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``sunday sunshine. ``35 degrees, chilly. ``temperatures trying to climb ``into the weekend. ``were at 42 by monday. ``the next chance for moisture is ``monday evening. ``looks like rain showers. ``behind it, 30s for the midweek, ``but a quiet week as we sail ``through next friday. ``jonathan a threealarm fire ``broke out on a fourth floor of a ``building at pendleton and 12th ``street late last night. ``it displaced ten people. ``it happened around midnight and ``took crews two hours to get ``under control. ``flames were visible from miles ``away, shooting out of the top of ``the building. ``while battling the fire, a wall ``of the building collapsed. ``authorities say the apartment ``was vacant when it caught fire. ``families in the other apartments ``were able to make it out safely. ``the daniel is estimate mage is estimated to be `` 200,000. ``forecasters warn of heavy snow ``hour on the east coast, creating ``blinding, whiteout conditions ``once the storm joins up with a ``low pressure system off the ``coast. ``two feet or more of snowfall is ``forecasted for washington and ``baltimore, nearly as much for ``philadelphia. ``drifts could be much higher. ``new york citys expected total ``was upped to a foot or more. ``at least eight people have died ``so far in the storm. ``parts of kentucky, especially ``south of the 75 71 split, got ``the bulk of the winter storm in ``our viewing area. ``this is the second significant ``snowfall during the last three ``days so crews were prepared. ``the equipment has already been ``geared up and plow drivers say ``they look forward to this type ``of work. ``what they say they do not look ``forward to . ``too many drivers on the road. ``fortunately, that wasnt the ``case overnight. `` you dont see as much traffic ``out there. ``thats a bonus for our guys ``behind the wheel, because they ``dont have as many distractions ``to deal with. `` in this area, its a lot of ``hills, a lot of different rough ``unfortunately, a lot of people ``slide off of that. `` you just be prepared and ``hopefully have a four wheel ``drive. ``jonathan it always helps at ``these times. ``the wind has been a major factor ``in the storm. ``theres an inch on the ground in ``many areas, but certain snow ``drifts are four to five inches ``high. ``just like we saw at jennifer ``schacks house. ``new this morning, blue ash ``police made an arrest at the red ``roof inn off pfeiffer road. ``33yearold timothy vinegar was ``wanted for burglary. ``police arrived at the hotel with ``two s. W. A. T. Cars just before ``11 00 last news 5 today. ``officials tell us he was taken ``into custody without incident. ``two parents are facing charges ``after a crash that shut down ``i74 in Green Township last ``night. ``police say the driver was high ``on heroin. ``wlwts john london has the ``latest on the investigation. ``reporter at first, it appeared ``to be a serious looking single ``car crash. ``it was more serious as it became ``apparent this was a heroin ovi ``situation. ``at westbound 74 at rybolt road. ``two young adults had been badly ``hurt. ``the woman at the wheel, ``identified by deputies as amanda ``gordon of greendale, indiana, ``was ejected from the car. ``also injured, her passenger, ``clay clayford wilson, from ``greendale. ``hamilton deputies, assisted by ``Green Township police, used mar ``can, saying the two were barely ``breathing after the crash as ``they were taken to university ``hospital, deputies cared for two ``boys, 8 and 10, in the back of ``the cruiser. ``those children of the driver ``uninjured. ``family members were contacted ``and those boys were taken from ``the scene. ``according to deputies, it is a ``common. ``they say heroin ovi crashes are ing ing problem in our region. ``although they dont know what ``the solution is, one is very ``much needed. ``in the newsroom, john london, ``wlwt news 5. ``jonathan aaa says crashes ``drug use by drivers is up 25 ``since 2007. ``the number of people drinking ``and driving is down 30 . ``aaa says the number one drug ``found by officers during traffic ``stops is marijuana, followed by ``other narcotics and pills. ``in springfield township, police ``investigating a bank robbery ``this morning. ``the u. S. Bank along winton road ``was robbed just after 2 00 ``friday afternoon. ``the robber handed the teller a ``note, saying he had a gun but ``never shot one. ``no arrests have been made at ``this time. ``packaged salads, produced at a ``dole facility in ohio, have been ``linked to at least one death ``caused by a listeria outbreak. ``the cdc says a man in michigan ``died after eating packaged ``lettuce produced in springfield, ``ohio. ``12 people in six states have ``been hospitalized since the ``outbreak in july. ``dole has stopped all production ``at the springfield plant. ``gunfire at a canadian high ``school has a community in shock. ``coming up, well talk about the ``about the gunman in custody. ``one local basketball star and ``his road to success. ``news 5s george