies for me. i'm here in orlando today, and one in st. petersburg and, you know, you heard of these reports of last week. well, now we know that charlie crist was calling the clinton office trying to persuade him to get me out of this race. the president and i talked about it. you know, i told him i didn't have any thoughts of getting out of the race. he didn't encourage me to get out of the race. >> the accounts are pretty definitive from president clinton saying you agreed twice to drop out of the race and had discussions with president clinton's chief of staff and others that there was even an event planned for last tuesday where you would drop out and endorse governor crist. are you saying all these reports are made up. >> let me just say this, george, and i'm going to be very clear with you and with everyone else, president clinton and i had a discussion. now, doug ban or the spokesperson for the clinton folks were not in the room. i'm going to tell you what the president said. i watched what he said last night. he said we discussed it and that was that and it was done. i mean it wasn't the fact that i said, hey, i'm on my way out or, yes, i guarantee you i did not say i am not getting out of the race. >> you're not just down but way down. you only have about 15% of the vote. governor crist is much closer within seven points of marco rubio and some of the polling suggests if you got out it would give governor crist a much better chance of winning and denying the seat to roub rubio. are you worried by staying in you will hand the seat to marco rubio. >> charlie crist is a republican and he became an independent, and he is against comprehensive health care reform. he is against a woman's right to choose. he's for offshore oil drilling. i depth see myself handing anything to anybody. it is not my prerogative to do that. the people put me on the ballot. i'm the first candidate qualified by petition. i overwhelmingly won the democratic primary. i guarantee you, george, that i will get more than 15% of the vote and it will be shocking to some in some of the pundits and i challenge the people of the state of florida to go out and vote and that's the bottom line and people should go out to vote and have their voice heard. >> one type question, michael steele put out a statement last night where he said even the conversations send a chilling signal to all voters. he went on to say "one can only imagine the response if republican leadership tried to force out of the race a qualified black candidate like kendrick meek in the 11th hour." were you offended by these conversations. >> let's put it this way, i mean, you know the reason why michael steele put out the statement and i'll just leave it at that. >> okay. congressman meek, thanks for that. clear you are in through tuesday. >> thank you. >> all the big political celebrities out. bill clinton out. sarah palin in the middle of a three-way race in alaska. >> up for a big test in that home state of alaska. she, of course, helped the republican there in the senate running for the senate joe miller and his upset victory in the primary. the question is can she help save his candidacy? neal karlinsky is right there in anchorage with all the details. good morning, neal. >> reporter: robin, good morning. on the one hand you have lisa murkowski handing out wristbands like this so people will remember how to write in her name. on the other hand joe miller has sarah palin and she was out here in full force doing all she can pushing hard for a tea party victory in her home state. >> hello, alaska! >> reporter: sarah palin rallied the faithful in anchorage in the hopes of boosting joe miller for the u.s. senate. >> we've got to send joe miller to the united states senate. >> reporter: pal pin spoke towards the end and came out full of energy and on the attack against republican senator turned write-in hopeful lisa murkowski and talked about her reality show soon to air on tlc. >> i'd rather be doing this in some old political office. >> reporter: and suggested the obama administration might inspire reality shows. >> america's got taxes, "dancing with the czars," "honey i bankrupt the kids." >> reporter: it stirred serious opposition within the republican party. karl rove telling "the daily telegraph." "with all due candor appearing on your own reality show i'm not certain how that fits into the american kalgs lust of what helps me see you in the oval office" but for sarah palin, talk of the white house is never far away. >> do you think she's going to run in 2012? >> i hope so. >> reporter: while her speech boosted this shaky republican contender like no one else can, she also sounded a lot like a candidate herself. >> no more business as usual. let's change d.c. let's restore america with honor. god bless alaska and the united states of america. >> reporter: this race is now officially too close to call. if murkowski wins and succeeds as a write-in candidate for senate, she will be the first person to do so in more than a half century. robin. >> a wild scene there, all right, neal. south of you calmer, carly fiorina, the republican candidate for senate in california is back on the campaign trail. that's after spending two days in the hospital for an infection related to reconstructive surgery after her successful treatment for breast cancer. late yesterday i had a chance to sit down with her as she prepared for her final days of the campaign. you were out a day and you're hitting the campaign trail. how are you feeling today. >> i've been so touched by so many people's concern but i feel fantastic. i'm happy to be back out on the twain xal and looking forward to the next few days. >> so grueling. did the doctors give you any special request or advice to you? >> well, you know, of course, they said try and take it easy, which is impossible, but, you know, i had an infection which is pretty common when you go through the kind of reconstructive surgery i went through so i'm on antibiotics and they dealt well with the infection and here we go. >> let's get down to business. senator mccain recently speaking out on your behalf and was very strong in what he said about barbara boxer saying in part that she wanted to wave the white flag of surrender in every military conflict. do you agree with that? >> well, i think barbara boxer's track record on military security is quite clear and consistent. she has voted against appropriations for the military on many, many occasions. >> so you don't feel senator mccain went too far. >> i think when you've been a career politician for 34 years you have to run on your record. >> we know that sarah palin has visited california recently, but she was not campaigning for you. why not sarah palin? is she too extreme for you? >> well, i don't know why you're asking about her in particular. i mean there are many people who have endorsed me that i agree with on some things and not others. >> i guess the reason that sarah palin's name continues to come up is that she's been very powerful and she's been very helpful to a number of different candidates across the country. down in florida, charlie crist had an ad campaign saying sarah palin is just too extreme for some republicans. >> well, i don't agree with sarah palin on everything. as i say, i don't agree with many folks on absolutely everything. >> let's talk about your opponent, barbara boxer. we heard her on msnbc. she said this about your track record as a ceo. >> she was the head of hewlett-packard and it's her chance to bring her experience to washington. what she leaves out of it is that she was fired from that job after she brought the stock down by more than 50%. she laid off 30,000 workers, shipped their jobs to china and other places. she was also named one of the worst ceos of all times by five different publications. >> your response to that comment? >> barbara boxer has spent millions of dollars personally attacking me so i'll pick through a couple items. i've also been named the best ceo by many publications. i doubled the size of the company from 44 billion to 88 billion, creating many jobs in the process. our stock, yes, was down because i managed through the dotcom bust, the worst technology recession in 25 years, but our stock outperformed the technology peer index by 23%. and may i just say it is the height of hypocrisy for boxer to criticize me for having to downsize or outsource jobs when she takes hundreds of thousands of dollars from campaign contributors to do exactly the same. >> you bring a different skill set given your experience in the private sector. however, the $21 million severance package you received, some people, they look at that as corporate excess. >> i really believe that all ceo pay should be voted on by shareholders ahead of time. mine was. i also am shocked that barbara boxer has become a mul multimillionaire while she's been a senator. she voted herself a 40% pay increase. you can only do that in washington, d.c. i started out typing and filing and answering the phones for a nine-person company. i remember what it was like to not know whether i was going to have enough money to make it through the month and i also know from that experience that we can't get this economy going again