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``you can see snow showers falling ``in the 270 five loop. ``heavier to the north, you can ``see the darker blue bands. ``down towards fairfield at in ``westchester and mason, let s go ``a little bit into lebanon. ``that is vital 68. ``we are seeing heavier snow ``showers. Year is a live look ``from the weatherbug camera. ``they have made a decision to ``close schools there, at the ``roads are snowcovered and it is ``click in spots. ``it Winter Weather advisory is in ``effect until 7 00 tonight as we ``are dealing with snow this ``morning and wind that could ``cause low and snow this ``afternoon along with colder ``temperatures. ``round one is going through right ``now. ``i am more concerned with rounds ``two. ``that could have a bigger punch ``we could get a good bit when the ``secondary round rules through at ``9 0010 00. 8 00 this morning, ``31 degrees. ``by noon, 24 degrees. ``the first part of the day, snow. ``the second half is the chill. Had our first accident ``on the road. ``71 and 75 in donaldson. ``you can still see brake lights ``there ``along so we are still feeling ``ready decent is hazy ``here with the snow moving in. ``the northbound side is a little ``slower but southbound is moving ``we will see the greater impact ``if you re heading out the door ``inbound or downtown. ``we will let you know once those ``troubled times extend. ``day. ``lisa ``can be seeing the most near ``hamilton, middletown at ``westchester. ``mark people in those areas ``could see two inches before the ``morning is over. ``wlwt news 5 s andrew setters is ``headed in that direction, and ``joins us now. ``andrew good morning. ``heaven help me but it is ``actually pretty out here. `` right now, we have been hearing ``the temperature is at 32 degrees ``and we are not dealing with ``problems on the road in ``taylorsville. ``the snow has been coming down ``but it is not piling up on the ``roads because the soul trucks ``have been out here and blasting ``it with plenty of snow. ``temperatures are at a level ``where the salt is acting ``effectively. ``we will still be dealing with ``visibility problems, the large ``snowflakes are going to fly this ``morning. ``that is when we may see some ``problems. ``it sounds like that we will be ``dealing with some snow and the ``some colder temperatures on the ``backside of that. ``so we want to get the streets ``clear. `` we are into the 30 s now. ``we could be in the Single Digits ``by tonight. ``i am andrew setters. ``mark thank you. ``many School District has started ``to close. ``lisa among them is lebanon ``county. ``joining us now is the public ``relations director. ``good morning to you, you make ``the decisions to close, it has ``been a dicey morning, what s ``going on . `` good morning. ``one of the things that the ``superintendent in the northern ``kentucky area is that they have ``constant communication with one ``another. ``so the Kenton County school ``district is working with all of ``School Districts because many of ``their roads cross over from ``district to district. ``it is difficult when the roads ``are clear early in the morning ``but several things to consider ``are the morning commute. ``once you get the kids to school, ``will the roads be clear enough ``to bring them home . ``we also have to consider ``childcare so we make the ``decision as early as possible. ``mark we have the snow and the ``cold. ``let s talk a little bit about ``dealing with the cold ``temperatures. ``we don t like to have the kids ``exposed for too long. ``text there are certainly factors ``that we take into consideration. ``we also have to think about the ``sidewalks and the parking lots ``for all of our schools, those ``have to be cleared as well. ``we have to the buses running. ``and that means bus drivers have ``to be up extra early to make t realize that ``the cold temperatures we ``catholic on diesel engines. ``one thing many people don t ``realize is that although the ``highway may be clear, we have a ``lot of moral areas ``in the taylor mill area. ``rural areas. ``lisa how are we living right ``now in terms of years past with ``far . `` we are sitting much better ``than in the past two years. ``calendar. T ``miss up to five days and not ``have that impact any other days ``in the end of the year. ``right now, this is our second ``snow day of the year. ``much better than last year when ``we had missed days before ``thanksgiving break. ``lisa the Kenton County school ``district, thank you for checking ``in with us this morning. ``cincinnati road crews were up ``all night and early this morning ``to treat local streets. ``did griffin dan griffin ``continues our coverage. ``dan now, i am in the mood for ``christmas. ``we have snow flux we have ``snowflakes coming