and elise have ``details on jarinn cumberlands ``journey to college basketball. ``thats coming up in the saturday ``morning blitz. ``what have you got, citycam . ``a little snow shot . ``our meteorologist is saying, all ``jonathan welcome back. ``an Aboriginal Community in ``canada is in shock after a ``gunman opened fire at a high ``school and a second location ``yesterday, leaving four dead and ``two injured. ``canadian Officials Say a suspect ``was arrested outside the school. ``prime minister Justin Trudeau ``says the community is reeling. ``michigans top environmental ``officer has told federal ``regulators the state will comply ``with an order to ensure safe ``operation of flints drinking ``water and protect public health. ``but the state is challenging the ``legality of the federal ``governments demands. ``state water regulators failed to ``assure corrosive water from the ``flint river was treated to ``prevent leaching from lead ``pipes. ``flints children are among those ``exposed to lead. ``and official accounts of two ``chicago Police Officers appear ``to contradict squad car video ``showing of white officer jason ``van dyke fatally shooting a ``black teen in 2014. ``those two oirs have been placed ``investigations are complete. ``the dash cam video, as we can ``see, shows him shooting laquan ``mcdonald 16 times. ``we see Laquan Mcdonald walking ``down the street away from ``officers with a knife down his ``side. ``he was shot after that. ``its unclear if syrian groups ``opposed to president assad will ``come to terms about who will sit ``at the table for peace talks. ``theyre scheduled to begin in ``geneva monday. ``the u. N. Special envoy for syria ``has the final say on the dell a ``gation and who will receive ``invitations to attend the talks. ``air strikes in Eastern Syria ``have killed at least 40 people. ``lets talk local weather. ``the snows gone. ``jennifer moving out. ``we did well. ``talk about the mess in d. C. ``jennifer also, in kentucky, ``interstate 75 has been closed in ``south central kentucky. ``they have between 12 to 15 ``inches between Bowling Green to ``pikeville. ``a swath. ``corbin, london, jackson, ``kentucky. ``the second highest single day ``snowfall ever for them. ``impressive stuff to the south. ``but locally, some of the high ``totals for us have been about ``five inches. ``so doing okay. ``i dont think theres much for ``to it. ``this morning, there are minor ``snow showers in the extreme ``southeast counties, but its not ``going to add several more inches ``to the numbers. ``but we will watch for new ``numbers to come out this ``morning. ``some of these, the most recent, ``theyre dated by a couple hours. ``we will see probably the numbers ``go up a little bit as people get ``new nesh measurements from the ``overnight. ``amelia had a half inch by 11 00 ``last night. ``five inches in aberdeen. ``thats just south of maysville. ``west union at five inches. ``these are the latest snowfall ``totals, but the potential to add ``to them when people get up this ``morning. ``satellite and radar showing snow ``overnight heavy for maryland, ``west virginia and virginia, that ``have already seen a foot of ``snow. ``theyll continue with that snow ``wrapping in. ``were on the back side as it ``lifts off the new england coast. ``well see snow showers come to ``an end this morning. ``the last six hours showing the ``snow lingering for the southeast ``counties. ``there are flurries flying out ``there, but not much to add to ``accumulations. ``so light snow showers, highland ``and adams county. ``a little different direction ``than were accustomed to, moving ``in from the northeast, pushing ``to the south and southwest. ``cincinnati is quiet, to the ``northeast especially. ``we have situations where the ``roads have to be cleared across ``northern kentucky but plenty of ``time during the night to do ``that. ``so looking well if youre ``traveling locally today. ``this morning, snow showers ``moving out in the next couple ``hours. ``clouds actually start to clear ``we should bring back afternoon ``sunshine. ``downtown right now, flakes ``flying, but visibility is high. ``its a cold start for our ``weekend. ``23 right now. ``but it feels like ten degrees. ``that north wind at 16 miles an ``hour. ``the northeast wind yesterday was ``gusting above 30 miles an hour. ``it will be breezy but letting up ``by comparison to yesterday. ``were at 23 yently. ``but take a look at wind chills ``for the region. ``most locations feels like the ``single digits this morning for ``the Cold Saturday morning. ``satellite and radar showing our ``system lifting out and then ``notice behind it, the skies are ``clearing well across illinois ``and indiana. ``that leads to more sunshine ``later this afternoon. ``a slow moving High Pressure will ``bring us a quiet weekend now. ``we bring back sunshine the ``second half of today. ``clear skies, temperatures in the ``teens tonight and then we bring ``back more sun for sunday. ``with the High Pressure closer to ``being overhead, the winds