unless we help small businesses and family i've owned businesses because they are where the majority of americans get their start. >> you're no stranger to public scrutiny but is there anything that has even surprised you in running for public office like this? >> you know what surprised me honestly in a positive way, robin, is the wonderful people you meet along the way. i mean, yes, politics is -- it can be a full contact sport for sure and there are days when it gets pretty nasty out there. but, you know, i have met so many wonderful people along the way. i wouldn't trade a day of it, honestly. >> and she definitely wants to stay on message. does not want the discussion to be anything about her health. >> trying for a comeback in the last four days. there's lots of buzz about the upcoming memoir from president george w. bush, "decision points" doesn't come out till november 9th but copies are leaking out and martha raddatz has details on how he reflects on his eight years in the white house. martha. >> reporter: he president bush wanted to make sure it came out after the midterm elections but the details starting to leak out now seem far more personal than political. president bush told us about the book during a visit to the ranch while he was still in office. so you can be alone in there and that's where you write the book? >> well, you know, that's where i'm planning on writing a book. >> reporter: a book that the drudge report says takes the high road taking few defensive shots at his critics including steering clear of president obama. >> i decided to take an untraditional approach. >> reporter: that often details the agonizing decisions he had to make as president. drudge writes about one particularly difficult decision in the book, revealing that it was bush who gave the order to shoot down planes after the twin towers were hit on 9/11. he further reveals that bush thought at first that the u.s. military had shot down flight 93 over pennsylvania. the book begins with a chapter called "quitting" where bush recalls a simple question he was asked decades ago. "can you remember the last day you didn't have a drink?" he talked to me in 2007 about his battles with alcohol. >> i had too much to drink one night and the next night i didn't have any, the next day and decided to quit. >> reporter: the book frequently talks about the president's faith. according to judge in 2005 while at the funeral of john paul ii, bush was deep in prayer for none other than the late abc anchor peter jennings who had announced he had lung cancer the day before. and did you ever wonder why bush became such a fast friend of saudi's crown prince? it turns out that the prince had threatened to leave during a visit to the ranch because of bush's support of israel. but then a turkey appeared on the road. the crown prince thought it was a good omen, a sign from allah. of course, these leaks rocket the president's book up in sales or george, should we say, presales. >> a turkey? i guess -- >> okay. >> juju chang has the rest of the news. we'll turn to something we're just learning about. terrifying moments for passengers on an american airlines flight from miami to boston. a half hour into the flight the cabin lost pressure when a two-foot hope ripped open above the cabin door and the pilot had enough time to turn around and land back in miami. according to "the wall street journal" similar cracks were found on a united airlines plane. they're stepping up inspections now. a dramatic scene outside philadelphia. a driver going the wrong way on a busy freeway. an elderly woman was behind the wheel cruising along i-95 against traffic. another driver captured it on his cell phone. she caused four accidents and police are still trying to find her. the rangers are in a deep hole after a disastrous world series game two. there was two outs and they scored seven run, count them, seven, the final 9-0. that's the news at 7:19. >> a push behind that. >> giants. >> they haven't won since they were the new york giants back in the 1950s. time for the weather with jeff smith from wabc did in for sam. >> we're waking up to our coldest morning so far and wide swath from indiana through illinois under freeze warnings this morning down near the freezing mark in chicago, about 31 over toward kansas city. out west right now, storm moving onshore. heavy rain moving into the san francisco bay area. maybe several inches of rain in some of the coastal mountain ranges. l.a., the rain arrives late. when i say late i mean the daylight hours might remain dry and wait till overnight to come in. the cool air arrived in new york city, 56. nice weather, atlanta, all the way over toward dallas. >> in the tropics looking a little tricky as we head into halloween weekend. robin, george? >> thank you very much. we want to mention that sam will be back monday. thanks for your help, jeff. we are looking forward to that. coming up a guilty verdict in the drug trial surrounding anna nicole smith's death. what does it mean for her former boyfriend and for her psychiatrist. >> doctor acquitted. new details on charlie sheen's wild night in new york. more on the woman with her and what she was asking for. it was quite a lot. >> that's after your news and weather. we had a mouse. what? don't freak, it's gone. who did it? i did. with ortho home defense max. guaranteed to kill the mouse. just push down the lever and it does the rest. nothing to see, nothing to touch. you just throw it away. no mess, no drama. ortho. defend what's yours. with the $2.50 breakfast combo. get a 16oz. cup of piping-hot seattle's best coffee and a savory new sunrise subway melt built fresh to your order for just $2.50. subway. build your better breakfast. that advertise flights for 25,000 miles? but when you call... let me check. oh fudge, nothing without a big miles upcharge. it's either pay their miles upcharges or connect through mooseneck! 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[ male announcer ] don't pay miles upcharges. don't play games. get the flight you want with the venture card at [ loving it ] help! what's in your wallet? to cover up flaws and make skin look pretty but there's one that's so clever, it makes your skin look better even after you take it off. neutrogena healthy skin liquid makeup. 98% of women saw improvement in their skin's natural texture, tone, or clarity. does your makeup do that? neutrogena® cosmetics recommended most by dermatologists. neutrogena® cosmetics everyone knows a fee is a tax. you raised some taxes during that period, particularly the property tax as well as a lot of fee increases. as you know, there's a big difference between fees and taxes. but...they're the same. it's a tax. it's a tax. it's a tax. it's a tax. fees you have to define, because they have nothing to do with taxes. fees and taxes are one in the same. if it comes out of my pocket, it's a tax. now he says it isn't true. they have nothing to do with taxes. what? still doing the same thing, paying out more money. typical politician. definitely. now mayor lean most powerful doppler radar and forecast certified most accurate by weather rate in good morning. 7:26. breeze is picking up this morning. we are at 48 a cold air is trying to push in. mixing in clouds around the beltway and we will have sun there's another band of clouds developing this afternoon. could be mostly cloudy on the north side and partly sunny or more sun further south. wind and chill and snow showers showing up on the map and tonight, a freeze watch. north and west of baltimore this may be the time to think about detaching some of the hoses so they don't get damaged but today we are looking for a afternoon temperature of 58. here's kim with traffic. >> reporter: justin, we are dealing with lighter than normal volume around the area right now. as you check 95 southbound looking at white marsh boulevard approaching the beltway. traffic moves well. no problems or delays. look at our maps, a couple accidents one involving a struck pedestrian in lutherville that's york and we have rocks in the roadway 97 southbound as you approach the beltway. expect delays there. here's megan with the morning news update. >> reporter: good morning. he was supposed to be a mentor to kids and now he is behind bars this morning facing child abuse charges. police say that mark citro faces charges including impersonating a police office erin child abuse. they say he formed a relationship with a 14-year-old boy over a one-year period even allowing him to sleep over at his house. boy told police showed him gay pornography and stole his underwear and exposed himself. also this morning, tens of thousands are being expected to flock to the nation's capital this weekend for a rally led by jon stewart and stevenen colbert. musical acts have been announced including roots and sheryl crow. allow plenty of time because there's going to be a lot of people. we are out of time but withl check in in a bit. but now back to new york for "good morning, america" three years after anna nicole smith's death, a jury has convicted those closest to her on conspiracy charges. her boyfriend and her sigh kies tryst were found guilty of obtaining medication for her and fraud. a look at what comes