down that are ``very fluffy. ``traffic on 71 is moving fine. ``between there. ``above the ``see snow coming down. Crews, their ``point is to make sure the roads ``are treated and clear for ``drivers. ``they have 60 trucks driving ``around. ``they are putting down salt and ``they are trying to make sure ``that you have a safe commute. ``right now it is a very clear ``commute, we are not seeing any ``issues here. ``road crews will continue to ``patrol all afternoon long. ``they will keep on watching. ``are safe. ``they recommend that you keep it ``safe and slow. ``give plenty of space. ``we will be following this as we ``move through the morning, for ``now, we are live downtown. ``i am dan griffin. ``mark the city of covington is ``also ready. ``here is a live look at one of ``the city s trickiest spots to ``drive, the cut in the hill. ``covington tweeted the trucks are ``loaded with salt, and crews came ``in early this morning, at 4 00 ``ready to go to work. ``lisa even though there is salt ``going down. ``with the bitter cold tempertures ``overnight, drivers may still hit ``some slick spots. ``mark wlwt news 5 s richard ``chiles is on the roads with our ``live drive 5 camera. ``where are you and how do the ``roads look . T look too bad ``right now. ``we are northbound passing to 75 ``in the loop. ``right now we are passing through ``the outer suburbs. ``we are seeing snowfall. ``this first round has the roads ``glazed over. ``we have seen several crews out ``working with the salt and be ``brine. ``we are seeing. 5 inches of ``leaves on the roads. ``it will be difficult for the ``commute, especially on bridges ``and overpasses. ``because this on the overpasses ``at the bridges, those areas ``freeze over the fastest. ``give concern and compassion and ``take her time in the early ``morning commute. ``lisa thank you. ``as the weather and traffic ``connected with our weather app. ``you can have the latest closings ``sent straight to your phone. ``a suspect, shot and killed, by ``police. ``mark the latest on this ``developing story, including the ``crime committed, and what ``happened after. ``lisa and president obama s ``final state of the union, the ``topics he is expected to touch ``on, and the touching gesture he ``and First Lady Michelle Obama ``are doing for gun violence ``victims. ``mark taking a live look ``outside. ``we have snow blowing out there. ``about . ``randi that is a snow shower ``dance party. ``temperatures are on our side. ``the treated roads are looking ``just fine. ``we do have snow showers through ``much of the area. ``the back edge of round one is ``moving through. ``so in southeastern indiana, the ``snow doesn t look so hefty. ``but there is more back towards ``temperature wise, we are near ``freezing but it will stay that ``way. ``by lunchtime, windy as the snow ``comes to an end area ``temperatures in the 20 s and by ``the drive home, he wind is here ``and we have singledigit wind ``chills. ``lisa if you like or don t like ``what you see outside, take a ``picture and upload it to the u ``local section on the website. ``this was sunday snow. ``and had fun. ``wlwt, leading the way. ``mark good morning. ``we are starting to see volume ``pick up on the roads and bcb see ``the shine coming up off the ``roads. `` in just a few minutes, folks are ``going to start getting up on the ``roads. ``kyla right now the ramps and ``the bridges might pose a bigger ``threat. ``temperatures are able to stay ``mostly wet. ``that would help eliminate any ``major issues that with more snow ``coming later this morning, we ``again have the potential to see ``problems. ``we do have a here pretty we ``do have a pretty decent start. ``you can see northbound and ``southbound. ``only a few slow spots out there. ``all the way into downtown ``cincinnati, we have a quick ``xmen commute. ``all of the travel lanes are ``more coming up in a few minutes. `` mark we re also following ``developing news this morning. ``a robbery suspect is shot and ``killed by a Cincinnati Police ``officer. ``lisa the robbery happened at ``the walgreens and deals around ``8 00 last night. ``the stores are across the street ``from each other near the corner ``of glenway and sunset. ``chief isaac says the two ``officers spotted the suspect ``with what appeared to be a gun ``in his waistband. ``both officers fired at the ``suspect but it is still unclear ``if one or both actually hit him. ``both officers have been placed ``on paid administrative leave ``which is standard protocol. ``the suspect s name has not been ``released. ``mark president obama will ``deliver his final state of the ``Union Address to a joint session ``of congress tonight. ``the president is expected to ``speak about the economic ``recovery, the need to reform gun ``laws and the fight against ``terrorism. ``the white house says the ``president will keep a seat empty ``next to first Lady Michelle ``obama to represent all of the ``victims of gun violence. ``right here on wlwt at 9 00 p. M. ``lisa back to whether coverage. ``the roads around cincinnati may ``not be coated with snow ``but that won t be the case for ``those of you in the northern ``viewing area. ``to find out more about that, ``wlwt news 5 s andrews setters is ``live in west chester with what ``we can see. ``is it sticking . ``andrew it is sticking on the ``untreated areas. ``it is getting slick on the ``roads. ``we are on dayton road. ``and we just saw a pickup truck ``go around the corner and ``fishtail in the intersection a ``while ago. ``one of the things that we always ``talk about when we deal with ``weather like this is that it is ``easy to get these false sense of ``security on the roads. ``temperatures aren t that cold ``and things should not be that ``and slide a little bit and ``really, you need an abundance of ``caution as you get on the road. ``you could feel very safe and ``confident, confident in your ``a slick spot, you can run into ``problems. ``we don t have a terrible amount ``of snow on the roads but we are ``able to get through that without ``any major problems. ``everyone is playing it safe. ``it could be slick and the snow ``does continue to come down. ``the temperatures will be ``dropping and you need to be ``prepared. ``i am andrew setters. ``lisa thank you. ``and another check of the wlwt ``live drive 5 camera. ``right now our crew is on the eye ``275 eastbound. ``we are told that nothing is ``accumulating but we will keep an ``eye on the roads. ``mark 31 degrees, we are ``we are getting two rounds . ``randi a onetwo punch. ``let s take a look. ``round one is grueling is ``rolling through cincinnati right ``now. ``we are starting to see the back ``edge approach the western side ``of 275. ``then we have a little lull in ``the action with rounds to ``hammering through indianapolis ``and that secondary round may ``have a bigger flakes and more in ``the way of accumulation late in ``the morning rush and into about ``midmorning. ``back here towards chicago, that ``cold front will be hitting us ``around lunchtime. ``so currently, 8 0010 00 and ``then noon. `` you can see the back edge i was ``talking about rolling through ``hamilton right now. ``fairfield is watching the back ``timing wise, you will hit a ``sweet spot, you will have a ``snowfall. ``southeast of the corridor, you ``are still dealing with snow ``showers along 62, 68, and into ``portions of northern kentucky. `` the Winter Weather advisory goes ``until 7 00 this evening. ``snow tapers off but you could ``see some of blowing snow issues ``and sent temperatures crash as ``we had through the afternoon. ``right now, temperatures are on ``our side. ``all of the freezing and ``pretreatment that the cruise it ``overnight has been super ``effective. ``so it is just went right now. ``notice by 5 00, our temperatures ``are in the teens. ``round one is the snow. ``but after the snow comes to a ``halt, 21 degrees by 3 00 and ``down into the teens by 6 00. ``one rolling through and then a ``bit of a break. ``then we have the secondary ``round. ``then a cold front moves through ``around lunchtime. ``temperatures fall back behind ``that. ``then temperatures are on the ``colder side. ``as far as snowfall estimates, ``most of us will be closer to the ``one inch mark. ``we could have an isolated two ``inch mark. ``31 are so right now. ``morning time snow. ``we are down to three degrees for ``a low tonight. ``but we do warm back up ready ``quickly. ``by the time we hit saturday ``morning, we could see some snow ``showers. ``mark bengals linebacker vontaze ``burfict gets the suspension ``hammer from the nfl. ``how many games he ll miss next ``season. ``lisa we have had a decent start ``to the commute. ``but you can see the flurries ``extra time will come in handy ``for you. ``the big picture after the break. `` v vo you can check on them. you can worry about them. You can even choose a car forv them. mom honey, are you ok . child im ok. R t mom were ok. announcer vo its what makes ar subaru, a subaru. Are company r should treat your like family. [phone rings] operator ` Health Care Customer Service r caller hi this isr patricia ramirez. Roperator oh, patricia t colleague r i love patricia t colleague 2 ` when is she getting marr ied . T operator rits about time, lady this is the real question hows that man youre dating . R wheres the ring . T. We meanr more like this. T operator ` we can do this together. T ill scheduletan appointment r with the diabetestspecialist, ok . R member thank you. you deserve compassion. T you deserve r molina healthcare, r your extended family. R medicaid. Medicare. T