should ``be weaker for tomorrows ``forecast. ``today, we top out at 32. ``early flakes in the southeast ``skies will clear beyond that. ``north winds at 10 to 18 miles an ``hour. ``so still a breeze out there. ``i dont think we see a gust much ``more than 20 or maybe 25. ``15 degrees for the low tonight. ``the skies will be partly cloudy ``and more sunshine for sunday. ``high tomorrow of 35 degrees. ``a lot weaker for our winds ``tomorrow. ``by monday, were heading back ``above average into the low 40s. ``as moisture arrives monday ``evening, a couple of late ``evening light showers. ``does not look heavy or ``widespread. ``as we head into tuesday, a dip ``back in our temperatures. ``then no moisture the second half ``of the work week. ``so a lot of dry weather in the ``forecast. ``fairly seasonable temperatures. ``although a couple of cold ``overnights especially later ``tonight. ``jonathan. ``jonathan the weather scare ``friday wasnt enough to stop ``local basketball teams. ``including one university of ``cincinnati commit whos looking ``to make an impact. ``your morning sports. ``george welcome into the blitz. ``im george vogel alongside elise ``jesse. ``three weeks left to the regular ``season for most high school ``basketball teams around this ``area. ``elise a plethora of games were ``cancelled last night, thanks to ``potentially bad weather. ``some schools were willing to ``brave it out. ``george the comets hosting ``lakota west. ``and we know he can shoot it. ``dont leave him open. ``he led the team with 11. ``next, for lakota west, jake ``bealy can hit the three as well. ``that silences the comets. ``only for a moment. ``benjamin shutte finds carlos ``lewis, open for three. ``mason rolls it up, beating west, ``6137. ``elise Purcell Marian traveled ``to fenwick last night. ``smith to gaines. ``gets this shot to go in off the ``glass. ``the falcons get the fallout of a ``cavalier trap for three. ``purcell likes to push it. ``they did just that, beating the ``falcons 5135. ``george now we jump over to the ``miami valley conference. ``cincinnati country day has the ``lead in its division. ``and the indians had the home ``court last night. ``elise the chca eagles paid a ``visit. ``on paper, theyre evenly ``matched. ``it played out that way on the ``court. ``george it did. ``this is how my bowl team gets ``ready friday morning. ``jumping, surround the captain. ``how about that assist. ``cole to sutherland. ``easy layup for chca. ``shawn obrien of cincinnati ``country day spotting up for ``three. ``the indians have the lead. ``snell, one of four big blocks. ``get that outta here. ``four blocks in the first half ``alone. ``close game all the way. ``but chca win be on the road, ``6157. ``hornets looking for their ninth ``win of the seen over eaton. ``cappers takes it to patton. ``the kid buries the three. ``he was 3 for 5 from beyond the ``arc. ``tristan backet enters low to ``cappers. ``he gets the hoop and harm. ``he led all scorers with 20. ``they roll eaton, 6941. ``george the wilmington hurricane ``has been blowing through the ``season, much like last year. ``the latest victim, east clinton. ``elise it was a conference game, ``but it was not a challenge for ``wilmington or for jarron ``cumberland, who led the ``hurricanes to an 8936 win with ``24 points. ``this kid is the real deal and ``will have a big impact on u. C. s ``basketball team last year. `` competitively, its important ``for to him win. ``we noticed that in seventh and ``eighth grade. ``elise now a senior, jarron ``cumberlands Competitive Edge ``has only gotten stronger. ``this month, he became ``wilmingtons alltime leading ``score are with over 1,800 ``but this 65, 215 pound ``shooting guard can do a lot more ``than score. ``he leads the team in rebounds ``and hes racked the second most ``assists on this dominant 130 ``squad. `` he has a very high basketball ``iq. ``id say the biggest thing people ``miss out on, i told the college ``scouts when he was a freshman in ``high school. ``he can pass well. ``hes an unselfish player. `` they rely on me a lot. ``but also, when teams try to, ``like, key on me, i got other ``guys to pass it to and knock ``down open shots. ``elise one of the key ``intangibles that had college ``coaches salivating over this ``fourstar recruit `` the biggest thing that ``excites me about him is his ``toughness. ``ive seen him in games with the ``best players in the country. ``and ive seen him draw charges. ``ive seen him come out of the ``scrum with a loose ball with six ``people. ``and ive seen guys that i ``respect, like matt painter, ``running over after the game ``saying i wish wed have signed ``that guy. ``hes that kind of guy. ``elise he developed that ``characteristic as a young ``player, surrounding himself with ``more experienced opponents. `` always played, when i was in ``first grade, id play up, second ``or third, since i was bigger ``than my age group. ``elise that trend continued and ``led him to become a player who ``attracted officers from xavier, ``west virginia, iowa state. ``but