next for them. >> more details on charlie sheen's wild night in new york. new pictures showing the actor with porn star capri anderson. also with his ex-wife just hours before police arrived at his . hotel room. >> back to work now. also, how vital are vitamins? they're a multimillion dollar industry but which ones do you need? dr. richard besser has the answer. all that good advice coming up. we mix with the verdicts in the anna nicole smith trial. her former boyfriend and lawyer howard k. sterp, her psychiatrist and doctor were all charged with conspiracy and fraud to provide her with prescription drugs. stern was found guilty of two charges. her psychiatrist on four but her doctor was acquitted on all counts and mike von fremd has more. >> reporter: in life anna nicole smith had a special talent for both stealing the spotlight and creating a train wreck. >> i want this guy to produce mine. >> very nice, very sexy. >> reporter: from the pages of "playboy" to marrying a 93-year-old tycoon she became bigger than life. lawyer howard k. stern became her companion during her lawsuit against the tycoon's estate. stern was also at the heartbroken's mother side at the death of her son. now the spotlight and chaos. >> what the jury did find me guilty of were two conspiracy counts limited exclusively to my name being used on medications for anna. >> reporter: in an exclusive interview with abc news ten years ago, anna nicole freely admitted she had a serious drug problem. >> i was on prescription pain medication and i was taking too much and -- >> reporter: her sipsychiatrist and stern -- >> i think it's clear that both of these individuals definitely cared for anna nicole smith, but by the same token you can't use false name, get prescription medication and feed it to her on a silver platter. >> reporter: stern could lose his law license. the psychiatrist could lose her medical license. sentencing for anna nicole's closest friends is scheduled for early next year. for "good morning america," mike von fremd, abc news, los angeles. >> and for more on this we're joined from los angeles by robin sax and criminal defense attorney mark geragos. welcome to both of you. robin, let me begin with you. this verdict surprised you, didn't it? >> it was a little surprise in that especially that both parties right now are claiming victory. how is it that both of them claim a victory when you have not very many counts that were actually prosecuted and convicted on especially for the prosecution's point of view. how is it if you couldn't prove that anna nicole smith was an addict who is an addict? so i don't see it as a win but both are claiming victory. >> who do you see it as a win for, anyone? >> well, i see it's a win for the defense actually here for sure for dr. kapoor, the primary physician responsible for prescribing all medicines was completely acquitted and here you only have a conviction based on one incident in november of 2006 where howard q. stern's name was used on a prescription and a conspiracy that happened before that. out of all of the counts that was it for all of those weeks of trials, 13 days of deliberations, two counts with a maximum of two years in state prison which is unlikely to happen. >> it was a win for the defense, do you agree, mark? >> yeah, absolutely, although if you're -- if you're howard k. stern or the other psychiatrist, you're not too happy about the fact that obviously your licenses are in jeopardy, but the problem or the problem for the prosecution is this judge did not remand them into custody, didn't take them into custody after the verdict. not likely either will get much if any jail time whatsoever and by all accounts the judge was not impressed with the testimony nor the prosecution at any point during the trial. it really was a complete waste of time and effort and i suppose but for anna nicole smith this case never would have been prosecuted. >> why do you think dr. kapoor was cleared on all counts but howard stern and the psychiatrist were not. >> i think it's clear although you could talk to jurors and they'd probably give you a hundred different explanations but the idea that the doctor took over somebody else's practice and i've defended doctors in cases where they're dispensing medicine in situations where there's chronic pain. jurors are never real anxious to kind of second-guess the doctor in that situation. and in this case, obviously they weren't going to second-guess him and the counts that stern and the psychiatrist were convicted of, i got to tell you in los angeles on the west side of town amongst certain crowds, that's a very common thing to have medication dispensed in other people's names for your privacy. it's a way of protecting yourself. >> robin, mark mentioned the judge didn't seem particularly impressed by the prosecution's case. that's an understatement. >> that is an understatement. i actually sat in court through much of the testimony and trial and i thought about asking the judge if he wanted to pull up a chair at counsel table and join the defense. he was annoyed. he was irritated. he screamed and yelled at the prosecution whenever he had an opportunity. he dismissed counts whenever he had an opportunity and even gone so far as to say there is going to be potential selective prosecution indicating he may not sentence to any time at all and may even consider dismissing charges. >> does he really have that much discretion? >> there is -- >> absolutely, absolutely. >> absolutely. >> do you think -- go ahead, mark. >> i was going to say this is not a soft touch for the defense. judge perry is a very tough judge, very strict, runs a very disciplined courtroom. he wasn't impressed with this prosecution because there wasn't much to be impressed by. and do i think he'll go through with it? absolutely i think he'll go through with it. this is not a prosecution that by any means was going to be held up as the gold or platinum standard. >> reducing the sentence or throwing the case out? >> i can see him throwing this case out. he was tempted at the end of the prosecution case. he was human nating repeatedly about the idea that he didn't hoe that he was going to let this go to the jury. he was torn as to whether he was going to let it go to the jury. he did let it go to the jury but he still sits there as kind of a 13th juror and he can step in and if he wants to he can throw it out. >> mark mentioned a lot of people in los angeles, maybe around the country get prescriptions under a false name to protect their privacy. how do you think this is going to affect potential prosecutions in the future? we know that dr. conrad murray will be tried in michael jackson's death. >> this case is completely different than the conrad murray case. i mean here you have in the conrad murray case a prescription of propofol that would never be used by a doctor outside of a hospital or painkiller. that takes it out of the realm of prescription drugs but here you have a problem with the prosecution of a painkiller type of case when someone may have a pain problem. i don't see prosecutors looking at this as the big success and now let's go after everyone else. >> okay, robin sax, mark geragos, thanks for your insight this morning. it is time for the weather. jeff smith from wabc in for sam. >> we have video from richmond, virginia. from a tornado that hit that area on wednesday afternoon into wednesday evening. we use these aerial shots to determine the intensity. this is 80 to 90-mile-per-hour wounds, ef-1. the homes still standing. fences came down and roof damage. if it was an ef-2 or 3 or higher we would be talking more damage and maybe some homes would have been flattened. you can see the cooler air moving into the east as that front moved offshore. temperatures in the 50s all weekend. boston, philadelphia, new york, washington, d.c. getting barely above the 60-degree mark, tropics making a late rally. this could become tomas and walter could be in the makings. sherry passing near bermuda. tropical storm warnings for that island. >> this weather report brought about you a wisk laundry detergent. more details on charlie sheen's wild night out in new york. 