marketplace. R for more information, `` good morning. ``the snow is falling. ``31 degrees. ``we will check in with randi rico ``just ahead and now let s find ``out about the morning commute. ``mark kyla is standing by. ``snowfall may or may not hit ``there is some construction that ``is scheduled to take place. `` crews are planning on shutting ``the lane sound for more work. ``this same project took place ``last week between 11 005 00 and ``we will see again tonight. ``here is 75 and mitchell. ``the speeds are still looking ``pretty good even with the snow. ``we will continue to keep you ``updated. ``mark and lisa . ``lisa thank you. ``there will be punishment for ``bengals star vontaze burfict. ``mark it s the aftermath of ``saturday s penalty and it will ``now extend into next season. ``burfict was hit with a three ``game suspension without pay to ``start the 2016 regular season. ``the nfl is going after the ``bengals linebacker for this hit ``on Antonio Brown during ``saturday s playoff game. ``the league says burfict s action ``placed his opponent at ``unnecessary risk of injury and ``should have been avoided. ``the nfl considers burfict a ``repeat offender since he had ``violations during the season. `` unfortunately, we earned some ``reputations, and we have to ``eliminate that by continuing to ``play well within the rules, the ``way he plays. ``and he plays very well within ``the rules, and we have to keep ``doing that. ``mark according to his agent ``burfict plans on appealing his ``suspension. ``the nfl says it is still ``reviewing the game and could be ``handing out more punishment ``soon. ``that includes players and ``coaches. ``those coaches were wrapped ``players hair on the sidelines, ``coming out on the field. ``we are not surprised that he ``cannot of the field, but you ``came out when you were playing. `` maybe he forgot that he was a ``coach . ``i forget that sometimes. ``[laughter] ``mark that s why i ve got a boot ``on my leg because i forgot. ``[laughter] ``randi we are watching the round ``one of snow showers rolling ``through. ``it is in Butler County and ``heavier in Warren County at this ``point. ``we will have a lull in the ``action, 45 minutes, but then the ``heavier snow will be rolling in ``our direction towards 7 38 00 ``this morning. ``right now, the first coating on ``the untreated surfaces. ``temperatures hover near 30 ``degrees. ``then another burst of snow with ``covered roads possible. ``guys . ``lisa earlier in the show we ``told you how he cut in the hill ``could be a problem during winter ``weather probably not the only ``place you will see the being and ``sliding. ``we will have the other trouble ``spots around the area when we ``return. `` ``work as Mother Nature delivers a ``winter blast. ``mark keeping an eye on your ``morning commute. ``we re tracking local roads as ``snow moves into the cincinnati ``area. ``lisa plus, a busy night for ``salt trucks, how local road ``crews are tackling highways and ``mark meteorologist randi rico ``is keeping a close eye on the ``weather system as it moves ``through the cincinnati area. ``where the snowfall estimates ``stand this morning. ``announcer from wlwt, leading ``the way. ``this is wlwt news 5 today. ``mark good morning mark hayes. ``lisa and i m lisa cooney. ``closures. ``the bottom of the screen. ``mark we have Team Coverage ``getting you ready for the ``weather which could put case ``back in your running commute. ``lisa let s go to randi rico. ``what s happening now . `` randy ``randi there will be two rounds. ``let s take a look closer year. ``read full right along the ``corridor, the snow goes through. ``the first round, temperatures ``are freezing so we are only ``seeing accumulation on the side ``roads and sidewalks. ``main roads are good. ``you can see here on the loop and ``then further to the east, ``showers continue further. `` coming down towards clinton and ``highly county, we are seeing a ``lull to the west line but more ``snow is back. ``a Winter Weather advisory is in ``effect for the entire region ``until the evening. ``round one rolls through now, ``round two hits indianapolis. ``while we are having a breather ``over the next 1. 