he ultimately chose to be a ``cincinnati bearcat. `` they fit my style. ``i like coach cronin and the ``style of play, how he sets his ``shooters up and lets them go. ``elise if you know anything ``about bearcat basketball, you ``know hard work and defense is ``their bread and butter. ``look at come bands stats and ``see he leads the hurricanes with ``45 steals to go along with 20 ``blocks and 71 defensive ``rebounds. ``his work ethic seems solid too. `` in the summer, i work on it ``extra, like more. ``and then like in practice, i ``the things i need to work on, i ``work on it more and more each ``day. ``elise hes definitely a solid ``kid. ``he said hes always in the gym, ``always putting work in to ``develop the skills. ``you know mick cronin will love ``that for his system. ``george no doubt about it. ``his parents have to be proud. ``heres a couple other students, ``probably making their parents ``proud too. `` mcdonalds of greater ``cincinnati its proud to present ``the mcdonalds blitz 5 ``studentathlete of the week. ``george nate george ton is a ``senior at moeller and is a guard ``on the basketball team. ``hes a member of the national ``honor society and has earned ``first honors every quarter at ``moeller. ``his hobbies, football and golf. ``his gpa is 4. O. ``owen bear is also a senior and ``plays hockey. ``hes been on the honor roll ``every year, has participated in ``over 250 hoirs of service and ``if you know one who deserves to ``be the studentathlete of the ``week, drop us a line at 1700 ``young street, cincinnati, 45202 ``or email blitz 5 wlwt. Com. ``jonathan a local basketball ``event to honor lauren hill. ``how you can get involved. ``and your live look outside. ``citycam 5. ``lady liquid sans water but with ``plenty of blue lights. ``shes looking good and a little ``jonathan welcome back. ``some basketball action today ``honoring lauren hill. ``mt. Saintoff is hosting two ``games. ``the womens game will begin at ``1 00 p. M. , the men will begin 30 ``minutes after the womens game ``ends. ``the games are promoting the ``forever 22 scholarship in honor ``of late basketball lover and ``player, lauren hill. ``she wore number 22. ``the cincinnati travel sports and ``boat show continues today at the ``duke Energy Convention center. ``the exhibit has everything from ``boats and rvs to adventure ``equipment. ``admission for adults is 12. ``but you can save three dollars ``if you buy your tickets at ``cincinnati area kroger stores. ``kids 12 and under are free. ``the show runs from 11 00 a. M. To ``9 30 p. M. ``also today, you can head down to ``friendly competition. ``yeah, its the eighth annual ``mascot broom ball exhibition ``match. ``returning to the u. S. Bank ice ``rink at 11. ``i worn if they have mascots for ``the mascots. ``it features an epic broom ball ``showdown between some of ``cincinnatis favorite mascots. ``this years participants include ``the flying pig, twister from the ``cyclones and mr. Red and gaper. ``and a cup of coffee from dunkin ``donuts ``donuts. ``the blue note is making a ``comeback in harrison. ``the hot spot closed several ``years ago, but the new harrison ``location will celebrate its ``grand opening. ``it features three stages and a ``formal event space called ``harrison event center. ``the blue note is on dry fork ``road and it will be open today. ``jungle jims has teamed one ``to help you make this a ``healthier year. ``health industry professionals ``from mercy health will be at the ``oscar event center from 11 00 to ``4 00. ``theyll be able to answer ``questions and provide exciting ``ways to make positive life style ``changes for your entire family. ``health screenings will be ``provided and jungle jim vendors ``will be sampling healthy food ``options. ``oak Hills High School is ``fighting Ovarian Cancer today on ``the Basketball Court with the ``fourth annual teal shootout. ``the highlanders will host a ``beautiful lengths event at ``halftime. ``girls donate eight or more ``inches of their hair, which will ``be used by pantene to create ``wigs free of charge for women ``suffering from cancer. ``the school that raises the most ``money for the cause gets to ``attend the game from box seats. ``the game tips off at 2 00. ``still a lot more ahead on news 5 ``today, including local residents ``in flint helping with the water ``crisis. ``more on the donation arriving ``today and the effort to help ``and your live look outside. ``citycam 5. ``got that neat red heat shot. ``a little bit of exhaust from a ``vent for a heater coming up off ``the top of the building. ``were catching it with a little ``jonathan now on news 5 today, ``what started as a social media ``post to help people in flint, ``michigan, who still cant drink ``their water has now grown to a ``huge water drive. ``how people here in cincinnati ``are stepping up and asking you ``to help. ``breaking overnight, flames ``shooting from the top of an ``apartment building in ``overtherhine. ``how residents are doing this ``morning, coming up. ``and Jennifer Schack will have ``the latest forecast and whether ``warmer temperatures might be on ``their way. ``its saturday, january 23rd, ``2016. ``this is news 5 today. Ss [captioning made possible by wwwlwttv] ``jonathan good morning. ``welcome to news 5 today. ``thanks for joining us. ``im jonathan hawgood. ``this is meteorologist jennifer ``schack, hard at work the last 48 ``hours, watching this bull come ``through the country and ``jennifer it made a turn. ``jonathan you have red behind us ``for the cape. ``i didnt think about this. ``its working out well. ``jennifer very well. ``we have a couple of spots and a ``winter storm warning this ``morning, officially. ``the Winter Weather aid vor got ``cansed overnight. ``officially, through 7 00 a. M. , a ``couple spots until noon. ``well go through this for a ``couple more hours. ``the snow is quickly diminishing. ``overnight activity has been ``light from cincinnati northwest. ``no advisories, no warnings and ``no concerns this morning. ``we did have a dusting in ``hamilton county. ``but we have not seen much for ``measurable snowfall within the ``275 loop. ``heres a look. ``winter storm warnings are out ``there right now and the observed ``snowfall from last night into ``early this morning. ``the snowfall totals came in ``between about 10 00 p. M. And ``2 00 a. M. ``so some of them may have room to ``upward adjust from the overnight ``snowfall. ``but the blue band there for ``northern kentucky, about one and ``alexandria, amelia, 1. 2 at the ``airport. ``georgetown in brown county, four ``inches. ``county. ``five inches in maysville. ``the higher snowfall totals in ``the south side of town. ``they didnt edge up into the ``metro. ``a snowfall picture. ``i did grab one before i left. ``this is alexandria, where the ``snow is drifting on my driveway. ``deceiving, but estimate an inch ``we had snow in spots, just not ``the highest totals possible with ``the storm lifting to the ``northeast quickly. ``whats left over, flurries ``flying in the southeast ``counties. ``most of us, a few flakes still ``out there because of the cloud ``cover, but no additional ``accumulation expected this ``morning. ``some of the snow showers may ``still produce another half inch ``or so. ``mt. Orab for brown county ``heading towards georgetown, ``sliding towards Bracken County. ``than were accustomed to. ``moving from the northeast to the ``south. ``flakes flying this morning, ``limited accumulation expected. ``road conditions improving. ``into the afternoon, sunshine. ``well talk about the cold day ``ahead, coming up. ``jonathan breaking news this ``morning. ``a three alarm fire broke out on ``the fourth floor of a building ``off pendleton and 12th street ``late last night, displacing ten ``people. ``it happened around midnight and ``under control. ``flames were visible from miles ``the building. ``a wall of the building ``collapsed. ``authorities say the apartment ``was vacant when it caught fire. ``all other families in the ``building were able to make it ``out safely. ``the damage is estimated to be ``around 200,000. ``police are investigating the ``cause of the blaze. ``more than 80 million americans ``saying could be historic winter ``weather. ``im glad it missed us. ``snow is already coming down on ``the east coast, but this is just ``the beginning of it. ``the nations capitol may be ``hardest hit of all. ``the storm there predicted to be ``unlike any that has hit the city ``in almost 100 years. ``the overriding message from city ``one of caution. `` if you dont have to drive, ``dont drive. ``if you dont have to leave your ``home, dont. ``stay inside, stay safe. `` please be very careful. ``stay off the road. `` i would plead with everyone, ``dont go on the roads. ``jonathan seven states along the ``east coast have declared a state ``of emergency. ``a total of eight deaths have ``been attributed to the ``snowstorm. ``a student from the cincinnati ``area is under arrest in north ``korea. ``ohios governor is calling it ``inexcusable. ``the student at the center of it ``all went to school at wyoming. ``reporter the fact at toe ``warmbier has gone from being the ``salute torrian from the wyoming ``high school class of 2013 to ``being detained in north korea ``makes no sense to franny rogers. `` im in shock and praying. ``praying for him. ``reporter rogers says when it ``comes to good nate chured and ``intelligent people, few are ``finer than warmbier. ``but thats not the picture north ``korean officials are painting of ``the 21yearold, now a student ``at the university of virginia. ``the north arrested warmbier on a ``tourist trip, accusing him of ``committing a hostile act. ``given the sensitive nature of ``these kinds of situations, ``leaders of wyoming city schools ``declined to comment, citing ``state department protocols. ``students at the high school were ``principal. ``the lack of official information ``means speculation and concern ``are running rampant. `` im sure the town is buzzing ``right now on where is he, what ``is going on, what is his safety `` im just thinking