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[ female announcer ] this season get it before you get it at your local walgreens with vicks nyquil and dayquil. buy a nyquil twin pack or a dayquil 40 count for $8.99 and get $2 in register rewards. walgreens. there's a way to stay well. ve seen a lot os from andy harris. here's what i've done- i saved local crab businesses when red tape threatened jobs. saved jobs at local car dealers, when bureaucrats tried to shut them down. and cracked down on employers hiring illegal immigrants. and when they came to me to vote for the $3 trillion budget and the health care bill - i stood up and said no. the problem with washington is there's too much fighting between the left and the right. i'm frank kratovil and i approve this message because i'm more interested in helping you. we're back at 7:43. troubled sitcom star charlie sheen is back to work just days after that wild incident when police were called to his suite at the plaza hotel. questions remain whether he could face legal trouble and andrea canning has more on that. good morning, again. >> reporter: well, so far no one has pressed any charges including the porn star who was allegedly with sheen but the new york papers are reporting that she claims the actor promised her $12,000 for that night and she wants him to pay up or she could take action. charlie sheen is back to work seen here arriving on the set of his new movie called "she wants me." the real-lie girl in question is capri anderson. >> i was born in l.a. >> reporter: sources say she was the woman with sheen the night of his alleged meltdown in the new york city hotel room. just hours before the incident they had been out to dinner together. tmz obtained these photos of her and sheen. thursday on anderson's adult website she posted this message breaking her silence. "yes, it's me, the mysterious hotel girl that everyone is talking about. there really is not much to say but i just want everyone to know i'm fine. please don't believe everything you hear in the news." anderson has not filed any charges but mmz isutto sheen's used the opportunity to promote her website calling herself the hot topic porn star. she even added three new videos to her site in the past 24 hours and lowered her membership fee. the incident has become the ultimate tabloid fodder from the entertainment shows. >> charlie sheen's first words today. >> reporter: to late night comedy. >> the good news since he was caught with a hooker he could wind up serving four years as governor of new york. >> reporter: anderson and sheen are the subjects of a new tai n taiwanese cartoon. >> reporter: okay, i know you're shaking your head at home. five days left on his probation stemming from a christmas day assault on his wife brooke mueller in aspen and spoke with the d.a.'s office and looks like that won't be in jeopardy if no charges are filed in this case and crazy reports that this woman may try to meet with the d.a. to try to mess with his probation because she's upset with his behavior reportedly. >> stay tuned. all right, andrea, have a good weekend. coming up next, the books that shaped our lives. george and i will reveal our favorites. are they yours? come on back and find out. ♪ yeah, we really do - ♪ and there's nothing wrong - [ bird squawks ] ♪ with what i feel for you ♪ i could hang around till the leaves are brown and the summer's gone ♪ [ announcer ] when you're not worried about potential dangers, the world can be a far less threatening place. take the scary out of life with travelers insurance... and see the world in a different light. imagine what it can do to your skin. but dove isn't soap. it contains pure 1/4 moisturizing cream because, everyday moisture is the key to beautiful skin. and who knows moisture better than dove. introducing wisk with stain spectrum technology. try new wisk. we upgraded the formula, but not the price. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] every day thousands of people are switching from tylenol® to advil. to learn more and get your special offer, go to take action. take advil®. women are charged 40%m. more for the same health insurance as men. domestic violence is treated as a pre-existing condition in eight states. women are abused by their husbands and then by their insurance companies. and last year they tried to end our coverage for mammograms and other preventive services. well i'm proud to say i got the law changed. i'm barbara mikulski. i approve this message so you'll know that being a woman is no longer a pre-existing condition. i love you, brad. >> around the watercooler. >> did i say that outloud. >> the social network you'll want your kids to join. have you heard about this? it's called you are what you it was created by scholastic. big fan of theirs and it's like facebook for readers connecting users to each other via the books they love.ders connecting we were flattered that they -- >> absolutely. >> we each put up -- it's like a book print is what -- listing five books that touch you and we want to put up our list and see if it matches any -- isn't that nice? >> in orange for halloween but among the books i picked to kill a mockingbird which happened to be one of the most elicit book, little women up from slavery which is a beautiful book, autobiography of booker washington. i was born in cuss teague gee and helped start the university there. the traveler's gift. >> i put up one. one is by john updike and i had to do "curious george." no option. on that one but this is great. if you click on -- if you then click on one of the books you can get connected to other books that might be connected to that as well and it just bills a huge network right there. >> you are what you read. you can tell so much about a person's personality by your list. >> what did you pick? >> a lot of curious things about you, that you're a little bit of a trouble maker. >> you can start your own book print too. we have people -- from taylor swift to former president george w. bush and there's something for everyone. a great way for readers to find out what everyone is reading and learning. do your girls read a lot? >> we want them to read even more. every night. juju, you didn't get the halloween memo today? >> this is like -- >> even the flowers are pumpkin. >> we're so out there. right? find a lot more on our website hi! trick or treat. trick or treat. weren't you guys just here? no. yes. no. [ female announcer ] make halloween the most fun night of the year. walmart has this candy for an average of 20% less than other stores. save money. live better. walmart. [ male announcer ] a big day deserves a better breakfast. choose from a dee-licious lineup of our newest $5 footlong breakfast melts, like the sunrise subway melt. [ strahan ] subway. build your better breakfast. with the $2.50 breakfast combo. get a 16oz. cup of piping-hot seattle's best coffee and a savory new sunrise subway melt built fresh to your order for just $2.50. subway. build your better breakfast. [ female announcer ] keurig has over 200 varieties of gourmet coffee and tea to choose from. ♪ keurig is the way to brew fresh, delicious coffee in under a minute. way to brew. [ female announcer ] so with keurig, every cup tastes like it's brewed just for you. ♪ because it is. choose. brew. enjoy. keurig. my, maryland's most powerful doppler radar and the forecast certified most accurate by weather rate. all right. good morning 7:56. we have 48 degrees. this is outside our stewedo. notice a hint of a wind chill but the winds gusting to 22 miles per hour averaging in the 5 to 15 range and that makes it feel dueler. 47 if bel air. and a warm pocket of 50 in columbia. mix of cloud and we have the strong chilly wind that will dominate for us today. and we will be watching the breakdown of the wind and clouds allowing freezing conditions north and west of the city tonight. so if it's tender vegetation or disconnecting garden hoses, it's something to keep in mind. baltimore, carroll or howard county. 58 the two degree guarantee with some warning sun mixed in but more clouds north of the city into the after noon the wind gusting at 30 miles per hour but tonight about the temperatures. 34 around the beltway. 20s north and west. let's check out the traffic right now with kim brown. >> reporter: the state highway administration came out and cleared away the rocks in the southbound lanes of 97 just past the beltway so now traffic is able to move better. looking at the beltway on west side, lighter than normal volume a little slowing here on the outer loop lanes past liberty road but 695 is look good. checking the maps, we have a couple accidents around the area one in parkville that's going to be at kings ridge road and puddy hill avenue in towson and we are trying to work with some lingering crash activity southbound york road at and that's a crash involving a struck pedestrian. no probable loanlts jfk harrisburg checking in without problems. stay with us, we are send yowing back to new york for more of "good morning, america" two governors, but only one has made the tough choices to put our priorities first. martin o'malley. he cut $5 billion in waste and spending so he could protect education, freeze college tuition costs four years in a row, and help small businesses grow with new tax incentives. his strong fiscal leadership protects our tax dollars and our priorities. because martin o'malley knows making the tough choices today makes a stronger maryland for tomorrow. ♪ i feel good ♪ i feel good ♪ i knew that i would now >> look at that crowd. ♪ so good so good >> i don't know if it's for kids or for us, halloween. >> that's right. that outfit is definitely for the kids. they are very excited as we count down the final couple days. also this morning, so many americans take vitamin, almost half of americans say they do. could it be you don't need them and they could actually hurt you? dr. richard besser has been investigating with the surprise findings. >> always so confusing about that. she looks like the all-american suburban girl but look closer. she is a heroin addict. why is the drug now on the rise where you'd least expect it? we go inside her world for answers. >> a real unsettling report. why would you want to save your old plastic milk jugs and raisin