5 hours, in the ``second half of the morning ``commute, another burst of snow. ``today, 8 00, snow with slick ``spots possible but temperatures ``on our side. ``what schemm, that is not the ``case. ``the cold front rolls through and ``by the time we hit for 00, 20 ``degrees. ``the feels like temperature is ``seven degrees. ``kyla we are still in the decent ``category, as you had northbound, ``this is where the things start ``to pick up anyway. ``here is a look in loveland, you ``can see the headlights heading ``towards i71. Pretty happy right ``hamilton. ``it is mostly remaining wet. ``the pavement is able to let the ``hopefully that will eliminate an ``abundance of what spots. ``mark and lisa . ``mark thank you. ``the snow is starting to come s going to cause ``some dangers out on the roads ``this morning. Re continuing our team ``coverage, with our crews on the ``roads, we begin with our team on ``wlwt live drive 5. ``where are you and what are you ``seeing . `` we are on 127 and hamilton ``avenue. ``we are going into the ``springfield township. ``what, slick roads. `` the first round looks like it ``has come to an end, no more ``precipitation falling at this ``time. ``roadways on beside streets are ``very clear at this time but they ``are slick. ``we can see a lot of snow plows ``out, we advise folks to give ``them the right of way as they ``are trying to clear the ``roadways. ``at this time, the morning ``commute looks clear. `` kevin is making his way down ``hamilton avenue coming out of ``fairfield. ``lisa thank you. ``now let s head north where they ``mark wlwt news 5 s andrew ``setters is in west chester now ``with a live look. ``andrew it is breezy, you can ``see the snow flying sideways. ``this is in tyler s phil. ``the roads appeared to be in good ``shape, at least from what we are ``seeing, but driving on them may ``be another issue, there are ``slick spots. ``drive with an abundance of ``caution. ``as we look here at this driveway ``, this is what you are going to ``encounter when you are dealing ``with an uncounted and ``untreated sidewalk, it could be ``slick year as the snow begins to ``pile up on it. ``the breeze really has an effect ``on the weather conditions. ``i only had to stand out here for ``a few minutes at a time, i am ``hopping back in the car when i m ``not on camera, and for kids who ``have to walk to school or wait ``day. ``some School Districts are ``deciding to go ahead and call it ``a day. ``i know that kings district in ``the northern part of the area ``has decided to call off class ``for the day. ``it is understandable. ``reporting live, i am andrew ``setters. ``mark inc. You. ``even though cincinnati isn t ``expecting to see that much snow, ``so screws have been working ``through the night to get ready. ``dan griffin is live downtown. ``potentially dangerous ``conditions. Good morning. ``feels like the temperatures are ``coolingoff. ``what we have seen so far, joseph snow. ``the morning commute is really ``picking up. ``we are seeing a lot more in the ``way of traffic area we have a ``truck coming through and a line ``of cars. ``that is playing a part in ``keeping the roads clear. ``cincinnati says they have as ``many as 60 salt trucks coming ``through the city to clear it ``off. ``they will be working 12 hour ``shifts. ``but will play an Important Role ``as the storm moves through ``during the rush hour. ``we will continue to watch this ``for you. ``the snow is moving through at it ``is the back end of the first ``round. ``we are live here in cincinnati, ``i am dan griffin. ``lisa thank you. ``when bad weather moves in, ``certain roads tend to have more ``accidents, here s the breakdown, ``first stop, columbia parkway. ``this is a problem spot because ``if you car starts sliding, you ``have nowhere to go. ``to the norwood lateral, it s ``spots in the state, no matter ``the weather. ``the 275 interchange at i75 in ``erlanger is a dangerous road ``because of the heavy car volume, ``on to Sycamore Hill in mount ``auburn, it is shut down ``quickly, because it is too ``steep. ``finally, most streets in mount ``adams can be dicey, they are ``narrow making it difficult for ``plows and salt trucks. ``mark let s check in with randi ``rico to see what is coming in ``now. ``randi obviously we weren t ``expecting widespread rain but we ``do see some tricky trouble ``spots. ``round one of the snow is on the ``way out. ``on the west side of town, things ``are drier. ``in hamilton and middletown, it ``is ending but back in indy, they ``are getting hit with snow at ``that will be on the way by 8 00. ``from 8 0010 00, that will be ``possible. `` those who are bundling up this ``morning, snow and wind with ``freezing. ``watch out for slick spots but ``not super widespread. ``after school, a different band ``of issues. ``we will be on the colder side at ``it gets windy with the feels ``like temperature between 510 ``degrees. ``the first light coating moving ``and now, the secondary route ``between 8 0010 00, and the ``total will be around one inch. ``we are going 12 inches. ``mark at lisa . ``lisa thank you. ``coming up, don t forget that we ``have a number of School Closings ``today. ``we are keeping you uptodate. ``they are running at the bottom ``of the screen. ``you can also get the latest ``closings on our website, ``wlwt. Com. ``stay connected with the wlwt ``weather app to get the very ``latest on weather and