of the ``warmbiers and thinking of otto ``and his safety and his future ``and the future of our country in ``situations like this. ``jonathan that was todd dykes ``reporting. ``warmbiers arrest comes at a ``time when the u. S. And south ``korea are pushing for tougher ``sanction against the north due ``to the recent nuclear test. ``because of that, many here ``assume the College Student is ``being used by the north for ``negotiating purposes. ``what started as a social media ``post has transformed into a ``coordinated effort to help ``people in flint, michigan. ``shan el woods made a post and ``since then, donations and ``bottled water have been pouring ``in. ``more than 700 people have ``pledged to help the group on the ``facebook page. ``today, the group will accept ``cash and bottled water donations ``at the Hartwell Kroger from noon ``to 9 00. ``well have a link to the go fund ``any page on wlwt. Com. ``the group trip cancelled and ``what students at se ton are ``doing about it. ``more basketball in the morning ``blitz, including College Teams ``matching today and the matchups ``you wont want to miss. ``well sneak a peek through ``citycam 5s eyes. ``hello, newport on the levee. ``looking peaceful this saturday ``morning, although cold at 23 ``well be right ``local High Schoolers overcoming ``some weather complications in ``order to share their message. ``a group of students at seton ``high school, members of an ``organization called saints for ``life, were set to take their ``prolife message to washington ``d. C. ``and then the storm being called ``blizzard 2016 ruined their ``plans. ``they were planning on protesting ``alongside other groups in the ``march for life event. ``though the students didnt make ``it to d. C. , they crafted signs ``to share their message locally. `` we had to think about our ``safety and really our safety was ``more important. ``jonathan school Officials Say ``every year the bus for this trip ``fills up and the students say ``theyll stand in the cold any ``day to make their message heard. `` the possibility of high lead ``levels in one ohio citys water ``is raising concerns. ``the states environmental ``protection agency began testing ``water in a closed school ``building in sebring friday. ``this comes in light of the water ``crisis in flint, michigan. ``story. ``reporter the ohio epa was ``inside Sebring High School ``sinks. ``the school was closed after the ``a ``epa found elevated levels of ``lead. ``it began when the water plant ``was updated and started to ``aggressive. ``acidic. ``as it goes into the older ``residential Service Lines and ``residential plumbing and its ``not being used, its not being ``poured out of the faucets and ``its sitting for any amount of ``time, the acidic water is ``leaching the copper and lead out ``of the old pipes. ``reporter the epa says the water ``posed no health threats. ``75 of the testing did not show ``copper. ``but what should be over 8,000 ``water customers in the area do . ``pregnant women and children are ``advised to not drink the water. ``the county Health Commissioner ``built before 1983 should flush ``their lines. `` between 30 seconds and two ``minutes to be certain that the ``water is cold coming out. ``its not whats been sitting in ``your tap or in your lines in ``your home for the last six ``hours. ``make sure it runs. ``use cold water to bathe and ``cook. ``theres a suggestion of not to ``use hot water at all. ``because hot water tends to hold ``the lead or leach the lead out ``of the pipes. ``jonathan cold showers. ``test results will be available ``on sunday or monday. ``no word on whether sebring ``schools will reopen. ``oober drivers in mexico city ``took to the streets to demand ``better working conditions and a ``higher commission. ``the drivers from the popular ``ride finding app started walking ``off the job to protest a recent ``mandatory cut imposed on prices. ``the drivers say the price of the ``most popular vehicle has fallen ``ten percent. ``commission drivers must pay uber ``for use of the app. ``the car service is doing well in ``the u. S. ``uber customers in cities like ``los angeles, chicago and new ``york will be able to use a new ``dedicated uber eats app to order ``from menus of dozens of local ``restaurants and have the meals ``delivered by a driver. ``its an expansion of a ``lunchonly service that was ``tested last year. ``uber is aiming to build a new ``stream of revenue through the ``highly competitive business of ``food delivery. ``if that doesnt make you hungry, ``this might. ``today is national pie day. ``that means its a day to ``celebrate all things pie. ``apple, pumpkin, banana, pecan ``pie. ``key lime pie, you name it. ``this year, the american pie ``council is encouraging people to ``pie to a hometown hero. ``stop by your local police or ``fire department with a pie and ``let them know you appreciate all ``they do for your community. ``boysen ``boysenberry pie. ``mincemeat pie. ``lets talk weather. ``whats your favorite pie . ``jennifer i dont know. ``jonathan