boxes? >> why? >> i couldn't figure out either. we'll roll out our old things and new uses. >> speaking of halloween, take a look at the beautiful cute little pets down in key west, florida, it's at the annual pet masquerade and it's a parade and it takes place there and i spent a lot of time -- that's adorable. oh, look at the little pirate. hi matey. >> polar bear in key west. >> i thought i would give it a shout. there's k.j. >> what are you doing to me, robin? >> she is a rooster and she's like if you do not get this off of me right now. >> how long were you able to keep it on. >> just long enough to take the picture. she's all set for halloween. >> tutu, out of it this three minutes. >> i blame becky worley she left me that earlier this week. jon stewart is heading to washington with stephen colbert for tomorrow's rally to restore sanity and fear. 200,000 people say they will come but stewart and colbert put a tight lid on what fans can expect to see until now. claire shipman is kron the case starting to crack that open. >> reporter: they've been secretive but leaking out sheryl crow, sam waterston. but is this a political rally or big piece of performance art? unclear. >> we are going to do this. the forms have been filled out. the checks have been written. >> people, people can definitely book their hotel rooms now. >> reporter: whatever it is it's clearly going to be big. >> for tonight i announce the rally to restore sanity. [ cheers and applause ] it is happening, people. >> reporter: but what are we to make of a couple of comedians who say they have no political agenda drawing huge crowds to washington a few days before elections? one of them able to snag a coveted pre-election interview with the president. >> jon, i love your show, but -- >> but. >> i think jon stewart is about as good an interviewer as there is in the public domain right now. >> reporter: he insists he's not the answer to glenn beck. he's been talking about a different message. >> a million moderate march where we take to the streets to send a message to our leaders and our national media that says we are here. we're only here, though, until 6:00 because we have a sitter. >> he is looking for a bigger megaphone. this message that the country is not really convulsed by partisanship but the extremes we see reflected in the media. >> reporter: but jon stewart the comedian will never admit it. >> what we are doing is we are using the rally format to do the same thing we do with our shows. >> reporter: look, a lot of people think this is much more than satire and looking at that facebook page it will be a big under 30 crowd. >> those 200,000, if they show up. >> juju with the rest of the news. we'll turn to more political news overnight. word that former president bill clinton tried to get democratic congressman kendrick meek to drop out of the three-way senate race in florida. but this morning on "gma" meek denied ever agreeing to drop out. also this morning in a "gma" exclusive california republican senate candidate carly fiorina insisted that despite her recent hospitalization she's healthy and determined to unseat democratic barbara boxer. one poll shows boxer with an eight-point lead. overall the picture is looking bleak for democrats. 108 of their seats are vulnerable including 68 that either lean republican or are toss-ups. even if democrats hold on to the senate, it may be by only a one-seat margin. after six months of finger-pointing halliburton is now accepting some of the blame for the gulf oil spill. they admit they skipped a critical test on the cement used to seal the bp well but the admission came only after a presidential commission found the cement was unstable. now to arkansas where a school board member appears to have caved to overwhelming pressure to resign after posting an anti-gay rant on facebook. our steve osunsami has more. >> reporter: they're the words of midland school board member clint mccance on the day to wear purple. on his facebook page he wrote this "seriously, they want me to wear purple because five queers committed suicide. the only way i'm wearing it for them is if they all commit suicide. >> we're asking mr. mccance to resign. >> reporter: he has divided his school district and divided christians in this rural community. >> all this is nonsense. >> reporter: the state's top educator said he couldn't fire him unless he committed a felony or was excessively absent. >> we can't require him to resign. >> reporter: after families of bullied teens reached out to him clint mccance told us he was out of line and was resigning. >> i've hurt those families again after they've already been through a terrible, terrible tragedy. and i felt like i needed to resign to heal some wounds. it was the right thing to do. >> reporter: he apologized to families who lost children to suicide and took back the slurs and hurtful words that went on and on. for "good morning america," steve osunsami, abc news. >> well, the family of a university football player shot and killed by police are holding a memorial for him in boston. police say they found the woman who tried to revive 20-year-old d.j. henry after he was shot outside a bar. witnesses and police provided vastly different accounts of what happened. and now diane sawyer has a sneak peek at what "world news" has on tap for tonight. diane. >> good friday to you, juju. hope it's a great weekend for all of you at "gma." and in this era of conflicting claims what is true? the "world news" fact check continues tonight. also, we have a dentist with an idea about halloween. our person of the week on "world news." >> dentist and lots of candy. that's the news at 8:07. time for the weather with jeff smith in for sam. >> hey, juju. these young ladies out here, they claim they're from -- >> greensboro. >> and -- >> why did i guess bedrock? why would i guess bedrock? good effort. better than my orange tie. let's check on wcvb in boston providing us a live shot of logan international airport. brisk out there. the cool air has finally arrived. only getting up to a7. low 50s in the great lakes. in the southwest, a big story will be the end of the summer of like weather and l.a. will have a big cooldown, 67 by later on in the weekend. falllike in the midwest. maybe showers and storms over southern parts of florida. >> robin, we'll send it back over to you. >> jeff, thank you. now to a "20/20" investigation on the front lines of drug addict. in the past three years the number of heroin users have doubled and half of first-time users are under the age of 26. chris cuomo and his team spent more than eight months tracking this addiction explosion to its e epicenter, the suburbs and chris will tell us more about that. great to see you, chris. >> always great to see you. the problem with drugs we understand what's going on here is that dealers have made heroin cheaper and stronger. therefore, it's going to be more addictive but targeting a group of people, the users we've never seen before, suburban kids and families are now in crisis. ♪ >> i'm literally just rotting. there's nothing i can think of that's going to matter. >> this is ashley. she's just 21 years old and smoking as many as 100 hits of heroin a day. >> i think when people look at me, i mean, they see that i live in a really nice house and that i mean i don't look like a heroin addict. >> reporter: ashley lives in a suburb outside minneapolis, a city like many around the country being hit hard by the surge of heroin. >> heroin is getting stronger and the users in the twin cities getting younger. >> reporter: heroin is considered the most addictive and dangerous narcotic named after the word heroic because it gave the feeling of euphoric power to users. it's worse than ever. dealers made it stronger, cheaper and easy to get. >> what i do is take like a straw and then just -- >> reporter: with just one hit you could be hooked. ashley puts the heroin on tin foil, burns it and inhales the fumes. this is not supposed to happen to you. too pretty, too smart, too many people who love you, too much money, and potential. >> i never thought in a million years that i would be that kind of person. >> reporter: she lives with her parents cocooned in the basement in what she calls herdungeon. >> this has all the trappings of junkie life. that's not from gardening. that is your soot. that's your resin soot from use, right? >> uh-huh. >> reporter: that resin, the dark sticky residue of black tar heroin is of with are, impossible to miss. >> it's full. >> reporter: ashley says she hides the foil because she doesn't want her parents to find it in the trash. each represents a hit. i'll do six or nine hits. i can't believe that these dots in the foil is what my life has revolved around. it's just unbelievable. >> reporter: it's a desperation all too familiar for ashley's friend dylan who is now in his sixth stint in rehab for heroin addiction in florida. his parents are at their wit's end and willing to do whatever it takes to help their son. >> i'm really angry my son is an addict. i'm really mad that he's not doing the work he's supposed to. >> reporter: here they hit a rubber block to access anger. when his mom carolyn takes over. there's no holding back. >> my kid is high half the time. i'm angry about all that. feels a little better. actually feel a little letter. >> reporter: dylan who said he took heroin to numb himself finally starts to feel. >> when i was hitting i was angry at myself or how i treated my family. just a lot of shame and guilt. >> going to be a lot of surprises in the story. for instance, why would he go to rehab so many times? 