traffic ``sent directly to your phone ``whenever Winter Weather hits. ``a pizza delivery man, just doing ``him job turns into one woman s ``hero. ``above and beyond, to help somone ``in need. Lisa outside live, a live look ``at fountain square. ``the snow is coming down at it is ``starting to taper off, that is ``the back edge of number one. ``lisa welcome back. ``31 degrees and happening now, we ``have a live look at some of the ``weather conditions in the ``columbus area. This is a live ``camera so they are getting their ``shot set. ``they are dealing with the same ``kind of weather and responding ``to breaking news where a woman ``and two children have been ``stabbed to death. ``that is happening in the ``columbus area right now. ``mark in west chester, the snow ``is beginning to coat parking ``lots but the roads remain clear. ``you can expect at some point ``with all of the snow. ``lisa dan griffin is downtown ``right now with the latest. ``dan good morning. ``the roads look good right now. ``hard. ``let ``cars, trucks, losses, we are ``doing just fine. ``the roads are wet at the current `` are wet but the flurries are ``dating. `` the cars are doing fine, ``snowplows are coming through. ``about 60 of them are around ``there working. ``they have plenty of salt to get ``things clear for what we are ``dealing with. ``we will see how this goes as ``more people pile onto the roads ``am dan griffin. ``lisa thank you. ``and another part of our team ``coverage this morning, here ``what wlwt news 5 s richard ``chiles is seeing. ``they are on hamilton avenue in ``fairfield. ``the road looks wet but that is ``just about it. ``the temperature is at 31 ``degrees, so they are doing ok. Alert as ``the conditions can change `` the temperatures will take a ``dive bar. ``more about that just ahead. `` she crawled back up into her ``drive, her garage door was open ``and she crawled up and got back ``up in between her car and the ``wall to get inside but she ``couldn t get up to get inside so ``she was kind of just stuck there ``waiting. ``mark a pizza delivery man helps ``saves a woman who slipped on ice ``and couldn t get back up. ``the 75yearold woman ordered ``her pizza from larosa s last ``night, and then took out her ``trash. ``that s when she fell on ice. ``that was on her driveway and ``broke her leg. ``45 minutes passed, in the bitter ``cold before the delivery man ``came with her pizza. ``he called 911, stayed with her, ``and even gave her his jacket and ``gloves to keep her warm. `` she was just in a rough spot ``and i d want someone to do the ``same for my family, i feel like ``anyone would do the same thing ``for someone in that spot. `` it just kind of makes you ``think that there are good people ``know when you are going to come ``across one. `` it was really eyeopening ``just to see how much it meant to ``them. ``mark a woman is still in the ``hospital this morning. ``she underwent surgery on monday. ``to have pins put in her leg. ``but she did get her pepperoni ``pizza. ``a nurse water a pizza on sunday ``night. ``lisa i love that. ``way to go to the delivery ``driver. ``and then the nurse is making her ``what a nice story. ``randi a great story. ``that is a good point to watch ``out for your neighbors and kids ``who are walking to school. ``watch out for the kids in the ``neighborhood. ``and if you have older neighbors, ``as they make their way to the ``cars, be mindful of that. ``here s a look, 19 minutes up to ``i71. ``county, traffic is slowing down ``a bit. One of our typical ``slow spots. ``but traffic is still moving ``incidences. ``let ``rico. ``randi ``have been mentioning, our ``temperatures are on our side. ``we are near freezing so the salt ``is working wonders. ``temperatures later on. `` today, Winter Weather, snow and ``then cold. ``the snow will be sticking around ``through lunchtime. ``and then windy at way colder ``this afternoon. ``we could have 11. 5 inches. ``two inches maybe on the high ``end. ``this is not because of the ``amount of snow, this is about ``the impact. ``it is snowing during rush hour ``and any time that happens, if ``problems. ``right now, things look good. ``we do have snow showers exiting ``out of our communities. ``we are not seeing a coaching but ``there is a little low in the ``action as rounds to begins to ``work its way into southeastern ``indiana. ``the divider line looks to be ``near maineville. As you head ``over to indiana, the snow is ``starting again. ``it is moving through college ``corner. ``we are about to see snow pick up ``in oxford. ``part two has a punch as it has ``rolled through indy. ``we will see a break by 7 30, but ``by 8 0010 00, that is when the ``second round round second ``round rolls through. By ``8 00, we are dealing with snow ``comes through. ``snow tapers off