did i name it . ``jennifer i was still laughing ``at you. ``i like pie a whole lot. ``what is my favorite pie . ``jonathan i dont know. ``jennifer probably apple or ``something. ``you like key lime . ``jonathan i love key lime. ``and lemon meringue. ``then my brother in law, joe ``perry makes a mean pecan pie at ``thanksgiving. ``jennifer that is really good. ``wump ``pumpkin pie is good. ``jonathan ive had it made from ``actual pumpkins. ``the canned stuff is better. ``jonathan not a bad day to stay ``in and eat a pie. ``jennifer snow totals, metro ``south, cincinnati and northern ``kentucky, an inch, two inches. ``our extreme southeast counties, ``four and five inches. ``we did get measurable snowfall, ``just not quite the highest ``totals. ``once you got north of ``cincinnati, it was a dusting at ``best. ``not a lot of snow. ``we were blessed because central ``kentucky had 12 to 15 inches. ``it was out there, just not ``making it as far north as the ``tristate. ``heres a look at satellite and ``radar. ``its brewing off the ``midatlantic ``midatlantic. ``theyre seeing snowfall of two ``inches an hour. ``off the maryland coast, winds ``are between 65 and 85 miles an ``hour. ``thats why they had blizzard ``warnings. ``the high winds lasting for a ``long amount of time with the ``snow coming down, causing ``whiteout conditions. ``for us on the back side, theres ``still snow churning on the back ``end, rotating in from the ``over. ``illinois. ``into the midday, we should bring ``today. ``so the snow is dwindling as it ``east. ``a look at 1. 2 inches was the ``official total yesterday at the ``international airport. ``west union in adams county had ``five inches. ``aberdeen, five inches. ``four inches in brown county. ``hillsboro, 3. 3 inches. ``some total upwards of three to ``five inches. ``these totals are the most recent ``but theyre a couple hours old. ``we may get new ones this morning ``as people get up and measure and ``get a better idea of some of the ``slightly higher totals still a ``potential in our southeast ``counties. ``still a few more snow showers to ``come in. ``i dont think theres a lot more ``in terms of measurable snowfall, ``but it wont help roads that are ``snow covered. ``robertson and Bracken County for ``kentucky. ``from cincinnati northeast, its ``been quiet through the night. ``the last six hours of radar ``imagery showing snow showers in ``our southeast counties. ``of the bands get heavy heading ``towards mt. Orab, clipping into ``clermont county. ``heres a look at futurecast, ``doing a good job showing the ``eastern bulk of light snow ``shower activity. ``still sliding through between ``now and 7 30 to 8 00, it should ``diminish. ``past that, well quiet down into ``midday. ``the winter storm warning ``counties left in the tristate, ``it expires at 7 00 this morning. ``should line up pretty well with ``when the snow showers will be ``coming to an end. ``as we head into the afternoon, ``clouds break up. ``a lot more sunshine expected ``later today. ``the winds, though, will still be ``a little bit breezy. ``yesterday, those winds were ``gusting above 30 miles an hour. ``theyll be a little bit lighter ``today, but were still talking ``wind gusts around 20. ``a breeze out there for the ``afternoon. ``right now, visibility is high. ``we did have flurries flying ``downtown. ``some of the snow kind of being ``blown around with the winds. ``the north wind at 16. ``temperature, 23. ``the wind chill factored in, the ``across the region, temperatures ``are in the 20s. ``low 20s right now when you ``factor in wind chills. ``most locations, it feels like ``the single digits. ``as you travel south, you run ``into the snow quickly. ``lexingtons totals are between 8 ``and 12 inches. ``some snow showers for the ``morning. ``theyre lifting to the ``northeast. ``temperatures not doing a lot of ``recovering. ``well top out in the upper 20s ``today. ``High Pressure is building in, so ``a breeze out of the north around ``the High Pressure today. ``as it settles in tonight, skies ``clear out. ``the winds will be weaker. ``we drop off into the teens ``tomorrow morning. ``tomorrow afternoon, a lighter ``south wind expected. ``temperatures climb for sunday ``and sunshine tomorrow as well. ``going to edge back above the ``freezing mark for some melting ``for locations that did have ``snowfall last night and this ``morning. ``32 degrees for the high today. ``early flakes in our southeast ``and clouds are clearing out with ``more afternoon sun. ``dropping off to 15 tonight. ``its a cold start tomorrow ``morning. ``tomorrow afternoon, with ``a light south wind expected. ``so improvement in if the sunday ``forecast. ``were still above freezing ``monday. ``in fact, some rain showers ``arrive monday evening. ``they look fairly light and ``scattered. ``nothing too heavy pushing in. ``but some rain showers before ``cold front pushes in behind that ``highs are below average for ``tuesday and wednesday. ``but overall, not a lot of ``moisture in the forecast through ``next friday. ``now