8 0% failure rate because the drug is so strong. >> how are they doing now, ashley and dylan. >> they're doing well. it's about life change. everything has to change when you're hooked on such a strong drug. they're still this controlled environment. >> ashley is still living in the basement of her parents' home and they would rather her be there than out on the street. >> you think these parents should be tough. they should be tough. two thing, one, they're afraid of losing their child to the street. all the horrible things that can happen and so hard to get them off drugs, the other they're allowing the kid to chase fun and a quick high. she and many addicts do the drug because the withdrawal is too intense. she doesn't even enjoy the drug. >> thanks for bringing the story. you can watch the full report tonight "20/20" at 10:00, 9:00 central time. coming up next could your vitamins be doing you more harm than good? dr. besser with perhaps some surprising answers for you after this. at the stats. let's take a look mini has more than double the fiber and whole grain... making him a great contender in this bout... against mid-morning hunger. honey nut cheerios is coming in a little short. you've got more whole grain in your little finger! let's get ready for breakfaaaaaaaaaast! ( ding, cheering, ringing ) keeping you full and focused with more than double the fiber and whole grain... in every tasty bite -- frrrrrrosted mini-wheeeeats! didn't know i had it in me. frrrrrrosted mini-wheeeeats! hey, babe. oh, hi, honey! so i went to the doctor today, then picked up a few extra things for the baby. oh, boy... i used our slate card with blueprint. we can design our own plan to avoid interest by paying off diapers and things each month. and for the bigger stuff, we can pay down our balance faster to save money on interest. bigger? bigger. slate from chase gives you extraordinary control over how you pay for life's surprises. trip...lets... slate customers pay down their balances twice as fast with blueprint. let's raise a glass to cookies just out of the oven. to the morning bowl of cereal. and to lactaid® milk. easy to digest and with all the calcium and vitamin d of regular milk. [ female announcer ] lactaid®. the original lactose-free milk. [ male announcer ] in the event of a collision, the smartest thing you could do is cut the fuel supply, unlock the doors, and turn on the hazard lights. ♪ or better yet, get a car that automatically does it for you. ♪ ♪ introducing wisk with stain spectrum technology. try new wisk. we upgraded the formula, but not the price. ♪ we upgraded the formula, but not the price. the difference between hiding my skin and showing it off? jergens ultra healing moisturizer. even my driest skin looks healthier, instantly. jergens is the difference between i'm here, and here i am. jergens®. the beautiful difference. we see all kinds of ads saying taking vitamins and supplements shut be part of our daily routine but do all those bill pills and the bills that come with them add up to better health? dr. besser has at answers and will tell us what you need and don't teed to take to stay health? >> this is a controversial topic. so many people swear by their vitamins and supplements. we're bomb barred by commercials, infomercials many of which make extraordinary claims about the health benefits of the vitamins and supplements but it's often based on very little research and minimal fda regulation and decided to take a closer look at these claims. you don't want to get between these folks and their vitamins. >> helps you to guard against illness. >> i take a vitamin and supplement. >> reporter: 44% say they use supplements every day helping to create a $25 billion industry but do you really need them to stay healthy. >> my feel something that i don't need them. >> she may be right. >> if we really look at the data supporting vitamin and mineral supplements there isn't a whole lot there. >> reporter: while many swear by them for most vitamins there are no quality scientific data that they can prevent illness unless you're severely deficient. two viewpoints, one big debate. most agree the best way to get your vitamins and minerals is through a healthy diet. but it's easy to fall into the vitamin habit especially online where vitamins, minerals and supplements are heavily marketed. i decided to check it out myself. i found two sites that will provide users with a personal list of vitamins and supplements. what would they recommend i take and at what cost? first you should know a little about me. i love vegetables. i'm 51 and i'm in good health. i'm a very healthy eater and i have a really diverse diet. i spoke with my personal physician dr. jill silverman who agrees. i don't need any vitamins or supplements. >> if you have a very diet and eating fruit age vegetables you should get all the vitamins you need through your diet and just wasting money by taking extra and potentially doing harm. >> reporter: i started with this site. an online health questionnaire created by dr. weil. servings of fish per week, four. it asks questions about diet, lifestyle and medication use. medications, i don't take any. at the end of the quiz, it suggested i buy six different supplements. daily antioxidant, b-50 complex, vitamin c, omega-3 and a weil juvenon. a 30-day supply, $51 a month. that's $600 a year. that's about the cost of some gym memberships. i eat a really good diet and exercise regularly. it's not clear to me why i need any of these products especially wei juvenon. it says it sustains energy levels and is a powerful antioxidant. is there science that says it will make me healthier? i was unimpressed with the science they provided me. but the company tells us taking supplements does not excuse you from eating a health promoting diet. the second site was created by the creator of naturemade vitamins and offers personalized recommendations for supplements after a short quiz. that's a lot of vitamins. it suggests for me vitamin c, kals ms, fish oil with vitamin e, magnesium, vitamin d, super b, mick trystle and a multivitamin. this is incredible. nine vitamins. right now i don't take any. that's a month supply for $52. that's $624 a year. that's a lot of vitamins i really don't need. we reached out to and they said "nutritional supplementation is one small component of a healthy lifestyle and our aim is to educate and offer consumers personalized guidance and information." being severely deficient in vitamins and minerals is bad for you and for those of you who are taking vitamins can help. but taking excess vitamins has no proven health value. so if you're already eating healthy, should you take extra vitamins? certainly your wallet would suffer. just remember when you take them, it's more based on faith than science. we reached out to an industry group, council for responsible nutrition for their comment and to an extent they agreed with us. in a statement it said in part "dietary supplements should not replace a healthy diet" and went on to say "take supplements in combination with other healthy habits including a well-balanced diet, exercise and routine visits with a health care professional". >> you don't rule out vitamins for everyone? >> there are certain groups for whom vitamins are important. pregnant women or women thinking about becoming pregnant need to take folate and a prenatal vitamin. that's extremely important. nursing women have to take a prenatal vitamin. newborn babies if they're breast fed, it doesn't have enough vitamin d. young children who may have a picky diet, a multivitamin would be useful and we have spoken here a lot about vitamin d and if you're not getting much sun exposure have your doctor measure a level. you may need to take that. >> that is the bottom line. in your doctor says you should be taking them go ahead and do it but don't rely on websites which are after all marketing websites. >> we have a lot more on and twitter at dr. richard besser. i'm not anti-vitamin but it's important you know where they are effective and where they're not. >> okay, rich, thanks very much. when we come back, the countdown to halloween continues. only two days left. [ quinn ] my name is quinn, and this is my eggo. on fridays i have hockey before school, so i take two eggo homestyle waffles and put peanut butter inside. [ whispering ] i add a couple chocolate chips when dad's starting the car. [ male announcer ] there's only one way to eat an eggo...your way. [ quinn ] l'eggo my eggo. [ louise ] my name is louise and this is my eggo. on tuesday i go in even earlier than usual. thank goodness for eggo, a nutri-grain waffle with a quick smoodge of cream cheese... at least that part's easy. [ male announcer ] there's only one way to eat an eggo...your way. 