but temperatures ``take a tumble. ``the feels like temperature will ``be five degrees. ``here is the futurecast. , the snow will be ``coming over cincinnati and then ``be cold front comes through. ``it stays very cold. ``it looks like most of us will be ``on the low end of the snow. ``today, the High Temperature was ``31 degrees but now we will watch ``the temperatures fall after we ``hit lunchtime. ``in the seven day forecast, ``tonight, down to three degrees. ``a cold start tomorrow morning. ``20 s on wednesday. ``thursday, friday and saturday, ``we are back into the 40 ``saturday morning, we could have ``another round of light snow. ``lisa a suspect shot and killed ``in a Police Involved shooting. ``mark what happened after . ``lisa more of our Team Coverage ``at the Winter Weather. ``here is a look at the conditions ``you can see coming up. ``mark taking a live look nyouve upgraded all your oldntechnology. 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V x ``lisa welcome back. ``we have been pretty used the ``latest on the Winter Weather and ``Road Conditions. ``mark getting a live look up ``north now, where they re ``supposed to get some of the ``heaviest snowfall this morning, ``news 5 s andrew setters is live ``in west chester, andrew . ``andrew we have got lucky this ``morning. ``the snow seems to have stopped ``for right now. ``the road is in good shape as ``traffic is picking up on tyler ``still road. ``it is a busy area as people get ``up and go to work and school, it ``will be even busier. ``luckily, road crews have blasted ``and again, for the moment, it ``doesn t appear that there is any ``snow falling in the west chester ``area where we are. ``critical time as the snow dries ``up in this area. ``i am andrew setters. ``lisa although cincinnati may ``not see as much areas see as ``much as some areas, but we do ``look at the plan to keep the ``roads clear. ``good morning. ``dan the snow seems to have ``stopped for now as well. ``we just seeing a few flurries. ``good. ``we are seeing commuters get to ``morning. ``cincinnati road crews are trying ``safely. ``they have 60 trucks doing what ``roads stay clear so you can get ``where you need to go. ``slow out there, give a little ``more space between you and the ``cars and also make space for the ``salt trucks. ``they do need a little more space ``to do it safely. ``reporting live, i am dan ``griffin. ``mark thank you. `` Richard Chiles is on the ``roadways giving you a look at ``what you can expect. ``richard i m coming through ``mount perry southbound into ``downtown, right now, we are ``giving each other a little bit ``extra space. ``everyone is traveling on slick ``roads. ``the snow looks like it has ``stopped falling for this part of ``the commute. ``roadways and Road Conditions are ``clear as people are starting out ``there Early Morning commute into ``work. ``reporting live. ``mark thank you. ``we will have another check on ``the weather just ahead. ``as conditions change, stay ``connected with the weather app ``for the latest on weather, ``lisa and other top story this ``morning, a robbery suspect is ``shot and killed by a cincinnati ``police officer. ``the robbery happened at the ``walgreens and deals near the ``corner of glenway and sunset ``last night. ``chief isaac says the two ``officers spotted the suspect ``with what appeared to be a gun ``in his waistband. ``both officers fired but it is ``unclear if one or both actually ``hit him. ``both officers have been placed ``on paid administrative leave. ``the suspect s name has not been ``released. ``mark tonight is president ``obama s final state of the union ``address. ``the focus will likely be to ``generate support for issues like ``fighting Climate Change ``, tightening gun control and ``immigration reform. ``among the guests of the first ``laday, Jim Obergefell from ``cincinnati. ``obergefell became the lead ``plaintiff to get same sex ``marriage legalized. ``president obama will deliver his ``state of the Union Address at ``9 00 tonight. ``you can watch it here on wlwt. ``police are responding to a ``shooting in the 1200 block of ``lantern avenue. ``we will bring you the latest ``information as it comes into the ``newsroom. ``mark let s check the forecast. ``randi snow is exiting out of ``the Eastern Communities and the ``next round is rolling in. ``you can see that over the top of ``indy. ``it will likely be here between ``8 0010 00. ``so there is another round coming ``in even though things have ``lightened up. ``so the snow is creeping in our ``direction between 8 0010 00. ``it will all be over around ``lunchtime. ``expect about one inch of total ``snowfall. ``kyla we have slow traffic on 71 ``coming out of Warren County. ``if you plenty of time

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