heres your saturday morning ``sports. ``blitz. ``mike price and his oak hills men ``back in action last night, ``trying to bounce back from an ``overtime loss to the lasalle ``lancers. ``elise thats a game theyd like ``to put behind them as soon as ``possible. ``good way to get over a tough ``loss, move forward with a win. ``the highlanders looking to do ``that against princeton last ``night. ``derek forest has more. `` oak hills have had two ``heartbreaking losses in less ``than a week. ``mason last friday night and lost ``in overtime to lasalle tuesday ``night. ``friday night, they could get ``back in the win column, but the ``princeton vikings were hoping to ``stop them in their tracks. ``we head over to Viking Village ``for this one. ``and well pick it up in the ``first quarter. ``brian battay getting it done in ``the paint. ``the hook shot falls. ``oak hills up seven. ``he finished with a gamehigh 18 ``points. ``second quarter, Demarcus Hill ``with a three from the wing. ``vikings down ten. ``oak hills began to pull away. ``michael lake knocks down a three ``of his own. ``he finished with 17 points. ``oak hills grab the 5935 win. ``and dont forget to vote on our ``boys basketball wildcard game ``for next week. ``what game would you like for us ``to cover . ``monroe at franklin. ``new miami at North College hill. ``tallawanda at edgewood. ``williamsburg to blanchester or ``lockland at st. Bernard. ``sports. ``george airport, derek. ``we have more stuff to vote on. ``the beacon orthopedics ``sportsmedicine primetime ``candidates. ``four worthy young men. ``whoever gets the most votes will ``be featured on news 5 at 11 00 ``next week and voting continues ``through monday at 3 00 p. M. `` last night in college ``basketball, nku was a winner of ``overtime. ``the cyclones fall on home ice to ``fort wayne, 51. ``george we have plenty of ``college basketball coming up. ``the big game at the cintas ``center, northwestern and indiana ``at noon. ``at 2 00, seton hall at xavier. ``kentucky action at 4 00. ``louisville at 4 00. ``and miami traveling up to akron ``for a 7 00 p. M. Tipoff. ``jonathan illinois men meeting ``his unique talent and how he ``discovered it. ``citycam 5. ``checking out the cut in the ``hill. ``looks like its passable, no ``problem at all, in fact. ``i think youre going to be okay ``on the road. ``i hope you have a great time ``wherever youre going today. ``thanks for being with us here at ``jonathan welcome back. ``there are many unique ways to ``but one illinois man has come up ``with something entirely new. ``he has the odd ability to stick ``cans and other objects to his ``bald head. ``we saw a little bit of the video ``coming into the tease. ``now were going to get the whole ``thing. ``frank mathy put the magnetic ``mans ability to the test. ``reporter take note, viewers, ``im not pulling your leg. ``this guy is for real. ``hes can head. `` one koch coke. `` a full coke. ``just sticks to your head. `` to my whole body. `` why . `` they dont really know. `` one doctor told him its ``because of his abnormally high ``body temperature. ``hes always at 100 degrees. ``that turns his skin into a total ``body suction cup. `` 23 years ago, i shaved my ``head for the first time. ``i was at a ball game trying to ``cool my head down because it was ``a hot day. ``they hit a home run, i went to ``im like wheres my drink. ``everybody was laughing because ``its stuck to the back of my ``head. ``reporter hes parlayed this ``unusual ability into a bit of ``worldwide fame. ``in china, he set a record for ``being the greatest can head of ``all time and will soon be in the ``guinness book of world records. ``he and his suction cup head have ``met the famous and suddenly the ``money is rolling in. `` now its turned into a ``business where i promote peoples ``companies all the time, ``different companies, just to ``wear their name on my cans or on ``the shirts. ``reporter can head keaton says ``he can make up to a thousand ``dollars a day and even eight ``grand for a weekend of renting ``out his head. ``im not faking it when the i try ``to pull this can of peanuts off ``jamies dome. ``by the way, he doesnt just ``latch on to cans and bottles. `` it doesnt have to be a can. ``something flat even. ``i just go like this and it ``sticks. `` empty cans, full cans, ``bottles of vodka, and i swear ``hes for real. ``jonathan thats awesome. ``what are you going to do, you ``know . ``life hands you lemons, make ``lemonade. ``still a lot more ahead on news 5 ``today, including a local college ``country. ``why north korea is justifying ``the arrest of otto warmbier. ``and a live look outside. All milk milk milk milk milk okay funs over. Vv aw. Zz aw. Vv rr thirsty . They saidtt it would make me cool. They dont sound coolrr to me. Xx guess not. You got to stick uprrfor yourself, rr like with``the name your price tool. People tell us their budget,``not the other way around. Rr arent you`` lactose intolerant . Vv this isnt lactose. Xx its milk

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