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[ male announcer ] a big day deserves a better breakfast. choose from a dee-licious lineup of our newest $5 footlong breakfast melts, like the sunrise subway melt. [ strahan ] subway. build your better breakfast. with the $2.50 breakfast combo. get a 16oz. cup of piping-hot seattle's best coffee and a savory new sunrise subway melt built fresh to your order for just $2.50. subway. build your better breakfast. now maryland's most powerful doppler radar and forecast certified most accurate by weather rate. good morning 8:27. we are back to 50 in baltimore but 40s just about everywhere else. we have ourselves a strong breeze out of north and even though we are breaking up some morning clouds and getting sun. , the wind will ed by up -- build up more clouds. a freeze watch north and west of baltimore city down in the low 30á. this afternoon i'ming for -- aiming for 58. >> reporter: so far so good as we lock at pulaski this is park heights avenue the inner and outer loop moving with a very few delays as we look at our maps. we have a disabled vehicle on the outer loop at delaney valley blocking one of the shoulders traffic is getting by no problem. in edgewood a problem at tree top drive. here's megan with the morning news update. >> reporter: it's 8:28. every thank giving the bea gaddy center serves dinner to thousands of residents and they are look for volunteers to help to provide temporary housing for women and children. if you want to get involved or make donation or be a volunteered stop by the shelter or give them a call the 410-563-2749. and in other news today 80 members of the national guard will deployed to afghanistan. members of the aviation debow maintenance round out unit and serve one year overseas. guards will provide aviation maintenance and support for concontinuing nsy and stability operation going on in afghanistan. we are out of time but we will send you back to new york for "good morning, america" and hope you will join us for "good morning, maryland." aaagh! >> help me, george. save me, george. >> once again our good friends at jibjab all week long have helped us celebrate. happy halloween. very creative and you can go on our website and create your own little jibjab so as we say good morning, america -- >> get this. everyone in the studio is putting us to shame with these costumes this morning. >> incredible stuff. >> so creative. they can't wait for sunday. and look at the little one at the end. one's on the loose. one's on the loose. she's back. we hope you have some fun planned for this halloween weekend and we're going to have suggestions for people as well. >> we'll have a lot of that coming up. take things that are already in your house and make them work for halloween. also this morning we want you -- when you're on our website, check it out. you can still vote until 5 p.m. for the scariest places in america. we have till 5 p.m. we've gone all over the country. a lot to choose from and on sunday we'll visit the one you decided was it. >> that would be fitting. what's on your menu? how about mummy dogs, spooky green smoothies. they're a snap to make and your kids will gobble them up plus kicking off our warm hearts, warm coats drive with our partners at burlington. one warm coat. we collected 219,762 coats last year and the need -- we know it's even greater this year. >> absolutely. you'll hear a lot more coming up but you can start by bringing your gently worn coats in. they'll be distributed to folks in need in the same community where they're donated so we'll do this all the way straight through christmas. we had a great turnout last year and we'll do it again this year. but over to jeff who has -- a little robin roberts. >> i want to congratulate you when people start dressing like you. >> george stephanopoulos complete with the history of the united states. >> i actually had hair that long. >> mike the fitzgerald. sam champion? >> rob by farr. >> you'll give a weather forecast. >> robin roberts. and juju. >> emily meyer. >> you guys -- great effort this morning. great effort. >> i think i had that tie before too. >> very good. i see, george had that tie before. >> is that my neck las? just checking. >> complete -- complete with the amazing robin jewelry. >> beautiful. >> they're great. let's check out the forecast across the country right now. this is actually for halloween. nice weather across the east. warm weather over florida. it's going to be typical in the northeast. temperatures in the 50s. nice over texas. here's some scary towns. scary, west virginia, 60. sleepy hollow, new york, 55. 52 in erie, pennsylvania. screamersville, virginia, what will it be? >> a little sunny. >> and 62? >> yeah, pretty much. this weather report has been brought to you by subway. george, back tovar ovover to yo. >> ways to have a great halloween without a frightening budget. you might have things lying around theous to prepare for the big day. "869 new uses for old things." we've got a few of them. >> we have a few. not 869 but all halloween themed. this is before the holiday, right, last-minute tips so what you'll do, if you don't have your house covered in cobwebs, use a gallon milk jug and turn it into a ghost. all you need to do is put it over a white trash bag, decorate it with the eyes and put the neck of the jug over a broomstick or broom ham and plant it either in a pumpkin or your ground. takes five minutes. >> this one is more complicated but worth it. >> this makes any costume better. fake blood is good. a great old recipe from old hollywood thrasher films. all you do is take corn syrup and all the stuff you have in your pantry already, very sticky so stay clear and do about five parts of corn syrup to one part chocolate syrup. whisk away and add in a little red food coloring and need to mix it up. depending on how viscous you want your blood. you can add water. it's none toxic but it's perfect for dipping in some fangs or drizzling in the corner of your mouth so creepy, spooky, all in your pantry. >> if you have a vitamin case -- >> healthy enough you have one. if you have a costume like a lady gaga and need to take makeup, use a pill case and put in your makeup and then of course applicanters to go. >> this one surprised me. raisin boxes and champagne. >> this is after the holiday, after halloween when you have the raisins left over in the bag because -- you don't eat the raisins. so what you want to do. have champagne, raisins, if you plop a few into the champagne will actually help get the physician going again. it will stick to the raisins -- it just sticks to the crevices and will start rising again. see how the bubbles start picking up again. >> okay. and you can actually even repurpose pumpkins. >> have had them for halloween. have a few more days out of them. make them into a serving dish so you've got the top off already or take off the top, hollow it out and line it with saran wrap or cell low faine and put cocktail napkins in there and use it as a serving bowl. kind of like the last gas. you could use it as a flower base too. >> this is a big favorite at home and cut down on the kids' candy intake. >> or have them ingest it in different forms. taking your leftover chocolate bars and melting them down in a fondue part and some pretzel rods or fruit. you can use any sort of candy. the plain chocolate is the best. want to do milky way, that would be delicious. >> the caramel will melt down the same way. >> low mild heat. >> boy, that is the easiest thing in the world. all fantastic. get all -- a lot more on our website, why are we going back over here? okay. sorry about that. thank you, sara. when we come back, if you miss the good old days they are bac qqqq you know, in the era of spanx it's usual to hear the return of the call of the corvette. leslie bloom wants us to return to the days of past. in her new book called "let's bring back." she wants us to put away our ipods. do you really want us to do that. >> well, kind of. >> what is it about red schoolhouses and that era gone by that fascinates you? >> let's bring back is an extension of my own life. i've always been nostalgic. i do ipods and spanx and i always loved books and records and as we move this a digital age a lot of these are being lost. a lot of objects are being lost, as well so i began -- let's bring back is a column to talk about things i would like to not only bring back but bring with us and we turned it into a book and now we see it here. >> some of your inspirations, jackie o., of course. >> of course. >> tell us more about how she influenced you? >> well, jackie kennedy is classic american style. and the thing that's amazing about her style and still applicable today it's very easy to replicate and very inexpensive. >> where do you get some of these items? >> well, in the case of a jackie kennedy book, you can find that at h&m. what i do recommend is if you are buying a sheet dress like that visit your tailor. that's an old-fashioned thing to do and they can take any garment and make it look beautiful on you. some women used to go for at many as three fittings for a nightgown in the old days but now you can take any kind of contemporary clothing and to that make it perfect. >> it's literally an encyclopedia from "a" to "z." driving gloves? >> i love driving gloves. they are little gloves you put on your hands and steering wheels must have been terribly slippery in the old days. you can be going across town to pick up soup at the super market and pop them up and feel like you're in the riviera. how many time is spent doing things like that, why not infuse your daily routine with a little bit of flair like that. >> a little panache. the black velvet choker is something i have seen from time to time. >> black velvet chokers, they -- nobody knows exactly when they came about, but they are the original high/low accessory. some people think they came up under the reign of louis xv. some people think the tudor queen ann boleyn used to wear them. ballet girls have worn them. pest apartments have worn them and it's just the strip of black velvet that you either tie in a little bow around your neck or have the little clip fastened there and it's so elegant and -- >> very simple but so elegant like that. >> so much about let's bring back is very, very simple and inexpensive and that's very, very important especially today. >> yes. especially, yes, today, in this economy. i know you were doing this well before we were in the recession. calling card, not business cards, calling cards. highly different. >> well, i mean don't we agree it's a little -- it's unpleasant to mix business and pleasure all the time and calling cards in the old days when you would go and visit another person's house, you would put your card on a little silver platter and the butler would whisk it away and it would announce your arrival. why not bring back a modern verse of the calling card that has your personal information on it and you give it out socially instead of dreary old business cards that you're constantly giving out and lovely flourish and intimate flourish. what you're saying to them when you give a calling card is let's be friends. i'm letting you into my life in a different way. >> bottom life here, why should someone pick up the book and what do you want them to get out of it. >> a lot of our life is lavendered in two-dimensions and we need to live it in three-di mention and spend so much time plugged in and beautiful things around us like books and listening to music together, playing music together in your home, sunday dinners, dinner parties. just nice to have that level of interaction and these are -- we should take our cues from the past as we move forward in the futu future. >> my mother always used to set the table and we would eat by candlelight. it was a wonderful experience and i thought everybody in america, i thought that's what you did, ate by candlelight. >> the entire world when you have a dinner party you don't need to have this lavish rococo dinner. everything looks beautiful. >> we have mac and cheese by candlelight. leslie, love the look, classic. thank you. >> thank you. >> it's a lovely read. thank you so much. have a great weekend and thanks for being here. you can read the intro and chapter of "let's bring back" on our website and get a recipe for cold fruit soups. go to our web item cookies and things good for your it's ourfinal countdown to halloween. i'm so excited. we'll show you the trick and kid-friendly nutritional way to get treats. katherine mccorps author of wee delicious." thanks for being here. we are so -- we're going to have so much fun. >> these are like fast, easy, fresh recipes, healthy. we'll fill the kids' bellies up before they head out trick-or-treating. >> my three boys will have enough candy. you want something that's more healthy when you're giving them a treat. >> and want to get them involved. halloween is about creating and being together as a family and having fun so these recipes are exactly that. so the first one i've got is chocolate co-few pudding pops. for them i've got silken tofu. >> they love it. a lot hear tofu and go, no. >> we'll change the flavor, soft and smooth and cream in. a third of a cup of cocoa powder and agave and a tablespoon of vanilla. so it's that easy. one of these recipes. want to get your kid involved because they can do all of that. you're going to puree it up. and when it's finished it looks like this. >> i feel like i have to taste it because the whole tofu controversy -- >> no, it's creamy. >> oh, my gosh. that's really good. >> it's chocolate pudding. >> you turn it into a product. >> we take these famous chocolate wavers and have little terra cotta pots. break a cookie in half and fill the bottom -- >> so nothing goes through the whole have exactly. >> put it in. a great activity for kids, getting them involved. what i did here is took the r l rolling pin and another activity. get kids crushing wavfers. >> this is dirt. >> you have the dirt and have to get the candy. >> you have to get the candy. >> the worms. let your kids stick them in and make them gruesome. >> this is the tart kind. >> these are the tart kind. >> have sugar covered or not. >> these are so much fun. >> the kids are having fun and you have beautiful ones here and these are what i like to call mummy dogs. how are you? these are mummy dogs. dinner before they go out. pizza dough. >> look like little mummified dogs. >> they can walk around -- >> they're healthy. they're the whole wheat pizza dough and i have cheesy bean dip here. >> what's in here? >> it's a cheese sauce and beans for the preteen so they look like little ants, spooky. >> go ahead. >> nice. >> you're leaving so soon? what happened? >> he knows how to be popular. >> these are spooky smoothies like spinach or banana or rice or almond milk. >> i think we have to try it. >> this is what my daughter says, she always says, ching chang. >> it's actually really good. >> it's really good. >> wow. >> seriously. >> really sweet. >> mm-mm. >> you can tell the kids it's a scary treat and only the brave -- what do you think? this is going to change your life? >> it has a lot -- it's packed with -- >> it's good. that's good. what's in it? >> spinach -- gets the green but banana, rice milk. it's sweet. >> it's really good. >> it's deceiving, you look at it. >> it's spooky. it's halloween, everything is supposed to be creepy. >> once you get them to try it on halloween then you can get them to go back. >> they can make it and dump everything in and push the button. >> well we'll enjoy it. i'll did a lot of these tricks over the weekend. thanks so much for coming. you can get more information, more recipes at george stole every mummy. dog. we'll be back. stay with us. more for the same health insurance as men. domestic violence is treated as a pre-existing condition in eight states. women are abused by their husbands and then by their insurance companies. and last year they tried to end our coverage for mammograms and other preventive services. well i'm proud to say i got the law changed. i'm barbara mikulski. i approve this message so you'll know that being a woman is no longer a pre-existing condition. everyone knows a fee is a tax. you raised some taxes during that period, particularly the property tax as well as a lot of fee increases. as you know, there's a big difference between fees and taxes. but...they're the same. it's a tax. it's a tax. it's a tax. it's a tax. fees you have to define, because they have nothing to do with taxes. fees and taxes are one in the same. if it comes out of my pocket, it's a tax. now he says it isn't true. they have nothing to do with taxes. what? still doing the same thing, paying out more money. typical politician. definitely. i will callhim mini me. >> time for these guys to take over. have a safe halloween. see you monday morning. now mayor lean most powerful doppler radar and forecast certified most accurate by weather rate. we are watching right now westminster at 47. gusty wind out of north at about 10 miles per hour. it's pushing over 20 miles an hour and that's what we clock at studios. 22-mile-per-hour winds with winds and temperatures in the upper 40s a there's a hint of a wind chill and cloud cover lingering on north side. we will break sun out getting the sun back towards howard county and carroll and across the city in the next half-hour. but strong winds that usher in the chill fills clouds back in this afternoon. our two degree guaranteed high of 58. five below normal. and there is a freeze watch tonight north and west of the city. otherwise around the beltway middle 30s. we have got the cutest puppy coming up on "good morning maryland" at nine but kim brown with the last look at traffic. >> reporter: not as cute as the puppy but that's okay. right now rush hour is look good. earlier delays we had are pretty much gone as we look here at northeast corn at harford road, inerin outer loop operating without any issues all lanes open and traffic flows freely. we are work a handful of crashes around the area. one on the west side at security boulevard and belmont avenue. within baltimore city, there are two accidents, 359 northbound at mlk boulevard and that blocks the left shoulder. an accident on northern parkway westbound approaching falls road and that crash blocks the center lane that's causing minor delays just pas past the jfk and roscoe a the pulaski avenuep "good morning maryland "is up next at nine.

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